The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 09, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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♦_ I
of t
Mechanics Trust Company i
of Harrisburg, Third and Market 1
streets, of Dauphin County, Pennsylva
nia. at the close of business November
2, 1914:
Res erve Fund:
Cash, specie and
notes s7l, >4B 30
Due from ap
proved reserve
agents 108.960 "S securities
at par 45.000 00
Nickela and cents _ 261 31
Checks and cash items, . . 27,145 is
Dur from banks and trust
companies not In reserve 5,510 04
Assets held free, viz-r
Commercial paper purchased:
L'pon two or more
names $222,288 37
Loans upon call with col
lateral. 165,661 90
Time loans with collateral, 161,63,S 31
Loans without collateral... 209,971 85
Bonds, stocks, etc., 276,852 07
Mortgages and judgments
of record 231,615 62
Overdrafts 1 66
Other assets not included
in above 15,170 95
Book value of reserve se
curities above par 497 50
Total $1,544,354 24
Capital stock paid in $300,000 00
Surplus fund 300.000 00
Individual deposits subject
to check (exclusive of
trust funds and savings), 463,794 ul
Time certificates of deposit
(exclusive of trust funds
and savings) 369.510 20
Deposits, saving fund (ex
clusive of trust funds),.. 9.932 60
Deposits, municipal 60.000 00
Due to banks, trust com
panies. etc.. not in re
serve 13,596 12
Treasurer's and certified
checks outstanding. ... 8,187 62
Other liabilities not in
cluded in above 17,267 69
Book value of reserve se
curities below par 1,766 00
Total $1,544,354 24
Amount of trust funds in
vested . $53,584 38
Amount ot trust funds un
invested 72 S6
Total trust funds $53,657 24
Total amount (i. e. face
value) of trusts under
deeds of trust or mort
gages executed by Cor
porations to the Company
as Trustee to secure is
sues of corporate bonds,
including Equipment
trusts $75,000 00
State of Pennsylvania,
County of Dauphin, s's:
I, John C. Motter. Treasurer of the
above named company, do solcmnlv
swear that the above statement is true
to the best of my knowledge and be
(Signed) JOHN C. MOTTER,
•Subscribed and sworn to before me
this Oth day of November. 1914.
(Signed) EMMA A. KEE N'T,
(Notarial Seal) Notary Public.
(Signed) J. H. TROUP.
Hershey Trust Co.
November 2, 1914
Cash on Hand and in Banks Sti 18,:?NX.Stl
Loans and Commercial Paper . ... ... „. . ... 70.883.57
Demand Loans I t0,r>;t7.50
Loans Secured by Mortgages Ifl'.OtO.Ult
Bonds and Stocks 907,130.95
Miscellaneous Assets v 11,048.00
Capital, 8120,000.00
Surplus 120,000.00
Undivided Profits 90,333.10 ?
Individual 1,304,100.03
Interest Certificates 178,009.98
Banks 19,002.10
$ 1.890,000.20
M. S. HERSHEY. President
W. 11. LEBKICKER, Vice President
S. C. STECHEri, Scc'y and Treasurer
Security Trust Co.
of Harrisburg
36 and 38 N. Third St.
At the Close of Business November 2, 1914
Loans and Investments $340,262.83
Mortgages and Judgments 202,785.46
Bonds 82,340.91
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures, .. 82,887.38
Due From Banks and Reserve 81,876.91
Overdrafts 36.16
Capital Paid in $125,000.00
Surplus aud Undivided Profits 52,862.94
Deposits 482,546.71
Mortgage Bonds Sold 129,780.00
Trust Funds $39,732.35
Corporate Trusts $800,000.00
Pies. Treas.
■J—L.. J. !■■", ■ i' .V
FAITHLESS HISBAXD SHOT he resided lor two years. Yesterday he
paid a visit to thi-j city, when his wife
Shenandoah Woman Fatally Wounds accidentally met hini in a hotel and up-
Man Who Deserted Her [ braided him. She then went home and
Shenandoah. Pa., Nov. 9.—Andrew .obtained a revolver, and was returning
Bakowski, of Unsford. a former re.i-1 ** e "? en she ! aw . hi "' th e
. . ... street. Without a word sue hred at
•lent, was tatalh shot on a public I him. sending a "US-calibre bullet into
street of this city last evening bv liis his back and shattering his spine,
wife whom, it is alleged, he deserted! The police arrested the woman, who
lout years ago for Another woman. | did not seem at all distressed over the
After spending pvo years in the shooting. Physicians say the husband
West, iie returned to Lansford, where cannot long survive. His lower limbs
Sixth Street Bank,
. Of Harrisburg. No. 2100 N. Sixth street,
of Dauphin County Pennsylvania, at
; th< close of business November 2, 1914:
I Reserve fund.
, Cash, specie and
notes $27,106 75
Due from approv
ed rcserv e
agents, 31,576 68
Nickels and cents 807 SB
jChc/ks and cash items.... I,o'j-l 53
Securities pledged for spe
cial deposits 7,000 00
1 Assets held free, viz:
Bills discount
ed: Upon one
. name 15,000 00
! Bills discount
ed: Upon two or
more names. .. 18.292 53
, Time loans with collateral. 2.300 00
Loans 0,1 call with collat
| eral 21,243 00
! Loans on call upon oue
I name 150 00
Loans on car, upon two ur
more names 45.81S 00
i Loans secured by bonds and
mortgages 152,395 00
Bonds, stocks, etc., Sched
| ule D 145,532 12
: Mortgages and judgments
■ of record. Schedule D-2,. 44,613 50
] Office building and lot 23.150 00
Furniture and fixtures 6.120 00
Overdrafts 115 75
Total $535,645 81
Capital sto,*k paid in rtno on
j Surplus funds 20,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
-1 penses and taxes paid,... S.IS7 56
j Individual depos
-1 its subject to
1 check $103,866 31
j Time certificates
I of deposit 46.765 52
; Saving fund de-
I posits 259,973 95
' Deposits. Com
] mon.vealth of
I Pennsylvania, . 15,000 00
■ Deposits I". S.
! postal savings.. 33S 32
I Deposits, ntunici
! pal 29.507 7 7
| Certified checks,. 7 50
j Cashier's checks
' outstanding, . . 595 *6
i Dividends unpaid 103 22
Total $535,645 SI
State of Pennsylvania. Coonty of Dau
] pliin. <s:
1 F. L Albert Froehlieh. cashier of
the above named bank, do solcmnlv
swear that tli« above statement is true
j to the oost of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this ,"t!i day of November. 1314.
(Signed) A. M. UANDIS.
Alderman. Sixth Ward.
(Signed) B. G. GALBRAITH,
| Directors.
It 's a good idea io make an orator
of every child, but it's a better idea to
give h:ni ideas to talk about.
Even when a man is a crank he may
j feel that he 'has a turning point iu his
of the
Allison Hill Trust Compauy j
1 of Harrisburg, No. 1501 Market street
of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, «t '
i the close of business November 2, 18H:
Reserve Fund:
; CaSh. specie ami
■ notes $ 13.5. 0 So
Due from approv
ed reserve
agents ,"T. 104 61
; Nickels and cents 470 S3
Checks and casli items. ... 1i.:!49 75
| Due from banks and trust
companies not in reserve. 113 17 !
Securities pledged for bill"
' payable, 33,111} 00 |
I Commercial paper purchased:
Upon one name, }7,7<5 75
, Upon two or more
i names ;22,59u 35
' Loans upon call with col
lateral :7.500 U0 ,
'Time loans with collateral. SO.IMS i>::
i Loans secured by bonds and
) mortgages 7.000 00
I Bonds, stocks, etc 512 75
1 .Mortgages and judgments
! of record, 190.905 00
Office building and lot. ... 38
i Other real estate 3.31S ID
I' and fixtures. ... I.SS2 -9
Overdrafts 27 71 j
j Other assets not included in
i above ti.322 71 |
Total $670,770 IS i
Capital stock paid in (125.000 00 j
Surplus fund 30,000 00 |
Undivided profits, less ex
j penses and taxes paid.. . . 13,206 9fi 1
I Individual deposits subject
to check (exclusive of
I trust funds and savings!. 91M92 74
! Time certificates of deposit
| (exclusive of trust funds
and savings) 2i,627 69
| Deposits, saving fund tex-
I elusive of trust funds and
savings) 171.994 53
t Deposits, municipal 30.000 00
, Due to banks, trust com
panies. etc.. not In rc
serv e 50S 53
I Dividends unpaid . 3S 00 |
Treasurer's .ind certified
checks outstanding 5.134 20
i Rills payable on demand. . . 15,000 00
Rills payable on time, mort
gage bonds sold on guar
anteed .. 150.700 00 I
'Other liabilities not in
| eluded in above 4,073 53 !
Total, $670,77 i; 18
Amount of trust funds In
vested 515.053 25 j
' Amount of trust funds un
j invested 672 14 j
Total trust funds J1 8.725 39 i
' State of Pennsylvania.
1 County of Dauphin, sa:
| 1. Alfred G. Eden. Treasurer of the ,
above named company, do solemnly j
swear tliat the above statement is t. ue i
1 to the best of my knowledge and be- I
(Signed) ALFRED G. EDEN. j
Treasurer. 1
Subscribed and sworn to before tn»
this Oth dav of November, 1914.
(Signed) JOHN E. C3IPPUS.
(Notarial Seal) Notary Public.
Correct —Attest:
(Signed) W. M. HOERNER.
K. N. I.EBO,
T. J. ALTHOUSi:. 1
of the
(Common wealth Trust Coin
of Harrisburg, No. 222 Market street, of 1
j Dauphin County. Pc;ins> Ivania, a th# I
I close of business November 1914;
1 Reserve luuU:
i Cash, specie and
notes SSS,S9O 7 0
j Due from ap
proved reserve
agents 141,02$ 6i!
I Legal securities
at par, 92,800 00
j Nickels and cents 534 61) j
I Checks and cash items, ... 15,360 02!
J Due from BiuiKs ami M rust
j companies not in res-ice, 123,2:3 51 j
I Assets held lite, via.
i Commercial paper purchas
Upon one name... (2,313 50
Upon two or luoro
names, '49,241 !>»
1 Loans upon call with col-
I lateral 509,65S li, '
jTitne loans with collateral, Lbo.-lo 50
1 Loans secured by bonds
1 and mortgages 24.353 00 !
'Bonds, stocks, etc 061,165 t>U >
j Mortgafcct Jiid juiibineiiis
1 of record 52,691 0j
Office buiuiui; a,hi tut 1 ..
Other real estate 5i,527 98
i Furnitu,« mm 1: .lures ... «;•,«><• • 1.
I Overdrafts 131 29 i
! Other assets not included iu
j above, . 752 00 j
j Total $2,600,042 lii
! Capital stoca paiu in s2i>o.uoo i>»
i Surplus fund 450.000 00
Undivided proiita, less ex
; penses and taxes paid,... Tti.ijlT 53
i Individual deposits subject
; to check (exclusive of
trust funds and savings), 1,076.214 16.
j Deposits, special time (ex
! elusive of trust funds and
1 savings). 3.!50 7S
Time cerililcatcs of uoposl:
exclusive of trust funds
and savings) 281,905 Si
j Deposits. Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania 403,737 3 7 !
Deposit?, municipal jo.ouo oo
! Duo to banks, trust com
panies, etc., not in re
serve Sll 25
treasurer's and certified
checks outstanding 3.532 S!> '
Other liabilities not includ
'■ ed in above -'i'.tiuT S5
\ Book value of reserve se
! curities below par 2.301 17
Total, $2,600,042 16
Amount of trust funds in
] vested $4,510,606 13
Amount of trust funds un
i invested 100,451 IS
.Overdrafts 1 7,747 63
Total trust funds $4.628,805 21
fatal amount (i. s. face
value/ of Trusts under
deeds of trust or mort
gages executed by Coi po
tations to me Company
as Trustee to secure is
sue 01 corporate bonds, v
including LquipmeM
Trusts, $19,175.000 00
i'ota. amount ot securities
deposited by Corporations
with the Company a*
Trustee ft, secure issues
of Collateral Trust Bonds 3.352.40J 00
Slate of Pennsylvania, County of Dau
phin, ss.
i W. H. Metzger, Treasurer of th#
above named company, do solemniv
swear that the above scutement Is true
to the jest of ruy knowledge «nd belief
(Signed) W. H. METZCEB,
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 7th day of November. 1914.
(Signed) R. E. STEEVER.
i (Notarial Seal) Notary Public.
, Correct—Attest:
(Signed) \Y.\I. JENNINGS.
are paralyzed, and his condition is
Golden Wedding at Hershey
Lebanon, Nov. 9. —Mr. and Mrs.
Christian S. Mault'air, of Hershey, yes
terday celebrated their golden wed
ding /anniversary. Guests to the num
ber of 150 were present.
Btnpldity and a Balloon
The real eauso of' the destruction of
the Forlanini airship Citita di Milano
is attributed 'by the London " Engi
1 nee; '' to the stupidity of the country
! folk who rushed to the soot at which
j the airship descended to repair a
1 iloaky valve. The soldiers who manned
I the vessel could neither drive the
crowd back nor induce its members to
stop snvoking. It was necessary to de-
I flate the balloon. As the peat bactj
' feW over toward the crowd a series ofi
of the
Peoples Bank
of Slcellon, No. IS S. Front street, ol
Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, at the i
close of business November 5, 19H:
j Reserve fund:
Cash, specie antl
notes, ... $16,275 UO
i Due from approved
! reserve agents,.'. 39,t>9t> 09
—» >54.971 Uf>
; Nickels and cents -67 75 '
I Checks and cash items • 7,685 6S
| tiecutities 'pledged to secure
! special deposits 5,000 00
: Assets held free, viz.
, Bills discounted:
'Upon one name... SIOO 00
Upon two or more
names 58.4 3 4 Ou
Time loans with
collateral'-j 00
Uoan*i on call with
. collateral $2,-74 00
Loan® on call upon
j one nane 1,510 o«»
Loans on call upon
I two or more
names 9 4.00 7 15
| Loans seemed by
| bonds and mort
gages SS.U-U 50
j Furniture ami fixtures 1.800 00 :
Overdrafts 2i ]
To:ai »n#D,;oi j? i
Capital stock paid in JiO.'HiO ou
I Surplus fund, 35. 10 00
Undivided profits, !es« ex
i penscs and taxes paid IJ,9:'S 03
1 Individual depos
l lis subject' to
check $16£.947 48
| Time certificates
of deposit 103,39S !>!>
Savings fund de
posits 23,360 57
Deposit*, U. S. Pos
tal savings 3,620 t>3
Deposits, munici
pal, 2,166 66
Cashier's checks
| outstanding:, ... 643 25
| Due to banks and trust com
panies. e1... not reserve,.. 1,405 7<
i Dividends • unpaid, 30 00
Total .J393.501 37
State of Pennsylvania.
I County of Dauphin, ss:
T, W. H. Nell, President of" the above'
! named bank, do solemnly swear tiiat the
above statement is true to the best of |
my knowledge and belief.
! (Signed) W. H. NELL.
President, i
Subscribed and sworn to bel'oiu no
this 6tli dav of Novcinuet - , 19H.
| (Signed) M. R. ALLBMAN,
i (Notarial Seal) Notary Public.
I My commission expires Jan. 21, 1917.
I Correct—Attest:
! Signed) HENRY V KEEKER, JR.,
j Directors. j
of the
Citizens Bank
iof ila:■; ■;ab jrg:. No. I*ol Derry street, of <
Uauphm County, Pennsylvania, at the,
• close of i u.- iness November 2, 1911,
i llesei ve Fund:
Cash, specie and
notes $15.2.0 00
j Due from ap
j proved reserve
i agents 12,030
I Nickels and cents 255 I'»s
Checks and cush items. ... 1,150 30
Bills discounted: Upon two
| or more names b 1.102 91
Time loans with collateral. 27.957 50
. Loans on call with collat
' cral 55.502 5S j
| Loans on call upon one
« name 145 00 |
| Loans on call upon two or
j more names 2G. ISS OS !
, Loans secured by bonds and
j mortgages 1 1,245 00 |
Bonds, stocks, etc.. Sched
ule D 10.300 00
• Mortgages and judgments
; of record. Schedule L)-2,. 27.403 50 !
I Office building ami lot 24,900 00
i Furniture and fixtures. ... 1.500 00
i Overdrafts 37 85
Total $282,501 75'
« 'apical stmk paid in. .... 130,000 00 1
Surplus fund 20.000 00 1
Undivided profits. less ex
panses and taxes paid.... 1.559 26
Individual depos
i its subject to
i check 195.G79
, Time certificates
! of deposit. ... 99.240 69
, Deposits. Com
mon wealth of
Pennsylvania. 5.000 Oo
Deposits, munic
ipal. 5,000 00
Certified check. . . 2 00
• Cashier's cheeks
1 outstanding. . 1.318 57
i Due to a:iks and trust
companies, etc., not re
serve 3.851 S-7 !
Dividends unpaid Sl7 00
, Total $-b2,501 75 1
fctate oi Pennsylvania,,
County of Dauphin, ss:
I. C. C>. .Miller, Cashier of ;lie j'OO f
naiiied Bank, do solemnly swear ilia*
tue above sta eiucnt is true to ii:a
of my knowledge and belief.
(Signed) C. G. MILLER.
~ , Cashier.
S'UOscrllieii and sworn to before me
Tals tjt'i day uf Xo\< nvbei*. IDH
(Signed) IRWi.V ,\i. CASSELL
(Notarial Seal) Nutarv Publir
IMy commission e;,plrcs Ma.vh 1K17)
(Signed) JOHN 1 1. M ILHENNV.
— II !■ : ' ecl °-3-
you cie»ire to locftt* *ae
ntareat retail hbmn and u.oat •vcedftMife
to tbea'r<*>. d*ro(s. stetmsliip pieri, jou
*vl/. i),. ai The
sih Av., Broadway, 24th St.
A 'ire* uiiluon dollar eiLuaylo of xnedorf»
•rcQiiociurtl perfect ion; «cooniino<lttio> r
1.000 guests.
A Good Room,
$1.30 Per Day.
With Bath, $2 to $3.
F«mwi» Plwtd;i:y RMtanrint.
»\4' Bookiet and tiuide on Request. jt
expiofcioiis took place, aud in a few
(Seconds a jt rea>t burst of flame shot
i skyward. Thus perished a most sue
| resaful dirigible airship, which had cost,
about tSO,OOO, the money lieiug raised
j by public subscription in Milan.
The Passing Years
Kichard Cleveland, son ot' Grover
I Cleveland, is one of the American dele
! gatei to the international educational
: conference at The Hague. Does it make
you feel ol'lf Some of us who do not
know we are very far advanced in
; years can remember when Baby Iluth
| was a national ligure. And there was
iuo Richard Cleveland then.—Hartford
i Times
>e° d 7^ WO9r °7
] Vnw
Litevski ' , -<^
" 7 5»" Zamose
1 | V& •BUjow
) c/ '"** * f/ A* Z( f ew B*4WJwJ #n
« J&m -,ku% a |x/IS£L. 1
j\ } **3 _6£/'
T&,chichi J
■eyburK *2»> V VV'" » w J%iL
V22ZZH Germans ■■ Russians ••• austrians m —■ i
O 10 20 4<) 60MU1S
+ * •♦••••♦•• ♦♦ ♦ ♦"♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦-♦-♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦-» »++ + ♦ ♦-♦ ♦ ♦ ♦-»-»>4 f♦-
♦ Russian official reports record further rapid advances in Poland and East Prussia. The Germans are «
♦ in full flight toward the Silesian frontier. Minor engagements have taken place near Warta and on the *
♦ voad f rom Andriew to Miechow and Russians are reported attacking the Germans at Sierade. on the Warthe ♦
« River, the last fortified German position on Russian soil, only fifteen miles from the border. In East *
♦ Prussia the Russians are developing an offensive in the region of Rominten and Lyck. t
Palis. Nov. 9. —The French drive
against the German line has commenced, i
Unless all signs fail, history will record
that in the battle of Flanders, as in the
German advance upon Paris, Generalj
Joffre waited only until he considered j
that the German forces had been on the
offensive just long enough to batter
their strength out against a line that j
was impregnable, and then ordered a|
general offensive movement in great j
it is no' in the l-'rouch strategy to
foretell these movements. Indeed the
fate of these dispatches with the cen
sors rests solely on the understanding
that the interpretation placed upon the
news of the day front official sources is
that of the correspondent and not of
any official.
It is • permissible to state, however,
that in the massing of great bodies ofj
reinforcements behind the allied troops
on the battle front about Ypres and
Arras it was not merely the French j
plan to better the Allies' chances of
withstanding the impending German at
tack, but to be able. when, in the opin
ion *.<!' General Jofl're and his start' the
moment should arrive, to assume the
ofl'eus:»e in such proportion as to in
sure a decisive defeat for the Germans. I
The official communications issued
yesterday afternoon and last night gave
news not only of the weakening of the
German attack, but of the successful
embarkation of the allied troops upon
their offensive movement. Where the
offensive was not taken by the Allies
their Itne held firmly against the Ger
man assaults.
The afternoon statement records that
between the River Lys and the North
Sea on Saturday the lighting generally
was less violent and that the attacks
of the enemy, mainly sporadic, wer<> re
pulsed, particularly in the direction of
Dixmude and to the northeast of Ypres.
Says Silesia Is Invaded
London. Nov. 9.—The "Times'' cor
respondent at Petrograd, telegraphing
yesterday, says that according to pri
vate advices the Austro-Gernian armies
have left Kailscz aud Czestochowa and
that Poland is now clear of the enemy.
The Russians, the correspondent says,
are invading East Prussia and Silesia.
Sails German Tobacco Branch
Berlin, Nov. 9.—The British Ameri
can Tobacco Company, Limited, has
disposed of one of its principal German
subsidiaries at Dresden. The British
Board of Trade made an exception in
this case, and permitted the company
to sell its holdings to Germans.
First Four Bricks Laid of 5,(MM), M00
to Be Used at Jefferson City
Jefferson City, Aio., Nov. 9.—The
first four bricks out of 5,000,000 to
used in the construction of the new
State capitol were laid Saturday, oue
brick by each of the four Commission
Tuesday the Commissioners will meet
K. F. Gill, representing the contractors
at t'arihuge. Mo., and make inspection
of the stone he is quarrying in .lasper
county and at Cassville.
A Grafter
"I know a man who is grafting all
the time in his business, yet he can
always get the public to swallow it."
"What is he —a political officehold
"So; he runs a peach orchard.'"—
Baltimore American.
"Wake Up" by Telephone
In Loudon a man who wants to be
awakened at a certain time can call up
central on iho telephone and leave his
number and the hour. At the precise
moment his telephone bell will ring, and
, it will keep on ringing until he answers.
1 The charge for such a call is 6 cents.
Philadelphia, Nov. 9.—Agents of
Great Britain were making inquiries in
! this city lust week for more than
000,000 worth of supplies for the
i armies of the allies. Prices were asked.
and iu some instances options were
| taken on 20.000 tield glasses, 100.000
i hair and shaving brushes, 500.000
: knives, with can opener attachments,
40,000 saddle blankets and 200,000
: ''mess tins.''
j The English government, according
to a dispatch received here Saturday
| from I'nited States Consul General
| William Jl. Bradley, at Montreal, has
established headquarters there for pur
chasing agents of army supplies iu this
country and Canada.
It wus »aid here yesterday that part
si' an order for 300,000 pairs of shoes
J placed in Pittsburgh last Friday, would
! bo apportioned among several shoe
manufacturers in this city. The shoes
which wore ordered for the French
army, are to be made wiih soles seven
i eighths of an inch thick and with
1 Hungarian nails in the heels and soles.
The shoes will weigh i:bout four
! pounds, and. it is said, will last a year.
The contract price is $3.25 a pair.
Ljiidon. Nov. 9. —A dispatch to the
1 "Times'' from Rotterdam says that a
Dutchman, returning from Sel/.aete, in
! I East Flanders, states that the Germans
have repaired the first bridge over the
|; Gheot-Terneuzen Canal and between
j this and the next bridge are construct -
' ing trenches facing iu the direction of
! Antwerp. The Germans had been un
able to repair the main railway bridge
which the Belgians destroyed.
| It is reported that the Gefmaus fight
j ing iu South Belgium are chiefly volun
' teers and that many volunteers be
. I ween the ages of 111 and 21 are drill
ing in Germany.
Russian Black Sea Fleet Sails
Amsterdam. Nov. 9.—The Frank
, flitter Zeitung learns from Constanti
■ | uople that the Hussiau Black Sea fleet
Saturday left Sevastopol, proceeding iu
' an easterly direction. Two Turkish
submarines cruised iu the Agcau Sea.
\ later returning to Constantinople, with
' out having sighted anv hostile war
• | ships. '
Jack Williams Hopes for 92,000 Prize
on Reaching San Francisco
I St. I *ouis, Mo., Nov. 9. —Jack Wil
'; Hams is skating across the I'nited
! States 011 roller skates from New York
j to San Francisco. He reached St. Louis
! Saturday.
Williams left New York April 15. ft'
he gets to San Francisco by April 15,
1 1915, he hopes to receive a $2,000
prize offered there for the person cross
!'ing the continent iu the most remark
Huble manner. Williams carries t«o pair
"'of skates besides those he wears, and
>j a roller skate company sends him a new
i pair every time lie wires. He has worn
I out eight pair since leaving New York.
- j Mother Accidentally Killed by Son
While at Work in Room
1 Hazleton, Pa.. Nov. 9. —Finding two
loaded revolvers in a room where his
II mother, Mrs. William Filbert, was mak
-11 ing a, bed, shortly after breakfast yes
'' terday, Albert Filbert, aged IT, clapped
. 1 them together and accidentally dis
; charged one.
The bullet hit Mrs. Filbert in the
j heart and killed her almost instantly.
; Filbert was released under $1,500 bail.
, | $1,500 Fire in Shamokin
,1 Shamokin, Pa.. Nov. 9.—Fire here
1 yesterday destroyed Charles Bader's
> hgkeshop, stable and a portion of a
I frame tenement house belonging to Mrs.
. John Museiiek, causing a total loss of
$1,500, partly covered hv insurance.
Washington, Nov. 9.—The little
; German cruiser Geier, which has been
: repairing at Honolulu while a Japan
j esc squadron waited outside the harbor
. 1 for her to reappear on the high seas,
I ' interned for the war at Honolulu Sat-
I I urday midnight, the time set by the
, i American government for her to intern
' j or leave port. Two Japanese cruisers
> have been stationed off Honolulu for
: some time ou the lookout for the
■ Geier.
; Honolulu, Nov. 9.—On instructions
received from Washington the North
s German Lloyd's steel schooner Lock
sun, which arrived recently, was in
terned here last night under the ruliug
< that the vessel was a aaval tender. A
I 1 guard has been placed aboard the ship.
j The Geier, which is an unprotected
1 cruiser of 1,630 tons, put into Hono
. lulu on the moruing of October 15 to
,! make repairs to her machinery. At
, j about the same hour the Gorman
freighter Locksun, which has been in
the China coast trade, appeared, and
from appearances had been doing duty
1 as a collier. The Geier took on 320
tons of coal while repairs were being
made. The Japanese battleship Qizen
' I soon appeared off Honolulu and waited
I for the less formidable German ship ?o
j! leave the port within twenty-four
hours, as required. The German cruis
-1 er overstayed the limit and Japan pro
-1 tested to the United States.
Cholera Spreads in Galicia
1 Vienna, Nov. 9.—lt- is officially an
nounced that there were 256 cases of
1 ; cholera in Galicia last Thursday. Of
these 12G cases were iu Przemysl.
British Gunboat Beaten
Constantinople, Nov. 9. —The Turk
' isii General Staff reports the following:
•j "A Turkish motorboat cruising in
Shat-et-Arab encountered n British
| gunboat, with which it exchanged shots,
causing an explosion on the gunboat
, The Turkish shells set afire a petroleum
tank at A'bo-Than. The Turkish boat
-j returned to Basra undamaged."
. t Chief Executive of Chicago Seeks de
Chicago. Nov. 9.—-'"Mayor Harrison
is a candidate for renominatiou and re
election. There is not the slightest doubt
1 about that.''
Congressman A. J. Sa'bath, chairman
e of the Democrat! managing committee,
made this unqualified statement ves
terday. The Congressman has been
I chairman of the Harrison organization
f j for four years and is one of the May
s j or's closest political advisers.
j "The Mayor can do nothing else but
II make the race for another term," he
.1 continued. "His work for the city is
' i in such shape as to make it necessary,
•j We arc already making preparations to
get the campaign under way."
1 One Highwayman Fatally Hurt and
Two Beaten by Intended Victims
Shenandoah. Pa„ Nov.
William and Matthew Dunlap were re
turning to their home late Saturday
» night they were held up by three inask
led men on a lonely spot. One of the
0 Dunlap brothers picked up a plank la>
s ing ou the roadside and felled one of
the trio. They then attacked the other
i-| two men and gave them a sound thrash
-1! ing.
j The Dunlap brothers hurried the un
i conscious victim to the State Hospital,
e| where he was revived with great difli
'. I eulty and gave the ,name of Andrew
I. Harocki. His skull is fractured* and
' there is 110 hope of his recovery.
ej Getting It Right
91 "He's broke, and the girl he was en
h ' gaged to lias dropped him."
1. "She dropped and broke him, ehs"
f "No. She broke and dropped him."
—Houston Post.