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In the morning at Redeemer Lutheran church the Rev. E. Victor Roland will preach on "Luther, the Reformer." A Reformation Bay sermon will be given in the evening by the Rev. Henry W, A. Hanson at Messiah Lutheran church. At the Holy Communion Luth eran church at the evening service tho Rev. John Henry Miller will have as his Object, "The Reformer and the fic/ormation." in' the Reformed churefcas to-morrow is Home Mission Sunday, and offerings will be taken for homo mission bene fit. Special services will be used in the Sunday schools. The Rev. Ellis X. Kresmer. of Reformed Salem church, preached a Home Mission sermon last Sunday in preparation for the occa sion. The Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, pas tor of the Second Reformed church, will preach to morrow night to the Knights of Pythias. Praise Service at Paxton Church The annual missionary praise service will bo hold at 11 o'clock at the Pax ton Presbyterian church, the Rev. Harry B. King, pastor. The address will be made bv the Rev. Dr. A. W. Halsey, of New York, secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions. He is said to be one of the best informed men in tije church on foreign missions, and is at speaker of power. There will be Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at, 6 o'clock and evening preaching service at 6.30 o'clock. All services will be conducted as uf.uai at Pine Street Presbyterian church to-morrow. In the morning the topic of the sermon will be "A Mes sage to Moralists (Romans 8:3) and in the evening "A Study of Motives" 111 Kings 7:9). At the evening serv ice Mr. Sutton will sing "My Task'' and "Through txive to Light," by Ashford. On Monday at 4 p. m. the Woman's Home and Foreign Mission ary Society will meet in the social rooms of the church. At 5.30 p. m. Mrs. Henry McCormiclc will serve sup per to ail the members. At 7.30 o'clock Miss Blanche Bonine. oue of the Pres byterian missionaries in Mexico wiil speak concerning her work th»re. An invitation is extended to all the inter ested women of the congregation to hear Miss Bonine. At tbe morning conference'at 10.4.") o'clock in the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal church. Thirteenth and Vernon streets, Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker will be the leader. The gen eral theme for the morning will bp "A Time for Business aud a Time for Time for I Action I IS NOW. Don't, fc neglect or postpone ® helping your stom- |§ acli, liver and m bowels when there II is any indication of A weakness. To do so only invites sick- 4 ness. Take !gj HOSTETTER'S £ STOMACH BITTERS 8 to-dav and let it p help you back to 1| health and strength I God." The conference will close promptly at 11.30. « _ To Tell If Stough Ig Good Man "Is Stough a Good Manf" will be the subject of the morning sermon at St. Paul's Methodist church, the Rev. Robert W. Runyan, pastor. The con gregation is co-operating in the Stough campaign. Tho Rev. Mr. Runyan will tell whether Stough is a good man and whether Harris-burg needs the man. At the morning service at Immanuel Presbyterian church, the Rev. J. F. Armentrout, assistant pastor of Pine Street church, will preach on "What God Desires of Men.'' Communion services will be held on Monday night at 7.45 o'clock at the Market Street Baptist church, the Rev. W. H. Dallmaa, pastor. The church is closed Sunday, with the rest of the Stough co-operating churches. At the First Baptist church, the Rev. W. S. Booth, pastor, a service will be held Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock. The subject of the Rev. John D. Fox's sermon at the morning service at Grace Methodist church will be "Ancient and Modern Phases of the Temperance Question." Stough Churches Close All but » few of the Stough co operating churches wiil be closed to morrow evening and about half of them in the morning as well, to give their members opportunity to attend tabernacle meetings. The co operating churches will be listed separately on this page until the close of the cam paign, because of the suspension of their separate activities. All Stough campaign news will be found elsewhere in the news columns. This page is con fined at present to special church an nouncements not relating directly to the evangelistic campaign. The regular order of service in local churches to-morrow follows: LUTHERAN Calvary, South Thirteenth aud Reese Streets—The Rev. Edward H. Paar, pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject of sermon. '' Paul's Prayer for the Philippians." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Building Christ's Church." Sunday school at 10 a. m. Bethlehem —The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D., pastor. '' Why Our Country Needs the Church" at 10.30 a. m. "The Marks of a True Man" at 7.30 p. tn. The second in a series. Sun day school at 1.45 p. m. Christian En deavor prayer meeting at 6.30 p. m. Augsburg, Fifth and Mucnch Streets —The Rev. Amos Maxwell Stamets, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermou, "A Sol emn Warning." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "A Strik ing Contrast." Sunday school at 2 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7.45 o'clock. Zion, Fourth Street—The Rev. S. Winfield Herman, pastor. Morning serv ice at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of ser mon, "A Pastor's Prayer." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of ser mon, "The Gospel of Forgiveness." Sunday" school at 1.45 o'clock. Meu's class at 1.50 p. m. Men's Devotional service at 10 a. m. Catechetical class Friday at 4.30 p. m. Junior Catecheti cal class, Saturday 2 p. in. Holy Communion, State and Seven teenth Streets —The Rev. John Henry (Miller, pastor. Morning service at 10.45 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Un merciful Servant." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Tho Reformer and the Reformation." Sun day school at 9.30 a. m. Messiah, Sixth and Forster Streets —The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pas tor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Our Home Depart ment." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Reformation Day sermon. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Redeemer, Nineteenth and Kensing ton Streets —The Rev, E. Victor Ro land, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Luther, the Reformer." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Chris tian's Opportunity to Do Good." Sun day school at 9.30 a. m. Christian En deavor at 6.30 p. m. The offering in the Sunday school of tlit Church of the Redeemer will be for the cause of Home Missions. Trinity, South Ninth Street —The Rev. R. L. Meisenhelder, pastor. Morn ing service at 10.30 o'clock. Prepara tory service. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Communion. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. St. Mark's, West Fairvicw—Thej Rev. A. E. Wolf, pastor. Morning serv ice at 10.30 o'clock. Sunday school at 1.30 p. m. Y. P .S. C. E. at 6.15 p. m. St. Paul's, New Cumberland—The Rev. A. E. Wolf, pastor. Evening serv ice at 7 o'clock. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Y. P. S. ('. 15, at 6 p. m. Trinity, Camp Hill—Tho Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle, pastor. Morniug service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Preparatory Periods in Luther's Life." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Origin of tho Reformation." Sundav school at 9.15 HARRTSBDBO STAH-lNl)El J EJOJENT, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVBMBtIK 7. lt>l4. a. m. Luther Day, thirty-second annual offering in Sunday school by envelopes for Home Missions. Congregation will kindly place special offering in be nevolent pocket of weekly envelope. Sewing Circle at 2.30 p. m. Saturday. Annual bazar Friday, November 13, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Corl B. Deen, (Hamilton Place. Sale of fancy articles ■will begin at 2 p. m. Supper will be served from 5 p. m. Zion, Euola —The Rev. M. S. Sharp; pastor. Morning Service at 10.30 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday school at 9.30 a. in. Christian Endeavor at 1i.45 p. m. Memorial, Fifteenth and Snoop Streets —The Rev. L. C. Manges, 1). D., pastor. 10.30, "The Church of Christ in the Day of Judgment.'' 7.30, "'Looking Unto Jesus." Sunday school at 2. Men's prayer meeting at 10. Junior Luther League at 5.30. SenioT iyuther League at (i.30; topic, " Re kindling the Light That Failed," 11 Kings, 23:1-3; 21-23; leader, Miss Mairv -Sterner; special singing. Primary catechetical class Saturday morning at 10. Junior catechetical class Saturday morning at 11. Senior catechetical class Friday evening ait 7. REFORMED Fourth, Market and Sixteenth Streets—The Rev. Homer Skyles May, pastor. 10.45, " Passed by He Saw a Man." 7.30, "Sofoerly, Righteously, Godly." Sunday school at 9.30. Hei delberg C. 10. at 6.30. Salem, Chestnut and Third Streets The Rev. Dr. Ellis X. Kremer, pastor. Morning service at 10.30. Evening service at 7.30. Sunday school at 1.30. Home Mission Sunday will be ctbserved by special services in the Sunday school aud special offering for home missions at all services. Second, Broad aud Green Streets— The Rev, Harry Nelson Bassler, pastor. 10.30, 'Those Who Help and Those Who Hinder.'' 7.30, sermon to Knights of Pythias. Sunday school at 1,45. Bible class at 1.50. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.30. St. Andrew's, 'Penbrook—The Rev. R. Hartzell. pastor. Morning serv ice at 10.30. Sunday school at 9.30. St. Matthew's, Enola—The Rev. W. R. 'Haritzell, pastor. Evening service at 7.30. Sunday school at 9.4 5. EPISCOPAL St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer, rector. 8, Holy Communion. 10, Sunday school. 11, morning tpray er and sermon. 4, evening prayer and address. St. Augustine's, Thirteenth and Herr Streets—Services conducted by J. P. Braselmann. Morning service at 11. Sunday school at 12.30. St. Paul's, Emerald and Second Streets—The Rev. Floyd Appleton, rec tor. Holy Communion alt 8. 11, "For giveness.'' 7.30, "The Glories of the Thirteenth Century." Sunday school at 2.30. St. Andrew's, Nineteenth and Mar ket Streets—The Rev. James F. Bullitt, rector. Morning prayer, ante-commun ion and sermon at " 10.30. Sunday school at 12. Children's service at 3.30. Evening pravcr and sermou at 7.30. CHURCH OF GOD Pieasant View—The Rev. George W. Harper, pastor. Sunday school at 9.45 а. m. Preac'hing at 10.45 a. m., "A Progressive Life." Jr. C. E. at 3.30 p. m. Sr. C. E. at 6.45 p. m. Preac'hing at 7.30 p. m.. "A Conqueror's Re ward." Prayer meeeting Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Camp Hill—Tho Rev. George B. M. lieidell, pastor. iMorning service a'b 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Dwelling Place of Christ." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, '"Decisions' Call." Sunday school at 9.30 o'clock. Sr. C. E. at 6.45 p. m., led by Samuel B. Ctirran. Jr. >C. E. Wednesday evening at 6.45 p. m. 'Midweek prayer and teachers' meeting Wednesday at 7.45. Cottage prayer Friday evening at 8 o'clock. BAPTIST St. Paul's. State and Cameron Streets —The Rev. E. Luther'Cunningham, pas tor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Daniel in Baby lon/' Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon. "Judgment Scenes —The Second Trumpet." Sunday setvool at 12.30 o'clock. 18. Y. P. IT. at б,30. Prayer meeting "Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientists— Board of Trade Hall. Sunday 11 a.m. and 7.30 ip. m., subject, "Adam and 'Fallen Man." Testimonial meeting Wednesday 8 ip. m. Free reading rooms, Kunkel building, 1.30 to 5 p. m. daily, also Monday and Saturday evenings. Adv. AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL Bethel, State Street—The Rev. U. G. Leeper, pastor. 10.30, "Seeking and Finding the Flock.'' Evening ser mon at 7.30. Sunday sohool at 1. A. C. E. L. at 6.30. Wesley Union, Tanners Avenue and South Street—The Rev. J. Francis Lee, pastor. 10.45, "Christ and t'he Blind IMan." 7.45, " Paul at Philippi." Sun day school at 12.45. C. E. Society at 6.30. Asbury, Herr Street—The Rev. I. tH. Carpenter, pastor. 11, "The Watcher." S, "Man's True Life.'' Sunday school at 2. A lthc act does not come into farce until February 18 and the cotton exchanges may make any form of con tract they choose in the interim, the Secretaries desire to set alt rest, as promptly as possible, all question? as to the method of procedure after tihat date. The official cotton standards to (be promulgated by the Secretary of Agri culture will hereafter form the basis of future trading, and a set of the pro posed standards will be exhibited at the hearings. Cotton producers and representatives' of their organizations, cotton merchants and factors, the officers and members of cotton exchanges and representa- BETTER THAN SPANKINO