The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 05, 1914, Page 10, Image 10
10 4 * A V ; 1 K > HOUSEHOLD TALKS Henrietta D. Grauel Bulbs for Christmas Blooms Plant some hyacinths this week if you do nothing else. They will giace your table, sideboard, cheer the in valid and add to your pleasure when in a few weeks not a green thing is to be giieii outdoors. The bulbs will cost you live cents each for single flowering ones, ten cents each, or two for fifteen cents, for flv.;:- ble bearing plants and on up to many dollars if you want rare specimens. The treatment for each of them is the same; they must be kept tnoist and warm until the green shoots arc well started then they need sunlight, water ami increased heat. You -an start and grow flowering bulbs in chari'i al and gravel, in moist sand or in sand and loam; the neces mry thing is the heat and the moisture. Hyacinth glasses are sold expressly for growing these bulbs and are made KJ tlie rootlets can reach into the water beneath them while the bulb proper is held just above the water. If this ar rangement is used fill the glasses partly f ill of sand and add a few bits of char, OH I to keep the water sweet. Tile bulbs must not be set deep into the soil if von pot them give plenty ■o' '.rater and beat. Near the furnace in the basement or in a dark warm closet or any dark corner will do for them for the first two weeks and they will need no care but to be watered. After this they must have light and you will be delighted to see how fast the sharp pcint<vi leaves push their wav into the v. oi lil If you have them in a window, turn the crocks about every day or two ! WHAT ARE YOU \ SEEKING? & / § Whether it's a room, house, apartment, office, P g store, studio, garage, lot or farm, you will find, it !§ S by placing a want ad in the classified columns of '|j I STAR-INDEPENDENT I Harrisburg's Great Home Newspaper g g /'all Bell phone 3280; independent phone 245 k I ot 246. I ASK FOR ADV I y pWWAW/WAVWS/WWVA^WWVvW^WVWW^VyW^VWI I Satisfactory« Refreshing« Healthful I DOEHNE I \ Its delicious snappy flavor commends it to lovers 5 I of good beer. < £ Brewery thoroughly equipped. | £ Unexcelled for Purity and Excellence. j DOEHNE \ BeU * afl L ORDER IT Independent 318 < | S! t RH STAR-INDEPENDEirr. [ § I I 2> ABRAHAM U NCOLN SAI6: "NO iffitiAKY ;s £OMPI77? ill i I R WRTHOUT TWO CERTAIN BOOKS—THE. BIBLETNO * X©l QOOT * rr,OH US£D IN UTERATURE S3 £ IS NOT FROM ONE OFTMESC Wfj)RX r». M _ ■ The above Certificate f t Entitles bearer to tbls SSJM Illustrated Bible i B K tb ° < * B — »* h unounl IW • * t Lij -^? r f ra T P(aE . •* «r—t di«rfW»o» ♦ ! elert h», oct of PKbit, eWdMfc i fa, factory, etc.. «tc • 9 MAGHiFIILNT (™te_ illustration in announcements from day to day) b 3 • || | ItfTOITm bound in full flexible limp leather, with overlapping covers * ♦ lUiUOJIWItU ana title stamped in gold, with numerous lull-page plates Z f Edltloa in color from the world famous Tissot collection. 'oßether ♦ J«U o* the with six hundred superb pictures graphically illustrating f 1 818 L £ , ™ a * ln S P lau > the verse in the light of modem Biblical 2 x knowledge and research. The text conforms to the ♦ X authorized fdition, is self-prononnciiig, with copious . W ♦ marginal references, mans and helps: printed on thin I - J • bibie |>aper, rfat opening at all pages; buuntitnl, |* J.IZ rxrw<nr ♦ 2 readable type. One Proq Certificate and th* A h • I f*T Al»o Edition for Catholics * I t!l '. *'' ! c of binding, Through an exclusive unngenenE vc 2 1 BIBLE which I* in -title rioth: narr been moat fortunate in securing the • contains all of the illus- Catholic Bible. Douay Version, endorsed * Z 'rations and I . by Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop • T maps. Oar frrr IQI ?vr"i?scc (now Cardinal) Farley, as well a* by the ♦ Z 'frllltrnir nnd T illujtrafioTu consists of the full page en- ♦ ♦ tesUnt" pirtor r- ,l dwtnbttwSTin ?hT° ttr Pro- # 2 tc,u "' books and »tlhe same Amount Fjprnac Itenu. with the necessary Free Certificate. • X TIT M * ll, ORDKHS—Any book by paroel poat. Inolnda""EXTßA 1 ontrVlUifn i Z IM mil* 3 0 omits 150 to 3W ml lea; for crvatar dlaLanoaa Ml your ooatmajtv v X amount to Include for 3 pounds Poetmas sr 2 I Sayrcs Expect Stork Soon Williuoißto\vn, Mass.. Nov. 5. —Two' trained nurses have been summoned to • the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Francis B.: .Sayre, and it in exported that President I Wilson will become a grandfather some time this week Mrs. Havre, who before her marriage on November 2' last year ' so the shoots will grow tall and not | lean toward the light. It requires about six weeks for the : blossom to form and open, but there are four-week hyacinths and varities that have two or more blossoms on sale by some florists. It is not wise to plant more than : four bulbs in a pot but these will give | you a gorgeous flower. • With tulips you may plant six or i eight bulbs in a shallow crock and J many more of daffodils and narcissus, j The treatment for all these is the [ same . Oxalis is almost the only bulb that ; needs dry hot air. The bulbs are very ! tiny and two dozen are not too many i for a showy crock. They require sev | eral weeks to germinate and planted j now will be handsome by Kaster. Lilies and begonias should not be i started for winter growth and early | spring flowers until the last of Decem ! ber. They need more forcing than the small bulbs mentioned above and if you have had no experience with them talk : with some flower lover, who has hail. before planting them. Climate and sit | nation have everything to do with the I way that they should be grown. The Chinese Lily does not bloom ev ery season but after its flowering should be planted in the opeD garden in the spring when new bulbs will develop. Tht-e should be separated from the parent root, which is now useless, aud be kept in moist hot loam for a season. Let them rest a few months and then plant and force. In rare cases this lilv will bloom two consecutive seasons but i our climate is not adapted to its needs. was Miss Jessie Wilson, was automo biling yesterday. The Sayres have made their home here since the wed ding, Mr. Savre being assistant to President Garfield, of Williams College. IT PAYS TO USE STAB INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. HARRTSBURG STAR-FN DEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 5, 1914. " " py™** l Hejke4h p richard Continued I remembered, too. the expression <>i humor and mocking tolerance ' which used to Invade the bo.v's fa-e wtieri°vet old Tom was overtaken by one or tils habitual (lis of talking big. Once when Tom tfpoke by the camp fire of tome lake to whieb he desired to guide me and of which he slated lliat the shores had never been trodden by white man's foot Joe bad to cover his mouth with his baud. When we were alone, Todd having departed to make some necessary repairs lo (lie canoe, I asked Joe what be meant by laughing at his elders. "I suppose a boy's foot ain't a man's anyways." remarked Joe innocently, and more he would not say. The BUM was showing over the tree tops when I drew rein by the door of the shack, and at the same moment tame in view of the slim but power ful figure of a young man who was busy rolling some gear into a pack He raised himself and. just as I was about to speak, drawled out: "My! Mr. Quarilch, y»u! Who'd a' thought it?" The young woodsman en me forward with a lazy stride and gave me wel come with a curious gentleness that was one of his characteristics, but which left me in doubt as to its geni ality. I feel that I shall never he able to describe November. Suffice it to say that tbe loose knit bo.r T remembered had developed Into oue of the finest specimens of manhood that, ever grew up among the balsam trees; near six feet tall, lithe and powerful, with t iie>'lt like a column ar.d a straight fea lured face, the sheer good loi>ks of this soil of the woods were disturbing. He was elearl.r nlsti not 'inly the product but the master t>f his environment. "Weil, well, Mr 'juariteb, many's the time I've been thinking of the dr.ys we had with old Tom way up on the Koustik." "They were good days, .lne, weren't they?" "Sure, sure, they were!" "1 hope we shall have some more together." "If it's hunting you waut, I'm glad I you're here, Mr. Quarftch. There's a fine buck using; around by Widdene.v j pond. Maybe we will get a look at 1 him come sunset, for he most always i moves out of the thick bush about: dark.'' Then humor lit a spark in his splendid gray eyes as he looked up at me. "But we'll have a cup o\ tea first." November Joe's (by the way, I ought to mention that bis birth in the month of November had given him his iiurne), as I say, November .loo's weakness for tea had in tbe old days been a target upou which I had oftcu exer cised my faculty for irony and banter The weakness was evidently still alive "I bad hoped to have a hunt with you. November." said I. "Indeed, that is what I came for. and there's nothing I'd like better than to try for your red deer buck tonight, but while I was at Harding's there was a riugup. on the phone, and the provincial police sent through a message for ygn. It appears that a man named Henry Lyon has been shot in his camp at Big Tree portage A lumberman found him and phoned the news Into Quebec. The chief of police wants yon to rake on the case. He told me to say that suc cess would mean SSO "That's too bad.'' said Joe. "I'd sooner hunt a deer than a man any day. Makes a fellow feel less badlike when he comes up with him. Well, Mr. Quarltch. I must be getting off. but. you'll be wanting another guide. There's Charley Paul, down to St. Amlel." "look here. November. I don't want Charley Paul or any other guide but you. The fact of the matter is that Sir Andrew McTyerrick. the ereat dor tor who was out with yon last fall, has told me that I have been overdoing it and must come into the woods for rest. I've three months to put In, and from all I hear of you you won't take three months finding out who murdered I^yon." Joe looked grave. "1 may take more than that." said he. "for maybe T'l! never And out at all. But I'm right pleased, Mr. Quaritch, to hear you can stay so long. There's plenty of grub In my shack, and 1 dare say that 1 shan't be many days gone." "How far Is It to Big Tree portage?" "Five miles to the rirer and eight up It" • "I'd like to go with you."' He gave me one of his quick smiles. "Then I guess you'll have to wait for your breakfast till we are in the canoe. Turn the mare loose. She'll make Harding's by afternoon." .Toe entered the shack and came out again with one or two articles. In Ave minutes he had put together a tent, my sleeping things, food, ammu nition and all necessaries. The whole bundle he secured with his packing strap, lifted It and set out through the woods. CHAPTER 11. The Crime at Big Tree Portage. IHAVfe sometimes wondered wheth er he was not irked at the pros pect of my proffered companion ship nntl whether he did not at first intend to shake me off by obvious aud primitive methods. I had my work, and more than my work, cut out for tue in keeping up with November, who. al though he was carrying a pack while I was unloaded, traveled through the woods at an astonishing pace. He moved from the thighs, bending a 'lttle forward. However thick the un derbrush and the trees, he never once halted or even wavered, but passed on ward with neither check nor pause. Meanwhile'. I blundered in his tracks ontl! at list, when we came out on the !>nnk of a strong and swiftJy flowing river. I was fairly clone and felt that !iad the Journey continued much longer I must have been forced tc give in. A'ovembpr threw down his pack and signed lo me t«> remain beside it, while he walked off downstream, only to re appear with a canoe. The rustle of the water as it hissed against our stem anil the wind In the birches aud junipers on the banks soon lulled me. 1 was only awakened by the canoe touching the bank at Big Tree. Big Tree portage is a recognized camping place situated between the great main lumber camp of Briston and Harpur and the settlement of St. Amiel, and it lies about equidistant from both. A small shelter of boughs stood beneath the spreading branches or a large flr: the ground all about was strewn with tin* and debris. On a bare space In front of the shelter, beside the charred logs of a camp fire, a patch of blue caught my eye. Tills, as my sight grew accustomed to the light, resolved itself into the shape of a huge man. He lay upon his face, and the wind flut tered the blue blouse which he was wearing. It came tipou me with a ihock that I was looking at the body •if Henry Lyon, the murdered man. November, standing up in the canoe, a wood picture in bis buckskin shirt and jeans, surveyed the scene In si lence. then pushed off again anil pad dled up and down, staring at the bank. After a bit lie put in and waded ashore. lu obedience to a sign I stayed in the canoe, from which I watched the movements of my companion. First be went to the body aud examined It with minute care; next he disappeared within the shelter, came out and stood for a minute staring toward the riv er: Anally he called to me to come ashore. I had seen November turn the body over, and as I came up I was aware of a great ginger bearded face, horri bly pale, confronting the sky. It was easy to see how the man had died, for the bullet had torn a hole at the bnse of the neck. The ground beside him was torn up as if by some small sharp instruments. The Idea occurred to me that I would try my hand at detection. I went Into the shelter. There 1 found a blanket, two freshly flayed bearskins and a pack, which lay open. I came ont again and carefully examined the ground In all directions. Suddenly looking up. I saw November Joe watching me with a kind of grim aud covert amusement. "What are you looking for?" said he. "The tracks of the murderer." "He didn't make none." I pointed out the spot where the ground was torn. "The lumberman that found him— spiked boots." said November. "How do you know bo was not the murderer?" "He didn't get here till Lyon had been dead for hours. Compare his tracks with Lyon"#—much fresher. No, Mr. Sport, that cock won't fight. Lyon reached here In the afternoon of the day before yesterday. He'd been visit ing his traps upstream. He hadn't been here niore'n a few minutes aud was lighting his pipe In the shelter there wheu he hears 8 voice hail him. He comes out and sees a man iu a canoe shoved Into the bank. That man shot him dead and cleared off—without leaving a trace." "How can you be sure of all this?" "Because 1 found a pipe of tobacco not rightly lit, but just charred on top, beside Lyon's body, and a newly used match In this shack. The man that killed him come downstream and sur prised him." "How can yon tell he came down stream?" "Because. If he'd come upstream Lyon would 'a' seen him from the shack." said November with admirable patience. "You say the shot was Bred from a canoe?" "The river's too wide to shoot across, and, anyway, there's the mark of where the canoe rested again the bank. No, this is the work of H right smart woodsman, and he's uot left me one clew as to who be Is. But I'm not through with him, mister. Such men as be needs catching—let's boll the kettle." We laid tbs dead man Inside the aback, and sat down beside a fire which we built among tbe atones on the bank of the river. Here November made tea in true woods fashion, draw ing all the strength and bitterness from the leaves by boiling them. I was wondering what he would do next, for it appeared that our chance of catch ing the murderer was infinitesimal, since he had left no clew save the mark on the bank where his canoe had rested among the reeds while he fired bis deadly bullet. 1 put my thoughts into words. "You're right," said November. "When a chap who's used to the woods life takes to crime, he's tinnier to lay hands on than a lynx In a nlder patch." "Wb.v did not the murderer sink Lyon's body In tbe water? It would have been well hidden there." "He couldn't trust her: the current's sharp and would put the dead man ashore as like as not," he replied "And If he'd landed to carry it down to his canoe, he'd have left tracks. And raore'n that, Lyon might 'a' laid in that clearing till he was a 1 skeleton, but for tbe chance of that lumberjack hap pening along. There's one fact you haven't given much weight to. This shooting was premeditated. The inur derer knew that Lyon would camp here. The chances are a hundred to one against their having met by ac cident. The chap that killed hltn fol lowed him downstream. Now. suppose ) con find Lyon's last camp, I may learn something more. Tt. can't be very far off, for be had a tidy sized pack to carry, besides those green skins, which loaded him n bit And. anyway, it's my only chance." So we set out upon our walk. No vember soon picked up Lyon's trail. leadUig from Big Tree portage to a disused fote roid, which again led us due west between the aisles of the for est From midday on through the whole of the afternoon we traveled un til Joe found the deserted camp. The very first thing my eye lit upon caused me to cry out in excitement, for side by side were two beds of bal sam branches that had evidently been placed under the shelter of the same tent cover. November, then, was right, Lyon bad camped with some one on the night before he died. I called ont to him. His qnlet pa tience and an attitude as If rather de tached from events fpll away from him like a cloak, and with almost uncanny swiftness he was maTcing his examina tion of the camp. But I was destined to disappointment, for, as far as I could .«ee, Joe discovered neither clew nor anything unusual. To Be Continued. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for Croup Croup scares you. The laud hoarse rroupv cough, choking aud gasping for breath, labored breathing, call for im mediate relief. The very first doses of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will master the croup. Tt cuts the thick mucus, clears awav the phlegm aud opens up and eases the air passages. Harold Berg, Mass, Mich., writes: "We give Foley's Honey aud Tar to our chil dren lor croup and it always acts quick ly." Every user is a l'riend. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street and P. R. K. Station. Adv. AGED VIOLINIST FOUND DEAD Deputy Coroner Ward Danced to His Fiddling Years Ago Philadelphia, Nov. 5. —Sylvester Skank, 75 years old, for more thau fifty years a violinist of the old school, and who was in great demand at old fashioned dance parties in the vicinity of Broad street ait 1 Fairmount avenue, was found dead yesterday in his room, at 1325 Urcen street. Death was due to heart disease. Skank played his fiddle 'at many hundreds of dances and parties. Deputy Coroner YVai'J, who investigated the sudden death, had danced to the old fiddler's music when he was less than 10 years old. COLORED CONVENT POPULAR St. Louis Society Women Teach Hew ing in Mother Drexol's School St. Louis, Nov. s.—Prominent so ciety women have become teachers in the rapidly growing sewing classes con ducted at the newly established convent for colored folk. They teach sewing, mending and embroidery three times a week. A clamor for lessons in musk and art has resulted in a request for Moth er Drexel, of Philadelphia, who estab lished the convent here six weeks ago, to send a sister to give lessons in these ■branches. Eagerly Communicative. "A man ought not to have any se crets from his wife.'' "Secrets!'' exclaimed Mr. Meekton. "I spend hours trying to make an im pression on Henrietta by thinking up something to tell her that she dosen't know.'' —Washington Star. STEAMSHIPS. Winter Trips and Cruises HAVANA Interesting anci restful because of the fascinating charms of tropical life and climate. Excellent hotels. Sailings from New York each Thutsdav and Saturday at noon. Through rates to Lie ok Pines, Santiago, etc NASSAU theSeatof the English Colonial Ciovernment of the Bahamas, offers many attraction* as a Winter Resort. Balmy climate, channing social life, golf bathing, boating, tennis, polo. motorinK. etc. S. S. HAVANA 10.000 Toas Displscsasat S. S SARATOGA 10.000 Ton. Duplac-aieet Sail weeklv between New York and Havana (Cuba) calling at Nassau during the winter months. Low ratea of passage. IVrite for booklets. NEW YORK t* CUBA MAIL 3.5. CO.. (Ward Line) General Offices, Pier 14. Last River. N. Y. Or any Railroad Ticket Office or Authorized Tourist Agency lv J, FRUIT LAXATIVE. IF CONSTIPATED. TAKE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" Best Liver and Bowel Regulator for Mamma, Daddy and Chil dren If you're headachy, constipated, bil ious or stomach is disordered and you j want to enjoy the nicest liver and I bowel cleansing you ever experienced, take » tablespoon ful of "California Syrup of Figs" to night and in the morning all the constipation poison, bile and clogged-up waste will gently i move out of the svste mwithout griping ! and you will feel splendid. AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC To-night, "What Happened to | Mary." To-morrow afternoon and evening, ' "The Escape." Saturday afternoon and evening, 1 "Under Southern Skies." Tuesday evening, November 10, j John Drew in "The Prodigal Hus- I band." Thursday evening. Fannie Ward in "Madame President." ORPHEUM Every afternoon and evening, high ' class vaudeville. COLONIAL Daily continuous 'audeville and pic tures. V "What Happened to Mary" A glimpse of the blue of the bay, I with a sky suffused with the radiance of sunset from a small island called Moses Island, a. little girl named Mary, in distress of mind, as fine an old salt | as ever sailed the blue, a crabbed old I uncle, a listless indolent aunt and a I gawky lover begins the New York suc cess "What Happened to Mary" which is now being played by the Myrkle- Harder Company at Majestic. Mr. Owen Davis in writing "What Happened to Mary" embodied in the play a re markable combination of humor and heart interest. In the sense that the play teaches a lesson in human bigness, it may be classed above the so-called problem dramas and yet it's problem is submerged to a great extent in the naturalness that pervades the action. The men and women in the play are of the every day type and the incidents in | the course of the action are happenings! that occur often in real life. This is j one of the plays that can be enjoyed by every member of tlje family, as there is a convincing moral -that all can profit | by. A complete production -and a capable company of players to interpret] the various characters make it a treat, | that should not be missed by anyone. | Adv. | —. t John Drew John Drew's early appearance here' in his new comely, "The Prodigal Hus band," in which he has been playing at the Empire Theatre, New Vork, since the beginning of the present sea son, is part of a tour said to be one of the longest that even this much- 1 traveled player has ever undertaken. Mr. Drew will play in almost every state in the I'nion to and from the Pa cific ('oast, returning to the east 'n Lll - late spring of 1915. Dario Niccodemi,; co-author with .Michael Mrfrton ot' John 1 Drew's new comedy, is beat, known on the Continent as the author of many \ of Madame He,jane's greatest successes. He also adapted •'Raffles" for the French stage. Both authors are under contract to Charles Frohman to supply the latter with their joint output. Mr. Morton is the author of "Th? Yellow Ticket." Adv. I At the Ovpheum The concensus of opinion seems to j be that the current offering of Keith vaudeville at the Orpheuni theatre, isj one of the best, if not the best. aP i round offering that has ever appeared j in llarrisburg. That is from a stand ! point of talent, not only in the artistic I lieadliner "The Last Tango" but in j each feature grouped on the bill. Of) ail the clever, agile and distinctly orig- [ inal entertainers that come to Harris-! burg, Fletcher Norton, the star of the J lieadliner. is in a class by linns It', hi j the unraveling of the story ot' that act j as well ay the ?ong and dance interpo- i lations. there never has been a more j clever or capable chorus in any act that j Keith vaudeville hag sent to Harris burg. "The bast Tango" is interest ) iug, thrilling in spots, and executed in j a fashion that's amazingly clever. As a "creature of chance" Flet'her Nor ton is splendid, and is alone worth the time and price. Two song, dance and comedy teams, that are distinctly dif ferent, but almost equally clever, are •Minded World and George Ebner and the Langduns. I-ieo Beers, in an artistic pianologue, is pleasing and a skilled pianist; the Werner Amoros Troupe, jugglers, musicians and impersonations, are offering the best variety act. vaude ville boasts of, and so. on. Each act employs talent that is out of the ordi narv and those who enjoy such enter tainers are reveling in the current of t'ering at the Orpheum. For next week the management is announcing Kuth Rove, a charming singer of tuneful songs, who comes to llarrisburg hailed as the most popular find of the new season. Adv. At tho Colonial This is the day for now things vaude viliian at the Colonial theatre. The big feature of the bill is a surprise playlet called "The Movie Models," employing the efforts of six clever players. The nature of the entertain ment is a complete mystery, and noth ing concerning it will be told in ad vance, for fear of robbing the audience of some of its entertainment. "The Movie Models?" is its title and Man ager Hopkins says that's "enough said" until you see the real thing. The supporting features will embrace •Swain's Cockatoos, a magnificent pie torial bird display; Anthony anil Ma'k, i Every member of the family should .use this fruit laxative as occasion de mands. It is just, as effective for grandpa as it is for baby. It simply cannot injure. Even cross, sick, fever ish children .just love its pleasant taste and mothers can rest easy after giving it, because it never fails to effect a good "inside cleansing.' For thirty years "California Syrup of j Figs" has been recommended by physi cians us the ideal stomach, liver and bowel denuser. Millions of families iwho are wejl informed use nothing else, but recently there has come a flood of spurious (ig syrups, so we warn the j public to ask plainly at drug stores for a -"iO-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," and see that it is prepared by "California Pig Syrup Company." We make no cheaper size. Hand back any "counterfeit' with contempt. Adv. character comedians; Annette Walker, singing comedienne, and some interest ing feature films that were secured for to day only. Adv. " CHICAGO ALDERMAN DIBS Howard N. Wagg Was a Strong Pro gressive Chicago, Nov. s.—Alderman Howard V. Wagg, a strong Progressive, died yesterday. He was born in Lewistou, Me., 62 years ago and came to Chicago when about 25 ypars of age. He had lived in the Twenty-fifth, ward 21 years. At the time of his death he was president of the Charles H Scott Com pany and the (rrosvenor 'Manufacturing; Company, both manufacturers of pett'- coats and women's clothing. Before coming to Chicago Alderman Wagg was a member of the City Coun cil in Lewiston, Me., for three terms. !He had the distinction of being the youngest Alderman ever serving in the Lewiston City Council, Train Kills Mining Man Colorado Springs, Col., Nov. 5. W. W. Cain, widely known throughout Arizona and Old Mexico for mining in terests and a resident of Denver for the last 12 years, was killed at Vona, Col., a station 140 miles east of Colorado Springs, when he was struck by a Rock Island train, known as the Kansas City-Denver flyer. He was 56 years ohd. SOLD '■ DO "" " ,c ON THEIR :M» Doses 35c MERITS U I M QII I* 'L"" At All Druggists For Headache, Neuralgia Quick, Sure, Sale *■ gM—M—K— li —ll—Mil—ll 11—15 p U H ic^P>i I flpflfck '• a t>h\— - • -- <• When In Phllndelphia Stop at the ■ NEW HOTEL WALTON S TS Hrosd and Locust Streets B 9 Reopened after tlie expenditure IS || of an enormous sum In remodel- .r, yj Inc. redecorating and refurnishing. I IN THE CENTER «P EVEIinHIIVC | jg Near all Stores, Theatres ami r W Points of Interest. K P Every Modern Convrnienre Q| || 500 Elegantly Furnlahed Hmc-i Kiirojtmn I'lao 1 Rooms, without bnth «p $1 jg Rooms, with bath $2 up. m Hot and cold running water In all rooms H 5 WALTON HOTEL CO. 5 Louis r.ukes-. President Manager. IP BUSINESS COLLEGES. lilBG,. BUSINESS J 331) Market Street Fall Tcrai September First DAY AND NIGHT 1 J ( Stenography, Stenotypy DAY and NIGHT SESSIONS Enroll Any Monday SCHOOL of COMMERCE 15 3. "arket Sq., Harrisburg, Pa. Cumberland Valley Railroad In Effect May 24, 1314. Trains l.ratr Il«rrlnllllric Kor Winchester and Martinsburt;, at 3.03, *7.30 a. ill.. *3.411 p. m. Kor Hugcrstown, C.'liaiiiuurshnrt' anil intermediate stations, at Vi.OJ. •7.,'iu. 11.ill a. in.. *3.40, u.3j, •7. jo. ll.uu p. in Additional truln.s for Carlisle .and Mechanicsburg at #.IS a. m.. -.IS, 3.2,, i 3D. #.3U p. lit. Kor LtilisburK at j.03. *7.jl> and * 11.63 _i. in., '.'.IS, *3,40, 3.33, 1i.30 p in , •Hally All other trains d:ily "xcept iunda.i. .1 H. TONGr - ,. 11. A. UIDDLK. G. f. A. Supt.