The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 09, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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topyrijh Hejk^ h
"The police failed to make any ar
rest. though once they were on ihe
ground within four hours of the hold
up," went on Close. "But all that is
ancient history, it i* what happened
to Dan Michaels last night that
brought tne heie at seven miles an I
hour. Dan has been working for pret
ty nigh a three months' stretch, aud
the day before yesterday he catpe into
the office and told mo his mother was j
dead and he must have leave for thei
funeral. He had a good big roll of
hills due. and J could see he meant to
blow them, so T paid him and told him
Fd try to keep a job warm for him till
he came back from the funeral. I
gave him ten days to net through with
his spree. Something I'd said annoyed
him. and after telling the cook his
• 'ft'iou of me and saying he wouldn''
- cp auother night In a camp where 1
v is boss he logged out for the settle
"By himself?"
"Yes, alone. Next morning, bright
•md early, be was back again, and this
was the yarn he slune tue. He'd made
about etcht miles when It came 011
darkish, and he decided to camp just
beyond where we did tile most of our
timber cut last year. He slept at onci
and remembers nothing more until he
was started awake by a voice shouting
at him. He sat up blinking, but the
talk he heard soon fetched bis pyes
" 'Hands up and no fooling:'
"Of course he put up his bands
He'd no choice, for he couldn't see any
• •tie. Then another man v." ho was in
the hushes behind his hark ordere 1
him to haul out his bundle of notc
»rd ''buck them to the far si.'e of th«
fire or take the consequences. Pai '
>t(w a revolver barrel alenm in tin
bush. He cursed a bit. but .the thieve- ,
had the drop on him. so he just had to
• •tit with his wad of notes and heave
them over as he was told. A btfch loe 1
In the fire fi. red up at the minute, and '
as the notes touched the ground lie
saw a chap in a black mask step out 1
and pick them up and then jump back
Into the dark. Then the vclce that
Itpoke first gave him the hitit not to
move for two hours or he'd be shot
like a dog. He sat out the two hours
by his watch without hearing a sound
p.nd then came back to C.
"When the boys got all the facts
the whole catlap was nigh as mad as
he was. They put up S,"U reward
for any oue giving information that
"ill lead to catching the robbers, aud
I added another hundred for the com
pany. So now . Joe, if yon can clap
your hand on the brutes you'll be do
ing yourself a good turn aud others
Close ended his narration, and looked
nt November, who had listened
throughout in his habitual silence.
"Do the boys up at C know you've
come to me?" he said.
"No. I thouebt it wi«er they
should n't."
November remained silent for a mo
"You'd best get away track. Mr.
Close," he said at length. "I'll go
down to Perkins' clearing, and have a
look at the spot where the robbery
took place, and then I'll find some
excuse to take me to Camp C, when
I can make my report to you."
To this Close agreed, and the two
«f us set out through the woods to the
sife of Dan Michaels' bivouac. The
ashes of a fire and a few boughs made
Its scanty furnishings, and in neither
did November take much interest.
Forth and back he moved, apparently
following lines of tracks which the
drenching rain of the previous day
had almost obliterated, until, indeed,
after ten minutes, he stave it up.
"Well, well." said he. in hi* soft
cadenced voice, "he always did have
tbe lack."
"The robber. Look at last year! Got
clear every time."
"The robbers." I corrected.
"There's but one." said he.
"Michaels mentioned two voices, and
be man in the mask stepped Into sieht
it tbe same moment as the tire glint
•d on the revolver of the other man
n the bushes."
Without a word November led me
#> tbe farther side of the dead fire j
uid parted the boughs of a spruce,
which T had previously seen him ex
imine. At a height of less than five
'eet from the ground one or two twigs
were broken, and the bark had been
•nbbed near the trunk.
"He was a mighty interesting man.
,ilm with the revolver." November
hrew back his handsome head and
aughed. "There was only one chap, ,
*nd.he fixed the revolver here in that
fork. It was a cood binff he played
■>n Dan. making him think there was j
-wn agin him! The rain's washed out
most of the tracks, so we'll go np to
Camp C and try our luck there. But
first I'd better shoot a deer, and the I
boys 'J th'ak I only come to <-arry them
J some meat, as 1 often do when I kill
anywhere nigh the camp."
As we made our way toward C. No
vember found the tracks of a young
buck which had crossed the tote road
since the rain, and while 1 waited he
slipped away like a shadow into the
wild raspberry Krowth. returning twen
ty minutes later with the buck upon
his shoulders.
On reaching Camp <" November sold
his deer to the cook, and then we went
jto the office The men were all away
at work, but we found the manager, to
* *
"Hands up »nd no fooling!"
! whom November told his news. I
noticed, however, he said nothing of
his idea that there had been but one
| robber.
"That just spells total failure," re
marked Close when he had finished.
November assented. "Guess we'll
have to wait till another chap is held
up." said he.
"You think they'll try their hand at
it again?"
"Sure. Who'd stop after such suc
"fd be Im-lined to agree with yon If
it wasn't for tbe fact that the meu
won't leave singly now. They're scared
to. A party of six started this after
noon. They were hoping they'd have
the luck to meet the scoundrels and
bucking bow they'd let daylight into
them if they did. But of course they
won't turn up—they'd be sbf of such
» bit party/' _
•""Maybe," said November. "With
four permission. Mr. Close, me and
Quaritch'll sleep here tonight."
"All right. But I can't attend to you.
I'm behind with my accounts, aud I
must even them up if it takes all
"And there's one question I'd like to
have an answer to. It's just this: How
did tile robber know that I»an Michaels
was worth holding up? Or that, he wa«
going oft on the spree? He must have
been told by some one. Blackmask has
got a friend in Camp C all right. That
Is. unless"—
"Aye. unless?" repeated the manager
But November would say no mire.
An idea had come into bis mind, bnt
Close could not draw It from yet
I could see be had entire truec in the
taciturn young woodsman.
Next morning November seemed in
no hurry to go. and shortly before Hie
midday meal a party of half a dozen
»ien rushed into the camp. They were
»ll shouting at once, and It was Impos
sible for a time to discover what the
turmoil was about. I.eanlng against
Ihe wail of the bunkbouse. the silent
November surveyed the clamoring knot
of meu with grim humor.
"I tell you again, we've been held up.
robbed, cleaned out. the whole six of
111s!" yelled a short man with a sandy
"Thot Is true!" cried a fair haired
On this they all began shouting
again, waving their arms and explain
ing. November advanced. "Look. boys,
that's an easy, comfortable log over
there T'
The Swede answered him with a
marl, but, meeting November's eyes,
; thought better of It Joe was the last
person upon whom any one would
wonld choose to fix a quarrel.
"I was suggesting, boys," continued
November, "that there's the log bandy,
and If yoo'd each choose a soft, spot
| and leave one to speak and the others
listen till lie's through with It we'd get
«t the facts. Every minute wasted
gives them as robbed you the chance
tt» get off clear."
•'November's right." said n huge
lumberman called Thompson. ''Here's
what happened. We si* got our time
yesterday morning, and after dinner
we started off together. It were com.
ing along dark when we camped in the
old log hut of Tidesou's bridge. Seein'
what had happened to Dan, we agreed
to keep a watch till dawn. First
watch was Harry's. In an hour and a
half he were to wake me. He never
did. The sun were up before I woke,
and there war all the others sleeping
round me. I was wonderful surprised,
bat I took the kettle and was going
down to fill her nt the brools. It was
then that I noticed my roll of bills
was gone from my belt. I came run
ning back. Harry woke, and when I
told him he clutches at his belt aud
finds his money gone too. Then Chris,
Hill Maver Welding Charlie and last
of nil l«ong Lars they wakes up. and
danged if the lot of them hadn't been
robbed same as tis."
A unanimous groan verified the state
"We was tearing mad," went on the
spokesman. "Then out we Roes to
search for the tracks of the thieves."
A look of despair crossed Novem
ber's face. 1 knew lie was thinking of
the Invaluable information the feet of
the sis victims must have blotted out
"Yon found them?" inquired Novem
"We did. They was plain enough," ,
replied the big lumberman. "One man
done it. He come up from the brook,
did his Intsiness and went back to the
water. He was a big, heavy chap
with large feet, and lie wore tanned
cowhide boof.s patched on the right
foot. There were seventeen nails in !
the heel or the right boot and fifteen I
In the other. How's that fov track- !
The Guilty Man.
THERE was no doubt about the
fact that November was sur- '
prised. He said nothing for a ]
full minute, thcu he looked up J
To Be Continued.
Carvers' Tonic Tablets
For nerves, weakness aud !
prostration, 50 cents at druggists.
Bird Struggles Furiously Against Bare
Hands But Loses
Lewistown, Nov. 9. —With bare j
hands, Fred Hayes, a section laborer,
captured a iui\vl> measuring four feet
six inches front tip to tip, but he <1 i>l
uot escape unscathed from tlie battle.'
Seeing a large bird descend in a strip!
of woodland, Hayes crept upon the'
bird while a companion attracted hi> j
attention in another direction and got
a grip on one leg. But the big bird i
resisted and fastening one talon in the :
young man's liair, beat a tattoo in iiis !
face With its wings, pecking viciously j
with bill and talon. Young Haves'j
face is a sight but he lias the hawk j
mounted as a trophy of the encounter. 1
|ii; . i >i■; a ~Ky■< ■ • K.:«n^
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§j r.ouis Lukes. President-Manager I
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320 Market Street
Fall Term September First
Stenography, Stenotypy
Enroll Any Monday
13 S. "arket Sq., Harrisburg, Pa.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In lifted May 34, 1914.
Trains I.enve Unrrlaliuru——
For Winchester and Martinsbure at
5.03, *7.50 a. m., °3.40 p. in.
For Hagerstown, Chanibcrsburg aud
Intermediate stations, at *5.03, •7 5 u
»li.*i3 a. m„ "3.4U, 5.32. *7.40. 11 oti
p. m.
Additional trains Tor Carlisle and
Mechanicsburg at 9.4S a. m„ 3. is 3 27
i) 30, 9.30 p. m.
For iJiilgbuis at 5.03, •7.60 and *11.68
a. rn.. 3.18, *3. lu. 3.33. 6.30 p. ni
•Dally. All other train* ci >ily except
Sunday. .) H. TONGffi. i
H. A. KIDDLE, U. P. A. I
Secretary-Treasurer !jj!
Now Located in Our New Modern Building |
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We are prepared with the necessary equipment to take care of
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Near Market Street HARRISBURG, PA.
A Bell Telephone call will bring one of our solicitors. ||