NEWS OF S MISSIONARIES CELEBRATE GRACE ANNIVERSARIES Many Persons Attended Meeting at First Reformed Churcll, Last Even ing—Fine Music and Spirited Ad dress at Evangelical Church Services incident to the tenth anni versary of the formation of the Wom an's Missionary Society of the First Reformed church, held in the auditor ium last evening were largely attend ed. Mrs. E. W. Leutz, wife of a former pastor aud the first president of the organization was the principal speak er. Interesting addresses were also made by Mrs. Harry N. Bassler, of Harrisburg, and Miss Cugan, who is in the employ of the Reformed .Mission Hoard. A large number of missionary scenes in China were splendidly illus trated with magic lantern slides. Grace United Evangelical church Was filled at all services yesterday when the twenty-sixth anniversary of the church and the Sunday school rally dav were observed. Bishop H. IS. nartzler was the principal speaker. Music was render ed by the choir, the Evangelical Male Chorus, class 5 quartet, aud the fol lowing soloists: Mrs. Lillian Wistrard, Mrs. Estella Steinmetz, Morris Sheetz, R. C. Westbrook, Mrs. William Bren izer, Mrs. Arthur Wright and Mrs. .1. E. Watson. FUNERAL OF DROWNED MAX Edward H. SchroU Will Be Buried Wed nesday Funeral services for Edward H. Schroll, aged 42 years, will 'be held Wednesday afternoon at the borne of his sister, Mrs. Harry Demniy, 34 South Second street, at 1 o'clock. The Rev. T>r. M. P. Hocker. of IMb'dletawn. will officiate aud interment will 'be made at Oberlin. The 'body of Schroll was found yes terday morning abou't 8 o'clock in the Susquehanna river, close to the shore, near the Pennsylvania railroad passen ger station, fa.-e downward, "by some railroad workmen. William Schroll, a brother of the dTowned man, employed at the 'borough pumping station near tire scene. identi fied t'he body which was removed to the undertaking establishment of H. Wilt's Sous. Schroll said his 'brother was sub ject to epilepsy. It is thought that lie was overcome and rolled down the em bankment into the water. Coroner's in vestigation declared death accidental. HINTERS DEPART FOR ( AMP Members of the Steelton Club Leave To-day for Annual Hunt The annual deer hunt of the Steel ton club will 'be commenced to-morrow and will continue one week. A number of members left Saturday for Green wood, Franklin 'county, ami established a camp in the mountains about one mile from that village. The following members will take jait in the hunt: George H. Roberts. Charles Detweiler, Frank Stees. Charles New baker, Thomas J. Nclley. Joan E. Shuji ■, Jr., Walter Keister, John Banks, Charles Roberts. Park Hoover, Frank Elliott, Bartram il'aelley. iMost of these members will make the trip to camp to night in automobiles. FAIR OPENED AUSPICIOUSLY ProgTam of Concerts This Week Is An nounced The opening n'.glit of the fourth an tii'al fair of the Citizens' company. o f, Saturday evening was well patronized. The committee in charge l as announced t'he following program of concerts by different bands during the veck. Tuesday, Steelton '; Wednes day, Highspire band; Thursday, -Middle ti vni band; Fririav, Liberty'bar d, of Mi Idletown. DEATH NOT DUE TO FOUL PLAY John J. Hughes Expired of Acute Dila • tion of the Heart Acute dilation of the heart was the cause assigned by Coroner tiiio death of John J. iHuglies, colored, whoso body was found Saturday near the tapping hole uf No. 22 open hearth furnace. Hughes is survived by his wife and four small children who re side at 4 4 Furnace street. 'Funeral ar rangements were not completed this morning. Funeral of Young Daughter Funeral services for Anna IMENT, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 9. 1914. SAY ALLIES ARE ON GERMAN SOIL I'ontinnrd I'rm Flrat Pace. olas, the Russian commander-in-chief in the field, tho advance guards of which are loss than 200 miles from Ber lin. It is true that there was a brief Russian invasion of East Prussia dur ing the early stages o" the war, while the French have for n long time held their positiota in Alsace; but the latest development in the Russian advance, if the interpretation placed on it in lxm don is not all wrong, is the most impor tant. of the campaign up to the present time. Jt is lucre speculation, of course, to say that Gennauy may be forced forthwith to retire from Belgium, or even cease her offensive in this arena. In certain areas of Fiance and Belgium the allies are taking a vigorous of fensive, but it is too early yet to pre dict that Germany will not renew her smashing tactics in an effort to breaJi through the line and that there will not be much hard fighting around Ypres. In any event. German retirement from Belgium probably would be very slow, as the forces of Emperor William have made the entire country behind their battle line one vast fortification, with trenches even more carefully pre pared thaft those they are still holding; in France. With Tsing Tau under Japanese ad ministration and the release for other service of the Japanese and British vessels used in the capture of this Ger man stronghold, there should be a sharp impetus to naval activity in the Far Eust, as these vessels can now center their attention upon the roving Ger man cruisers which have been so suc cessful in operations against British shipping. GERMAN OFFENSIVE IS ON AT OIXMUOE, IS REPORT OF FRENCH ON SITUATION Paris, Nov. 9, 2.57 P. M. —The of ficial announcement given out by the French War Office this afternoon says that the German offeusive has been re newed at Dixmude and to the southeast of ypres all the German attacks have beeu repulsed. The text of the com munication follows: '•On our left wing the Germans have undertaken again an offensive move ment on Dixmude and in the rogion of Ypres. Particularly to tho southeast of Ypres their attacks have been every where repulsed. "Ar the end of the day, referring to the entire f.-ont between Dixmude and the Lys, we have made progress along the major part of the line. Neverthe less, our advance is slow on account of the offensive movements undertaken by the enemy, and because of the strong organization, the enemy already has had the time to effect around his points of support. Since the beginning of the fighting the fog, furthermore, has made operations difficult, particularly be tween the Lvs and the Oise. "On the center, along the Aisne, the progress set forth in the official com munications of yesterday has been maintained. In the Argoune and in the vicinity of V erdun there have been only actions of minor importance. "On our right wing, in Lorraine, there is nothing to report. In Alsace fresh attacks on the part of the Ger mans directed against the heights of Mount Sainte Marie have again result ed for them in decided check.'' Russian Black Sea Fleet's Movements London, Nov. !), 7.55 A. M. —A dis patch from Berlin states that the Rus sian Black sea fleet has left Sevastopol and is proceeding eastward, says the 'Central News" correspondent at Co penhagen. The Russians, according to his dispatch, have bombarded KohJn and Suglu, on the coast of Asia Minor. Passed Many British Warships By Associated Press. .New \ ork, Nov. 9.—The steamer Campista. which arrived here to-day from Brazilian ports, reported that be tween Rio .Janeiro and F'ernambuca the snip passed a tleel of seven British war ships bound south and that when she was off French Guiana, she passed a French crtiiser. Eager "I understand tho bride and groom are back from their honeymoon trip." "Yes." "Are they all settled? - ' 1 ' Yes.'' "And happyf" "Very. She can hardly wait for his first pay day to come."—Detroit Free Press. Decidedly Unsuitable Parson Johnson—why don't yo 1 come to church, Samf Sam Shinn—Nothin' suitable to wear, pahsou. Parson—The Lord won't notice vo' clothes, Sam. Sam —No, but Deacon Butts might recognize his shirt, and Bre'r Simpson his umbrella.—Puck. Dp to Him "Won't you get me an automobile, dear?" said the young married woman. "But the expense, wife!" replied the husband. "Oh, you know you promised to keep nothing from me after we were mar ried!"—Yonkers Statesman. Mightier Than the Sword "It seems out of piece to confer knighthood on a poet, by tapping him on the shoulder with a sword." "What do you suggest?" "They ought to use a fountain pen."—Kansas City Journal. As Usual Bill —How did her singing strike you? Jill—Oh. as usual. I was tho inno cent bystander.— Yonkers Statesman. The Cincinnati judge who sentenced two scolding women to keep silence for two minutes just floutod tho fed eral constitution. All cruel and un usual punishments are prohibited. Elmer_ Sperry, inventor of the new est aeroplane gtablixer, -Is another American to win fame in aeroplane improvements. But he had to go to Paris to get the fame and substantial recognition. It has beon figured out that SSO at interest will amount to $15,000,000 by the year 2254. Now is the time to save your pennies. Boy Here Ret Alone Became Price* Are u»«, Bo I Beraase Qaalltlts Are BetteiHHUP^ Our Low p r jces and First Qualities i Make Every Day A Bargain Day Hsrs V2> tm tJ We want to hammer this one point home—this is a store of 3 Vx>, better qualities than your money will buy elsewhere. Our 1 whole merchandising policy hinges on selling you equal qual- j ity at lower prices, or better qualities at the same prices that 1 other stores quote. In that way alone can we hope to succeed. Convince yourself » by critical comparisons. | A New Mark in Millinery' Art Needle Work Dept. This store has set a new mark In Millinery mer- vr n n T • * « i , ™ chandising. We have wiped out all price inflation, .New X all .Line 01 GrOlden Fleece Yam and added to our cost only a fair commercial profit, . f „ M „ „ „ , which brings Millinery to you at a more reasonable Germantown Yarn, all colors, 10c figure than you've ever enjoyed. See now our 4-fold Germantown Yarn, all colors 12* ac LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES", Saxony in all colors, skein 10c MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS Split Zephyr, all colors, skein »Oc in Silk Velvet, Flush and Velours Chinchilla Yarn, all colors, 12)£c in all the leading shapes. Angora Yarn, all colors 10c They come in black and colors, at less than the Ostrich Wool ball ' manufacturer's usual prices. _ ' ~° The new large Picture Hats are to be seen here wool, ball in all the wanted colors. -< r >c Eiderdown, all colors except black and white, Trimmings include wew Ostrich Fancies, in black skein a«d colors, also new maribou and fur trimmings. Instruction sheets given away free with all yarn All at our usual low prices. purchases. *■ _ Special For Ladies, Misses and MU»hb. »e. «<•. -»•. s<- i uirdie in,- Bn ,i a.-,,. ■ .. tt„ ( rn*he* nnd towel,a*. 5c «o 15c .lob J. Clark. »K1 tarda. 2c Children in the Muslin Un- IMIIOK mm, s is,- Kins'* M-jard, .-»«• rlArwpur Ontins: flannel, **c anil 10c roaffa' riamliiK ifiUoa. for 5c aerwear department. c «ri»ia net* and «Tim, i<»c to as.- skirt h.-nid. lof piece I.adieu' drawers, lllc value, 15c. Towels, 3c to 25c I'eatherhone, 5e and l»c yard l.adlcM' drawer*. 25c value. l»c - ''"< l liF ", pockctbookn, 25c Ladles' corset cover*, 25c vnhie, 19c ' ■ h Klrdle*. 25c i.adien- eor«et coveM, 3«e value, 25c Special Values in Children's (. mhTof "„11 iTItT«- (towna mid aklrta, 25c - , -_ r ' °* «" kind*. 10c to 25c Finnncictte xkirta, 25c iteaay-to-wear Flannelette <>onn* at special price*. *™ l^™^ ______ children')) drawer*. I3M.C value, 10c j Romper*. 50c value*, 25c ~ TT , , Children'* Flannelette slip*. 25c ! Waali dre**e*. 25c 1 lie Household Department PrC- Children'* Flannelette sown*. 25c (iliiKlinm aiiron. 25c , _ . ______ _____________ Woul <«"iue*. 25c sents a Special Showing of ler*ey Ircsinss, 25c _ . Some of Our Specials in Lace* j- VVo ° l ■»"<»»" ■»«« iae to asc ulassware at Low Prices and Trimmings Cream and Su K nr*. Glass-footed (IrienlHl lace*, white and ecru. 8c to Lad j?S', Misses and Children's «"«•»«. »1... n.pple*. 25c Hosiery—Special Values " eeiery holder*, tooted Shadow lacfß, t)%p to 35c *hcrbot jflaNM"*, cut and plaint larj?r Vfnlne educ», cream and nhlte, I0«* ftadlea' black hone, 10c acta** enke nlatrs: clh*m VM#i in to 2.1 c V.arilea' black flercr lined hour. ll!V-»c rR ,,|, All over lace* In cream and nhlte, '-adlcV black and eaNltuiere 2T»c hnae, 23c I'lain ulain creaniN, nuffars, *|ioon Cotton and linen torclion lace*, 3c liadlea* *IIk boot lione, 25c holder* and butter <>■ to 10c Children'* black ho*e, 10c. a tor 25c Persian band* and edge*, 25c Hrotlier'* choice bo*e In hrnad and ... each TaNNeIM, black and color*, 10c and 2T»e Nne ribbed. Special, 12' ie lain Colonial candlc-atlcka, 10c ca. Frown, black and color*, 10c and 23c Cut Klaaa footed aherbet clamtei: 25e Black braid*. 5 to 2T»c npeclal, —————» Ribbed Underwear Specials [ u * «'«» Hie *tick*. sfk- pcclal. I rt ir\ a • i t,-i . i.artte ela** banket*, special, 25c Some of Our Specials in Ribbons Special In l,n.lle*\ SSc < •>< «'<>*» 'a*ci Hpeclal. 35c TnflTcta ribbon. In all color*, l2Wc M»eclnl In t hlldrcn'a. 13'/4c lo 25c ' -"W C«.lo'nlal aapplen. SlW value. 10c «« .* * celerlex. Colonials, 35c Satin ribbon, in all color*. 12l'"„ .Ushes, aßoe'., Ilab> ribbon in nil colora, Ic yard ' lc to 25c Department Store I Wool.nerfp plaid eanvan cloth in all I llrcMM KlntehauiN, 10c and ISVieC yard WHERE EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY 1 I Crepe plalda, 14r 5 STrino n " n " H ' ls,/:tC 215 Market Street Opp. Court House 'W—MWM————aa—. BIG GUNS FOR THE CANAL No Weapon in the World Equals the - Sixteen Inch Monster There is still about a year's work to do on the sixteen inch gun before it is sent to the Panama fortifications. The gun lias been ordered shipped to Wa tervliet arsenal, where it will be sent to Watertown, and the gun will be in stalled in the immeuse carriage, which is now Hearing completion. At Wa tertown it will have a shock test, after which the gun and the carriage will be shipped back to Sandy Hook for final test. The progress of building the disap pearing carriage is attracting the at tention of ordnance experts of various countries, and great interest will ba taken in the firing test of the gun after it is installed in its new carriage, [t will throw a larger projectile than any gun in the world. It is estimated that it will have an effective range of some thing like sixteen miles, which is be yond that of any other gun in the world. The final tests at Sandy Hook of two new fourteen inch guns for Pana ma canal fortifications arc about com pleted. The ordnance officers are high ly pleased with the success of the tests, and it is stated that a remark able record of accuracy was made by the guns on long range firing.—Army and Navy Journal. De Saulles Made a Record .John L, de Saulles, who recently re signed the post of minister to Uruguay to which he was appointed in March, to engage in the real estate business in New York, stepped out of the Unit ed States diplomatic service without having discharged a single official duty. As his appointment was confirm ed by the United State Senate, Mr. de Saulh>s is entitled to full diguitics as a one time representative of this coun try to a foreign nation. It is believed ho is the first iu the history of the diplomatic service to win his title without having left bis own country. Making History The Guest —And who is the distin guished personage in oil over the man tel? The Owner—That's my great grand father, Hoppinger Hinkle, painted by Kaloosky. He was one of the mob of patriots who dumped the boatload of storage eggs into the harbor.—Cleve land Plain Dealer. Preparing for a Lecture " Pop!" "Yes, my son." "I think T'll make a trip to fhe north pole when I'm older." '•I always said you took after your mother. She always wants to lecture too.''—Yonkers Statesman. Brunettes are said to be now the favorite style in England. Perhaps for the reason that just now feminism over there is anything but a light af fair. "f was at sea a week before I got my sea legs.'' "And just to think —I didn't know that seals laid eggs."—Houston Post. A Washington woman has ten chil dren that weigh more than a ton. Motherlike, doubtless, she waits on them all. A Chicago university professor pro poses to weigh the moon. While he is at it he might put a muzzle on the dog star. 1 EXHIBITION MATCH TO-NIGHT Famous Cueist to Play Match With! Prominent East End Player • An exhibition match between Wil . liam H. Clearwater, one of the leading j ; poeket billiard players in the United j j States, and a prominent East End i ! player will be played to-night in the I ; pool rooms of R. C. Castor, at Four-! 1 teenth and Derry streets. He will' i play fifteen or no count and following! ; the match he will give an exhibition j ,of trick aud fancy shooting. Clear-1 l water is a former world's champion! j billiard expert and his match to-night: will be a chance for local shooters to i j see him in action. Children's Matron Burned to Death By Associated Press. Alliance, 0., Nov. 9.—-Miss Lillian j Burdette, matron of the Farm Cottage of the Fairmont Children's Home, near, here, was burned to deafih in a fire j which to-day destroyed the cottage with \ :a. loss of $1 0,000. Twenty boy inmates ; | of the home worked heroically to save j ] Miss Burdette, but were driven back by | 1 the flames. RAILROADS CREWJIARD HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division —ll9 crew to' :go first after 4 p. m.: 108, 114, 111 : ! 107, 109, 12,, 1 13, 125, 122, 1 17. ; 106, 126. 120. j Engineers for 111, 1,09, 125, 122, > ! 117. Firemen for 1 14, 107, 109. 126. Conductors for 109, 125, 122, 1 17.1 | Fiagmen for 114. 127. , Bnakemen for 119, 107, 127, JO6. 1 Engineers up: Minnich, Albright,! Brueibaker, Tennant, Ypung, HindmanJ Sellers, MeGuire, Welsh, Brooke, Long, | Albright, Keat'c Kelley. Firemen up: Copeland, Robinson, I Libhart, Horstick, Balsbangh, Weaver, | Grove, Bushey. Cover, Reno, Lantz. Middle Division —24 crew to go first i after 1.30 ip. m.: 233.239. Preference 1, 4, 3, 8, 7. 2, 6, 5,1 10. 9. Laid off- IG, 20, 26. Engineer for 6 Conductor for 6. Brakeman for 24. j Engineers up: Free, Smith. I Firemen up Fletcher, Beaeham, Weibly, Sheesly, Scagrist, Arnold, i Schrnffler, Reoder, Buyer, Licbau, | Wright, /seide:-s. Cox, Davis. Conductors up: Huber, Gant. Brakeiueu up - Kane, Wenrick, Hen derson, Baker, Kipp, Kerwin, Bolan, j Stahl, Reese. Putt, Strouser, F > ipp, ! Spain- Peters, Myers, Sehoffstall, Troy,! Kieffer, Roller Bell Fritz. Yard Crews —Engineers up: Crist,! Harvey, Kulin, Snyder, Pelton, Shaver, [ Landis, Hoyler. Hohensheit, Breneman, : Houser, Thomas, Riuiy, Meals, Silks. Firemen up: Cookerly, Maeyer, ! Knell, Bartolet, Getty, Hart, Barkey, 1 Sheets. Bair, Eyde, Nov, Myers, Boyle, j Shipley, Revie, Crow, L'lsh, Bostdorf, I Schieffer, Lack, Roiich, Weigle. Engineers for 14, 1820. Firemen for 1886, 1758, 1368, 432.! ENOLA SIDE- J Philadelphia Division —24S crew to j go first after 3.45 p. in.: 230, 219, 228, 208, -07, —OB, 211, 221, 229, 235 2H, 239, 242, 218, 213, 215, Engineers for 20S. 235. 214. ' > Firemen for 208, 229, 214. Conductors for 203, 233, 239. Flagmen for 233, 230. Brakemen for 208, 219 221 <2\- 228, 235, 239. 242, 248. Conductor up: Gundle. Brakemeu up: Malseed. Dcets, Oar roll, Shuler, Taylor, Gowdy, Myers, Jacobs, Fair, Musser. Middle Division —llß crew to go first after 2.45 p. m.: 105, 114, 110 1 15, 102. 103. Engineer for 110. Fireman for 114. • ' Brakemeu for 105, 102. THE READING P.. H. & P.— After 2.30 p. m.; S 21. 23. 19. 16. 8, 12, 4, 22, 21, 3 14 IT. G. 18. Eastbouad— After 9.45 a. m.: 65, 63. 56. 61, 60, 68, 62. 58. 70, 59, $4.-. Conductors tip: Hilton, Kline, Phila baum. Engineers up: Wyre, Martin, Pleli. Kcttner, Wood. Morrison, Crawford, W olanil, VVireman. Firemen up: Sullivan. Runt baugh, Howell, Dobbins, Ljongenckei, King, Anders, Bowers, Brown, Paint, Corl, Bin " What Wc Say It Is, It is " When the Conductor Boards the Train Ask him what time it is, and as lie shows you his watch, luok at the name ou the dial. Xearly always you'll read "Hamilton." Trainmen seem lo he par tial to Hamilton Watches —and you know there is no other set of men to whom accurate time and iin absolutely dependable iniepiece are as important. .Moreover, most trainmen must have their watches inspected regularly. If the watch varies in accuracy beyond the slight limit allowed, another watch must be secured by that man. Diener is offering an exceptional value in Ham ilton watches. A 17-jewel Hamilton movement in an open face gold filled case, guaranteed for twenty years, $17.00 P. G. DIENER JEWELER 408 Market Street v „ 7