Lyon' s Silk Velvet Hats ASTOTCH'S B,ack Velvet Sailors 10 Now Shapes $5.00 qual* Eight good shapes. Values " 77'00 MONDAY SALE. " !pl*OU ale ® tarts at 9 o' c l° ck ■9C New London Sailors 'ir- 6St affers Wide brim, colored crowns, \ ' I 1 HdtS black facings; 6 colors, I \ "" '! > 25 dozen just received, the $3 00 value JIXAjX r 'I xSWJ newest shapes. Values up to \r}fj \J \ I % rx j $3.00. Mondav, SIA9 'W v Mjr 98c It's Hie Prices Which Bring the Crowds to Our Monday Sales | Best Black Velvet Hats LARGE BLACK LONDON Silk Plush Sailors Erect Pile Velvet SAILORS .... , , Ti i a. o-ii i 7 i i. .. ~ * . Ihe large wide brim, crush In a wonderful assortment raegant oilk Velvets, slipstitch edges, wide of new shapes. Values up to brim and crush crown. crown, all the rage. $3.00. Morula v. Value $3.00. Mondav, Value $2.98. Monday, 98c 98c 98c '*■ i in mm PERSONAL AND SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN FOR MISS ESTHER SBIBERS Pleasant Affair ill Celebration of Four teenth Birthday Anniversary of Their Daughter Given by Mr. andj Mrs. George Seiders - A birthday surprise party was held i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George! SSoiders, 10;i4 Herr street, last evening j in honor of their daughter. Esther, who yesterday celebrated her fourteenth an- 1 niversary. The rooms were prettily decorated i aud the guests spent a pleasant even ing with music, and games. At a late J hour a birthday luneheon was served j to the following guests: Misses Dora Kassen, Stella Metzger, Kdith Keily, Mary Sourbeer, Elizabeth Seiders, Alice Seiders, Anna Seiders, Esther Seiders. Marie Dean, Dorothy iM eh ring, Anna Hippie, Sara Seiders. Bobert Burns, Wilbur Herman, Lester I Brenheiser, Lawrence Dean, A. P. 1 Burns, Mark Davis, Walter Seiders.! Lawrence Seiders, Mrs. Charles Bir. h.! Mrs. M. [{. Mehring. Mrs. Seiders wasl assisted h,v Miss, Anna Mehring. j . KMURTAINKD AT "500" Guests of Miss Mary Nebinger Spent Pleasant Evening Miss Mary Nebin'ro- ♦ 2 "i -l " d tlhr Amount tjipense Items, with Ihe necessary Free Certificate. # • ... Jf.VJ' n y P*;" 1 P o "' inoludol extra 7 cents within Z • lso miles. 10 Rents ISO lo 800 miles; for greater distances ask you- roilnutir 9 X amount lo Include tor 8 pounds you - Po«"n«»t»r X m AND MRS. CRUDER HOSTS j Entertained Members of Ladies" Aid Society at Riverside Home Last Evening 1 Mr. ami Mrs. Stephen oruber en- I t ertaiiio.l the Ladies' Aid Society of j the Riverside M. K. church at their lioinc in Riverside last evening. A I short business meeting was held after j which refreshments were served and I music enjoyed. Those present were: I The Rev. Raymond and Mrs. Low i den, Mr. and Airs. Thomas White, Mr. and -Mrs. Allen Lebo, Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Maher, Mr. and Mrs. "Louis Herre, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R'uoads, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. William Shriller, Mrs. William Conrad, Mrs. .lefferson Hargest, Mrs. Merle Baker. Mrs. Mary Kauffnian, Mrs. Harry Went; - .. Mrs. Thomas Thomas. Miss Mary Geiger, Miss Helen Geiger, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gruber, Sarah Shreiner, (icorge, I'aul and Stephen Gruber. AIM MARY ELECTS OFFICERS Ladies' Keystone Division Transacted Important Business Keystone Division No. 47. Indies' Auxiliary to the Order of Railway Con ductors, elected the following officers at their l:ist meeting: President. Mrs. William Conrad; vice president, Mrs. .1. \\ . Flickinger; secre tary and treasurer, Mrs. Prances M. Thurston: senior sister. Mrs. Miarv Gil man; junior sister, Mrs. Martha W. L.nale: guard, Mrs. Harry Myers; ex ecutive committee. Mrs, H!va Dissinger, Mrs. Martha .1. Hartzol and Mrs. George If Lines; correspondent, Mrs. Charles Hrenisholtz: musician. Mrs. William 11. \ oung: secretary of insurance, Mrs. John B. Stut /.man. JIEETINti IS POSTPONED Story Tellers' League Will Not Meet Until Tuesday Evening, Nov. HI Pho meeting of the Story Tellers" League for next Tuesday evening has lieen postponed until Tuesdav evening, November 2 4. at 7.30 o'clock. The sub ject for the evening's program will be "Norse Tales." wit'ii iM'iss Hilda Atter- Itergh leading. Lois Booker, pres ident of the league, will give a talk on I ho Beauty and Grandeur of Norway, as tli Inspiration of Norse Liteura ture.'' Interesting stories will also he told by Mrs. Harrv G. Keffe-r, .Miss Klsa S» h(vensen and Miss Cora Lee Snyder. HARRISBITRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY .EVENING, NOVEMBER 7. 1914. | News of Persons V& ho Come and Go Aire. M. ,\. J'luyil, 235 Briggs street, lias returned alter a two weeks', visit with 'her daughter, Mrs. Jaliu Kremer, at Ovei-brook. ! x,rs \ w - w - Stewart, 160 4 State | street, is home from Alexis, 111., where | she spent the past several weeiks. 1 Thomas U~. ' Spofl'ord. Sl'G XortTi Sixth street, w'ho. lijis beta spending , | seme time at his home in Erie, has j turned to this city. Mrs. Harvey M. lieiger, of North | umberlan.l, was the guest vesterday of ! Mrs. Martha E. Hartzell, 1601 v. -North j Sixth street. Ailiss Esther White, 1315 North street, is confined to her home by a se j vere attack of influeuaa. j Mrs. Ferry has returned to j her home in Chicago after a month's' \ isit with her father. Charles A. Miller, i 615 Briggs stree . •f. Russell lira ha in, of the t'ollege of j J I'harniarv, Philadelphia, has returned j .home after a few days' visit with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. H. M. lirahain, 98 Tusearora street. Miss Helen C. Kauffman will spend | the week-end in Philadelphia as the j guest of Miss l>oro'thy V. I.*avertv, Miss ( ora Brandt. 217 South Nine-I teenth street, has returned home from f New York. Miss Shannon has returned homo after pending several days with Mrs.' Breaneman, 2313 North Sixth s-treet. j Miss Gertrude Snyder, 318 South j Fifteenth street, has returned home | from Huntingdon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McFadden, 1331 I North street, are uome from their wed- [ iiig trip to Washington, D. C., Pitts-j burg, Chicago . ad St. Louis. Mrs. \\. Leighton has returned to i her home at Itivcrsidc after sponding | several days with her .ton, E. Leighton.! 1341 Vernon street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slentz. 319 Huimniel street, are « lending several days with relatives in Allentonn. Mrs. Margaret Fritz iias returned to ! j New Bloonvfleld after a little visit with i •Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fritz, 133!) V'er- j non street. I Thomas Sullivan, of Washington. D. C., is spending some time with his j j aunt. Elizabeth Sullivan. 52tl Nort'h i | street. Mrs. .lames Sullivan, of Sparrow's j ■ Point, Mil.; Mrs. Julia Our tin and I I Thomas Kennedy, of Baltimore, have J | returned home after -pending several • days with Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan, 526 i North street. Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Mountz, 32 | North Thirteenth street, have returned | | home from Williamsport. Mrs. M. J. Mul ahy and daughter,' Miss Elinor, 2354 Ellerslie street, s))cnt j yesterday in Philadelphia. Mr, and •Mrs. Gaibriel Mover have! returned to Lebanon after spending ! several days with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. j Beidleman at Evergreen and Market | streets. 'Miss Agnes Ling lias returned to I S'hiremanstowu after spending several days with Mrs. John Whistler, 322 South Thirteenth street. Otiss Nellie longsjerry has re turned to Philadelphia after attending the meeting of the Maccabees in this eity. Alfred Johnston, 3020 North Se-ond street, returned home yesterday from a week's visit to New Germautown. Miss iMargaret Cassidy. of Canton, 0., was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Curry. 2210 North Fifth j street. Mrs. Currv and her guest spent j Thursday in Philadelphia with Miss! Violet lurry, a student nurse at St. Luke's hospital. Mrs. Hiram Shenk. 271 Hamilton j street, has returned from a visit to | I Columbia. [ Dr. F. D. Reckord. 922 North Third j [ street, returned yesterday from Selins- j grove, wfoere he addressed the Snyder | County Medical Society on "Blood Pressure." Mrs. A. P. Shure. 352 South Thir teenth street, lias returned from a visit j with friends in Pittsburgh. Returned From Selinsgrove Dr. Frank F. 1). Reckord, 922 North | Third street, has returned from grove, where lie delivered an address on "Wood Pressure'' before the Snyder County Medical Society. Rowe-Mowery Wedding Kinzer, Nov. 7. Miss Viola Rotve, of this place, was married to-day to I!cah A. Mowerv. of the Lancaster Drug Company. Lancaster, by the Rev. , G. D. Batdorf. of the Uuited Brethren church. The ring ceremony was used. . They were unattended. A reception ! followed. Loft for Her Home in the West Mrs. John Kchvin Ferry has returned to her home in Milwaukee after a . isit 1 with her father, U. A. Miller, au c. f 1.00. 91..10 H( tliiN strand old Southern |»la>. mid K * 1 \ R*«| X A m To-day'* Sh«u By All Mean* I hp A-i3St 1 31120 * h,k Vctw mid A Mpcctflcular Onnee XovHty and COWING MONDAY a ItiKT SiirrwimdlnK *liow ■fe a ll V A I m J \KXT™wbhk Silly * Santa Clius rpi „ T T)_ „a, t Ami Good Surrounding; mil fm-lud -Ihe Ldwn "arty inn branch swbbt * l*l«-u*inK Muatcl Comedy and 11 r * 4 ' ' ,rsma „=?•: the painted lad* 1 ■ * pronouncing text anil colored maps. With the six hundred magnificent il lustrations which were prepared for this work at an expense of $50,000, arc also full-page plates from the world-: famous Tissot collection, so it becomes; a work of art not to be excelled. For a short time the Star-Indepen- 1 dent will distribute this grand educa-1 tional work to its rentiers, and every body in Harrisburg and vicinity should avail themselves of this rare oppor-1 tunity. The educational certificate is printed elsewhere in to-day's issue. Clip it now, before you forget it. A MEMORIAL SERMON Kniglits of Pythias to Attend Services ?>t Second Reformed Church To-morrow evening Phoenix lodge, \ ; o. 59. Bayard lodge, No. 150, John 1 Harris, \o. 19IJ, and Enterprise lodge, No. 508, will attend services at the Second Reformed church, Verbeke and I (Ircen streets. The organizations will meet in the castle ball of Phoenix lodge on Ver beke street, at 7 o'clock and will pro ceed to the church at 7.15 o'clock. The j Rev. 11. X. Bassler will deliver a nie ; morial sermon on the one hundredth | anniversary of the writing of the ! "Star Spangled Banner." Color Changes of the Hair Accounting for color changes of till® hair, it is explained that this change is not due to a destruction of pigment present in the hair or to a bleaching nt hairs already formed, but that pi{s - 'hairs full out and are replaced by uii'pigmented or w'hite ones. Com j jdetely pigmented hairs never turn ! gray, they fall out. It has also been i 1 observed that the profess of pigment ' formation may cease during t'he de velopment of a hair. In such case thp | tip of the hair will remain pigmented [ though the base appears white.—lndian* I apolis News.