SOCIAL and PERSONAL IVIISS LEREW CHAPERONES YOUNG PEOPLE ON RIDE Merry Party From This City Enjoy Trip to the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick, Near Dillsburg—Chicken and Waffle Supper Miss Bella Lerew chaperoned a party of young people from the Kresge's Five and Ten Cent store, 011 a straw ride to Mountain View farm, near Dillsburg, where they were enter tained by Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dick. The guests spent a pleasant evening after which a chicken and waffle supper was served. The partv in cluded: Misses Helen Hartman, Marie Mowerv, Ruth Hoerner, Bella Lerew. Uma McCurdy. Ruth Barr, Annie liarr, Ruth Webster. Alma Gurdrich, t iaudia Keener, Edna H. Dayholf, l.thel McCurdy, Lynn Gingrich. Bella Lerew, Heister Culp. Walter Vost, Thomas Lerew, Martin Hartman, Ralph Gingrich, Fred Lerew, Klsworth Spayd, John Lewis, Jack Musser, Art Mc ( afferty. Parker Haar. George Bacon, Harry Zentmeyer, Frank Graham. HELD BANQUET LAST NIGHT C. V. S. N. S. Alumni Association Ad dressed by Prof. Shambaugh I he Dauphin County branch of the Cumberland Valley State Normal School Alumni Association last night held a banquet at 31$ North Second street. Forty members were present. The county superintendent of schools. Prot. F. F. Shambaugh, was the prin ciple speaker. Other speakers were C. K. Detweil er, of Middletown; .lohn F. Kob. Dr. F. 7.. Shope and Dr. Ezra Lehman, principal of the Cumberland Vallev State normal school. H. J. Wiekey, superintendent of the Middletow'n schools, was toastmaster at the ban quet. A committee was appointed to sub stitute State inspectors for the State board of examiners. The following officers for the com ing year were elected: President, H. J. Wiekey: vice president, C. E. Det weiler; secretary. Miss Martha Mark, and treasurer, H. H. Hoffman. MISS ALBHIGHT HOSTESS She Entertained the Members of the R D. Club Miss Cora Albright entertained the members of the R. D. Clu/b at her home 209 Walnut street, last evening. The guests enjoyed music and cards, after which refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Miriam Taylor, Jessie tMcIM or ris, Bertha Miller, Edith Miller. Mrs. I'rank Bratten, IMTS. Benjamin Loroge necker, Mrs. Max Lanier and \Mi«s La vine Grove. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Miller. Mrs. Car r'e S. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. William Benner and daughter, Dorothy May, are spending the week at the home of; John Miller, in Carlisle. j Would You Trust a Man whose surroundings, mode of life, and food and cirink, have combined to make him treacherous, indolent and unreliable 1 And food and drink are among the chief causes. Coffee—one of the commonest beverages—con tains a drug, caffeine, which affects stomach, liver, heart and other organs. Some persons are strong enough to stand the attacks of the coffee-drug, but to most people it is a poison, and sooner or later is bound to tell. II you find coffee is hurting vou, quit it and trv POSTUM This healthful food-drink is made of prime w heat and a bit oi wholesome molasses, carefully blended and roasted. J t contains the food elements of the wheat and molasses and nothing else—noth ing injurious or harmful. Serve Postum piping hot and it is delicious and invigorating. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM LITERARY SOCIETY MEETS Demosthenians of Central High School Are Guests of Miss Eliza beth McCormick Members ot tlio Demostlienian Lit erary Society of Central Hi},h school were guests ol' Miss Kliza'aoth Mc.'or micii at her home, 3109 North Front 'tvert, last evening. The following program was given, after which re freshments were served: Reading from "-Stoddard ou Ger many," Miss Margaret Weisfcman; Story ot the Erlking," George Fo\; "The Krlking, ' a piano solo. Miss Lil lian Mi Her- reading from "Innocents Abroad, tarrol Denney: a German legend, 'Gudrtin,'' Mabe'i Wright; cur rent events, Kaymond Meek: reading from ••Ciiilde Harold," Miss Pauline Hnek; piano solo, Miss (Catherine Fahnestock. Those present included Misses Helen (icrdcs, Lillian Miller, Martha Miller, Katherine Fahnestock, Lauheriue (lib, Marion Marts, Mabel Wright, Helen Broomall. Naomi BeVard, Carolina 1 ton, 'Pauline Wauck, Ileleu Wallis, Dor ofhy Helma.n. Elizabeth McCormick. Margaret Weiseman. Lillian Kamsky, Mary Witmer. Katherine Peters. Cath erine Kelker. Marv Orth and Katherine Zeiders; Raymond Meek. Kenneth Patterson. Leroy Smutker, Karl Pe ters, William Bingham, George Fox, Samuel Fi oehlicn. Benjamin Byers, Car rol Denney, Charles Pease. Clarence Cooper. Richard Hamer, Frederick Lv ter, iPaul Part hem ore, Anson DyVout, Ellwood Baker and Paul Waiter. The judges for the McCormick story contest this veai will be Prof. Meike'l, Prof. Hall and Miss Zeiders. All stor ies must bo in the hands of the judges not later than tjie first of December. TIN WEDDING AXMVEKSAKY Mr. and Mrs. MiUer Entertain in Cele bration of Event Mr. and Mrs. George W. Miller en tertained at their home in Lemoyne last evening in celebration of their tenth wedding anniversary. The rooms were prettily decorated in green and white, pom pom chrysanthemums and ferns carrying oat the color scheme. Five hundred and music, followed by a late supper, were features of the evening's entertainment. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. John Markley and daughters, Vcrna and Catherine; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Barn hart, Miss Luella Barnhai-t, Miss Prances Eshenauer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ebv, Mrs. Sallie K'bv, Mrs. Mar garetta Cunkle. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, Helen Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Miller and sons. Edwin and Thomas. Myers-Bomgardner Wedding The wedding of Miss Helen May Bomgardner, of 310 Roily street, and Ralph Edgar Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Myers, of Wormleysburg, took place yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the parsonage of the Church of God, Middletown. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, the Rev. H. P. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Myers will reside in Harrisburg, where the former is employed. HARRISBURCT ST AR-INDKPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 11. 1914. RAUB-DIEHL WEDDING HELD IN GRACE - " " " i ♦\ . : • / .<:«•? ' * * f r .. / -.-I I Miss Fanny Kennedy Dichl J Grace Methodist Episcopal church a will be the scene ot' a beautiful wed ding this evening when Miss Fanny • Kennedy Diehl. daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. Clark l". Diehl, 225 Brings street, . becomes the wife of William Shultz j Raub, of Lancaster. Tho ceremony will iie performed at S . o'clock by the pastor, the Rev. L>r. , John D. Pox. Rivhard Stockton, of , Lanrastcr, will play the wedding music. f rendering the '' Hanioresque'' and the "'Spring Song'' before the ceremony and "O Perfect Day" as the service is beiug read. The decorations at the church will j I be of white chryauthemums and autumn ! 1 foiiage, masses of the flowers and small! | trees at the chancel and bunches of , beautifully colored leaves and white j flowers marking the pews. rhe bride, who will be given in mar- I riage by her father, will wear a gown ' ' of chifl'juu satin, with trimmings of ' pearl passementerie and crystal and a ; veil of duchej*se lace caught up with i ornnge blossoms. She will carry a \ shower of valley lilies and white or | eh ids. 'Mrs. James Garfield Hatz, the bride's j sister, will ! be matron of honor, and will | wear a gown of white lace over white satin and carry red roses. The bride's maids. Mrs. George Porter Hammond, Mrs. Theodore Fletcher Mead, of New York City; Mrs. llayden Geyer and Miss Esther Goll, of Lancaster, will! j wear gowns of lace in shades of - hell j t pink anil apricot with touches of crepe | de' chine and will carry shower boa-I News of Persons Who Come and Go Mr. an i Mrs. (diaries S. Goodman; land little sons, William and Charles, j :ot Camp Hill, have returned from a | visit with tlie former's parents, Mr. | and Mrs. William H. Goodman, at! i Bethel, Pa. Mrs. William W. Briggs, 1917 Park, street, will return the latter part of the! week from a several weeks' vis't with relatives ami friends iu Philadelphia and Chester. Miss Anna Shelley, of Port Koyal, i«. visiting her sister. Mrs. James U stew art, 1920 Market street. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Quiglcy and daughters, Vera aud Ethel, of West i Philadelphia, arc spending severai days with relatives in this citv and Camp Hill. Mrs. James Kezner Barber, ot' Tren ton, X. J., will arrive the latter part of; the week for a visit with her parents,) Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mac Donald, 9 South Fifteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel De' Sloane, ,113 Market street, will spend the week-j | end with the former's mother, Mrs. j i Andrew Kessey, at Lancaster. , Miss Emilie Tripner and Miss Cntli-j j erine Wright, of A lien town, are guests! of the former's sister, Mrs. George W. • I Barnett, of Riverside. Mrs. Joseph Hutchinson and sou,' Joseph, 217 South -Nineteenth street.! ; are home from Mt. Wolf, where they I ! were guests of the former's mother, i William Massimore, 213 South Nine -j jteenth street, has gone to Glenville to] j spend two weeks with his ] arents to! recuperate after a serious illness. Mrs. John Dellaven has gone to herj ■ home in Sunbury after a visit with herj | daughter, Mrs. A. P. Shure. 352 South' j Thirteenth street. William Guiles has returned to his; j home in Philadelphia after spending ; several days with his aunt. Mrs. Eliz : abeth Hant/.mau, 422 South Thirteenth 1 street. Mrs. John Black and daughter. Miss 'Bessie Black, Seventeenth and Mulber i | ry streets; Miss Marv Enright, 1344 j j Vernon street, and Robert Owens, 508 ] ! South Thirteenth street, have returned; j from Xew York where they were guests! of Mr. and Mrs. John Dorscher. Miss Sara Weitzel, 1314 Berryhill! ; street, has returned home from Hunt ; ingdon where she was the guest of Mrs. I ; Fred Isenlierg for a week. William and liusscll Tomilson havel returned to their home in Chambers ! 1 burg after spending several days with; ! their mother, Mrs. Tomilson, Ifil9 Re I gina street. ' M rs. Harry «rav<js, 4,") North Six il quels ol Madame Taft roses and tern. Harry Lyman Raub, Jr., brother of the bridegroom, will be best man. ami , JamesGarfield Hatz,George Porter Ham mond. \\ illiam Granville Child, ot' Pitts- I burgh; Hayden Geyer and Stewart ■ Rait), Lancaster. and William Leahart, ; of Heading, will act as ushers. Following the ceremony a reception j wili be held at tiie home of Mr and (Mrs. .fames Garfield Hatz, 110 State i street, after which Mr. and 'Mrs. Raub | will leave for an extended wedding trip j through the South, including 'Cuba, New ; Orleans and other points. On their re- I turn they will be at homo after Jaiui- I ar\- 1 at the Salisbury apartments. Lan caster. The bride is a graduate of Central High school, class (if 1910, and a mem ' ber of the Li. \ . \ . Society. Mr. Raub ' is a son of Mrs. Harry S. Raub, of | Lancaster, and alumnus of Frankin and Marshall College and a projnine-t Phi Kappa Psi man. He is connected with I t lie Lancaster Sheet Metal and Supply I Company -as secretary. Among the out-of-town guests will lie Mrs. Harry S. Raub, Mr. and Mrs. | A. K. Raub, Mr. and Mrs. John A. j Cioll, Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Herr, John i l<evan. Mr. and Mrs. S. If. Raub, Miss j Sue Roy, B. E Shultz, of Lancaster; Air. and Mrs. liaise G. Shimp. Mr. and 'Mrs. Edgar Ullman, Air. and Mrs. S. R. j Zimmerman, Francis Lvtnati Windolph, Mrs. l-'alkeuhagen. of Philadelphia; Mrs. W. E. Fahensiock, Ithaca. X. Y.; Donald | DufTv, Marietta; Mr. and Mrs. J. P.. , \V ister, Philadelphia, and Miss Marv 1 Donahue, of Marietta. t i*t*nth street, has returned home from Vork. Air. anil Mrs. William Rhoades. of j Maytown. are guests of Mrs. \V. Hen- j'lerson, 11> 1 1 Regina street. Mi"* Anna Mr Dow oil Ims to her home in \\ arren, Pa., after spend in# several weeks with her sister, Mrs. I*rank Caveny, 4 17 Hunimel street. Mrs. .la-cob Attiek, 1911 Penn street,! is spending some time in Richmond,! ! a * fteubeu (iutschall, 630 Peflfer street, and Harry ( ass, of Penbrook. are on a hunting trip to South Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. William Tomlinson! nave returned home after a visit to; the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. j I. romlinson, 1 72«S Fulton street. Mrs. RichaYd E. Miller, of New Or ! leans, i> visiting Mrs. John Miller,! 1106 Market street. Mr. and Mrs. ij. H. Leister, of Hunt ! ing ton, and Mrs. Charles Ellis. of; , | am den, have returned home after vis-! ' itinj; Mi. and Mrs. Frank Oenslager, of ; Riverside. j Miss Alma Thompson, of Williams i town, is the bluest of Miss Alice Marie • I Docevee, GOT North Second street. j j Mr. ami Mrs. William F. Shade,. BAD Bi<Mlil Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Ur. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute tor calomel, act gently on the' j bowels and positively do tiie work. People afflicted with bad breath find I ! quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive j Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated ' (tablets are taken for bad breath by all : j who know them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gent ! | l.v but firmly on the bowels and liver, I stimulating them to natural action, ' i clearing the blood and gently purifying; the entire system. They do that which dangerous calo- j niel does without anv of the bad after j effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, j ; griping cathartics are derived from Dr. I | Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping, ! < pain or disagreeable effects of any kind, j Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the | formula after seventeen years of prac- ; ; tice among patients afflicted with bowel I land liver complaint with the attendant j bad breath. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are purely j i a vegetable compound mixed with olive 1 j oil. you will know them by their olive i | color. ; Take pne or two every night for a week and note the effect. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bus, O. Adv. | Elegant, Large , Large Showy and Showy \ Ostrich Plumes os sft Plumes V \ Black and White o*r JKKmM \ HW OSTRICH'S \\ /1 4th and Market Sts. A \ // Annual Sale of High-Grade\\ //OSTRICH PLUMES\\ I Thousands of Plumes in Ten Big Lots Selling at /j PRICE .V \ t J SALE STARTS TO-MORROW \ \ /illiliJ This sale is but another example of the tremendous buying power anil 1 \ jpijjjjf the ASTRICH way of giving patrons the advantage of uuderprice pur- |j I liiiiijll Never have better plumes been sold, and assortments have never been l J more complete than in this sale. j jlllilii All are perfectly dyed in shades most fashionable for winter, as well 1 as fast blaek and pure white. J WE WILL PUT THESE ASIDE FOR YOU, BY PAYING ONE-FOURTH OF THE PRICE, FOR NO LON.GER THAN TWO WEEKS j ] 10 Lots—ln Black, White and Colors j $4.00 Plumes SIO.OO Plumes j 18 inches long 9 inches wide: Beßt female Btoek; toest gl . ade , ! ■ J J elegant quality; lull Hues; broad heads; blaek and (Pi QQ black and white; half (J 400 white; half price,.... vltvO price, **oo |l| $6 00 Colored Ostrich Plumes I 12 of the best and newest colors; half price, "JO and -2 QQ / Slljjjil inches long, tinest French ostrich, wide flues and broad tips. . I \ \ J6.00 Plumes SB.OO Plumes / / \ ;: \ , 22 and 24 inches long, 11 and 12 / / V: \ - inches long, nicies \\u i . inches broad. No finer goods can I J V: i \ extra heavy flues; French tip; he made than these; values will I I \ \ black and white; QQ surprise you: black (j»0 QQ / / \~ \ one-half price, and white; 1 ... price. tj50«00 / j V \ $4.00 Colored \ \ 18 and 20 inches, all the colors and combina- OujlV y \ tions. Extra heavy quality; one- lUW^| \\ SIO.OO $12.5 0 \ \ Plumes Plumes V \ «»"? »*>.<•>- \ \ l-'ronch Koods. Finest tiful broad, heavy \ \ high luster black. French tips; ••lose W \ \ cr°"e; bet black at and w . / At, \ \ white; one-half prlce, black; one-halt price, /• 1 Elegant Ostrich \ \ s s // \ \\ 5 ' 55 t 6 66 // X~~4f Including \ \ / / ( \ j Black and \ \ y/ / A White, Bunch, n. V/ / p/\ / n 48c • ii —j Francis Sliaiic and son, William, of Williamsport, have returned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, 1250 Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs. William Zeiders, 40 North Thirteenth street, have returned from York, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. .Jones. j Mrs. ,). K. Bailey, ot' Millington, Md., ! and Mrs. J. C. Darwick, of Sadlerville, ; Md., are guests of Mrs. Cashner, 45 . North Sixteenth street. Robert G. Warren, 14 40 Berryhill j street, has returned home from an ex ! tended western trip that included | Cleveland, Detroit, Cincinnati and Buf falo. Mr. and Mrs. U A. Bellinger, 2148 I Atlas street, left this <-ity yesterday to j spend the winter at Richmond, Va. Miss Elizabeth Barnest, of Mifllin, j is a guest of Mrs. A. M. Beatty, 2007 i North Sixth street. .)oilii Kramer, night foreman for the I ST( M\CH MISERY j Mi-o-na Will Quickly and Sal'ely Rid You of Indigestion ! When your stomach is out of order . your food lies like a lump of lead fer menting and surely causing that foci i ing of fullness, sour taste in the mouth, j coated tongue, biliousness, and many ; other warning signs of indigestion, | which is often a dangerous ailment. It is needless for you to suffer, for ! any druggist can supply you with Mi-o --j na, a harmless and efficient remedy for I all bad stomachs. These small tablets I give almost immediate and joyful re | lief, while ,a few days' treatment ' strengthens and stimulates the digestive | system. The flow of gastric juices is : increased, then your food is properly 'digested; sour and gassy stomach, sick i headaches, restless nights and other distressing symptoms quickly vanish. If suffering any stomach distress do not wait—let Mi-o-na give yoi quick and lasting relief. H. C. Kennedy sells it with guarantee of money back "if you arc not satisfied. Adv. City Transfer Company, returned to work last night after spending two weeks' vacation with relatives in Phila delphia. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Evans, of this city, are registered at the Navarre ho tel, in New York City. Miss Lillian Gillespie returned to-day to her homo in Shamokin after a visit with Miss Katherine Hagner, 14 40 Berrvhill street. Miss Addie Bowers, 1003 North Sixth street, left to-day for Tyrone to attend the conference convention of the Woman's Home Missionary Society. Miss Eva Berry, 812 South Cameron street, has returned from a visit with friends in Palmyra. Miss Sarah Ellen Mardorf, 116 Vine street, has returned from a short visit to Boiling Springs. Mrs. John Kobler, KO6 Boas street, left to-day for a few days' stay in Ty rone. WEEK-END AT DAUPHIN Young People Will Pass Several Days at "Pine Top" Cottage Mrs. Edward Hoffman and Miss Eliz abeth Crownshield chaperoned a party of young people from this city, who left this morning to spend the week-end at the "Pine Top - ' cottage at Dauphin. Saturday afternoon and evening a par ty and dance will be given in honor of Miss Margaret Crownshield, of Blairs ville, and Miss Edith Beltz, of Phila delphia. The party includes Mrs. Jack Rog ers, of Enola; Miss Catherine Eraser, Steolton; Miss Marian Tippet, of Camp Hill; Miss Helen Berger, Miss Dorothy Kree, Miss I.uella Michaels, John Fin ney, of Pottstown; Edward Wallace, Frank Wallace, Mark Bennet, Georgo Palmer, Fritz Palmer, Ned Berger and Sam Harmon. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Morris K Weidaian. of Riverside, announce the birth off a bou, William Walker Weidman, Monday, No vember 2. Mr. and 'Mrs. Weidman form erly resided in Lewistown. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Zeiders, 18 I Baas street, announce the birth of a I jester Eugene, Monday, November t. Mrs. Zeiders was Miss Xeda iMiullejj prior to her marriage. • Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hoffman, 43 North Sixteenth street, announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, November 1 8. How to Gain Weight A Potind a Day I; Thin men and women who would likie to increase their weight with 10 or l|j pounds of healthy "stay there" fit should try eating a little Sargol wi® their meals for a while and note rl] suits. Here is a good test worth trying. First weigh yourself and measure your self. Then take Sargol—one tablet with every meal —for two weeks. Than weigh and measure again. It isn't i, question of how you look or feel lit what your friends say and think. The scales and the tape measure will tell their own story, and most any thin man or woman chii easily add from five tcj eight pounds in the tirst fourteen day* by following this simple direction. Ans best of all, the new flesh stays put. Sargol does not of itself make faft but mixing with your food, it turns tls fats, sugars and starches of what voii have eaten, into rich, ripe fat producing nourishment for the tissues and blood prepares it in an easily assimilated form which the blood can readily af, cept. All this now paasM from your body as waste. But Saigi}! stops the waste and does it quickly aipl makes the fat producing contents of t ><4 very same meals you are eating now df 1 velop pounds and pounds of health# flesh between your skin and bones. SafJ gol is safe, pleasant, efficient and ine*» pensive. Geo. A. Gorgas and other lea£ ing druggists in Harrisburg and vicinity sell it in large boxes—forty tablets U> a package—on a guarantee of weight increase or money back. Adv. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers