The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 09, 1914, Image 1

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OH»(M Rrpert. I'mgt •
VOL. 76—NO. 135.
Anglo-French Forces
Reported to Be in
East Prussia. Silesia
and Alsace
Up to Present Germany Has Been
Fighting in the Territory of Her
Enemies, but Is Now Menaced by
Armies of Adversaries. Is Report
B. AjjeccWlV «.«.
Three points stand out in the news of
the great war. In Flanders the Ger
mans, undaunted by past failures to
break through to the Straits of Dover,
have launched their expected new at
tack. regsrriec by the allies as their
supreme effort In Russian Poland the
immeuse armies of the Russian Emperor
axe pushing forward with surprising
speed, threa*?rr.ngs the Germans on
Uoire soil. From Tokio comes the re
port that ? Japanese army may be sent
"O the west to take its part with the
British. French anci Belgians in the
struggles on he battlefields of Europe
Military observers agTee that the
war has entered npon a crucial stage
r.ud that the next week may mark a
definite turn in the course of events.
In French opinion the Germans must
either win then way to the English
v hatmel or fall back. For that reason
particular interest attached to to-dav s
official French statement, which indi
cated the beginning of the onslaught
for which the Germans have been pre
paring duraig the lull of the last few
Fresh troops and new gnus front the
Krnpp works have been rushed to the
ime of battle from Dixmude southward
across the French border to Arras.
The. Germans have struck their Srst
blows at Dixmude and in the region of
Ypres. and the French War Office an
nounces that their attacks have been
Slow progress for the allies along the
greater part of the line from Dixmude
to the Lys is claimed by the French.
Over the remainder of the disputed ter
ritory across France the situation has
not changed materially, although the
French report that New German at
tacks in Alsace have been checked.
The rapid clearing of Germans from
Russia Poland has lent to the eastern
campaign a decree of interest no less
than that which attaches to the fight
ing along the west. Official reports from
Petrofrad indicate that the vast Rus
sian military organization is at least
under way i n full force, and that the
German and Austrian armies are being
opposed with enormous Russian forces.
Berlin admits that the Russians are
new well beyond the river Warthe,
which roughly marks the eastern bound
ary of Germany.
The Russian advance unless checked
may have an important bearing upon
the aghtiug in tiie west possiblv com
pelling Germany to withdraw "troops
irotn Fraace and Belgium. It is suggest
ed. however, that Eussia may delay her
rorward movement to accomplish her
long ciler.shed purpose of swinging
down to the B sphorus.'
No developments of first importance
are reported in the near east. The Bus
s:an general staff m Caucasia announces
•hat a Turkish attars on the Russian
position at Koprakelu was repulsed with
;:eavy losses for the enemy. The Rus
sian B.ack Sea flee: has renewed bom-
of towns along the coast of
Asia Minor.
The suggestion that Japan s?ud an
army to Europe has not yet taken
tangible jonn. but Tofcio reports that
*.'.e idea is attracting increasing atten
tion aud finds support in military cir
cles. The sending "of a Japanese army
sn the west would be a movement with
out precedent and one which would em
phasize the extent of the conflict. Into
it already have been drawn Turkos
from Africa and the dark skinned sol
diers of India. The Panama canal may
be put to the usages of war for the
first time should reports which reached
New York to-day prove true. Seven
British warships were said to be on
their way to the canal presumably pro
ceeding to the Pacific coast of South
America to avenge the defeat of the
British fleet of cruisers by German war
American military observers, who
thus far have been unable to view the
''ghting. may now have a glimpse of the
war. The French War office has relax
:d Its strict orders and will permit ob
servers from neutral countries to go to
the front.
London. Xov. 9. 1.05 P. M. At
•three point* ic the a-ea of hostilities—
in Siiesia. in eas; Prussia and in Al
sace—forces of the allies were on Ger
man soil to-day and for the first time
since the outbreak of hostilities condi
tions seen.e! tc presage, in the opinion
of British military observers, a re
versal of the roles of the contending
lp to the present ;ime Germanv has
een fighting, generally speaking, in
;ie territory of her enemies, but now
she would afpear to be more or less
-oriously menaced from the east bv the
\i torious armies of Grand Duke S'ich
' •atlaucd on sctraik Page.
®je Star- Jukpcnkul
During the last ten days tlie Mttle in the western theatre of irjr has been raping along the sand dimes of north
ern France This picture shows tin- kind of trenched warfare which has b«'H waged. In the background is a typical
farm house of the dune land, long and low, with a walled courtyard, presenting the features of a fortified building.
Fighting has raged around tliis type of farm bouse at various points oil the coa>L
Friendship Auto Eugine Is Sent From
Here to Battle Flames in
Cooper Home
V defective flue was responsible for
a tire, starting at 2.;'.0 o'clock this aft
ernoon. which gutted the atiick of the
home of K-ank Cooper, Market street
oea- Myers in Camp Hill. Cumberland j
county. The bla e created so much ox
citement that the Harrisburg Fire de- '
part men; was asked to send assistance.
Flames shooting from the
ret windows when the t amp Hill fire
men arrived with their chemical and
hose wagon. Within a few moments
the tire had assumed proportions that
led the Camp Hill tire .-hief to send
the rail for assistance to Harrisburg.
The Friendship company responded
with its nen motor-driven chemical
a\jd hose wagon. The apparatus as'
taken over Lu record time. Ten min
utes after the Camp Hill tire laddies put
hemical streams on the blaze i; was
thought to be under control, so that i
the Harrisburg assistance was not nee
Practically all of the furniture in
the first and second floors of the Coop
er house »as removed. Little damage
was ii*'.ise»i to the household effects.
The loss was confined to the attic and
the contents.
Mr. ' ooper :f a draftsman, employed
in f-teelton by the Pennsylvania Steel
i ompany, and was at work when the
fire broke out The Cooper house a!-
joins the residence of George P. Cook,
member of the firm of L. W. Cook,
Harrisburg merchants. Mr. Cook's resi
dence at n} time wis ablaze.
When officials of the Valley Railway
Company, in Lemoyne, learned of the
fire, they pressed a special trolley car
into service, loaded t with traction
company employes and others an) made
a fast run to ' amp Hill. The men a~
sisted in removing the furniture from
the house.
The Cooper residence is a b'i.-k
structure. The ioss by fire and water
will not exceed Sl<>o.
Cannon Thanks Governor for Congrat
ulations and Rejoices in Victories
" I nele Joe' Cannon, erstwhile
Speaker of the National House of Rep
resentatives. defeated in f912 for a,
seat in Congress, but elected again last
week. i« feeling very happy o<-er his re
turn to Washington. Waen it became
.inown certainly r hat Mr. Cannon was
elected. Governor Tener. who had
served wita him in the House, sent
a congratulatorv telegram. To-day the
Governor received a letter from "Uncle
Joe"' thanking him for his telegram
and saying:
'•ln return J want to congratulate
you for the magnificent result in Penn
sylvania. ! believe that the Republic
an party will be returned to full power
in ,1916. and certainly the conditions
warrant all good Republicans in earnest
efforts to that end. I am more than
glad at the success of Senator Penrose,
and the result in New York was glori
The lette- is aatcd Danville, 111.,
No\ ember 3.
Beading Railiray Shops Increase Time
Reading. Fa.. Nov. 9.—lt is because
of the great accumulation of repair
work at the Reading railway car shops j
here that the men were put on •>0 •
hours a wees, beginning with to-uav
instead of 40 as heretofore.
Hohl Goes to His Old t
Home Here, Takes
Grip and Darts A way
in a Big Touring Car
Ponce Credit the Story of Mysterious'
Exploit of Daring Robber Who Has
Beeu Sought Ever Since He Wrig
gled Out os" the Blair Count v Jail
ltank G. Hohl, bank tnindit an i
fugitive front ;us; ce. driving a big
blue touring u. bearing an Indiana
automobile license tag, drove up
to his former borne. Ulti ,\ .-tb Court I
street, at 12.30 o'clock ye#Cerdav
morning, u.-locked th»' door with a key.
entered the Bouse and emerged a min
ute later with a haufcoag. This Ke
threw into the automobile. Then he
drove rapidly away without letting
anyone know ot his destination.
rh s information was given to the
poli. e yesterday morning after the
tajik robber was well on his way to
other parts. Tuus l'rank G. ilohl ha*
again ,iar:iigl\ defied arrest at the
Han is of the police, who, in all parts
of the nave been trying to land
him sin e hi- sensational escape from
the Bia r ounty ~ail in Hollidaysburg.
The Harrisburg police are eonviuced
"hai the midnight visitor to the Court
street house was none other than the
bandit, for they have the assurances of I
a woman living near the former home '
of Hohl that it was he. She said she
re.ognized him as he left the machine.
Hohl s visit to the house was made
so quickly and so unexpectedly, the
police say. that persons t\ho recognized
the man did not recover from their'
surprise until it was too late to cap
ture him.
Hohl is .-harged with a bol 1 noou
dav robbery of the Union bank, of \l
toona. and the shooting of the cashier
and another man. His name also has
been associated with another similar
robbery in the West. Following his ar
lest for the AI toon a crime Hohl escaped
from jail by greasing bis bodv with
soap and squirming through a cell win
dow six inches wide.
Brush Company Gets a Charter
The Mack Manufacturing Company,
of Harrisburg, to manufacture and deal
in brushes, was chartered at the State
Department to-lay, with a capital of
J5.000. The incorporators are E. L.
Mack. F. S. Breidenthal and M.
Miller. Mr. Mack is at present en
gage! in the manufacture of brushes in
a building on Market «qtiare. but will!
locate the riant <n a building on Cam-j
eron street in the spring, lie has sev-j
era! places in view.
Star of "Tt>e Last Tango" Comes to
j Terms With Employer and the
Sheriff Rsleases* Property
—— !
l ii?s Audrey Ma >ie, the a tress star
;rin the playlet, ••The Last Tan
jgo." which las- week featured the bill
, a the Or.'heuii theat:e, who brought
sllit against the ''Joseph Hart's At
; traction; " company for $ 162.50 back
< wages, resulting in the Dauphin county
sheriff making a levy on the troupe's
»ne-v an t costumes on Saturday, was
(■ai\i the full amount of her claim late 1
Saturday nigh; and she immediately i
wt-nt to New York t itv.
The Sheriff thereupon lifted the levy l
ion the paraphernalia and the company |
~ ippe<i it to New York City, where
I ■!<• t roil j.e is hilled to plav in the Co
•oinal theatre this week. The suit-did
not interfere with the show acre. Be
fore leaving Harrisburg Miss Mapl»
i t'cr contract with the Hart compauv |
will not expire until next Saturdav anil I
that -he will continue to take her part
in the play.
I v\i;f go to the Colonial theatre
m Aow York City, twice a dav. after
ncun an.i evening, and differ mv'servK-e-i'
tad.- whether the> are n.vepted ot not,
I wiil, at the end of the wreek, demand
in-, weeko l wages." -aid the actress..
Site said that under her contract she I
wa- to be paid 51.'.0 a week. She
brought suit, she said, when .u: effort
was made to cut Jown the junount.
M;ss, received at a ivance of
$-'o last Friday and on Saturdav pre
sented a claim for the remaining J123,
together with $!7.00 alleged .o'Ve due
for an engagement in Green;>oint. The;
•"sheriff s costs n the suit brought bv
the actress amounted to $9.10.
Lasts for Only Fifteen Days—Animals
Are Reported Plentiful
The deer hunting season for this year
will open up tomorrow, and already
hundreds of hunters ha\e departed for
i the counties in which deer may be
j The State Game Commission an ;
nounced to-day that .leer were never
so plentiful in the last ten years as'
they are this year, and that the num-i
t>er of hunting camps established j
throughout the state i- greater than |
ever. In the South mountains and
; Central Pennsylvania, where deer are j
permitted to be hunted. they have been j
seen in great numbers. Several par
ies have obtained permission to hunt!
; on State lands, but those who hunt
without suet permission will be ar
rested. .
At one boarding house near Pine
Gro\e quarters were engaged a month I
ago for n'.neteeu ounters who purpose!
going out early to-morrow morning to
a shot at a duck deer. The seasoD
last' bat 15 days, from November 10
1 to the 25tn.
Miss Fleming to Study Voice Culture
Miss Susanna Fleming, of 109 State
-treet. daughtei of the late George R.
Fleming, who recently returned from
Kurope where she spent some time in!
Berlin during the war, will spend the
winter with the family of her uncle.
Professor William Robinson, and study
j voice culture in Philadelphia. Miss
I Fleming has a voice of remarkable.
1 sweetness, inheriting her musical abil- i
itv from her fatner and mother, the lat-i
ter Professor Robinson's sister. i
Ralph O. Witmer. 9
Years Old. Supposed
at First to Have Es
caped Serious Hurts
He Was in Car That Crashed With An
other at Seventeenth and North
Streets—lnternal Wounds Develop
ed Into Fatal Peritonitis
Ralph O. Witmer. 9 years old, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Witmer, 905
South Twenty and One-half street, died
at his home last evening from peri
tonitis as the result of injuries re
ceived in the automobile accident at
Seventeenth and North streets last Fri
day evening in which several persons
were injured. He was bruised about the
abdomen but it was not believed at the
; time of the accident that his injuries
were dangerous. Subsequently, how
-1 ever, signs of serious internal injuries
became apparent.
The boy was riding in the tonneau of
a touring car driven by Edward K. Mil
ler, a railroad brakeman, of 2t4.> North
Fifth street. The Miller machine was
going out Seventeenth street When an-
I other car was going out North street,
driven by Samuel 0. Morrow, of 19.»1
Rriggs street. The cars came together
at the intersection of the streets. The
Miller machine then struck a telegraph
It is believed that the Witmer boy
was hur 1 ell against the front seat of
the machine and received his internal
injuries in that way. He was not
thrown from the i**r, according to liar
\ev Miller, brother of the driver, who
took Witmer to a house nearby and la
ter to tho Witmer home. The boy com
plained then of pain but was able to
sit up. He received immediate medi
cal attention.
Helen and Catherine Witmer. sisters
of the boy. were also in the machine,
but received only slight bruises and
lacerations due to flying glass. Morrow
received more painful injuries from
whicJi ti£ is recovering in the Harris
burg Hospital.
Witnter's death occurred at 6 o'clock
iast evening and Coroner Eekiqger was
notified. He has ordered an inquest to
be heid in his office on Thursday even
Funeral services will be held Wed
nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
home of his parents. The Rev. E. Vic
tor Roland, pastor of the Lutheran
Church of the Redeemer, will officiate.
Burial will be in the Faxtang ceme
Girl Struck By Au Auto
Miss Elizabeth Kichinan. 16 year?
old. 104 7 South Twenty-second-aud-a
llalf street, was treated at the Harris
burg hospital yesterday afternoon for a
sprain of the right thumb and lacera
tions of the right leg. She told physi
cians at the hospital that she was
struck by an automobile while walking
on Riverside Drive.
Youth, However. Has More Trouble in
jetting it Out Again
New York, Nov. 9. —When Nathan
Gesenberg, aged 6. <*>l6 East One Hun
dred and Forty-eighth street, bet''
his playmates last night 'hat he could
stick his foot into h':j mouth fcf iidn *t
know be *-a? going to ma.k{ work for
Dr Goldberg of Lebanon "Inspita. and
earn a axragraph in a police station
blotter besides.
In fact it wasn » jtick.n.. his foot
into hit* raout! that falser, N'athat.
prominence in uedual a.n: police cir
cles. It was takng it out that won him
According to the police record he
put his right foot .nca his mouth in
front of No. 530 Brook avenue at 9.11
o'clock last night. As this won the
wager, perhaps it doesn :t matter so
much after all that the foot stuck
there, nor that after it was finally ex
tricated Dr. Goldberg discovered" the
leg to which it was attached was
Work Is Begun Tkis Morning on Hill
By Rubbish Collectors
Starting this morning on the Hill and
working their way aiong gradually rub
bisli collectors this morning started over
the cvtJt with twenty wagons, engaged
in the rail clean-up. It will icontinuo
one week, under the direction of tfne
health bureau.
Ba«'k alleys are being cleaned out,
and rubbish from yards and cel
lars is collected" when housekeepers
gather it together. The work will start
in the up-town district in several days.
Bain Extinguishes Forest Fires
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Carlisle, Nov. 9.—Rain last even
ing extinguished practically all of the
forest fires which for a week or ten
days had been burning in the moun
tains bordering the Cumberland Val
ley in this State. Thousands of acres
of timber land were swept by the
flame? which caused a great financial
Electric Lineman Electrocuted
Wilkes-Barrc, Pa.. Nov. 9.—Corneli
us Gallagher, an electric lineman, was
electrocuted on top of a pole while
making repairs to-day. Two thousand
volts passed through his body.
State Secretary of the O. U. A. M. and
Former President of Common Couu
cil Is a Victim of Bright's Disease
in His Sixty-ninth Year
Harry Milton Holsteiu. State secre
tary of the O. l\ A. M. and former
president and member of Common C'ouu
cil from tlie Sixtlt ward, was found
dead in bed this morning at his home,
126 Verbeke street. \lt hough he had
been suffering from Bright's disease
for several years, his death i-ame unci
Mr. Hoistein, who was t>B years and
3 months old, eondueted a blacksmith
shop on Verbeke street for 32 years.
He retired seven years ago to accept
the office of Suite secretary ot' the O.
1". A. M. a position he held at the time
of his death.
For the last 43 years Mr. Holstein
had resided in Harrisburg. Ho l\ad
lived in Dauphin county all his life.
:He was born in Middletown in August,
i Former President of Common Council
Found Dead in Bed To-day
IS4t>, «nd learned the blacksniithing
trade therf. Then he moved to Hum
melstown, where he lived until 1861,
when he moved to Harriftlxirg. He had
lived here ever since.
Mr. Holstein was a member of Ful
ton Council, O. U. A. M.; John Hs'rm
Council Junior O. I". A. M.. and of thp
Knights of the Golden Kaglo. HP
served two terms in Common Council,
one year ser\ ing as president. He left
one son. Howard 0., national secretary
of the O. I . A. M.; two step daughters,
Mrs. Ellon Hagan, of Steelton, and Mrs.
Gladys Smettzer. of Shamokin. He is
survived also by Miss Jennie Balthns-
SV. a gTHndtiaugh'.er, who kept house
for him; SON en other grandchildren and
seven great grandchildren.
Funeral services will l>e held on
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
home, the Rev. Harry Nelson Basgler
officiating. The pallbearers will be se
lected from among the members of the
State Council, O. I". A. M. Burial will
be in Hast Harrisburg cemetery.
Infected Animals on a Boiling Springs
Farm Are Ordered Killed
Carlisle, Pa , Nov. D. —Twenty-one
head of cattle and nineteen head of
shoats, belonging to a Boiliug Springs
farmer, were alleged to-day by a State
inspector to be infected with the foot
and month disease. They will be
killed on Wednesday.
This is the first case of its kind re
ported in Cumberland county this year,
although it is one of several that for
several weeks were being watched by
'he inspectors. It is believed here that
Cumberland 'ounty soon will be put
under quarantine
The State \ eterinanan Boar.l is
keeping aose tabs on all cases that
ha v < _u)y appearance of too; and
mouth disease in the State and to-day
reported 'hat two new case? have been
discovered JU Chester county, in addi
tioc to \he one iu Cumberland county,
near Boiling Springs Three new
.'aseft nav< been reported at the Lan
eastei stock yards, but the cattle arc
being shipped away so quickly from
that, point that few more are expected
to be found. One case in Allegheny
county was reported to-day and three
in Montgomery. A number of suspic
ious eases are being looked up, but
their location will net be made public
until it is fully determined that the
cattle are afflicted.
Dr. Marshall, State Veterinarian, is
giving his personal attention to those
places where the disease is most virul
ent, and a corps of efficient veterin
arians and examiners is constantly on
the watch for new cases. Every coun
ty is now covered, and any new case
that is fully developed is at once re
ported and the premises quarantined,
the cattle being killed. The State
pays for all cattle killed.
X-ray Examination of Bingham's Arm
Beiug Made This Afternoon
An X-ray examination was made this
afternoon in the Harridburg hospital of
the injured left elbow of William
Bingham, 218 Kelker street, a halfback
on tlie Central High school football
who tripped during the game at
Sieelton Saturday, landing heavilv on
that joint. It is feared that the elbow
was broken.
Bingham hail gone through the
Steelton line for a good gain, when he
fell over the foot of a Steelton back.
He was forced to retire from the game
after that play and he received first
aid treatment on the held. A splint
was applied to his arm at the hospital
after the game.
Arm Torn Off in Machine
Marietta. Xov. 9. —A'bram Stively
had his right haird torn off and the arm
badly mangled Saturday afternoon by
having it caught in a corn fodder ma
Revivalist Declares He
and His Party Are
Being Shadowed by
His Enemies
Great Crowds Flow to and From Taber
nacle Attending Yesterday's Meet
ings—Men. Women and Children
Gather Separately in the Afternoon
j Sunday crow,l s of men, women and
an',lron siivlt as are seldom so.'., in this
' u' V 011 '-aster 01- some other
chuivh holiday yesterdax (lowed to and
I from the tabernacle at North and Cow
, den streets morning, afternoon and
I night as well as at ttidge Avenue
c ""';' h the time of ( the women 's
meeting .11 i.i,' afternoon and at the
: lourtli Street rhurch of Ho,I for the
I t tuldren s meetiug.
| <.'oiigetitions were unavoidable be
cause of the great numbers ami mis
haps were eertain to occur. At the wo
men s mass meeting at the Ki.lge Avc
iiuo cbur,?;i a woman fainted in Cie
crowded auditorium during the preach
ing an 1 at the taibernacle at last nigius
j ser\ico another woman swooned away
and was carried to the ;-est room and
| nursery nearby to be revived.
Tho men's meeting „t the taberuaclo
] iu the afternoon whs the largest in tho
campaign and altlhoiigh i? iiiun be
equaled subsequently, it cannot be sur
, passed for all available - a was 0 -
, cupied. I ht l audience i'ould not have
: been much less than 10,000. It
j at this-meeting that ICvangelist Stough
made a statement regarding efforts Tie
believes his enemies are making In tra.|>
i him in doing something improper, :t
statement wiiieh he ma le last week io
tho co-operating ministers and promi»>
el to make public wheu he saw
Says Detectives Are After Him
v The 1 i«|iitir gnu- follow, ,! me, na
»a.,i, " -out Ha„leton ti» D IPO > and
j from I)uHois here. They would like to
! turn hell loose on me. They have their
i dirty little detectives following tun
where* or I go, right here in Hai-ri«burg.
i The low down pimps are shadowing ev
ery member of m\ party. They're trv
! ing to pull something across t ,n us. trv.
j ing to prove that I 'lll a crook and a
j grafter.
"The liquor gang hates me like the
i devil hates holy water. I am here be
fore von under SB,OOO bail. There a e
four suits against me for slander in the
Luzerne county courts. four suits of
$50,000 each, and I am under bail I'ov
$-.000 in each. That how thev hate
inc. I never knew before that you
could slander one of those devils. 1
i tell you 1 in going to knock tho shillings
lout of 1 he saloon men here in this city >
before I'lll through with them." ■
Morning Sermon Conventional
Dr. Stough s sermon, yesterday morn
ing, "The Breaking of the Drouth,"
one of a series of four studies in faith
and prayer, nas strictly conventional.
It was 111 part as follows:
"Faith is the most used and the
• least understood term in the word of
God. V\e prattle about it, but rarely
practice it. In pulpit, and prayer meet
ings, an i our closets, we frequently
Conllnucil on l£l<*vrn(li rn|f.
County Health Authorities Believe Dis
ease Is Checked in Pleasant View
lo prevent a possible epidemic ot
diphtheria, in Pleasant View twenty
cases ol the disease having been re-
I ported there within the last thirty days,
; the school in Pleasant View, just out
side the city limits, has been closo.l. It
will not re-opon unt 1 next Monday.
Five new diphtheria cases were re
' 11*1 te,l on Saturday, bringing the total
for the la.-; t' weeks up to twenty, al
though only a dozen need now be under
i quarantine. No new cases were reported
ei'iher yesterday or to-day. Dr. C. K.
Phillips, county medical inspector, said
; this afternoon that if no more cases are
reported to-morrow he will have reasou
to believe the spread of the disease has
' been checked.
The diphtheria cases in Pleasant
j View have net been reported to the
; State Health Department, said Dr.
Rover, Deputy State Health Commie
j sioner, to-day. He said that in the aib
i sence of a report on the cases he be-
J lieves they are probably of a mild char
acter or that the spread t*f the disease
I has been checked.
C. E. Janiisou, Formerly of This City,
Fell Down Stairs lu Sabreton
Charles Ellis Jamison, formerly of
| this city, Saturday tripped and fell
down stairs, breaking his neck at his
home in Sabreton, W. Va.
Jamison was 36 years old, and is
survived bv his wife and one child,
j His father. B. H. Jamison and two
sisters, reside at 614 Verbeke street,
; this city, wtaeTC the body will arrive
j to-night.
Jap Emperor's Gift to Hospital
Tokio. Nov. 9.—Emperor Voshihilo
i has given $23,000 toward the founda
' tion of St. I.uke's International hos
pital at Tokio. which will be conduct
i ed under the auspices of the Episcopal
■ church mission.