Real Estate mm d ! BBAL ESTATE FOR SAU&. XKW BHTCK houses for sale on Third street. Riverside; brick front; terse porches: aide yards; granolithic walks, iron fence; all improvements, in- ' eluding: steam heat. $..500 to $3,300: .•asv terms. K. MOKSI«WJ», 4-4 State 5t.. % LEWIS M. NKIFFER, -J J Market St. i FOR SALE—I4IO Peivn St.. 2-story frame; rooms; income $19.00. Price SI,OOO. BRIXTOS-PACKHU VO.. Second and Walnut St 3. __ FOK SALE— lilt Regina St.; --story l»rlck; 10 rooms, bath. gas. electric light; steam heat; lot 17xM0. BIUN TUN-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. ACRES (s3Boo> Hloomaburs (to> Danville, only (half) mile to trolle> and »mile> to Philadel phia and Reading Railroad being handy to (City Market). New Cosv'.iome paint ed white and green, no* spring louse, new hog and poultry glass front houses, new root, bank barn for i2o> horses and cattle. (IS> acres thrifty wood- I md. rlne fruit trees. mile to lime kilns, tine meadow and creek, all straw, (hay) cornfodder. (Possession) at once. Hring wife before sold and see t bargain). *3o> ACRES «s.'! > 00> Retween t?> City Markets, (20.000) population over State Road u beautiful :'arru in tine location, (mile) to high pchool. Presbyterian arid Lutheran cliuuches stores and railroad station, • Buildings» all painted large front: porch rooms hard wood tinis'ed. cemented cellar eoiyhome. bank barn, wag'-'n. tog. poultry and stone storage houses. Loan soil, level land. ere. k and :?teadou I'inc fruit orchard, water at .• \ ] buildings, s'.iould see (clover tieid> in bloom. i*s> (Grand location) on the tTerraces).- j jid 11 k• new fae | 111# I State , road* opposite fine farms and railroad picturesque valley. \*»o) feet ti> sided porches. \irg window panes, glass front a:iville Phc..e Hours Sunbury 7 to S Morning and Evening KO : SALE—Three story building, at „ blnhaut. along trolley line; cost to b»*i It. SJ.OOO. k'an be changed into tiire? ■ iwtilirig houses at little expense. Price. 5J.200.00 Very easy Urme. Inquiie at End Bank. l» :SIUVBLK br ck ouse on Eighteenth street, n a; Walnut." all improve nu ts: lot IS\ 100. For sale at reason able price; mortgage mav remain. Qet Pa-ticiila.--s. BULL REALTY CO.. Berg ner Building. LOOK at the bcick house. No. -35 N. Fourteenth St.. near State all im provements; electric lights; porch; price easonable: aK»rtgage taken at 5 l : per cent BELL REALTY CO.. Berg tier Building. • II PER CENT, gross on investment— two practically new houses, in good condition; cos: $5.000. For sale at a great sacrifice. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. BALE House Nu. ltSl N. sixth s*. Remodeled throug >jt: all improve ment?. Apply GEORGE \V. ORTH. 423 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOABDING FOR RENT Furnished rooms and hoarding by nieai. day or week Ap ply 1001 N. Se -ond at., corner Boas and sc and streets. BEAL ESTATE FOE SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and Iji-story dwelling houses for sale Elder Heal E«t»tc_Co.._-4th and De.-ry Sts. APABTMEXTS FOE BENT FOR RUNT —Apartment facing Sixth street; improvements, with use of both pfcones. Apply 174'. N. Si\tii St. i'OR RICNT—SmaII apartment on South Fourth street: city steam heat; refer ence required Inquire -# S. Dewberry St- FOR RENT FOR RENT—Second and third floor front rooms, comfortably furnished; heated with steam, every convenience; good home in private famil* . rent rea sonable. Reference. Inquire lit. State FABM LANDS FOE SALE SHALL MISSOURI FARM—SS.OO cash and 13.00 monthly; rio interest or • axes; highly productive laud. Closi to three big markets. Write for pho ographs and full information. Hunter. 1. lli, N. V. Life Bids.. Kansas City. «lq OFFICES FOR BENT r>ESK in well-furnis'.ied oftii-e. with full privileges of same: rent cheap. In q ire 4'jy St.. 9 to 11 a, m. FABM LANDS— MISSOUEI CJRAPES in Sunny South Missouri are p\treniel> profitable; vineyards pay »-'»•• to SS«O per acre. 10 acres good land. $250. $5 monthly. Easy work, fine climate. Success assured. Literature free. Merriam. Ellis. Ben . - ■ ktur Bit'ir. Kg i'tt>. Mo. FURNISHED BOOMS FOB RENT Nr.Ul,\ furnished mom-, fronlinz on ' apitol Park. Electric hot and cold running water in .ah royin. Use uf phone and bath. Apply 110 N.'rt: street. " Houses for Rent *ab *»e.. 3'-_. f„ h r „ nu 1 10 l.laiir. *t.. 3 ». f.. s r.. *l3 s. SIVj *«.. 2'- a. f.. *l3 •135 Brigs* •»•.. 3'... f.. «r„ *l3 3i;rr \«la-< l»r_ ». •».. T r. b.. 11.1 31.*.? \. T«h M- 3 ». b.. Hr. b.. *r» 1"«3 ». Harm «>t.. I - a. h.. s r .. (13 7tb «u S a. h.. (. r. h.. *l3 ;:»3 Uala> \if„ 3 m. f„ Hr. A b.. *1 I.M»T AlllMia S'l ». b.. > r. A b.. *ls t«7 llrlss. 3 .. b.. .» r #l3 133S S. 13th 'it.. 3 a. b.. v r .. *l« 'Kin Kmrrald St.. 3 a. b- X r.. *l7 l»30 Oerr> M_ 3'- a. f.. T r. b. A *la iltt air Ht_ 3a. b.. 7r. b.. #3»> 1103 >. -.1 >l_ 2>, a. f„ 7 r. b.. *3s IIUH Mnlberr. >t- 3 a. b.. » r.. *:».-. I K>« N. Mlh «!.. 3 a. I, *. V . 1»37 Karkrt St» 3 a. b.. 11l r ... * 111 13«3 N. 1* •*%„ 3 a. b.. 10 r. b. . . h.. IMS 533« \.t* at_ 3 a. b.. 10 r. b.. *r.l| 30» S>. Froat 33 «. Froot M- furalahrd. 4 a. b.. 14 r„ 3 b. HiddlrtnnK I'ike llligb.pire 1. PI^HHOOK-3U» 1 urtla xt.. *lO E*OLA —Adama *l., 2 a. f„ *l2 BEI.LA VISTA, Row A»e. 1 furnish ed hsiiei, ||4 CA*P HILL—I Dale Heffthtai. . . *I s I.l'CK^OH—l'orxr l.anf, . . $35 \KWPORT— I Maraball proftrrft 1 *«9O Mulbrrry A t'briatiaa Mta.. Karasr. *3 iPtßT*E\T«—7l# V Hth St.. city «»■" keat *ai * *3O llliller Bros. & Neefe tEAL ESTATE Fixe Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets Real Estate I s ————— REAL ESTATE FOE RENT. Uts ItHRRYIIILL ST. -3-story brick:' all Impn>vem«ht9; corner house; first! , class i-omiitlun. Rent $20.00. Inquire IMS Kegina St. • FOR RKNT—9-room house, 1032 Herr St. Kent $1- h mouth, inquire at ' MKMHING V S» 104 2 Herr. or call bell phone. Ft>K UMNT S-room dwelling:*with bath ami gtas. at SUetton Heights iuhh»- site Kro& Shop olttce. Inquire of J." M. , MKAGY. 1 >uth Front St.. Steeiton. Ha. b\>K KtvNT—24o Hamilton St.: § roomß and bath, all improvements. Call Bell phone 3102 K. j t'OR RKNT— -lUSO Perry St.. 2d Moor apt. MO.OO j lJi:» Market St.. 3rd floor apU $25.00 1247 -Mulberry. 2d floor apt.. ..$38.00 2U3t> l»err\ St.. new house $25.00 | ltfvM Holly street $2i.00 12U. IHT £ 144* Berry hi 11 St.. $22.50 i 3338 Kilersly St StS.:O HARVKY T. SMITH. 204 S. 13th St FOR RKNT—SW Broad St.; 3-story. 11 large rooms, all improvements; suit- i able for boarding or lodging house. j Call 429 Broad St.. or IS3I N. Second St. Bell phone 3613J1. FOR RKNT—NBVV HOI'SBS—2I3I Per ry St.. steam heat. $23.00; '.lXo Dorry St.. steam heat, 525.00. 2135 Oerry St.. steani heat. $28.00. Inquire P. VAN- i UKKLOO. -11 y LVriv St.. or Masonic Temple Third and State. I b\>R RKNT House N6. '>-7 Schuylkill street: rent IIG.O'J. Possession at orue. Apply to J. C. MfciHRING. 2409 North Sixth street. i'OU RKNT-—3-story-brick house, eight rootns: all improvements, at Cso Brigs* or t> 13 Forster St. R INT-fJSlfiil-rooQKd hom% ssj M enc street: ail conveniences; pos- ; so> ion at once inquire 1301 N. Sec- ' out street. •> FOR RENT—AII improve ments— ltil4 Catherine $16.00 1,">09 Xaudaiu .. .$17.00 500 K. Seventeenth, . .$18.50 Apply Kuhn & llershev, I Miscellaneous FURNITURE PACKING PACKING—SHRENK. 1906 North I Sixth street, first class packer of fur- ( nlture. china and bncabrac. Hell i>hona mw. W, J. WENRICH. 339 Hamilton street— 1 f urnlture. china and piano packing. , shipments looked after at botli ends. hauling. Bell phone MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ATTENTION—We will pay 11,000 re- j ward if our home butter merger fails to merge one pint of milk into one ! pound of butter in two minutes, sweeter I than creamery butter. Demonstrators I and general agents wanted. Salarv or commission Write for illustrated"cir-j culars ana addresses of 1.000 users, i Wonderful invention. Family Butter I Merger Co.. Washington. U. C. ; ROOF PAINTING > NOW is the time to have your roof i painted, before old King Winter J s lows up the leaks. We use the best grade of paint—black or red. Prices ' easonablc. Call or quehanna St. STORAGE. STORAGE in 3-story brick building. ! rear 195 Market St. Household goods I in .lean, private rooms. Reasonable 1 rates. Apply to P. G. DIENER. Jeweler, ♦OS Market St. HARRISBfRG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses one absolutely fireproof, divided into fireproof private rooms of various sizes for the storage of household goods: the other warehouse or the most approved type of tire retardant con- I struction for general merchandise. They are .