The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 10, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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Xhe School Board Held a Regular Ses
sion Last Night
Spocial Correspondence.
Middletown. Nov. 10.—Mr. aud Mrs.
Roy Cregs. of Harrisburg, spent Sun
day in town as the guests of the lat
ter's parent*), Mr. and Mrs. S. B.
Gingrich, Swatara street.
Master John Schiefer is spending the
week at Harrisburg as the guest of rel
Miss lleba Ilendrickson entertained
the 1). F. Club at her .home on West
Main street last evening.
The School Board met in regular ses
sion last evening with all members
present but Garman and Force. The
board decided to close the school on
Wednesday, November 25, and remain
closed until Monday, November 30,
owing to Thanksgiving Day. The boil
er in the Susquehanna building which
sprang a leak was ordered repaired.
Fifty new dictionaries were ordered.
Charles llouser was elected truant of
ficer for the month. The bills' ordered
paid amounted to $136.33. The board
will meet the lirst Monday in Decern
ber for reorganization.
The borough council held a short ses
sion last evening with all members pres
ent but Albright and Gingrich. The
tiiain discussion of the evengag was the
vacating of the streets for the car com
pany which passed lirst and second
reading last evening and the council
will hold an adjourned meeting on Wed
nesday evening to on third read
ing. The bills ordered paid amounted
to nearlv $2,000.
Miss Grace Kicfuv spent Saturday
and Sunday at Shippensburg as the
guest of relatives.
The ilrv grass on Hill Island caught
fire on Saturday which is thought to be
from persons gunning. Those living 011
the Island had quite a time- in ex
tinguishing the fire.
M i ley Si haeffer, traveling salesman
to: the Winerot't Stove Works, spent
the 1 :ist few days in town.
I!. K. Force, a salesman, spent the
past few days in town with his fam
ily di« High street.
The Mis.sionarv Society of the M. E.
church will meet at the home of Mrs.
John 1 ore. State and Catherine streets,
on Thursday evening.
1 1. Miie- sherrick, the liveryman.
w(io had two horses stolen about a
month -.go. received word yesterday
afternoon from a farmer living near
Alt toiia that one of his horses had been
lett there. Tlic animal had become
lame ami they asked the farmer if they
could leave the horse there and they
would call for it the next day. Tha
f;trmc" be aine suspicious and began an
investigation and found out that a pair
ol horses had been stolen and the de
scription tallied with the one left there.
Mr. Sjierrick left for that place to day.
M.--s Jennie Lerch spent Sunday at
liaiabridge as the guest of friends.
!!. Friedman spent Sunday at Har
ris burg.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Palmer will go
to housekeeping in the Peters' prop
erty 011 Swatara street.
K. F. Hartman. the Ann street gro
wer, received a carload of potatoes from
1 Lancaster county to-dav and is selling
same at < 0 cents per bushel in five
bushel lots.
Howard \ oung and wife, of Harris
burg, spent Sunday in town.
Miss MacAlarncy Will Speak ou Suf
frage Question, November I a
Special Correspondence.
-New Cumberland, Nov. 10.—On
Thursday evening, November 12, Miss
MacAlarncy. a teacher in Columbia
I Diversity, will speak on tiie suffrage
question in Hutto.ii A. Kline's hail, to
which all are invited.
Mrs. J'.dua Keihl will entertain the
nttei'bein Guild of Trinity U. B. church
at her home at liikwood this evening,
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Zimmerman, of
Geary avenue, entertained the following
friend* at dinner 011 Sunday: Mr. anil
Mrs. 1). If. IMioudes. Mrs. Mary Rhoads,
Russell Prow 11, Km melt Barnes, of Ilar
ri-burg, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cook
ei'ly, of til's jda.'c.
Mv. and Mrs. (icorgc Zorger. Fifth
street, announce the 'birth of a daugh
ter, \ ioln Fay, 'born ou Saturday, Xo
vonvber 7.
Miss Sam Xccly, of 'Harrisburg, was
a guest of Miss Tressa Kern on Satur
'.Mrs, Florence Hoc-kcr, of Boyd Sta
tion. spent last night with Mrs. T. R. i
-Vevin. i
Air. and Mrs. William Erney, two
■ hildren, Mrs. N'emuger, son Robert,!
and Miss Sylvia Erney, attended the!
dedication of the Evangelical church at |
Steelton ou Sunday and were enter
tained by Mr. and IMTS. Charles Erney. I
Miss Lena Hoffman, of Steelton, was j
a guest of Mr. aud Mrs. George Ma-!
thias over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Danner. of Har- '
risburg, spent Sunday with Mr. aud j
'Mrs. Elmer Sunday, Market street.
Mrs. W, W. Zimmerman and son,'
Harrv, spent Monday with relatives in!
Mrs. F. R. N'ivin and son, Travel','
visited the former's j a rents, Br. Audi
Mrs. D. >B. Traver. in Steelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer "Dewalt sipent I
Sunday with relatives at Boiling |
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wire, son
Charles: M iss Bessie Adams ami Miss I
Nellie Dewalt motored to Carlisle on |
Sunday where they spen't the day wi{h
Paul E. Reiff and Miss Gra-ce Heff
feirian spent Sunday with Professor
Bussell Ko'hn, at Oakville.
William Leicht, who keeps, a flout
and feed store on Seconl street, met
with a painful accident. While chop
ping feed for a customer liis left hand
was caught in tlie cutting machine. He
had two lingers cut ofl\ Dr. H. W.
Ijine'baugh took him to the Harrisburg
hospital where he had t'lie wounds
dressed. Mr. Leicht has been very un
fortunate. Some time ago a finger was
••aught in a machine and injured. The
latter part of .September he wa3 thrown
out of an automo'bile below Mechan
icsburg. A small 'bone in his log was
broken and also a rib from which in
juries he has not fully recovered.
Boss Sweeney, of Buffalo, is visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
The Ladies' Circle of St. Paul's Lu
theran f'hurch will hold a bazar in the
hose house on Fourth street next Fri
day evening, November 13. Home-made
"bread, pies, cakes, candy, ice crcaint
and fancy work will be for sale.
Mrs. Ellen Shelley and Augustus
Wright are visiting Mrs. Xeelev Fisher
in York county.
Moss Carrie Simmons, of llcrshey,
was the guest of' Mr. ami Mrs. William
Simmons on Saturday.
Harry Falcomer and wife, of Camp
Point, 111.; Miss <Vrrie Cline, of Lewis
berry, and Mrs. Nebinger, of 'Lemovne,
were guests of .Mr. and Mrs. David
Orumlie, of Bridge street, this week.
Russell Kohr. principal of tho schools
at Oakville. and the Rev. 'Mr. Da ugh- j
erty, pastor of U. 18. church at Oakville,
were guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Kohr, |
'Friday night.
Miss Ethel Watts spent Saturday and !
Sunday with the Misses Sfonsler at !
Steel ton. ■ j
Mrs. Oscar Duff, of Harrisburg, visit- j
od her sister, Mrs. Grover C. Ncgley,,
several days.
Mrs. Anna li. Peters is visiting
friends iu Alleutown.
Miss ljottie Gottschall and Martha
Yarley, of Boiling Springs, are guests
of Mrs. Lizzie Negiey.
Miss Roi>erta Reiff, a student of Dick
inson College, spent Suuday at her home
A meeting of the Sunday school teach
ers will be held at the close of prayer
meeting in the M. E. oburcli Wednes
day evening.
Party Held for Mrs. Clayton Swope
Last Evening
•Special Correspondence
Hummelstown, Xov. 10. —Tickets for
the play, "Farm Folks" to be given
in Hummelstown hall by the I. T. 1.
club ou Friday evening, December 4,
have been placed on sale. The play
promises to be well produced as many
of the young folks in the cast have had
experience in tho production of local
talent plays.
Mrs. Louisa Longnaker left last
evening for her home at Steelton after
spending several days with her daugh
ter. Mrs. W. B. Sliopc.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hummel spent
yesterday afternoon in Harrisburg.
The annual meeting of the junior
congregation of the Reformed church
will be held iu the church on Saturday
afternoon, Xovember 21. »
A party was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Swope. West Main
street, last evening, in honor of Mrs.
Swope. About twentv guests were pres
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nhslev and
daughter, Beatrice, are spending the
week with relatives iu Harrisburg,
Mrs. H. F. Holler was a visitor in
Harrisburg yesterday.
Miss Josephine Beam Is Attending the
Teachers' Institute at Harrisburg
Special Correspondence.
Duncaiinou, Nov. 10.—Mrs. Charles
llogue entertained friends from Xew
Bloomfiekl Sunday.
-Miss Josephine Beam is in attend
ance at the Dauphin county teachers'
institute at Harrisburg this week.
Misses Edythe and Edna Ma le.- were
guests of friends in Mifflin over the
n eek-eud.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Masters left for
the South last week, where they will
spend the v.intar months.
Miss Isabella Moon, of Lykens, was
a week-end guest of friends here.
Miss Meta Harper spent the past
week among friends in New Cumber
Many of our local people have been
in attendance at the Stough meetings
in Harrisburg.
Harrisburg Young Folk Hike to Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Weaver'B
Special Correspondence.
West Fail-view, Xov. 10.—A party of
Hairi> burg young folks were chaperon
ed from Garfield and Deary streets, Har
risburg, to the 'home of Mr. and Mrs.
•J. P. Weaver, Railroad avenue, this
plaice, by Mr. and iMts. H. A. Forrest.
A very pleasant evening was had by all.
Refreshments were served to the fol
lowing: Mr. and' Mrs. H. A. Forrest and
sons, Aimer and Harry; Mrs. Alice For
rest. the (Misses Elizabeth Kiehman,
Helen Kiehman, Ethel Peace, Pearl
•Steckiey, Florence Carpenter, Rea Ar
nold. E/dna Lightner, .John Kiehman,
Edwin Arnold, Paul Rich-man, Charles
llouser. Edgar Xealing, Edward 'Glad
felter, Edward SHles, Mr. and iMrs. J.
P. Weaver and daughters, Hazel,
Josephine and Emma: Sophia Curry and
Albert Curry.
Miss Sara Palmer, of the Stough
party, preached a very able and inter
esting sermon Sunday morning in the
'Methodist church to a full 'house on
•'lsaiah's Call and Vision.
J. A. Shettel attended the U. B. min
isterial in Wormleypbnrg yesterday aft
ernoon. The December meeting will
be hold in the U. B. church here.
The Ottei'beiu Guild of Grace I'. B.
churcdi met last night at t)he parson
High School Committee Purchased a
Chickering Piano
Special Cor'-espondence.
Halifax. Xov. 10.—The first quarter
ly conference was held in the United
Brethren church on Saturday evening.
The district superintendent, Dr. D. D.
Lowery, presided. Dr. Lowery also
preached in the church Sunday evening
to a fair audience.
William T. Rodgers, of Harrisburg,
was in town on business Monday.
The piano committee of the Halifax
High school went to Harrisburg Satur
day and purchased a Chickering piano
from the J. H. Troup music house for
use in the High school.
Miss Helen Westfall, of Harrisburg.
was home with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Westfall, over Sunday.
William Hilbert expects to move his
family to his farm in Snyder couuty
next week.
Miss Ivy Hoffman, of Matainoras.
visited friends in town on Monday.
A Number of Our Sportingmen Are on
a Hunting Trip
Special Correspondence.
Linglestown, Nov. 10. —H. A. Lewis
Hiram Becker. Jacob Eshlemun, Au
gustus Nauman, Harry Bechtel and
Lenon Hildebrand, all of Ephrata,
spent several days of last week as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. George.
Mr. George accompanied them on a
hunting trip.
Miss Elizabeth Shreiner returned to
her home in Lancaster, after spending
the week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
M. W. Shreiner.
E. J. Dare spent Sunday with friends
at Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bitner, of Har
risburg, spent Sunday as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shepler.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hager, of
Harrisburg, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. W. Shreiner on Sunday.
.Miss Minnie Mcllhenny spent Sun
day with friends here.
The Misses liulda Longenccker, Ver
na Juillard, Ellen Bolton, Sara Zim
merman ami Evelyn Longenecker spent
Sunday as the guests of the Misses
Annie and Carrie Bolton, near Buck's
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gruber, of En
| haut, were week-end guests of Mr. and
j Mrs. Edward Shreinor.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Look moved
i into their new house at Paxtonia, which
: they recently built, on Thursday.
Hairy Houses!, of Harrisburg. was
i the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. George
I on Saturday and purchased a tine rab
bit dog from Frank George for the sum
of S4O.
I The Misses Emma and Katie Kunkle
j and Miss Berg, of Meehanicsburg, were
| the guests of K. O. Hassler and family
! on Sunday.
| A. O. Duncan ami Mclvin Dare, of
• Paxtonia. were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Shreiner on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Look and
daughter, Kay, were the guests of Mr.
and Mis. John Look, near Piketowu, on
Mrs. Mary Khein is having a new
tin root' put on her house this week.
The teachers of Lower Paxton are
attending Teachers' Institute, held at
Harrisburg this week.
A number of out young men of this
community attended the lecture given
by Evangelist Stough to men only at
Harrisburg oil Sunday afternoon.
M. \V. Shriner spent Friday with
friends at. Oberlin.
Miss Sybil Bench is spending this
week with friends at Harrisburg.
Miss Ruth Bain spent Sunday with
friends at Harrisburg.
Ihe Rev. George Sigler and grand
daughter, Miss Emma Prantz. visited
friends at Meehanicsburg pn Monday.
Many Folks Are Attending the Stough
Meetings at Harrisburg
9p«v;al Corresponds •. h
i Meohanicsburg, Nov. lO.i-Mis.
Alice Geistwhite, of Harrisburg, was a
yi.-i'tor here yesterday. She lias sold
•ier house on \\ efet Simpson street to
Mrs. Catharine Reamer for 51,525.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde King, of Re
j novo, are Visiting Mr. Kiu-g's* parents,
■ Mr. and Mrs. William King, Loeutft
j and Arch streets.
: Mrs. Kate Hotter is visiting friends
| 11 i h tire h't own and Carlisle,
j Mrs. Rudolph By id, ol Windsor, was
! t iic guest of Mrs. John Bowman. South
j Market ttreet.
Clarence Shipley, of Gamp Hill, was
j a visitor here vesterdav.
Every day and evening many of
people go to Harrisburg to attend the
Sto-ug'h meetings.
Mrs. s. (. Beitzel. of Halifax, is
spending the week in the home of her
daughter, Mrs. W. G. Rice, West IMaiu
'Miss'Margaret Siyder. who is tea ii
t ing in Halifax, is attending the Dau
phin County Teachers' Institute in Har
riiibury, making daily trios to Harris
burg frcm her home here.
Announcement is made of the mar
riage of Wayne K'oerly. of Pittsburgh,
ami Miss Mary Rose Hall, of Centre
| ville. 'Md., which tool; place in Dalti-
I more November 7. The groom is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. I>. VV. Bberlv. s w tii
IM'arket street. He is a native of this
place and s'->cnsiiis boyhood here. He is
a graduate ot' the Meehanies'bur*' Hiuii
school. *
Sewing Class Will Hold a Bazar Novem
ber y» and 31
Special Correspondence.
Lemoyno, Xov. 10, —A Home Mis
sion cntcrtaimmeut was iieid in Trinity
Lutheran chunh on Sunday evening
which, despite the imlcincut weather,
was veil attended.
Mrs. Marv Smith, of Illinois, is vis
iti"S hor cousin. Mrs. John Beu*/, of
Herman avenue.
"Ihe Ladies 15 'le hiss will hold
their monthly meeting in the class room
of Trinity Lutheran Sunday school thi •
evening after which a social will be
tendered by the social committee of
the class. A full attendance is de
Mrs. Jacob S. Oumaiings e-pcrt last
week with friends at Pine Grove,
Schuylkill eouuty.
Mrs. Z. F. Lightuer's Sewing class
of Trinity Lutheran church will hold a
•bazar in the firenieu's hall on Friday
and Saturday. November 20 and 21.
Decides Tax P.oll Copyist Charged Suf
folk County St 1,428 Too Much
New York, Nov. 10.—After exam
ining 2,708.957 items ol' evidence con
tained in the 1910, 1911 and 1912
tax roils of Suffolk county, Supreme
Court Justice Blackmar of Brooklyn
granted judgment of $11,428 yesterda.v
in favor of the plaintiff iu the suit
brought by William S. Smith, a tax
payer, to recover excess charges made
by Dayton Hedges, a Supervisor of the
town of Brookhaven, L. I„ who collect
ed $27,089 for copying written lines
of the Suffolk tax rolls for the years
The tax rolls put iu evidence com
prised seventy volumes of 400 pages
each. Justice Blackmar had to count
and compare each line of the tax roll.
Hedges claimed that under contract
lie was to be paid one cent for copy
ing each of them. Smith claimed
Hedges had counted as lines to be
copied the headings of pages iu the
tax books and items in the recapitu
lation books.
The case was tried last July. Since
then Justice Blackmar had been going
over the books. He directed Hedges
to repay $11,428.
Perseverance Lodge Will Observe An
niversary at Temple To-night
At a turkey dinner to be held this
evening at the Masonic Temple by the
Perseverance lodge, No. 21, Free and
Accepted Order of Masons, the speak
ers will be Dr. F. E. Downes, Robert
W. Hoy, W. Harry Musser, Charles L.
Shaffer, John X. Peregoy. J. Henry
Williams, Philadelphia; Edigar Falls
Smith, Philadelphia: Jesse B. Cunning
ham, James M. Yeager, Lewistown.
The occasion is the one huudred and
thirty-fifth anniversary of the lodge.
Formen to Be Fire Wardens
The State Department of Forestry
is to appoint all section foremen on
the Reading railroad as (ire wardens,
according to notification which has
been received by supervisors of the
road from the division engineer at
An Old Mark
It is said that the dollar mark can
•be traced back to the fifteen century.
But at that it isn't near as old as the
easy mark.-*- 'Birmingham News.
Going Faster Than We Can Get Them Here
We had thought wc had fully anticipated the demand that would follow bv reason of the Star-Independent'a
unprecedented offer. and had a supply on hand .that we believed would last us the first month We knew a
great many were clipping, but it now appears that everybody is Imsv cutting out the Bible Certificate ap
pearing daih ou another page. The Star-Independent will try fo keep you supplied, but there is a limit of
r!T'<h\ s ° ,U r S ca i JHC,t . v - ,)on t llp the disappointed ones that may later have to wait a
Get Busy TO One Free
Quick and Certificate
i,oms - wl,k,h in -
The Only
$50,000 Spent For illustrations
_ i More than t>oO beautiful art pictures, by the world's greatest artists, are
I BOih Catholic 2nd printed with the type matter, where they at once explain the subject
_ which they accompany. These magnificent illustrations alone cost
Protestant Editions #">0.000. 11l addition thereto are full-page plates of the world-famed Tis
sot collection in colors. These beautiful color engravings are also care
pi esented under the same fully selected, with the object of further making plain obscure pas
v '.i'-'rt 11 , lU , I ' IP * ree sages in this greatest of all Hooks. It can truthfully be said that never
ceiti c.ite printed elsewhere. before-have illustrations so vividly portrayed their subjects and embod-
ied in them the spirit of living realitv.
WAIL ORDERS Any book by parcel post include EXTRA 7 cents within 150
miles, 10 cents 150 to 300 miles; lor greater distances ask your postmaster
amount to include lor 3 pounds.
Address The Star-Independent, s
Grand Jury Acts After Sermon by
Minister on a Murder Jury
Scrauton, Pa., Nov. 10.—Condemn
ing the present court house as inade
quate for the conduct ot' the public
business, the Grand Jury yesterday i
recommended that either a new court
house be built or the present structure
Judge lidwaids said that he agreed
with.tie RevonuufiJUiß.tiop, Mod v«;iU
init the report to the County Comrais i
; sioners.
The report follows a sermon Sunday!
night at the John Raymond Memorial |
| Universalist church in which the pastor,
! the Kev. Thomas B. Payne, after hav-1.
| ing been tied tip for more than a week i
1011 a murder jury, related his cxperi-i
I ences in the uncomfortable court (juar-i
1 ters.
la ne in an Electrocuted
i Wilkes-Barre, Pa.. Nov. 10. As lie!
worked on the fop of a pole yesterday.
James Uallagher. a liuenfaii, was elf' j
trocuted. Other linemen say that Gal-i
lagher's fingers .were burned off and j
fell to the ground.
Action Brought by Miss Mae A. Sulli- j
van Stricken From Calendar
New York, .Nov. 10. —Justice ling
erie h. in the Supreme Court, yesterday, j
struck from the calendar the two suits |
brought Vv IMiss ,\lae A. Sullivan
against Arthur 1. Iloe. One of the suits
was for $150,000 for alleged breach of
promise to marry, and the other, for
$75,000 was based on an alleged prom
ise of Mr. 'Hoe to pay 'her SI,OOO a
week for life.
Mirabeau 1.. Towns
Sullivan's counsel anil Warren M, •
Conihv succeeded him. When uo a;-
pearanve was mode, Edward O. Priugle,
Mr. Hoe's eounsel, made the motion to
strike them off.