SUBURBAN MIFFLINTOWN Large Number of Young People Present at Halloween Party Special Correspondence. Miffiintown. IV, Nov. o.—Saturday e*eniii_ a ilallowM entertainment was given in the main rooui of the Jacobs house by a number of young people. The room mo attractively decorated with jack-o'-lanterns, cornshocks. an tumn flowers and the ceilings festooned wirn orange and black crepe paper. Weird lights revailed and the witches' tower where fortunes, were tol I w.,s u very popular place. A short time was spent ir. old-time dances aud au old fashioned s.mper was served. The guests included M'«es Katiherine W:, -ner, Kathe-ine Banks, Mildred Kllis, Eliza beta North. Benette and Mary Juukul. Vnnie Robison. Eve'iia Schwoyer, Helen Neehr, Helen ParKer, Mabel Ziders. >a ra Bark ley. Messrs. Raii>h Gaul, Howe Crawford, 1 arl and Edward Mr Xoal. Sothard Parker. Will A.iker. Hayes s eber. James CiiVp, of Harris b.irg; Hi.-hard Nesfter, Lyman Stiloff, Ben j*i iwoyer, Robert and John Bon son e. The ehai>etons were Misses Mary Werner. Alma I,eiber and May Ernest. Mr. and Mrs. Burchfield. of Pbiladel ph a. are guests at the Seo« home. E»»t End. George Martin, of Pittaburgn. is j h s sister in-law. Miss Bau e Wright. Kolaud at' i Indrew Allison and Mr. aid Mrs Timisof Washington. D. < ~ have beeu called home on aevount of ■ie serious t.uess or ther mother. \1"«. Ellen Allison. Mrs* Jessie Andrews nas returned me :»fte s « ■ »ii several weens with sir Bli . Lvdia Vincent. who has oeeu in Pail aie hia the ,i>i week, ttas returue 1 M '. and Mrs. E.auK Melov and lit - Marian, of Aitooua. speui >s.t r lay and Sunday wit !t the former's aether. M-s. Alex Meloy. in Mifttin. Toot •• a *fvil engineer of Pitts kwgk, is uorue for a tew days' visit • tii parents. Mr. an i Mrs. Jeukius.! Bill. William Mayer, of Philadelphia, an : t • \ e of m lltlmA cauie to his ther . o I'riiiay evening where he wii remain for a fea lays. d s< \\Yi,e r pertained .> few of her " is at .nr,;. Tuesday evening. Tuose : were \l s «nr tliwliy. The Rev. W. v'ook. of Whee .uj, W. Vs.. will oeeu >y the pulpit of tie Westminster Pres v. terian oourca next Bndt; morning aad evening. K. Boden was . ailing on friends in town Wednesday afternoon. James M. Murray, of Camden N. s >ent Saaday with ins mother on Wash ington avenue. Robert Culp was a week-end visitor a* tho hirne oi - mot: er on Third s'reet. dr. and Mrs. 0 Mover ai. i la .gn te: notore<) from M idle'.virg au i sjient Sundav with Jacob Mover ou Sixrii »:-eet. J. Howard au.l Williaa Ne-dy. »to d-iits at P ui'eton o':ieg>'. atne lome lust week to attend the f.iueral oi t:ieir grandfather. William bar. » M »s < arohae Gardner, prin [ tue s-1 '0 : ?. *o -ide to Le»i?towu ou Dr. ani Mrs •{. J. Hunt aud son. James, of Washington. 0. are visit ir. r ••fines in i-'avette townsui.. e- - : atr '■ several months' dura- I>\-e a woo !. near Phiiadelphia: Robert ill leflerson Medical Collafe, and Wil liam Banks, a stndeat at Me'-ersburg A aderoy. we-e home to at:en<» the fu neral of their grandfather, William Ban > * DAUPHIN Mrs Rebecca Nye Dies at Home of Daughter Special Correspondence Dauphin. Nov. o.—Mr-. Bebceca Mrs. Wiliiam P. liarman. on Taesday morning. Fan era serv -es were he.d t - morning at !•> o'clock at the home 'he Rev. H. ' . Lutz, pastor of the I n i Evac jeli ai .-har>>h, had > uarge o" the atrriea, assisted by the Rev. J. 1. S. Morrow, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal chur a. Interment *a- D ade The Ladies A SO,-;eT v [!}(■ 1 raite Evangeiieal aure'n met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Kra -ent Snnda;- with Mr. a:iti Mrs. Wavne at their bungalow. Miss Emmert. of Mt. Union, was the w-ek-eni guest of her sis-<. r . Miss Lieanor Emmert. Mrs. T. G. Switzer returned on Tues «my a visit to her Mrs. H. H. oung. of Atlanti City. frank :«r Weaver, at her home on North Cc «• stieet toiior-o* afternoon and also vdl entertain several guests from oat < * town. A chirken sui iou* thirty |Hrs<,iis from Harris bur_> neld a ride to Middietown in a large automobile isiet evening. Ki.-hard Hippie and E. I'. ?a« te.i business at VVaitonvilie yes ti- lav. I. •* -I- rotnpany has installed two injiantanecus gaa heaters in the main o9ice on Main street, which were pur chased from the local gas company. The Rev. Fuller Bergstresser will speak at the annual baui(Uer of the meu's class of the Lutheran church at llighspire this evening The R\o'ss at Hershey. is spending several days in town. Oliver Swart* return. I to Philatlel phia yesterday after spending several days iu town. nr works will have pay day ou Saturday. 11. S. Roth is ma-. some re airs to his propertv on Swatara street. l.aweiue Stengle, wo ha; be-ui traveling wth the Hage-iba shows during tne summer. has returned home to Mary V: it will start a -roiiiet t«l ..;s> in the American Girls' Club room this evening. W. V. beta. Merle Stipe aud Per V Kupp returned home ' t'rcui a several hunting tri) t.> Mauada Hi SHIKEMANSTOWN William M'.tchener. of New Jersey. Was a Visitor Here a i • orre»?on 'e >. « Jtlhireiiiiaustowu. Noi. 5. William M .oner, of New Jersey. was a vis itor of Miss i'aysie Russell over Sun day. Mis- Ei th Weige 1 spent Sunday with friends and relatives n this Mrs. Ro>s and daughter, M :-rci. of IVu'orooK. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I'. E. Wallace and family. Miss Laurie Keister spent WedßM . w t. Mrs. Monroe \ og< .arah C. Palmer an Miss Jo uie < olt of the Stough party will prea n. The serwice will be evan gelistic iu effort an i ail citizens vilt probably avail themselves of this op portunity ot hearing the word from this not 1 pair of workers a? presentei at thi- rme and place. Mr. and Mrs. K. 0. Ponesmith at t ;; ieu the tuiiera or Esther L Whith inger. of Baltimore. whi'-h was held in Mechani. sburg. Mrs. U. A. Korrcs- and niidren. Ab tier aud Harry, aud Mrs. A. B. Forrest, of ilarrisburg. visited Mr. and Mrs. I. P Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. John Beck attend el •tie funeral of her brother. William Bover. a" Knola Wednesday. Mrs. MWNM Sck«rt, M-« Peter Winteler. Mrs. D. Stiles and Helen Laugletz visited friends at Euota Wed nesday. Mrs. C. w. Lu«e aud Mrs. O. K. Kshenauer visited u Harrisburg Wed uesday. !>avid W. Lambert, uiiiler at West :• -v ew mills, and WHO deliverer gooii to the merchants at this place die-i at •* uuie a" th© in?Us after a lingering on Wednesday at noon. Rm IVmib'i IHi—ifliiij Soeiito .. I'v:* 1 ' v :* * f *. B. . hureh will be held at Mrs. L«.i?e Tharsday evening. MECHANICSBURG Conveuuon of Woman's Home Blission ary Societies Largely Attended Spv • a* !^crr esr>onci »nce Mecuanu aburg. Xov. s.—The ,on >en: ou of the Woman's Home M.ssioo ary >o'-iet "of - t'ar'isle Presbvter' whi.-h U b<=ing held in the Pretsbyterisc ■ bur.-:i iLi t r ns pla -e. is very target, attended Seventy-five deienate* eii rolled yester lay an the roll was arge iv increase.! by toe arrivals this mu.-;. ing. Tbe upenmg devotional servi.-e. yesterday afternoon were conducted bv , Mrs. Craighead. Tnis was followed bV au addre*s of welcome by the ; astj of the convention church, the Hev. George Fulton, who. in behalf of tue church, the loca: woman's society ami the young people s society extended "a hearty greeting anl welcome to the convention, heports from the follow ing secretaries were then heard: Young peop.e societies, Miss R.ddle; of freed men. Mrs -eibertt of literature. Mi-s Flemming: o.respondence, Mrs. S-he; fer. Mi«s FetV.e. secretary of young feople's work n N'-w York, gave an i;: teresting talk on the work. With the ' announcement of committees and no- ' th-es of meeting tne afternoon session •-losed. The evening session w-as in ' •na.'ge of tae pastor, the Ke\. Mr. Ful ton. wno -onducted the devotional serv e. Ac anthem was sung by the choir of the church, under the direction of ' Dr. J. > D. Eisenhower. wtDh Miss Mar .-aali. cbur>'h organist. r>ri?siding at the Oi;;an. The address of the evening was given ov the Rev. Thomas < . Moffett, D. D.. superintendent of the department of Indian missions. Dr. Moffett has ha-i mu -h experien<-e in and i« familiar with Indiin. mission work anv TTUTTIAV regularly $22.50: 18-ineh Open* Clour* C MHUlxl 4 1 * frame. coast or brake ami ' , BARGAINS ] !► Large Size Doll at 81.25 £'' jpßllißEk? • Kri(la - V n »'K» ill!i »>'*' often. < ► M«- kings, wav.v aair. sleep- I. oVhir are not as Tb'sirable a's < I; ofthc ip FOULED 1871 #| LOOK :! BOYS' WEEK GREEN SIGNS Crepe de Chine Waists' < I CLOTHING D jffi«^ Toß!L at $1.59 J ,f V/lyUl XIIMIN \J ()l,e ot the most popular i Boys Ncrfolk Suits at ~ . ~ . aHMMhuv'■ l,m ' ' u>sl I'ked models to be J 83.4» xahie s.VK »„d. briny habit |'-gW|Sy R,lh '-' ,r "*' r«uml: in black, navy, dark ' ► bi vu: all ue\v models, for Ra ■' ( on/nut'* Children's Coats at i ► sd,ot>l » uit «- »'«* All Week $3.98 and $4.98 < ► Bcvs' Oliver Twist Suits at Spic and span new coats. < y 51.20 value sl.b9: iu But—samples. Onlv one of 4 ; b«w' V W»* »ntu «t B»r HOSIERY AND HOUSEFURN- CHINA ' : r UNDERWEAR ISHINGS *«*.«*«.. »*-• < I f '°" MAX-s Ti.irj Floor. Children's Hose. 15c pair— Coal Hods at 10c -value val,,e o0 ° ; decorated; -izes Bto 14 years. < r —————————— value 19o; plain black cot- 13c; Japanned; limit, one bright luster finish. Here Is a R-'callv i r "DR. FIXEM" Um: ,hle rib 1)0(1: doub,e to a customer. Cups and Saucers. OOc doz. Good Frirlav * i ► h >xv rendv to «iv. -»id kuees. heels and toes. All Cedar Oil Mop at GDc -val —value $1.20; German u < ► to al? dolls need oh vs- *""• ue $1.00: a great labor sax ~„ina; sold baud decora- Bargain \ • ical anention Bring Women's Hose, 15c pair— er; hill size mop including turns. Twenty-five Serge 4 I am in and let him repair v f hle 2:»—p'ai.i black and D iU«« r at . ta«. cotton and nier- Bu J™ at f***- value $1.23; imported; dec- We have about twenty-five < ! r HOXVSIAX'S Third Floor. eonzed lisle;seconds souie . ; orated; jug and six tun,- ,0 dresses in misses' and J I Burson stockings „i the lot. Nes w HeatW at 81 69 ble,S women's sizes. They are Men s Cashmere Hose, ISc v . iliu> I|S . ~ |* ea ded Umbrella Stands at 81.75 - dresses that xve bought earlv i V ANOTHTFR pair. 3 pairs. 50c-value Bt eol .-japanned trim value $2.50; brass; with this spring They are of good < AiHUinM _,> c—plain black and ox- niings; ventilator top. Li.n- removable tray. serges, made in rather plain 4 ► T.OT OF TTTaTT ford and heavy itod quantity to sell at this BOWMAN'S models that are good to wear , „ v/i XXXUJ.X xveight. price "———— right noxv. rhey are all dark i ► GRADF Men-s Night Shirts at 42C— Windsor Kettle at 95c- / x ulors—broxvn. black and UIVAI/IJ value 30c; heavy weight value sl.oo- Wearever / \ ua V v " I e prices were sti.Co, "ACME" outing flannel: medium aluiuinum; 4-qt. capacitx / \ »T. 30. ami llp to $12.30. " and light patterns. Bread Box at 25c -value % * Tk"o ATirTITTP ' CARD Men's Union Suits at S9r— 49e; oak or Japanned tin- I , " ' , :i " Women's Underwear at 39c T}A"DPATIVrC TTTOTT pair of a kind. * L uled when not 11. use. —value 30c: vsts and J5 AKuAIJN O V 10l 1 lilt Bordered Scrims. 17C yard < ► ' ). x f' > 0l!I ". 1,1 pants; lieaw weight, fleece 7M \\T A TVTTT7"H —value 23c: for making green tel . or leatherette lined; IdeaJhed 11*1 WAJMIJLD C A T T AT? sash or sill curtains. top - nickel plate corners D „ ____ _ vi rt 1j r> \J P und rubber tips on legs. Boys and Girls Ccat Sweat- DRESS QTTni7Q ' 03, -olden oak tabour- ers at 69c-value $1.00: fYPTFTVTTAT OtlUlLd , , tte. 49c sliaxvl collar: pockets; nia- * 1.30 " Artiink" Bed- roon only: seconds. . ___ _ _ 81.G9 pair; value $2.30 -priug ali sizes. . 52.55 BOWMAN s Main Floor. 32-inch Renfrew Devon- RIIGS alld P ateut volt I ■*20.011 brass bed shire Madras, 6c yd.— iVU VW vamp; cloth tops. < *■ 815 95 ADT T iwrivrc regularly loc; 1.000 Women's Gaiter Boots, < ■ , Ahi LIJM JLiXO yards in the lot: nearly ' lle >d ' e opened to-da.\ 82.49 nair—value .i:! 30 -• ••. win biavN beu. a (mndreil stvles to sc xvitli about txvo hundred of t . i. 11' ► 87.95 Embroidery Packet at loc - ' "nnareu sijua to sp i, U n„tif,,i .1.. pateut colt vamp, brocade 4 ► BOXVMANS K.fih Floor. xalue 23c; pillow and six '^ C I h ' onl, 111 c, . ieck ®: rich i ! esifiis and coloriiiw >f lOps 4 skeins xvash e.nbroiderv stripes, bars and in all J.... ,V,-i .»i \ Women's Colonials, 81.49 [ WALL PAPER Mlk alUl n*™*™ sheet plain shades. 1D U " you ~tue early' to-morroxv 'if ■i i Embroidery Packet at 35C— 36 inch Perciles s#» vrl vou want to inake selection ° "'th *■ *Vall Paper Comomation at , -.. . ob-mcn Percales, oc yd.— . , . .. . ,i,», ~ black or lawn-cloth backs. 4 ► 69C—v -l 10- s xalue o0c: Brainard jc regularly 10c; 1,200 " 0I -he >to. k betoie the as- Ar ™ stl - nen >rash yards ; neat figures, sortments are broken. he MFN^ arf and ( skeins silk and floral designs in grey, V' I ,*' , :"" F r ! da .v «"> n/w?.?.!., ' ► V instruction sheet. navy and cadet b >aturday with price about CLOTHING 1 4. ;. . . \ 111 , - Xl 1 • BOWMAN'S Second Floor. m , oiie-tlurd less than regular. • 1 N »t. nijrh. ■ ■ 04-inch Wool Dress Goods, ————Young Men s Overcoats at Hed room papers in fiorai -v 59c yard regularly TTVTT? A TVTTO» 87.00 values $9.90, i ' ► designs •. effects for $1.30; 600 yards in the JLiN JP AiN lo -t<10.30 and sl2.3o—(wenty i ► hails, and kiiciien lot. consisting of crepe liriT AT) in stripe; shades are Kus- sleeves "<*h nec-k voke o'''' v mixtures and stripes. i r-out border- to JMI & lan. t'openhagen. navy. and flat coflar: trimmed in Traveling Bag at 83.98-a y •at m so fruit tapestr.x ' nroxvn and olack. xvhite: belted; sizes 2to fi special black walrus grain i; ► •••• diuins ooms. v . Wool Dress Goods. 39c vcars " split cowhide traveling 4 i ► ' "H- | ,C. ' yard - regularly 73c: Betsy Brown Play Dresses, hag : leather lined; full V r -H'O yards, lot consists 69C-for little girls: made '' 11,111 < DOTvIExi i. iCS o seiges, ia isles, sail of chambray, in pink, light "lUTTTCT TTVT 11717 A"D 4 V v,. r :.r- n KIZ /Vr ? " s ; '' r , epe dark bi„e : i,.w MUSLIN WEAR ) t ". ne ' f .. 7 '.- v ":~ .v,.'. AND CORSETS ' sizes J to b Years. - w A ► i» IAIIT v; vmiuiiu LEUGTIIS, 36-inch Satin Messaline, BOWMAN s second Floor. Bungalow Aprons, 39e— < ► - 10 !l s * Oil/VijJN 39c yard regularly value oOe; percale, in light 4 l Sheets at sftc—value -0 TITU7TT -q V P' a ' n ''olor-; gooil TVTrt'PTO'IVrQ and dark colors; also ging- bl.ached an:l unbleachetl: J Sj jh JL quality. J3I XXvJJI w hams; bound in plain col ' inch hems: size-. 72xi'0 CTtrrT I T O BOWMAN'S Main Floor. »<• piece White Finishings Rrai.t, u rß. I a"d x«i in; c>. ox 11/V/lALo 1 " i ne ''*"- 5c Nainsook Gowns, 23c—val- 4 ,do\v Oases at B'^c— xaiue Im-iuding the latest novelties RFT ANTI * : for wear with new gowns UISLIS AJIiJ >ml 8c Bilk Crociiet Ricg#. slee\-es; .>6 uieheslong. 4 y neins: laumle .-d: sizes 4.x and suggestive of Christmas TIA WH "R A fIQ ;:for «c Ccrsets at 81.00 -value 4 y >b and 4ox3b inehes. presents to-morroxv the XMIMU DAUO Asbestos Iron Holders, 3 for $2.00 lo $ 3.30 front and i \ y Muslin, 3i .C yd—27 inches priees are less than half. Belts at lOf—value 23c and 5. p« ar | Buttous. 2 ,io/.e„ *!v back lace; broken sizes, but i • 1,} V: inn '»' a hed : rem- »rou«he* «« ior—set with rhine- »^0o: suede aud patent lOra ml i2Vfei' Drensing < omhs. 51 sizes ill lhe lot. La j nant lengths. •tone» u»-K gold plate: jewel- leather - for ...... . 5c <'amille, Princess and Roy- i \ . ers seil tor -»0c. Our regular Kaiurl, ,JV - . ... . , Outing Cloth. Go yd. -\ ls - &c Hand Bags at 59e~value «OWMA.N S Main Floor al Worcester models. 4 j ► 111.. I' r • on J " UJ. Ml*cr I.Vpu»it al «Mk*—for e ■———— ————^^————■ ■ 4 IL •. . dlKl iiaiK pd rlower?. hatpins, et sell reg .- I.W; euiltaililliif siua 1 < I aSS'IS :' vd' ™*c,„ 246 PIECES OF NECKWEAR j ► llCKin o , o- v }U.- ante regularly l."fc a.l ."Of—lo-K BOWMAN .> Main Floor. 4 12U" and 13..; blue and " i:h im ' !Jtion WILL FIND NEW OWNERS ► !"ie an liill X >tnpes. Uri-dlrlr Knamrlrd Plu al Pillow Case Ml'slin 11c yd. egularly .>oc so useful for " nil*' it J - t: e lace collars that are rhe r , ~ _ X V™lfJ.v/Xvlv V/ T f 4 —value !•».-; 4 inches . wS ue. Longcloth, soC—value 89c; . , xvitlc; »hort letigtii>. ici- —imitation r**\ 10-vard lenjrtlis • ful 1 per- They are manufacturers' samples, and include collars, col- 4: BOWMAN .- Ji-un (moo.. T si^ot n : feet pieces: limit, one pic e lar and cuff sets, vestees and the like—made of Oriental A f 1 * .tr row fat pa. each string has a customer la«es, organdie and nets, in the very latest styles. i (rT-QVyQ L'rop l-Jar Kiuit*> at 3He s«*t iei: - V/hite Crochet Bed Spread. 2 ? L ' col i a . rs ' I y ** w 'y ' »nd *i.«o—in o!a k SOC vaLnc 7"i«- tull lv : 13e to 73c collars, collar and cuff sets, and vestees. 25C. V J ni —ti- enamel and imitation siones in , " Jl —x auie IOC, Ttlll Size ; ~ _ * y Kid Gloves, *9c pair alue drop designs. hemmed readr for use SI.OO to S2.(WJ lace vestees, »Oc. *1.00: 2-clasp, in black. «!»«:» at s*e—one io: of ring*. VPI-V r.r..ttv no'tto,.,, ~ . Odd lots of neckxxear. xvorth ihi to 30c. at lOc. 4 ► , • . guaranteed five jears: snapp: • pieu\ (Mit Pins IO he- . Wnite. rau aiiu grey. setting in all-coiored stones. leet from. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. 4 BOWMAN ? Ma n Floor. BOWMAN' S Main b toor. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. ■ 4 *, 4 1 > A A A A A A A # AAA •. "" ■*■ v: si tors. Tea n-a- served to them in the Sunday shoo! room last evening and lunibeui; will be served to-oay at ! : noon. Tne funeral of Mrs. W. A. Nichols was held this morning from her late home on Soutti High >treet. Services were onducted by the Rev. >H. Hall •-harp, of Trinity Lutheran church, j Interment was ma le in Mechanicafburg cemetery. I. J. Weaver has sold his property at Frederick and Factory streets at pri I vate saie to B. F. Wertz and wife; ; consideration. $1,650. Last eveaing the sky in the direction of South mountain was quite red ani | the smell of the smoke was quite no : tii-eable. A rain is hoped and prayed for t r. A. Auaina, ot Philadeipuia, for- merly of this place. is a visitor here. K. A -Bennett. South Market stree:. it again suffering with ner.ous prostra tion. At a meeting of the Mite So< ietv of ! the Church of God held on Tuesday , evening at the home of Mrs. Charles ; Smith, South Market street, the follow ing officers were elected: President, Mrs. B. Reily Shope; vice president, Miss Susan Swartz; secretary. Miss Viola Wilt; treasurer, Mrs. Esther Mil lar; relief lommittee. Mrs. Anderson. Miss Shapiev an ! Mrs. Railing; col lectors, Mrs. Biddle, Mrs. Baum, Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Railing, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Trego. After the election a pro gram of readings, recitations ami violin solos was give.i and at the conclusion jof the program a social hour was en joyed. NEW CUMBERLAND Official Board of United Brethren Church Will Meet Friday Evening I Special Correspondence. New Cumberland, Xov. s.—The Rain bow' campaign of the Young Women 's Christian Association represents the new members from tihe West shore. Mrs. Cooper, of Camp Hill, was captain of I the team, and Miss Marian Leib, who was assisted in getting members in this place by Mrs. E. C. Dewey. Mrs. Jo seph Wetftherby, Mrs.. Howard Oren, Mrs. Parker Minter, Miss Klla Kong, Miss iMary Gracev/ At the final meeting held in the new building on Saturday afternoon the yellow flag reported 167 [members, 67 of these being from this | place. i | Mrs. Elizabeth Snell, of Steelton. is I visiting friends in New Market and this place. Miss Pnemie Mover was taken to the I Ha-rrisburg hospital for treatment yes t i terday. ■ | Mrs. Kxiward tJhulei and daughter, ! May, of Ijemoyue, visited Mrs. Klmer ! ,Sunday this week, i Mr. and Mrs. William ('oiiiiie. of I jSteeiton. were guests of Mrs. Henry II Mosey yesterday. | Deloert Miller 's family moved from iWest Faiview into one of Mrs. Harriet ' Wickersoam's houses on Bridge street, 1 Monday. ' ! JaL-k Riding, of .Steelton. is a guest of uisville Courier Journal. 5