Spanking does not cure children of bed wetting. .There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Bos W, South Bend, Intl., will send free to any mother her successful home treat ment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write hpr today if your chil dren trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child —the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine diffi culties by day or night. - 1 I I Uneeda Biscuit Nourishment—fiqe fla vor—purity—crispness i —wholesomeness. All for 5 cents, in the moisture-prdof package. GRAHAM CRACKERS A food for every day. Crisp, delicious and ' strengthening. Fresh baked and fresh de livered. 10 cents. SNAPAROONS A delightful ntew bis- I cuit, with a rich and delicious cocoanut fla vor. Crisp and always fresh, io cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that Name \ J) tivps of spot markots, hankers, spin ners and all others interested in the cot ton industry are invited to be present and participate in these headings. Op portunity to speak will be afforded to as many a." possible, and written sug gestions, criticisms or questions from those who are unable to attend will be welcomed and cheerfully considered. The correspondence "reeciveervnun The !iai>py combination o.f laxatives in vAXATIVK BROMO QUININiR makes the Quinine fn this form have a far bet tor effect than the ordinary Quinine, and it does not affect the head, rtemem ber the full name and look for signa tlire of K. W. GROVE on box. Price 2"5 c. Revenge is sweet only to the verv small individual. HOURS OF SERVICES CO-OPERATING CHURCHES I lie hours of Sunday school services, morning and evening church services and young people s society meetings in the local churches co-oparating in the htough evangelistic campaign are as follows during the six weeks of the tab ernacle meetings: _. T> S. S. Church. Y. P. Church. First Baptist, the Rev. \Y. S. Booth, 1.00 .... Market Street Baptist, the Rev. W. H. Dallmun, 'J.OO .! ! ! .. " ' \:\' Second Baptist, the Rev. A. G. Greene, , 12.30 .. . ! .!! ! Tabernacle Baptist, the Rev. Calvin A. Hare, . 11.30 10.30 Fourth Street Church of God, the Rev. William N. Yates, i,30 Green Street Church of God, the Rev. C. H. Grove, ],;>o Maclay Street Church of God ' '! ! ! •!!.'! Nagle Street Church of God, the Rev. J. A. Staub, ]. 30 10 30 - { 30 Harris Street Evangelical, the Rev. George F. Schaura, 9,30 10.30 Park Street Evangelical, the Rev. A. M. Sampsel ' , '' Christ Lutheran, the Rev. Thomas Reisch, ... 1,30 10.30 .! B. F. Stevens Memorial Methodist, the Rev. C. A. Sinucker 9.45 10.45 • Curtin Heights Methodist, the Rev. A. S. Wil liamß 1.45 10.30 Epworth Methodist, the Rev. I). W. Deavor, . . 9,00 Fifth Street Methodist, the Rev. B. H. Hart, . 1.30 10.30 .... !! ! ! Grace Methodist, the Rev. John D. Fox, 1,45 10.30 6.4 5 ! ' Ridge Avenue Methodist, the Rev. ,1. H. Daugh erty 10.00 11.00 St. Paul's Methodist, the Rev. Robert W. Run y«n 9.45 n.OO Bethany Presbyterian, the Rev. John M. War den, 9.00 6.00 Calvary Presbyterian, the Rev. Frank P. Mac- Kensie 9.00 10.15 6.30 7.30 Covenant Presbyterian, the Rev. Harvey KJaer, 10.00 11.00 Iramanuel Presbyterian, the Rev. H. E. llall man 11.45 10.00 Market Square Presbyterian, the Rev. Mr. Cooke 9.45 11.00 6.30 7.30 Olivet Presbyterian 9.15 Pine Street Presbyterian, the Rev. Lewis J«. Mudge, 1.30 10.30 .... 7.30 Westminster Presbyterian, the Rev. E. E. Curtis, 9.15 Capital Street Presbyterian Derry Street United Brethren, the Rev. J. A. Lyter 9.00 First United Brethren, the Rev. T. J. Spangler, 9.30 Otterbein United Brethren, the Rev. S. Edwin Rupp, 1.45 10.30 .... 7.30 Sixth Street United Brethren, the Rev. P. H. Balsbaugh 1.45 10.30 5.45 7.30 State Street United Brethren, the Rev. E. A. G. Bossier, 9. 00 First Church of Christ, the Rev. F. J. Stinson, Christian and Missionary Alliance, 9.00 G v. A I FELL DEAD IN CEMETERY Waynesboro Man Expires While At- j tending Funeral of His Uncle Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 7. —Elmer j O'Rear, son of Mrs. Annie H. o'Rear, I •Second street and Cleveland avenue, j died suddenly in Baltimore Thursday afternoon. He was attending the funeral of his uncle, Berkeley Ix>gan, and had accom panied the remains to Mt. Olivet ceme tery. As he was standing* there lie fell to the ground and an instant later was dead. Mr. O'ißear, whose home wan in this place for a number of 3'ears and who was a painter by frade, went to Balti more several months ago to do some painting. Jt was his intention to go to Savannah and spend the winter with his brother, Dr. William O'-Rear. Mr. O'Rear was born in Savannah, the son of William and Annie H. O'Rear, about fifty-two years ago, but resided in Waynesboro for a number of years. He was employed here as a painter. He is survived by his mother, one brother. Dr. William O'Rear, Savan nah, Ga., and two aunts, Mrs. Mary A. A. Pence, West Second street, and Mrs. Susan Cammack, West Second street. His body will be brought here for burial. Fell From Wagon, Nock Broken Gettysburg, Nov. 7.—With his neck broken ami three ribs crushed, Moses Nitchman, a farmer of near East Ber lin, was found dying on the rocd be tween that place and his home about throe miles distant at 6 o'clock Thurs day evening. Nitchman had fallen from a two horse load of coal. There was no known eye witness to the ac cident and the first man on the scene was W. C. Leas who saw the man in the road. Official Count Show Few Changes Carlisle, Nov, 7.—Pinal tabulation of the official vote gives the Demo crats little consolation. McCormick's majority in the county has shrunk, Penrose still maintains his lead over Palmer. Henry JTouck swept the coun ty and the other pluralities remain little changed. In fact all the conso lation is that Slioop does not lead Bar tier by quite as many as at first ex pected. Thin, with the maintained Congressional control, are the only lights in a dark sea of gloom. L/ate last evening compilation was completed and this morning the totals were sent to the State officers. The vote this year was heavy, totalling ap proximately 11,288 in "the Senatorial and slightly more in the gubernatorial poll. This year there was only one ques tion voted on, that of increasing the indebtedness of the borough of Camp Hill, $15,000 to provide for increased school facilities. It carried 166 to 6. Seek Cattle Quarantine Hagerstown. Md., Nov. 7.—That a quarantine of cattle in Allegheny, Washington and Preilerick counties be declared, was asked of Governor Golds borough yesterday by the State Tjive Stock Sanitary Board as the result of the discovery of the foot and mouth disease among herds of Washington county. Algerian Olive Trees In Algiers olive trees spring up wild and are grafted where they stand. In some regions they are so close as to touch overhead. The average annual yield for a tree is eighty to 11 pounds. Some of the trees are believed to be over 400 years old. It is estimated that there are over 5,000,000 wild olive trees in Algiers. The grafting of these is being carried out systematically un der the auspices of the government. Sheridan's Eetort Pitt had answered a speech of Sheri dan *8 and complained when the latter proposed to rejoin that Sheridan al ways wanted the last word. "Not. at all," said Sheridan, instant ly withdrawing his request to be heard. "I am content with having had the last argument,'.' A woman adorned with a revolver tried to call on King George in don, but for some reason the king found it impossible to receive her. SATURDAY NIGHT fgpISERMONS W §^BKSAMUEL M W.PURVISM THE BOY WHO WORRIES YOU. Text, "Is the young man Absalom »afe'."'—Sam. xviii, I?. Of all tbe tender touchinc tales thei'f fs none more appealing than that of David waiting at the sate for tidings of Absaloui. Absalom was David's old est and favorite boy, the son of a Ueatben mother, handsome, winsome, marvelous hair. Jolly, reckless, uitig netie, resourceful, crafty, hfs wits sharpened by exile for the murder of bis half brother Amnon. "Handsome is as handsome does" applied to Absa lom. He was an Apollo from tip to toe. but be was a demagogue, a leader, a "jollier." "He stole the hearts of the men of Israel." Wliat a political vote getter he would have been—a great, hand shaker, great proroiser. skillful flatterer, a good set of teeth in his smile, a cordial, interesting manner: Now be was in rebellion against his father, the king. The father had sent soldiers against the young renegade. David had given orders. "Deal gently with the young man for my sake." But that long, beautiful hair caught in an oak as he was dashing by. General Joab was glad of a chance to even things up with the young prince, and he pushed his spear In between his ribs. When David hears the news his heart is broken. Many a fond father has uttered Ihe same woil. "Ob, iny son Absalom, my son, my son. would God I could have died for you!" A Chip Off the Old Block. 1 pity tin* father. Many a man see lng the weed# by the roadside of his life recognizes the place where he him self scuttered the seed. Absalom was a chip off the old block, and David knew it. If you would train up a child In the way lie should go, go that way yourself. Many an indifferent father says, "Preacher, I wish you would do Boiuething to reach my boy." Poor fool! The boy's greatest preacher is his father. No use preaching truth if you He yourself. The same with drink, or cards or women. Did David know what Absalam had been doing right along? It would pay some fathers to learn to ride a "bike," or take a "hike" with their boy. David had been guilty of some sins that shut his lips to his boy's sins. God, that's awful! poe* any ghost rise in your home when you chide your boy, my friend? When you learn of Tom or Harry's downfall don't always blame the "gang" he went with. The mother v ill sing "Where is my wandering boy tonight?" a* she watches the clock and the pendulum beats against her heart "Juck never went to sleep without kissing me good night. I'll wait for him." God help her. she'll smell to bacco and whisky. Here Is the flame that never dies out "la th« Young Man 8af«?" No, he isn't! The devil's at the stile. My church is on the edge of the tender loin of a great city. Oh, the mothers who inquire and the letters that come to my desk! "I know you are a busy pastor, but won't you look up my boy? He and father had words. He left home in anger. Tell him to come back. We love him still." Say, mother, I •aw your boy, Absalom, last night in the city mission. He spoke of you with tears. He was grimly reticent when I mentioned his father. "The old man's all right, but he wanted me to walk the path toward the church while he walked in the opposite direction." No, the young man is not safe. Drink, reck less spending of money, debt, wrong companions of men and women beckon him. One letter I got I'd rather write back that the boy was drowned or killed. The man who carried the news to the mother here In Philadelphia that her boy was the first one killed at Vera OTUB had better news than I'vs had when I mid the boy waa living. I wrote to a dead soldier boy's mother: ' "There are things that are worse than death. A past Joy may be better than a future sorrow." Say, father, with boys still at home, set a good example. Everyday dealing with prodigal sons and daughters makes me say, "Preveo tion is better than cure." Absalom's Tomb. In life Absalom had raised * lofty pillar in the King's Dale. Instead there is a great pit in the forest of Epbraini with a huge heap of etones cast in upon his bloody and dishonored corpae. Sin brings folks to strange grave* One half block from where I preach and write is the city morgue. Mr clothing still gives evidence of my visit there this afternoon, but noth ing can take from my mind the horrid pictures I see every week. Absalom is in pauper's colfln in Potter's field or on a dissecting tablfe at the medical school. You've stood at Burr's grave at Princeton and Irvlng's at Tarrv town. One Is in the pit in the woods, the other in the King's Dale. Down Broadway beneath the guardian spire of St. Paul's 1 stood where General Montgomery sleeps in bis perpetual fame; then at the Metropolitan Muse urn of Arts I looked on the cenotaph of Eilgnr Allan Poe. erected by the charity, with its mournful in scription: "He xr'.is great in his genius, unhappy in life, wretched in his death.'* It Is not far over to Green wood to the mound where alone Tweed found refuge from outraged justice, which had pursued him half way around the world. When the angel of justice stands nt the tomb of Absalom I wonder if be does not glance over to ward the magnificent temple where King Devid sleeps; Placing Him. "My father's elected on the commit tee which is going to have some more iriven wells put dowu for the city." "Ah. I see: lie's on the water bored." -St Louis Itepobllc. Church—Do voii believe the apparel oft proclaims the man'.' (iotbnm—Why. yes: if It's lou# euooj;b.—Youkers Stateanmu.