The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 06, 1914, Image 16

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    (IT ~ =^\
Q»\* r\_ 0 . . 19c to 25c part linen huck towels. Extra special Saturday onlv, (\ r\
SAimjfcmimvfmtvMHl Sxhs*. is aoldrer,l,rlsr SJvw&yifcmmVV^A <»*
™""™" til Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor.
A Milliner's Sacrifice Brings Women Who Delight in Smart! Suits of the Better Class for
These Dressy Modelsat $4:95 Fo 2T^ wi «l i fe Th lc nR' eS Mi sses and Women
y. N S^ les ; alued f *! ( ?: 00 women's dttii nut m pa.i. b„,,o n ,i,l, Ji „n tl.e m „di»h i„,, g Specially Reduced for To-morrow
jrjr ( )oug t a niaKci s output or leHJ tinu- vamp last with hand welted'soles and high spool heels, 55.00 r rom our own regular stock have come the attractive values
med hats, all trimmed within the past two Women's patent eolt and dull calf button shoes with black cloth tops, announced here for to-morrow. In some stvles there are onlv
JB- weeks and expressing the latest effects in Goodyear welted oak leather soles with French and Cuban heels, $4.00 two or three garments of a kind •in othpi- ~•!«»'« +hoi-,> mat' Un mi Ur
# Shapes and trimmings, and offer the finest Women's patent colt oyergwtor button boots with fawn cloth tops, plain J °!;
Jf qualities and smartest stvles that have "arrow toe last hand welted soles with French heels, y ....?4.50 November event alto S etheronellimdredßUltsentertlllsß P ecial
/ y.P . i,,1 • women s patent colt overgaiter button boots with grey and fawn cloth event.
I s0 " J' 11S Season at t( ,p S ma d e on i on g vam p last with plain toe, Goodyear welted soles with rancy weave suits in redingote style with a lonjr
I variety ot styles IS large, and while French heels $4.00 rever pf cloth and decorative collar of velvet. The Jpfm
kMK&GEa they are mostly of black velvet there are I Women's gunmetal calf and patent colt button shoes, long vamp, Goodyear waist is trimmed with broad bands of Hercules braid yljl
some models in navv and brown Everv hat ' welted oak leather soles, liigh Cuban heels, $4.00 a .nd hi aid ornaments; the back of the coat is embel- .\ \
1 ity'jk is smartlv trimmed and a commanding val- I ln t w, "" e "' B gn " m , etal «■» R » B ? ia lace shoes, latest English a^ ed f^ n covered buttolls in >
I '?■>---jrs? X •i-QE * : last with heavy Goodyear welted soles and low Hat Heels ...$4.50 an(l Copenhagen $12.50 jjjgT ,; \_ ~f
I «Jv*.sJO. Women's patent, colt, gun metal calf and black kidskin button and lace $18.50 redingote serge suits with a long coat trim- MSL ' i\ W
VntL ~A A A Sif? tr» Ssl I\lp»\x/ CT* /*"* f~\ s ' loes > Goodyear welted soles, high Cuban or low military heels, $3.50
JgKy' *\, IU JJIvJ i >C\\ I Women's black kidskin button and lace shoes, Comfort toe last with kid or sleeves and finished with small acorn buttons in brown, V}i
I Dress HfltS } patent leather tips, Goodyear welted soles, low heels, $3.00 navy blue and black. Reduced to $15.00 N[ »
JHRFgrffe * *»' Dives, Pomerov & Stewart. Street Floor, Kenr. ! *' ne quality serge suits in medium lengths, with i j
Several dozen smart dress hats closed Ollt : _____ trimmings of narrow bands of velvet and velvet cov- V .
MT- to us at such a concession that we can give T 1 £T T ered buttons in navy blue and black $16.50 v wT i
JsSr fa - S e js? v t a «BV« p " nt ' , ' u hats offer<,<l h ' ! Important bale or Human f &-•*/ \
• fiwf r* • a V * f T * P • J 1 to the more elaborate trimmed styles; collars are fin- ' ' [/*>
I ' n rll X W1 to M ished with velvet and fine braid and the s ' ia( 'es include
Hundreds of Untrimmed Hats reduced A , _ plum, na\y blue, tete de negre and black. These
Wmk t0 - «* »'«• ** Actual $2.50 and $3.50 Grades to QQ
Tt- Special lot. of Trimmed Hats reduced Be Sold tO-mOrrOW for .... trimmed with broad bands of crushed plush on coat
tn Sil fm-\\t -ii + t tu a , « JiiKi skirt; the coat buttons high at the throat. A jaunty ImMllp™ %
Emm to WO 101 oatuiaay. We will present for the first time to-morrow the most interesting display of suit for misses and women of average size in navv \\
4 v l° w priced human hair switches that we have had in many months. The black, plum, brown and green $25.00 *
f Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. i showing will feature 20 and 24-inch goods, of a kind usually offered at $2.50 New arrivals in velveteen suits with trimmings of crushed plush or fur and
™ » Three Elevators. and SJ.oO; in brown, drab and black. Specially priced at 98< i the skirts with tunics or in the new circular style, $32.50 and $35.00
Men's Beach Coats Vests "Flag" Canned Products, Best in the Market, A New American Lady
A Special Sale To-morrow Now On Sale in the Basement Grocery Corset to Be Presented
The Men's Wear Store promises exceptional values to-morrow
With Each Purchase of SI.OO 25 lbs. of Sugar A Q
in this sale of Beach coats and vests: Will Be Offered for l|) 1. A O 1 OmOITOW
sl.t>o vests to qo for $1.25 We are exclusive distributors of I EUREKA SOUPS: all varieties; < \ ™,
SB.OO Beach Coats for ~>o "FLAG" brand products in Harris- | can, sc; dozen r,sc DRIED BEEF; choice country 'he bust is cut in a medium height and the skirt follows the
- I Pulled PIGS in boxes, lie chred, Hlb 10c . .
~ . , , „ , . ... "PI,AG" TOMATOES, whole solid Pitted PRUNES. i>aclia"c i"c LEBANON BOLOGNA, lb., Ones or the better kind ot corsets with a slightly tapering waist.
Cardigan jackets, for men who require a warm, serviceable gar- packed in large sanitary tins. Each, New seeded RAISINS, packaue. 28c
ment that is free from bulkiness, with high cut and lapel styles, at W a Virw ' 'mi>M ,;{c LUNCHEON LOAF, lb., 28c An actual $2.00 model tor $1.50
0 ' • FLAG MAINE CORN, the | New cleaned CURRANTS nick- MINCED JIAM, lb 20c
95£ to $4.50 finest packed. Can, 15c; doz., $1.70 | age " ' |;{ c BOILED HAM. sliced, lb., :s»c Dives ' Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators.
A f .ui . . ... , , t "FLAG" "Extra Sifted" Early I Choice Santa ciara PRUNES DAUPHIN COUNTY SAU-
Men 8 blue chambray shirts, dou- | Fast black cashmere half hose. Garden PEAS. Can, 18c; dozen, | 2 lbs 25c SAGES, in one pound packages, '
ble sewn; pocket and collar attached. 25c $•» (>0 1 Knw < ulii'Ar ' r>pil'ii L'j '■> \7 ion
Women's and Children's
work shirts 76c V"Y' / Vm,'™ Fancy PAPER SHELL AL-1 BI]GAR CURED BACON, 4
Fast black cashmere half hose ranqj hand packed TOMATObS, MONDS, lb, *»9 C sliced, lb l»8c
Underwear and Hosiery j | .o„ ,Underwear
■fnv TVTpti ' WALDORF PORK \ND BK\NS I\l h.o, quart, lUc
j Fast black cotton half hose in 3 regular 10c 23c ! ® sweet and sour >anc.v PENNSYLVANIA RED White eotton ribbed fleece lined i White cotton ribbed fleece lined
„ .. _ .. . . light, medium and heavy weight, Golden State ASPARAGUS. 26 PICKLES, in.Mason top jars, ..12c i APPLES, 2-quart measure 8c vests, with drawers to match. Each, j union suits, 50c to $1,125
12Hc spears to ',2. : tc J " ar « e J ars of QUEEN OLIVES. I „,Three packages long MACA- 25c Children's white eotton ribbed
brown and Wick Each -.00 New DATES in packages, . . 10c ! „ .. T „„ as c j R( - )M 25c White cotton ribbed fleece lined vests; fleece lined. Each 25c
/ ' BOVS' Lined Kid GIOVOS Sandwich OLIVES, tall bottles. r vesta, silk trimmed; drawers to Children's white cotton ribbed un-
Heavy Jaeger color cotton fleece ! ' Tuicv new FIORJIU fiP "* I " c i COFFEE AND TEA match. Each 39c ion suits; fleece lined 50c
lined shirts and drawers. Each, 50c ANGFS V»l" ' 4 " s. 1 PURITY COFFEE; the fir,est Whitc CHtto " "bbed fleece lined Children's white wool union suits;
, . j ° UC dozen " P , 1 PIMENTO stuffed OLIVES, I to be had. 1 lb. cans, ....40c yests silk trimmed; regular and ex- all sizes.
