The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 11, 1914, Page 11, Image 11
t With t i ' I HELP WANTED—MALE WANTBP—AT OWE -■ r. N«>N-UN'ION RKICKLA YIiRS, ti.V PER ITVl'lt. U'- PI.Y HARRY USH'ULMAN. LEMOYNE, PA. I SALESMEN—SeII our SI,OOO death. Jo weeklv accident policy, key reKistra tlon. identification. Jt annually. sL'S\>.ooo deposited Insurance lVpt. Fine proposi tion. Recistfry Dept.. 40 Clinton St., j Newark. N. J. I ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: Ablebodicd unmarried men between apes of IS and 1.3; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language, for information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bersner Building, 3d & Market sts., Harrisburg. 4S N Queen St.. Lancaster. Si 3 Pine st.. Williamsport. or 37 W. Market at.. York. Pa. IT COSTS ONE PENNY. Invest that small sum in a postal Card Just to And out If my Private lessons in Shorthand. Typewriting:. Penmanship, Rapid Calculations. Etc., will appeal to you. I will gladly give you full information. MERLE E. KEh- L.ER, Room 309, Patriot Building. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL— The eldest, best and most reliable automobile school in the country. A full course of practical instructions for 1.1i.00. including: long driving and re pairing lessons. Hundreds of good paying positions are open for compe tent men. Make application now. Easy payments. Open day and evenings, a N. Vamerun St. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. EXPERIENCED GROCER wants em ployment; good reference. Address -!> E. Locust St.. Mechanics burg. WANTED—Position :.s butler. Address u- call 2-9 Cherry Ave. YOUNG MAN, 19 years of age. desires position of any kind; high school ed ucation. Address 141; Swatara St. \V ANT ED—Position as butler in private family or general housework or tak ing care of furnaces. Address or call 400 Bailey SU, Steelton. Pa. WANTED —Young man. 17 years ot age. would like work. Have had experience in grocery store. Apply 444 Hummel street. BOY'. 15 years of age, would like to learn trade of any kind. Address UN Herr St. YOUNG MAN would like to have day's work of any kind. Apply 1311 Cow den street. YOUNG MAN wants position at tiring boilers. Call or address 612 Granite BAKER—AII around man wants work in small shop. Address or call 115 Nissley St., Middletown. YOUNG MAN, IS years of age. wants work of any kind; willing to work hard Call or address S. K. S., -017 Wallace, City. COLORED married man. sober and in telligent: wishes work of any kind. Will accept position as elevator oper ator. porter, Janitor, driving of any kind. Address 23- S. l ute in, .-i. YOUNG MAN would like to have posi tion as driver of delivery wagon; can give good reference. Apply 1539 Herr HELP WANTED—FEMALE. LADIES—Earn J., to dozeij making handkerchiefs: home business; ex lerlence unnecessary; mail dime for pat tern instructions. Homework, 495. Al tooua. Pa. WANTED—Neat v\ ite girl for general housework, family of two: no wash ing or ironing. Address P. O. Box 542, Ham sours. WANTED—A middle-aged woman for cooking and general housework; must have reference. Apply HOTEL WAL LACE. CIGAR PACKERS Kxperit'Ueed cigar packers want ed : steady work. Dauphin Cigar Lo., 710 Slate St.. City. SALESLADIES WANTED—III city, i'j s 11 uiir new elastic top petticoats. Make . to $40.00 .i week. Write :• partii i;U(.s, Dep.. M. The Fox Gar ment Co.. Lansing. Mich. WANTED Girls lli years of age and over. Apply Harris.burg Cigar Company. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE COLORED woman, experienced, wishes position as cook; can 'give good reference. Call or write 520 Brown avenue. COIXJRED girt would like to have dav's work of any kind. Applv 331 Calder street. WANTED—By colored woman, occupa tion as cook or as general housework Willi Christian family. Best references. Call or write 222 N. liiver avenue. SEAMSTRESS from Pittsburgh, has worked with Pittsburgh's best dress makers, desires sewing by Uav or week. Experienced in cutting, fitting and de signing. Pilone 122$ J. MISS HENDER SON. WANTED—Dressmaking by the dav or at home. Am neat workman "and good fitter. Apply 131S Penn St. A middle-aged colored woman would like a place in private family as cook; good reference and prefers stay ing at night. Apply at 105 I illiert St. A half-grown colored girl would like a place as child's nurse or house work in a small family. Apply 103 Fil bert street. COLORED woman wants house clean ing by the day or general housework. ' 1329 Wyeth Ave. WANTED Curtains to wash and stretch. 523 Myrtle Ave. WANTED—By young colored woman, daj s work of any kind or washing to do at home. Can give reference Call or address 812 James Ave. WANTED—General housework, bv col ored woman. Address or call 505 South St. WANTED—Colored w man desires light housework or position as chamber n^Hd^^Add^ss^jr^ea^^MJo^fjouUi^H^^^ FOE SALE 91-ACRE FARM 1 Mile North of Dauphin The location alone makes this farm a desirable proposition— I mile north of Dauphin—Stony Creek tiows through the tract. House—barn and outbuildings— some fruit tree*. MILLER BROS. & NEEFE RF.AI. ESTATE Fire ißsnraiM-r Sorely Bonds I oi-unt anil Court Sirens I -v Wants —————_—' HELi» WANTED. BECOME Railway Mail Clerks, »73.00 month; examinations coming. Sam ple questions free. Franklin Institute. ! Uept. St!OT. Rochester. N. AGENTS WANTED | AGENTS—Great European War Book. Illustrated and up-to-date. Wonder -1 ful money-maker. Fifty per cent, com t mission. Outfit free. Write The Thomp son Pub, i'o.. St. Louis. Mo. > Real Estate - i REAL ESTATE FOR SAIIB. (POSSESSION) (14> acres at (sl,-00) only (5 mile) to City Market. Possession at on. o. j New (CoKyhome) two porches, large , wimlow panes, neatly papered (#00) feet t» school. Only (mile) to Iron Works. Has barn, wagon, hog. poultry and corn buildings. Flowing spring water at barn. Apples,' cherry, pear, plums, peaches, quinces, grape.-, strawberries aur raspberries. Adapted for poultry, and early vegetables. No tice easy terms —($100) cash and i$100) January, balance easy pavmeitts. t K DCS E WOOD > (64> Acres at ($3,000) mile to school and church. Two-story (bay window) sexagon shape roof t3> sided front porch, back veranda, painted white (cosyhoine) with good large bank barn, straw house. wagon and hog buildings with cyvered stock yard, valued alone i ($3,600). Choice varieties of fruit. Ideal j Location by public road, fine quality of j water, meadows amWmeans a great bar ! gain. Horses, cattle, hogs, poultry, at extra price. Possession at once. (OY BKBUOOKS) (72) Acres .tt $4,000) half mile to ! School and Church, on main road be tween (.') markets in beautiful valley of the Cbillisquaque, (Mansion) of (S) rooms with (-> sidect front porches on i the Terraces, large windows and single panes with shutters, (bouquet) double | rooms front, hardwood finished, buttery, cupboards, closets. Just built a few I rears ago and means an (Ideal Country i Home). Hank barn, straw, wagon, hog. poultry and corn houses with water at the buildings. GEO. R. OSTRANDBR Danville Phone Hours Sunbury 7 to S Morning and Evening FOR BA'Tfc—ln Riverside—|ol| North j Fourth street: corner property; .*»- story brick; S rooms, bath and furnac ; I front and rear porch: variety of fruit. ! Lot 24x134, Hill NTOX - PACKER CO.. j Second and Walnut Sts. ' FOR SALE—On lx>ng St., Camp Hill; i frame bungalow; one acre of land; \\ squares from trolley line. Price $2,700. IRHIXTON-PACKER CO., Second and ! Walnut streets. V ICANT HOUSE on Green St. : No. 2014. for sale at an attractive price. Look at the property and get lowest price. Key at our office. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. JEFFBRSOfo SORBET house for sale at a reduced figure, without much cash. All improvements; porch front. Get particulars from BELL REALTY CO., Building. AN UP-TOWN PROPERTY for sale on easy payments; very little money needed; and only SCO per month; brick house with all improvements. BELL REALTY CO.. Btrfoei Building. \ BRICK HOUSE oi X. Big *• enth 8t„ close to Market street; rooms and bath, gas and electric lig;»t: steam heat, for only So.-7.0. H. (J. I'UDLOW, llu S. Thirteenth St U)OK AT THIS—3II or 313 Hummel street. frame dwellings, in good condition; 7 rooms with a lot 128 ft. deep to Prune ave., for SISOO. 11. U. ! PEPUmv. 110 S. Thirteenth St. FOR SALE—Two and one-half frame shingle roof dwelling house, in Swa tara near Chgxnbera street. Steelton. in good condition. Apply to SALLIE M'GEARV. t»n premises, NEW BRICK houses for sale on Third street. Riverside: pressed brick front; large porches; side yards; granolithic walks, iron fence; all improvements, in cluding steam heat. S:'.SOO to $3,300; easj t.mis. E. MOESLEIN. 