-quipped with two large electric freigut elevators and spiral chute for the quick and safe handling of house-.; huld goods and all kinds of merchan dise. Low storage rates. South Second street, near Paxton, on the tra ks of Penna. R. R. FEATHERS RENOVATING WE ARE now renovating feathers, making pillows and folding feather mattresses at Tenth and Paxton streets. R_J. CAMPBELL OLD GOLD AND SILVER HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for old j£old. silver, watches, and jewelry. JOSEPH D. BRENNER. Jeweler, I N. i'hird street. PERSpNAL. LADIES—W lien delayed or Irregular. use Triumph Pills; always depend abi' . "Relief" and particulars free. Write National Medical Institute Mil- MONEY TO LOAN Ji.OO TO {50.00 ou your plain note, to any pe. son holding a salaried posi tion. all transaction strictly confiden tial. Employees' Discount Co., 36 K. luirdsu, tluor. LOANS—}j to f-00 for honest working people without bank credit at less thai, legal rates, hi Install .xiculs to suit borrowers convenient*. CO-OPEKATIV'E Loan and investment Co.. 304 Caestnut St —_____ . ALL KUJDB OF HAULING ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton truck, furniture, pianos, freight, in the citj and suburbs. Pricta reaaon aole. Picnic anu pleasure irips. day or evening. WJt H. D.VitE. lu , Beli phone JitlLf. Delicately Put ••rhe -Mexicans may be lawless and » i ij'ooittbirsty lot, but wheh it comes to ' putting disagreeable in a de-1 licate way they've got us of the north faded to a dun monochrome." said ait Aineiican just up from Saltillo. 'I I was recently going through the: ' j enrtentiary there—on a visit, if vou liioase —-and overtook a party of Mexi ■an visitors. A youag girl among them •.va» questioning a conviet through the > I bars of bis cell. i " 'And bow long, may I ask, before! HAKRJSBrRCi ST A H-1N DEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7. 1914. Waits I HELP WANfED—MAiiE tSO MONTHLY and expenses to travel, distribute samples and take orders or appoint agents: permanent. Jap-Amer ican Co.. Chicago. $2,500 WNUALLY—Co-operate with me evenings at homo; everything fur nished. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown. Omaha. Nebr. SALi^SMEN—Honey■ mftkvr: movie the atres buy quantities weekly: commis sion continues, send for sample, Inhib itors' Herald Feature Co.. l>epfc» K, 24 Vandewater Si.. New York. MiKN for rtremen. brakemen. J120.00 monthly. Send age. postage. Rail way. care Star-Independent. GOVERNMENT KXAMINAI 10N8; thor ough instruction. $5.00. Returned if not appointed. Particulars free. Amer ican Civil Service School. Washington. P. C. LEARN automobile business: etrti $25 weekly. We teach you at home. Free Booklet. Auto School, 23 Union. Roch ester. N. Y. 1 M F.N—Sell guaranteed hosiery to friends, neighbors aud general wear er. To per cent, profit: make $lO daily; ' experience unnecessary. International Mills, Pa. I WlLl* start you earning $4 daily at home, silvering mirrors; send for i free instructive booklet, giving plans of operation. G. F. REDMOND. Dept. -<>7. Boston. Mass. %■:< TO t P< MONTH extra moM| to any employed person, without in terfering with regular work. No sell ing. No canvassing. Positively no in vestment. Unemployed need not apply. Address The Silver-Mirror Co.. Inc., 123 \v. Madison St.. Chicago* ill. I IT COSTS ONE PEN Invest that small sum in a nostal i car l just to tlnd out if ny Private Lessons in Shorthand. Typewriting. Penmanship. Rapid Calculations. Etc., will appeal to yau. I will gladly give you full information. KEL UK R. Room CO9. Patriot Building. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL.— The oldest, be*t and most -eliable uton..»bile school In the country. A full course of practical Instructions for $35.0t». Including long driving and re pairing lessons Hundreds of good i paying positions are open for compe tent men. Make application now. Easy payments Open day and evenings a X. Cameron St. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE jy ANTED—Young man. 17 -ears of age. would like work. Have had experience in grocery stor?. Appls 1 H Hummel street. BOY. 15 years ot" age. would like to learn trade of any kind. Address •1230 Herr St. YOUNG MAN would like to have day's work ot any kind. Apply 1311 Cow den street. YOUNG MAN wants position at tiring boilers. Call or address 612 Granite BAKER—AII around man wants work in small shop. Address or call 115 Nissley St.. Middletown. lOUNu MAN. IS years of age. wants work of any kind: willing to work hard Call or address S. K. S., 2017 Wallace. City. COI-ORKl» married man. sober and in telligent: wishes work of any kind. Will accept position as elevator oper ator. porter, janitor, driving of any kind. Address 232 S. Fifteenth St. VOl NG MAN would like to have posi tion as driver of delivery wagon; can give good reference. Apply 1839 Herr street HOI SE CLEANING, windows, paints and floors, automobiles washed and polished; work neatly done. Phone 2858. GHALFFECR wishes position with pri vate family: seven years experience. Apyly 329 Chcrry St. DRUGGIST wishes a position: regls tered. c. T. H„ 37, j.-. Eighth St., Lebanon. Pa. EXPERIENCED COOK, colored, wants position in hotel or restaurant, or getting suppers or banquets for pri vate parties. Best of references. Ad drcss R. J., 524 Browns avenue. WANTED—Position as a clerk in store or position as violinist. Address Herald y Hotel. Harris burg. HELf WANTED. BECOME Railway Mail Clerks. $75.00 month, examinations coming. Sam ple questions free. Franklin Institute. Rochester. N. V. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS—Oxo-Gas. the latest inven tion for lighting and heating homes stores, churches, etc. >O% cheaper to install and operate than any other method. Exclusive sales righti given Gloria Light Company. 1267 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ills. necktie proposition tor holidavs $30.00 to SJO.OO per week from now until Christmas. Outfit free up to No vember 20. Write quick Wilson Mfg Co., B-2517, Lancaster, Ohio. AGENTS—European war book: right up-to-date. Big money maker. Out tit tree. 50 per cent, commission. Ad dress National Bible House. Pope Bids Chicago. STOP—Agents, salesmen: just out; new invention, selling like lightning. De flector tgr Auto Headlights, puts light on road instead of in other people's ey-s. Not a dimmer, increases driving light. Cuts out all the ' glare." Wanted 011 every machine. Simple, easy to put 011; no adjustments, no knobs to turn' lasts as long as the car. Low priced Liften: Johnson. Ohio, -leared $22 rir't day. Allen. Wash., made $26.50 one aft ernoon. Sales guaranteed. No charge for territory. Hurry, write quick Htck mye; Deflector Co., 428 S. & B. Bldg.. Toledo. O. AGENTS—Something new; fastest sell ers and quickest repeaters on earth permanent. prfflitable business. Goondo Brand. Ohio Neckwear Mfg. & Sales Co., Box No. 442. Toungstown. O. ! you anticipate returning home, sir?' I heard her ask in the tone she mig'bt have used to a chance acquaintance at the seashore. Fancy an American talk ing to a eoovict that way."—Washing ton Star. Waets SAIiESMEN WANTED. SALKSMKS—To sell greatest selling and leather specialties IT ever produced. Oldest house, es tablished 1522. laibt-ral commiaeton contract. We pay be 23 years of a«e. Only reij producers considered with very best references. Don t waste your time but contract with a real house where your* money is sure. We want you. Write us fully. Sentinel Printing Co., Indianapolis. Ind. SALESMEN WANTED— Experience un necessary. easy work, big pay. Write fpr large list or openings uttering op portunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month wfcile you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. -45, National Salesmen's Training Association. Chicago. New York. Kan sas City. San Francisco. 81DB-UNK MBN Eleotrlo sign; out selling everything at SIO.OO. Flashes changeable wording in radiant beams of electric light. Terms U0 days. Free sample. Exclusive territory. Flashtrici Sign Co.. Chicago. HELP WAITED—FEMALE. DO j>leasunt coloring work at home; good pay. no canvassing: no experience required. Illus. particulars free. Helping Hand Stores. Chicago. I.*ADIES can make $lO to sls weekly copying, addressing and mailing sam ples. Particulars for stamp. Hex Co.. 259 Glenwood Ave., Buffalo, N, Y. L*-\DICS —Make shields at home; SIO.OO per 100. No canvassing required. Send stamped-addressed envelope for full particulars. Eureka Co., Dept. 112 D. Kalamaaoo, Mich. WIUL* PAY reliable woman $250.00 for distributing 2.000 free packages per fumed soap powder in your town. No money required. Ward & Co.. 21$ In stitute PI.. Chicago. UADIBS—S2.2S dozen making plain aprons: fascinating home business; parcel post any distance. Stamped en velope for particulars. Brandon Supply House. Providence. R. I. LADIES Filling ind la beling boxes; home work; evenings; steady; no experience. sl2 weekly. No canvassing. Excellent opportunity. En close stamp. Erina Specialty Co.. To ronto. Ont. NBAT, quick and accurate lady. We will pay fair salary: work light: hours short; will permit one tQ do public work if desired; line location; good chance. Address g?80. care Star independent. \\ ANTED—Lady to sell trees, shrubs: roses, vines, bulbs, etc. Permanent. Brown Brothers Nurseries, Rochester, New York. WANTED Girls 16 years oi age ami over. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Company. WANTED—White—A strong girl or middle-aged woman :o assist with housework and to attend to invalid lady. Apply at once. 107 S. Second St.. Harrtsburg. Pa. ASSISTANT COOK and extra girl wanted. Hershey House, 327 Market street. S2O TO SOO PKll MONTH extra money to any employed person, without in terfering with regular work. No sell ing. No canvassing. Positively no in vestment. Unemployed need not apply. Address The Silver-Mirror Co., Inc., 123 W. Madison St.. Chicago.. 111. ANYONE can earn more money in spare or lull time with our wonderful Pol ishing Pad. Retails for 10c. Constant ly repeals. Send 10c for sample and . complete Information. The Mogul Mfg. I SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE A middle-aged colored woman would like a place in private family as | cook: good reference and prefers stay ing at night. Apply at 105 Filbert St. A half-grown colored would like a place as child's nui-c or house work in a family. Apply 105 Fil bert street. COLORED woman wants house clean ing by the day or general housework. ! 1329 Wveth Ave. WANTED Curtains to wash and stretch. 823 Myrtle Ave. WANTED —By young colored woman. days' work of any kind or vvasiiiug to do at home. Can give reference. ' Call or address 812 James Ave. WANTED—General housework, by col ored woman. Address or call 505 South St. WANTED —Colored woman desires light housework or position as chamber maid. Address or call 505 South St. WANTED—By a young colored girl, a place to do general housework or day's vvork. Call or address 116u Lib erty St. COLORED LADY wishes a position as cook or general housework. Can give reference. Apply 352 S. Cameron St. Y"OUNG colored woman would like to have day's work of any kind or dish washing. Apply 1219 N. Seventh St. WANTED—White woman wants day's work of any kind. Call 429 Broad street, room 26. A COLORED woman wishes position to do light housework. Call 507 South Ave. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN would like to keep house for widower, or clean house, 01 hire out. Apply 260 Herr St. 1 fP ■O Legal NOTICE Certificates of the Harrisburg Trac tion Company, No. S8:!. for 28 shares, and No. 2312, for 2 shares, of stock in I the name of Daniel L Bonner, Guar dian, have been lost or mislaick Appli cation has been made to said company to Issue other certificates in lieu of j the above. DANIEL L BONNER, | Philadelphia. Pa. j NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned and others have associated j themselves together for the formation of a corporation under the name Mer chants' Ice Company, of Harrisburg. the purpose of said corporation being the manufacture, purchase and sale of ice, t to have its principal ofllce in the City of Harrisburg. Pa., and that application will be made to the Governor of Penn sylvania on .Monday, November 30, 1914, for letters patent for said corporation, under the provisions of an Act of As sembly. entitled 'An act to provide for I the incorporation and regulation of eer | tain corporations." approved the 29th day of April. A. D. 1874, and the several j supplements thereto. 1 WILLIAM A. CARTWRIGHT, 1323 North Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. HENRY M. HARE. 421 Walnut St.. Harrisburg, Pa. L W. KAY. Fourtii and Market Sts., Harrlsburg, Pa. Solicitor: OL.IVER LENTZ. ESQ.. 534 Washington St.. Reading. Pa. Ether Makes a Fountain Pour water into a bottle until it is one-third full. Pour a little ether upon the water. Through the cork paaa a Slock Eului[i Security Vilbm •• tot.ratnd bj rullif of HI. 1 Treasury CengrtrtUtr Writ, far Bulletlo tfti A. CLARENCE COME * CO. 4ft BrMtwaT. New Y.rk Slwkt iH liiit Iwglrt ud Ml IWant Your Property On my list of real estate for sale. Anyone having desirable property to trade or sell for cash on a fair basis, should sec me at once —no charge un less sale is made. Every day we have buyers for all sorts of properties—people who mean business and will close deals at onee. Shall we show them yoursf If you are troubled with vacancies I will All your vacant stores, your flats or your houses. 1 make a specialty of the col lection of rent and the general care and management of property and will take pleasure in c»lliug on you by ap pointment. Write 'phone or call. Can place capable, experienced man to solicit and build up rental aud sales department. A. C. YOUNG Everything in Real Estate 88 North Third Streot. Bell 713-J. FOR SALE A knitting factory; all improve ments; electric powet; two-story frame; steam heat, well lighted; equipped with the latest knitting and sewing machinery. Possession given at once. We will rent if party would be Interested in the manu facturing of ladies' garments. Information Wanted—Call 801 l phone 74. Steeiton, Pa., or M. R. ALLEMAN 145 N. t'KOXT STHUET STKKI.TOV, PA. SSaaBHaBBKSOBB^ Death and Obituary DIED. ZONE—On Thursday. November 5. 1914, William I .ear Zone. Sr.. at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Troxell, fi2B N. Sixth St.. Heading. Burial on Monday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, in Mt. Kalmia cemetery, Har lisburg. Friends and relatives are in vited to attend without further notice. DKAWBAI'UH—On Tliursdav. Novem ber t. 1914. at 9.30 p. m.. William Draw-baugh. of Ooldsboro. York county. Pa., aged S2 years. Burial on Sunday. November S. at 10.30 a. m.. from his late rosideiu-e. In ternient ut Mr. Chester cemetery. > Sale and Exchange —■mm*m—tm—— FOR SALE FOIt SAUS—A one-seated Columbus electric car. Inquire of CHAS. K. I.YIER, Cit>* Auto Garage, oor. Straw berry and River streets. MAGNIFICENT black fur set, latest model, never used, of excellent qual ity; good workmanship and refined taste: $14.60. cost |45. Will be sent at my expense to any address in any state for full examination. Mrs. S. Apt. S. The Astoria. Washington, D. C. C. W. H. LAXGLETZ. l umber— Rough and dressed lumber. All kinds and grades—cheap. Call, write or phone. Offlce. Cameron and Mulberry Sts. FOR SAEE—One parlor heater and one kitchen range; both as good as new Apply to 3-'8 N. Front St.. Steeiton. Pa. FOR SALE—36 shares International Educational Publishing Co. preferred at $27.50 per share. Address 3879, care Star-Independent. FOR SALE—High class touring car; 4" H. P.; fully equipped; late model; mo hair top; wind shield; speedometer, tools, etc: extra tire and rim; good as new; car will be sold with a guarantee as a very reasonable price. Apply Universal Motor Car Co., No. 1745 North Sixth street. FOR SALE—I set (five) MoCue wire wheels. 4Hx3t>, slightly used, $50.00; regular price $150.00. For further in formation address Postofflce Box 448 Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE—Boarding and rooming house, opposite Pennsylvania station best location iti city. Call at 418 Mar ket street. '"OR SALE—AT GABLE'S, 113. 115 and 117 S. Second St- 5,000 gallons New Tf, a .£ ea ? , ,', ro .? Ed P a ' nt . Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FLVGS all nations; butterflies: baseball players; 30 flags all nations: 20 but terflies, 50c—5c postage. Large Amer ican flags, 11x18 inches, 15c—3c post- MITCHELL. 441 Broad St.. City. STOVES—New and second hand stoves and sold. Heaters and ranges of all kinds complete with pipe and fittings at low prices. S. GOLD, 1016 Market street, liell piione 1381 R. FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S. 111-117 & Second St., 5.000 sets new sasli ialO 12 I«. primed and glazed, at $1.15 o er ■ Lost aod Found FOUND FOUND—Don't go any further, for the right place > a; EOOERTS Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, IL'45 Market St. We deliver and call promptly. Both phones. FOUND—A lost opportunity to get bar bering done at the most sanitary shop in the state. Shop closes Satur days »t 10.30 p. m. 808 BUYER'S, VI S Dewberry St. LOST LOST—Between Seventh and Wood'bine streets to Maclay street shops. »41.09. Reward if returned to G. T, BAKER, Maclay street shops. glass tube until its lower end i.s in tho water. Put tihc flask into a double boiler and heat over tho gas stove. The ether by suddenly turning to vapor will make tho water squirt out of the tube like a miniature fountain. The interior diameter of the tube should be no great er than one-tenth of au inch. While going through this life it is better not to let the othei fellow have ail the fun. THE LEVEL-HEADED MAN IS BUYING (Copyright. 19H, by G. M. Keys, New York.) Tliere is a middle-aged merchant In New York City who Just at thla moment has a new kind of worry on his mind, lie was very ne»rly~>ulned by Ibe panic of 1907. It scared him HO badly thiit from that time to this he lias been setting ready for another catas trophe, fully determined that the next time it would be somebody else who would be lotting money and that lie would tie one of the Indi viduals who would make it. In Ills own business onee he had put it on its feet attain after that crash, he had boen taking every opportunity to trim his sails, cut down his liabilities and Increase his assets, l.veti some of tho capital assets of his business have been liquidated, and It was the common belief of liis friends that he had been pie paring to retire as early us possible. In one phase of his affairs the panic of 1907 only scared him and did not really hurt hliu. Me had at that time quite a large invest, inent In stocks and bonds. They had been bought with the usual careless confidence of the business man. without much regard to ' fundamental principles. In the panic >ear they dropped away down in price. As he looked over his list at that time a deep disgust took hold of hlm-and he made a resolution that if lie once got safely out of tho position in which he then found himself he would use as much common sense in making his investments as he did in making o>thcr business commitments. Ihe result was that when, two years or so after the panic, prices «ere again high he began to sell his securities, lie actually sot out of them as much money as he had put into them In the llrst place. He felt aatisiied with that result and felt that he had gotten back to his old basis and had learned a good big lesson without It costing him anything. He then began to put into effect the plan upon which he had resolved in the months of dejection. As opportunity came, he bought short-term mortgages, sliort term notes of the very best character, short-term bonds and very high-grade commercial paper. By this process he cut down his interest eturns materially, sacrificing almost one-third or his Income from his investments. Most of the critics with whom lie came in contact told him he was foolish, but one or two of them, upon whose judgment ho placed considerable value, told him he was wise, so he persisted in his operations up to this past summer. • His worry at the present time arises out of the fact that lie h;is readied another turning point. Some money came in August, which he put into the bank; some more came In September, which he also put into the bank. On the first of November a very substantial maturity comes into his hands. The tfwneral result is that at this period he lias a good deal of money piled up. His trouble at* the moment Is to know what to do with It. lie has acquired during his period of temporary Investment a liking for this form or secur ity. "On the other hand, his original plan is to change again from temporary investments into long term investments when the prices seem to him to be right. Originally he went so far as to make a list ot securities, with the prices at which he would buy them, the basis of his calculation being most of the panic prices of 1807. Now, when he learns of the prices of standard bonds and stocks, lie finds that his original list can be used as a basis for buying if lie wants to use it. He is. therefore, torn between two desires—tirst. the instinct to go ahead with his short-term securities and. second, the common sense desire to carry out Ills original plan, which he knows is sound It seems likely a t this time that he will revert to his original design and accumulate during this year and next about as mud, lon term bonds and stocks as he held when he was caught in the denies" sion of 1907. If lie does, he will furnish one of the few instances on record in which a private investor made a definite plan of invest ment had it approved by the judgment ot experts, and then stuck to it. Probably in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred evetv perfectly good plan of this sort breaks down at some point because its muker is persuaded to change It. to depart from it. or to throw It away altogether under the influence of passing conditions If such a plan could be conceived and executed with perfection it would, of course, result in substantial growth of a man s fund* in a steady and large income and, finally, in a fixed conviction in .1 mans mind that he could never make a mistake in Investment. here is. however, the eleniont or factor of human fallibility to h, reckoned with. In the tirst two steps of his plan this man has avoided human error almost entirely. He sold when the selling was good and he invested in short-term maturities during the long period when prices were relatively high. Now he has cash coming m when prices are relatively low. So far. so good; but the next step is a vital one. question is whether the present prices, or the prices of too next six months or a year, will be considered low prices, us one looks back, in the year 1920, or will not. Here it is obvious humanity has a chance to make its ordinary blunder. Curiously enough this one man s conviction that he will not make any errors it. Investing at the present June is based largely upon the fact that the people w .'.a advised him not to make short-term Investments three years ago are now urging him to make them on the ground that conditions are too uncertain to justify the buying of standard securities On the other hand, one of the two friendb who had urged him to'stick to his short-term securities is no« strongly advising him to turV from the short-term securities, while the otiier takes a m utral p«.»u> ' tion. saying that while prices may not be near their low point, they are certainly very fur from their high point of the next ten vcar« Therefore, this critic thinks that though prices may go lower Hie buyer of good securities at tlie present time will ultimately be happy. Both these critics encourage this investor to go ahead and round out his plan by entering upon the last phase of It—tiamelv the permanent investment of his funds at whatever prices may bo afforded during this war. AMUSEMENTS PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY U.M'K JOYCK ID 2-H<-I KtI.KH— THi: I,Y.\BROOK THAIiEDV VRTHIK JOHNSON in Beliivrd Ad venture Serif*. THE HOIjD-I'P M.AW A KHI.AMSKK. .1-reel |iro illii'tlou. "I'HK tt UiK» Ol' MS" STBIICH PARTY TO VISIT GETTYSBURG ON MONDAY To-morrow Will Be a Busy Day for the Evangelist and His Associates— Meeting for Men Is Scheduled for the Afternoon The Stough evangelistic party will spned Monday, their rest day, on the Gettysburg battlefield. They will be taken to Gettysburg in automobiles, leaving here about 9 o'clock in the morning and returning at night. There are no services at all on Mondays dur ing the campaign. Witfh the Stough party may go heads of local committees, including -Vliss Caroline Keet'er,, Mrs. E. A. Riegle and Miss Laura M. BuliteU. In the party will probably foe E. 7.. Gross, executive chairman, and E. P T Weaver, executive secretarv. To morrow will 'be a full day for the. Slough party. In the morning the Kev. F. T. CartwTigbt, associate of Dr. Stough, will speak at the Camp Hill Methodist. church: W. \V. Shannon at the Penbrook Evangelical church, and Miss Sara Palmer at a un-ion service at the West Fairview I'nited Brethren oh 11 rah. Dr. Stough will preach in the taiber nacle to-morrow morning at 10.30 o'clock on "Breaking of the Drought." a companion sermon to "The Trial of the Cods" with whic'h he olened the i ta'boruaHe meeting last Sunday morn ! ing. Mass meetings will be held simul- J taneously for men. women and chil i dren to novrow afternoon. The men will be addressed in the tabernacle by Dr. Stough on the subject. "Winds and Whirlwinds." The doors will open at 2 ! o'clock, and the meeting will open at I 2.30. Admittance will be tiy ticket 1 only. At the Ridge Avenue Methodist church Miss Sara Palmer will preach to women only on " A Brave Woman o Re ward." (Miiss !Daisy Eggleston will! speak to children at 3 o 'clock in the; Fourth Street Church of ,642.000 I > 1. t Chicago, /»«g,o;o,ooo UIT L Philadelphia 13fi,8:t7.C00 |) m.t; Boston lti 1,471.000 I S•' SV.. , uis \ "81.000 i > nr.'r Kansas City #2,557.000 l> " Sun Francisco, 47 000 l> i"» i Baltimore I ~]oon t> i"'x Scranton -'.So 1.000 Dli'l Reading 1,522,000» l > r l _■ Lancaster 1.501.000 u 12.'l W Ilkes-Barre 1.192,000 I> IS brie •553.000 York sr. 2,000 I. 2.) Chester t>(> l> ."a Harrlsburg Sl.ltil.ouo •Last week's. S Not included in totals, comparisons incomplete. Philadelnliia Produce Market Philadelphia, Nov. 7.—Wheat thin- No. 2 red spot, export. 11:: i„| 11; i . \ (l 1 norther. lJuluth export. l IU ; nearby prints, fancy ;!8 liKKS firm: nearby (lists, 'free 'case 110.20; current receipts, free case I'i ;'0 , wcslc, ' n extra iiißU, free case, *lO.-U; lirsts, free case, sa.:;o«i S».GO Live poultry steady; fowls, I::rm I■ old roosters, chickens, I2»13- ducks, 13@14; gcesc, 13f«. H, Dressed poultry steady: turkeys, fan cy, 22® 23; ordinary, lSijijiLO: fowls heavy, 16# 17; average receipts, llrg/ir>; small, I2t»13; old roosters. 12Vj■ ■ il' ol)r steady: winter straight, 5.00 hi, spring straight, 5 do patent, 5.70©5.85. Hay firm; timothy. No. 1. iarts ?f e'ifii No - ' "ledlum ba le», 18.;>0iJji1!>; No. 2. 17® 17.50; No. 3. 14 &ofe lo.oO: clover mixed, light mixed. 17.&O0I 18: No. 1. 16& 17; No. 2, 14®15. «,f, ota i oe!i l rm , : Ponna., per bushel, liU New York, per bushel, 45@55, So It May She was a beautiful woman—and his wife. But one night, getting home late and having some excited conver sation with her in the hall, he said to himself; "A thing of beauty may be a jaw forever." J Caddie—Dcre's only one good thin} I kin see about plavin' golf. Golfer And what's that, sonnyf Caddie Voi guvs what plays don'thafter carry d< sticks around. —Boston Transcript"