Heavy natural wool shirts and i I , I BANQUET- a vr>w rinii»inii<> tra sizes, with drawers to match. Children s white wool ribbed un
drawers 75c to 82.00 A special purchase with quirk Large fancy FLORIDA GRAPE Margejars 28c | blend lb " Each 50c I derwear. Each 50c
| fingers: soft pliable kid leather; snap FRUIT, 4 for 25c V ■ ' ,1, ' ■„! C
Heavy scarlet wool shirts and ; button fastener; sizes 0 to 8. Spe- Choice ALMERIA GRAPES, New Full CREAM CHEESE, lb., i.'-'riTn ° i A'I.VV C \\\ 1 PL!]
drawers. Each $1.251 ciai 50c sound and sweet. 2 ibs 25c 2«c tka n JAP^' N Hosiery tor W omen and L.niiaren
i CAS ABA MELONS. Spe.ial, i PIMENTO CHEESE, lb 27c VuiiJi'v.'v/u.'rn''...' rp,'.'.' '
* Heavy cotton ribbed fleece lined E, V lined tan gauntlet gloves, 50c IMPORTED SWEJTZER, lb.. :!5c i , ~A v J '•'A—very Women's fast black cotton fleece I fleece lined hose 25c
111110118,1115 *l-00 39c and 50c California VALENCIA OR i DOMESTIC SWISS. 11, 28c <a . Hif ' "u 5C lined hose 12*£ cl Children's fast black heavy cot-
Rnva' honvTT mttnn «,«■. Hn.RT > A ti, • <7e r j * ANGES, large size, ilozen, . .34c ■ CLEAR BROOK BUTTER, lb., u .> , K ' ' Women's fast black fleece lined ton ribbed seamless hose, .. . 12i£c
Hoys neavy cotton neece lined Bovs and youths <oc lined tan . '* lb., l»>c; j bs., I2Br i i • •* i j A. I , > » » i . » i
shirts and drawers. Each 25c I gauntlet gloves, .... . .... . 50c ;!((c V hose; plain or ribbed tops, . ,25c Infants black cashmere hose,
* b tvr rut- P i . 4 l> . Women s fast black split sole 1 l- r 2C
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. > f 1 t-asement.
1 1 i ——— mm. ——__—Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
The Popularity of Balmacaans Is Gloves of Genuine Merit Moderately Priced
pi y-k 1 A • • t ! At frequent intervals within the past month we've been fortunate in receiving
ShnWfl Kt7 fhp Artivifr; I n I ll it* 'IE. I from France and Germany jjarts of our orders for Winter doves.
* w y | . p , T"" Ik- Moderately priced are these new lines: . i
S v Jot hmcr Sppfintl I K 2-elasp kid gloves in whitc, tan. grey and blaek; ( Two-clasp kid gloves with Paris points and 3
f~% | regular s'l.oo quality. Special, 85£ 1 rows of self and black embroidery; in grey, tan,
\ One-clasp cape gloves, in tan, with prix scains, white and black. Pair,
Another Shipment of New Styles Ready for Saturday iHp.K \\ o „e.,.i, sp w »•„„ J£lZ jTLMtCT-M f wrT"
■ mvr'i V U \ - \ v spear points; in tan and black. Pair, ...$1.25 $1.75 to $2.25
D/N/V4CIO ar\ COIT /■ v-hi \ \ 1 One-clasp kid gloves with P. K. seams, in tan, Two-clasp cashinerette gloves in brown, navy,
KegUlar SIZ.OU to Orades at /'lm ; OU.v!\ \ | white and black Pair, $1.50 grey and black .25* and 50*
V \ I Leatherette 2-clasp styles, in tan, white, Two-clasp silk gloves, suede or silk lining. Pair,
ll fe) ' r(, - v ' biscuit and natural. Pair, to and SI.OO
II I ll I j Marabou Neckwear: Muffs Braid Pins Reduced
%AJ wMKwjsm ' ,n,.» ba»...a,f«t
trnfjak \ \! there are SO many mild rail and \\ Intel dayß jn„ news from the Notion Department. Choose to-morrow
AI j . when furs are really unnecessary. We show many from this lot at 10c and :*sc
Men ana young men must be getting more value tor their monev here ' new styles in marabou and marabou and ostrich Mounted braid pins set. with colored stones. Each, 7c
or our business in Balmacaans wouldn't show such a steady increase. We :MMMO%EaO< »t pricj, th»i low
have bought larger quantities of these popular garments this season than ■ ■■Marabou Neck Ruffs finished with a bow of ribbon,
1 £ 1 • 1 • . 11 » ii- , , 'r«l4»fcr ■; ;i'J9!SK kSJ ■; 1 I natural and black 91.2 a v
ever betore, and 1U most instances we have been favored by circumstances ; 1 I Marabou and Ostrich Combination Neck Ruffs in black, Pn+tnn rtnnHc nnwn in Prif»a
that brought the overcoats to us for less than regular wholesale prices. •• I*' \ i natural, black and white, and natural and white. , , , . . ~ .
o • i i l i o I' A i. -i i i n i i . '! )\•.-• frViup \ « s-i . $1.98 and $2.08 2oc washable crepe in plum shades of rose, cadet, helio,
special purcnases ana re-orders trom time to time have kept the stock most inMlilWm l l '\\ 1 Marabou Capes finished with tassels on ends, black and grey and brown. Special, yard 12He
' inviting from the viewpoint of stvle variety, and to-morrow the showing will f |% \\ natural $2.50, ss.s©, $;».»«, $4.50 and s•<.»» 25c silk musiin in self color »ik dots, special, yard,
4.1. _ 0 U tl»v4 'vixn&j lis I Marabou and Ostrich Combination Muffs in natural 12>£c
De lOUnu as interesting and the values as attractive as ever. b KjffiA
rn . Hi 71 11 j-i 7 7 1 *i ~ . .... /} '»?•'':« Is!.' ® fi(| \ Marabou Muffs with fancy silk lining, natural and cial. yard 7}£c
lnese Hatmacaayis arc all expertly tailored and have satin sleeve lining, satin lined •« we|| j IVj'al«t ' Qk. ihti \ 1 black $4.08, $5.08, 90.50, 9".50 and $8.05 39c poplin in a silk and cotton weave with dark
yokes and convertible collars. Sizes 3S to 40. J \ I w Divea, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. grounds. Special, yard 4»c
Fancy Mixed Steel Greys Tan and Brown Checks Brown and Grey Checks I llill I \ Flannelette and Knitted Undergarments
Tobacco Browns Light Grey Mixtures Olive Mixtures
' Flannelette gowns, all white, or I Flannelette gowns, pink or blue I T styles at. SI.OO
Dark BrOWn and Red Mixtures 'f vj' ; 3 pink and blue or grey stripes, turn- stripes, turn-over collar or collailess 6 styles at $1.50
0 | |9h jsS '■> ' | over collar or collarlcss styles, collar styles 50c Jersey petticoats, jersey or messa-
ClO p;n Dolmoao.n. of t>Q en if 1q an t-,„i ,p. 0 rl «K| j | .'Eg' and cuffs trimmed with hemstitching Short knitted skirts, white or grey line flounce, navy, raisin, plum,
SIZ.DU JBdimacaanS ai Jpo.OU oIO.UU maimacaans at <pxo.OU ■I 'Si J or scalloiied edge, with plain or colored border, Copenhagen, emerald, Russian green,
$15.00 Balmacaans at SIO.OO $20.00 Balmacaans at $16.50 I * l a 5 and » 1 - 50 30c ' 7r,c ' t0 f 195 brown and black, $;».05 and $5.00
$16.60 Balmacaans at $12.50 $22.50 Balmacaans at SIB.OO | m Petticoats
$25.00 Balmacaans at $20.00 g HH|.,.•■s j hemstitching or briar stitching, | Black cotton petticoat , Klosfit oi Russian green, Copenhagen, plum.
HQ'soc, 75c to SI.OO string tops, tailored or pleated flounce, brown and black, $2.95
A 1 lw JL/C'Ol Ik/ LlllO 1V IdLIU CXv jp A VJvy } UK®! l "'' I '' Voile blouses, fronts trimmed with embroidered panel, filet and shadow lace insertion, bunch tucks trim back, col
jf lar and cuffs trimmed with lace edge, $1.50 value at SI.OO
Best because this is a famous make of $15.00 suits and to be able to i Parsian lawn blouses, pin tucks trim yoke, embroidery vestee. embroidery collar, sleeves trimmed with turn back
offer them at $12.50 is a fortunate stroke. I | , uff9 ' » 1 ' 95 val,,e at ; sl ' s °
Latest three and four-button sacks in blue and green, brown and green ? tftgrajgliOl Keep the Baby Snug and Warm
and black and brown Tartan checks, black and White overplaids. oxford S Infant.- white or white with pink or light Infants' crocheted toquea, all white or white with pink
grevs. plain blue serges, black and white chalk stripes. An out-of-the-or- f b,ue trin " ninK • Norfolk wr coat mt ... to ° r iTnt^" in'woo.'/siii and a^ g o"
dinary suit at $12.50. I . , ~, , . rib , b t on t ? mmed ' / , .• r> c - *'- 00 ( .
° I Infants white crocheted leggings, .Misses crocheted cups in red, brown, oxford, navy
W Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear —Three Elevators. 30c, 75c, $1.(10 and $1.23 and white, 50c