The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 11, 1914, Page 5, Image 5
BREAKS A COLD. OPENS CLOGGED HEAD AND NOSE " Pape's Cold Com pound" Ends Severe Colds or Grippe in Few Hours Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every two hours until three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up u severe cold either in the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up uos trils and air passages in th» head stops nasty discharge or nose running, relieves sick headache, dullness, fever ishness. sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing aud snuffling! Ease your throbbing head! Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound." which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, causes no incon venience. Be sure you get the genuine. Adv. SUBURBAN^ HALIFAX Dr. J. W. Neff, of Enders. Was in Town Tuesday Special Correspondence- Halifax, Nov. 11.—Mrs. William B. -Nace and John E. Nace visited at the home of Henry Nace, near Linglestown. on Sunday, Harry L. Miller, who has been se riously ill with rheumatism for some time, is able to Lie atoout with the aid of a cane. Joseph Smith moved his family from Harrisburg to this place on Tuesday. Mrs. C. C. Bender spent Tuesday witn relatives at Millersburg. Lewis Wagner and daughter, Esther, of Matamoras. visited the former's daughter, Mrs. H. Stewart Potter on Tuesday. Miss Marguerite Callahan is visiting friends at McClellan. John Albert and L. S. Marshall are spending a few days gunning in Mifflin county. Dr. J. W. Neff. of Enders. transact ed business in town on Tuesday. SHIREMANSTOWN Family Reunion Was Held at the Home of George W. Shumberger Special Correspondence. Shiremanstown, Nov. 11. Mrs Bvrd, of Windsor, York county, spent a i*w days with friends in this town. Mrs. Catherine Pipes sold her prop erty and household goods and has left for the old people's home in Median lesburg, where she will make her future home. John Reninger and farnilv moved from Enola to the house vacated I. Mrs. Catherine Pipes. Mrs. Harriet Wickersham and Mrs Russell Basley, of New Market, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Sarah Strong. Dr. Ainsworth left for Lancaster ou Friday, where he has accepted a posi tion as inspector for the mouth ami hoof disease in cattle. George Weaver made a business trip to Carlisle on Mondav. Morris .Haze, of Goldaboro, called on J. Willis on Monday. Miss Tillie Crone, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday with her brother, Calvin Crone. Mr. and Mrs. Budman. of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Bates. W. E. Hourv aud family and W. H. Bates and family took an auto trip to I Lancaster Sunday, where they were eu tertained by Mr. Hourv's parents. Mrs. D. Spangler spent Wednesdav w th her sister, Mrs. I'baugh. in Rock ville. W . P. Walls and mother. Mrs. Jacob Walls and Glut Crone took an auto trip to Roynlton on Sundav. Mr. aud Mrs. Pierce Feister attended a reunion at thj home of Mrs. Peis ter 's brother, George W. Shumberger, at his home in Good Hope on Sundav.' Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Adams aud son. Clyde, of Me . hanicaburg; Mr. and Mrs. William Huntsberger and daughter. Violet, of l.emovne: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shum berger and son. Wilmot. of Enola: Mr. ami Mrs. John Myers, of Leipoyne; Mrs. Jacob Engle and four sons, of 1 arlisle; Miss Klsie Shumberger. of Mechanicsburg: Misses Frances aud Iluth Shumberger, Frank and Glen Shumberger, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Shumberger and Mrs. R. P. Feister and son, Paul, of this place. Everv per son present enjoyed the occasion very much and the time came only too soou when they had to wend their footsteps homeward, but the pleasant day will linger in the memories of all present. All returned home wishing Mr. and -Mrs. Shumberger mauv happy returns of the day. Miss Isabella Feister spent Sundav •with htfr uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feister. in Lemoyne. John Stoner. of Linglestown. spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Feister in Lemovne FISHERVILLE Schools Closed as Teachers Are Attend ing County Institute Sp»c.a! Correspondence. 1 s.ierville. Nov. 11.—.. J. h. Fautber, n. Worin 1 eysb*urg, was in town last Fri day. Mrs. Amos Mumma and Mrs. Geary, nf Harrisburg, spent one day last week n town Phe guests of 'Mrs. Lydia Bow nan. W. W. VV"ilnert and family, of Harns "urg, were visiting their relatives here over Sunday. P. Loudermilch and family, motored to Mt. Holly Springs on Saturday. James Bowman, of Harrirfburg, spent a few days in town last week. Mrs. William 'Bowman visited at Enola and Harrisburg a few days last week. Miss K a til iry a Bixier. of Harrisburg, visited here over Sunday. Thomas Shepley and*' Mr. Wagoner, of 'Millerrfburg, were in town a few days last week. They were here ou a bunting trip. This week the township s-hools are closed ou account of the teachers at- tending tlhe county institute at Harris- I burg. Tjie Rev. J. C. Peace will preach in the U. B. cihiirch on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kocher were at 'Harrisburg over Sunday. Mary Bordner was at Eliraibetlmlle last week. The 'Rev. J. F. Stanley -will preach in tiie Lutheran church next Sunday evening. \[T9. Charles Beiler and daughter spent a day at Halifax. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. (Miller and Mrs. Lvdia Bowman and granddaughter. Ruth Bowman, were entertained at a birthdav partv last Friday evening at ■MjeClellen. (Mrs, Zimmerman and son. Clyde, and IMts. Wolf, of Sun-bury, were enter tained at tfhe home of Aitwa Zimmerman one day last week. R. Leutz had a metal roof put on his house last week. Mr. Zeigler, of Eliza bethville, did t ; lie work. The Rev. J. P. S'tajblev attended con ference at Man'heiuii this week. l.Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kocher motor ed to Harrisburg on Saturday. MILLERSBURG 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fairchilds Enter tained Guests Special Correspondence. Miliersburg, Nov. 11. — Mrs. Annie Kramer, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Charles F. Mil ler. The local order Knights of the Gold en Eagle held their aunual memorial service in Trinity Reformed church 011 Sunday afternoon. The several churches of town a.e holding cottage prayer meetings every Tuesday and Friday evenings, prepar atory to the evangelistic services which will begin in two weeks. Mrs. Edna Robb. of Lock Haven, is visiting at the home of her brother. Warren £.. Mark. Arrangements are being made for a Mummers' parade to be held New Year. Prizes will be given for the best cos tumes. Miss Ruth High is taking her vaca tion. which she is spending with friends in Brooklvu and New York Citv. The Rev. W.J. Kohler. pastor of i j Trinity Reformed church, will hold tlieh communion services for the eongrega- i tion at Rife, who are without a pastor, i | Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Faircliilds eu-\ < tertained a large number of guests at i 1 their summer cottage, near Halifax, oil Monday. The party made the trip by j auto. Among the guests were l )r - ami Mts. I'lrioh, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bru baker. Mr. and Mrs. William Pottiger, • Dr. and Mrs. Seebold. Dr. D. E. Hotteu stein and wife and Mrs. Alter K. I'Jsh. Miss Beulali Uhler is the guest of j 1 friend* in Schuylkill Haven. ENDERS Western Woman the Guest of Her j Cousin, Mrs. C. E, Sweigard Special Correspondence. Enders. Nov. 11.— Mrs. S.ivma loslyn, ' of IJOS Angeles, t al.. is the guest of her j cousin, Mrs. C. E. Sweigard. B. P. Enders, while hauling corn ' fodder on Saturday, was thrown from ' the wagon by a lin.j of a tree and nad h:s left leg fractured below the knee. Dr. J. W. Neff reduced the fracture. K. K. Enders, of t aijouvilie, visited his parents, Mr. au«i 'Mrs. Moses En-', ders, on Sunday. Arthur P. Enders. of Halifax, visited! iiis father, B. F. Enders, on Sunday. j !•• \\ 's Ender«, of war Bnterline. vis- | ed his parents. Mr. and -Mrs. Moses Enders, on Saturday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ira M. Helt spent Sun , day with their daughter, Mrs. Raymond 1 Enders. at Halifax. William ('. Enders and family, of j Lvkens, came i:i their automobile on' Sunday and were accompanied home! bv Mrs. 'Moses Enders. They spent the! day visiting relatives here. Ralph and Charles Wolfgang, of | nea Matamoras. were the guests of i John E. Enders and family on Swn-ji day. Miss Mary Enders. who is attending school at Berrystourg, is home with her , parents during institute week.. Henry C. Loudermileh. of near Linglestown. visited friends here ou Sunday. BERRYSBURG Automobile Party Goes to Millersburg' Over Saturday Special Correspondence. Berrysburg, Nov. 11. —Mr. and Mrs. George Koppenhaver and son. Daniel,' of Hershev, were guests of Morris Dan-| iel and family over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Keen, of Mil-; lersburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Salada. Miss Marl Snyder, of Womelsdorf, i visited her aunt, Mrs. Harvey Dei'bler. j for a few days. Raymond Lebo. of Philadelphia, is j visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Charles l^ebo. George Warner. Harry Deibler. John I Forney, Daniel Bahney and Raymond' Lebo left Sunday evening for Water- 1 ville, to hunt deer. Jacob Hartman and family visited j John Dockey, of Pillow, ou Sunday, j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keboch and | .laughter, Pauline; Mrs. Emanuel Shoop and Mrs. Robert Dei'bler and daughter, j WASHING WONT RIO HtAD OF DANDRUFF Dissolve It, That's Best Way , The only sure way to get rid of dan druff is t> dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four i ounces of ordinary liquid iirvou: apply it at night when retiring: use enough 1 to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently j with the linger tips. Do this to night, and by morning j most if not all of your dandruff will be i gone, and three of four more applica- j tions will completely dissolve and en tirely destroy, every single sign and trace of it. no matter how much dan druff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel I a hundred times better. If yoil want to preserve your hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for nothing destroys the hair more quickly. It not only starves the hair and makes it fall out, but it makes it stringy, straggly, dull, dry, brittle and lifeless, and everyone notices it. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. Adv. HARRTSBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 11, 1914. PLAIN QUESTIONS TO HARRISBURG PEOPLE Every Harrisburg Reader Will Admit the Soundness of the Logic Would Harrisburg people recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as they do if the medicine were not reliable! Would they confirm their statements after years have elapsed if tlicir experiences did not show the remedy to be deserv ing oi itf Statements like the follow- ing must carry conviction to the miud of every reader: Mrs. M. K. Keller. t.'!22 North Sec ond street, Harrisburg, says: "1 can confirm every word of my former state ment concerning the beuefit one of my family has had from Doan's Kidney I'ills. I tool; them myself several years ago and they benefited me so much that 1 know they are all they are i claimed to be. I am glad to recotn mend Donu's Kidney Pills to others." I Price 50c, at all dealers. Dou't ■ simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Keller bad. Foster-Milburu Co., Props.. Buffalo. \. V. Adv. Selena, motored to Millerrfburg on Sat urday. WEST FAIRVIEW Mrs. Elizabeth Howau. Former Resident. Died at Hollidaysburg Spe al Correspondence. West Fairview. Xov. 11.—.Mrs. Eli/.-! abeth Rowan. wife of George Rowan, j and who was formerly a resident of this I place, died ast night at her home in ' Hoflidaytbttrg. She is survived by hei liUM.iand. children, two bovs an I! two girls; also two brothers, H. i.M. ! '•lessner and William Glessuer, of this j place: two listers. Mrs. George Smith, of Wes: Fairvew. and Mrs. Lula IMon telle. of Wormlevsburg. Funeral services "ill be held from the home of H. XI. Glessuer, Main street. Interment at j Enola. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bckert held j a family reunion at their home ou State! road Sunday in honor of their children.; An excellent dinner, composed of the most delicious viands of the season, was enjoyed by the follow ug: (Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Laugletz and family; IMJ - . and Mrs. I'eter Winteler. Mr. aud Mrs. William Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eckert, •Ta ob and Warren Eckert. Miss Bar bara Eckert and Harry Wallace. 'Mrs. W. A. Conrad and daughters, Pauline. Catharine and Ethel, of River side, were guests of Mrs. .T. P. Weaver. Mrs. Annie Bender \ iai'ted her sou, Paul Bender, at Enola. Ed ward stiles was the guest of iiis brother. Vinos Stiles, at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. M. 11. Garland, visited Mrs. I'. W. 1.e..-manu at Canip Hill, sister of Mrs. Gar'aud. Mrs. Samuel Dick aud sou. of Kan "as. are guests of her sister, Mrs. Atram Myers, for a few months. Guy Kichelberger moved yesterday from Main stre,tc to ('amp Hill. Charles E. ftp per and son. Paul, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,M. H. Garlauu. DAUPHIN Mite Society of Presbyterian Church Met Last Evening Special Correspondence. Dauphin. Nov. 11. —'Mr. ami Mrs. Isari and ,?on, Wilson Robinson, cf Louisville. Ky., spent several days with 'Miiss Margaret Robinson Mrs. Sarah Spoosler attended the fu neral of her cousin, George Souders, at Church town, ou Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. Floyd Speece attended the funeral of 'Mrs. See e's cousin. Miss Mary Boga • Laurey. at Harris burg. 'Monday. Ml. and Mrs. J. »B. Fraiin and sou. Merritt, motored from Bigler'sville ou Sunday aud were the guests of Mrs. Jennie Hi'ekernell, at 'Maple Farm. Mr. and -Mrs. Jonas Shalter and ch:l dren, (Franklin and Edith, are s, ending the week at Weikert. MT. aud Mrs. W. C. Riffert, of Har risburg; Mrs. Charles Kerstetter and Children, of Montgomery, and Mrs. Rus sell Fenstama.'her. of Harriabjrg, were tiic guests of Mrs. Specter G. Kinter on Friday. The Mite Society of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. W. P. Clark ou Tuesday evening. After the regular business was transacted refresh ments were served. HERSHEY Hershcy Football Team Defeats Harris burg East End Club :$«-» Special Correspondence. Hershey, Nov. 11.— S. D. Clark de- I iivered an address in the Middlctown i Church of God on Sunday evening. Miss Florence Romig visited friends at Annville on Sunday. The Hershey football team defeated the East End. of Harrisburg, in a game ou Saturday. The score was 36 to 0. David Dubble and family, of Myers town. called on the Rev. I Mover Her- I shev and family on Saturday. Miss Elizabeth Gliek spent a week's vacation at her home at Lancaster. Leo A. Houser, of Lebanon, has se cured a position at the chocolate fac j lory. NEWVILLE I C. V. League of Federated Clubs Met Last Friday 1 s P ecial Correspondence. I N'ewville, Xov. 11.—The Cumberland Valiev league of Federated Clubs | which met on Friday in the parlors of j the Big Spring hotel was attended by upwards of seventy. Harrisburg, Me chanicsfonrg, Carlisle. ShiippenMburg, Greenoastle, Chamtoersburg, Mercers burg and Newville were represented. A splendid program was rendered Mrs. Belle McKinney Swope, president of the local vluib, was elected president of the C. V. League of Federated Clubs lor the coming year. Carlisle will be the next, place of meeting. The Board of Education of the pub lic schools has purchased a plot of ground to the north of the North ward school house. On this plat was former ly loeated theSeonller livery, which was destroyed toy fire on October 24 and on the site at persent there is a black smith shop occupied by M. L. Byers. Sunday evening the first of a series of evangelistic services was held in the ftf y» *»'.▼ TT T~T ▼VT 'O W ! I STORE HOURS • JSOWITUMU Store Opens BA. M. Closes 5.30 P. M. J2jQU?7TUMI4 \ "*»»i«Su»«1i WW.M mwnw .to* Miautim'i MNurmnT am • A Millinery Surprise—Three Hundred i : Smart New Models at $3.00 and $3.50 ! ► ► 1" Which Are Large Chic and Trim Black 4 ► Velvet Hats i ► Very often you have hacl your attention called to special offerings in 4 ► j jSk Millinery, but beyond doubt, this sale eclipses all previous ones. ► The storv is simple—an overstocked manufacturer, an alert buyer i JH and ready money, tell the tale. What will interest you most however, are the styles. For $3.00 1 jy mmmm $3.50 *ou simply must see them in order to tully realize how re- ji ► V gW* tnarkable the offering. i ' ► ' KM S Every hat in the showing is a reflection of present Fifth Avenue J ► ™ styles—large shapes (like illustration) also medium size, and the small i J ► 1 close fitting turbans. There is not one undesirable style in the entire lot. i \ ► I They're black too—which is one of the important factors that make i ► S them so desirable. Smartly trimmed with ostrich feathers and bands. i ► Exceptional Sale of 1 aigrettes, and fur, while some have motif of grosgraiu ribbon. i ► They were made by a high-class New York milliner who caters to i 1 Ostricn Jrlumcs, §5.10 the most fashionable trade. Velvet is of fine quality, and all are hand < ► A fortunate purchase brings to us a large | blocked shapes. Tu luauv cases, sliould tliev be made in a millinerv number ot handsome plumes in curled ana un- . .. , . . ... . , . , .... .. < ► curled effects, and many desirable shades, ; SUOp. the WOl'lv alone WOUKI COSt tllC pl'lCC at Which \V(> Ul'e ottering tIHMU. < ► although the greater number are black and They COllld easily pass as $7.00 to $12.00 hilts. Slid tllC tl'lltll of tllC i ► "'*The^very^unußua| ,S prf^e°m'akeß this offering ' matter is. lllOSt of tlieill WCl'e made t » sell at SIO.OO alld $12.00. < j ► of interest to anyone desiriug a large hijnd- \|] o 0 oil Sale Tlllll'SdaV UloniillU' at $3.00 Mild $3.50. See will- J . some leather. Ordinarily they would sell at , • 5 ► $5.00 to $7.50. dow display. <' ► < I Important Dis- Warm Under- Underwear for Cold leather' < play of Women's , wear for Men—the Needs for the < ► Underwear Children Heavier Kind Out-Door Man ; In connection with Merode V/llllvlA CAI * ► I'uderwear Week, we are pre j Peels good to go out these crisp Wl, f". ,|uti, "\ "fessiUte < ► seating large storks ot women* Bo.vs and girls too. must be | moril i ll{ , B c | o thed in heavier \m >l ?"' bei "« 01,1 111 ,lu ' 'hilly medium and heavy underwear in we i[ protected from winter blasts i derweur, and we can take care of w 111 11 >"•' "ill neeil ' other good grades. Ul traveling t0 aml f ro ,u school. | vour wants mplete assort ion!'. ° " < 1 Women's heavy cotton fleece inents. : ► liued vesta and pants, white ami Boys' heavy cotton fleece lined, Men's flannel shirts, with peeler colors, at 23c, ;l9c and 50c j shirts aud drawers, at 21c; plain Men s heavy rottun fleece plain and military collars, in Women's natural and white ; and ribbed union suits, at 50c lined, shirts and drawers, plain blue, givy aud tan, at i • y wool vests aud pants at j j and ribbed, at *>Oc Si.oo, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 75c, SI.OO and $1.50 Hoys' natural wool, ribbed Afmr* ,„I i»,»v •• . I ► Women's medium weight, silk union suits at »1.»0 1.. n ' s . ; ,Ul ' sweaters, in 'all the wanted i I ► and wool underwear, white, at Children's 25c underwear, ! at"'...!. .»W *»'%«' imSi'm M> ' *'' sW ' 1 y • ' heavy cotton fleece lined vests, < ' uiul up to $«.00 Women's .",0c underwear; peeler color; seconds, at ...15c Men's heavy natural wool MenV working gloves, linen ' »est* and |iaut>: fleece lined, 1 iui\ t 'd «'tiiiis aud drawers. Spc and unliued, at oOc, $1.(10 y bleached; silk finish; pearl hut Children's bleached vests and j i.jal at 79c ami pr. tous, at 5Wc. pants, fleece lined; all si/.es. at j Men's oimno fl unn .i ► Complete liues of Merode hand 3Sc i Men's natural wool, heavy jamas and night shirts; night * y -ilk finished \ests. pants and un- , weight underwear, at shirts al 7V and «i ni. < suits; vests and pants at ."50c Children s heavy cotton fleece *I.OO, *1.75 and a*lH> up to *1.50: union suits at ; I'ned union suits, bleached or I I ;■ •■*.«« and *1.50 i . r «l no un to «;! sil peeler color, at 50c Mousing union suits tor men; Metis cashmere half hose, I nmnlet* lines of Munsino un , ' >'<»ttou. fleece lined, at *1.00; medium and heavy weight, i ► ' , i .7. Children's white and natural ; natural wool mixed, at black and oxford, at "Jsc pr 4 derwear tor women and childien , , . . *1.50, *3>oo, S'J.SO and *».50 ... ... unil " V ► —vests, pants and union suits. r • Main b loor—BOWMAN Pi 4 Maiu Floor —BOWMAN'S. i Maiu Floor —BOWMAN'S. 1 Main Floor —BOWMAN'S. v ; ; Charming Are the New Boudoir Caps Dry Goods for Home < A fancy of Mrs. Vernou < assel | One pretty style is of net with i Use ► iuviteil her to wear a little bou- silk underlay and pleated frill all /&s■£-< A- L,I . >ai ,„ „ .loir rap in her dances. She around bottom: finished with '' 11 1 Y o ( ,",' WU ', .u . —"! W ' adopted a certain, lever style and large purple bow. The price is f*l T]U fX i-! - '"''Vj' tTI . 1 8u,W r\ or " l < ► ever since it has eujoved being j only 59c, aud there are two if II /A j I j *'u ' , customei.) p.pu!.r. . 8 ~r u ; „ ,bi. t j r LAjJJ i ~u , as. "• " - 1 » ■ „ caps, in a verv large varietv of lat 70c. and upward the price li L J ;»<'hos wide. ... one aud two-yard ' styles. Tliev are frilly little range goes. from 85c and this .s Masonv,He mush,. <\ * things, made of uets and laces, WBc to the exc|iiisite stvles at yt&i&ill&ir ! j " , that i , and lined with chiffou aud crepe *2.50 and *2.OH. A suggestion >'""1 >4 ' 1 is manufactured in America: de chine. for the holiday gift. \ A ' ' 2 ° Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. j Hear oi' Elevators—Main Floor. * i Melodist Episcopal church of which rne Rev. Haynes 11. Lippincott is ;.as tor. The Rev. W. -I. Win,field, pastor of the Second Caui-eh of God, was recently called to Bedford county on account of the illness of his sisters. The Rev. F. T. Wheeler preached at ( enter, Perry county, on Sunday. 'Mrs. Clara Lindsay has gone to Lausdowne, where she will spend the winter at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jthn Krall. MECHANICSBURG Mr. aud Mrs. Samuel A. Andrews Cele brated Their Golden Anniversary Special Correspond? ■ Mechanicsburg, Nov. 11.—Last even ing Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Andrews celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage, at their home, 8 East. Portland street. On November 10, 1 864, Samuel A. Andrews and Miss Laura V. Kone were united in marriage by the Rev. Mr. I>athiells. The cere mony took place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Kone, 'Franklintowu. Baltimore county, Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews be gan housekeeping at Castle Firm, Penn sylvania. They lived in Pennsylvania twenty-eight years, when they went to Olewine, lowa, where they lived until a few months ago, when their longing for Pennsylvania brought them back to the Keystone State, where they ex pect to end their days. Six children were born to them, two of whom died in infancy. The children living are KRANKY KOLDS Don't leave willingly. You can't expect to get rid of that colli if you let it alone. The way to get rid of a cold is to make it so uncomfortable that it will not linger long. Get a bottle of our cough remedy and you will be surprised how much better you will feel and how quickly it acts. 25 Forney's Drug Store 4a« MARKET STREET "We serve you wherever you are." Mrs. Jiia Fennicle. of Freeport, 111.; John F. Andrews, of Olewine. la.; Sam uel .f.. of Olewine, Ta., and Warren K., of Silver Spring, Pennsylvania. There are nineteen grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. The sons were present and much regret was felt that their daughter could not be here. Among the guests were Mrs. Andrews' three brothers, Jesse Kone, who was accom panied by his wife, of Xewville; .lohu Is. Kone and Wife, of MeCall's Ferry, and George Kone, of Jjebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews were assisted in ceiving last evening by Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer, of Steelton, and were assisted in entertaining their guests by Mrs. Jesse Hawkins anil Miss Funk, of Steelton. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews re ceived many hearty congratulations and the Rev. ,1. .1. Kesli offered a fer vent and appropriate prayer and gave a congratulatory address. They were the recipients of a number of handsome presents among them several gold pieces and cut glass. An elaborate dinner was served whteh was as much as possible similar to the one of fifty years ago. Boast goose was one of the dishes with all accompanying dishes. The anniver sary was very successful and pleasant and many hearty wishes were expressed that Mr. and Mrs. Andrews may live to celebrate many more anniversaries. The Mite Society of Trinity Luther an Church held a "Mum Social" last evening at the home of Mrs. H. C'. Brown, Kast Main street. There were many amusing and interesting incidents during the evening. Refreshments were sold and that with the '"Mum" fines added considerably to the Society's fund. Miss Maud Williamson is spending the week with friends in l>ancaster. Mrs. Carrie Williamson is visiting relatives in Carlisle. , George Yarlett, of Carlisle, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Mary Trostle, West Main street. Mrs. A. G. Eberlv left to day for How You Can Remove Every Trace of Hair (Toilet Talks) A stiff paste made with some pow dered delatone and water and spread on a hairy surface about 2 minutes will, when removed, take every trace of hair with it. The skin should then be washed to free it from the remaining delatone. No harm can result from this treatment, but be sure it is delatone you get and you will not bo disap pointed. Adv. New York City, where she will \ isit her daughter, Mrs. August Hendriau. ELIZABETHVILLE Paul Stroup Motored From Millersburg to See His Father Special Correspondence, Elizabethville, Nov. 11. Paul Stioup came home Saturday evening from -Millersburg by auto. His father, Dr. .1. C. Stroup is on the sick list. Miss Hilda Eby and friend. Miss Elder, of Highspire, visited the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Eby, on Sunday. Mrs. Charles H. t'h lei . of Harrislburg, and Miss Annie Bertsfieid, of Eliza betlrtown, visited their pareuts, Mr. anil Mrs. J. K. Bertsfieid, over Sunday. Ira M. Hoke and family, Keid Col lier and IJ.1 J . W. (t. Raker enjoyed an auto trip to Eli/abothtown. Edwin Bechtel, who is employed in the Miller hardware store, Harris'ourg, spent Sunday at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Bechtel. Henry hut/, spent several days with his mother. W. H. Hockenlbrock and family moved from Harrisburg to this place last week and have occupied the east side of Harry Hush's double dwelling house. iMes. A. M. Komberger, of this place, visited friends and relatives at Leba lion on Sunday. NEW CUMBERLAND E&rle Smith, of Philadelphia, Is Visit ing His Parents Special Correspondence. New Cumberland, Nov. 11. — A num ber of young people from this place at tended the $ tough meeting iu Harris burg last evening. Earje Smith, of Philadelphia, is vis iting his jrarents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith. The Queen Esther Circle held a busi ness meeting at the home of 'Mrs. H. C. Oren. Plans were made for a food sale to be held Friday evening. Novem'ber 13, at 7 o 'clock, in the basement of the Methodist c'hurch. Four new meir.ibers were taken into the circle. Mrs. Frank McEiroy and her mother, Mrs. Beekley, of Carlisle, were guests of .John and David ißeckley yesterday. Mrs. Nefoinger attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Gray, in York county, in 'Monday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Sherman Hull and Mr. and Mrs. 8. N. Prowell motored to Han over on Sunday where they spent the day. Mrs. Fred Houck, Market street, this 5 j>la <• o. received tiie s<a • I news of the death of her 'brother, Wendell Houck, who resided on a 'farm.near Lewistoerrv, and who was kicked by a mule. Announcement* have 'been received here ol t'he marriage of dense H. Wright who is a 'clerk in Buttorff & Co.'s furni ture store, and Miss Ruth Howies, whose home is near Chain'bersfburg. Ulr. and 'Mrs, A. J. Sliuler spent Sunday with i.Mts. hauler's sisters, IMts. Lewis Tress and '.Mrs. Norman Lie-lit en berger, in Harrigburg. Mrs. Hoy Kaufman is spending sev eral weeks with friends in York and with the Rev.'B. D. Ifajohn's family at, Yoe. Norman Nitehman attended the fu neral of Ins uncle, Moses Nitehman, in Adams county, on 'Monday. Miss Dorothy Wolf is spending a week with Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Kirkpatri^k, Mr. Hunt, of' North street, has gone on a hunting trip for deer. "Mrs. Hunt is visiting friends in 'Harrisburg. Lawrence Fetrow has a force of workmen engaged in building a bunga low at Ashland, Luzerne county. The waves, like some men. arrive at the seashore in grand style—and go away from it broke. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS \ \«MV Homo (lire That Anyone ( an I »« U'llbont IliMi-oiiifurl or I,us* of Tlui* We have a New Method that cures Asthma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your case ia of long standing: or recent de velopment. whether I! is present as oc casional or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. ,\'o matter in what climate you live, no matter what your ape or occupation, if you arc troubled with asthma, uui method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send il to those apparently hopeless oases, where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc.. have failed. We want to show everyone at our own expense, that tills new method is designed to end all dif ficult breathing, all wheezing and all those terrible paroxysms al once and for all time. This free offer is too Important to neglect a single day. Write now and then begin the method al once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon below Do It To-day. r~ "-v I'RKK ASTHMA Kit PON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room 674 J. Niagara and Hudson Sts.. Buf falo. N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: «■