■" 28, 30 and 32 North Third Street Schleisner s Suits hi this season of indecision of both stvle and fabric —it'sVafest to select vour suit at. this store — Every style detail in both skirt and coat will be found here — Fur trimmed—velvet trimmed —sell' trimmed suits. $18.50, $22.30, $25 j Wonderful assortment of suits sell nig at $35, $45 and on up to s<s COAT News atJschleisner's The splendid showing; makes it easy to find a garment to ones own taste — Starting at $5.00 up to $15.00 there is a large selection for misses and small women. Three new models of imported cloths, trimmed with fur, at $27.50. See our Coats for Girls ages six to sixteen years— W. B. aud 0-B and other tine grade Corsets Reduced Selling much below regular prices. SI.OO values special 6Sk* $3.00 values special 51.50 $1.50 values special SI.OO $3.50 values special $1.95 SB.OO Regaliste Corsets $3.50 $11.50 Modart lace front $5.00 $5.00 Regaliste Corsets $2.50 $7.50 Modart lace front $3.25 Sueeesso and Madeline Corsets at exactly 1 •_> original price. HENRY GANNETT IS DEAD Former Harrisburger Was President and a Founder of the National Geographic Society Henry Gannett, formerly of Harris-1 ourg, and president of the National 1 Geographic Society, chairman of the United States Geographic Board and geographer of the United States Geo-1 logical Survey, died at his home in; Washington, D. C.. yesterday afternoon at 2 o'cleok, while his son, Farley' Gannett, of this city, was speeding to his bedside. The son received the news of his father's dying condition yester- j day at 1 o'clock and started imme diately for his bedside. For a third of a century Mr. Gan nett was one of the leading figures in j scientific circles. He was chief "geographer of the United States Geological Survey practically from it > . organization uutil he wa< appointed associate director of the Philippine census in 1902. He was in large meas- j ure the father of the government map making work. Mr. Gannett was one of the leader of the movement l'or the organization of the National Geographic Society and its first secretary. He saw it grow from a handful of scientific men to a membership of more than 300,000. Henry Gannett was born iu Bath.j = -s EARLY CHRISTMAS ARRIVALS THE NEW AND CHOICE IS HERE FOR YOUR APPROVAL This store lias taken on a decided holiday appearance. Cases. counters and windows are filled with beautiful new goods for Christmas. Never before have we made such extensive preparations for the holiday trade. We are pleased so much with the variety and beauty of these new goods that we are anxious for you to see them. The Newest Novelties The Latest Innovations Come in now before the shopping ru9h sets in. You can 'ake your time in looking over our large stock and we can give yon good attention. We shall be pleased to have you make your selections now and we will willingly hold them for you until Christmas if you desire us to do so. SPECIAL NOTICE 1 We have a few of the beautiful diamonds left that we have been offering at the wonderful low prices of SIOO.OO Per Carat We have sold a very large number, ami everybody who bought one is highly pleased. You will probably never have an opportunity to get such beautiful diamonds again. for such low prices. These White, Brilliant Beautifully Cut Diamonds run l in price from $25 to $l5O Each Every article guaranteed as representad. H. C. CLASTER, GEMS--JEWELS—SILVERWARE 302 MARKET ST. M 4 Me., August 24, 1546, and was edu-j j eated at Harvard University. He wa« a member of the Hayden Survey ot' ] i the Territories and assisted in planning | ! the work of the United States Geo | logical Survey when that bureau w::s created. He became chief geographer I of the tenth, eleventh and twelfth ceu- i ! sus and of the Conservation Commis | sion. He was also assistant director of j the Cubau census of 1907. As an author. Mr. Gannett wrote a ! manual of topographical surveying, prepared for the statistical atlases o! 1 SSO. IS9O and 1900, and was author, ; of a commercial geography, a diction- 1 : arv of altitudes and and Stanford ] ' Compendium of Geography. He com piled a number of gazetteers and was | the author of the contour map of the United States, of "Magnetic Declina tions in the United States." and ol ''' Forest Conditions in the United | : States.'" Mr. Gannett was also a contributor to mauv of the standard encyelopae I dias. He was a member of the Cosmo:- j j Club, the Vmerican statistical Asso ciatiou and the Washington Academy of Science. The National Geographic ; i oftice-i will be closed on the day of the. funeral and the building will be draped j j in mourning. Nutty •• I never saw a man so crazv over, i asparagus as my husband." 'Ms lie?"! "Why. would you bel ie v.. it, he want i ed to call the baby Asparagustus."— j Boston Transcript. HARRTSBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 6. 1914. (HARMING SINGER COMING Miss Ruth Roye, at Orpheum Next Week. Won Fame in One Night The season's new sensation in the way of a eharming singer cf popular songs i< Miss Kutli Roye, who makes her early local appearance at the Or- I heum next week, after a six weeks' successful engagement at the l'alaic theatre in New York City. MISS RUTH ROYE An interesting feature about Mi - Rove 's high standing as a singing com edienne is the fact that -die is one of . the few footlight aspirants whose | j duanis came true, to the exteut that ' they wiu fame almost over uight. Be fore the present season Miss Hove wa practically unheard of. But after he:- us in e flamed in incandescent lights for six weeks at Broadway's moft impoi taut vaudeville theatre it began to mean someth ng. Critics have described her as a beauty, say she looks lovely, that she 1 I is distinctly original in her rendition of tuneful song hits amt that ehe is a dynamo of magnetism. Miss Rove appears at the Orpheum next week as one of the important Keith hits grouped about "The l.awn '.Party, an inesistiible juvenile produc tion, abounding wifb goo I songs, good fun and loads of youthful frolic. Adv. BANQUET CLOSES REUNION Ahnual Fall Meeting of Scottish Rite Masons Ends To-night The fall reunion of Scottish Kite Masons will close to-night with a ban- I quet at the Masonic Temple. Uist night the seventeenth and eighteenth degrees were given at the Scottish liite cathedral. W. H. H. Baker presiding. At 7.30 o'clock the former Knights of the East am> the West were exempli fied and the latter Knights of Rose Croix followed at S o'clock. Las>t night's ceremonies weer concluded with a business session o' the Harrisburg consistory at 10 o'clock. BUYS ILLINOIS NEWSPAPER former Purchases "Even ing News" at Springfield Philadelphia. Nov. 6. —J. David Stern, formerly a Philadelphia newspa i per man. has purchased the Springfield. 1 111.. "Evening News'' and has assumed I control of both the editorial and busi- I ncss department ! Mr. Stern is a graduate of the Ini ! versity of Pennsylvania. About three i >ears ago he purchased the New Bruns | wick "Times." an evening paper, which he sold last spring. t •» 28, 30 and North Third Street Men s Clothing Store Distinctive styles for young; men— Suits and Overcoats Here is a man's store with real city ideas —correct cut in $15.00 and $25.00 garments. BANK STATEMENTS. REPORT OF THK CONDITION OF THE First National Bank ill Harris-burg. in the state of Pennsyl vania. at the oiose of business. October 31, 1»14: RESOURCES Loans and discounts $757,171 70 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 1,037 l\ S. Bonds to secure circu lation lOU.OOO 00 s. Bonds to secure t T . S. deposits 05,000 00 Dther bonds to secure t*. S. deposits. $20,000; to se cure Postal Savings, s•">.- 000 1M.525 00 Bonds, securities, etc. (other lhaii stocks) SOO.Otili 40 All other stocks 42.847 70 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 15.268 57 Other real estate owned... 5.06 a 18 Due from National banks (not reserve agents) "»7,01i7 84 Due from State and private banks and bankers, trust companies and savings,.. 7.907 20 Due from ap proved lteserve Agents in Cen tral Reserve Cities $31.05)4 S8 Due from up proved Reserve Agents in other Reserve Cities. 159.810 S • V 190,911 73 (Checks and other cash items 5,702 28 Exchanges for Clearing House 40,374 57 Xotes of other National Banks 1,280 00 fractional paper currency. ntckels and cents 515 43 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie £5,983 00 ! Legal tender notes.. 0.561 00 | lertem-ption fund with I*. S. I Treasurer (5 per cent, of | circulation) 5,000 00 Total $2,138,855 99 LIABILITIES I 'apMai > »ck paid in sino,ooo 00 , Surplus fund 450,000 00 1 Cndivided protits, less ex penses and taxes paid.... 5L.502 29 Res i ved for taxes 1.849 21 National bank notes out i standing 98,300 00 i Due to oilier National Banks, 54.279 S4 j Due to Trust Com-panies • J and Savings Banks 1 1 1.878 39 ! Dde to ap proved Reserve Agents in Cen tral Reserve Cities $10,032 17 Due to ap proved Re jer\ e Agents in o'her Reserve Ciries, 41,193 36 Individual deposits subject to check, 839,509 92 D*»:n-y>fP r»ertiJieates of de- Posit 4,u00 00 Tltife deposits payable after 30 days or after notice of 30 days or longer 306,207 12 Certified clicks 338 72 i Cashier's checks outstand ing 21,50S 36 j rnited Slates deposits. ... 43,952 39 i Postal Savings deposits... 2,904 22 j '1 trial $2,138,855 99 St it j of Pennsylvania, j County of Dauphin, ss: I. .Fames Brady. President of tiie above j ramcM bank, no solemnly swear that ! the above statement i* true to the best 1 of my knowledge and belief. JAMES BRADY. President. Su.fscr.'o -d and sworn to before me t-iis- 6th da\ of November. 1914. G. u cuFjLmer RY. Notary Public. M' ornmission will expire February i 27, 1915. Correct—Attest: C. 11. BACKENSTOE. WJI. FENNINGS. •JNO. I'OX W EISS, Directors. USELESS SAFE Strong Bo:; With Under It Satis fies Burglars in Office of Cap ital City Junk Company Leaving in exchange a jimmy o!' unusual proportions, a knife and a burglar lamp, tno "cracksmen" who found it unnecessary to ''craek - ' the sate in the office of the Capital City Juiil< and l!ag Company, Tenth and Walnut streets, made awav with Jls i ill i-urreney. when frightened away. They were evidently familiar' with ! the building and did not have to break a door to net in and on entering re j paired immediately to the safe, which they foupd unlocked according to the ! police. Being also familiar with a . strong box which is kept under the safe they secured the contents of that. Their leaving the "tools of the trade" behind, 'euds the police to believe that I they wore frightened away, but there is nothing about the tools to identify the men. as the jimmy and all weie • homemade. The Capital City Junk and Rag | Company is operated by M. Baturin, ; H. Zuekerman and A. Freedman. They ' discovered the robbery when opening : up for business this morning. I G. L. O. GRAUL TRANSFERRED Superintendent of Semet-Solvay Com pany Ordered to South Chicago , ' Lebanon, Nov. 6. —G. L. O. Graul, ; superintendent of the iSemet-Solvay Company plant at North Lebanon fur ; I naces of the Pennsylvania Steel Com pany. has been ordered to (Miutli Chi ago. Illinois, to take up special work j and will leave here on November 15 for the West. He will sue,-eeded here as super intendent by A. H. Von Bayer, of Ash I land. Kentuvky, who has had a wide - and successful experience in the man- , 1 agenient of jjemet-Solvav plants. [ To Plan Mummers' Parade Plans for the Ne>w Year's Day pa rnde will btt made at a meeting of the » Hairisburg Mummers' Association this - evening at the Mayor's office. All . affiliated organizations will have repre j eentatives present. BANK AND TRUST COMPANY : STATEMENTS ; REPORT OK THE CONDIT ION of the Mechanics Trust Company I of Harrisburg. Third and Market i streets, of Dauphin County. Pennsylva nia. at the close of business November] 2, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $74,748 Jo Due from ap proved reserve agents 108,960 is Legal securities at par 45,000 00 Nickels and cents -til 91 Cl'ccks and cash items, ... -7,145 18 Due from banks and trust companies not in reserve 5,540 04 j Assets held free, viz— Commercial paper purchased: Upon two or more names $221,288 37 Loans upon call with col lateral 165,661 90 ' Time loans with collateral, 161,638 ill ] Loans without collateral... 209,97 1 85 1 Bonds, stocks, etc 276,552 0" ] Mortgages and judgments of record 231,615 62 Overdrafts 1 66 ! Other assets not included in above 15,170 95 Book value of reserve se curities above par 197 50 Total $1,544,354 24 I LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 5300.00J 00 Surplus fund 300,000 00 Individual deposits subject to check (exclusive of trust funds and savings). 463.794 01 Time certificates of deposit (exclusive of trust funds , and savings) 369.810 20 Deposits, saving fund (ex clusive of trust funds),.. 9,932 60 Deposits, municipal 60,000 00 Due to banks, trust com panies, etc., not in re serve 13,596 12 Treasurer's and certified checks outstanding >',187 62 Other liabilities not in cluded In above 1 7,267 69 Book value of reserve se | curities below par 1,766 00 Total $1,544,354 2 4 Amount of trust funds in vested, . $83,584 38 Amount of trust funds un invested 72 86 Total trust funds $83,657 24 CORPORATE TRUSTS t Total amount (i. e. face value) of trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Company as Trustee to secure is- I sues of corporate bonds. ! including Equipment trusts $75,000 00 J State of Pennsylvania, County of Dauphin, ss; 1. John C. Motter, Treasurer of the above named company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and lie j lief. (Signed) JOHN C. MOTTER, Treasurer. i Subscribed and sworn to before me I this 6th day of November. 1914. i I .Signed) EMMA A. KEEXY. i (Notarial Sea!) Notary Public. I Correct—Attest: : t Signed) .1. 11. TROUP. ROSS OENSEAGER. HENRY C. CLASTER. Directors. j STATEMENT OF THE Hershey Trust Co. HERSHEY, PENNSYLVANIA November 2, 1914 RESOURCES Cash ou Hand and in Banks $018,388.80 Loans and-Commercial Paper 75,883.37 Demand Loans 110,537.30 Loans Secured by Mortgages, 107,010.03 Bonds and Stocks 957,130,05 Miscellaneous Assets 121,518.05 $ 1,800,500.20 LIABILITIES (apital : <125,000.00 Surplus 125,000.00 Undivided Profits, 00,333.15 Deposits: Individual 1,351,155.03 Interest Certificates 170,500.08 Banks, ; 10,502.10 $ 1,800,500.20 OFFICERS M. S. HERSHEY. President AV. H. LEBKICKER, Vice President S. C. STECHKR, Sec'v anil Treasurer THE Dauphin Deposit Trust Co.' 213 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. November 2, 1914. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Casb and Cash Items, sl3-1,327.30 < apital, .. $300,000.00 J Due from Banks. . 302,181.40 Surplus 300,000.00 j United States Bonds Undivided Profits,. 53,000.00 < 4 per cent, at Deposits,* 2,712,388.10 j Par 150,000.00 Due to Banks, ... 17,741.85 Loans and Invest ments 2,087,114.70 Bank Building, .. 50,000.00 Overdrafts, 107.15 93,413,730.01 $3,113,730.01 Trust Funds $478,850.02 DONALD MeCORMICK, President ROBERT MeCORMICK, Treasurer ! BANK AND TRUST COMPANY STATEMENTS I No. r.BP. I EE PORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE 1 Harrisbuig National Bank. 1 at Harrisburg, in the state of Pennsyl ! vania. at the close of business October ! 31. 1914: RESOURCES. i Loans and discounts $1,208,970 07 ; Overdrafts, secured and un secured 2,654 71 i I*. S. Bonds deposited to se i cure circulation 300,000 00 U. S. Bonus to secure U. S. deposits, 30,000 00 Other bonds to secure U. S. ! deposits, $20,000.00; to se cure Postal Savings. $5.- | 000 20,000 00 1 U. S. Bonds on hand 11.000 00 I Bonds, securities, etc. (oth er than stocks) 230,231'96 | Stock in Federal Reserve i Bank; all other stocks,.. 1.32". 00 Bunking House, l'ur.'.ilure und fixtures 1,000 00 | Other real estate owned... '_3.992 90 j Dun froin National banks (not reserve agents) 101,254 07 Due from State and pri | vate banks and bankers, * 1 trust companies and sav ' iiigs 131.959 7li I Due from approved reserve agents in other reserve cities 92,212 00 | Checks and other casn items 20,498 40 | Exchanges for Clearing j House 21,965 21 I Notes of other National 1 banks 63.155 00 | Fractional paper currency, ; nickels and cents 1,384 46 ' Law till money reserve In I bank, viz: I Specie $93,51 I 70 Legal-tender notes 25,640 00 ! Redemption fund with U. S. ! Treasurer <5 per cent, of circulation 15.000 00 , Due from I". S. Treasurer, 500 00 Total $2,409,616. B6 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $300,000 00 ; urplus fund 350,000 00 1 ! Undivided profits, less e\- > penses and taxes paid,.. 81,722 SO 1 National bank notes out : j standing 291,100 00 Due to other National ' banks 170.256 55 , 1 Due to trust companies and ' ; savings banks .'.,810 70 . | Due to approved reserve ' I agents in central reserve • | cities 1,521 67 1 ; Dividends unpaid, ........ 451 75 "! Individual deposits subject to check 91 1,020 76 Time deposits payable after .10 days or after notice of 30 days or longer 205,963 IS Certiticd checks 599 51 Cashier's checks outstand ing ,000 49 ! United Stales deposits 2 1,469 09 ( Postal savings deposits... ,:,06:; 10 Total $2,109,G10 56 State of Pennsylvania. County of Dau ! i phin, ss: I. W. L. Gotgas, cashier of the above-named ban:;, do solemnly swear " that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief W. Li. GORGAP. Cashier. ; Subscribed and sworn to before me this stii day of November. 1911. CLINTON M. H-CRSHEY. Notary Public. orrect—Attest: THOMAS T WIFRMAX. HENRY A. KELKER. JR.. A. S. McCREATH. . j Directors. BANK AND TRUST COMPANY STATEMENTS BUPOITT OK THIS' CON UiT ION ■■ OK THE Sixth Street Bank, )F Hariieburg. No. -100 N. Sixtli street, >t Pauphin County Peiniwvl v HIIIH. at* LIU close of husiiiosH -Novemlier I'JH: Kt-f-OUKCfcis. '-MRVC fund, 'ash, «peoip anil notes S-T.LUU 7.'. )Ue from approv ed reserve AGENTS 31,571) ON NICKELS and cents Ml' SM JheeKs and cash items,... 1,094 .'I3 Securities pledged for ["PE DAL deposits 7,000 00 \sset.s held free, vln: Bills discount ed'. Upon one name $5,000 00 Kills discount ed: Upon two or more names, . . IS.-0J ritne Uians with collateral. -,:100 00 •nans 0.1 call Willi collat eral ; 1.24:1 00 Loans on call upon one name 150 90 Loans on caii Qpou two ur more names IS.SIS 00 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages . . |o" londs, stocks, etc.. Sched ule U II;,:,::" Mortgages an <l judgments of record. Schedule D-", 14.(i1K ON Office building aud lot 23.150 00 Furniture ana fixtures ii, l"0 00 3verdrafts N,"> 71 Total $535,G45 81 LIABILITIES. Capitol «lo.'k paid in s»n.niMi <>•> Surplus funds 20,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid,... #.187 ",S Individual depos its subject to check, ....... I lu3,Ntiii 31 Time certificates of deposit 46,765 Tr_' Saving fund de posits 259,973 95 Deposits, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, . 15,000 00 Deposits. U. S. postal savings, . 33s 12 Deposits, munici pal 29.507 7 7 Certified checks,. 7 JII Cashier's checks outstanding. . . 595 60 „ 450,: L.", J 01 Dividends unpaid 103 22 To'" 1 $535,(45 SI State of Pennsylvania. County of L>au pliln. ss: T K. \J Albert Kroehllch. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the aho\e sialeiuent. is tru,» to the nest of my knowledge anil belief. (Signed) F. L. AI.IiIOUT KKOKHLIOH Cashier. ■Subscribed and sworn to before me this st!l day of November 1;»11. (Signed) A. M. I.ANMS. Alderman, Sixth Ward. Correct — Attest: (Signed) H. (5. GALRUAITII. J. K. RKICKKK. ROBERT A. ENDERS. Dlractors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION' of the Allison Mill Trust Com pan v of Harris burs, Xo. 1301 Market street, of Dauphin County. Pennsylvania. the close of business November .. lull. RESOURCES Rt -serve Fund: Cash, specie and notes sl9,s 70 85 Due from approv ed reserve agents, i»l Nickels and cents 470 s;i Checks and cash items, ... 6,.'? Il» 7"» Due from banks and trust companies not in reserve. Ilu 17 Securities pledged for bills payable 33.140 u0 Commercial paper purchased: Upon one name, $7,745 75 Upon two or more names 222,890 Loans upon call with col lateral _ 7,5U0 Time loans with collateral. 50,2 ISs > Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 7.000 ''»• Bonds, stocks, etc., 512 7"» Mortgages and judgments of record on Oilice building and lot, ... li 1!,-! "8 Other real estate. in Furniture and fixtures, . . . 1 Overdrafts J7 71 Other assets not included iu above 15.:!-2 71 Total, SO7 u. 7 71» Is' LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $125,000 on Surplus fund . 30,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and ta\os paid.... Individual deposits subject to check (exclusive of trust funds and savings). !♦!*. 71 Time certilicates of deposit (exclusive of trust funds and savings) 2_.i1.7 t»9 Deposits, saving fund (ex clusive of trust funds and savings'* 17 -J. !»!M Deposits, municipal 30.000 00 Due to banks, trust com panies, etc.. not in re serve 508 o- Dividends unpaid ?»8 00 Treasurer's and certified checks outstanding '.IIM 20 Rills payable on demand, .. 15,000 00 Bill-} payable on time, mort gage bonds sold on guar anteed 150.700 On Other liabilities not in cluded iu above 4,07r; V! Total Si» 7 0.7 71» 1S Amoutit of trust funds in vested $18,053 35 Amount of trust funds un invested 672 H Total trust fund.* $18,725 3ft State of Pennsylvania. County of Dauphin, ss. I. Alfred G Eden. Treasurer or the above named company, do solemnl * swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) ALFREDO. EDEN. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th dav of November. 1911. (Signed) JOHN E. GIPPLE. (Notarial Seal> Notary Public. Correct—Attest: (Signed) YV. M. MOEKNEU. E. N. LP, 80. T. J. ALT MOUSE. Pit fr-tor.V At the Photoplay From the scene in the Broadway Star Feature picture. "My Official Wife," in which the beautiful and fas rinating Helene Marie. Cjuoen of Nihil ists, vows to go to Russia on a secret mission, until her lovely body is seen floating on the waves beside lie- noble Russian lover, the pictures carries us through a maze of adventure. "Mv Official Wife" was written b> Richard Henry Savage and was dramatized for stage pttrposes over a decade ago. The picturized version is in five parts and is one of the strongest dramas of Rus sian life ever filmed. The atmosphere of the Czar's domains is cleverly car ried through the entire story, while eon trusted views of peasant life and Rus sian society give a vivid glimpse of conditions as they actually exist. Clara Kimball Voung, who piny> the beautiful nihilist, is an admirable Helene Marie, her face revealing the rapt soul of the young plotter i'o lib erty. Miss Voung is ably supported by Earle Williams, Harry Morcy, L. Rogers Lvtton and a star cast of Vitagraph players. "My Official Wife" will be the feature attraction at the Photoplay to-day. Along with a two-act Vitagraph re leave. "Good-bye Summer," in which Norma Talmadge and Antonio Mareno. the ideal couple, are featured. This is a Vitagraph Day at the Photoplay. Adv. School Board Meeting The Harrisburg School Board will meet to-night in regular session. Rou tine business will be transacted.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers