12 & * SUvearV ; SVwVcarV. Friday Is Economy Day With Specials in Every Department No Friday Specials Special Lot of Men's Work Gloves, Black Dress Goods Drug Sundries Specials Children's Hose Beaded Net Sent C. 0. D., or Mail or Trimmed Hats 28* $125 black p a 54 iy 2 to 3-ounce packs of ab- Boys' 121,20 black heavy Beaded net, 42 inches wide Fnday only, 50c "Scratch" calf skin inches wide. Friday onlv, sorbent cotton of fine quality. cotton ribbed hose. Special -light blue, reseda grey, 'Phone Orders Filled. 1 unted Sgloves. Friday yard 89V Special Friday only only 9* navy ancl Copen _______ VL, I fill nnlv 29. 9* , J . White Dress Cottons only $1.95 <2l iq shaped necks, yoke trim- ' * J> v Jpl.Af me( j w j tk hunch tucks, neat ts " Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 2oc and dOC cold cream, Pomerov & Stewart 10c white India linon; 30 Silk warp charmeuse petti- TWnlar *2 50 black French ruffle trims neck and sleeve. Street Floor. face lotion, tooth powder and Street Floor. inches wide. Special Friday coats, pleated flounce; black. "egmar*. Regular price, 50c. Friday face powder. Special Friday only, yard 5* emerald, wistaria, brown, plumes. Fiiday only, on i v ....... 35* only, 10? black and white. Friday Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart ' __ . Mon'c TTnc black hose with white Second Floor Three Elevators. ———————————— ________________ outfits, consisting of pillow 30e large size chamoisine. feet. Special Friday only, $1.39 English longeloth, 10 ' 75c Muslin Curtains, Picture Frames tops, scarfs, safety pin hold- Special Friday only, ... 19* lU* yards to a piece. Special Fri >—————— ——■ ers an( | l aU ndry bags, with fu Dives, Pomerov & Stewart rxr n: vp „ Pomerov & Stewart ''ay only, piece, ..89? — Reduced fl ° ss to complete. Friday street Floor. 'street Fioor. ' u Diveg> Pomeroy & stewart> Corset Covers, 25k pj ns Special Fridiv nnlv npv pard madras thirts with white pm t# Dives, Pomeroy & stewart Friday only, 10* Stamped Center Pieces y y ' p ' stripes. Special Friday only, Carpet Section Second Floor—Three Elevators. KJ, $1.19 . - , . SI.OO gold and silver oxi- 2oc to 7oc stamped center «>v China and Japan matting Remnants OI Uurtam dize silver iewel cases Spe- pieces and scarfs on a good . . .... *1.98 oxford cloth woven reduced for Friday— - madras shirts with silk Linings Goods, 10* • • shades. Friday only, mued patterns of which sev- s . ; pes . Special Friday only. 35c Zttinß, yard, '.Mc . Rogers'silver plated forks, 12 1 /'* to 39* e sizes have been closed $1.19 25c matting, yard 10c 30c moire; black and navy. Remnants of 12y 2 c to lac fancv Datterns Snecial Fri- ~ . «ut, ..dl be placed on sale at Friday only, yard rarUin serim, 88 indw. wide, day <»! iv, half dozL, . .59* S'tSa'S ■> very att,-active price to. »1J» nanaei .hut, w. h Japan matfng raga , .. „. , white and colored designs. ■ norrow; the values are 25c rollar attached, black s a tm e ; 36 Friday only, yard, 10f Silver plated forks, spoons. SI.OO per dozen and the .av only, ouc 27x54 inches, 30c value at 17c wide. Friday only, yard, 29* ••a, st t sugar shells and butter cards contain y» to 2 dozen. fcr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ftx9 feet, $2.25 value at $1.59 *» Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart 6War ' knives. Special Friday only, Nainsook Combinations pecial Friday only, card, 5* Street Floor. Cork linoleum- Street Floor. 100 lli. rs ' Ti go.. I \ I —— Two styles nainsook com- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, _ GOf value, square yard, ..43c ———————————— _______________sl,oo fancy beads with binations, corset cover and ' ree ° or ' ron ' _ „ , 55« value, square yard, ..3»c - T . , „ QK , 50c Filled Cushions, short strings. Special Friday drawers, lace insertion and BedSpreadS (Wilted rubber stair Nainsook Gowns, Sot only, 35* lace or embroidery ins^llion $2.00 lightweight satin treads- Three styles nainsook Pomerov & Stewart a ? f a^( "NTntinriQ Marseilles bed spreads. Spe- low neck, square, V 5 0c filled enshions, red and 5„... ri,., alar pnee tI.OO. F,,day Notions Specially , a , Priday 01llj ?1 . 25 sj. K|' ~ ,2& ICS, " """iZZWj. *"™"' broiderv trimmed. Friday second tioo. -inrec levators. 2oc perfect dress gauges. ( oc-oa mats— onjv 85* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Women S $3.00 Shoes. ————————————————— Special Friday only, ..10* $1 50 mats at $1.1!) Street Floor. ~ ' $1.25 mats at »Hc Men's Linen Handker- Table Damask "9c Curtain Net l!)r I Jr.:'' f°° Z' 7*l chiefs, 8d & »l.uo bleached all liuen : curtain wet, IJC call buttoiy.hc.es with black wiima.o* l * tab l e damask; 70 inches wide. n« ac n p nn j» 39c curtain net. 45 inches 2 . . or , ctf ' U k ' d u ,O P S: " ar " Men's all linen hemstitched 5c steel magic curlers. Spe- Special Friday only, yard, Colored Dress Goods wide; white and ecru shades. row toe lasts with wing tips. handkerchiefs. Friday only, cial Friday only, 75* Batll Towels 50c serge: inches wide; Kriday only, yard W 2c, or S for 5.- is" Dives. Pomeroy k Slcwart. r,O„ fancy Tnrldsh towels; ill good shades. Friday only, erDives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor—Hear. ' Pomeroy & Stewart 2f>c nickel spoon holders. Street Floor. ill pink, blue and tan. Spe- Viird oDC Strpnt Flnnr Mens btore, otreet r ioov ...... 1 i i oireei ___________ Special Friday only, ...5f ——— uial Friday only, 75c shepherd checks, me- 2uc card case with place m . n ~ bleached Turkish bath dium size checks. r, , t Women's $1.25 Slippers, T ,A, «r tsi for pass or identification TWlli lOWellllg towels. Special Friday only, only, yard, 49* Framed Pictures * ' Infants' $1.25 Shoos, card. Special Friday only, 6 , 4 c brown and bleached 3 for 25* 85c blue serge. Friday fiamed pictures, in- 59* 10* toilet twill cotton toweling linen buck towels. only, yard, 69* eluding comics and many Women's $1.25 black kid . ~ 4-4 rubber sheeting, guar- for kitchen use. Special Fri- Special Friday only, .. 11* beautiful subjects. '' skin opera toe one-strap slip- Infants patent lox anteed. Special Friday onlv, a . v Hn 'y> y ar< i. SI.OO pebble granite; 42 only, 4 for 25* pers, light weight soles, sizes button shoes with tan suede 6Q * Dive. Pomerov & Stewert $ .98 round and square inches wide, all wool. Friday Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart 3to 7. Friday only ...95* calf tops, hand-turned soles. ' • scalloped all linen luncheon only, yard, 69* I Third Floor—Three Elevators. I I ' ' I I Friday onlv, 59* I 25c and 50c fancy colored I I k ' ou ' | I cloths, 36x36 and 36 inches I . i Street o Kloor-RcaT Wart w Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, iclting. Special Friday only, *~ in diameter. Special Fri (lay $1.20 na\.v sei'ge. fill 001, MM mm MMMH Street Floor —Rear. yard, 54 niches wide. Turkish Towels Dives, Po,neroy & Stewart, Silk Specials I i3T ,/ 98< ' wide; all wool. Friday only, day only, yard, o* only,. 75* Lace Specials with floral design. Friday $1.50 shadow stripe chiffon, • vard ' Satin back velvet ribbon in * %\%'et P Tloor—Kear.^''' 1 ' Valenciennes lace edges and onl J> y aul 3* 42 inches wide; green and Unbleached Muslin 75c navy serge, 50 inches black; lUj inches wide; \al- __________________ insertions; Ito 2 inches wide, 18c crepe; neat floral de- .vistana. rn .iv 011 y, .an . 10c 40-inch fine unbleached wide; worsted warp. Friday ues up to lJc. Friday o'uy, _________—— —assorted patterns; values up signs on white grounds, rn- muslin. Friday only, j'ard, only, yard 59* ard ' • • 10 £ Embroidery Specials t0 10c • Fl ' iduy only> yard ' s o-i oc 01 Irlisses ijdue 50c crepe de chine, 36 39c. Friday only, 25* dav onlv 51.95 Proof corsets, valued $5.00. Children S $1.25 Shoes, inches wide; solid shades, one Women a handkerchiets, Special Friday only. $2.50 ©noes, ha l f silk p r jj ay yard, hemstitched, with cable bor- Planen lace collars in white SI.OO white cotton fleece Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Hisses' $1.50 brown kid 15* der, worth sc. Fri.lay only, and butter, values up to 50c lined union suits; low neck Second Moor Three Elevators. Children's $1.25 black kid laee shoes, made ou full toe 25 R organdy half silk- ' °. r I' rid ay only 2o* »nd sleeveless. Friday only, American Lady and D. P. utton and lace shoes, Good- lasts with heavy stitched white ground with colored Women's handkerchiefs, Sleeveless guimpes in net, 59* fc S. corsets in values to $1.25. year welted oak leather soles. soles. Sizes 11 Va to 2. Fri- floral design Friday only slightly soiled. Friday only, high necks, worth 25c. Fri- Special Friday 0n1y,... .69* Friday only, 75* day only sl.aO ives oniei oy & Stewart Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, »«Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart *« Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart itrDivfvs Pomerov & Stewart Dives, Pomerov & Stewart ««Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street floor. Street Floor. Street Floor—Rear. Street Floor —Roar. Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor. vv ~ ■ TWO DROPS AT ONCE Tree Agriculture an Old Story on the Island of Majorca Approximately nine-tent'hs of the aralbde area of Majorca, one of the Spanish islands in the Mediterranean, is planted out to crop yielding trees. That makes one-story agriculture. Then beneath the trees grass is grown. That makes the second story, which may properly 'be likened to the cyclone cellar. Por miles and miles in every direc tion that 'beautiful island is covered with continuous orchards of almonds, olives, figs and carobg, wiflli orasional grafted oak trees, the sweet acorti9 of which are prized as highly as the chestnut. This tree agviculture is nothing new, for many of these orchards are of un known age, and some of them give evidence of having seen generations of men rise, dig awhile ami die before Columbus sailed ]>asit 011 his way from Genoa to Gibraltar, and throughout all the years that the white man has striven in America these same old olive and caro>b trees have been standing there, hamlirng down their harvests of fruit and beans to the men who raised dther -crops at their feet —erops of Wheat, oa'ts, 'barley, beans and peas— HAKKISBL'KO STAR-TNDEPKNDF.NT. THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 5. 1914. From "Two Story Farming," by J. Russell Smith, in Century. An Infallible Sign Whenever Robert's mother went away on a visit the li'ltic fellow was so badly spoiled by a doting father and grandmother that upon her return it took several applications of t)he rod 'bo mend his ways. One >lay when she had lirfen absent for a week a neighbor asked Ro'bert when his mother was coming home. "Oh, she'll be back very soon now," he replied. "I'm beginning to get pret ty bad."—New York Post. JUSTICE AND LUNCHEON i Tliey Seemed to Clash a Trifle, So the Court Made a Change It was formerly the practice of the Supreme Court to sit from 12 noon un til 4 o'clock continuously 011 oat'h day that it was in session. Prom time to time, as the afternoon progressed, the Justices, one or two at a time, would slip out of their seats, snatch a bite of ; luncheon and return. Sometimes as many as four or five of them would bo | off tshe bench at once. They usually I had their luncheon brought to them by their messengers and ate it in the little curtained recess behind the bench, and as thq argument progressed there could be plainly heard in the court room the clink of knife and fork 011 plate and what O. Henry has called "the crash of dishes 011 the American plan." One day a lawyer pleading a case made bold to entei a protest. He moat solemnly inquired if he could count upon the continuous and undivided at tention of even one Justice to the thread of his argument,. "The person nel of the court has been twice entire ly changed since I began," he said plantivcly. Tho Court deigned no response, but on the following Monday it was an nounced from the 'bendi that a recess I | for luncheon thereafter would be taken every day from 2 to 2.30 o'clock and that the Oou*t would sit until 4.30 o 'clock every afternoon. World 'H Work. Out of Date Anyway A correspondent writes us to know if we can give the origin of the old [iocm about the little child shyly cling ing to its mother's skirts. We cannot, but it is terribly out of date anyway, for the present mother is so shy on Hkirt that any child would have trouble in getting hold of enough to cling to.— Portland, (Me.) Kxpress. Concert Pitch She (at t'he ball game)— Why does he make those motions with his arm before he pitches tihe ball? He—Those are signals to the catcher. The two men work in concert. She—.Dear met Is that the "con-cert pitchl 've heard i about so often ? 'Boston Transcript. Happy Outlook ■Mo't her, to engaged daughter—T don't care if lie is a millionaire. It's really perfectly outrageous for you to think of spending your you nig life with that old tfhing. "Oh, that isn't all I think of spend ing, mother, dear."—lLit'o.