424 State St.; LEWIS M. NEIFI'ER, 222 Market St. •\»ii SALE- House No. 1 S3! N. Sixth SL Remodeled throughout, all improve ments. # Applj GEORGE W. ORTH, 423 BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE OB RENT HOCSES FOR RENT and 2H-gtorjr dwelling houses for sale. Elder ISeal Ksiale Co.. L'jih and Perry Sts. FUBKISHED BOOMS WANTED WANTED—One or two furui lied and heated rooms, with use of bath, for ; two ladies. <jiw particulars and rates in reply. Uefeioiurs exutianged. Ad dr sa wHSI. care Star-Independent. BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT. FOR RENT—33S South Fifteenth St.: S rooms and bath; wide front porch and balcony: hot and cold water in cellar. Apply to F. H. UAXTZMAN, 060 Brigps, or li I:! i'orster street. I»R RENT—6IB Geary St.: >IB.OO per month: 8 rooms and bath: cemented cellar, with h->t water; wide front and back porches and balcony; granolithic steps and pavements, vesti bule and open stairway. Fine new home. Apply 660 Briggs street, or 6:0 j Geary street. FOB HE\T—\ EW HOI SES 2133 Derry St., steam lieat 25.00 . L'l3a Derry St., steam heat 28.00 I 2135 Derry St., steam heat 28.00 ! Inquire P. VANDEKLOO. 2119 Derry St. , Or Masonic T»mple. Third and State. FOR RENT—Brick house, 235 South St., J near Third St.; suitable for small family; immediate possession. Applv l:>;! 4 Green St. FOI! RENT— -1330 Derry St., 2d door apt $40.00 1315 Market St.. 3rd door apt., 525.00 ; 1247 Mulberry, 2d floor apt., ..J25.00 i 2336 Derry St., new house 525.0u , 1904 Holly street J25.U0 i 1216. 1447 & 1442 Berryhill St., 522.50 2338 Ellersly St 115..' 0 312 Hummel St 5.2 .".0 HARVEI f. SMITH. 204 S. 13th St. tXJH RENT —Second floor large light moms; business or profes sional purposes. Look them over. Reasonable rent to good quiet ten ant. Apply MICHAEL ST ROUSE, I 313 Market street. ! 1418 BERRYHILL ST.—3-story brick; all improvements; corner house; lirst | class condition. Rent $20.00. Inquire j 1843 Regina SU FUR RENT-—House No. 627 Schuylkill street: rent $16.00. Possession at i once. Apply to J. C. MEHKING, 24-y North Sixth street. FOK RENT—Eight-roomed house, 608 Muench street: all conveniences; pos j session at once inqfcire 1301 N. Sec ! ond street. I tOK KENT—AII iinprove • merits— -1614 Catherine, $16.00 1509 Naudaiu $17.00 530 !S. Seventeenth, . .$18.50 ! Apply lvuhn & Hei*shey, 1 18 South Third street. ' TTAKKrSBl T RO ST A R-TN DEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 11, 1914. I "From Saving Ul Cometh Having" w i\ S> ~. " 0 when Thunksprivinp comes v. . HF/ I .1 if you have taken our advice litfd lit V \ -"fj? »|>eucd nn account in the First v! Wyi jA?W National Bank. Readv monev in al ways a convenience, but it must be I can explain why money can make 224 Market AMDB&JdBNTm. £ The Lawn Party With Billy Doolrv RUTH ROYE The (irniiifi of llnstime II %MAD TROI VK Wondrrful Arab* ♦—OTHER FBATI Hl>—l MAICCTIP WHMER, VINCENT IYIMJCO I 111 & APPELL, Mgrs. TO-MORROW One Night Only CHARLES DILLINCHAM PKtStNT* •" Th* Sensational Faro* Comeoy Sueoeaa of Six Countrlea DIRECT FROM SIX NORTHS AT THE CARRICK THEATRE, NEW YORK PRICES: 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50. Seats on Sale Saturday, Nov. 14, Mat. & Night N \III;\IN >I \TI.\EE, \MI r»ov KOWLAM) A CI.IFFOKirS BlCa 111 Mt \l, Fl*> SHOW September Morn IOMPAM OF 30 \ WOHI.I) OK I VNUO Dr.I.K.HT \IUHT I'llK HS. ST»e. Me, 7T»v A Hl.m > Real Estate >— i uNFrntinsirED rogmc FOE ?.BNT I FOR lijcht housekeeplne. with and with out kitchenettes; all rooms strictly [private; nicely papered; stoves furnisli ed free; laundry, i> ;one and hatli room privileges; basemen! lockers for sur plus furniture. Inquire office. r_'9 Broad street, or Janilivs., room 0. same I building. FOE RENT i FOU ItENT—tJ'JT St.. y \ brick house; all improvements. Apply | C H. MA UK. 17 4."» North Sixtli St. STORE ROOM FOR KENT—SIaa I 60 ft. Splendid location. Possession . December 1. J. C. WEI.L.-', 1 T:» N. Front APAETMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two unfurnished coninu::'- j icating rooms, fronting on Se m.l St. with private bath, ,-te.ini heatv ; h .t water furnished; rent r'asonab:-. f,.r man and wife or two women. O. 395,", care StHr-Independent. l"OR RF.NT—<"entrally lo aied. Locust ' street apartment; living; room, 'cd room. bath, diniiiif room and ki lien ette; all conveniences; citv stea.n; im mediate possession. PKXNA. RK \i.TV & I.MI'ROVK.MKNT CO.. Locust St. \RARTMKNTS FOR EVENT —l*'our desir i able apartments, at No*. 2610. 2514 and North Si\t:i street, for rent; on lirst floors. $35.00 per month. These ; apartments are entirely new and most •ompietc. Apply to UAURV M. BHKTZ, I Market street. FOR RENT —Apartment f.i ing Sixth street; improvements, with use of both phones. Apply 1T45 N. Sixth St. FOR RSNT—Small apartment on South i Fourth street; city steam heat: refer ence required. Inquire 2M S. Dewberry FABM LANDS FOR SALE SMALL MISSOURI FARM—?S.OO cash and SS.Oti monthly; no interest or taxes; highly productive land. Close :o three biy markets. Write for puo ograpiis and fyil information. Munster ■ i, 115. N. Y. Life Kansas Citv M o. Legal XOTK'K Certificates of the Harrisburg Trac , '.ion Company, No. for ?S shares, and No. 2342. for 2 shares, of stock ill the name of Daniel Bonner, Guar dian, have been lost or mislaid. Appli : cation has been marie to said company to issue other certificates in lieu of the above. DAN IF. I. L. BONNKR, Philadelphia. Pa. I PENNSYLVANIA STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT, HARRISBURU, PA. I Sealed proposals will be received at said office until lu a. in., November 17, j 1914, when bids will be publicly open ! Ed and scheduled, and contract'*warded as soon thereafter as possible, for the I reconstruction of SSO lineal feet of Brick Block pavement, 13 feet wide, situated in Xeshannock township. I.uw rence county. Plans and specifications may be at office of State Highway Department. Harrisburg, and Franklin Trust Company Building. Franklin. Pa. Full particulars und information on application to EDWARD M. BIGI-iLOW. | State Highway Commissioner. / S MONEY to Loan ■ EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT CO. I ao N. Third St., and Floor * AMCTBMBWTI. ISSBHSI MONDAY. TIICSDAY. WKONKSDAY Billy's Santa Claus OXFORD ill \HTKT WILSON A.\l) PKAHSOX SIBRS Mlt<l PniMTH THK BKIiallTO\S A Kovelty in H«KN HIiAM II BWKKT <Star of "JudWh of B«'<hullu* , > in ••THK PAINTF.D I.ADY" A l*kuto llramii MATI\GBS r.o nnd IOt» KVUNINUii lov ami! 15r j PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY lilDl>l\<; TIIK HONS \itßKrM|ili WcMtrrn ( nmc(h WOLF'S DAKtHTKH—2-reel l.ubln l)r«ina \\ %ll l\ KI HOPK—II rrclH Giving: views of troops of nil pow ers leaving: for the front and many interesting scenes of the war. v ' \ Sale and Exchange FOR SALE l'OI! SALE, OHISAP—SteeI and wood vvorkins machinery; Lathes. sls up; planers. S2T. up; grinders, tools, ron traetors' ears, engines, boilers, loco motives; anything you want, cheap. Ap ply K. It. Li:Al' CO. Take ltoekville ear to fare limit. OWNKU will sell 10-11. 1\ t.>iiri'i7g~ear. fully equipped, clectrii* li;;ht; bargain for farmer or trueke''. delivery and id isun ear. Call at Ml'.SriNKit's UAlt- AOK. Ills .lame« SI.. City. FOR SAI.I2—A large double heater, in use one winter: equipped with Die best Russian iron pipe; very good con dition and will sell very cheaply. Call i address J. I). BEAVER. !2t!u State St. TWO VIOLINS foi s:iic. eheap, in tod * nidition. Address No. ufs-l. care Star- I ndependent. Foil SALE—Small touring car, 20 11. p. 2-cvlinder Jackson; tires good as new: run 4,100 miles; make good de livery ear. Price 5175. Address No. Itß2, oare Star-Independent. FOR SALE—One kitchen range, in good i condition; litted with copper coil , water bad;. \\ ill lie sold cheap. Ap j ply 1150 Mulberry St., City. I FOR SALE -1911 Cadillac automobile— i -door model; slip covers; good eon ■ illtion. Apply HOTTENS'i'EIN & ZECII, j City Auto Garage. j FOR SALE —5-passenger touring car— -40-H. P.; run less than 3,500 iiiiles: j brand new tires; cost $2,000 —at a bar f 1 gain. Apply HOTTENSTEIN A: ZECH, j City Auto Garage. j l'OI; SALE—Brand new Pannel delivery ' truck: 1,200 to 1,500 capacity; at a bargain; will demonstrate. Applv HOT- I TBH6XBIN 4t SBBICH. City Auto Garage. e FOU SALE—High class touring car; 40 ; . • ' ■ fully equipped; late model; mo » hair top; wind shield: speedometer tools, etc; c\tra tire and rim; good as new: car will be sold with a guarantee as a very reasonable price. Apply I I'nivcrsai Aiotor Car Co., .No. 1745 North ; FOK SALE—I set ilivei McCue wire wheels. slightL used, $50.01'; i regular price Sliu.uu. bor further in formatloii address Postotlice Box 44S I w lluri isbui g. Pa. - FOR SALE—Boarding and rooming house, opposite Pennsylvania station j best JBCatloii in city. Call at 41S Mar - j ket street. .. ' F( >K SALE—AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and i : 1" S. Second St.. 5,000 gallons New r . }, a ready*niijkt'd paint. Acme uaality. AU til# full Uu» o: ihe Actne make. ■ FhAGf? all nations: butterflies; baseball . : players; 30 Hags ail nations; 2U but j terflies, joo—sc postage. Large Amer _ ' lean tiagK. l. \is inciios. loc~'Jc post* .mt. i4 l UroaU St., City. fiiTOVKS'—\\ew and second hand stoves _ I bought and s«/ld. Heaters and ranges _1 of all k.nos complete with pipe and 4 rtttings at low prices. J?. GOLL>, luiG . .'la; kei ■•{, ■ 1:c-11 p.i».• nIoMK. t , FOH .SALK—AT GABLE S. 111-117 8. 1, second St., u.OOO sets new sasU, s*lo 12 I*. pritneU and glared, at oer - | «t>L Also other sizes h " —« [{ Lost and Found "i ; ; j FOUND LUST—TiIe I I . evening, a purs? of 1 money. g<> ng to Majestic theatre, \ia jT.iird street trnlle.v and returning on :■ | Second streel noliey. Finder will be rewarded by returning to the Star-ln ! dependent. FOUND—Don't go any further, for the right place i* at EGGKttT'S Steam Dyeing and French (.'leaning Works, IJIS Market St. W'c deliver and call j l ,rom Ptly. phones. I FOUND—A lost opportunity to get bar _ ] boring don«; at the most sanitary . ; shop in thp Shop closes Satur ; days at 10.;I0 p. m. 808 DOVER'S, 22 S. j Dewberry St. ! j TRANSFER ARMORY SITE r j Architects Will Begin Work on Leba- I I non Building Ix'banon, Xo\. 11. —The deed has ri been filed in the Court House, here, for J ! tli e transfer of the Nutting plot at •, j Third anJ Chestnut streets, to the 10-3 3 ; eal Arniory Board at a consideration of y j J3.000. The members of the commit l. j tee were obliged to execute a note to " j make up the deficiency which existed in 1 the purchase price mid pledged money a | coilex'ted. The survey of the ground lias already been made and the architects, McCor mirk and French, of Wilkes-JJarre, will come on here this week to make the tiual arraagements fur the construction of the propose J building. The l<eba non Armory will cost $25,000. The front will be handsomely terraced. The Nutting plot is 20 by 198 feet. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Sixth Street Bank, Of HarrlaburK. No. 2100 N. Sixth street, of Dauphin County Pennsylvania, at the close of business November 2, lfl4: RESOURCES. Reserve fund. Cash, specie and notes (37,106 76 Due from approv ed reserve agents 31,578 BS Nickels and cents 807 S9 Checks and cash items.... 1,094 63 Securities pledged for spe cial deposits 7.000 00 Assets held free, vii: Bills discount ed; Upon one name $5,000 00 Bills discount ed; Upon two or more names, .. 18,292 S3 Time loans with collateral, 2,500 00 Loans o.t call with collat eral, 21,243 UU Loans on call upon one name, 15000 Loans on call upon two or more names 48,118 00 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 152,395 00 Bonds, stocks, etc.. Sched | ule D 146,532 *.2 Mortgages and judgments of record. Schedule D-2,. 44.613 50 Office building and lot 23,480 00 ana fixtures 6,120 00 .Overdrafts, 115 71 Total. $535,64p 81 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in sE> on Surplus funds 20.000 00 Undivided profits. le?s ex penses and taxes paid,... 9,187 51 Individual depos its subject to check $103,866 31 Time certificates of deposit 46,765 52 Savins fund de posits 259.973 95 Deposits. Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, . 15,000 00 Deposits. U. S. postal savings,. 338 32 Deposits, munici pal 29,507 77 Certified checks.. 7 50 Cashiers checks outstanding. •• $95 l>6 Due to banks and trust companies, etc., not re serve 103 22 Total $535,645 81 State of Pennsylvania. Couniy of Dan 'phin, >»: I F. L Albert Froehlich. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the nest of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) F. L. ALBERT FROEHLICH. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this sth day of November, I!'H. (Signed I A. M. LAN DIB, Alderman, Sixth Ward. Correct—Attest. (Signed) B. O. GALBRAITH, J. K. BRICKEIS. ROBERT A. ENDERS. Directors. Frank R & Son Real Estate and Insurance Office No. 18 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa., 127x100, S. E. comer Jefferson and Seneca !Sts. 110x127, East of above lots, on east side oi' Sen eca St. 50x127, West side of I Curtin St., east of Jeffer son. Price right to quick buyer. Ci. . p- L_ Miscellaneous FUENITUEE FACKINO PACKING—A. H. SHRUNK, 190J North Sixth street, first class packer of fur niture, chinu and bricabrac. Bell uhone I 399 W. I w J. WENRICH. 339 Hamilton street— j Furniture, china and piano packing. > Shipments looked after at both ends. Also all. kinds of hauling. Bell phone 4227 W. STORAGE. , i HAIiRISBUKQ STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely lireproof, divided into nreproof private rooms of various sizes for tne storage of household goods; the other warehouse of the most approved type of lire rctifrdaut eoii ! structioii for general merchandise. They ! are equipped Willi two large electric freight elevators and spiral chute tor I the quick and safe handling of house- J hold goods and all kinds of merchan i disc. Low storage rates. South Second street, near Pax ton. on the tracks of | Penna. It. K. | OLD GOLD AND SILVER 1 HIGHEST CASH KKICES PAID for old gold, silver, watches, and Jewelry. JOSEPH I>. bUE.N.NKK, Jeweler. 1 Si, Third street. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAIr upon real estate se curities in any amounts and upon any terms to suit the borrower. Address I i . Box 171. — MONEY TO LOAN to.oo TO $50.00 on your plain note, to i any person holding a. salaried posi i lion; all transaction strictly contiden ! tial. Employees' Discount Co, Jo N. j third St., second lloor. LOAN'S—SS to S.OO for honest working people without bank credit at less than legal rates; payable in lnatali- I meuts to suit borrowers' convenience. CO-OPKKATIVE Loan and Investment Co.. lot Chestnut St i 1 ■- ALL KINDS OP HAULING I ALL kinds ot hauling; large two-ton ! truck; furniture, pianos, freight, in I the city and suburbs. Prices reason | sole. Picnic and pica-aura trips, day or evening. WM. H. UAHK. Ui,3 Vernon at. lie 11 uhoue JoliJ. | ' Patience—Why did you cry out w'heu I he kissed yoil.' Patrice—l was afraid he'd ttiintk me j uiia'|>pre<-iative if I didn't.—Yonkors 'Statesman. A MVSEMENV MAJESTIC To-morrow night, Fannie Ward in 'Madam President." Friday afternoou and evening, Bur lesque. Saturday afternoon and evening, ''September Morn." Friday, November 20, Rose St all I. OBFHEUM Every afternoon and evening, high class vaudeville. COLONIAL Daily continuous vaudeville and pic tures. *■ _. Fannie Ward in "Madam President" Few plays of modern times have pro duced characters as complex or vari ously-sided as that of (Jobotte, star "role ot' the Freneh farce comedy, "Madam President." This play is to be seen here at the Majestic tomorrow evening with Miss Fannie Ward as the slur, yuito naturally. Miss Ward will play the part of Qobette. Let it be known that Gobette is a Parisian actress. .She is appearing with her traveling company, "The Pet 11!' the Harem," in her little French vil lage of drey. She gives a supper party, several of her guests are u bit too boisterous and she is ejected from the only hotel in the town by order of the village president, Galipaux. The scene changes to the Minister's offices in Paris where complications increase. The play ends in the reception room of the Hotel de la Paix in Paris and with a graceful, happy and altogether satisfac tory tinale. ' Adv. ' • September Morn'' At last ''September Morn' - ha-. been dramatized. It was bound to occur at some time ami the transforming of Paul Cbabas' painting iuto three acts of girls, music and mirth lias happened. Arthur Gillespie did it. He wrote the play; Frank Tanuehill, .Jr., staged it; Virgil Honuctt taught "September Morn" how to dance —but the arcb f conspirator is Nat Phillips, the original joy germ. He is the star of the big new musical comedy along with Ha zel Shannon, Adelyu Estee and other bright comedians. "September Morn" comies with a LaSalle Opera House, Chicago, reputa tion where it recently had a big run to the Majestic Saturday matinee and evening. Adv. At the Orpheum ■Stored up in the "think-tank" of every vaudeville lover is a list of popular players who have been here j t'rom time to time. And naming over I some of them no one will overlook Con lin, Steele and Carr, the youthful and j breezy Uio of song, dance and comedy • artists, who were here on two other oc casions and the second time established | a re-enforced host of friends. - A pret ty girl, youthful aud full of life, and i who wears several interesting costume j creations, a comedian who is also a i piano player and the third, a youth i who sings and dunces with the girl, comprise the trio. Their material is I snappy and full of life and they seem to get as much fun out of their fool ishness as the audience does. Several I new song hits are interpolated and ■ their comedy gags are now. Happily it is not so much the ma- I terial that the trio has that proves i their greatest asset, but it is the way | they do it. Vivacity and pleasing per sonalities that do "get over" are the j qualities that always niako this act a J rock-solid hit. They are one of the big i hits on the most popular bill of the Or ] pheum's new season. Appearing as one ! of the popular turns with Kuth Koye, the immensely popular singer of popu lar songs; also with "The Lawn Par ity," a rattling good juvenile produc tion. and several other interesting at tractions. , Adv. At the Colonial A "uifty" musical comedy duo, comprising a pretty and clever girl and iust us pleasing a youth, are scoring at the Colonial with a corking good turn j of song, dance and sparking repartee. Another winner of the bill is the Ox ford Pour, male harmonists, in new • song hits and some old favorites. The i Brightons offer an interesting "novelty ! in rags " and J. C. Lewis and his " kid jdies" are also delighting immensely. "The Painted Lady", a splendid mov ing picture feature, with Blanch Sweet and Dorothy Gisli in the leading roles, is also an added attraction ol' a bill that appears for its final engagements at the "Busy Corner" to-night. "The House That .lack Built." the finest and most pretentions musical comedy yet shown at the "Busy Corner," will head line there for the last half of the week. Adv. Uneasy lies the head that fears a | bomb. 1 Death and Obituary DIED. GROFF—On November 10, 1914, Edward L. Groflf. Funeral Friday, November nth, 19M, at iiio p. m.. from his late residence, SO; Kelly street. HULL* —On November a. 1914, John Hull, of 1906 Penn street, iri his 44th year. Funeral services Thursday at p. m., from his late residence. Relatives and friends are invited. Burial Kast Har risburs cemetery. GIVEN—On November 9, at 3 a. m„ Rebecca E„ wife of il. I J . Given. Funeral services will be held Thurs | day afternoon at 'J o'clock from the jlate residence, COOB N. Sixth St. inter ment will be private. | Survived by her husband; sister, Mrs. j Elizabeth Barker, of Altoona; three j daughters. .Mrs. C. E. Bowman, Mrs. J. ■ K. Kipp and Mrs. Mary Swank, of Can lon, O.: a son, E. E. Given, of Rochester, Pa., and six grandchildren. HARTZ—Suddenly, on November 9, 1914, Adam Hertz, aged 76 years. Funeral on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from bis lute residence. 1417 Wyoth avenue. Relatives and friends are invited to Attend without further notice. Interment in East llarriaburg cemetefry. HOIjSTEIN— On November 9, 1914. at 3 o'clock a. ill.. Harry Milton Holstein, aged 68 years and S months. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 126 Broad street, llelatives and friends as well as all organizations of which he was a member, are invited without further notice at 2 o'clock. Interment East Harrisburg cemetery. 11 C. V. NE WS ADDITION TOJOURT HOUSE Contract Has Been Let in Carlisle and Work Will Start in Next. Fow Days Carlisle, .Nov. It.—Plans, specifica tions and -contracta for a proposed ad dition to the county Court House yester day were approved by the Court and "ill be begun at. once. April 15 is giv en us the date tor completing the oiier atious. The contract covers the erection of uu addition at the west end of the present structure, to Court Hoime ave nue, of the same style, architecture and material as the old building, and was let in four parts, ill. A. Lackey re- I - eived Uie contract for the main work at a bid of s!',Sl)s ami also that for the electrical w'orit at $225. Neusl>aum aud Bet lily on received the plumbing contract at a proposal of $ 1 ,<>so and the heating and ventilating at $365. The entire cost is $12,1)35. Hotel Has Been Closed Carlisle, Nov. 11.—The Washington house, for many years a licensed hotel conducted by the Sbeafer family, has been closed. The proprietor. Robert S'licafer, lias loft town and several weeks ago the household goods were sold. Before that the property was sold at a Sheriff's sale, Hie purchaser being Dr. I,ee, who owns the adjoining prop erty. For the past few weeks the bar only remained open and the conduct at Ihe place was such that it was ordered closed. Detective Bentley was instruct ed by t"he Cimrt to lock it up, and this was done. The new owners will use the property for other purposes. Three Deer Killed in Valley Caslisle, Nov. ll.—ln the initial hours ol the 10 1! deer hunting season, a beautiful specimen of the nutlcied j monarch of the woods was Sroug'ht to ■ bay and killed yesterday morning hv I the party of gunners composing the j Kichel'berger camp, located along lite I Beudersville road near Pine drove. Tic ' specimen will weigh approximately 200 | pounds. The sons of Silas Dann'cr, of i near Barn it/, also shot a large burl . V deer was killed by .losef llarlai her, a student at the State Forestry Academy ait Mont Alto, who was hunting alone and shot a hundred pound s Ike buck along the pipe line at the rear ol' the \\ hito Pine saniturium hospital near Gettysburg. , "Kid" Strieker Is Married <'hambershurg, Nov. 11.—"Kid" I Strieker, tin' hero of the Maroou iiasc ball dub of 1914, and Miss Kstiier Kyle, of (own. were quietly manic I j on Monday in llagcrstown and arc no v visiting nt Scotland. Friends of StricU | er and 'Miss Kvle are circulating this marriage announcement: "Consolidaf led," November 9, 1914. Strieker and | Kyle, at llagcrstown, Mil. "Dearie" only weighs 195 so you can't mislaid* j her. She is dressed in blue and has j featSicT on her hat. too. I'm dressed in blue, too. except my coat which you see is red to suit my head. We're going lo Scotland. Married? Yes! T':eso are the hap pv days. "Kid," the Groom. Mrs. Egc Dead at XK Carlisle, Nov. 11.—After an extending; over a period of fixe week's, Mrs. Emma K. Kge, widow of the late I Michael M. Kge, died at 1 o'clock yes | terday morning nt her home at Metzgar | hall. Death was doe to a complication ' of diseases. She was SS years old. Teachers' Institute Saturday Mevhanicsiburg. Nov. 11.—The teach ers' local institute of the Moehaiins burg district composed of Lower Allen, Camp llill, Hampden, Lemoyae, New Cumberland, East Permsiboro, Silver Spring, Shiremanstowu, Wormleysbursr. West Fairvicw and 'Meehauicst'inirg will be held in the Mechaniesiburg Hijjli school building on Saturday. Two ses sions will lie held morning and after noon. and will be presided over by the superintendent of Cumberland county, T. Kelso Green, of Carlisle. The com mittee in charge is composed of Balph .facoby, supervisory principal of this I place; W. IT. Hench. of Shiremanstown: 1 W. C. Bowman, of Lemoyne, and John Hetriek, of New Kingston. FINANCE Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia. Nov. 11.—Wheat steady; j No. 2 red spot, export. 1.141.1 ,7!£; No. 1 northern, Duluth export, 12Gty 129. 1 Corn firm; No. 2 yellow, local, 85 @ sr. is. Oats tirin; No. 2 white, 54 (a 54 J /£. Hran firm; winter, per toil, .$24.50 i! 3.00; spring, $24,000 x 24.50. Refined sugars firm; powdered, . 10; fine granulated, 5.00; Confectioners' A, 4.00. - Butter firm; western creamery, ex tra. 35 @36. Kggs higher: nearby firsts, free ease, $10.80; current receipts, free case, $9.90 fa 10.20; western extra firsts, free case, $10.SO; firsts, free case. s9.9o fiv 10.220. j L#ive poultry steady; fowls, 12<®14; old rooHters, ducks. 13© 14; geese. 13(g) 14. Dressed poultry firm: turkeys, fan cy, 22@>21!: ordinary, 18£r .0; fowls, heavy, 17ter IS; average receipts, iotyltt; small, ol<i roosters. 13. Flour steady; winter straight, 5.00 5.25; spring straight, 5 05@>5.60; do., j patent, 5.70@-0.85. Hay was firm: timothy, No. 1 large bales, $ 1 00; No. 1 medium bales, 5 1 s.soti 19.00; No. 2, $ 16.50 17,50; No. j 15.50. Clover mixed hav. light mixed, I No. 2, sl4.oyer/ IdjQQ. Potatoes weak; Perina., per bushel, !605r63; New York, per bushel. Jersey, per basket, 35@45. Chicago Board of Trade Chicago, Nov. 11.—Close: Wheat—December, 115 V» : May. 121 Corn —December, 6S ;, H ; May, *71%. Oats—l>erember. 19'4; May, 53 . Pork, January, 19.22; May, 19.62. l^ard—January, 1u.15; May, 10.62. Ribs—January, 10.25; May, 10.55, MRS. LOUSER DIES I Wife of Lebanon's Fire Chief Succumoa in Sauitorium Lebanon, Nov. 11. —Death claimed Mrs. Harry li. Louser, wife of the Firo Chief of the Lebanon Fire Department and general superintendent of the Kcad \|i << Transit Company, yesterday, aged .18 years, at the Ijebanon Sanitorium, from a complication of ailments, j Her survivors are two children, Cath j erino and tieorge, her father, John* ! Fox. local retired lumber morchaut, a I sister, Mrs. .lohn Taylor, of Lancaster, j and two half brothers, Harry Fox, -of j Indiana, and Benjamin Fox, of Phila | delphia. A man simply can't sit on « dry I goods box aud make footprints in the ' sands of time at the same time.