The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 12, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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*"""' Copyrith Prichatrd
"Tre just got him off to sleep on the
bed there." She pointed to a deerskin
nrtain in the corner.
"What: They been frightening him?"
Mrs Rone looked oddly at November
but If he beard us talking he
Blight get scared, lor we man who's
teen robbing me was in this room not
•Lx hours ago, and Danny saw him.''
November raised bis eyebrows.
"Huh! That's fierce!" he said. "Dan
ny s rising three, ain't he? He could
"Nothing at all. It was after dark,
aud tbe man had his face muffled.
Danny said he was a real good man
He gave him sugar from the cup
board." said Sally.
"His hands, what like was his hands?
He gave tbe sugar."
. "1 thought of th*t. t>nt Danny says
he had mitts on It's more'n three
weeks now since I found out tbe traps
were being meddled with. It was done
v»rv ennnlng, but 1 bare my own way
e>f baiting them, and tbe thief, though
he's a cleTer woodsman and knows a
heap, never dropped to that. Some
times he'd set 'em and bait 'em like as
If they were never touched at all, and
other times he'd just make it appear
as if the animal had got Itself out"
"He must have left tracks," said Joe
"Some, yes Bot be mostly worked
when snow was facing. He's cun
"Did any one e*er see his tracks bot
"Sylvester did."
"How was that?" said Joe. with sud
den Interest.
"1 came on Sylvester true eveniuu
when I was trailing tbe robber "
"Perhaps Sylvester uimvelf WHS tbe
Mrs R"oe shook ner heart.
"It wasn't h.rn, Joe. He couldn't a
kw-wn I was comln' OP him, and his
trscks was quite different."
"Well, but tonight? You say the
thief come here tonight? What dkl he
do that for?" said Joe. pushing the to
hncco firmly into his pipe bowl.
"He had a good reason." replied Sal
ly, with bitterness. "I,afrt Thursday
when I was on my way back from put
ting my letter under your door I beard
something rustling tbrotigh tbe scrub
ahead of tee. It njlgbt have been a
lynx, or it might have been a dog, but
when I come to tbe trap I saw the
thief had made off that mtnute, for
he'd been trying to force open the trap,
and when be heard me lie wrenched
hard, yon bet. but he was bound to
take care—not to be too rough."
"Good fur, you mean?"
"Good?" Sally's face flashed a soft,
crimson. "Good? Why, I've never
>een one to match It. It was a black
fox. lying dead there, but still warm,
for it bad but just been killed. The
pelt was fair in its prime, long and
silky and glossy. You can pies®, No
vember, what that meant for Danny
and me nest winter, that I've been
worrying about a lot. Tbe wboopiug
cough's weakened biin down bad. and
I thought of the things I could get for
bim while I was skinning out tbe pelt."
Sally's voice shook, and her e.ves filled
with tears. "Ob, Joe. it's hard—bardl
The skin was worth S9OO anywhere,
and I come home just singing. I fixed
it at once, and then, being scnred-like.
1 bid it in the cupboard over there be
hind those old magazines. No one but
Kuby knew that 1 had got it. I left
Ruby here, but Mr*. Scats had her sev
enth yesterday morning, and Ruby ran
over to help for awhile after sbe put
Danny to bed. Tbe thief um»t have
been on tbe watch and seen her go."
"Where's liuby now?" Joe inquired.
"She's slopping the night. They sent
over to tell me." replied Sally. "Well,
to go on, I had a lynx in one of my
traps which got dragged right down by
Deerborn pond, so I was more than
special late. Danny began at once to
teil me about the man that came In
I rushed across and looked In the cup
board. The black fox pelt.was gone
of course?'
"What did Danny say about the
man ?**
"Said he hud on a big hat and n
neckerchief. He didu't speak a word:
gave Danny sugar, as I have said. Hp
mast 'a' been here some time, for he's
ransacked the place high and low and
took nearly every pelt 1 got this sea
.loe looked np. "Those pelts mark
"Yes. My marfs on some—seven
pricks of a needle."
"You've looked around the bouse to
see if he Jeft anything?"
"Sure!" Saily pnt ber hand in ber
"Only this." Sbe opened her hand
and disclosed a rifle cartridge.
Joe examined It- "Soft noned bullet
for one of them fancy English guns
Where did you tind it'/*"
"On the floor by the table."
"Huh.'" said .JOc. and. picking up tbfc
I tamp, be began carefully and method
' Ically to examine every tncb of the
j room.
"Any one but me been using tobacco
! fn here lately?" be asked.
"Not that I know of," replied Sally
"A cool hand," said November
"When he'd got the skin be stopped
to fill bis pipe. It wag then be dropped
the cartridge—lt came out of Ills pock
et with tbe pipe. I expect. All that I
can tell you about him i 9 that hp
smokes Gold Nugget"—he pointed to
tbe shreds—"a.ud carries a small bore
make of English rifle. Hello! Where's
the old bitch?"
"Old Rizpali? I duniio, less she's
gone along to Scats' place. Kuby'd
i take her if she could, she's that scairt
of the woods, but Rizpah's never left
: Danny before."
Joe drained his cup. "We've oot
found much Inside the house," said he
1 "As SO<*TI as the sun's up we'll try our
j hick outside. Till then I guess we'd
i best put in a done."
Mrs. Rone made up a shakedown ot
. skins near the stove and disappeared
behind the deerskin curtain
When T awoke next mornlntr it wm
to see. with some astonishment, that
a uew personage had been drawn Into
onr little drama of the wooils A dark
bearded man In the uniform of a game
warden was sitting on the other side
of tbe stove.
"This is Game Warden Evans. Mr.
Quaritch." she said. "He was at
Scats' last night. There be bea rd
about me losing fur from the traps and
come right over to see if be couldn't
help me."
Having exchanged the usual saluta
tions. Evans remarked good humor
i edJy:
"November's out trailing the robber.
Him and me's been talking about the
black fox pelt. Joe's wasting his time
all right. I can tell him who tbe
thief ie."
"Tou know!" I exclaimed
Evans nodded. "1 can find out any
"Care to see?" He rose and went to
tl»e door. "Guess Joe missed It." he
said, pointing with his finger.
I turned in the direction indicated
and saw that upon one of tbe nails
which bad been driven into the door of
tbe cabin some bright colored threads
were bangiug. Going nearer I found
them to be strands of pink and gray
worsted, twisted together.
"What d'you think of that?" asked
Evans, with a heavy wink.
Before I could answer Joe came into
«I?bt round a clump of bush on the
edge of the clearing.
"Well," called the game warden,
"any luck?"
"Not just exactly," he said.
"What do you make of that?" asked
Evans again, pointing at the fluttering
worsted, with a glance of suppressed
triumph at Joe.
"Huh!" said November. "What do
you ?"
"Pretty clear evidence that, ain't it?
The robber caught his neeker OD
nails as he slipped out. We're (jetting
closer. Euglish rifle. 'Gold Nugget' in
his pipe, and a pink and gray neeker.
Find a chap that owns all three. It
■"•ant be difficult. Wardens have eyes
in their beads a* well as you. Novem
"Surer agreed Joe politely, but with
no abstracted look, as he examined the
door. 'You say you found it here?"
"Huh!" said Joe again.
"Anything else on the trail?" asked
November looked at him. "He shot
"The old dog? I suppose she attack
ed him and he shot her."
"Yes, he shot her—first."
"First? What then?"
"He cut her nigh in pieces with bis
Without more words Joe turned back
into the woods, and we went after
him. Hidden iu a low. marshy spot
about half a mile from the house, we
came upon the body of the dog. It
was evident she had been shot—more
than that, - the carcass was backed
about in a horrible manner.
"What do you say now. Mr. Evans?"
inquired Joe.
"What do I say? I say this: When
we find the thief we'll likely find the
marks of Rizpah's teeth on him.
That's what made him mad with rage,
and"— Evans wared bis band.
We returned to breakfast at Mrs.
Rone's cabin. While we were eating
Evans casually brought oat a scrap
of the worsted he had detached from
the nail outside.
"Seen any one with a necker like
that. Mrs. Rone?" I—- asked
The .wmng womau glanced at Ha
bit of wool, then bent over Danny as
she fed him. When she raised ber
head I noticed that she looked very
"There's more'n one of that color
hereabouts likely." she replied, with
another glance of studied indifference.
"It's not a common pattern of wool."
said Evan* "Well, you're all wit
nesses where I got It. I'm »ff. It's
my bnsiness to tlnd tlie man with the
pink necker."
Evnns uodileri aud swung off through
the door
November looked at Sally. "Who Is
he, Sally?"
Mrs. Rone's pretty forehead pock
♦red Into a frown." "Who?"
(T\ \ * \ \ rr\
"It's my business to find the m»n with
the pink necker."
"" '•"Pljik" and cvey ueoker." said Joe j
A cnsb of tear* filled her red lirown
"Val Black bus one like that, t uiade
It for liiio myself Ion? asro "
"And lie has a ride of some English
make.'' added November.
To Be Continued.
Foley Cathartic Tablet?
Arc wholesome, thorough!v cleansing,
and have a stimulating effect on tlie 1
stomach, liver and bowels. Regulate'
you with no gri|■ i«ji and no unpleasant
after effects. Stout people find they
Hive immense relief ami comfort. Anti
bilious. Warren Spofford, Green Hay, 1
Wis., writes: "Foley Cathartic Tablets |
are the best laxative I ever used. They
do the work promptly and with no bad \
after effects." Try them. Geo. A. '
Uorgas, 16 North Third street and
P. K. K. Station. Adv.
"M> daughter is having her \oicej
" Is it improving!''
•• It's growing r.onger. she used io
be heard only two apartments away, j
Now we get complaints from the nexr
building.''—Washington Star.
j®m KikAJES' ■■ . ■
B When "n I'hlladelghla Stop at the ®
Broad and Locust Streets B
g Ileonened after the expenditure 1
■ of an enormous sum In remodel M
iH tnp. redecorating and refurnlshlnp. =
Near all Stores. Theatres and g
W Points of Interest. I
H Erer.v Modern Convenience fi
jg 50t Elegantly Furnished Hxrj
European Plia
J Rooms, without bath 11.80 ap (j
| Room* with hath $2 qp . fj
S Hot and cold running F
water in all rooms ||
J Louis Luke*. President-Manager. ■
nimnilLS ■ J| j
e ——\
itßti,. COiJia.u£i
13-U Market Street
Fall Term September First
I Stenography, Stenotypy
Enroll Any Monday
15 S. "arket Sq., Harrisburg, Pa.
V-. " J
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect May :!4, ISI4.
Tmin* Leave llarrlitiiurti—
l'or Winchester and Martinaburc, at
5.03, *7.30 u. in., *3.40 p. in.
For llagerstuwri, Chambcrsburg and
lntermeuiaie stations, at *6.03, *7.90,
', x.--t ... .V. J.-.. ' I.IU, ii.-v
' Additional trains (or Carlisle and
Mechanicsburg at a. 18 a. in.. J.IS. 3.27, i
, .jo. V.30 p. m.
For Dlllsburg Ht ."..03. *7.30 and *11.53
a. in., -'.lB, *•!.40, i.3:i, 6.30 i>. in.
M>ally All other trains duly except]
Sunday. J H. TONGE. !
H A. RIDDLE, (J. P. A. Supt. I
llarrlsburg, Nov. 1, 1914.
Statement ol' amount In the Stat*
Treasury at ilie close of business on
October 31, 19H. exclusive of moneys ;
appropriated lo the .sinking Fund:
American UanU. Phlla JSC,OOO 00
Athene .National Liank.
Athens, 10, WOO 00 '
Bank of Commerce, Phlla.. 110,000 00 I
Bank of North America.
Philadelphia lOd.OOO 00
bank oi .secured Savings.
Pittsbuiyn 13,000 00
Beaver Trust Co., Beaver, 10,000 00 i
bentley ville Nat. Bank,
Bentloyville 3.000 00
.wuionai Bank.
Bradford 20.000 00 ,
Bridgevllle Trust Com
i>uny, Bridgevllle 10.000 00
Broadway National Bank,
Scottdale 20,000 00 i
Brookville 1 ille and Trust
Co., Biookvllle 25,000 00 ■
Bla.i s\ ille National Bank.
Blalrsville 10,000 00 |
Carlisle '1 rust Co.. Carlisle, 10,000 00 i
Trust lompany
Carnegie 13,000 00!
Calawissa National Hank.
Catawissa 10.000 00
Centra! AaUotlui Bank. <
Philadelphia 20,000 00 j
Central Nat. Bank. \\ 11 -
kii.s m 10.000 00 !
Central Trust Co.. Hams- <
burs 20,000 00
Chaniuersou. oui
puny, Chanvbensburg. . . 3.000 00 :
Cliustei Count} Trust Co..
West Chester ,0 0 U 00
Citizens' Bank. Harrisburg .'•.000 00 1
Citizens' National liank.
Bellevue 10.000 00 I
Citizens National Bunk,
Big Kuti 3,000 00 1
Citizens' National Bank,
Greencastle 5,000 00
Citizens National Bank.
Newport 5.000 00
Citizens' National Bank.
Washington 13.000 00
Citizens' rule and Truct
Co., Uniontown 30.000 00
Cliixeiis iiu. i • npuny,
Clarion 10.000 00
Cleanield National Bank, ,
Clear field 30,000 00
Clinton Trust Co., .
Haven 8,000 00
Colonial Trust Co.. Piits
hurgh, 200.000 00 J
Commercial l',ank. 110g... 10,000 00 p
l.i> .it- it .Saltn.ial H. ilii
Bradford 20.000 00
Cu.'iineii'ih Ci usi Com
pany, Philadelphia 13.000 00 j
Couiuionvv" ilt 1 ' Trust Com
pany. Pittsburgh 100,000 00 | J
Cones- ."K- . , uunhL,
Lancaster 3.000 00
Continental Trust Com
pany. Pittsburgh 13,000 00 i
Corn Exchange Nationr.l
Bank. Philadelphia 100.000 00 i
Uaupnin uoposit Trust
Co., Harrisburg. 10.000 00
Deposit Nat. Bank. Du-
Bois 3.000 00 1
Deposit Savings Bank.
Kingston 10.000 00
Dime Bank. Pittston, .. 10,009 00
Dubois Nat. Bank. Dubois. 10,000 U0
Duquesne Trust Co., ba
vjuesne 10,000 00 1
Dime Deposit B'k. Wilkes-
Barre 10.000 00 j
Trust Co.. Pittsburgh,. • • 23.000 00 I,
Elk Co. National Bank,
Kidgvay 20,000 00 *
Farmers' Bank. Indiana... 3,000 00
Farmers, and Mechanics'
Trust Co.. Greenville. . 10,000 00 1
Farmers' and Mechanics'
■ Trust Co.. West Cnester. 113,000 00
farmers National Bank.
Butler , 10.000 00
Farmers' Nationul Bank.
Freeport, 3,000 00 i
Farmers' Nat. Bank. Mon
trose 10,000 00 .
farmers' National Bank.
Oxford 10,000 00 j
I-'aruiers' and Miners' Nat.
Bank. Forest City 10,000 00 [
fanners' National Bank.
Leechburg 3.000 00 |
Farmers' Trust Company.
Lebanon 13,000 00 i
b>rnifi.s i rusi co.tipaay.
Carlisle -3,000 00
Federal Trust Co.. Phlla... 10.000 Ou !
Fidelity Title and Trust
Co.. Pittsburgh 10,000 00 '
First Mortgage Guarantee
and Trust Co., Ph11a.... 40,000 00 j
: ourtli Street National
Bank. Philadelphia So,ooo 00 i
franklin National Bank.
Philadelphia 30,v00 00 ;
franklin iruut Co., Phlla.. 20.000 oo ,
Freehold B'k, Pittsburgh. lfio.oou oo
frecpori Bank, Freeport., 10,000 00 i
Fredonta Nat. Bank, Fre
donia. 3.000 00 j
First Nat. Bank. Ashley... 10.000 00
first Nat. Bank. Apollo, 10.000 00
First Nat. Bank. Blairs-
Vilie 23.000 00 j I
first Nat. Bank. Blooms
burg 13.000 00 i
First Nat. Bank. B adfortl. 20.0U0 00
f . st Ni't. Bank. Charieroi._ 23,u00 00 !
First Nat. Bank, Cherry'
Tree 10,000 00 ,
first Nat. Bank. Chester.. 23,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Conilu
ence 5,000 00 |
First Nat. Bank. Couders
port 10,000 00 i
First Nat. Bank. Dunmorc. 3,000 00
first Nat. Bank. Duchore, 10.000 Oo '
First Nat. Bank. lOoensb'g, 13,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Eldred.. . 3.000 00
First Nat. Bank, Kmicnton 10,000 O'j
First Nat. Bank, Erie. . 10,000 00
First Nat Bank, Freder-
Icktown 3,000 00 i
First Nat. Bank. Fry ours, 3,000 00
Kirsi Nat. Bank. Genesee. 5,000 00
First National Bank, CJlen
Campbell > 'O.OOO 00 j
First Nat. Bank, Harris.Vg .'n.uoo 00 I
Firs' Nat. Bank, llawley )0.000 00
First Nat. Bank. Hazloton, 13.000 00!
First Nat. Bank, Houtzdale 15,000 oo
First Nat. Bunk, Irwin,. 10.000 oo i
First Nat. Bank. Kane.. .. 10.000 oo
First Nat. Bank. Milford, 3,000 00 j
l'irst N.*\ Bank, Mononga
hela City 10.000 00 I
First Nat. Bank. Moatrose. 3.000 00 \
First Nat. Bank. Munhall.. 3.000 00 ;
First National Bank. New
Bethlehem .. 3,000 00 '!
I irs- Nut. Bank. New
Wilmington 3.000 00 I
Easier Road lor Notorious Lifer Rec
ommended by Prison Board
Boston. Nov. 12. —Amelioration of j
the prison life of .lesse Pomeroy. t'ne j
notorious life prisoner at the diaries-1
town state prison, who iias been in
solitary confinement for nearly forty!
years, was recommended by the prison !
commission to Governor Walsh and the
executive council yesterday.
The commission asked tiie council
to permit the warden to grant Pom- |
eroy spe-ial favors as lie may see fit. j
Authority to withdraw such favors at i
any time was also asked for the war- j
Pomeroy was convicted of the |
brutal murder of a bov in the out- •
skirts of this city.
""ceed Imports in Nov. 7 Week By
More than $10,000,000
Washington, Nov. 12. — Exports «t >
tea principal American ports for tlie
week ending November i exceeded the
imports by more than $10,000,000, the
Department of Commerce announced
yesterday, although there were only |
live business days that week because
of election.
