The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 07, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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•Miss Olive Hollonbach Entertained Club
at Her Home
Jkr eilal Correspondence.
5 Highspire, Nov. T. —(Miss Hilda Bbv
Jas returned from a short visit to
Jfriends in Laucaster.
m Miss Edna Hocker. woo spent several
Jpavs at the home of her parents, has
<*eturued to her studies at Shippenstourg
SNornial school.
* A. 0. Mocker and John Reefer spent
several days this week bunting near St,
~ I\uj» F. Hooker has returned to his
Sbonte. Washington, I>. C.. alter a short
J!v sit to his |wrents. Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
•-Hocker. of Meadwood.
* Mrs. Kate t'oxich, of New Kingston,
•visited her sister, (Mrs. Joiiu A. Raudi
ba.igh, Second street.
Oharles Zimmerman and .lohn Khne.
of to'wu, returned Thursday from a
Hinting trip near Shippensburg. He
brought home nineteen rabbits.
Ralph Green. Abraham Martin,-Her
bert Green, Abner 'Huff and Daron
5-haft'iier returned Thursday from a
hunting trip uear Port Royal wit'b
So ra'>oits. 10 gray squirrels, 10 quai.
and 1 pheasant.
Miss Olive Hollettbac.ii entertained
the T. B. Club at her home. Market
street, Tuesday evening. Trie following
persons were present: Miss Myrtle
Will, Miss Mary Gingrich. Miss Grace
Stoner, 'Miss R'tth Stowr, Miss Ruth
Shaffuer, IM'iss Anna Wolf. Miss Mary
Wolf. M -« Sarah '1 Mrs. Frank E.
Moyer. 'Mrs. Paul Mounts.
Mrs. E. S. Poor ma n, Second street,
transacted business in Harrisburg on
W limn H. Cove'. S.vond street, is ill
a; his home.
Geo: go Cray ,ia> returned to iiis home
iu Stcelton atter a -hort visit to Mr.
an I Mrs. Augustus Putt.
The Miste* Mary Baer and Anna
'Munima have returned from a visit to
friends at Millersville.
Mrs. Pan el Runk. of New Cumber
land, *as eiitc tu'.ued Wednesduv by
Mri. Augustus Putt, Second street.
T following order c" services will
1 • i> (served iu tiie borough vim relies
on Su .ilay.
L'n.:ed Brethren—The Kev. H. F.
R load, castor. Morning service at
' ». bje.'t. " Ba ; )t : sin of the Holy
-■ Evening strvice at 7.30. sub
,i •«•:. '• Wh I Sicald -loin tiie Church.
>'. iii :.v - hcol at 9.30 a. ni. Y. P. S. «.*.
E. a: 6.30 p. m.
-I'cter's Lutheran —The Rev.
• ' a: - EvHard 'Moyer. sstor. 'Morning
sere, ■<> at 10.30 o'clock. Subject cf
s."»ii,ntt. '' A Ce-inan Reformer." Eveu
_ er\i-e at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of
K'tmon, \ Man's Xiaa." Sunday
s "jool at 9.30 o'clock. -Children's sc.
n an before regular sermon at 10.30.
s '>je-t. '" Vonpieasant Children." .1 r.
E. at 3. Sr. C. E. a: 6.45.
Surprise Shower Given Miss Florence
s»p- .(! Correspondence.
West- Fairview, Nov. 7.—A surprise
'*:ower was given Thursday evening at
•u' home of Mr. ami Mrs. George Phil
lies for their daughter. Miss Florence
Phillips, at tlie:>- home on Railroad
avenue. Miss Phillips re.eived many
handsome and beautiful gifts. Those
. >reseut were the Rev. S. B. Bidiack.
» •> n:.d son. Kenu«s:ii: Mr. and Mrs.
George Hoover and children, Clara.
.Ethel and William: Miss Jessie Kill
iieft'e". IMiss Lett ie Jackson. Mrs. Nel
son -nyier. the Misses Laura Martin.
Gertrude Blair. 'Mary Snyder, Mrs.
Houck. Mr«. Dewia't. Mrs. J. P. Weaver.
M's. Margaret Murray. IMrs. Carney.
'Mr. and Mrs. W .'am Hendricks. Mrs.
Clarence I*>ng and sou. Carl: Gecrge W.
H mes. Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. shaull. Eli
r,»et'j Shaail. M-s. George Phillips. Miss
Florence Faillips and Clyde Phillips.
Tiie scholars of the grammar school
•;a\ e their tea ler. Miss Perie Kiliinger.
a birthday ac ! - al and supper in tue
< »ol 'o»m lay afternoon. Mrs.
if. 8. Bole;. Miss Jennie Boley and Car
oline Ko; . enheffe- were present in ad
• lit to the teacher and school.
The Rev. Clyde Lynch, of Harrls
br-rg. visited his grandmother. Mrs.
saraa I-vn.-h. Ti trsdav. as she is quite
Piie Elev. S. B. Bidla k is engaged
in evangelistic work at Sumnierdale
with several conversions to date.
There will be no preaching in the F.
B. 'hurch on Sunday morning owing to
tae united evangelist: • effort in tiie
Methodist church to be addressed by
■ Miss Sarah Palmer, of the Stougii
party. Preaching in the U. B. church
in t'he evening at 7.15.
Personal Items About People Who Come
and Go
al Correspondence.
W;eonisco, Nov. 7.—Mrs. Shut, of
Willismstovrn. spent Sunday with her
mother. Mrs. William Mace.
• The Rev. W. I. Beinet. of Pottsville.
was seen in town Wednesday.
Miss Elma Keen entertained the
teachers aud a few of her friends, at
home. Friday evening, last.
Mrs. George Keen and children left
to-day for Reading, where they will
spend next week.
Mi?s Maude Evans, of Philadelphia,
will be home for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Evans, of Wil
liamstown. spent Sunday with Mr. an'i
Mrs. Joshua Evans.
Miss Mary Howells returned home
from Philadelphia, where she spent two
Mrs. Charles Henninger aud family,
of Lykens. spent Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs-. Issac Mossop.
Mr. Shaeffer and son. of Herndon,
• spent Sunday at the Byerly home.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Maulfair to
Celebrate Golden Wedding
special Correspondence.
Hershey. Nov. 7.—On Saturday
evening Mr. and Mrs. Christian Maul
fair. who reside on Chocolate avenue,
at th;s place, will celebrate their gold
en wedding anniversary. One hundred
and titty invitations have been sent
out to their many friends and a tine
supper will be served. Fifty years ago
the couple nere married by the Rev. W.
if. Emery, a Lutheran minister, now
Edwin C. Hess and Miss Bertha
Gcesaman. both of near Sand Beach,
were married at this place. The nup
tial knot was tied in the United Breth
ren parsonage by the Rev. X. L. Line
baugh. the pastor.
Mrs. W. H. Uhler, of Lebanon, vis- 1
ite I friends at this place.
Mrs. Adam Shaffer, of Lebanon; Miss I
Edith Freed, of Berwyn, and Mrs. Vio- '
let "Freed, of Aunvilie, were gueets of j
Jacob Nisslev and family over Sunday.!
Miss Ethel Leib spent Sunday with j
friends at Lingies-town.
Mrs. 11. U. Mummi spent several '
days with her parents at Lititz.
The Rev. 0. G. Bomig is spending I
several days at Tower City.
Allen Fidler spent several days at
bis home at Pinegrove. ,
Mrs. Hugh Drager, of Philadelphia,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
First Patrons' Meeting to Be Held in:
High School November 10
Special Correspondence
Hum melstown. Nov. 7.—Borough As-!
sessor Homer H. has com-!
pieted the military enrollment of the!
borough and finds that there are in town '
443 men between the ages of 18 and I
4 5 years.
Or. and Mrs. Ralph Shaeffer left yes- I
terday for ttheir home at Tacoma, Wash., j
after spending a week with Mr. Phaef
fer's parents. Dr. and Mrs. U. R. Shaef j
At the meeting of. the Woman's aria
sionarv Society of the Reformed
church to be held at the home of J. J. j
Nisslev this evening. 'Miss Gertrude Co
gan. of Philadelphia, will explain the
cfcurch missionary work.
Pro?. W. A. Geesey, principal of the
borough schools, is arranging an inter
esting program for the first of the
series of patrons' meetings to be held in
the high School on Thursday evening,
November 19.
Mrs. Louisa LotjgnaUer. of Steclton,;
is spending several days with her j
j daughter, Mrs. W. B. f?ho' e.
The Chemical Fire Company ar.d the I
\ me hand will hold a i' in Hummeh-'
j town hall from Vovensl)er 14 to No
vrn-oer 2*. A large num'ber of arti les i
: have already been donated to the or- j
! gani;:ations by residents of town.
Mrs. Ward Hummel and Mrs. Charles
I Hoffman were visitors in
Tlie I. T. !. Club i« rehearsing a play,
••Farm Fo'ks," wlhieh will be presented
j in Hummelstown hall on Friday even
i ing. December 4.
I There will be reaching service!
j:n the Reformed church to-morrow 1
i morning.
Hiram I«ongnaker. of Sieelton, was a
vis -or in town yesterday.
Miss Gertrude ithaeffer. o' Matuti
; Chunk, is spending several days with j
iier parents. Dr. and .Mrs. I". R. Shaeft'er.;
Dr. William T. Bicker, of Philadel-;
I hia. spent Thursday wit'h his mother. |
Mrs. George T. Rieker. Mrs. Riekc.- is
ill a: her home on West Maiu street, i
Mrs. Lizzie B?er visite<l ier sifter. j
Mrs. C. V. 'Mum;uu. a: Steelton. y ester
! day.
The Lauies' Aid So. :oty of Z.on L.u
therau church w'.'.l 'hold a chicken and |
waifle supper in the parish house on Fri
dav and Saturdav evenings. November
20' and 11.
District Sunday School Convention.
Thursday. November lt»
Sceelal Correspondence.
Halifax. Nov. T.—The Rev.- C. B.
' Felton and family, moved to Tower
: City on Thursday, where the reverend j
! gentleman has been appointed pastor
i of the Methodist church. Their de-
I parture from town is greatly regretted
by a host of friends.
James Dell. Jr.. of Dauphiu, called j
on friends in town on Friday.
Misses Susan Wagner and Esther
Bailey have returned home from a vis
it to relatives at Washington, D. C.,
1 and Cherrydale, Ya.
William Urich, of South Bethlehem, j
s visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs.'
Harry Urich.
Miss Ruth Bowman is visiting her •
friend. Mrs. Mariin Ashbaugh. at Du-j
quense. Pa.
A district Sunday school convention
will be hell in the local United Breth
ren church on Thursday. November
19. There will be two services, after-1
noon and evening. Election of officers !
will take place at this time and gen- ■
eral Sunday school work discussed.
Temperance Sunday Will Be Observed
in the M. E. Sunday School
| Special Correspondence.
Middletown, Nov. 7.—Tne Junior
League of the M. E. church held a 1
sauerkraut supper at the M. E. par- j
sonage last evening and a nice eum
v-as realized.
Harold Oovan aiid sister, Pearl, left
or Friday for Columibia. where t<hey
will visit relatives for several days.
The M. E. Sunday school wiil hold
special services on Sunday afternoon, it
being temperance Sunday. Following
wili be the program: Singing, school":
prayer: reading of lesson; singing,
school: study of lesson and marking of
class records; duet. Miss Edna Schaef
r'er and Mary Efctele; recitation, Marv
Stij'e: song, lass of girls; recitation.
Miss Martha Swartz: singing; report of
secretary; closing song.
Charles Henry, of Chambersburg.
spent the day in town as the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. George Carr. South Wood
Mrs. H. S. Fisher is ill at her home
on North Union street.
George I. King left to-day for Xova
Seotia. where he will spend some time
on business.
Following we.e the guests from out
of town who were entertained by the
Social Circle yesterday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Webster Weaver: Mrs.
Harry Rudy. Lititz; Mrs. Sherman
Hawthorne, Harrisimrg; Mrs. Kate
Weaver. Lancaster; Mrs. James Wal
ters, Mrs. Diflfenderfer, Mrs. Tritt and
Mrs. Rretz. ot' Carlisle: Mrs. Foltz and
daughter, of Deodate. The rooms were
beautifulv decorated with white and
yellow. Chrysanthemums were the fa
vorite flower.
Lewis Williams, of Reading, is
spending some time in town as the
guest of his sister. Mrs. F. W. Myers,
Pine street.
The Rev. H. F. Hoover and wife
were given a surprise by the members
of the Church of <iod iu the nature at a
reception last evening. The Rev. and
Mrs. Hoover had made arrangements to
go to Harrisburg on an automobile trip
and they had quite a time bo keep
thorn from going. Tae members had
gtther M in the church and the pastor
and his wife were sent for and upon
entering were very much surprised to
be met by the large crowd that were
there. A very pleasant evening was
spent and addresses were made by sev
eral members, who in their taiKs greet
ed them and were glad to have them
returned for another year. The room
was 'beautifully decorated for the occa
sion. Refreshments were served.
Charles Randolph wis taken to Har
rigburg jail last evening by Constable
Christ Hoover, charged with indecency
bv several members of the Indian Run-
printed on another page. together with the stated amount that cpvers the necessary EXPENSE items of this wonderful distribu
tion. including clerk hire, cost ot" packing, checking, express from factory, etc.; entitles you to your choice of the beautiful books
described below. r l his is not a Bible with meaningless pictures. The illustrations serve a distinct purpose. They enrich the text,
but they do more they intelligently explain it, so that inanv a hiherto obscure passage assumes to thousands a new meaning
through these eye-teaching pictures. , * '/ */ Wv>\
As an EDrCATIOXAL work alone, the Bible demands a place in every home—and this new ILL l" ST RATED BIHI.K enhances
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MAGNIFICENT like illustration) is hound in full flexible limp leatuer, I
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C Ed'tion moils Tissot collection, together witii s:x hundred superb
—— ———— ww of the pictures graphically illustrating and making plain the / 1,1 \
tjttjt 17 verse in the light of modern Bibiical knowledge and
-OlDl-yH/ research. The text conforms to the authorized edi . , . , ,
Nothing will interest a ton. is seif-pronouncing, with marginal ____________ Accurate pictures appeal
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Pictures speak a universal „ whose portals let in a flood
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... . ILLUSTRATED «ce P t in the stvle Through an exclusive arrange and the learned —to the
young and Ola alike, and „ Trll r , »f binding, which ment. we have been most tor
DioLL i* in sill: cloth; tunate in securing the Catholic Child mind nO leSS than tO
with no embarrassment of - ■ J? 1 OM"V" mTaIIS' the man or woman of ripe
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the UlC| t bishops of "the country. The il
___——^_______/ ________ lustrations consist of the fill! 1
p a g e plates and maps approved
by the Church, without the Tissot and text pictures. It will be dis
tributed in the same bindings as the Protestant books and at tup same f
Amount Expense Items, wifli the necessary Free Certificate.
- « -
/ '
! ners. He will be given a hearing be !
i fore Squire George Kife next week. •
Miss Frances Coover, of Philadelphia. |
i is visiting relatives in town for some
The Rescue band held a supper at.
' the home of John Condran. Catherine
and State streets, last evening.
The Rev. S. T. Stauffpr, of Hprris
burg, will preach in thi Church of God!
| to-morrow and S. B. Clark, of Hershev, \
! will speak in the evening.
Miss Annie Bby a;teuded a house
i party at Mt. Gretna Saturday aud Sun
j day.
George Campbell, who spent the past j
I four weeks in town visiting relatives, i i
| returned to his station in Xew York, j
i where he is one of Uncle Sam 's re-1
S B. Gingrich is ill at his hoinc:
on Swatara street.
Mrs. Calder Smith Was Injured by Fall
ing From a Wagon
Special Correspondence.
! Dilleburg, Nov. 7.—L/uther Karns and i
| Ada Hollinger, both of town, were mar-1
tried in 'Mechanicsburg on Thar§da> '
| evening.
Huldkh Bender, of llarrisburg street,]
j is spending a few days with Miss Zerby,'
of *;eeitou. and attending tile Stout'-i
The Rev. \\. W. Bank?, of Hazleton,
will preach in the M. K. Clnirch in.
V ellsville on Sunday morning and iu ■
tb:s place for the !M.
K. castor.
Mrs. < alder was painfully in
jured Wednesday in failing from a
wagon on vrhich she was riding while j
hauling corn.
Mrs. Jose>f»h Harvik. who lived for!
more than two years with a broken I
i>a 'k. died Monday. While picking
cherries during the summer of 1912 she j
fell from ;be tree and sustained a.
'broken back. The funeral was held 0111
Wednesday. Interment at Filey's
church. The Rev. Mr. Bowersox ofliei- j
ated. The de ease l was 47 years old.
John Peekart, weil known in this sec
tion, died at his home a few miles north
of town Wednesday evening. The fu
neral was held to-day. Interment at
Churchtown cemetery.
The ladips' round table of Monoghan
I'reaibyterian eburefh will give an enter
tainment in Dillsburg opera house on
Thursday evening, November 12, 19H.
Harry Miller, or Harriaburg, Pa.,
called on his friends in this place ves
Tho carpenters finished the wood j
work and the painters are nearly done |
painting the H. E. Ensminger bouse, I
and the plage wiil !)e read, for occu
pancy in ;i few day#.
Mrc, Williani Stouffer, of South Bal
timore street, spent a lew days with her
daughter. Mrs. Snoke, in Eemoyne.
At the regular monthly meeting of
Boroifgh Council it was decided to en
force the -curfew law and see t/hat auto
mo/biles blow their horns at street in
tersections. The oath of office was ad
ministered to 1.. 1". 'Bailey, the new
Burgess, and William (MeWilliams, the
new ihig-h constable.
Graham-WTiistler Wedding Thursday
Evening, November 5
Spatial 'Correspondence.
Xewville, Nov. 7. —Miss Rose Whist
le r and Mr. Stewart Graham, both of
Fairfield street, were united in mar
riage, Thursday eveuiug, November
r»th. The ceremony took place at the
Lutheran parsonage. Bloservllle. and
was performed by the Rev. Mervln
•Smith. The bride is a daughter of
Mr. and .Mrs. George Whistler. The
groom is a clerk in the First National
Miss Mary Derick entertained at her
home, on Broad street, on Saturday
evening. Oetol>er Hist, at which time
her engagement to Mr. Coyle Rea. a
i druggist of Shamokin. was announced,
i The Rev. I-'. N. I'arson, wife and son.
[ formerly of Bowinansdale, moved to
| Newville this week, and are now occu
! pying tbe property at the corner of
j liigb and Chestnut streets. The Rev.
I Mr. I'arson was recently appointed
j pastor of tlie First Church of Cod.
I The Clvii- Club will meet on Monday
! evening, at tbe home of Mrs. W. 11.
' McOrea. High street. Mrs. McCrea
'i will give an illustrated talk on "The
Old Masters and Some of Their Paint
j fngs."
Miss Mary McCacbran is visiting at
tbe home of her brother. Thomas Mc
j Caebrau. of Altoona.
I Mr. and Mrs. Win. Slaugenhaupt
j have returned to their home in Oak-
I mont, accompanied by tbe latter's
i mother. Mrs. J. J. Kerr, who will re
! main for an extended visit.
L Death of David Lambert, Formerly of
This Place
i Sprclal Correspondence
' Sbiremanstown, Nov. 7.—Mise Viola
; Kltnmel. of Lemoyne, «as a recent
; visitor at the home of Miss Belva
| Cbrojitstfer.
i Miss Carrie Walls, of Hartisburg,
. | visited her mulber. Mrs. Jacob Walls,
, l on Wednesday.
• i The many friends of David Lambert
; | are sorry to bear of bis death. lie
' | was a resident of ibis place for several
• I years.
' Mrs. Mary Zimmerman, who has
been seriously ill at her home, is Im
r J proving.
• , Miss Violet Cromleigh and brother.
Harold, of Meehanicsburg. spent Thurs
• I day at the home of their grandparents,
" j Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Itraught.
Mrs. Fannie l'ittinger. of Harixs
-1 burg, is spending sometime with her
" mother. Mrs. Deckman.
i Mr. and Mrs. Kissinger, of Circa son;
1 1 Mi's. Baker, of Mechauiesburg, si>cnt a
day recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
• Clouser.
Mrs. Harry Winters., Mrs. Wacker. of
York county, spent Sunday with Mr.
| and Mrs. John Snyder."
Mr. and Mrs. William Clouser recent
ly entertained Mr. and Mrs. Heagy
' Weaver, of Roxberry.
One Wish Unfulfilled
1 i Wife —You promised that if f would
i marry you my every wish should be
i gratified. Husband —Well, isn't it*
1 Wife—Xo; 1 wish I hailir't married
, I you.—lllustrated Bits. *