The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 06, 1914, Image 5
I ' . . . y [ - -«• ; Y 1 store °P ens at 9A - M - and closes at to-morrow. Rich, alluring patterns; '-yjj 9 t 4 > 9 P.M. one-third off regular price. JmZ£JZL/7T7f7A7yi < MARRISBURCS POPULAR DIPfeMIBIUI STOPS V f , WABflSlufta'l *£££SS3SWK» } About 1,000 Yds Gen- j H JMHI fj Not Every Day You Boys' Suits, Macki- Q ' 1 uine Cheney Shower Can Buy Brass Beds naws, Overcoats; * [ Proof Foulards Adßlk With One-Third 0 f Everything for the ? '' Will go on sale to-morrow at 59c yard jßfflgPg {gjjp v 11C Xllll it U1 o * BL r the Price Taken Off , 7! , \ * |>;>ll»*rns are exclusive adds to the value of the BmwWW . u ? uutht the little fellows with apparel /jmA-w Y ?/K. v-A wilt 4 ► offering:. Beautiful designs in perfect shades of ASflnHfil The story is simple—a lot of brass beds from th *V ß Ju *! as ® n ?® rt , - m u sty aud excellent in L f tl JJL \ ► Russian, navy. Copenhagen, tan. taupe, rose. JltoeEctil Simmons' Manufacturing Company, Philadel- serv,ce as tliat of ,us bl 8 l)rother - \mFWi Lu// Jwk fir//l '< k l>rov\n and Hurgandy. phia, that have been used as floor samples. Boys' Suits of wool cassimeres and cheviots: v'j "1~ i ' \ /fj , ► Silk Crepe de Chines, 98c yd.—value $1.50; •|'l ) j s M< .,. 011 „( S j- 0) . j| u> miUslla | p r j,.,. , OM . .. Norfolk models that are very new—sizes ti to 'W"' fji// /Wi a '•< , MhMImBiB ment owners especially will want to consider. Boys' Norfolk Suits we show over differ- iif _ \ | r Black Satin Messahne at jOryd. value $1.00; i , \i\V(\ widt ; special tor Saturday only. Kvei\ xmi in tuiished in <i guaranteed lac*- are cheviot, cassimeres, homespuns and blue ,f , 4-1 ll|i w * j „ Black Satin Charmeuse, SI. 39 yd.— value $2.00 A ! ,llei ' : • Vol,r l ' ll(,|CT of bri sht. satin or polet tin-1 se i-ges: all guaranteed wool; sizes 6to 17 years, i /Jr/j tH —I iuful^!l\i\l v W II ? L -rich, satin finish: 40 inches wide. V lsn - at $3.98 It JM-- LJ \ H/[j| I Mf» Jfl •11 '< ► Black Moire : ?l-50 yd-vahte $2.00: bright. j J}°* 1 l "' FuU *"«• 80me of th ™ Boys' Combination Set-consisting of heavy i Ilfl fPffl ' nWM 1 *" v :\ ''' ''" u " '' — 1 iuuiini i\ •> : n | i I. «•>« aa Norfolk model Mackinaw coat, one pair leg- i|"/ » ■ \l * I Bengahne, SI.OO yd.—value st>l.2o : plain black t, ° «n«»»e »«»neh brass bed *-8.(>0 ginga aU(j one Rah , Rah , hat with ear flaps _ ] lOM 1 alh ' w,ute - Tin r\ u i w _ M i massive post brass bed j a || made of brown, blue or red plaid Mackinaw L M H-Vn ll r Costiuue Velvets and Corduroys in all the I 116 v vCII tJ tOw f * 111 of 7 T ®*6.75 «loth : sizes 4to 10 years, at $4.95 I \MI 11 \ j best shades, 75c and SI.OO yd. $2y.0(l 2-inch post brass bed 518.95 Boys' Balmacaans -we show beautiful pat- i Vnlwl 1\ 0 Nnw ori I i Ynilt J\ '■ _ o-nich post brass bed $15.95 terns of real Balmacaans in all wool homespun H vSwIS ll '< 111/W \*ClllD I umi 11, slti.9.) 2-inch continuous post brass bed, and rough Kerseys, with the convertible and Hb vKlll ll 1 Ck To -4-Vi rt . _| _ $10.95 military collars, satin yokes and sleeve lining, |n w• jl 11 J :k. lilc vOio" IIS LJuC tentlOil to N€W CO3tS * l -- 0U -- iIK-h p° st brass bed 97.751 sizes Bto 18 years, at $6.98 and $7.50 H H " ' j* OtinaatlOll OX Never has this hustling department deserved' „ _ 4 , , breasted: with shawl and convertible collars, in i a —fy *1 f * its reputation as 'famous" in variety and siylel JR(L3,ttireSSeS R6QUC6Q lOIT a dozen new cloths and patterns, at a k f!l/-v a, 11 rr ( ' (, 'tts. as just at this particular time. Po- $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.95 and up to sl2 _ j f\ i 4 I VjOOa UreSfcing r:r . r « * , r , ; ;r abou, This Sale For the Kiddies we have warm double- Mdl dlld OVCrCOatS^ No matter ho t tittinu or w.-iI iailored J' ™ yi^anTn »asonabfy nVV'ed' l,> fibre mattrewes, roll edge breasted overcoata of chinchilla, Kersey and . __ . _ | y the gown may b t -. the long, smooth lines so • asonaui; pnttu. special roll ed B e felt mattresses, 7 sr..or», ''°"gh materials: some have astrachan or fur Al-p BGCOHIIUP 1 " BGL- i much desired in the finished costume are onh .. , , , . . , SH.SO roll od»r felt mattresses $7.05] collars and clift's; warm, dressy overcoats at ' o ' * possible when the figure is corseted correctly.' ,">ere are eoats for girls in btight and* vivul $15.00 Imperial edge felt mattresse. fll.W $2.98, $3.98, $4.95 and $5.95 . « . . - N ' mixtures and plaids, and in mam cloths. ( oats x -. 0 -4-/%*■ A f%r*i+ * New tall and winter models in Koyal W orces- foi . xvomen j n ri p F >le cloths in bla.-k, dark brown l ,fu ' Hoor—HowMAX'f?. rtnrd Hoor— bowman a. LCI ixCQUallltCQ \ I'' ~o rs«, t > show a nuiiibrr ol new leal urcs de- at]( | Russian greeus—aiul in zibelines in all the \ t Mgned by artists who have succeeded Ml putting pol , u i al . in smart mixtures: rich 1 j T ««« BOVS $1.50 Coat Sweaters AS the seaßon advances, more and N ideals into practical eftect. broadcloths, and broadtails and meritex and| V#Ollll}loLo JLIII6S Ol nQ llioro grows the probability of a sudden One model worthy of mention was designed pompore—and all the fur fabrics. 3,t 9oC Cold wave, and perhaps SHOW. Why not A |f fr j "a",', r ',V,«t iV'' o"- r w hVt o «••»«♦> for afternoon and evening-coats for OIIYX Hosiery for Fol ' BaU,l : iU '- v Only-Oxford, navy and ma- !-i oin the OAercoat, ranks HOW and be pre- if routil Tlie pri •«» 50 automobiling and traveling:—voats for general J J roon: second quality; good garments. pared \\ll(?n rcfll cold weather arrives? f Another model.' for'the slender figure is a wear * 2 rUZI Main PIOO,-bowmax-8. Von will want for no hotter assortments J that expresses the very best of The prices ranee fl'Om $5.00 to $45.00 W omen C& VrHllCireil 1 ' lan U( ' a 1(1 s inff right at tills r prescii! style tendencies. Has three-inch busts, \ gfeat manv new dresses and new suits o- Splendid Winter StOCkS ,moment. 1 and triangular elastic inserts in skirt bnek: em- „-il-l be shown tn morrow 1 lain black cotton r ir «, • ■ IJXB l" L I ioider.v trimmed. Pn-ed at $2.00. shown Silk lisle 25f, 39c and Of v '»ei- o iid t-loor—BOWMAN'S. [ ' " lIVV 1 ' 1 ' sil , k * T," '' , 30^',^*f )0 ®. nd At this period the Glove Department tells of And here you will find a very comprehensive < j ... t> u'- oe'll' 8 a " i St ' ( 'i 1 a complete stock of these well-known, service- (assortment of the smart styles thai men are < o-npc iJTIH Burson Hosiery, «oc pr.—regular'ami extra able gloves for women. wearing this season. I'ut with the new con- < Oildpcb anu XlUUlLlUlldl Xlctir si Z es:plain black,splu and all whiteteet. Kayser's 2-clasp leatherette gloves. vertible collars, and eonie in greVs. greens.^ . . —j - TT Women s 50c Hose, pr.—broken lines aud 750 and SI.OO browns, tans, blues and large plaids. Priced 1 biiades m Millinery Must Be Worn sai »p'es : n'llaek i and colors: silk lisle and Kayser's lb-button leatherette gloves. : i t $7.50, SIO.OO, $12.50, $15.00 audi •! -V / • v i i"' | S i ji -ill $1.20 $20.00. ? ... wi.ii ti.A t i , " ! 'f brims are growing wider and modistesj hudren s black eottou hose; line nbl'ed. Kayser's 2-clasp chainoisette gloves, \il i foretell a vogue for verv large hats which do "Joubje heels and toes. Pair toward olack velvet not hamonize with small simple coiffures. The Children s hose, silk lisle, black and colors: Kayser's 16-but+on chainoisette gloves. an> demanding unusual attention and these ;ii,ts increases, along- light puff for filling out the coiffure has already. aalt, t l>a,r 25<k 75e and $1.25 have velvet .-ollars. Uoo.l «n«l»P\ piilt'^ns: f e!unes a novelt\ in the made its appearance and is now on sale in thei "'• vs hea\\ cotton hose, double knees, heels; Kayser's lined cashmere gloves, all shades, priced at $9.90, f \ form of a black hat with Hair Goods Department. and toes: fine ribbed, all sizes. Pair 19? 25? and 500 SIB.OO. Also at these prices are full back. < r / \ ; i t ,»i , - - Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Kacnio lelasp eapefkin gloves in white, black. «rov single-breasted overcoats in <M dozen uitiorent 4 L \ ll ,o P s ' lut hcpop- Fine Hair Goods At an.l t«..,. «1.53 to patterns. 4 i \ | ular shades—American Pownes* 2-elasp overseam gloves in lilac I; with white __■ . . . t Chinese yeiiow. Pronounced Savings The "S*vorv" Seam- embroWery an " whlte wlth emhr Sto,,,,o Men s Suits ' v \ I / \ i I "SC. castor and red. „ . . .... , WU* VI Jf UVCIIU Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Are receiving particular attention, and .just . ► V ( / Switches and transformations ot so good a mnv assorhn( . llts an . very complete. Every ] y N. / At 95r is a splendid ll ua !* v are nni,#ua l at these low prices. lAQ. QT? f\H At* style from the ultra-fashionable Knglish mod- i ► !ot of jaunty Mack vel- ee them and you will be convinced. ACJJO A.UdSICI ' \ \ els to the extreme conservative styles will lie < ► v, ' ! hut" in I lie newest shapes, while better Switches of tine wavy hair. 20 inches long. Kisli. meat and fowl, all cooked to a juicy \ ' iu 'i > "?^i aro 25 * 00 ' ► (jiiality hats upward to 81.49 and tenderness, with all the natural gravy retained. • W v « not ° ,>1.98. Grey switches of fine wavy hair. 20 inches.: Makes „ second-class cut a first-class roast. f / - - y I'eautilul triinined hats in charming crea- 52.9.J Seamless, round corners, oval bottom. Self- / IVITaH f X a 4" T?Ill" iihi is. expressing the last word in style, are t austoi mat ions ol tine wa\\ ha ir. sl. -lo li a st iug aud self-browning in meat s own juices """"- 1.71 v* 11 • CL> AHI iiiiliiiK ready demand at $4.95. Me\ translorniations ol fine wa\y hair. UI)( | j-j-.tjiins the full appetizing aroma and fla-i VlSßßfiß«S"*»yV , - , « _ second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. t „ , $1.05 vor> Verv economical. Applies the heat even-, — . . A! ' the popular shades, except white and ] v . insuring quick and thorough roasting. Needs \ 1 lv U fc> t' v 111 ; Timely News About Heav- f r .". made .. you f. <".%•% in ,wo " iZM - ste " °" '\\\ ' piete Your Wardrobe ier Underwear for Wo- ; ! ' B "' i, as ' sl ' so ' < " men and Children New Girdles Wear-ever Seamless Double Roaster, at Important Disposal miriUSl"^iT'u^parerfOT'ir^'iJ'emrwMr* 1 *" 41 Women's heavy cotton fleece lined vests and A new girdle will add distinction to vour fl;98-vahie $3.20; with rack one inch fro,,, tailL 1/ldyUdOl , pants, white and peeler color. Each... dress. We arc showing new. fam-y effects i„ bottom, ventilator in end; onl, a limited quan- -q, r f ► Women so(>e bleached vests and pants: fleece the P°P ulai ' sll ades «»Oc to 52.00 _ . . S| , vl OIIUCO Ol 111161- hands in silk and knitted styles, are ► lined: silk finish and pearl buttons. Kach. 39<* Mam FIoor—BOWMAN'S. d ,n® Aluminum Skillet at \alut 250 and 500 „• , , ————sl.9B; well made, heavy weight, fine finish; No. _4- X T* *"« „ , ► Women s natural wool vests and pants, silk 8 size J RlUllV Mates-Street dress shirts feature nobby stripe , finish and pearl buttons. Each SI.OO JQ-mOTYOW !S the LSSf Nesco Aluminum Tea Kettles at $1.69- , . . , , , f ►. 1 mldreii S bleached vests aud pants, fleece ' v ~,WI lw " 1J fl,t ...i,,.. w ; h, . ill( i dto cq. ~i 10 ;,... 0 f \„ 7 or v„ And evei'V member ot the taillllv may At SI.OO are new patterns 111 per ► i'"''' l :l " sizes. Kach 250 o*sl# r\ iD~ 1% \AI I i® s ' Zt '- secure two pail* of these serviceable ( ' a ' e s ' , i l 'ts. All have attached cutis. ► bildren s heavy e.ftton fleece lined union US) OT U3DV VV66K Decorated German China, at 69c -value shoes almost for the same price as For the man who does not wear a belt wc suits white and peeler color. Each, 500 7 T , | 98c : comb and brush trays; chocolate pots, salad! one pair would usually cost. Note the , recommend President suspenders. need at 1 hiklren s _>e heavy cotton fleece lined o-morrow wej bowls, nut bowls, cake and chop plates, marma-' snlendirl vnlnos . vests: peeler color; seconds. Each 150 bring to a closeh a j e j arß( syrup pitchers. ' The Visor 4-in-l Sweater for men—worn 111 k Complete lines of Munsing vests, pants andi mos ' Jardinieres at 690—value 98c; choice new! Baby Shoes of soft black vici kiilskiu; values four different ways; black, navy, oxford and union suits for women and children, cotton, siiccesslul Baby (j,. s jg ns _ ! U P t0 $ 1 -00; pair 4»c maroon, all sizes; priced at $3.98 ► wool and cotton and silk and wool: medium JL Week events 011 Ba,oment—BOWMAN'S. Children's Shoes of various leathers, and excel- Monito Half Hose—double soles and high, ► and heavy weight. record. I o say that lent quality; values $1.25 to $1.75; pair 7»c ; Bp |j ced heels: silk lisle in black and colors, at, ► Complete lines of Merode hand silk finished ! wc thoroughly en-j . Boys* Shoes—gun metal, blucher lace shoes, with 250. Thread silk in black and colors at 500 .underwear for women: cotton, wool and cotton LEjft-. ► S ' lk . and ; , r li, L , ?r d heavy weight;| mm woul( i not be a full . J + c Men's Shoes-gun metal, lace and button; the heavyweight underwear, outing flan vests and pants 50c, 76c, sl.oo.and li.SO; union t®;-;-!! evnression of 1H WdlltCu. UUlltS new English last; also heavy double sole black and nel night wear and cashmere hose. suits. SI.OO, sl.oo. $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. J&jjAilie-i ,j ' 1 • brown blucher lace shoes; values $2.50 and $.1.00; Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ► Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S jjTT pleasure m having Marseilles Quilts at S^l.98 —hemmed ready for pair si.»B * S( Ltf ' use: lull double bed size; beautiful patterns Men's Shoes —line ruxset and black gun metal TT CdreivAc+i'fifin . -rr Ui 1 E US ' to select from; value $2.50. button and lace shoes, welted oak soles; smart XX&UCL.KCirCIII6I Oil?2[fc/SLIOHS New ISIaCK Laces 3 L ' It has been a! Marseilles Quilts at $2.50 have slight itnpei- dressy styles; values u P to $4.00; pair $2.98 Cololvd initia i handkerchiefs. 6in a pack \ , ~ i,ui, 1. 1 .. , . . , j iM-,. } it holn in fections, but in many cases we have failed to Women's Shoes—patcjit colt, gun metal and tan liK.gS l iK.gS J this fall, for waists whh HiV new Tuits'and ,noth f^[ urilx « "'arm vvinter apparel for And anything the matter with them: value J^ tt 8,1 «"• the lbt ' vah,c ' All' iin'en 'hmatitehed ' h'andkerchiefa,'.'. .5^ ► founoiig for evening gowns, made over light beUer SectiS? tly e " lal ' ge,, S,o '' ks ° f " ' Mail) Floor-BOWMAN'S Women's Dress Shoes-line tan Russia calf, pat- Beautiful crepe de chine handkerchiefs, in evening shades of net and chiffon. ... lu tions. ' ..... pnt (o|f and Kim metal; nobbv styles; values $1!.50 I all shades * Double width black Chan till v laccs. 4(1 inches! lo ' m . orru «' we nivite the little folks to come to $5.00; pair «a.l« Main Floor —BOWM A N'H. ► wide; yard SI.OO to $2.75 lind ( ' n l°- v ,he last day—the last chance to have „ , JP TVT 1 Women's Overgalters- maile of black cloth; I ~~""—^ ► Mlack ( hantilly lace flouncing. IS to 45 ,V - () " r ! >l( ' 'T ere H, '° timely sugges- IN G W XvIDDOHS vfc iIGCKW6fI,r pair, asc; brown and grey, best grade Over- rj„ „ i-.- ft.. U/vwo ► inches wide. Yard SI.OO to S3 951 tl,ms m baUy noeds: t , , gaiters, pair o»c OUggeSXlOllS 10l llie flOme ' while and _ _ M».vs. Repp , 25( . yd ._ v#lue ;t8 ,. ; wlli „. Knml , (l ~—— Children's Coals in c hevi„, s . brnndcl"*^ ! •« ** ««"' »«<" I . sivSi aS^yi-v^sT' tor sa,h or ► NOVClty Handbags i line, velvet and plush, Imx style and long waisl .More elaborate sets at to $2.00 ; si || ,-fains ► . , , effects; also military detachable capes, trim-i Houtonniere bouquets af 25<> and I I w. riirtains no A Miggesiion—why not lay one or two of med with velvet and fancy collars; sizes 'J to (i 25c moire and taffeta ribbons, 4 and 5 inches S ' «2 49 in sti-inerl «nH these stylish bags away until gift time? Newj years. Priced at ,82.50 to 810.00 wide. Yard 7 15r ' < ocuch 0o l V * r8 '- Q9C \° t . friped and 4 •styles come ... eat hei-desirahle shapes, and i Infants' Knit Toques in white with pink and -V)c Roman stripe ribbons. Yard 25* Snnfait Ouitiina 8 " U - a, " ,V!i: ,1 "' li,,es ' 'dtings—priced at I trimmings, and red and uaw. at $1.50 taffeta ribbons, !) inches wide, new fall nto-0 1 ► SI.OO to 86.00 25<? and 50* i shades. Yard ... 75«- Sunf " t M^ ml ' 40 < V' 9 m Y } Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Sceood Flo.. BOWMAN'S . *! .W-BOWMAN'S. Jl < HARRISBirRC, STAIMN'DKPKN'DEXT. FRIDAY KVENINfi. NOVEMBER b. 1914.