BANK AND TRUST COMPANY STATEMENTS RETORT OF THE CONDITION of the Mechanics Trust Company of Harrisburg, Third and Market utreets. of Dauphin County, Pennsylva nia, at the close of business November 2. 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $74,748 30 Due from ap proved reserve agents 108,960 58 Leg. 11 securities at par 45,000 00 Mickels and cents 261 91 Checks and cash items, .. 27,143 18 Due from banks and trust companies not in reserve 5,540 04 Assets held free, viz— Commercial paper purchased: Upon two or more names $221,288 37 Loans upon call with col lateral 165.661 90 Time loans with collateral. 161.638 31 Ijoans wi lout collateral... 209,971 85 Bonds, stocks, etc 276,832 07 •Mortgages and judgments of record , 231.613 62 Overdrafts. I 66 Other assets not included in above, 13,170 93 Book value of reserve se curities above par (97 50 Total $1,544,354 24 LIABILITIES C&pital stock paid in $300,000 00 Surplus fund 300.000 00 Individual deposits subject to check toxelusive of trust funds and savings). 16.Y.7'.>4 01 Time certificates of deposit (exclusive of trust funds and savings) 369.810 20 Deposits, saving fund (ex clusive of trust funds)... 9.932 60 Deposits, municipal 60.000 00 i>ue to banks, trust com panies. etc., not in re serve 13.396 12 Treasurer's und icrtified checks outstanding, . >.187 62 Other liabilities not in cluded In above 17,267 69 Book value of reserve se curities below par. . . . 1.766 00 Total $1,344,354 24 Amount of trust funds in vested $53,584 3S Amount of trust funds un invested 72 86 Total trust funds $83,657 24 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (i. e. face value) of trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Company as Trustee to secure is sues of corporate bonds, including Equipment trusts $75,000 00 State of Pennsylvania. County of Dauphin, ss: I, John C. Motter. Treasurer of the above named company, do solemnlv swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) JOHN C. MOTTER, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of November. 1914. (Signed) EMMA A. KEENY. (Notarial Seai) Notarv Public Correct—Attest: (Signed) .1. H. TROUP, ROSS OENSLAGER HENRY C". CLASTER. Directors. STATEMENT OF THE Hershey Trust Co. HERSHEY, PENNSYLVANIA November 2, 1914 RESOURCES » Cash on Hand and in Banks, .SIS 1 s,:s•s.sti f.oans aiul Commercial Paper 751883.37 Demand Loans I lo',587!."»0 Loans Secured by Mortgages, 107 010 OS Bonds and Stocks. ... ]. . . M 7 134MN1 Miscellaneous Assets 21 !."»-4h!05 !S 1,800,300.20 LIABILITIES capital $125,000.00 Surplus, .. . 135,000.00 I ndivided Profits 90 338.15 Deposits: Individual ' 1,334,133.03 Interest Certificates, 170,500.98 fsa »ks. • 10.50 X.lO 81,800,500,20 OFFICERS M. S HKRSHEV. President S. C. SIECHF.K, Sec'v and Treasurer I I ■ ■ i mi ii mi nil iii■ i mnmnrn THE Dauphin Deposit Trust Co. 213 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. November 2, 1914. RESOURCES v LIABILITIES Cash and Cash Items, jll:!l,;u;.ao 1 apital 8300.000.«»0 Due from Banks, 302,181.10 Surplus, 300.000.00 United States Bonds I'ndivided Profits,. 53,600.06 1 per cent, at Deposits 2.7412,388.10 150,000.00 Due to Banks, ... 17.7J1.85 Loans and Invest ments 2,087,11 1.70 Bank Building, . . 50,000.00 Overdrafts 107.15 #3.413,730.61 *3,413,730.61 Trust Funds $478,850.02 DONALD MeCORMICK, President ROBERT MeCORMICK, Treasurer •I. A. GRIESHABER. Assistant Treasurer m j| Satisfactory~Refreshing=* Healthful i; DOEHNE BEER ! ;! Its delicious snappy flavor commends it to lovers !> ;! of good beer. ;t I; Brewery thoroughly equipped. i; j! Unexcelled for Purity and Excellence. DOEHNE BREWERY j j BeU 820 L ORDER IT Independent 318 < tVVVVVVVMVVVA/uVVVVXfUVVVVVti | Read the Star-Independent BANK AND TRUST COMPANY STATEMENTS | REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE 1 Sixth Street Bank, I Of Harrisburg. No. 8100 N. Sixth street, of Dauphin County Pennsylvania, at the close of business November 2. 1914:' RESOURCES. Iteserve fund. : Cash, specie and ] notes $27,106 71 i Due from approv ed reserve agents 81,576 6$ Nickels and cents SO7 89 | Checks and cash items.... 1,094 53 Securities pledged for spe | cial deposits 7,000 00 Assets held free, viz: ; Bills discount ed: Upon one : name, $5,000 00 I Bills discount ed: Upon two or j more names, .. 18.292 33 i Time loans with collateral. 2,300 00 ; Loans o i call with collat eral 21.243 00 Loans on call upon one name 150 00 Loan* on ca,. upon two ur more names 45.818 00 Loans ired by bonds and mortgages 15* 393 00 Sonds. stocks, etc.. Sched i tile D 145.532 22 Mortgages and judgments of record. Schedule D-2.. 44.613 30 Office building and lot 23,450 00 Furniture and fixtures 6,120- no Overdrafts 5.... 113 71 Total 5333.643 SI LIABILITIES. Capita' «to •!< paid :ti snfl,oilii ; Surplus funds 20,000 00 . Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid,... 9.157 56 | Individual depos its subject to I check $103,866 31 I Time certificates j of deposit 46,763 32 ; Saving fund de ! posits 259.973 93 I Deposits. Com ; mon wealth of Pennsylvania, . 15.000 00 j Deposits IT. S. | postal savings,. 338 32 ; Deposits, munici pal 29.507 77 .Certified checks.. 7 50 Cashier's checks outstanding, . . 895 66 Dividends unpaid 103 22 , Total $.-.35,645 Tl Stale oi Pennsylvania. Countv of L»au phln. <s: 1 F. I. Albert FroeMich. cashier ot the above n«mcd bank, do solemnly swear thai the aboie stat'Mnetu is true to the oesi of my knowledge and belief (Signed) F. L. ALBERT FROKHLICH. Cashier Subset ibee! anil sworn to before me this sth day of November, 1914. (Signed) A. M. LANDIS. Alderman, Sixth Ward. Correct—Attest: (Signed) B. GALBRAITH. .1. K. BRICKER. ROBERT A. ENDERS. ' Directors. It s a ,;00,l idea to make nil orator of every child, but it's a better idea to give him ideas to talk about. ■ —— l.veu when a man is a crank lie may : feel mat he has a turning point in his j life. HARRISBITBG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 7. 1914. BANS AND TRUST COMPANY STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the Allison Hill Trust Company of Harrtsburg, No. 1301 Market street, of D&uphln County. Pennsylvania, at the close of business November 2, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $19,870 Si Due from approv ed reserve agents 37,164 81 Nickels and cents 470 S3 Checks and cash items. ... 6,349 73 Due from banks and trust companies not In reserve. 113 47 Securities pledged for bills [ payable 33,140 00 (Commercial paper purchased: | Upon one name, $7,743 73 Upon two or more names 222,890 33 | Loans upon call with col : lateral 27,500 00 Time loans with collateral, 80,248 63 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 7.000 00 Bonds, stocks, otc. 312 73 | Mortgages jjind judgments I of record 190.903 00 I Office building and lot, ... 22,93 ! 38 Other real estate 3,318 10 Furniture and fixtures. ... 4,262 29 Overdrafts 27 71 Other assets not Included in above 6,322 71 Total 1670.776 18 ' LIABILITIES Capital slock paid in $123,000 00 Surplus fund .10.000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid... 13.206 96 Individual deposits subject to check (exclusive of j trust funds and savings). 99.(92 7 4 [Time certificates of deposit i (exclusive of trust funds 1 and savings) 22,627 69 ! Deposits, saving fund (ex clusive of trust funds and savings i, ! 171.991 33 | Deposits, municipal 30.000 00 i Due to banks, trust com panies. etc.. not in re serve 308 33 | Dividends unpaid 3$ 00 Treasurer's nd certified I checks outstanding 3.131 20 t Bills payablo en demand, . 13.000 00 I Bills nay able on time, mort ' gage bonds sold on guar j antecd 130.700 00 | Other liabilities not In ] eluded in above 4.0?:' 33 Total. 5670.7T6 18 ! Amount of trust funds In : vested $18,033 25 I Amount of trust funds un invested 67.' H Total trust funds 515.725 39 ; S;ate of Pennsylvania. County of Dauphin, ss: 1. Alfred G Eden. Tie.isurer of the | above named company, do solemnly ! swear that the above statement is true ' to the oest of my knowledge and be lief. I (Signed) ALFRED G. EDEN' Treasurer. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me j this 6th day of November. 1911. (Signed) JOHN E. GIPPLE 1 (Notarial Seal) Notary Public I Correct—Attest- I (Signed) )V. M. HOERNER. r. \. LERO. T. J. ALT HO USE, Directors. I RKPOIfT OJ THE CONDITION of the j Commonwealth Com p,»nv. i o;* Ha ifsourg. So, 322 Ma-k*t street, ot •.«» unl y, P«m\4.\ i4fti*. *• •tw ! 1 close of business November 2, 1914. n^c.o. ; Ueaerve l and: CH*K sprcit and j notes SSj,M>u To i L>ut ironi ap i proved reserve agtnts 141,02$ C • Legal securities • fcv par ou ; Nickels uud -ens G!» • . uk\K< and cu< items, . . v- ; ; Uue i.0..i > a• 1 . r Jt. i companies iiol in .«>i .»• . I_ . l 1J t i Assets lienl IIU. via. ■ tfui b US ! I •d: Uyun one name,.. $2,349 *.w . L :■ .. KJ Ol tilul v names 44».-44 !>,. | i jl.oHt 40 | Uaiu upon cail col lateral dUMull l!> Time loans with ut> ;»;• I Loans srcu.evi oy oouus : and niortg 2i.« 24,853 Do! 1 Bonds. stocKs.* etc.. % liiii.ltlo t>» I kut itubes ji,o juJ s iiieuis of record, .'i2,ii!M Oo ; i Uillcc uu ...I.IK aim lou .. . . 1 . ... • . ,| tUliei real tsu:e . 81..',27 H8 , il'Ulnm,.. .. u, ... ; | Overdrafts 131 _'a I •otiier a&ot-,.s not included in j above 782 UQ j Total $2,fi00,042 lb : l, la HlL,l l'itia. (. apuai btuiK pdiu in, ..... t.pu ouu 'jif Surplus fund 460.V00 III) Uudivideij ptoiiis less ex penses and taxes paid,... 76,317 u3 ; Individual deposits subject ! to check (exclusive of r trust funds and sa\iuss'. 1,076.214 13 . Deposits. spcc;<>i t,.,ie lex | elusive ut trust fuiuls and !, savings) 3,i50 7t> Tlinc Clii ti.lcates of deposit exclusive ,jf trust funds and savings* 234,005 SO | D«po-u«. v., ni.i.ontv'eauh of Pennsylvania 408,737 37 | j Deposits, municipal 20,uui; >JU ; Due to banks, trust com panies, etc., not in re- I serve *. s4l 25 j rreasurer's and certified i checks outstanding 3,532 S9 i I Otlicr liabilities not incluU | ed in above 29,607 S5 I ■ Book value of reserve se | curities below par, 2,304 47 j Total $-.600,042 16 j Amouiit of trust funds in vested $i,510,606 13 ! . Amount of trust funds un invested 1 Ou, 4«"i 1 IS Overdrafts 17.747 t>3 Total trust funds s!.3'_ > S\io."i 24 i COiii-'OUAXIu 'i'RUbTS. l'otai amount (i. e. face value> of Trust* under deeds of trust or rnort gages executed uy Corpo rations to tne Company as Trustee to secure la sue of corporate oonus. including Equipment Trusts, *19,410,000 0# loi.. amount ut securities deposited by ijuruoi«lions with the Company a? Trustee ti, secure Issues of Collateral Trust Bonds 3,312,400 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, as. i Vi. H. Metzgei. Treasurer of the above named company, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to th« jest of ray knowledge and belief. (Signed) VV. H. METZGER, Tronsurer subscrlbed-and sworn to before me this TtTi day of November, 1914. (Signed) R. E. STEEVER, (Notarial Seal) Notary PuMic. Correct—Attest: (Signed) \S'\T. .JENNINGS. HARRY C. ROSS, HENDERSON GILBERT, Directors TO PROVIDE DINNER FOR POOR Will Be Given by United Disciples of Christ Church Lebanon. Xov. 7.—The Rev. John W. Snader, pastor of the United Dis ciples of Christ church, this city, an nounces that the poor of Lebanon and \ icinity will not he without something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving Day of this year, as the members of church will provide a Thanksgiving dinner to which all the poor people of the city have been invited to partici pate in. A substantia' meal will be provided and a program arranged for the occasion. Several hundred persons are expected to attend. Members of the cougrega<:ion are already collecting money and contributions for the big dinner. bank' and tbust company STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the Citizens Bank of Harrisburg, No. 1301 Derry street, of Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, at the close of business November 2. 1914. RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $13,220 00 Due from ap proved reserve agents 12,933 68 , 128.153 68 Nickels and cents 255 35 Checks and cash items. ... 4,150 30 Bills discounted: Upon two or more names 64,402 91 Time loans with collateral. 27,957 50 Loans on call with collat eral 35,302 58 Loans on call upon one name 145 00 Doans on call upon two or more names 26,488 08 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 11,245 00 Bonds, stocks, etc., Sched „ ule D ~ . 10.300 00 Mortgages and judgments of record, Schedule D-2,. 27,463 50 Office building and lot 24,900 00 Furniture and fixtures. ... 1,500 00 Overdrafts. 37 8-3 Total $282,501 75 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $50,000 00 Surplus fund 20.000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid... . 1.559 26 Individual depos its subject to check $95,679 36 Time certificates of deposit, ... 99,240 69 Deposits. Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, 5.000 00 Deposits, munlc 4pal 3,000 00 Certified check, . . 2 00 Cashier's checks outstanding, . 1,318 57 Due to anks and trust companies, etc., not re serve 3.854 87 Dividends unpaid 817 00 , Total $282,501 73 State of Pennsylvania,. County of Dauphin, ss: I. C. G. Miller, Cashier ot the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best or my knowledge and belief. (Signed) C. G. MILLER. , . ~ Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of November, 1914 (Signed) IRWIN M. CAS3BU* (Notarial Seal) Notary Public. ( My commission expires March 25, 1917) Correct— Attest: (Signed) JOHN 11. .U'ILHENNY SPENCER F. BARBER. EDWIN C. THOMPSON. m ' l ec ' or s. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. X REPORT OF Security Trust Co. of Harrisburg 36 and 38 N. Third St. At the Close of Business November 2, 1914 RESOURCES Loans and Investments $340,262.83 Mortgages und Judgments. . 202,785.46 Por.ds 82,340.91 lieal Estate. Furniture and Fixtures, . . 82,887.38 Due From Banks uud Reserve 81,876.91 Overdrafts 36.16 $790,189.65 LIABILITIES C apital Paid in $125,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. ..! 52,862.94 Deposits 482,546.71 Mortgage Bonds Sold 129,780.00 $790,189.65 Trust Funds $39,732.35 Corporate Trusts $800,000.00 <i EORGE A. GORUABS, J. O. S. POOR MAX. Pres. Treas. *■— i i —— ■ ——— MAXWELL TOURING CAR FINISHES RECORD RUN Billy Carlson Drives 1915 Stock Car Seven Hundred and Fifteen Miles in Thirty Hours. Including Several Stops Along Route Mi. E. W. Shank, local representative of the Maxwell Motor Car Company,' savs: A message from Billy Carlson, driver of one of the Maxwell raeiug ears the past season, tells of a remarkable run which he ha 3 .just finished, from Los Angeles to Phoenix, Arizona. Carlson made t'he trip in a 1915 stock Maxwell touring car. The dis tance was seven hundred and fifteen miles and the car made the trip in thirty hours, including several stops along the route. The Maxwell was "tuned up'' to the minute before the trio was started, but owing to the length of the journey many adjustments were prophesied. However, Carlson's own words tell the tale. "The Maxwell proved itself to the hard task. Some of the going was tough and would test the strength of any car. 1 certainly was surprised and pleased when I arrived in Phoenix, to look back over the trip and truthfully j say that I never made an adjustment during the entire run. I know of no greater tost for a car than the one j through which I have just put that Maxwell." Women Suffer Terribly From Kidney Troubles Around on her feet all day—no won der a woman has backache, headache, stiff swollen joints, weariness, poor sleep and kidney trouble. Foley Kidney : Pills give quick relief for these trou bles. They strengthen the kidneys— take away the aches, pain and weari ness. Make life worth living again. They will absolutely drive out rheuma tism, weak back and swollen .aching joints due to kidney and bladder trou- j ble. Try Foley Kidney Pills and see; how much better you feel. Geo. A. 1 Gorgas. 16 North Third street, andi P. R R Station. Adv. ' BANK AND TRUBT COMPANY STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the Peoples Bank of Steelton, No. 18 S. Front street, ot Dauphin county. Pennsylvania, at the close of business November 2, 1914: . RESOURCES Reserve f9nd; Cash, specie and notes $15,275 00 Due from approved reserve agents,. . 39,696 09 — $54,971 09 Nickels and cents 267 75 Checks artd cash Items 7,683 66 Securities pledged to secure special deposits, 0.000 00 Assets held free, viz: Bills discounted: Upon one name,... SIOO 00 Upon two or more • names 58.434 00 Time loans with collateral $2,625 00 Loans on call with collateral,. 82,274 00 Loans on call upon one name 1,510 00 Loans on call upon two or more names, 94,007 16 Loans secured by bonds and mort gages 85.026 50 ——— 263,442 65 Furniture and fixtures 1,600 00 Overdrafts 22 Total $393,501 37 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $50,000 00 Surplus fund 36.000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes puld 12,928 05 j Individual depos its subject to check $162,947 48 Time certificates of deposit 103,39S 99 Savings fund de posits 23,360 57 i Deposits, U. S. Pos tal savings • 1,620 63 Deposits, munici pal 2.166 66 Cashier's checks outstanding. . . 643 25 Due to banks and trust com panies. etc., not reserve... 1,405 74 Dividends unpaid 30 00 Total. ..$393,501 37 j State of Pennsylvania, i County of Dauphin, ss: I, W. H. Null, President of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) W. H. NELL. President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th da.\ of November, 1914. (Signed) M. I{. ALLEMA N. i (Notarial Seal) Notary Public. Jly commission expires Jan. 21, 1917. ; Correct-—Attest: ■ Signed) HENRY A. KKLKKR, JR., O. C. BISHOP. FRANK A. ST EES. Directors. MINISTERS HAVE ORGANIZED Elect Officers and Decide Places of Various Meetings Lititz, Nov. 7.—The ministers have organized in this place for the benefit of study and the co-operation of Chris tians, claiming revival movements n all sections of the State are meeting with success. Tile officers chosen yesterday were president, the Rev. P. T. Broci'ous. of the United Evangelical church; secre tary, the Rev. George B. Raexer, of the Reformed church; treasurer, the Rev. J. Bittner, of the Lutheran church. Dentist Reads Paper Dr. Harry Rhein, 1311 Market street, at a meeting last night of the Harrisburg Dental Society read a pa per on "The Relation of a Six year Molar to Occlusion.'' The body who minds his own busi ness is always busv. but not a busv boilv. JSJEW^L 1 1 MODERN§| IHOTEIPI IVENDIGI I PHILADELPHIA 1 I lsfen&Fl LBERT.Sts.I = 2 Minutes from PENNSYL- i R VANIA, AND PHILADELPHIA I P I READING TERMINALS. ~ I 1 200 focazttifu/Out-1 | side 7£ooms coitfi. 1 1 FTCUA AND S7OXJJ- I I ino Jce ZJater j up. I Ga/o, Zfri// \ I and J&jtauraTxt- \ SUBURBAN LINGLESTOWN Interesting Services Will Be Held in All the Churches To-morrow Special Correspondence. Lluglestown. Nov. 7.—Services will be held In Wen rich's church on Sunday morning, by the Reformed iwstor. the Hev. Heller. Services will l»e held in the Church of <Jod on Snnday morning, by the pastor, the Hev. George Slgler. Services will be held In the United Brethren church on Sunday evening, by Ihe pastor, the Hev. Clyde Lynch. Mrs. George Tompsou. of Ilarris burg, spent a few days this week as tile guest of Miss Eliza Buck. Mrs. House, of Lebanon. 011 Thurs day visited her sister, Mrs. Mary /.eigler. familiarly known as Mother Zelgler. who took seriously ill on Sun day night. Charles Look has the contract to build (he new home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fox. lu Pillville, and commenced work this week. The public sale of Mis. Carrie Hrighthlll was largely attended, on Thursday. Mrs. Brighthill will in the near future move to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hooker. Mr. and Airs. Ilarry Cassel on Tues day moved their household effects to I'enbrook. where they will reside. A number of people from this com munity attended the love feast held at Hanoverdale. ,1. H. Mcllhenny, of Harrlsburg. on Friday visited friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Schaffer. of Harrls burg, moved into the home of Mrs. John Clay, this week, that has been recently remodeled. LANDISBURG Frank Power, Who Was Operated on in Harrlsburg Hospital, Returned Home Special Correspondence. Laudisburg, Nov. 7.—The Ladies' Aid Society of the Reformed church will hold a bake at the home of Mrs. George Patterson this evening. tieorge Shutnan and family, of Rha way, X. J., are visiting Mr. Shumnn's parents, of this place. Warren Shue and wife, of Harris burg. were week-end visitors of Mrs. shue's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morrow. John Wilson, of Altoona, was here last week. Miss Annie Dewalt. of Newport, spent the week-end with friends in town. Mrs John Sausaman is visiting friends in Cumberland county. Frank Power, who underwent an operation at the Harrlsburg Hospital, returned home. William Kling, of Philadelphia. Is spending some time at his home here. Joseph Burtnett and friend Mr. Pritehard. and their families, are visit ing Mi 1 . Burtnett's home, in this place. NEW BLOOMFIELD "Sunny Leaders" Were Entertained by Miss Mary E. Clouser Spi ;ial Correspondence. New Bloomfield, Nov. 7.—"Sunny Leaders." a class of the Methodist Suu da.v school, were entertained at the borne of the secretary. Mary K. Clouser. Samuel Khert, of Lo.vsville, was in town Wednesday, on business. I)r. I!. T. Burnett and family, of l.ewistown. spent the week-end in town. Daniel Rice was in town Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. P. Nickel returned home. Monday evening, after a two weeks' visit in Chicago, 111. W. Scott Fritz, of Saville, was a vis itor in this place on Wednesday. Miss Ruth Alter, of Port Royal, is visiting her brothers, .1. T. and l>. B. Alter, of this place. Clarence Corl and wife, of I.emoyne. visited .Mrs, Corl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Harter. from Saturday until Tuesday. Mrs. Mary l,ipp.v. of <'liatlibersburg is visiting ber sister. Mrs. Robert Mar kel. of ibis place. X. C\ Deekard, of Howe township, was a visitor in town on Monday. James Willougliby. of Tusearora township, was in- town on business on Monday. NEW GERMANTOWN Mrs. filmmaker's First Visit in Thirty Years Special Correspondence. New (Jermantown. Nov. 7.—Mrs. J. K. sbuniakcr and son. Xornian. were visitors in town last week. This was Mrs. Slmmaker's first trip to town in 30 years, although she lives but a few miles away. William .1. I - 'in ley is putting in a con erete dam for M. X. Willblde. who will use tile water for*his house and barn The Rev. Mr. Gibson. of town, is still continuing revival services in West Fairview. Mr. and Mrs. William R. l'latt have moved to Ilarrisburg. Mrs. I.i/.zie Berrier was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hopple, on Sun day.. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Finiey vis ited T. A. Morrow and family. Airs. Mintie Trostle and daughter. Gladys, visited Mrs. Hannah Hocken berry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bistline and son, of Pittsburgh, are visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Willbide and son. Russell, of Baltimore, are visiting friends. MECHANICSBURG Alfred B. Strock, Aged 81 Years, Died Thursday Afternoon Special Correspondence. Mechanics,burg, Nov. 7. —On Thurs day afternoon Alfred B. Strock died at the residence of his daughter, Mis. George 11. Hoover. Kast Locust street, with whom he had his home. He was 81 years of age and had been confined to the lioiiße less than hwo weeks. Three children survive him, Mrs. Hoover, Mrs. 1.. M. Stouffer and ('. H. Strock, all of Meehanicsburg. He wa« a member of the Church of God. Fu neral services will be held to-morrow morning at the home at 10 o'clock, conducted by his pastor, the Rev. Charles F. Roach. Interment will be made in Mount Zion cemetery, near Cburchitown The third of the union mass meet ings in the interest of the coming evan gelistic campaign will be held to-mor row afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in the Presbyterian church. The speaker will be W. 0. Hean, of Harrieburg, whose subject will be "Putting First Things First in an Evangelistic Campaign. The cottage prayer meeting committee has districted the town and prayer meetings will soon be begun. , Harrv J. Sheely has sold at private $12.00- Round Trip NEWYORK Sunday, November 22 SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES Harrisburg 5.45 A. M. IIIOTI It !\ I Mi. IrMvrN I'eniiMylva nln Station. %cu York. «.»0 I". M. Pennsylvania R. R. sale to Aaron Long the Tiouso and lot el ground located at "the Point," at the western limit of the borough a.t the junction ot Main and Simpson streets. The sale was made by F. 8. Mumma & Son; consideration private. Mrs. H. M. Rup<p, of Shirenvanstown, spent yesterday nfternoon in Median icsburg as the guest of her sister, Mrs. •Priscilla Miller, West Main street. Misses rda Eberly and Ellon Meily were among the Meehanicsburgers who attended the Stough meeting yester day. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Givler have re turned to their home in Lancaster alt er visiting Mrs. Givlor's cousin, Mrs. F. P. Hall, South Washington street. Mrs. John G. Bent* and J. 0. Lam bert attended the funeral of their brother, David W. Lambert, from his late home at Oyster's Mill yesterday. The revival services in tlie Methodist church continue to grow in interest. There have been a number of conver sions. Another soul was saved last night. Services will be held this even ing, contrary to the usual practice of having no services on Saturday evening, but on account of the deep interest pervading it was deemed best to do so. Prof. A. A. Arnold received word yesterday of the death of his father. Miss Edith Fegley attended the Luther League convention of the Lan caster district, which was held at Eplirata to-day. To morrow the Woman's Missionary Society of the First U. B. church will hold Woman's Day services. Mis* Grace Jones, of Windsor, branch organ izer, will be present and give an ad dress. MARYSVILLE L. U. A. Club Entertained by Miss Leona Bare Special Correspondence. Marysville, Nov. 7.—Mis* t.eona Bare entertained at her home, ou Front street. Friday evening. Novem ber 6. the L. U. A. Clul). A special program was carried out and Miss Genevieve O. Webster, of Wichita, Kan., addressed the club 011 the sub ject "Woman's Power in Government." Refreshments were served. Mr. David Liglitner, wife and (laugh ter. Erma, of Landisburg, are visiting Mr. D. Lightner's brother, Dr.' H. O. I.ightner, of this place. The Rev. Charles T. Parson, newly appointed pastor of the Church of God. has moved into Ihe parsonage, 011 Myrtle avenue. He will conduct his Orst services here Sunday. November S. Before coming here he was pastor at. Rohrerstown. Miss 0. D. Webster, of Wichita, Kan., is a visitor in town. BERRYSBURG The Hev. Mr. Huyett and Wife Are Visiting Friends in Lancaster Spec ial Correspondence. Berrys'burg, Nov. 7.—The Hev. Mr. Huyett and wife, who have been fram ed a two weeks' vacation, are visiting friends at Lancaster. Harry Deibler, who left Tuesday morning to visit his wife who is ill in the Harrisburg hospital, returned honu Thursday evening. Samuel Stroup, wife and two sons, of Williamstown, visited relatives in town. Miss Helen Daniel was a culler at Uoyalton 011 Friday evening. The Rev. Irvin Hunk and wife, of Seottdale, visited the former's father, the Rev. Mr. Runk, who is very ill. Morris Daniel transacted business at Harrisburg on Wednesday. William Walters atd wife were the guests of their son. Edgar, and family, of Harrisburg, 011 Wednesday, Harry Runk and wife, of Harris burg, visited the former's father, th• ■ Hev., Mr. Runk, for a few days. Everybody is invitod to attend tlio revival services in the U. B. church, the Rev. Mr. Rhoads, pastor. NEW CUMBERLAND Sunday School Class Entertained By Mrs. Carrie Seip Special Correspondence. New Cumberland, Nov, 7.—The Sunday school class of young ladies of Trinity United Brethren Sunday school Mis. Annie Kreiger, teacher, was en tertained by Mrs. Carrie Seip at her home 011 Bridge street, Thursday e\cu ing. Mrs. Edwards, of Harrisburg, was the guest of Mrs. tonrad, on Fifth street, yesterday. Mrs. Elmer Sunday and daughter, Thelina, spent yesterday with Mrs. E l ward Shiner in Lemoyiie. Miss Mecda Harper, of Duncanno , is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fran > Seitz. Mr. Kromer, of York, visited tie Rev. A. R. Aycrs and family and Mr. anil Mrs. Daniel Mathias, Thursday. Miss Mabel Tritt entertained tiio T. W. 1!. club, of which she is a mem ber, at her home 011 Eutaw street, last evening. T. .1. Worts has fione to Wellsvilie to spend several days. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters, daughters, Turn and Beatrice, are spending the week-end at East Berlin. Mr. Snyder's family, of Newport, visited the Rev. and Mrs. J. N. Ad ams at the M. E. parsonage, 011 Thurs day. Miss Martha Miller, of Newpofl. was a guest of Ben Eby 's family ou Thursday evening. Parker Minter was on a hunting trip to Perry county this week. Miss Lena Prowell, of Stcelton, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mathias. Mrs. Catherine James ami daughter. Annie, have returned from a visit, to Manchester, York county.
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