The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 10, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Time It! In Five Min
utes Your Sick. Upset
Stomach Feels Fine
When your meals don't tit comfort
ably, or what you cat lies like a lump
-of lead iu your stomach, or if you have
heartburn, that is a sigu of indigestion.
Get from your pharmacist a tifty-i cut
< use of Fa}* 1 '? Diapepetn ami take a
dose just as soon as you can. There
will l>e no sour risings, no betehing of
undigested food mixed with acid, no
Henrietta D. Grauel
Renovating the Old Rug
A dingy or soiled floor covering will
make the entire living room loot dult
anil untidy as every good housekeeper
knows. In February carpeting w«ill be
sold at a lower price than is asked for
it now. so no one considers buying at
this time. Instead, one uses the best
or" several good methods and makes the
old rug or carpet last through the
It may be only soiled, if so it will
look like new when cleaned on the floor
with this sp.eudid carpet cleaner, the
recipe for which is from a lady of this
' " v M:s. K. has used this on her own
eautitul rugs and I have seen t;'ent
efore and after." so I can assure \ ou
'lie nrocess works out just as well as
•though you sent your rugs to a pro
fessional cleaner.
Take a quart bottle to the druggist
and uv S ounces of ammonia. U, ounce
or' ether and 4 ounce of chloroform.
Add to this 4 teaspoon of baking
*o i and ' 2 teaspoou of salt. Keep
»h'« well corked as it must do for sev
eral rugs.
I a bar of kiteher. soap in two
gallons of hot water. Mrs. K. <av s she
rses any white soap that makes line
suds. Add three tablespoons of vour
t-bloroforro and ammonia mixture to the
hot soapy water. Brush the carpet we!'-
dip the scrub brush into the foam oa the
suds and rub the soiled spots iightlv.
Then go over the entire surface of the
rug with a brush. No hard rubbing is
necessary, and the ether and
bung back the faded colors in a re
mark able manner.
Tbe rug I saw cleaned with this had
been in constant wear in a living rooO i.
Mary Wheeler Gains in Weight After
Taking Mayr's Wonderful
Marv WheeleT. of 706 Green 'treet.
Harrisburg. Penn , for a long time
was a victim of stomach disorders.
Sue tried many treatments and found
nothing that could help her.
\t last she eanie upon Mavr's Won
derful Stomach Remedy and quickly
found herself on the way to health.
She wrote:
"I received vour wonderful stonaeh
remedy. I took it and it acted just as
vou said it would. I "had suffered
nirh my stomach for nearly a year
and doctored all the time. The first
Arse ot your treatment gave me re
'!ef. I feel like new. t had awful
distress after eating and suffered from
bloating and gas. but now I feel fine,
am gaining in weight and can eat
The classified columns of the Star-Independ- j
eut will help you iu your selection of a house,
apartment, office, lot. farm or garage.
The Best & Most Desirable Homes
are advertised in Harrisburg's <-»reat Home I
The Star-Independent
18, 20 and 22 South Third Street
Phone, mail or bring your Warn Ad to the Advertising Dept.
Bell Phone 3280—Independent,
Read the Star-Independent
stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or
heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea,
debilitating headaches, dimness or in
testinal griping. This will all go. and.
besides, there will be uo sour food left
o\er in the stomach to poison roor
|breath with nauseous odors.
Tape's Di&pepsiu is a certain cure for
out-of-order stomachs, because it takes
hold of your food and digests it just the
sane as if your stomach wasn't there.
Relief in five minutes from all stom
ach misery is waiting for you at any
drug store.
These large fifty-cent cases contain
.enough "Pape's Dispepsin" to keep the
entire family free from stomach disor
ders and indigestion for many mouths.
It belongs in your home. Adv.
used by four adults aud three children,,
for three years and it "truly did look
like new" as the children declared.
Rugs that are badly faded aud worn
may be made to last a little longer and
look much better for a bath of dye
Three ten-ceut packages of the dyes
that are sold in drug stores for home
dveiug will be needed for a nine by
twelve foot rug.
It' the rug is Brussels or uiocjuette
ind is worn the backing you
will need to buy the dye that is sold'for
cotton but if the nap is still long you
had better use the wool dye. Select the
color predominating iu tbe rug. Dis
solve the powder in a little boiling
water and add more water until you
| have about two gallons. Apply with a
long handled brush, see that everr part
of the rug is wet with the dye. Open
the windows and it will dry in a few
Matting may be stained in tue same
way and soft nine floors look really
pre'tv when colored dark walnut with
this same method.
When carpets aud ru«£ are past rcno
vat>ug do not throw them away; thev
still have a useful career before them
in the shape of fluff rugs. Weavers
charge thirty-five cents a running van!
to make them over and aav old carpet
oau be used.
In one of the J*hackeltou's delightful
books on collectiug antiques, the writer
ueplerea a chance they ouce missed at
a \ andoo, a lot of discolored carpet
was "sold for a song." "We lost a
great opportunity," they write, "for
it could have been so prettily dved and
j This is a typical letter from the
(thousands received from those who
have taken Mavr's Wonderful Stom
ach Remedy. The first dose of this
remarkable remedy convinces —no
long treatment.
It clears the digestive tract of
mm.oid accretions and removes poison
ous matter. It brings swift relief to
sufferers from ailments of the stomach,
liver and bowels. Many declare it has
saved them from dangerous operations
aud many are sure it has saved their
We want all people who have chronic
stomach trouble or constipation, no mat
ter of how lonij standing, to trv one
idose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach
Remedy—one dose will convince von.
This is the medicine so many of our
people have been taking with surpris
iug results. The most thorough svstem
cleanser ever sold. Mayr's Wonderful
Stomach Remedy is now sold here bv
'-■eo. A. Gn'gas. 16 North Third street
and Pennsylvania Railroad Station, and
druggists everywhere. Adv
Prominent Former Editor and Author
Expires In Reading
Reeding, Not. 11.—Colonel Thomas
Zimmerman, a retired journalist, fa
mous for his translation of German
poetical masterpieces iato the Knglisu
died at the Reading hospital last night
j aged ifi years. Colonel Zimmerman re
tired from active newspaper work
about twelve years ago. aud had been
; ;* ill health several years. He was ed
itor and part owner of the 1 ' Berks and
I Schuylkill Journal," with which he be
came connected in 1879. and was later
president and part owner of the
"' Reading Times and Dispatch.'' Ho
was born in Lebanon aud located iu
Beading in 1566.
Colonel Zimmerman was a forceful
writer and during his newspaper career
"as regarde«l as one of the most bril
liant editors in the Kast. He was one
<>£ the of the Pennsylvania
German Society, and assisted i'u the
formation of the Berks County His
torical Society.
Martin Is Seized Just After He Sends
Bullet Into Face
New York. Nov. ll>.—Gu*t«ve Mar
tin. who s.iu-v and killed his brothers in
law. tieorge and Raymond Leonard, in
the blacksmith shop of their father.
John Leonard, at "t}s t'ommnnipnw
avenue, Jersey City, Friday, was
arrested Sunday uight uear the scene
of his crime by Motorcycle Patrolman
When Mir:in saw Brvue starting for
him he palled a revolver aud shot at
his own head The bullet tore tiirougn
his cheek, bat did uo other damage.
Martin said he was ou his way to
the police station to givehiweelf up
when arrested. Brvne said Martin*was
not iu that direction. • Martiu
said that while the police were looking
for him he had slej,t in an old wagju.
He Has Never Accepted SIO.OOO Job
That Governor Glynn Gave Him
New York. Nov. 10.—(ioveruor-elec;
| Whitman is uo: 10 have the exquisite
pleasure of pitchforking ••Packv" Mc
t-j 'e. the Albany Democratic boss, out
jot" a Slt).ot>« » year j«»b as State Con
servation Coauaissiouer. ""Packv"
won t give Mt Whit ma u Ac opportuu
j MttCaoe was appointed to the C<*i<
raisstoaershi; by (ioveruor Glvnn just
before the Legislature adjourned last
i .fuue. He was to take otfiee December
j But "Paeky" uever filed his a
*<% ;auce o. the oiliee. aud, to
| the besrt information available in Tain
i many circles, he isn't goin,j to file it.
! will retain his position as
; Clerk of the Senate until the end of
| this year, when his term expires. Then
I he will retire to private life.
Unusual Confection for Nuptials of
an Espy Girl
i Bioomsburg, Pa.. Nov.. 10. —Miss
: Olivia F. Tesjott. ot Espy, near iiere.
is believed to be the only bride iu
America who had iter wedding cake
made entirely of ostrich eggs.
She was wedded to Frederick Bleu
eowe by the Rev. F. O. Musser. rector
rof St. Paul's Epi*co r al church. Blooms
burg, at her home here, aud employes
of the African Ost'ieh I'ann and Fcatii
! er Company, which also has its farm
here, furnished the egjjs and" hired a.
r baker to make the uuusual wedding
Kansas City Ministers Unanimous for
Great Evangelistic Meetings
Kansas City. Mo.. Xov. 10.—At the
meeting of the Ministerial Alliance of
Greater Kansas City yesterday it was
decided unanimously to invite the Rev.
"Billy" Sunday to hold a scries of
meetings in this city next fall.
Sunday is in Des Moines and is ex
pected to go nexr to Philadelphia.
Leaf Tobacco Held in Stack
Washington. D. C.. Nov. 10.— Leaf
tobacco hel l by' manufacturers and
dealers. October 1. aggregated 1.108.
059,91*9 pounds, the Census Bureau
announced yesterday. This included
719,-ill.ool pounds of chewing, smok
ing. snuff and export types: 022.729.-
495 pouns of cigar types and 65,919.
-160 pounds of imported types.
Arrests the Mayor
Bast *t. Louis. 111.. Nov. 10.—A war
rant was issued by .(.mice of t ie Peace
■I -I. Dris'oll yesterday morning lor
fie arrest o:' Mayor John M. laamoer
;! 'or ion la.-ting a real estate business
w.taout a license. The "Justice took the
license to the Mayor's ofliec and I aaiH
berlin gave a SSO bond there.
Plies Cared is «S to 1-* Ua>*
O—jgjists refund money if PAZu OTN'T-
ItE.N'T fails to cure Itching. Blind.
Bleeding or Protruding Piled. First ap
plication g-ive3 relief. vOe.
Seal Charities in Her Will
Lancaster, Pa.. Xov. 10. —Mart F.
Ferry, of Elizabethtownl bequeathed
SSOO to the Sylvan Heights Orphan
Asylum. SSOO to tile Paradise Protec
tory, recently established by Bishop
Shanaiian; $3,000 toward a marble al
tar for St. Peter's church. Elizabeth
town. and the income of the balance of
her estate for the purchase of coal for
the poor.
Suicide to Escape Suit
Towanda. Pa., Nov. 10. —Worrying
and grieving because of a lawsuit with
his father-in-law, Eder Miller, aged
about 55 years, went to a pond near
his home in Rome township, yesterday
afternoon, and committed suicide by
cutting his throat.
Try Cave-in Damage Case
Scranton. Pa.. Xov. 10. —A jury was
drawn yesterday for the trial of the
claim of S. M. Reese against the Peo
ple's Coal Company. Reese's home was
damaged by a mine cave-in several
years ago.
Youth Kills Himself
Herndon, Pa.. Nov. 10.— Despon
dent because of illness, Thomas Trout
man 19 years old* of Herndon, shot
himself through the head with a shot
gun. His brother Harry went to hunt
him for dinner and found the bodv in
a eornerib.
Sexton Dies in Church
York. Pa., Nov. 10. —John C. Taylor
was stricken with neuralgia of the heart
while performing his duties as sexton of
St. Matthew's Lutheran church,' this
city, and died shortly thereafter.
hki a OUsa of Salts if Trar Back
Hurts or BlacMw Bothers—Meat
Forms Uric Acid
jT If you must hare your meat every
eat it. but flush your kidneys with
baits occasionally, says a noted author
ity who tella us that meat f»rms uric
acid which almost paralyzes the kidneys
; in their efforts to e~xpel it from the
blood. They become sluggish and
weaken, then you suffer with a dull
; inisary iu the kidney region, sharp
; unins iu the back or sick headache,
dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is
i coated and when the weather is bad
vwi have rheumatic twinges. The
! urine geis cloudy, full ot' sediment, the
i channels often get sore aud irritated,
obliging you to seek relief two or three
j time during the night.
To neutralize these irritating aeids,
ito cleanse the kidneys aud thiau off the
body's urinous waste get fonr ounces of
, 'ad Salts from any pharmacy here:
take a tablespoouful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and yotir kidneys will then act tiue.
| This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice, com
t bined with litliia, atftl has been used for
generations to flush and stimulate slug
j gish kidneys, also to neutralize the
i aeids iu urine, so it no longer irritates,
'thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Nalts is inexpensive; cannot in
jure. and makes a delightful efferves
i coat lithia water drink. Adv.
Defeated for Congress. Now Keeping
Pledge He Made to Wile
Washington, D. C., Xov. 10.—A
promise to his wife to stay at home
' more at Vigjit and to prepare for the
' uexi world, was the only pledge made
|by Max M. Huuberry, defeated Pro
gress ve candidate for Congress from
the First Kentucky district. -Mr. Huu
i berry tiled iiirs report here yesterday,
he neither received uor spent
a cent.
"The only promise I made any liv
ing humau being during the whule of
tny campaign." rend the affidavit, "was
to rnv wife, whom I did promise that
I would be with her at least as much,
or more, after the election as prior
thereto, aud i did give her a little
friendly aivice. which was tuis: That
we both pray earnestly to get to
] Heaven, as there was absolutely uo
danger of us having to go tj W'asUiag
-1 ton.''
*o Improved quluiar
1 .ie iiat>py cojiU: nation .>r laxativas in
t:>e Quinine :n this form have a fa ■ it*;-
te:- effect than i ie ordinary ytiinine.
and it does not affect the ncad. Re
uien»l>er the full name and look f.«r sig
nature of fc.. . GROVK on bo.\. Pric*
Fsalty Indictment Held Sufficient by
Minnesota Supreme Cotirt
s*r. Paul. Nov. 10.—Indictments
drawn in Minnesota. so long as they
>tate orreetlv the general facts iu the
case, 'to not need to be drawn word for
word to he legal, according to a de
cision of the Supreme Court iu uphold
ing an indictment agaiuct Dr. Charles
A. Lester, of Alexandria, charging hint
wit a the dcatii of his oilice girl, Ruth
Nass. by arelessly exposing her to ati
X-ray machine.
The decision is an advanced step in
the interpretation of indictments. Time
wa« when an indictment to be valid
u.ust be worded absolutelv correctly.
Kveu tne omission of one word was suf
ficient to destroy the indictment.
Business and Courts Halt in Honor of
H. W. Scott
Kaston, Nov. 10. —The funeral of
Henv Wyatt Scott, president judge of
the Northampton county courts, was
heii yesterday afternoon at the Brain
erd I'nion Presbyterian church, nn I
was one of the largest ever seen here.
The services were in charge of the
Rev. Dr. A. H. F. Fischer.
The courts of Northampton. Mon
roe, Carbon. Pike and Bucks adjourn
ed and were represented at the funeral
by judge* and attorneys. Philadelphia
and Berks eoun'y courts also sent dele
gations. Tue lawyers of Northampton
and Lehigh counties attended the fu
neral ill a body.
The floral tributes were magnificent
an 1 came from all parts of the S*ate.
All business was suspended in Easton
during the funeral. Interment was
made in the F.aston cemetery.
Opposes Suffragist President
Ijebanon, Pa.. Nov. 10.—Mrs. Hor
ace Brock, of Philadelphia, president of
the Anti-Suffrage Association in Penn
sylvania. yesterday in speaking before
the Woman '» Club, of this city, on the
occasion of the observance of Presi
dent's day, asked the hearty co-opera
tion of all its members iu seeking to
prevent the election of any suffragist
to the presidency oi' the Pennsylvania
Federation of Women's Clubs.
Try This! Mix Sage Tea and Sulphur
and Brush It Through Tour Hair,
Taking One Strand at a Time
When you darken your hair with Sage
Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, be
cause it's done no naturally, so %"enly.
Preparing this mixture, though, at home
is niussy and troublesome. For 30 eents
you can buy at any drug store the
ready-to-use tonic called "Wyeth's Sage
and ijulphur Compound." You just
dampen a sponge or soft brush with it
and drßw this through your hair, tak
ing one small strand at a time. By
morning all gray hair disappears, and,
after another application or two, your
hair becomes heautifully darkened,
glossy and luxuriant. You will also
discover dandruff is gone and hair has
stopped falling.
Gray, faded hair, though no disgrace,
is a sign of old age, and ns we all de
sire a youthful and attractive appear
ance, get busy at once with Wveth's
Sage and Sulphur and look vears
younger. Adv.
Be Good
To Yourself
by keeping in nod physical
trim and you will be the best
friend to yourself and a pleas- \
ure to others. Most sicknesses I
begin in the ordinary and !
minor of the digestive j
organs, and for these ailments
have become tlie most popular
remedy, because they are so
safe*- so certain, and prompt
in their beneficial action.
They tone the stomach, stim
ulate the liver, regulate the
bowels. By cleansing the
system and purifying the
blood they prove that they
Are the Best
Of Good Friends
Largest Sale of Amy Mcicinc in the World.
Soldi ©Tory where. Io koxoa, 10c., 25c.
Vast Width of Susriuthanua Turns Dry
From Long Drought
Port Depost', Md., Nov. 10. —So far
as is known, the Susquehanna river has
never bad so much river bottom ex
posed as at preseut. Directly oppo
site this tovTu. rocks unknown aud un
charted have made their first appear
ance to sunshine. Xorth ot' the town
practically the whole rugged bottom is
bare of water, aud is a sight worth a
long journey. The extremely small
river flow, aided by a remarkably low
ti<Je. is responsible for the unique spec
The whole Susquehanna Valley has
gone dry. About the visible water
if the impounded body at MeCall's
Perry, which operatevthe dynamos chut
supply the electric current to run the
street railways of Baltiinors City. At
Conowingo. the site of the proposed
second dam, with the exception of a
narrow stream, the entire river bottom
is dtv.
A number of other streams in Mary
land are nearly dry owing to the pro
tracted drought, the most extended ever
Foley Cathartic Tablets
\r<- wholesome, thoroiighlv cleansing,
and have a stimulating effect on the
stomach, live.- and bowels. Regulate
you with no griping ami no unpleasant
after effects. Stout people tiud they
give immense relief and comfort. Anti
bilions. Warren Spotierd, Green Boy.
Wis., writes: "Foley Cathartic Tablets
are the best laxative T ever used. They
do the work promptly and with no bad
alter effects." Try them. Geo. A.
tforgas, 16 North Third street amt
P. R. R. Station. Adv.
Haverford College 3tudents and Faculty
Driven From Beds
Philadelphia, Nov. 10.—Clad in
bathrobes and pajamas, more than 300
students ami members of the faculty of
Haverford College were routed from
their beds early yesterday morning
when a tire, caused by defective elec
tric wiring, started iu tii-e dormitories.
Electricians were working at 2.30
o clock yesterday morning when smoke
began to pour into the gymnasium.
Watchmen lost no time in awakeuiug
the students, who marched down the
stai'-s and firetowers without the least
sign of disorder.
The loss caused by the fire was verv
Famous Preacher-Humorist Is in a Se
rious Condition
Los Angeles. Nov. 10.—Robert J.
Burdette, preacher and humorist, is at
the poin-t of death at his home in Pasa
dena, it is learned ,to-day. Attending
physicians said he had been in a seri
ous condition for 48 hours.
Dr. Burdette is TO years old. He
came to California in the 80s. after
having won a name as a newspaper hu
morist on the Burlington (Iowa)
•'Hawkeye.'" From 190i> to 1909 he
was pastor of Temple Baptist church
here. x,
Burglar Handcuffs Woman
Chicago. Nov. 10.—With a pair of
steel handcuffs a burglar early yester
day fastened th>- hands of Mrs. Anna
Koeni<g. 2021 I-ane court, through the
rods of a brass bed. He then tied her
feet, gagged her with a silk stocking
and robbed the house of 325 in cash
aud $2,300 in jewelry.
Long Prison Term for Killer
Puiladeinhia, Nov. 10. —Pleading
guilty to second degree murder two
weeks ago, Irving Warren, "colored,
was yesterday sentenced to from eight
to thirty years in State prison by
Judge Garrison, in Camden. During a
quarrel over a game of cards on June
21, Warren stabbed James Chambers
in the breast, and he died the same
night in Cooper hospital.
Sample treatment of Pyramid Pile
Remedy mailed free tor trial gives
quick relief, stops Itching. bleeding or
protruding piles, hemorrhoids and all
rectal troubles, iu the privacy of your
own home. Pyramid Pile Remedy la
for sale at all druggists, 50c a box.
Mail this Coupon!
516 Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall. MlcU..,
with your full name and address ou
n slip of paper, and sample treat
ment of the (real Pyramid Pile
Kemedy.will then tie setuyou at once
by mail. FREB. in plain wrapper.
She Bruahes Her Teeth and Takes 5
Foot Bath
Chicago. Nov. 10.— No cow whi
hasn't bad her teeth brushed a'<d her
tect washed is allowed to uiviufae
ture milk nowadays for Mra. Scott
Dnrand, Arthur Meeker of Armour &
to., Joseph M. Cudahv and other put
ticular residents of here and here
a bouts.
Mrs. Durami is so parfctilar that
sho, has issued orders that 110 strange
person uiav enter the gates of bur
farm until he has proved that he
hasn't witn him a germ of the foot
aud mouth disease that might harm
her cows.
Xlr. Meeker, whose farm is north of
the city, introduced the foot both for
cows. No cow of his can go to bed
at night, or got up in the morning,
until she litis completed her toilet.
Mr. I. udaiiv s cow?", on his farm in
Liberty ville, hove their teeth cleaned
ou a revolving brush, which has been
rigged up on an old horse clipping 111 a
chine. Mr. Cudahv figures that 110 germ
can sneak past the revolving brush.
Vlthough many other wealthy per
sons here have forced their cows to
form the foot bath and tooth brush
habits, it can t be proved that any of
them have gone in t'or m* on tot I soap.
Sitz baths, facial massages and things
iRe that. Any stori« B that cows nre
icing served with afternoon tea here
are absolutely false.
Three Fellow Prisoners Also Go to Asy
lums, Not to Jail
'Pottsvillo. Pa \ov. 10.—Michael
van margin, of Sheppton, when called
tor trial yesterday on a charge of blow -
ing up a railroad truck with dynamite,
thereby causing » wreck, pleaded guilty,
but could give no reason for his deed.
I >on beinjj examined by au expert he
was found to oe insaiu.
Three other young men, accused of
equally serious crimes, were also found
to be insane or having the mentality of
very young childreu. Their mental
state is attributed to cigarettes. All
were sent to asylums.
Youth's Extraordinary Punishment
Arouses People's Indignation
Somervillo. V. .1., X o v. 10.—Oscar
l'hiliipson, 19 years old. N'ortli Plain
field, is serving a sentence of 120 days
in jail here for killing a rabbit out of
season, which devoured vegetables in
his mother s garden. Tie is serving the
120 days because of his inability to
pay a fine of $l2B.
The residents ol' North Piaiiiliell
are aroused over the affair. It is the
belief of a number of citizens that the
tine was too heavy, because Phiilipson
used a toy repeating rifle. Justice
Snape and Fish and Game Warden
Hoblitzel contend that they have com
plied with the game laws of New Jer
Deer Hunter Had No License
Egg Harbor, X. J., Nov. 10.—Dr.
A. S. Black, of Williamstown, was ar
raigned before Magistrate Hauser last
night on a complaint of Game Wardens
Loder aud Mat his. charged with gun
ning for deer last week without li
cense. He was fined S2O aud costs,
and another charge for hunting MOll
- was filed against liiin.
stops mtrn
Don't Suffer! Get a
Dime Package of Dr.
James' Headache
A ou can clear your head aud relieve
a dull, splitting or violent throbbing
headache in a moment with a Dr.
.fames' Headache Powder. This old
time headache relief acts almost magi
cally. Send wine one to the drug store
now for a dime package aud a few mo
ments after you take a powder you will
wender what became of the headache,
neuralgia aud pain. Stop suffering—
it's needless. Be sure you get what, vou
ask t'or. ' Adv.
Boulders Sent Crashing Down Into
Roads By Intense Heat
Harper's Ferry, W. Va., Nov. 10.—
Forest fires have broken out with
greater fury since Sunday's rain in
the Blue Kidge mountains. The in
tense heat has loosened manv boulders
and some have crashed 'down th?
mountain sides, narrowly missing mo
torists and others driving along the
One man driving near Harper's
Ferry, heard .a rumbling noise aud,
looking up. saw a rock larger than a
hogshead rolling down. It struck the
rear of his wagon just as the driver
leaped to safety. Red signals arc dis
played, warning travelers of danger.
Ellis M. Pearce Found Guilty of Em
bezzling $1,070
Philadelphia. Nov. 10.—-"Ellis M.
Pearce, formerly a i>n>ker in the Drex
el building, was convicted yesterday in
the Quarter Sessions Court of embez
zling $1,070 from Mrs. Elizabeth W.
Kemfer. of f/iirav street, Germantown.
He was committed to the county prison
11 default of $2,000 bail pending the
disposition of a motion for a new trial.
The prosecutrix gave the money to
Pearce to purchase twenty-five shares
of stock of the Cambria Iron Company.
Bridegroom-elect Sorry
Pottsviile, Nov. 10. —Isaac Loeb. a
Pennsylvania railroad official, who de
serted his bride at the altar in this
city Saturday, and was believed to
have committed suicide, has turned up
in Philadelphia. He telephoned the
Rev. A. O. Reiter yesterday from Phil
adelphia, expressing contrition.
7,000,000 Salmon Eggs for East
Washington, D. C., Nov. 10.—Seven
million salmon eggs of the pink and
hunip-bai ked varieties were shipped
yesterday in a special Bureau of Fish
eries car from Seattle to Government
hatcheries in Maine, to be distributed
in New England waters.
I Makes Stubborn Coughs ;
i Vanish in a Hurry
I '"»rt»lwl7 Goad Coach |;nt < »
A ISaallr aad Cheaply
V Made dt Home
If sumo one in your familr hna an ob
•tlnate cough ur a l»a.l throat or chest
cold that has been hanging on and
to yield to treatiitwil. jpt from unv <irutc
store ounces of Pincx and make it
into a pint ol cough syrup, ami watch
that cough vanish.
Pour the li' 4 ounces of Pincx (50
cents worth) into a pint bottle mid till
the home with plain granulated sugar
•yrnp. Iho total coat is about f>4 oenf
and gives you a full pint—a family
supply—of a most effective remedy, at a
sav inyr of $2. A day's use will usually
overcome a hard cough. Kasilv prepared
in •> minutes—full directions with l'inex
Keeps perfectly and has a pleasant taate.
Children like it. ,
It's really remarkable how promptly
and easily it loosen* the drv, hoarse or
tight couch and heitfs the inflamed mem
branes in a painful cough. It also stops
the formation of phlegm in the throat
and bronchial tubes, thus ending tile per
sistent loose cough. A splendid remedy
for bronchitis, winter coughs, bronchial
asthma and whooping cough.
Pines is a special and highly concen
trated compound ot genuine Aorwav pine
extract, rich in guaiacol, which in so
hen ling to the membranes.
Avoid disappointment by a»kiu<r Tour
druggist for "J'.j ounces of Pinex." and
do not accept anything else. A guarantee
of absolute satisfaction jkoow with this
V r B ]\ )no * v promptly refunded.
The Pine.v Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
he Daily Fashion Hint.
* «
y>* '
\ si vet plays an important part in the
;ur sefs this winter. This set is of
skunk fnr and brown velvet.' Each
Mcin is mounted with the animal heart.
High-Priced Animals for Brooklyn
Zoo Saved From Starvation
Philadelphia, Nov. 10.—The British
steamship. West Point, w;iiich sailed
from London 011 October 22 with a
cargo of wilt} animals for the Prospect
Park Zoo in Brooklyn, N. y,, passed
Quarantine at 8 o'clock Sunday night
and anchored in the stream. A tugboat
met her and transferred to her a sup
ply of meat for the animals, which, it
was reported, were on the verge oi'
When the first wireless reports from
the ship announced the scarcity of food
for the animals, the agents sent orders
to kill some of the less valuable crea
tures and feed the carcasses to their
higher-priced brothers. This was doue.
Full details of the exciting hours
when the animals were roaj-ing for foo l
and the equally stirring ones when
they were getting it, are lacking,
owing to the vessel's failure to reach
port. Hut it is understood the <hip was
110 place for a peace-loving man.
York Couutians Witness Real Novelty
of Early Winter
York, Pa., Nov. 10.—A full-grown
luck deer, the first reported in York
county in a number of years, walked
into Nashville, Jackson township, 81111
day. It is supposed to have been driv
en from the South mountains by forest
fires raging there.
The auimal remained an object of
curiosity in the neighborhood for about
an hour and then disappeared toward
the Pigeon Hills.
You Need This
Great Nerve Tonic
For Over-Eating, Drinking, Smoking or
Overwork of Any Kind Causing
H. C. keuuedy is having a lively
sale of Wendell s Ambition Pills these
days because the people of liarrisbuig
who have tried them know that they
tone up the entire system and impart
vigor and energy mto ruu down peopitt
in a few days and because they are
guaranteed to do exactly as advertiseu,
and 11. C. Kennedy is authorised by
the maker to refund the purchase priew
if anyone is dissatisfied with tho first
box purchased.
If you feel blue, have lost confidence
in yourself, are despondent, weak and
tired out, a 50-cent box of Wendell'*
Ambition Pills is all you need.
Finest prescription for headaches
nervous troubles, poor blood, kidney
and liver complaints, malaria, neu
ralgia, trembling and loss of appetite
They never fail to chd constipation.
Get them at H. C. Kennedy's an<
dealers everywhere for GO cents. .Mai.
order* filled, charges prepaid, bv Wen
dell Pharuiacal Co., Syracuse, N. Y.