4 \B OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS * | To Our Friends, Customers and Automo bile Owners in Central Pennsylvania Owinjr to the very largo increase in our business it lias become necessary to procure additional quarters in which to properly serve our patrons. f With that end in view we have secured the double store and basement, 118-120 Market Street, adjoining the Senate hotel, where in addition to showing an immense stork of automobile supplies and accessories, we will open and maintain a complete service and repair station with exports in charge. HORNS, SPEEDOMETERS, CARBURATORS, COIL, MAGNETOS (all makes). In the new location we shall show accessories and supplies, while in op- present quarters we shall carry the largest and most com plete stock of automobile tires, tubes, and tiro accessories in Pennsylvania. It will be our endeavor to have every size and type of tire in stock at all times. Wo will do business at both locations, using the present store and basement entirely for the tire end of our business. Prior to the opening of our added quarters. Nos. 118 and 120 Market Street, we will conduct a STOCK REDUCING SALE in our present location beginning to-dav, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1914 in which Great Reductions w ill be made, a part of which is herein below included: Tire Saving Jacks Specials For Ford Cars 5-lb. Can Transmission Grease 60c Rear Tue Holders $1.75 Valve Grinders 20c 5-lb. Can Cup Grease, . 60e Running Board Tire Holders $1.35 Valve Lifters 25C 2-lb. Can Cup Grease Brass Bumper, $3.95 H()lj0 Railg ''' *'' 35 . 1-lb. Can Cup Grease 15c Shock Absorbers, per pair $3.85 0 , ' ' n „ x- i i u r i /vi Spark Plug Wrenches .* 12c Gallon ot Brass or Nickel Polish 4&C Oil Guage v Half Gallon Brass or Nickel Polish, .. 40v Dash Oil Guage Valvo Btem Adjusters, 18? Combination Oil and Grease Gun 40c Rear Brake Shoes—Raybestos Lining, 80c Rubbers, 35c Latest Improved Spring Oiler 65<* Brake Rod Anti-Rattlers, per pair, . . ,75c Radiator Hose—top or bottom 6<* All makes of Spark Plugs at ... .Half Price Radius Rod Ailti-Rattler 45c Spark Plugs 25<^ Combination Tire and Tube Steam Vulcan- Steering Rod Anti-Rattler 40c Electric Horn $2.50 izers $1.90 Cutouts, complete 55f ; Tool Bosses $1.35 ; Tire Trunks for Demountable Rims. $5.50 License Holders Lighting Outfits $2.00 Mayo Spark Plug Pumps $6.50 • Redhead Priming Plugs, 50c Radiator Covers 95c ; ROBES, GLOVES AND CAPS AT BIG REDUCTIONS Call and Inspect the New Gray & Davis Electric Starter and Lighting Outfit for Ford Gars CITY AUTO SUPPLY CO. 108 Market Street E. L. LEINBACH, Manager HARRISBURG, PA. TELEPHONES—BeII 366, United 195 X OPEN EVENINGS ■ ■ ! WONDERS IX MOTOR TRICKS Profitable Investment for Business Man in the Present Day A few vcars' time lias .vorke I won ** * ■dors in tno motor truck Hold. Motor ■trucks to-day are a profitable invest- ■ -incut for the business man —if lie needs motor trucks. The first railroad locomotives were ; etude: the lirt*. threshing machines jjvere clumsy affairs; the first autoiuo ■nilcs we"i inefficient lor practical use. But everything has to have a begin- ' ;n'mg, and so did motor trucks. To-day The man v.ha selects the right kind and ~ iipacity of truck to li* his business; ►an suve money 011 his haulaye and VULCANiziNS Expert Work Only :451 /srKrr Sir#?? Sterling Auto Tire Co. AUTO TIRES AND TUBES EVERY WELL-KNOWN BRAND "\\ c carry a complete stock of tires and tubes in all sizes. All tires cany ;i standard guarantee. Prices lower than usual. (Joodyear, Kelly-Springfield, Nassau, < 'apitol and Imperial. We carry auto accessories at reduced prices. (Jet our prices. On Sale on the Third Floor BOWMAN'S feMMMMMai t—w—Mi Auto Transportation Machine Shop No. 5 North Cameron St., Harrisburg, Pa. Eepair and Bemodel Automobiles of Every Make. All Work Guaranteed. Let Us Estimate on Your Repairs. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT When in trouble 011 the. road, 'plione us—Bell 'Phone 1710 aud we will tow you in free of charge. delivery—and to save money is to make money. With ordinary care the present day motor truck as produced by any of the I responsible truck manufacturers will ! last for years and give good service. Don't condemn motor trucks because you. or your neighbor, have had, or i are having, trouble with an old style I model. If you want to save money, investi gate modern motor trucks. — (iOOl) ROADS STATISTICS U. S. Office Publishes Figures on High- j way Construction , Accurate information just issued by the I'niteil States Office of Public Uoads shows considerable variability in prog ress of road construction among the i several States. The total mileage of roads in all of I the States now aggregates 2,228,042 miles, of which 229,219 miles are im- j proved with hard surfacing, ranging j from -and and clay mixtures to the i most expensive types of modern boule- j ■ L . I IT A Rlf ISI'TRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVFNTNG. NOVEMBER 7. 1914. . ~ | vard. In the expenditure of State funds, and not including local funds, New York is far in the lead, with a total j January 1, 1914. of $67,155,471, her! nearest competitor being Pennsylvania, with $20,710,X09. Massachusetts ranks j third with an outlay of $10,905,39t> ' and Connecticut, fourth, with $11,502,- : 519. Aside from these four, ho State ; lias expended as much as $6,000,000 j out of State funds. j FRONT-MfIRRET BUSINESS j I ; Motor Supply Company Started in j Small Way, but Soon Attracted Customers Their Way The Front-Market .Motor Supply i Company started in business in a ratli ser small way at Front and Market j streets just about six months ago. Thev j have branched out and have progressed | in a manner which is remarkable for its development. The increase in business , is mainly due to the management of T. ! B. Wildermuth. who is now proprietor i of this accessory and supply store for the varied needs of the automobile j owners. Many changes have been j made in the storerooms since the start j of business and it now holds an impor-j I tant place in this city's busiuess deals, j In addition to the increased stock 1 ! necessitated toy the wholesale and re j tail trade of the company, manv me- i | chanical features have been installed j i from time to tiiiie. Everything that an automobile own- J J er might possibly need from time to time j : has been installed. Automobile owners j who have Stewart-Warner speedometers j or Bosch magnetos arc now enabled to ! get expert repairing and adjustments. I I All the floors of the building at River \ i and Blackberry streets are used ex- j j clusively for the mechanical services.! ; with a force of expert mechanics in | j charge of the work, i They are now sending one of their j I expert mechanics to the Willard stor j age baittery plant to 'become thoroughly I i familiar with the repair of storage | batteries, for the reason that now some ' of them begin to need repair and it is proposed to have this statiou service very complete. Mr. Wildermuth is well known local ly among the motor car men and is de voting his energies to building up a who lean Its and mail order business, as well as having a force of assistants caring for the retail business that is | attracted to the store. " Bows in Warfare,. The bow is first seen depicted 011 | Kgyptian monuments about 2000 B. 0. Its form then did not differ greatly from that in use among boys at the present day. It was used in European warfare as late as 1640 and was deem ed quite as effective as the arquebus then employed. THE AUTOJCCESSORY It Is Good Tire Necessary Adjunct No Matter How Perfect Auto Is in Other Parts The auto tire ajid accessory depart- 1 meats ot' Bowman's have both been : moved to the third floor of their store. I ! The new location is ou the Market I j street front, immediately south of the I men's elotfeing department. The line j j covers Kelly-Springfield, Uoodvear, Nas- j jsau, Capitol and Imperial tires and! I tubes. Also tires for motorcycles and j ) bicycles. Tires can be loaned from this dc-j j partnient 10 take on your touring trip I and if you find you did not need them ! can be returned without expense. This department is practically open I at all hours for if you are in anv tire j fIaPF" ißE=s=jH[=S]EH==S3EH^^SlH[^^ginc===inr=rtnr==nnr=rri | Zenith Carburafor S This is the carburator used In most of the German and Allies air crafts. It is liie only carburator made that requires no adjustment on account of rn altitude or temperature. Can you motorists imagine a war aeroplane II ■jg starting out over the enemy's line with a Jumping, spitting, spluttering, ||j I|H flo i oded carburator like you have on your car; not much. This carburator Q | is famous for its even, dependable service from a start at sea level to an |j] E altitude of 12,850 feet and 63 degrees change of temperature. We will ||| j n install one on your car on a fifteen-day trial. I Front-Market Motor Supply I I|| RUT A If, AND WHOLESALE LABORATORIES □ MARKET STREET BRIDGE BV.A( KRKRIIV AND RlVlOIt AVE. j| : C. A. Fair Carriago and Auto Works Manufacturers of Auto Tops, Bodies and Seat Covers Auto Painting, Rubber Tiring, etc. INe Manufacture and Repair Auto Springs "QUALITY IS OUE MOTTO" i trouble call up by phone and you will I receive prompt attention, day or night. The department will also ' cheerfully give route information for travel. S. j 11. Kauffman is in charge of this de ; partment and has made many friends ; among the automobilists. Some folks would look for happiness 1 with a lantern when the sun is sliin | i"g- I "" AUTOS VARNISHED Ready In 48 Hours Price $lO Upwards Work Guaranteed Drop postal, 501 Kunkle Bldg., or call 842S Bell Phone I s < AIL TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES READY FOR 1915 Heavy Travel to the Pacific Coast Ex , position Early Next Year Is Ex pected by the A. A. A. Touring In formation Board With t'ho exception of sueih slight im provements as may be made during the winter months, the principal transcon tinental routes are now in approxi mately the shape they will be at the 'beginning of the heavy travel to the I'atciidc coast exposition oarlv next year. At least no new projects can be un dertaken and finished 'before this heavy travel begins. ljate reports reaching t'he A. A. A. touring information board, New York and Washington, from all quarters indi cate that the road improvements on the principal cross-country lines during 1914 have been underestimated rat'her than overestimated. This is particular ly the case 011 the western end of the "Northwest Trail" between Montana and .Seattle, especially since the former severe grade of Snoqualmie pass has 'been reduced to a maximum of five per cent. The cities, counties and towns on t'ho line of the Ltincolu highway in the far west have also made very great im provements in order to bring that route to as good condition as possible for 1915 touring. Both the "Trail to Sun set" and its principal alternate, the Sante Ke-Urand Canvon-Needles high way, have not lagged behind the others; and beginning uext year the tourist has two complete options 'between Al buquerque and Southern California, both of which 'can be traveled with com fort and safety. While unfortunately some parts of the '' All-Southern Koute" are vet in poor Shape, that line as a whole has been greatly improved during 1914, and will not present very serious difli culties to tourists who "decide to go leisurely across that way in 19 1, r >, Tiic A. A. A. touring board has the latest information 011 all these lines, and is prepared to confer with tourists on the routes best suited for their particular purpose. Maps ami specific information can be had either at uational headquar ters, 4;17 Fifth avenue. New York, or national eupita.l 'headquarters, R'iggs building, Washington, D. ('. Parties con templating cross-country trips in the spring are es ecially invited to take lip these subjects with the touring board during the winter months, w'hich is often advantageous as compared with waiting until the actual opening of the touring season next year. A CARLOAD JF OVERLANDS Fifth Consignment Received By An drew Redmond, Local Agent For Well-Known Auto Firm The fifth car load of 1915 Over lands has just been received by An drew Redmond, local agent lor the Overland branch in this city. Mr. Hedmond has just delivered his eighth light ('handler car to the Cen tral Construction Company, to be used in Richmond, Va., by Superintendent John McCullough. The car will be driven to that place to-day by Mr. Mc- Cullough. L. A. Faunce, a well-known West End jeweler, purchased a light Chandler from Mr. Redmond, and others which have been plueed are the following: John Musser, who has used the cat' for more than 6,000 miles travel in the past few months and who is?* en thusiastic in his praise of the Chand ler; Dr. Granville, president of Gettys burg College; Mr. McClain, a promi nent banker of Shippensburg; Mr. Harclerode, a merchant of Shippens burg. and J. W, Gitt, a prominent at torney of York, whu purchased a light Chandler roadster. STATEMENT BY IHTARLAND President of Harrisburg Auto Company Reiterates Superiority of Materials Used in Reo Machines George 0. McFarland, president of the Harrisburg Auto Company, asserts that the superiority of metals and ma terials employed in the making of Reo motor vehicles are precisely demon strated with the exactness and pre cision iu workmanship and painstaking care in the inspection of each opera tion, part, assembly and finished car or truck—with ideal results to the manufacturer and to the owner. Organized effort has made doubly sure the present standard in design, material and workmanship. AUTO SUPPLIES' NEW LOCATION Large Double Store and Basement Secured on Market Street The City Auto Supply Company, 108 Market street, have secured a very de sirable additional location in Harris burg. It consists of the large double store and basement, 118 and 120 Mar ket street, corner of River avenue and immediately adjoining the Henate hotel The large store room will be used to carry their entire line of automobile accessories and supplies. The basement is being fitted up for the purpose of opening and maintain ing a complete repair station. The repair department will be in charge of a thorough repair expert and the best skilled mechanics will be em ployed so that every device known to the automobile public can be properly repaired. The growth of the City Auto Sup ply Company baa been in proportion to the development made in the general auto industry and no pains will be spared to satisfy every patron. The present location will be con tinued for the purpose of sale and dis play of automobile tires. The new ar rangement will enable thein to have room for suitable display of the numer ous articles carried in their immense stock. Exportation of Motorcycles Report of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Shows tliat during one year 3,!>83 American motorcycles were crj ortPrt!.. American Merchants Unite in praising The capacity Of the AUTOCAR for Continuous Service. A"sk any Owner the j Reason. Dalivery improved, Economy secured, L vwer delivery costs, licreased delivery area, ! V aluable customers gained E Aicient in all seasons; (Result— i Y early profits increased. | Vouched for by Enterprising and H <rd-headed Individuals and Concerns who are Looking for Evident Ssrvice It will cost you nothing to become informed why the purchase of an Auto i car will mean bigger business to you. ANDREW REDMOND Third and Boyd Sts. Pa, New 1915 Model $695 Powerful, fast, silent ! and one of the easiest rid ! ing and most economical | cars in the world. E. W. SHANK Maxwell Service Station | Central Auto Garage 324 Chestnut St. Bell Phone 724 V RIVERSIOE GARAGE Rear 1417, 19 and 21 North Front Street GEO. R. BENTLEY, Proprietor A modern brick structure, central location l'or storage with Practical Mechanical Service Harrisburg Agents for PAIGE CARS Correct in design, construction and price. Demonstration by Appointment Bell Phone R WHEN OTHERS FAIIT To Remedy Your Electrical Troubles CALL The Electrical Dep't. of the OTIS ELEVATOR CO. Armature Winding, Generators, Fans, in Fact—lf It's Electrical, WE REPAIR IT Years of Practical Electrical Experi ence Backs Us Up No. 28 3. :td St. HARRISBURG, PA.> Bell Phone SSOB-L V ifliUfr StrpH 1451 Zarker Street Stering Auty Tire Co. Celia (gently)— You shouldn't have proposed to me. You might have known I'd refuse you. CJeorge (savagely)—l did know or I wouldn't have proposed!— Philadelphia Ijedger.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers