6 CASCARETS fOR COSTIVE BOWELS. I SOUR STOMACH. COED OR HEADACHE •* That awful sourness, belching of stomach's fault —it isn t indigestion -ae.id.anJ foul gun; that pain .in the. —« '• biliousness and constipation. " .;* . , , , , ~ Trv ( asc*ret»; tnev sweMen the utoui .pit ot the stomach, the heartburn, remuVp t i,o »our, fermenting food nausea, bloating after cat- ■ an d foul gases: take bile from the '"tttg. feeling of fullness, dizziness and j liver and carry off the constipated sick headache, means your stomach is waste matter from the bowels. Then 'sour—your liver is torpid—your ! your stomach trouble, headache, had bowels constipated. It isn't your 'cold and all such misery ends. 3 R>6E 10 CE work while you sleep. . WANTS TO tit) TO GLEN MILLS choosing the latter and refuses to tell why he left home. He is a well-be -15-Year Old Who Ban Away From h ! n ' c ' l littlo b,,t unwavering in ■m.r , m ,i., xr it»» decision to stav awav troni home. New York Will Not Return f , js •, onev ' thi , 1I101 . nin „ : "Well, do 1 go to Glen Mills to tor retur n home. day?" asked 15-year-old George An- derson, who ran away from his home, j • A Horse Laugh 632 West One Hundred and Third- Motorist (blocked t>y lotul of hay)— third street, New York, and came to \ there, pull out and let me by, Harrisburg three days ago, determined ] Farmer —Oh. i dunjio er, I'm in any to work and shift for himself. I hurry. Motorist (augrily)—You seein . Chief of Poliee Hutchison, in whose! ,>,l in a hurry to let that other fellow's tare he has been since the Pennsylva-1 carriage get past. Fanner —That's nia railroad police found him, told; 'cause his horse wuz eatin' my hay. George that he would either have to' There hain't no danger o' vow etuin' go home or to Glen Mills, lieorgo is | it. 1 reckon.—Springfield Republican. AMOWBm I JLMUSKM3INTI. MAJESTIC THEATRE WILM "'S T ,' ,PPEU Tuesday, November 10, m JT SEATS TO-MORROW CHARLES FROHMAN Presents JOHN DREW "(n a comedy that will make you forget the war."—X. Y. Herald. The Prodigal Husband By Dario Niccodemi and Michael Morton Mr. Drew in the delightful eomedy in which he lias been appearing at Mr. Frohmau s New York Knipire Theatre since the begin ning of the present season, lie has never been seen to better advantage than as the likable prodigal. The Empire Theatre Cast, unchanged, will be seen here with Mr. Drew. ODfpcc. LOWER FLOOR, $2.00, 51.50 and SIOO rnIUCO. BAL, SI,OO, 75C, 50C. GALLERY, 25C PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY The most talked about motion picture on Broadway during its 4 weeks' run at tie Vitagraph Theatre. N. Y. City The Greatest of Broadway Star Feature Pictures PRESENTING THE POPULAR VITAGRAPH STAR ' Clara KimbaH Young Assisted by Earle Williams, Harry Morey. L. Rogers Lytton and a Star Cast, in Richard Henry Savage's Tremendous Story of Russian Life MY [ 5 THRILLING PARTS | OFFICIAL | Vividly Realistic | WlFE >——— ——■—■«■——— 0- Movie Models? PEOPLE SI HHOt \DED BV A BIG VAUDEVILLE SHOW A GREAT ACT THREE OTHEIt ACTS AND BEST NEXT WEEK PICTURES The Lawn Party J an j]2 c A HIMATIKi; >ll SK AI, COMKDV tVtNlnUOf • i • lU 3110 IjC * IMJESTJC LAST 2 DAYS Myrkle-Harder Co. PRIC'BSt r»O C. 30c. aoc. Il'nsilivply the c;reatc«t |»r««lur (lon** fvfr given in HarrlfthurK at popular price*. Ti-day—The Escape "Dealing With lnwi»c Marriage** The Dramatic Invent «f (lie va «on. A regular »ho« at Wlr price*. s VI'I HU U Under Southern Skies Mlllioni hnir lm:gHril timl nrpt at »hl« (raud old Southrra i»la>. MIHTH, (IHIKnV A\D WISIC DISIBICT SMI, TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL Thursday and Friday Eve. November sth and 6th At 8.15 O'clock ADMISSION, 25c i.i) moats top lix'rm TU'krtn rnrrvfd al \mork Shop Morf, 315 Market *l., >ov. sth A. «rh. * STAR-TNDKPE.NDKNT. FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 6. 1914. " RAILROADS CREWJOARD HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division—lo7 crew to (■ go tir*>t after 3.30 p. m.: 12T, 109, 122, 118, 117, 125, 126, 106, 120, i 111!. i Engineers for 109, 122, 117, 125. Firemen for 107, 109. 126, 116. Conductors for 109, 122, 125. Flagman for 127. Brakemen for 12 7, 122. 120. Engineer* up: Snow, Supplee, Mau ley, Kelley, Albright, Wolfe, Sober, Crisswell, Bruebaker, Smith. Youug, ■j Minnicli. Firemen up: McCurdy, Brenner, ; Copeland, Gilberg, Carr, Shive, Robin ; son, Weaver, llushey, Bleieh, Davidson, Balsbaugh, Martin. Herman, Myers. Conductors up: Ropp, Looker. Flagmen up: Banks. Bruehl, Clark. Brakemen up: Dengler. Kochenouer, ! Gouse, Mummaw, Busser, Brown, Kope, [ McNaughton, Deiarolf. Middle Division—2l crew to go first after 2 p. m.: 26. IS. 24. 17, 251.| Engineers for 21, IS. j Fireman for 17. Brakcinan for IS. Engineers up: .Vlagill, Minnick, Gar i man. Free, Weleomer, Simonton, Web ster, Smith, Kugier, Havens. Firemen up: Bornm&n. Arnold, Lie ban, Bixler, Stouffer, Sehrefflcr, Buver, Herder, Seagrist, Wright, Shecsly, Sim mons. Flagmen up: Frank, Cone, Mumma. Brakemen up: Peters, Fritz. Schoff stall. Troy, Stahl. Keiffer. Roller. Bell, Kipp, Kohli, Plack, Biekcrt, McHenry, 1' rank. Heck, Mathias, Kane, Kilgor, Heck, Wenrick. ! _ Yard Crews— Engineers up: Crist. Kuhn, Helton, Shaver, Hoyler, Hohen 1 shelt. Breneinan, Thomas, Rudy, Har i vey. Houser, Meals, Stahl, Swab, Silks, i | Firemen up: Essig, Ney, Myers, j Boyle, Shipley, ( row, Revie, fish. , Bostdorf. Seheiffer, Rauch, Weigle, | | Lackey, Cookerlv, Maeyer, Shelter, Bar ! j tolet. (Jetty, Hart, Barker, Sheets, Bair i i Eyde. Engineers wanter for 707, 1820. Firemen wanted for 213, 707 32° i 1699. 90, 1368. ENOLA SIDE ( Philadelphia Division—22B crew to Igo first after 3.45 p. m .: 248 221 207, 238, 229. 211, 235, 214,' 239' 218. 215, 203, 241, 237, 213. Engineers for 225, 248. 207, 238 235. 239.216, 203. Firemen for 248, 207. 229 '>l4 215, 213. ' Conductors for 207, 214. Flagmen for 219, 221, 255. 242. Brakemen for 20S, 219 221~"S I 235. 237, 241, 248. | Conductors up: Keller, Gundle, For j ney, Peimvell. Brnkemen up: Boyd, Wie»t. Lutz ; Deets. Middle Division—ll2 crew to go first after 1.45 p. m.: 116. IIS, JO9 105, 115, 110, 114, 106, 102, 103 113. 223. ' ' Kngiiteers for 116. 115. Firemen for 116. 114. 113. Conductor for 114. Flagmen for 109, 106. Brakemen for 102, 113. THB READING P.. H. & P.—After 4 p. m.: 19. 16. i j 21. 12. 4, 22, 17. 6, 3. 14, 24 2. | Eastbound—After 9.45 a. m.: 69, j ! 58. 62. 70, 64, 6S. 53. 51, 57, 52. 65. | | Conductor up: iPliilabaum. : Engineers up: Morrison. Woland,' | Fetrow, Lape. Tipton, Martin. Pletz, j | (M-assintore, Wvre. Firemen up: Ijongcne -ker. Snader. I I Brown. Sullivan. Palm. Sellers. Chronis I | ter. Zukoswiski. King, Lex. Rumba ugh. Brakemen up: Shader, Hrckman. Voder, Holbert, Hinkle. Painter, Miles. Stephens, Wvre. Smaling. Epley, Shear er. Greager, Dunkle, Heilman. Uesch, Ensminger. Fleagle. crimes. Wven. Maurer, Greaff. Cheap Carpet Clean sr '"What can I use to cleau carpets!" asked a correspondent who signed her-1 self, rather bashfully, "Young Bride." "Have you tried your young hus->' band?" replied the answers editor. 1 | who lost his position .just a few hours; after tiie reply appeared.—Cleveland' Plaiu Dealer. The fool sivooetn his neighbor's hens' from liis hack yard, but the wise inaa fixetii up a sn lg pi are for them to lay YOUR SICK CHILD IS CONSTIPATED! LOOK AT TONGUE If Cross, Feverish or Bilious Give "Cali- i fornia Syrup of Figs" No matter what ails your c-b:id, a gentle, thorough laxative should al ways be the first treatment given. If your little one is out-of sorts, half-sick, isn't resting, eating ami acting naturally—look, .Mother! see if tongue is coated. This is a sure sign that it's little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with waste. AVhen cross, irritable, feverish, stomach sour, breath bad or has stomach-ache, di arrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs,"' and in a few hours all the con stipated poison, undigested food ami sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy after giving this harmless "fruit laxative." be cause it never fails to cleanse the lit tle one's liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach and thev dearly love its pleasant taste. Full direction for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit tig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent "bottle of "California Syrup of Figs;'' then sec that it is made by tlih "California Fig Syrup Company.' adv. sL tfteyWAM Cr.azyAt>oid%! when they find out how easy it is to buy the very latest, most exclusive and distinctive clothing for small, easy, convenient payments. Styles that other stores, (even the so«called cash stores) can't duplicate for the price we ask. Quality that can only be sold at these low prices because of the tremendous quantities in which we buy and manufacture for our large chain of S stores. The individual store can't begin to offer values like these. JS YOUR CREDIT I brings your choice of the finest clothing, a just when you need it. You pay as you get 3 paid—in small easy amounts you never miss. * ' Specials for Saturday Only 9 I Ss? Men's Latest Cut Ladies' New Fall Ipf | I Suits=«sls.oo Suits—sl4.9B i B £mS&18S&&8 - _ ? nd ,! ul ! ton ; Several smart models / n s„ n &L B e°2i«h r ii a r or cheviot I gj est patch pockets. Sev- . with fine quality satin i ATA" L IS 33 eral SNA PPY models with lining. These are spe M | fi| m cu,f .? on sleeves. Finest cial selections from . ' j 9 1 jfiBBKL fo" i y „d °some e '^ne V y OUr . most attr active JfL* « No other'reason for this cially featured to in- jjPljfyy H special than to induce duce you to get ac- V WM /A you to "get closer.'; We quainted with our W 1 l\\| M » 11 vffZZ?.* f,!fc beautiful line of worn | i MuSI Not on e of these suits v „_ r, 1 I Si uWftlW ever sells for less than en s clothing. Can- \ MVi $17.50 and some as high not be sold regularly \ \ H as $22.50. for less than $25.00. \ \ Men's O'coats, Ladies' Dresses, \ *^o*^ $12.50 to $27.50 $7.50 to $25 l\ Mmm Pants, $2.50 to $6 Skirts, $1.98 to SIO.OO /V~*r\ IQW Hats, $1.50 to $3.50 Waists, 98c to $3.98 Iy\ \ . i* 3 ™ t Raincoats, $6.00 to sls Petticoats. 98c to $3.98 * I I Boys' Suits, $3.50 to $7 Millinery, $2.00 to $lO Overcoats, $3.50 to $8 Ladies' Raincoats, $6 to sl2 Alterations Free taW<-N. Second St. Alterations Free C.V.NEWS A lit. It MURDER CASE Cumberland County Criminal Sessions Will Open on Monday Carlisle, Nov. 6. —Argument in the Morganthau murder case was taken up to-day. A decision will not be rendered until later. The criminal sessions be-| gin Monday morning and the common pleas one week later. Motioi. tor a new trial for William | Fiukev. found guilty of larceny at the I September criminal sessions, was re-' fused yesterday morning by Judge Sad-j ler aud the defendant was directed to j appear for sentence. Miss Runkle Dead Gettysburg, Nov. 6. —A iifelong resi dent of Gettysburg and one of the I town's oldest citizens, Miss Anna Mar-1 garet Runkle, died at 5.30 o'clock Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Helena Ertter, East Middle street, at the age of 90 years and 6 months. Death was caused by paralysis with complications. Building Gutted by Fire Carlisle, Nov. 6.—Kesidents of tiie northern section of the town were awakened early yesterday morning when fire, believed to be of incendiary origiu, gutted the large red brick building kjftonn as Jourdan's Hall on West North street between West and Pitt streets. The fire was discovered about 3.4 5 : o'clock and the conflagration had gained a good headway before the ar rival of the firemen. The loss will i amount to over SI,OOO and is partly i covered by insurance. Thumb and Fingers Blown Off Waynesboro, Nov. 6 —Roy, 7-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Car-j baugh, near the White Pine sanator-' iuiji. met with a painful accident Wed nesday afternoon while playing with a dynamite cap which was among a j bunch of nails in a basin. The child let a whetstone fail on the cap, which exploded, sending the nails in all diiections. The nails, hurled about in all directions, blew off the thumb and first two fingers of his left hand and the end of the thumib of the right hand and inflicted many lecera tions on his face; MOB VICTIM NEAR DEATH Election Night Assault Results Serious ly for David Goldsmith Philadelphia, Nov. 6. —-David Gold- j smith, 314 Mooro street, the vietim of] an election night assault when a gang | of men threw bricks and stones at hiin j after he attempted to recover a wagon I they stole from his stable, is in a erit ical condition at his home. Goldsmith: declares he was attacked by sixteen I or eighteen young men. His nose was broken and he suffered severe cuts about J the bodv. No arrests were made. The wagon, a ligiht one. was taken j from Goldsmith's stable while he wasj away from home. When lie returned 'he t was informed that the vou'ths had taken j it to Second and LMoore streets. He J arrived there, he says, just as they! were preparing to burn it. Wfhen lie re-1 monstrated. they assaulted him. ■ PREFERS TO DROP MARRIAGE j Former Landlord Desires to Escape Wrath of Court Allen town, Pa., Nov. 6.—'Lewis E. i | Korn. former landlord, driven out of, I the liquor business by Judge Oroman, is 1 defendant in a non-support suit brought! | by his second wife for herself and lit - 1 tie daughter. When Korn was divorced in 1905, the Court made an order that | he should not marry the woman now his wife, but they J;£d a ceremony per ' ; formed in New York. Korn uow wants to o"bey the original order forb-iddiugi such a marriage and desires to repudi- 1 ate the New York marriage. Alderman Gotthardt, after hearing testimony yesterday decided the matter | too deep for him and returned the case i I to court for a trial. Convert Drops Dead Before Baptism Ijancaster, Pa., Nov. 6.—Prank B. Moore, 3 4 years old. was one of the converts at the NicholsonJHenninger re-1 vival, at Columbia, and was to be bap-' tizeni at 1 0- o'clock yesterday morning,! but at. 7 he dropped dead of heart dis- ■ jease. DULL. SPLITTING, ! SICK HEADACHE i I Dr. James' Headache Powders Relieve at Once-10 Cents a Package Vou take a Dr. James' Headache: Powder and in just a few moments i j your head clears and all neuralgia and ! | pain fades away. It's the quickest; j and surest relief for headache, wheth- j j er dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve | racking. Send someone to tlie drug I ] store aud get a dime package now. J I Quit suffering—it's needless. Ee j Isure you get Dr. James' Headache) Powders —then there will be no disap pointment. adv. SON'S SHOT MAY KILL HER Fires Three Into Mother Duriug Quarrel With Wife Port Kennedy, Pa., Nov. 6.—When Joseph Marhegrano returned from his work at the asbestos plant yesterday i ami found his wife engaged in a quarrel | with his mother and 'his brother, he fired ! three shots, wounding his mother in the 1 head, so that she may die. He then fled, but was captured by j .losep'h Carroll, a special policeman of j Upper (Meriou township, who overtook j the man near Valley Forge, as he was running up the Reading railway in the i direction of Phoenixvillc. He was taken j to Xorristowu, where Magistrate Clark I committed him to .iail to await the re-; suit of his mother's wounds. He claims that his people have been j quarreling with his wife for weeks anil j that he did the shooting to protect his wife, who was arrested on the charge! of mayhem, it being alleged that she j bit her mother-in-law on the neck. MORE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS Applicants Should Apply to Secretaries For Necessary Papers The V. S. Civil Service Commission ; annouuees the following open competi-| tive examinations to be held in this | city, those who meet the requirements I and desire anv of the examinations i should apply for the necessary papers | to the secretary, third civil service dis- j trict, Philadelphia, or the local secre-l tarv: Engineering inspector, oil and gas,! male, $2.1 60-$3,200, December 1;; agriculturist and field agent, male $2,-! 540, December 1; agriculturist, male, $2,500-$3,000, December 1; editorial j clerk, male, $1,600, December 2; scientific assistant in grain standard ization, male, $1,200 $1,400, Decern-! ber 2; field assistant in rural organiza-l tion, male, $1,500-$2,000, December' 2; inspector of supplies, male, $1,200,' December 2; assistant dairy husband ! man, male, $ 1,500-$1,740, December! 2; assistant in farm home demonstra- j tion work, female, $ 1,500-$2,000, De-! cember 2; mechanical engineer assist ant, (for experimental work in marine engineering) $S per diem. December 1 8: nurseryman, male, S9OO, Decern | ber 15. 12,<MH> TO LOSE WORK East St. Loujs, 111., Nov. 6.—.Most of tth» 12,000 men employed at the Xa tionl stockyards and Fast St. Louis packing plants profcaiblv will be thrown out of work while the yards are under complete quarantine, the Chicago em bargo being extended to the entire State yesterday. The Morris and Armour plants each employ about 3,000 men and the Swift plant about 400. The stockyards com pany itself employs 1,000 and about IjO'OO arc employed .by smaller con cerns. DIDN'T LIKE MARKS ON CARDS Losers in Stud Poker Have Winner Ar rested After Game Ardmore, Pa., Nov. C.—After testi mony accusing him of "roping" his acquaintance into a stud poker game, in whie'h a marked deck was used, Wil lie Roberitski, of South Fifth street, Philadelphia, and barber in Skeet's shop, on Cricket avenue, was held iu SSOO bail yesterday by Squire Warner, at the Ardmore police statiou. Dave Katz, a tailor, testified thai he lost approximately $75 before he dis covered that the cards were marked. Harry Levinson, a shoemaker, wno caused Roberitski's arrest said he lost about SB. VACCINATION VS. FAITH With ;$a Smallpox Cases, Zion City Bows to Quarantine Chicago, Nov. I!. —With thirty-five cases of smallpox, the religious colony at Zion City, 111., founded by John Alexander Howie with faith healing as the greatest feature of belief, has bow ed to striVt quarantine measures. Wilbur Glenn Voiiva, present head of the set, had fought the use of ordinary measures, but it is said he gave way on all i>oints except vaccination. Com pulsory inoculation against the disease is not permitted by law, but 300 non church members employed in a factory at Zion City bared their arms to the surgeons. FOR SOUR STOMACH OAS OR INDIGESTION Use Mi-o-ua and Get Immediate and Effective Relief When you have heartburn, paius in the stomach, and taste undigested food, it's a sure sign your last meal is not <l» gesting, but fermenting, causing poi sonous gases, sourness and acid stom ach. Prompt and lasting relief lor any stomach distress is n simple incxpensivn matter if you will only try the harm less Mi-o-na prescription easily ob tained from 11. Kennedy or any druggist. \ t Mio-mi is especially prepared to neu tralize excess acid and stop ferinenta tion which sorely sours your food cans inn sick headache, dyspepsia, bilious ness and bad dreams. Mi-o-na uot only corrects sour, acid, and gassy stomach, but improves the eutire digestive system so that the blood, nerves, muscles, and skin all re ceive increased nourishment causing clear complexion, bright eves and that delightful sensation of "feeling fit." Get some Mi-o-na tablets to-day—df they do not banish every sign of indi gestion they will not cost you a penny. Adv.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers