6 SHf* &tar-3nfc*p*w&ettt ( EttaUvihcd in 1876) Published b * THE STAR PRINTING COMPANY, Star-lndope-ident Building. NJO 22 South Third Street, Harris burg. Pa, Every Evening Exoapt Sunday Officer*; Direct*rt. F - Jobn l l KuhKi President. Wm. W. Wsllowir. _ ~ Vtce President. Wm k Wm. K Mentis, Secretary and Treasurer. Wm. W Wallow sr. Wm H. Warner. V. Hummel Bekohacs. Jr , Bustneas Manager. Editor. All communk-a'.tous should be addressed to Star Independent, Business. Editorial, Job Printing or Circulation Department according to the subject matter Entered at the Post Office in Harrisburg as second-class matter. Banjamin & Kentnor Company. New Vork ami Chicago Representatives. New York Office, Brunswick Building. 225 Fifth Avenue. Chicago Office, People's Has Building. Michigan Avenue, Delivered bv carriers at S cents a week. Mailed to subscriber; (or Three Dollars s year in advance THE STAR-INDEPENDENT The paper with the largest Home Circulation in Harrlaburg and nearby towns. Circulation Examlncu by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ADVERTISERS. TELEPHONES 5 BELL Privata Sranoh Exchange, No. 3250 CUMBERLAND VALLEY Private Branch Exchange. . No. 345-24S a systematic and regular annual repair to the sur face of the road bv the addition of brokeu wtone. This is the first turn pike complaint which the Commission has considered. The Commission will hold a meeting in Philadelphia to-morrow to hear argu ment in the matter of the New York Central merger. Alderman Appointed Walter t. Isentierg was yesterday ap pointed alderman of the Seventh ward, Altoona, to (ill a vacancy caused by death. A Guide For Supervisors The liureau of Township Highways of the State Highway Department has just issued bulletin No. $ of its series for the guidance of township super visors. This bulletin outlines the work and purpose of the bureau, giving n summary of its operations and show ing in a concrete way how system may advance the interests of their town ship bv taking advantage of the op portunities afforded by the law under which the bureau is operating. THE LYNBROOK TRAGEDY | A Two-act Drama of the Alice Joyce ; Series, at Photoplay To-day Ruth Malloy. whose father has be-! come a human derelict because of Vi.'- I | ian Gregg, a theatrical star, loves j | Mitchell, a young playwright. Ruth | learns that Vivian is enslaving Mitch ell. Despite her efforts, the girl is helpless to save him. Malloy drifts into town. He is filled with a determination to slay the human vampire and avenge his wrongs. Ruth I comes upon her father just as he is in ' the act of aiming his pistol at the act - 1 rest). Mitchell's eyes are opened. He | sees in Malloy the. fate which must lie his unless l.e conquers his infatuation for Vivian Gregg. Ruth's love helps the boy. For the first time, Vivian Gregg, who has really grown to love Mitchell, roalizes the depths of her infamy as she gazes upon the wreck that one# was Malloy. Ruth, Mitchell and Malloy hear a shot. Rush- j ing into the library, they find Vivian | Greg" dead. ~i For Warmer Homes Burn Kelley's Coal and be comfort- ! able this Winter. Kelley's Coal is. first of all, rich j in carbon, uniform!)' sized and burns i with lasting heat intensity—and sec- I ondly, its goodness has free sway be cause all the dirt is removed before it i is delivered. Good coal—clean coal —that's Kel- j ley's. i Kelley's Hard, Stove at $6.701 is the best fuel for the average l furnace. H.M. KELLEY 0 CO. 1 N. Third Street Tenth and State Streets THREE EXPERTS APPOINTED Will Have Charge of Divisions in tho Bureau Working Along Their Special Lines Washington, D. C., Nov. 7. —An- nouncement has just been made of tlie appointment of three experts on the staft' of the Children's Bureau of the Department of They arc desig nated us expert on sanitation, statis tical expert and social service expert, and are to have charge of divisions in the* Bureau working along these lari ous lines. The expert on sanitation. Dr. tirace L. Meigs, is a native of Illinois, a graduate of Brvn Mawr College and of Rush Medical School (University of Chicago, and has done post-graduate work in foreign hospitals under such children s specialists as Professor V. Pirquet of Vienna; Professor Fiukel steiu, ot Berlin, and Professor A'. Bo kay, of Budapest, Dr. Meigs comes to the Children's Bureau from Cook County Hospital, of Chicago, where she has been an attending physician in children's diseases. She will a ct in a general advisory capacity to the Bu reau in matters of child health and hv giene. Frank S. Drown, the new statistical expert, a graduate of Dartmouth Col lege, has been connected since 1304 with the Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics, having been for the last tive years chief statistician and in charge of all the Massachusetts Bu reau's activities in the field of labor. He is a member of the American Statis tical Association, the American Asso ciation for Labor legislation, the American Economic Association, and the International Association on Un employment. His work in the Chil dren's Bureau will be to take charge of the tabulation of material gathered in the various field inquiries of the Bureau, and in part to do the prelimi nary work in the preparation of such Held studies. Thus his immediate work will be to determine upon a series of localities in which the inquiry into in fant mortality will be carried forward and to precede the Bureau's field agents in such localities with a statement of the purposes of the inquiry. AGED MAN4S ME P GUILTY IN CONSPIRACY CHARGE ■■ ■•• •• ■ '■■' 1.-AI r ■;.■ ' W/LLIAM ROCKEFELLER. Mr. William Rockefeller has been indicted with other .New Haven Railroad directors in connection with the conspiracy charges brought by the federal government. lie appeared before Judge Ktifus Foster, in the United Slates District Court. New York city, and entered a plea of not guilty. The accom panying snapshot shows Mr. Hoekefelier leaving the Federal Building after making bis plea. W- rrr ————rr & * nARRISBVRG LIGHT 1 &POWERQO. 1 Now Is the Most Opportune Time to have your house wired for Electric Light. Be prepared to spend the long Winter evenings most enjoyably. Electric Light in your home will in crease its cheerfulness—will make it a more pleasant place to live in and to entertain your guests. Electric Light is tke most healthful of illuminants — the most congenial for eyes of all ages. But in addition, you will find that it is the most economical, every thing considered. * ' i &AKIN simple crown of myrtle with her national costume—varying vith the district, but always charming --and [lots of myrtle are carefully cher" islied by girlish hands through tlie long winters in anticipation of the great event. By one good deed we uproot mauv a. useless weed.