The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 11, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Tou men and women who get a cold
easily—-who have headache, coated
tongue, foul taste and foul breath, diz
ziness. can't sleep, are nervous and up
set bothered with a sick, gassy stom
Are you keeping your bowels clean
with Case a rets- —-or merely dosing your
self every few days with salts, pills,
castor oil and other harsh irritants?
i'a sea ret* immediately cleanse and
M . . . _ 1 1 i ■■■
ifjH Bit ■
This picture shows Georges Pierlot. a French reservist, as he arrived in
New York from France, l'ierlor. who lives in Montreal, was still wearing bis
uniform wbon tlit vessel rescind ber pier, making a picturesque figure as he
aiood among thj crowd of passengers dressed in the baggy red trousers, tli#
ta!! cap and the lopg. shapeless co:it of tbe French infantry. His uniform, to
gether with > small knapsack, comprised all his possessions, and kind hearted
feliow passengers made up a collection to pay his fure to Montreal. L'lerlot
was among t'ue first to be sent to tbe battle front. While in the fighting near
Klieiujs he suffeerd a sabro wound in tlie left shoulder, which caused a tem
porary paralysis of the arm and brought about his release from further dutv.
Eeadiug Suspect, Accused of Leaving
* Notes at Homos He Entered
Reading, Nov. 11.—After a hubeasj
corpus hearing before Judge Wagner
in court here yesterdny afteruooti, Ar
tiiur Sheeley. alleged "literary burg
lar," who it is charged, entered resi-;
deuces and left criticisms of I
writers, was held in SI,OOO liail for
Good Health Is Priceless
Up to the time a man is 40 or 50
years of age he has a great store of j
health and vigor to draw upon. It never
occurs to him that he may be reek- ;
lessly squandering a bank account j
which one day he may tind, has been i
checked out to its limit.
At the age of 4 0 or thereabouts he,
realizes that health is about the most
priceless of his assets. Another problem ,
that confronts him is to discover a
means of retaining youth and vigor.
The means of retainiug youtn and j
vigor are at your disposal, no matter]
how you may be situated. The problem :
of reduced vigor facing a man from j
40 years of age onward is of vital im-:
portance. He ought to think about and
face the problem directly and know;
what, it means. If he wants a robust, j
happy and comfortable old age he n.ust j
conserve his health while he has it to
Thousands of people in all walks of
life have testified that by the use of i
tho gentle tonic-stimulant Duffy's Pure j
Malt Whiskey they have kept the tis-1
sues young and the system in a normal [
healthy condition. A tablespoonful in j
equal nmounts of water or milk before i
meals and on retiring, stimulates the
mucous surface and little glands of the
stomach to healthy action, thereby im
proving the digestion and assimilation
of the food and giving to the body its
full proportion of nourishment. With
perfect digestion no fermentation will j
take place and no disease germs can be !
generated. This is the secret of Duf
fy's in prolonging health and activity I
anil why you, too, should "(Jet Duffy's)
and Keep Well." Adv.
sweeten the stomach, remove the sour
[undigested and - fermenting food and
. foul gases; the excess bile from
the liver and carry off the constipated
waste matter and poison from the
I bowels.
A Cascaret to-night straightens von
out by morning—a 10-cent box keeps
your head clear, stomach sweet, liver
]and bowels regular and you feel bully
'for months. Cipn't forget the children."
trial at the December term of criminal
•I. lid. Wanner, a local handwriting
expert, testified that the handwriting
ot the note left at tiie residence oi'
'.Mrs. Fred Nichols, prominent societv
woman, criticising Kipling, and a
, specimen written by the accused were
identical. Others testified that Sbeeiev
"'as familiar with the neighborhood. I
The young man claims to be a member i
of a prominent Vineland, X. J., fam
; ily.
Companion, Injured by Same Machine.
Not Expected to Live
Wilkes<Barre, Nov. 11.—Joseph!
Martin, 10 years old, was instantly
| killed and Francis Shetland, 9 years j
, was perhaps fatally injured when they j
were run down by an automobile own- j
| ed by William F. Donnes and driven j
j by Theodore Brandt at Plvmouth yes
j terday.
I The boys were riding on the rear
| of a wagon and the auto came in an
! opposite direction. Just as the bovs
| dropped from the wagon the auto
J struck them.
First Farmers' Institute
A series of 400 farmers' institute
| meetings is scheduled for the winter.
' The first meeting will be held to-mor
row. They will continue until March j
| 17 and every county will have at least :
j three of the meetings. To-morrow 'r j
j meeting will be held at Warfordsburg,
j Pulton county. The Dauphin, Laneas-!
| ter. Perry and Cumberland county i
j meetings will be started on February!
j 22 and Linglestown, Halifax and GraU
will have institutes during the week,
starting that dav.
Farmers' Club Meets To-morrow
The iMcCorjnick 1 Estate Farmers'!
I Olufb will hol.l its fall meeting to-mor- :
j row ,at the Cumberland county farm,'
operated by Samuel Lindsay. Although!
| the full j>Tograin has not been an- '■
I nouaced it has 'been suggested that a ]
I number of topics of interest to farmers t
will be discussed. •
Telia Republican Workers They Must
Get Together and Build Up a
Greater Party Than Ever
After a conference of Republican
State leaders with Senator Penrose at
Atlantic City yesterday, Republican
State Chairman Crow last night issued
the following statement, which is re
garded as significant:
"The Republican party has just won
victory. The people have
spoken and iu no unmistakable terms.
They have placed the burden of lead
ership on the shoulders of the leaders
of the Republican party. It therefore
is the duty of the party to lead, and
to lead actively. We must get to work
at once to build up the party; to make
it as great if not greater than ever it
was "before. There is no question about
"The party must be built up so that
it shall be representative of the will
of the people as expressed in the last
election. Our party, therefore, should
be conservatively progressive; mark
me, conservatively progressive. The
party, by reason of its control of tho
-~>t at o Legislature, estimated at 169
Republicans in a House with a mem
bership of :'OT, and 38 Kepublicans in
a Senate with a membership of 50,
therefore will stand by the Governor
in his plans for the welfare of the
State. Such bills as workmen's com
pensation, of course, will have the sup
port of the Republicans, and therefore,
should be passed."
hfinevei* you feel a cold coining on,
think of t lie full name, LAXATIVE
HKOMO QUIXINK. Look for signature
k. W. GHOVE on box. 25c.
Girl Wanders All Day and Night, Till
Posso Fiuds Her
Cheltenham, Pa., Nov. 11.—Having
wandered Monday and Monday night
through the fields aud ivoods of this
place. Pox Chase and Rockledge, 12-
year-old 'Margaret 'Baa'b, of Myrtle ave
nue. was found in an empty house yes
terday mwning aud returned to her
Margaret started for school, ami
«heu sue did not return home for lunch
her mother became aiarmed aud made
inquiry at tile school. There sue found
tnat her daughter had not reported. An
alarm was sent out and a posse formed
to search the surrounding woods. The
girl was seen iu .leanlies' woods, near
Mui'holme 'Park, iu luw early evening,
but uimost immediately disappeared and
eluded searchers. Search was kept up
all night, and early yesterday morning
sine was found in au empty house six
miles from home, suffering from ex
posure and hunger.
Cheltenham police took her home,
where she was placed under the care of
a physician.
Ruin for Umbrella Man If Rain Does
Not Fall
Norristown, Pa., Nov. 11.—A man
who gave his name as James Smith and
raid he was an uirfbrella mender, plead
ed in Xoiristown Police Court to be
sent to jail.
He said that without any rain for
more than two mouths his 'business was
no good and he could not earn a liveli
hood. He was senx to jail for five days.
Suffered Prom Stroke
Mi;hae! Bituer. 67 years old. 323
Granite street, was admitted yesterday
to the Har.ipburg hospital, having suf
fered from h siroke of paralysis. He is
a machinist helper at thoLucknow shops
of the Pennsylvania railroad and was
stricken while at work. He was some
what improved to-day.
Believe Me I
Eat Everything
For I Know a Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablet Will Digest Any Meal
At Any Time
How ofteu do we see men who can
not eat and how often do we hear other
men boasting of their abilities to eat.
The secret of all health is digestion.
The secret of digestion is the juices
which are supplied by the body to sep
arate the ingredients needed from those
that are of no use to the system.
f Por K 7 -»m I
The Pessimist—"Your appetite dis
gusts me. You eat like a giant sloth."
Tiie Optimist—"Believe me, I give
my body what it tells me- to give it,
and whether it be midnight or noon I
always obey appetite and then I eat
a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet."
When a heavy meal has been eaten
the entire bodt" is called upon to fur
nish the digestive organs with forces
to take care of it. The more the strain
the weaker become the forces to take
care of the next meal as well.
A Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet aids Na
ture in Nature's own way. These little
tablets are filled with the very ingredi
ents and essences so needful to every
normal aud perfect stomach.
One quality or ingredient of a Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablet will digest 3,000
times its weigth in food. Think if you
can what a big help this means to a
depleted digestion. Other ingredients
aid in building tip the digestive juices
and blood. The stomach and intestines
have their duties lightened and thus ir
ritation, soreness and raw liuings arc
permitted to be cured by the system
naturally, quickly, harmlessly.
Thousands of dyspeptics and stom
ach sufferers would" be glad to tell you
what Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have
done for them. This is what makes
these tablets sold in every drug store in
this country, price 50 cents.
To anyone wishing a free trial of
these tablets please address F. A. Stu
art Co., 130 Stuart Bldg., Marshall,
Mich., and a small sample package will
be mailed free. Adv.
I Parliament to Consider
Obtaining Amount
for War Equal to That
Already Used
Compulsory Military Service Will Be
Discussed in Session—Question of
Pensions and Soldiers' Pay Will
Be Raised By Labor Party
Ijondon, Nov. 11, 9.15 A. M.—King
George opened to-day what probably
will prove to bo a purely war session
of Parliament. No controversial polit
ical question will be deliberated, but
this does not mean that entire harmony
will prevail, for the Cabinet ministers
will be asked some pertinent and un
comfortable questions about their con
duct of various phases of the war.
The Labor party leaders are es
pecialy primed with questions in re
gard to pay for the soldiers, allow
ances for their dependants and pen
sions, but criticism of the government
by the opposition probably will be re
Reginand MeKenna, the Home Sec
retary, is expected to make a report
on the situation in regard to alien
enemies iu lingiaud and the extent of
the spy peril, but no additional legis
lation in this direction is expected.
The most immediate question before
tlie House of Commons will be to pro
vide sinews of war in men and money.
The recruiting situation may lead to
some steps toward compulsory service
and the $500,000,000 granted iu
August, having been practically spent,
a further credit of a like amount will
probably be proposed under the spe
cial war loan act passed at the last
One liuudred and five Unionists were
missing from their seats, being absent
in various capacities in connection
with the war, while 32 Ministerialists
are actually at the front aud many
others arc absent on government busi
The usual ceremony accompanied
tho opening of Parliament, the king
making a military pagont through the
streets to Westminster place, but like
the l.ord Mayor's show the customary
color was lacking. Instead of brilliant
uniformed household guards lining the
streets and forming the escort, sober
khaki marked the military features of
the display.
Within the House of Lords all the
usual ceremonial trappings were used.
In this body the king's speech from
the throne was moved by Lord Metliun
and seconded by Viscount Bryce. In
the House of Commons the speech was
moved by Sir Robert Price and sec
onded by Commoner William Middle
London. Nov. 11, 3.33 A. IM.—The
''.Morning Post's" correspondent in j
North Belgium says that to seize and
hold Dunkirk anil Oalais is believed
there to be Kmperor William'» ardent
desire and that it is certain a desperate !
effort will toe made to achieve this ac- |
The correspondent adds that lie learns j
from Berlin that eighty train loads oft I
German cavalry drawn from Trance and !
Belgium, have left Berlin for Posen dur-!
ing Hip last throe days.
"This weakening of the German's
avalry," he says, "is due to the fact
that the lighting in inlanders is largely
confined to the artillery nnd iirfantry
while cavalry reinforcements are ur
gently needed to ileal with the Cos j
sacks who are advancing with menacing j
rapidity on the eastern frontier. It is j
further said that German strategy in :
■Flanders lias lieen the subject of severe |
criticism at Berlin anil that General |
Von Kluck has been taken to task toy
;lj<» Emperor, although General Voii!
Kluck believed that he had acted
When Baby Was Four Weeks Old. |
Came In Little Red Pimples.
Could Not Sleep. Used Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. All Well.
307 Lake St., Penn Van K. Y.—"Whm
our baby was four weeks old the top of hia
head hegau to get Bore and then hii face.
The eczema came in little
( \ red pimple*. It was very
j .1 red and had a darker red
# .. L ring around it. The water
\ I' 'hat ran out would cause
a spot wherever it touched.
v « He got so be could not sleep
Tt" r v' and I was nearly worn out.
t Jf| ' * 1 ashamed to take him
out and hud to keep his
face covered up whenever I did. I was
afraid it would leave a scar. Every time
he would dig it. he would cry it hurt him
so and it woAd be just that much worse.
He got poor and pale.
"He was treated for eight weeks. He kept
getting worse so 1 had to pin hit hands down.
He had gotten so bad that he cried and
moaned all the time and 1 had not been to
bed with bim for twelve weeka. I sent for
a sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I
gave him a good bath with the Soap then
put the Ointment on and he went right to
sleep. T used only one cake of Cuticura
Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment be
fore bo was all well." (Signed) Mrs. Henry ' ,
Messenger, Feb. 26. 1914.
Samples Free by Mall
Although Cuticura Soap (25c.) and Cuti
cura Ointment (SOc.l are sold by druggists i
and dealers throughout the world, a sample i
of each with 3S-p. Skin Book will be sent 1
free upon request. Address poet-card: i
"Cuticura, Dept. T. Boston." j
■ e ■ ■ amw.
Many Trouble^^Nk
caused by indigestion,—such as headache, dizziness, lassitude, pallor, skin
M _ eruptions and other symptoms, there is a safe and sure remedy. If not attended to
Mm in time, Berious results will follow. Many a chronic disease might have been prevented
by applying commonsense treatment at the first sign of discomfort. As a corrective,
I Of The Digestive Organs 1
■ Beecham's Pills are a convenient, efficient remedy. They have for over sixty years been If
M an effective family medicine for such disorders. They assist the stomach in its functions, Jf
regulate the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys. They remove from your system jJF
the poisonous matter which is the chief cause of your suffering, and by purifying the
ensure healthy conditions. A good complexion, a clear head, strengthened JSr
nerves and a vigorous appetite result. Do not procrastinate, but promptly
oMh> TP 1
p m e
' ' I , .. ... . .
The scene In the upper picture was taken durinc the bombardment of Antwerp and shows the belongings of i
Belgian family just as It was taken across the frontier Into Holland. The lower picture shows French Jivels 11
work clearing the wreckage caused by the sinking of a pontoon bridge.
| throughout as the executant of the im
j perial orders.
"It. is allege*! that Germany paid
Turkey as the price of her intervention
Jin ttoe war 200,000,000 marks ($40,-
j 000,000.)"
Berlin, Via The Hague and Loudon,
Nov. 11, 6.40 A. M. —Crown Prince
fiupprecht, of Bavaria, has addressed a
general order to liis army containing
the following passage:
"Soldiers —the eyes of the whole
world rest upon you. Our present task
is not to relax our strugglo with our
hated enemy till we break his arro-
I ganee once for all. He is already weak
ening and nlready numerous officers and
privates of the enemy have solutavily
surrendered, but the great decisive blow
remains to be struck.
"You must hold out to the end and
the enemy must be put down. You
must persevere. Don't let the enemy
slip from between your teeth. We
must conquer."
Sjolia, via London, Nov. 11, 3.5<j A,
•M. —Another detachment of Mace
donians has arrived hero after toeing re
leased toy the Austrians Which captured
thorn at .Shatoats where they had I won
eurolled in the Servian army. W'hen
tihe .Macedonians expressed a desire to
return to 'Bulgaria the Austrians re
leased them and provided transporta
The press 'here admits that Bulgaria
is quite ready to pay the blood debt
owiug to Russi«, but not until the
triple entente gives ample guarantees
that. Bulgarian rights will 'be restored
in Macedonia and that Bulgaria will 'bo
protected from the territorial desigus
of her neighbors.
Petrogiad, via Lomioii, Nov. 11, 3.10
A. M.—That a Russian advanco ou i
Cracow, Galicia, is imminent, seems to |
'be von firmed by a report that tho com
mandant of the Austrian lias issued an I
order expelling all lion combatants from !
tho city.
According to newspapers the action I
of t'he Persian government in banishing j
Sheik Abdul Nabi Jjowia for alleged ,
agitation in favor of a 'Mohannmedan |
holy war against Russia is considered j
in Russian official circles as proof of |
Persia's friendliness to Russia thus far. j
Rosebery's Nephew Slain'
London, Nov. 11, 3.50 A. M.—Lord!
Stop Washing Hair!
Try This! Makes
Hair Glossy, Soft
and Abundant
Surely try -_a "Danderine Haii;
Cleanse" it' you wish to immediately
double the beauty of your hair. .lust
moist*Ml a cloth with Danderine and
draw it carefully through your hair,
taking one small strand at a time, this
will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or
any excessive oil—in a few minutes you
Tiosptboi v, the former premier, speaking
at. a recruiting meeting in ICdin'burgh
yesterday, said he had just received
news that his nephew. Colonel W. R.
Wvndhani, had been killed in action.
Tokio Is Celebrating Victory
Tokio, Nov. 11, 6 p. m.—Tokio to
day is celebrating with a mammoth
civic demonstration attended by no
fewer than 500,000 people the turning
over yesterday to tho Japanese and
British of the German fortified posi
tion of Tsing-Tau. Addresses were de
livered by the diplomatic representa
tives of tho allied powers. The streets
are decorated with flags and are
plentifully illuminated and the people
marching in processions show much
The fellow who hadn't been in bed
all night naturally lat ks repose.
I will be amazed- Your hair will be
wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess
ian incomparable softness, lustre and
Besides beautifying the hair, one ap
plication of Danderine dissolves every
particle of dandruff; invigorates tho
scalp, stopping itching and falling hair.
■ Danderine is to the hair what fresh
showers of rain and sunshine are to
vegetation. It goes right to the roots,
i invigorates and strengthens them. Its
exhilarating, stimulating and life-pro
ducing firoperties rinse the hair to
grow long, strong and beautiful.
N'ou can surely have pretty, solt,
lustrou\ hair, and lots of it, if you will
just get a -5-cont bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or toilet
counter and try it as directed. Adv.