The imports totaled $26,129,895.
and the exports were $36,645,707,1
leaving a balance of trade in favor of
the I'nited states of $10,515,872.1
More than $3,000,000 was collected I
in duties. Boston, New York, Philadel
phia, Baltimore. New Orleans, Galvea- i
ton, Ban Francisco. Seattle, Buffalo
and Detroit, furnished tae record.
These ports handled 85 per cent, of
the customs.
" v l'ruth is stranger than fiction."
'"L don't know," replied Miss Cay
enne. "whether it is srtranger or only
scarcer."—Washington Btar.
' First Nat. Bank, Onkniont. 5,000 On
i first Nat. Bmk. Olypliant, 25,000 00
j First Nat. Bank, Phila 25,000 00 !
| Flmt Nat. Bank, Portage.. 5,000 t>o !
i First Nat. Bank, Heading, 15,000 00
Firs' Nat. Bunk. Rimers
burg 10.000 00 !
| First Nat. Bank. Sayre, . .. 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Schuyl
kill Haven 10.000 00 '
I First Nat. Bank, Sharon,. 15,000 00 j
• First Nat. Bank. Shingle
house 5.000 00 '
| First Na.. Bank, Shippen
| ville 5,000 00 |
First Nat. Bank, Somerset, 25,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Towanda. 10,000 no |
First Nat. Bank, Tyrone... 20,000 00 '
; First Nat. Bank, llniont'n, 50,000 00
I First Nat. Bank, Verona,. 5,000 00
| First Nat. Bank. Warren. 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, VVellsboro 50,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Williams
| port 60.000 00
First Nat. Bank. Wilkins
| burg 5.000 00
; First Nat. Bank, Wyoming 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank. York,... 10.000 00
j First Nat. Bank. Wampum 5.000 00
I First. Nat. Bank, Port <U
j legany 5.000 00 i
First Nat. Bank, Grove
I City 15.000 00 1
German National Bank.
! Pittsburgh 60,000 00 I
Gerniantown Trust Co..
Philadelphia 15,000 00 I
, Glas«port Trust Co.. Glass
port 20,000 00
Granite Nat. Bank. Mans-
Held 10.000 00 i
Grange Nat. Bank of Brad
ford Co.. Troy 10.000 00 j
| Grange Nal Bank of Mc
j Kean Co.. Smethport, ... .0,000 00
! Grange National Bank. •
j Ulysses 5,000 00 j
Guaranty Safe Deposit
and Trust Co., Butler,.. 5,000 00 i
Guarantee Trust and Safe
Keposit Co.. Phila 40,000 00 j
Gettysburg Nut. Bank, Get
tysburg 10,000 00 j
Hamlin Bank and Trust
| Co.. Smethport, 5,000 00 !
I Hamburg Savings Bank.
Hamburg 5,000 00
Hamilton Trust Co.. Pliila.. 10.000 00 I
Hanover Bank, VYilkes-
Barre 10,01)0 00'
HarrlshurgNational Bank.
Harrisburg 25,000 00 j
Homewood People's Bank.
Homewood. 5.000 00
Honesdale Dime Bank,
j Honesdale, 10.000 00
! Home Trust Co.. New Cas
j tie 5,000 00
.Jeannette Savings and
Trust Co.. Jeanne tie. . .. 10.000 00
! Kane Trust and Savings
! Co.. Kane 10.000 00
j Kennett Trust Co.. Ken
i nett Square 5.000 00
f Keystone Nal. Bank, Pitts
burgh 20.000 00
La in be rt on National Bank.
i franklin 10,000 00 |
t Lamberton Nat. Bank, Oil
City 10.000 00 |
i Lincoln Nat. Bank. Lin
j coin 6,000 00 i
Logantown Nat. Bank. 1.0-
I gantown, ... 6,000 00
Luzerne County Nat. Bank
| Wilkes-Barre 30.000 00 j
Luzerne National Bank.
Luzerne 5,000 00 i
Lycoming Nat. Bank. Wil
liamsport, 25.000 00 |
Madeira Nat. Bank, Ala
deira 10,000 00 I
; Marion Center Nat. Bank. I
llarion Center 5.000 00 i
Market St. Nat. Bank. S.'ha-
I mokin, 5.000 00
Magontown National Bank.
Masontown 5,000 00
j Mercer Co. State B.uik,
Sandy Lake 6.000 00 |
Merchants' National Bank.
Alientown 6,000 00
Merchants' National Bank.
Harrisburg 25,000 UO
Miners' B'k, Wilkes-Barre. 10.000 00
I Monaca Nat. Bank, Monaca 5,000 00
I Monongahela Trust Co.,
Homestead 15,000 00
1 Markle Banking and Trust
! Co., Hazleton 15,000 00
| MeKeesport Title and
j Trust Co.. MeKeesport,.. 15,000 00
j .National Bana ui i.tlester
1 Valley, Coatesville 5.000 00
National Bank of Clays
\ille, Claysville, 10.000 00
National Bank ot Fayett
j County, Uniontown 10,000 00 i
Nanouai Bank ot Jersey
| Shore. Jersey Shore, ... 5,000 00
National Bank of Oxford.
Oxford 10.000 00
j New Cumberland National
Bank. New Cumberland,. 5,000 00
i .M.rti e'f' telle, pitta t'l'usr
; Co., Philadelphia 20,000 00
Northern Central Trust
! Co., Willianisport 50.000 00
I Nortnern trust and Sav
i ings Co., Lancaster 5,000 00
National Bank of German
town. Philadelphia 10,000 00
Nantieoke Nat. Bank, Nan
i ticoke, 10,000 00 .
Oil C.ty Nat. Bank, Oil
Cit.v 10,000 00
Oil City Irust Company.
! Oil City 10,000 00 !
! Pattison Nat. Bank. Elk
land 10,000 00
People's Bank, Erie 10,000 00
People's Bank. McKeesp't, 5.000 00
People's National Bank,
i Ellwoorl City, 5,000 00
People's National Bank,
Mifflin, 5,000 00
People k National Bank,
Seranton 50,000 00 i
People's National Bank,
W»J ll< •>!. It' >,t 00 <>.
People's Sav ings and Trust
Co., Hazleton 15,000 00 j
I People's Trust Co.. Phila., 1 0.000 00 i
Provident Trust Co.. Pitts
! burgh 20,000 00 !
People's Nat. Bank, Key.
j noUisville 10,000 00 I
: People's Savings Bank,
Pittsburgh 25,000 00 '
Pen'orook Nat. Bank, Pen
| brook, . 5,000 00 |
| People's Bank, Wilkes-
I Barre 10,000 00
i Reading National Bank
Heading 25,000 00 j
] Real Estate Title Insur
ance and Trust Com
i puny. Philadelphia, ... 20,000 00
: Heal Estate Trust Co..
i Washington 5,000 00 '
] Republic Trust Co., l'hiia., 10.000 00 I
Ridgway National Bank.
I Kidgway, 20,000 00
I Rittennouse Trust Com-
Attacked and Thrown Into Lake By!
Wounded Animal, Death Results
Lindsay, Ont., Nov. 12. —An un j
usual hunting accident occurred Tues-1
j day at Buck Lake, five miles south of'
j VVilberforce, by which William |
Hughie, Jr., of that village, lost his
I life.
Hughie had wounded a deer, which]
i turned and attacked him while he was j
j in his canoe, pitching him into the [
! lake. A companion, who heard his cries;
j for help, swam out to his assistance
and brought him ashore alive, but he!
I died shortly afterward from tfie |
wounds inflicted by the deer and im-j
j niersion in the icy water.
Early Rising
Bibbs—l believe in early rising, j
| don't you! (ribbs—Well, there's no ab
) stract excellence in early rising. It all j
, depends on what you do after you rise, j
; It would be bettor for the world if some
| peo: le never got up!— London Tele- I
SOLD 12 Do "' ' oc '
30 Doses 23c MERITS |
A All Druggist.
For Headache, Neuralgia j
Quick, Sure, Safe
paiy Philadelphia 10,000 00
| Rochester Trust Co.. Koch
-1 ester 5.000 00 i
! Bite Deposit and Trust Co..
Greensburg 5,000 00
I Savings Trust Co., In
diana ,1,000 00 '
Scranton Ssv'gs and Dime
Bank, Scran ton :>O,OOO 00 I
Second Nat. Bank, Kile,.. 10.000 00
Second National Bank.
Wilkes-Barre 10,000 00
Security Savings and
Trusi '.'o., Erie 10,000 00
Security Trust Company.
Ilarrisburg 5.000 on
Sixth St. Bunli, Harrisb'g. 15.000 Oil
Siigo Nat. Bank. 5i1g0,... u.Ooo 00 1
Somerset Trust Co., Som
erset 25.000 00
Stßnuiiig Stone National
Bank, Huntingdon 8,000 00
State Bank, Avis 5,000 00
State Bank. Elizabeth, ... 5.000 o#
Second National Bank, Al
i toona, 25.000 00
Title, Trust and Guaranty
| Co., Johnstown, 30,000 00
Turtle Creek Savings and
I Trust Co.. Turtle Creek. 5.000 00
Textile Nat. Bank., Philu., 25,000 00
I Union Banking and Trust
I Co.. L>u Bois 20.000 00
I Union Nat. Bank, Johns
town 30,000 00
I Union National Bank. Mc-
I Keesport 10,000 O0
Union Nat. Rank. Scran
| to" I."..000 00
I I nion Trust Co.. Donora.. . .».oun oo
I Union Trust Company of
j Pcnna., Harrisburg 20,000 00
Union Trust Co., Washing- ,
: to i u.OOO 00
i United States Nat. Bank,
| Johnstown 10,000 00
Valley Nat. Bank, Cham
■ bersburg 5,000 0 0
| Warren Savings Bank,
Warren, 5,000 00
Warren Trust Company.
| Warren 5,000 00
j Washington Nat Bank,
| Burgettslown 10,000 on
Wayne Junction Trust Co..
I Philadelphia 10,000 00
West Side Bank, West
! Pittston. ». 10,000 00
; Western Nat. Bank. Pitts
j burgh 100,000 00
I Woudlawn Trust Company,
; Woodlawn '. 10,000 00
Wilkinsburg Real Estate
I and Trust Co.. Wilkins
burg 15,000 00
I Wyoming Nat. B'k. Tunk
hannock 10,000 00
Wyoming Valley Trust Co..
Wiikes-Barre, 15,000 00
York County National
I Bank, York 5,000 00
Commonwealth Trust Com
| pany. Harrisburg 369.958 39
| Farmers' Deposit National
Bank, Pittsburgh 133,750 S5
j Fanners mid .4ie,n>inios
I Nat. Bank, Philadelphia, 264,833 82
; Uai l isburg Trust _oin-
I pany. Harrisburg 430,321 10
I Quaker City Nui Bank,
I Philadelphia 437,972 38
( Total amount in General
t Fund $5,497,84- 84
The above statement includes the
l names of all banks, corporations and
llrma with whom the moneys of said
' fund are deposited.
Bonds are held by the State tor the
. safe keeping of the same,
j Interest at the rate of 2 per centum
per annum is received by the State on
such deposits.
I State of Pennsylvania, City or Harris
| burg, ss:
. Personally appeared before me. A. W.
Powell. Auditor General, 1!. K. Young,
State Treasurer, who being duly sworn
according to law. saith that the t'ore
! going statement is true and correct to
j the best of his knowledge and belief.
I Stale Treasurer.
| Sworn and subscribed before me, this
I 10th day of November. 1911.
! _ , Auditor General,
i Published in pursuance of the pro
| visions or section 8, Act of Jlay 9. 1874.
entitled "An Act supplementary to the
> several acts relaiii g to the State Treas
urer and the Commissioners of m»
Sinking Fund, 1 ' and Secuou 11 Act of
February 17. laoii
Harrisburg. Pa.
| Statement of balance >n tl.e Sinking
Fund at the close of bus'nt-ss on
October 31. 1914:
Anthracite Trust Co.,
Scranton $50,000 .00
Apollo Trust Co., Apollo.. . 2,000 00
Ashland Nat. Bank, Ash
land, 6,000 00
I Berwick Savings and Trust
Co., Berwick 10,000 00
Central Nat. Bank, Ml.
I Union 10,000 00
! Charleroi Savings and
Trust Co.. Charleroi. ... 15,000 00
City Bank. McKeesport,.. . 25,000 00
i Citizens' Bank, St. Clair,.. 5,000 00
j Citizens' National Bank.
i Lewistown 2,000 00
| Citizens' National Bank.
Middletown 5,000 00
Citizens' State Bank, Wii
liamsport <,ooo oo
| Farmers' Bank, Hummels
; ~ town 15,000 00
banners and Milters'
I Trust Co., Punxsutaw-
I , ney 35,000 00
'tanners' National Bank.
; Lititz 5,000 00
j Farmers and Traders' Na
i tional Bank, Westtield.. 10.000 00
| First National Bank, All i
-1 quippa 10.000 00
First Nat. Bank, Beaver
! Falls 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Carnegie. 10,000 00
• First Nat. Bank, Elwood
' City 5,000 00
I'irst Nat. Bank, Frack
! ville 10.000 00
I 1< irst Nat. Bank. Knoxviile 7,000 00
i First Nat. Bank. Leecli
i burg 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Mans
i field 15,000 00
I First Nat. Bank. Mon
toursville 3,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Patton,. 15,000 00
First Nation* I Bank of
Sheraden, Pittsburgh,.. 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank. State
College 5,000 09
1 First Nat. Bank. Susque-
The classified columns of the Star-Independ
j ent will help you in your selection of a house, :
I apartment, office, lot, farm or garage.
The Best & Most Desirable Homes
are advertised in Harrislmrg's Great Home
The Star-Indepen
18, 20 and 22 South Third Street
Ptione, mail or bring your Want to the Advertising Dept
Bell Phone :i2Bo—lndependent, 245 IMA
wuujuC-. Lf. TSBweHEmxnwnnmaHßMC -MamMi
Read the Star-Independenl
hanna 30,000 OO
First Nat. Bank, Mont
gomery 10.000 00
Grange Nat. Bank. Tioga. 5,000 00
Guardian Trust To., York. .>.OOO 110
Honesdale National Bunk.
Honesdale 15,000 00
Lancaster Trust Company.
Lancaster 7.000 00
Lewlsburg Nat. Buuk.Lew
isburg »,000 oo
L.ucoln Nat. Bank, Pitts
burgh 2U,000 00
Manchester Savings Hank
and Trust Co., Pitts
burgh 10,000 00
Mechuulcsbtirg Nat. Bank.
Meclianicsbure, .... 5.000 NO
.Miners' National Bank,
Blossburg 15,000 00
Natlonul Bank of Northern
Liberties, Philadelphia,. 15,000 oo
National Bank of West
Grove, West tirove 10 000 U0
Ninth Nut. Bank, Philadel
„ P LLLA 25.000 00
North scranton B'k.
ton 10,000 00
Northern National Bunk,
Lancaster 5.000 01
Peoples Nat. Hank, Last
. Brady 10,000 00
People's National Bank.
Lancaster 5.000 00
Plymouth National Bank.
Plymouth, 10,000 00
Potter lule and Trust Co..
Pittsburgh 25,000 oo
Ilea! Est au- Trust Com
pany, Pittsburgh 10,000 00
Safe I Jcposi t and Triut
Co.. Greeiisbing 1...000 Oo
Schuylkill Trust Company,
Pottsville 10.000 oo
Schuylkill Valley Bank.
Reading, . 10.000 oo
South side L rust Co., Pitts
burgh 30,000 00
Susquehanna 'I rust and
Safe Deposit Co. V\ il
liamsport 10.000 00
Second Nat. Bank, Median
lesburg 10,000 ON
Tioga County Savings and
Trust Co., \\ ellsboro.. . . 35,000 00
Tower City Nat. Bank,
Tower City 5,000 no
Union Nat. Bank, Mahanoy
City 10,000 00
Union Trust Co.. Lancas
ter LO.OOO 00
Union Trust Co. of Ponua.,
Harrisburg 15.000 00
Vandergrift Savings and •
Trust Co., V.aridergrift,.. 10,000 00
Wayne Co. Savings Bank,
Honesdale 15,000 00
Farmers and Mechanics'
Nat. Bank, Philadelphia, 32,735 04
Total amount In Sinktng
Fund JSO-1.735 0|
The above statement includes ths
names of all banks, corporations and
tirliis with whom the moneys of said
fund are deposited.
Bonds are held by the Stale for the
safe keeping of the same.
Interest at the rate of 2 per centum
is received by the Stuto on such depos
Stale of Pennsylvania, City of liai-
I isburg. »s:
Personally uppeared before me. A. W.
Powell, Auditor General, I!. K. Young,
Slate Treaauiei, who being dul> snoin
according to law saith that the fore
going statement is true and correct to
the best of his knowledge and belief.
11. K. YOUNG,
Stato Treasurer.
Sworn and subscribed before me this
10th day of November, 1914.
Auditor General.
Published In pursuance of the pro
visions of Section 8. act of May 9. 1874.
entitled "An Act supplementary to the
several acts relating to the state Treas
urer and the Commissioners of the
Sinking Fund." and Section 11, act of
February 17, 1906.
Auditor General.
Harrisburg. Pa.
Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 1, 1811.
Statement ol' amount in the School
Fund at the close of business on Oc
tober 31. 1914:
Commonwealth Trust Co..
Harrisburg, $27,422 92
Total amount in School Fund, $27,422 92
State of Pennsylvania, City of Harris
burg, ss:
Personally appeared before me, A. XV.
Powell, Auditor General. R. K. Young,
State Treasurer, who being duly sworn
according to law, saith that tlie fore
going statement is true and correct to
the best of his knowledge and belief.
State Treasurer.
Sworn and subscribed before me. this
10th day of November," 1914:
Auditor General.
Motor Hi-gUt ration anil I.lemur l-'rr*
Statement of amount in Motor Regis
tration and License Fees Fund at close
of business October 31. 1914:
Columbia National Bank.
Pittsburgh SIOO,OOO 00
Diamond National Bank,
Pittsburgh 40,000 00
Liberty National Bank,
Pittsburgh, 25,000 00
Harrisburg Trust Com
pany, Harrisburg 63,617 JO
Total amount in motor
registration and license
fees fund $228,617 SO
The above statement includes the
names of all banks, corporations and
linns with whom the moneys of said
fund are deposited. Bonds are held by
the state for the safe keeping of the
same. Interest at the rate of 2 per
centum is received by the state on such
State of Pennsylvania,
City of Harrisburg, ss:
Personally appeared before me. A. \V.
Powell. Auditor General, It. K. Young,
State Treasurer, who being duly sworn
according to law, saith that the fore
going statement Is true and correct to
the besl of his knowledge and belief.
State Treasurer.
Sworn and subscribed before me THIS
10th day of November, 1914:
Auditor General.