|^!BA!BB^SI[LEGLHLBLBIABGE3NI^!AI^LBEANHM»IBN«A»IIIAAB L IMM»B W B L .I3 TIBBTOB[I|BLTA7NB|||A[I|EI||:I[LANBIII|[AB)|||N|I|I|I[AKE BBBFFL»]BE*BBBO*»AANBBBNBBBBIBB*BIBB»IB ~ The Star-Independent's Great Bargain Educational Page i j WE WILL PAY YOU TO READ THESE ADVERTISEMENTS ! § „„ wl page contal " s , b ? r f ai n, s - the . r ery best °i °l e season-coffered by Harrisburg's reliable merchants. You cannot afford to miss thorn. Read every advertisement on this naze and then toll " us what bargain you hndto be the best bargain and why For the best letter the Star-Independent will pay $3.00 in Cash; for the second best, $2.00 and for the third best SIOO Addressallletters 5 I !° The Bargain Editor. The Star Independent, and send them in not later than Monday noon of next week. Anyone can compete. We will publish the prize letters with • I | in our news columns. Letters not to contain more than 150 words. P 11 P UDUSn ine P nze letter£ ». with the names and addresses g v *8 * Granulated Sugar, ll> ~...• s'-e * $ 8 Pride Soap 35c ;; $ 1 lb. ;!2r coffee. | lb. r»lK* tea 32r ': J 12 Ib. Pillsbury flour 4t»c 5 ■> caus Country licuUeman oorn ,25c J 4 eau> '"Yours Truljrsoups 25e * ;; (,J »us Van Cauip's spajreiti 25c S |S. S. POMEROYj J MARKET SQUARE GROCEK « >•!•♦>< > *J* v -i' *> vv *> vv *> •>v vv\* v❖ »> •S* "C* ♦ v *2* •>*!•<• *J» v•> •>•> r \ Wet days, cold days, 'fays—or MM<!OII illnes- -—-tho>.- art- tin!?? you need u*. Au\ tiuic when tired. busy. have eompany or are in a burry, just rail u- Toll us your »sni«. and we do the rest. are willinj; to do our part in sen -njj you wit 1 ! anything any Druj. Store ran supply, an! deliver any tlunj! to you wfMiout loss ot tine, effort or extra co-t. FORMEYS DRUS STORE Itirt MARKET STREET v -> /■ \ $4.00 Gold-Filled Brace let for $2.00 Tt. - week vi'<\ Not.;in*: I >e it e*er or 1 . "vi e : r >\» »t in x ami ue :t. L. A. FAUNCE Eye Special: yt ami Jeweler lit* I North Third Street F. E. RIDENOUR, 1221 N. Third St Frcia Cut Fiewcrs Always on Hand Funeral Designs a Specialty H. .-CHAMFAN Custom Tailor Cleaning and Pressing at Seasonable Prices ::<HVE£ILY-ST.. HARRISBUBG. PA. jr*'-'- ' T Reason No. 4 t : m Qvtu Sftvau I \l 1 • >V -Ay-j- —' s>j - - - o--r nr. l * •> V . ~ts '" - : « iia ■■ a | : V - 5 ...; j .-..._ I * ' SI. 15 per box of 25 $ v • v*> v v <• »> •> •> ■> vvv <• v <• <• vvv V•> •;• •:• •;••%.;. .\.;, ............ ., t , A%( >t % t; Gcod Pies and Cakes Sine .-c:tetii.ug. If they don't serve them. Made by Afficks o Afticks 217 Broad Street BARGAINS For Hunters Lib< n > Shells with high bra*s. 65c box. Red Top Hunting Caps. 75c each. We still have a few singh barrel <ruus for 83.00. Bogar Hardware Company 1316 N. Third Street Near Broad Street Market Open Evenings * / $8.50 Water Set (6 tumblers and a pitcher), $4.00 H. G. SEIBERT. Jeweler lOOti North Sixth Street V V v v V v v V v V V V <• •> V i- V v *:• •> * v V •> * ****** i' v v -J * * v**v * * «5 PERFUMES 2 of RICKSECKERS. COLGATE'S, SPIELERS ? | 25c, 50c, 75c, 81.00, $2.00 * | Thursday only, 15c. 25c, 40c, 50c, SI.OO I GOLDEN SEAL DRUG STORE I 11 S. Market Square ! + 4. Peoples Sakery 557 Woodbine Street Our goods a>id prices are alway : right. TITZELL A BARGAIN P. - • ; t:>- next week we., will offer lUurißl> » l \ lit I'Klt CK\T. KKItl 4TION 1 " >.'.!:■ opportunity for settins a ■ph padr article at a low rtsurr, SHAFFER SALES CO., vr.ss s. ( \»r.HON *»T. (OVERHOLT RYE Whiskey BOTTLED IN BOND SI.OO FULL QUARTS JOHN J. FINN W, . J r- > Fancy Baking Try Our Pies and Cakes Always a Bargain }. M. Sheaffer 905 N. Third St. 5c Frozen Mints Chewing , Gum This Thursday at 2 packs for 5c GRUNDEN'S Drug Store Sixth and Boas Streets - Why do you do your shop ping in town when at Webb's Electric Store, on the Hill, you can be accommodated both on gas and electric supplies at re markable low prices. Give us a trial and be convinced. C. E. WEBB 234 S. Thirteenth St. v f MAE'S Tor Hair Dress- Special price Thursday only for Toilet / Articles and / > y Buffers. 34 N. 3d St. Second Floor Make Christ King Stough campaign singing book; at th 3 Central Book Store J* Jlarket Street, Hsrrisbnrg. Pa. rTATCRTSBrim STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVFA'TXC,. NOVKMftEfr 11. 1914. ' Your last chance on this Special—Friday, 13th only SIO.OO Doz. Sepia Sketeh at $6.00 $5.00 Doz. Sepia Sketch at $3.00 New styles for the holidays. Musser's Studio, No. 16 N. Third St., City : v ' Beautiful Kleetric Art Glass Pome, with chain, hung anywhere in Harris I bur s fOT 86.00 Dauphin Electrical Supplies Company John S. Musser, President •184 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. SOROSIS SHOES »rf MI»UI iu rvpr> olvillifd eouatry in Iho world. They are im popular abroad :i* In \merlea. nen at n dollar a pair more—a remarkable tribute to their , worth—for men. women and ehltdren. CREGO. 15 N Third st SOI.K AIiKXT FOR HAlllllSßl RC •-Jsc bottle of Snyder's Ketchup, 15c bottle of Snyder's Ketchup. 10r HULL BROS. IT IS NORTH THIRD STREET N We will sell this coining week a few beautiful art showers and domes for two-thirds less than they are sold elsewhere. The Columbia Electric Co. 13th and Market Sts. National Cash Registers Total adders IMO and up. Sold or. easy payments. Call at show room. No. 10,"> Market street, and -jet demonstration of our Money aud Labor-saving Machines. N. R. Black, Sales Agent Both Phones Photo Finishing for the Amateur J. A. KEPPLE PHOTOGRAPHER Room 10, 2» N. SECOND STREET HARRISBURG, PA. Special Friday (13th) S Cakes IVORY 25c Not le-- than oOe in other goods not including supar or soap must be purchased at same time. Weis Pure Food Store 1313 MARKET STEEET V Bell Phone 2190 SI.OO Combination for Thursday 7 lbs. Granulated Sugar. 39 c 1 lb. B. B. D. Coffee ; 30c 1 can Fancy Corn 10c 5 cakes Ivory Soap 21c YiToo B. 8. DRUM, 1801-03 N. 6th St. N , Special Sale for 10 Days Only . <32.00 Suits $22.00 *45.00 Overcoats. $35.00 N. Zimmerman Allison Tailor 7 N. THXBTEENTH STKEET v WINNERS IN THE BARGAIN CONTEST (ontinurd From Firm l'ig;r. via! reiums. Get a business education and you start on the road to success. Is there a better bargain than Suc cess f Mrs. H. K. Taylor, Xorth Second Street. Second Prize-winner Bargain Editor- Dear Sir — "The ''Bargain of Bargains" is the Even Steven bargain. This cigar is put up in a tin humidore. 25 in a can for $1.13. and the iast cigar is just as fresh and moist as the first one and will not dry out like those parked in a vrcoden bos. But that is only half of SPECIAL NOTICE: The names signed to all prize winning letters must be published in full. t \ Bargaius at the SECURITY TRUST COMPANY 36 38 North Third Street are gotten by rXCRIv\SSK and not by WKDITTIOX. Kvery dollar deposited increases at 4 per eeut. per i anutuu. All you save in other business purchases can be deposited here, making your total savings : at 810 BARGAIN. Our BARGAINS be- I come an INVESTMENT ; for you. TRY THEM. v ' Better Clothes—Less Money I Wzfa&'lntK ■Mirror \ Alcoholism Is a Disease and Must Be Treated Whv suflVrf when you can havo that v raving :or VKoholie stimuU'lits removed, v itkout suffering or de pression. We have «:>ec:al advantage- to eliminate the ioji- i>> Ucohol. in means of Hot Ai'- trout incuts. stiiu iilate with cooling showers, ami various Klectric treatments, ami purity the blood with Oxyoline treatments. The Shope S:iuitnr,..n.. No. 1700 N. Second S; . Harisbury, I'a. V ' ' N Rebuilt Square Pianos Good makes in good eoudi tion. guaranteed. | sls, S2O, $25 up to SSO Terms. *i> monthly. Stool and delivery free. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE 15 So. Market Sq. , > A BIG VALUE PRINCESS DRESSER, SIB.OO, reduced to $11.50 For This Week Only THE STORE OF GREAT VALUES Buttorff & Co. NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. the bargain. The real bargain, which must be recognized, lies in the cigar itseif. V. ben yoa !HIV an "Even Steven" you get u cigar equally as good as any 10-oent eigar on the market, which is a very important item to particular j smokers who cannot afford to pav 10 cents for a smoke. If the dealer con siders service lirst, merely ask for a cigar and he will hand out an ''Even Steven.'' Ti>e Even Steven cigar cer-, tainly i? a "Rair." .John 0. Edinondson, 1T 17 Regiua Street. Third Prize-winner Bargain Editor: Dear Sir — After carefully following your Bar-i gain Page contest, it is my opinion ! that fen lette.s have ad-arced cor rect argument of t-ie best ba.-gain ad |vertised, because all appear to give l \ BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES Solid Leather Regular 51.50 value. Special for ouo week, Lace or Button. Siies » to LAPPLEY'S, Fourth and Kelker Sts. *- I Your Curtains Lauudered { S You will want your lace cur # tains laundered at liousecleauinj; J, J We will wash them very care £ fully, starch them just ris;ht. and ' > S e then straight, with the cor <> | > lid > perfectly shaped. ■ c ' a.! i.s up or ;ji\e your cur S y tains to our driver. £ Arcade Laundry j; > Logan & Granite Aves. <1 > Both Phoues l^wiwvyvwvvvw^vvyvysi Cray Eonnot 5c Cigar has made a hit. !t". box. #1.15 50 box, $2.'J5 CHAS. H. KOCH 35 N. Second Street / \ Special for Wednesday and Thurs day Only La Perle Brocade Corsets Regularly $5.00 $3.45 New models: medium bust aud long hip: pink and white. La P SPECIALTY SHOP 204 Locust Street, Next to Orpheuni , WHEN IT COI.IES TO COFFEE Thr B«r lest is iu 111,- (~p—Try our 2.V ami We (offer and be coin need that evem pound is a bargain. J. G. SCHAEFER THIS HOME OK GOOD COKMEK • S. Thlrteruth M. Hell v liunr ItIXS HOERNER'S Black and Colored Silk Finish Petti coats. 5t.35 value. Special Q£s* this week at ;ll« BROAD STREET The Best Bargain Invest a few dollars in a good education and net a good position at a big salary. School of Conimorco 15 S. MARKET SQUARE — x HorSacher's Allentown Beer Is Nine Months Old HANLEN BROS. BOTH PHONES v the definition of bargain as the great est reduction. The word bargain is. ac cording to highest authority ( Webster K "an agreement." Naturally the best bargain must be the best agreemeut of fered and not necessarily a reduction of j price. < Among the advertisements none is as liberal as t-'e Shope sanitarium, which : ; reads: ''Work must be satisfactory as 1 represented «r no charge will be made." : While certain lines of goods can be 1 offered at. a greater reduction than oth j ers, the above bargain—"satisfactory j ! or no charge''—can be applied to every | j advertisement, making all advertise ments equal. A bargain is not some- ! thing cheap or at a reduction, but an agreement that insures satisfaction, 1 which is positive proof of the best bar gain. P. Vanderloo, 1 Thud and State Streets. Make Your Money Work |THE COMMERCIAL BANKS I j 1222 and 1224 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa., t | allows you 3 per cent, on Christinas | II and Vacation Club Funds, and 4 perl 11 cent, on Savings Accounts. i / N One $450.00 Used Stieff Piano. One $250.00 Used Cabinet Player and $25.00 worth of Player Rolls for $300.00 Can You Beat It? Stieff Piano Warerooms 1 ' FOR Pure Wine, Liquors and Beer SEE JOHN G. WALL Cor. Sixth and Cumberland Sts. Both Phones Auto Delivery I C. T. FERNBAUGH Fine Cakes Insist on your Grocerywau furnish ing them. Retail and wholesale. 1631 N. Sixth Street - ..... r . , ,TT>~rTTTVWTVVTT(fVtVmWVf>«WWt( , VmVO«'i 37c SPECIAL ! •> *> ' * I lb. FAMOUS BANQUET BLEND COFFEE ;j» c % % lbs. FRANKLIN GRANULATED SUGAR "[ . - c •> , SPECIAL ;t7t . * | POLLECK'S GROC ' * WHERE QUALITY COUNTS % % Harrisburg and Steelton »:• v v <i> »I« ►> v"!« i* *! 4 •!« >I«»!«»!«♦> »> ►> .♦•..............» A All Kinds of Safety Razor Blades RESHARPENED 2oc per dozen, at FORNEY'S DRUcr STORE Cold Wave Coming brighten up the hoine for the in door months. Tell us what you want to Brighten up and we will give you the finish that is made for that particular purpose. Samples and Information Free Ryder's Brighten-Up Stores 44 N. Third St. Broad St. 3Q2 - - - Buy the Best for the Money Yingling's Celebrated Pottsville Beer and Porter Bottled by CHAS. S. BUX Both Phones 818-820 Market St. | A BARGAIN FOR ALL HILL PEOPLE 1 % Save Your Car Fare t We will start our •:• if CHRISTMAS SAVINGS FUND 1 % December 29, 1914 * You can join anv time after that Open every Saturday evening. \ ! The East End Bank j t Thirteenth and Howard Streets «• . 5 1 *•> •><•❖»> •> !We Silver Plate Table Ware The Nuss Mfg. Co. IITH aud MULBERRY STREETS A S3O Bicycle for $21.75 This Week Only Chester B. Smith 181.1 N. Third Street i / \ THURSDAY ONLY #•1.00 and *4.50 Eight day Clocks, hour and half hour strike. Special, $2.95 RlNKf^ jo JEWELER frEsFGHTSpECIALIST 1215 N. THIRD ST. \ Electrical Contractor House Wiring a Specialty All kinds of electrical repair work uiven prompt attention. l>ell phone 3430. JOHN W. SNYDER 292 Market Street, Lemoyne, Pa. *• * Singeing Massaging Star Barber Shop CHAS. H. RAPP, Propr. 4;lO Market Street I rhiklren's Hair Cutting :i Specialty All Work Guaranteed Union Shop Crude Oil Shampoo SPECIAL i THIS WALNUT | ICECREAM WALKER IIESSIMER 411 N. Second Si. Families and Parties Supplied on Short No tice. 'V- One hundred SI.OO Watches Thursday Only, ... * OC i W. R. ATKINSON 1 N. THIRD STREET 9
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