A; Rea! Estate FUENISHED ROOMS AND BOARDING FOR RENT Furnished rooms and boa. by meal, day or week Ap ply 100. N. second St.. corner Boas and Second .greets. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 2 Vi-story dwelling houses for sale. Klder Real REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. FOR RENT—NEW HOUSES—2I3I Der ry St., steam heat, $23.0U; 1133 Deny St., steam heat. S28.00; 2137. Kerry St., steam heat, $28.U0. Inquire I'. VAN DIfIRLOO, 2119 Derry St., or Masonic Temple. Third and State. FOR RENT—-House No. 527 Schuylkill street; rent $16.00. Possession at once. Apply to J. C. MEHRING, 2439 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—3-story brick house, eight rooms: all improvements; at 516 N". Sixteenth St. Inquire 514 N. Sixteenth St. Bell phone 2384 J. FOR RENT Two 2H-story brick houses, Nos. 1521 and 1523 Vernon street. Rent $15.00 each. Possession immediately. E. A. HEFFL/EFINGEK, East End Bank. FOR RENT—'33S South Fifteenth St.; 8 rooms and bath; wide front porch and balcony; hot and cold water in cellar. Apply to F. 11. HANTZMAN, 660 Briggs or 613 Forster St. FOR RENT—Flight-roomed house, 608 AJuench street; all conveniences; pos session at once Inquire 1301 N. Sec ond street. FOR RENT— -1317 Perry St., 2d floor apt $3.1.00 1315 Market St.. 3rd tloor apt.. $28.00 1247 Mulberry, 2d tloor apt., ..$28.00 2336 Perry St., new house $25.00 1901 Holly street $25.00 1216 Berryhill St., house, $22.50 1447 & 1443 Berryhill, houses, ..$22.50 2338 Ellersly St $18.50 2108 Perry St. SIS.OO HARVEY T. SMITH. 204 S. 13th St. FOR RENT —All improve ments— -2614 Catherine, $16.00 1")09 Naudain $17.00 530 S. Seventeenth, . .$18.50 Apply Kuhn & Hershey, UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOP. RENT FOR light housekeeping, with and with out kitchenettes; all rooms strictly private; nicely papered; stoves furnish ed free; laundry, phone and bath room privileges; basement lockers for sur plus furniture. Inquire office, 429 Broad street, or Janitress, room 6. same building. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT —Apartment facing Sixth street; improvements, with use of both phones. Apply 1715 N. Sixth St. F'OR RENT —Small apartment on South Fourth street; city steam heat; refer ence required. Inquire 29 S. Dewberry st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT XEWIJV furnished rooms, fronting on Capitol Park. K lee trie light, hot and cold running water in each room. Use of phone and large bath. Apply 4lu North street. REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E, DF3SIRABLE brick house on Eighteenth street, near Walnut; all improve ments; lot 18x100'. For sale at reason able price; mortgage inav remain. Get particulars. BEKL ItICALTY CO., Herg ner Building. LOOK at the brick house. No. 239 N. Fourteenth St., near State; all im provements; electric lights; porch; prii e reasonable; mortgage taken at 5U per cent. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. II PER CENT, gross on investment— two practically new houses, in good condition cost $3,500. For sale at a great sacrifice; BELL REALTY CO., r.ergner Building. FOR SALE—2I9 Reily St.; 3-story brick; :i rooms, bath and furnace; lot t:'.x9(i. BR INTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SAEE—On Long St., Camp Hill, frame bungalow; nearly new; three squares from trolley line; one acre of ground. Price $2,700, BUIN'TON PACKEJI CO., Second and Walnut Sts. i-Utt SALE— House No. 1831 N. Sixth St. Remodeled throughout: all improve menu. Apply GEORGE W. OKTIJ, 423 FARM LANDS FOR SALE BJHALL MISSOURI FARM—SS.OO cash and Su.OO monthly; no interest or faxes; highly productive land. Close to three big markets. Write for pho tographs and full information. Munger I, 115. N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City! Mo. They Rarely Arc Idle 'J I guess it is nothing more than an idle rumor." "Idle? 1 guess not. It is the busi est ol.i rumor that ever happened.''— Brooklyn Eagle. l»o thine own task and be there with content. —Goethe. Houses for Rent 022 A*h A vp., 2% h. fj. « r„ *lO IfO I .in den St., 3 h. f„ s p.. at 12 l«lft 1 - S. 21 % St.. h. r *|o 035 IYriKKN St., 2\ j m. f.. 0 r „ sl2 2137 \ tins \ V e„ 'J'/s h. b., 7 r. b„ «13 J? IK2 \. 7th St., 3 n. !».. S r. b„. . .SU'l 1503 S. c»meruit St., 2'» n. I)., K r., Si;{ -'I IS \. 7tli S|„ 3 h. I»„ h p. b m |;i 302 i)alM> Aw., 2 m. f„ a p. a b., *14.50 1.*»07 \ Ilison St.. 'XVi *. h., S r. «V b.. 31? 15 027 (IriSKM St., 3 m. !»., Sr., J«»ir, 153« s. i;iih st., 3 *». i». f s r., . . mii; tMro Emerald St., 3 h. l»„ 5r.,.., .*l7 IN2O Herry St., 2«£ m. f., 7 p. b. A t., SIS 210 \nle St.. 2 *. b., 7 r. b S2O lie; V 2«3 St., 2Vie *. f.. 7p. b *2H I 100 >liill»«'Pry St., ;i h. h., S r., $35 I 44»» V Otli St.. 3 n. b 1027 Market St., 3m. b., 10 r„ .S4O 1503 N. 2«l St., 3 k. b., IO r. b. v. h.. M 5 2230 V 2«l St.. 3 m. b., It) r. b SSO 200 S. Front St., ok. I».. IO r. 2 b., $75 23 S. Front St., furuiMhed. 4 n. I»., II r.» 2 h. Middlrtovin Pike (IliKhKplrek, so.ri<) PES BltOOli—2o3o t urtln St., . . .910 F.NOI- \—Adami St., 2 «. f., sl2 iu;;,l,\ VISTA. Konn Ave, (furll(fell ed Hoiimim, )j||4 CAMP fills I.—| Height*), ...mis Ij ICK\OW—Fopkc I.n lie, $25 NEWPORT-—! MarHhall property) $(10 Mulberry A t'hrlaitlfin St*., nnra«e. $5 APARTMENTS—7I(I >. Oth SI., rftv h lea 111 bent >241 & S3O Miller Bros. & Neefe tEAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonds boensr and Court Streets Wants HELP WANTED—MALE. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED; Ablebodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write tho English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. Kergner Building, 3d & Market sts., Harrisburg, 48 N. Queen St.. Lancaster, 353 Pine St.. Williamsport. or 37 \V. ■Market St.. York. I'a. SALFJSMAN to call on physicians. Es tablished trade. Expenses and com mission. P. u. Box 121. Philadelphia. S2O TO $35 PER MONTH extra money to any employed person, without in terfering with regular work. No sell ing. No canvassing. Positively no in vestment. Unemployed need not apply. Address The Silver-Mirror Co., Inc., 123 W. Madison St., Chicago., 111. IT COSTS ONE PENNY. Invest that small sum in a postal card just to find out If my Private Eessons in Shorthand. Typewriting, Penmanship, Rapid Calculations. will appeal to you. 1 will gladly give you full information. MERLE E. KEL LER, Room 309, Patriot Building. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL— Tho oldest, best ar,d most reliable automobile school ih the country. A full course of practical instructions for $35.00, Including long driving and re pairing lessons. Hundreds of good paying positions arc open for compe tent men. Make application now. Easy payments. Open day and evenings. 5 N. Cameron St, SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. YOUNG MAN would like to have day's work of any kind. Apply 1311 Cow den street. YOUNG MAN wants position at firing boilers. Call or address 612 Granite St. BAKER—AII around man wants work in small shop. Address or call 115 Nissley St., Middletown. YOUNG MAN, 18 years of age, wants work of any kind; willing to work hard Call or address S. E. S.. 2017 Wallace, City. COLORED married man, sober and In telligent; wishes work of any kindr- Will accept position as elevator oper ator, porter, janitor, driving of any kind. Address S. Fifteenth St. YOUNG MAN would like to have posi tion as driver of delivery wagon; can give good reference. Apply IS3O Ilerr street. HOUSE CLEANING, windows, paints and floors, automobiles washed and polished; work neatly done. Phone 2858. GHAUFF'EUR wishes position with pri vate family; seven years experience. Apply 320 Cherry St. DRUGGIST washes a position; regis tered. C. T. H., 377 N. Eighth St., Lebanon, Pa. EXPERIENCED COOK, colored, wants position in hotel or restaurant, or [ getting suppers or banquets for pri j vale parties, Best of references. Ad- I dress K.jJ,, 521 Browns avenue. WANTED—Position as a clerk in store or position as violinist. Address Hershey Hotel, llarnsbuig. WANTED—A young man would like a position as stenographer or book keeper or any other occupation. Call at 407 lteily street. HELP WANTED. , BECOME Railway Mail Clerks, (75.00 ' month; examinations coming, Sam- I pie questions free. Franklin institute. | Dept. 3«OT, Kochester, N. V. - HELP WANTED— FEMALE. WANTED —Girls 16 years oi' age and over. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Company. ■ \\ ANTED—White—A strong girl or I middle-aged woman to assist with j housework and to attend to invalid j lady. -Apply at once. 107 t>. Second St., j Harrisburg, Pa. ASSISTANT COOK and extra girl wanted. Hershey House, 327 Market street. S2O TO |3r. PEU .MONTH extra money to any employed person, without in ! terteriug with regular work. No scil | uig. No canvassing. Positively no In j vestment. Unemployed need not appiv. I Address The Silver-Mirror <'o„ inc I*3 j W. Madison St., Chicago., 111. ANIONIC can earn more money in spare | or lull time with our wonderful Pol | ishing Pad. Ketails for iOe, Constant jiy repeats. Send 10c for sample and : complete information. The Mogul MIK I Co., Cleveland, O. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE I COLORED woman wants house clean ; ing by (lie day or general housework. | 1329 Wyeth Ave. j WANTED Curtains to wash and j _ stretch. 523 Myrtle Ave. ! WANTED—By young colored woman, i days work of any kind or washing to do at home. Can give referenc" j Call or address Sin James Ave. I WANTED—General housework, by eol ! ored woman. Address or call 000 South St. I WANTED—Colored woman desires light housework or position as chamber maid. Address or call ;,v:, South .St. WANTED—By a young colored girl, a place to do general housework or day's work. Call or address lltili .Lib erty St. COLORED LADY wishes a position as cook or general housework, can give reference. Apply 362 S. Cameron St. YOUNG colored woman would like to have day's work of any kind or disli I wagll lng. Apply 1219 N. Seventh St. 1 WANTED —White woman wants dav's work of any kind. Call 429 Broad ; street, room 26. j A COLORED woman wishes position to ] do light housework. Call iO7 South I Ave. : MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN would like to keep house for widower, or clean house, oi- line out. Apply 2tio Herr St. ' A DRESSMAKER wants sewing bv day or week; children's clothes a sp'ecial ) ty. Apply at 1329 Wyeth Ave. ; A COEOitL'D GIRD wants work in res i taurarit, or chambermaid in hotel or I boarding house. Apply Wyeth Ave. ' MONEY " to Loan EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT CO. ;«i N. Third St., 2nd Floor * HARRTKBURG fITAR-ENDEPEND'ii.NT, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 6, 1914." WAR AREA EXTENDED BY THE ENTRY OF TURKEY AND BY THE OPERA TIONS OF THE FLEETS /- / ■ um r - iJSkJV- Vr\ I I I in- I . // j Wil If r \ \ <* *v \ ' j I H i / ? H>r * 3rf| r ! Tbcre haw been a gveut KUflitinn to (he area or war tttiough I lie entry of Turkey »s an ally of Germany and Austria. On land there ate the Kianco-llelglan battle Hue. two liuuuted and fifty miles long; the Russian line, from the Baltic to the Carpathians, six hundred miles long: the Servian line in Bosnia, ninety miles long, and now a i'ourth line of sixty or seventy uillea. wl ere t lie Russians have pushed across the border of the Caucasus and occupied several Turkish towns. In the North Sea an English fleet is protecting the left of the battle line in Belgium, while patrols are looking out for German mine layers iu the open waters and in the Atlantic toward. Icelnud The German fleet lias its base behind Heligoland and German war ships are re ported at the Aland Islands, in the Baltic. The Itussian Baltic fleet is in Ihe Gulf of Finland and Russia has another fleet In the Black Sea off Odessa. The Turkish fleet is tit Constantlnoplt » ! :i tie Xra of Marmora, while B.itish and French war ships are bombarding the Dardanelles forts and the Adriatic port of Cattaro. and the Austrian fleet is bottled uu ar. I'ola '— -N Miscellaneous FURNITURE PACKING PACKING—A. H. SUHICN'K, 190U Norths Sixth street, first class packer o£ fur niture, china and bricabrac. Bell iilione 3 my. » W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street — furniture, china and piano packing. I Shipments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Beit pnono , iZHW. • MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED—To buy second-handed meat cooler, two blocks and one counter; .separately or together. Call at lfcoJ ltudy street. _____ j FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAX upon real estate se curities in any aaiounts and upon any | terms to suit ilia burrunt.. .widiitaj ; "■ H..\ l'. <- ROOF PAINTING NOW is the time to have your roof painted, before old King Winter j shows up the leaks. Wc usu tin bent grade <»i paint—olack or red. Prices! reasonable. call or address 1335 bus- J quclyiiina St. ! ■■ s STORAGE. II Ail 111 rili II KG STORAGE CO. Two i new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely fireproof, divldeu into lireproof private rooms of various sizes for the storage of household j goods; tile other warenouse of tile most approved type of lire reiardant con - Btruction for general mereuanuise. "L'ney are equipped Wltii two large eieetne freight elevators anil spiral chute lor the <iuiok and safe hanuiing 01 House hold souds and all kinds ef merchan dise. Low storage rates. South tieeoud street, near Pax ton, on the tracks of I'cniia. K. ft. OLE GOLD AND SILVER HICiHIiST CASH PHICKS i'AID for old gold, silver, watches, anu jewelry. JUol'.i J i I u. ill Jeweler, 1 i iuiu street. MONLY TO LOAN 15.00 TO 160.00 on your plain note, to any person holuing a salaried posi tion; ail transaction strictly conuuen | tiul. Employees Discount Co., ju A, | nurd at., second tloor. L.OANS —$5 to $-00 for honest working people without bank credit at iejs than legal rates, payable lit insia.ii uieiits to suit ooriowurs conveiiieuct CO-OftlOVTl VK LtfOan and investment Co.. «04 Cnestuul at ALL KINDS OF HAULING AL.L, kinds ol hauling; large two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight, in the city and suburbs, Prices itason aole. Picnic anu pleasure trips, uay or evening. WAi. H. Li.A_K.ii i<„.i Vernon at. Hell phone ioITJ. Lost and Found __ FOUND F'Ot'VD—Gold watch fob witli initials W. A. W. thereon. Owner can have sa-nie !f they rail at 1 408 State St. FOUND—A lost, opportunity to get bar bering done at the most sanitary shop in the state. Shop closes Satur days at 10.30 p. m. 808 BOYKIt'S, 22 S. Dewberry St. FOUND—The home of reliable work for particular people at EGOERT'S Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, IMarket St. Call either phone, we'll do tile rest. — Just Phone For Coal When in :i liui'ry don't lie afraid to telephone us for fear your order will not he given prompt atten tion. That is one of tho tilings we are careful about— telephone orders. They are given as much consid eration as if you called at our office in person. There is no delay iu hauling it to you as we own over 1 (JO horses and prompt delivery is easy for us to do. •lust phone us next time. | United ice & Coal Co. Forstsr & Cowden Third & Boas loth ft Chestnut Hummal St Mulberry ALSO STEELTON, PA. > 1 1 " Sale and Exchange i'OE SALE AUTO FOR SALE—Four-Cylinder, 30- iiorsepov/er Jackson, five passenger; good condition; will take SlOu less than it is worth if sold now. Call 214 Cres cent St. FOR SALE—One parlor heater and one kitchen range; butl> an good as new. Apply to 328 n. Front St.. Steelton, Pa, FOl: SALE—3tf shares international Educational Publishing Co. preferred, at $27.3U ,•(■;• r; larc. Address .i'Jiti, care Htar-Independent. FOR Uigii class touring car: 40 11. I'.; fully equipped; iate model; mo hair Lop; wind shicid; speedometer, tools, etc; extra tiro and rim; h'ooil as new; car will be sold with a guarantee as a very reasonable prize. Apply Universal Motor Car Co.. No. J 7 1 u North Sixth street. FOR SALE—I (five) McCue wire wheels, iUx.'iH, ailghtlv used. $50.00; regular price *130.00. For further in formation address Postodtee Box 445, Harrlsburg, Pa. i''Olt SALE—Boarding and rooming house, opposite Pennsylvania station; best location in city. Call at 41S Mar ket street. BARBERS TAKE NOTICE Special! Three-cup racks, $1.25 Come quick at this price. KEYSTONE CYCLE CO., til i N. Third St. FOR SALE— AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 S. Second St., 5,030 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line ot the Acme make. FLAGS all nations; butterflies; baseball players; 30 (lags all nations; 20 but tertiies, 50c—5c postage. Large Amer ican flags, ISxIS inches, 13c—,1c post age. MITCHELL., 141 Broad St., City. STOVES—New and second hand stoves bought and sold. Heaters and ranges of ail kinds complete with pipe and tiltlnga at low prices. S. GOLD, 1016 Market street. 801 l phone 13S1U. FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S. 111-117 a Second St., 5,000 sets new sasli. SxlO 12 1«. primed and glazed, at »l.li per aet. Also other sizes Formosa's Ancient Tree _1" Formosa there is a tree between 2,500 and 3,000 years old with a cir cumference of sixty-five feet and the lowest branches forty-five feet from the ground. The tree is a species of cy press, the Japanese beuiki. -< Death and Obituary DIED. ZONE—On Thursday, November 5. 1914, William Lear Xone, at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Troxell, «2» N. Sixth St., Reading. Burial on Monday afternoon at 5!..10 o'clock, in lit. Kalmia cemetery, Har rlsburg. Friends and relatives'are in vited to attend without further notice. CORL—-On Wednesday evening. Novem ber 4, George V. Corl, agfd 78 years, 4 months and 27 days. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from his late residence. No. 1 I Evergreen siree!. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial V Shoop's Church cem etery. DRjtWI3ACGH On Thursday, Novem ber 4. 1914, at 9.30 p. m., William Drawbaugh, of Goldsboro, York county, Pa., aged $2 years. Burial on Sunday. November S, at 10,30 a. m„ from his late residence, in terment at Mt. Chester cemetery. IWant Your Property On my list of real estate for sale. Anyone having desirable property to trade or sell for cash on a fair basis, should see me at once—no charge un less sale is made. Every day we have buyers for all sorts of properties—people who mean business and will close deals at once. Shall we show them yourst If you are troubled with vacancies I will fill your vacant stores, your flats or your houses. I make a specialty of the" col lection of rent and the general care and management of property and will take pleasure in calling on you by ap pointment. Write 'phone or call. Can place capable, experienced man to solicit and build up rental and sales department. A. C. YOUNG Everything in Heal Estate SB North Third Street. Bell 713-J. PhiJadelniiln Produce Market Philadelphia, Nov. 6.—Wheat steady; No. 2 red spot, export, 113?4@1I6%; No, 1 norther.' Duiuth export. 1 @ 129 l n. Corn steady; No. 2 yellow, local, 84 ©841,4. Oats steady; No. 2 white, 34%. Bran firmer; winter, per ton, $24.50® Fooled or Informed? Do you pay to be fooled or to be in- v formed? That question is answered every time you buy a newspaper. The New York Evening Post protects its readers from the many untrue and incon sistent reports from the seat of war by sub mitting all such news to the censorship of a section of its staff specially organized for that purpose. It carries daily an expert analysis of the developments of the war, in cluding a discussion of the plausibility of unverified rumors. Its editorial treatment of current topics is intelligent and forceful. Special Combination Offer wish "The War Gazetteer" —a Book just issued by The New York Evening Post will fortify you with facts concerning the relative strength of the different warring nations. Size 9 inches bp 12 inches, 52 pages and cover. TARI.G OF CONTENTS OF WAR GAZETTEER: 1 Chronology. 10 Estimated general '•oat of the war. 2 Table of comparative wealth, re- 11 Biographical sketches of the source*, financial conditions and kings. ronnwellora. and leaders, war expenditure*. 12 Table of distances war snne. 8 The armies of the natinna. 18 Text oT Anglo Jspanesr treaty. 4 The navies nf tin l nations. 14 Teit of President Wilson's Pro* 5 The air fleets of the nations. lamstion of Neutrality. K Wireless tolegraphv In the war. If. Rights of neutrals nt. sea 7 Oofenres of ooaata and frontier*. JR Information for American shippers 8 The European Alliances: —and 17 Chronology of Franco- / how they were formed. Prussian war. f 0 Colonial' possessions sf warring 18 large folding ma#. / nations. 1® Six amallor maps. X Join the ranks of the many thoughtful men and women / in diverse walks of life who arc constant readers of / The Ntw York Eeeninf Post. / Special /i o 111 III* niton Try The New York Evening Post / for two months at Special / ™ N. T. War Rate of £I.OO, includ- / F f r ' 1 •"f 10 ** »«■ ■»»» 7 Xwnn the >. T. KTelling ine a copv of The War /p<*t <un? r<w »w. months. _ fe , /With The War Gaaetteer Gazetteer. Clip the / w / N»me Loupon » / Regular Trice, 85r per month, X . R.F.D,... » l ® P w "* r - /Pwt oact .....sute 25.00: spring, $24.00®)24.50. Itetined sugars weak; powdered, 5.10; fine granulated, 5.00; Confectioners' A, 4.00. Butter higher: western creamery, ex tra, nearby prints, fancy, 38. liggs higher; nearby ilrsts, free case, $10.20: current receipts, free case. $9.30 ®59.60; western extra firsts, free case, $10.20; Ilrsts, free case, $9.30 (j) $9.60. Live poultr; steady; fowls, 136.15; old roosters, llfel2; chickens, 12®13; ducks, 13® 14; geese, 13®14. Dressed poultry steady: turkeys, fan cy, 22®23; ordinary, 18®£0; fowls, heavy, 16@17; average receipts, 14®15; small, 12© 13; old roosters, I 1 •*. Flour steady; winter straight, 5.00® 5.25; spring straight, 5 35®5.50; <lo„ patent, 5.70®5.85. Hay was firm; timothy. No. 1, large oalcs. 18.50® 19; No. 1 medium bales, 18.50@19; No. 2, 17® 17.50; No. 3, 11.50® 15.50; clover mixed, light mixed, 17.50® 18: No. 1, 10® 17; No. 2. 11@15. Potatoes firm: Penna., per bushel. 60 ®63; New York, per bushel, 48®55. Chicago Livestock Market Chicago, Nov. 6,—Hogs—Receipts, 20.000; stroll*. Bulk, 7.50®7.70: light, 7.25®7.80; mixed, 7.20®7.85; heavy, 7.15 15 AUTOS VARNISHED Ready in 48 Hours Price $lO Upwards Work Guaranteed Drop postal, .lot Kuukle Bldg.. or call 1!42:s Bell Phone i 7 ©7,80; rough, 7.15@7.30; pigs. 4.50® 7.00. Cattle —Receipts 3,000; steady. Beeves, 6.40® 11.00; steers, 5.70®9.25; sturkors anil feeders, nominal; town and heifers, 3,50®9.60; calves, 7.f»OW 10.75. Sh»ep—Receipts 21,000; steady. Sheep, 5.750)6.60; yearlings, 6.76t07.75; lambs, 7.50® 9.25. Artistic Printing at Star-Independcut.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers