THE WEATHER FAIR TO-NIGHT AND TO-MORROW Detailed Krport. l'agt • n?:T A ?." s " ED VOL. 7ft—NO. 132. WAR NOW ON WITH TURKS, SAY BRITISH Proclamation by Great Britain States War Exists With Ottoman Government KING GEORGE SIGNS PAPERS At Privy Council in Buckingham Pal ace English Ruler Signs Document Proclaiming Hostilities With the Sultan's Domain By Associated Puts. London, Nov. 5, 11.33 A. M.—lt was officially announced in Loudon to day that a state of war exists between Great Britain and Turkey. The proc lamation to this effect, which subse quently was gazetted, reads as follows: "Owing to hostile acts committed by the Turkish fortes under German offi cers, a state of war exists between Great Britain and Turkey from to-day, and all proclamations and orders in council issued with reference to the State of war betwen Great Britain'and Germany and Austria shall apply to the state of war between Great Britain and Turkey '' A privy council was held in Buck ingham palace this morning to discuss this question. At its conclusion King George signed the document proclaim ing the stats of war, and the announce ment was made. No British warships are in Chilean ports. The fate of the throe British cruisers that eiuaged hve German war ships off the coast oi Chile and the transport that accompanied them re- liiKiiis a mystery. On tlii3 mystery is based the British liope that one oi more of their vessels survived the action. A dispatch from Santiago to day disposes of an earlier report that the British cruiser Glasgow and transport Otiauto had been bottled vp in Chilean waters by the German cruisers Leipzig and Bremen. The whereabouts of the two latter cruisers is also in doubt. 01 the nine vessels that figured in the naval battle only the German warships Scharnhorst, Gneise neu and Nuruberg have been deiin.teiy accounted for. After coming into Val paraiso they again sailed. Nor was there any word to-day of the British battleship Crnopus which the Admiralty says had been sent to Strengthen Rear Admiral Cradoek's bquadrcn. There is nothing to iudicate that she arrived in time to participate in the iight. Great Britain has declared war on Turkey and the Ottoman government despite dissensions in the Cabinet is definitely committed to hostilities against Great Britain, Russia, France and Servia. While Turkey becomes in effect an ally of the Teutonic allies she is strictly speaking waging an indepen dent war upon Russia because of an al leged attack upon her by the Russian navy; and upon tile other countries in volved because of their espousal of the Bussian cause. The new drive for the sea coast of the heavily reinfornied German forces in Belgium has been met by a counter offensive of the also augmented armies of the allies in the vicinity of Ypres. '' The Franco-British lines hav e at no point drawn back," says the afternoon French official statement, "and our troops undertaking the offensive have made notable progress in several direc tions. '' I It is declared that the allies have made slight progress to the east of Nieuport and that the German attacks from Dixmude to the Lys axe being made with less energy. Renewed Ger man activity is reported on the center without notable change and on the right of tlie allies the situation remains deadlocked. A dispatch from Teheran reports that the Persians are much excited over the clash between Turkey and Russia. The pretender, Salar Ed Dowleh, has pro claimed himself as Germany's candi date for the throne. Great Britain has formally annexed the island of Cyprus in the Mediter ranean which has remained long under the suzerainty of th e Turkish sultan though with a British administration. It is asserted that the Austrians are being held in Galicia. The Russians have suspended the siege of Przemysl Continued on Second I'ajce. GERMAN CRUISER STRIKES MINE AMD GOES TO BOTTOM London, Nov. 5. 4 09 A. M.—The 1 Gorman cruisei Yorcke struck a mine in Jade bay and sunk. The information ' regarding the loss of the Yorcke! reached London in an Amsterdam dis- J patch to the Reutor's Telegram Com- 1 pany. It stated that an official dis patch from Berlin said that the Yorcke on the forenoon of November 4 struck a mine chain blocking the entrance to Jade bay and sank. Late reports doclarc that 382 men, more than half of the erew, had al ready been saved, but that the rescue ;work was hampered by a thick fog. ®le Star- JiikjJaiktit FIRE MENACED DILLSBURC IVo Blazes for a Time Threatened to Destroy Big Area in Business Section of Borough (Special to the Star-Independent.) Dillsburg, Pa., Nov. 5.—A fire of unknown origin broke out in the stable belonging to Peter Sidle, on South Bal timore street, last uight about 11 o'clock, and for a time threatened the entire central part of the town. Due to the late hour the fire had gained great headway before it was discov ered. Two horses and several wagons belonging to Beehive Baker were burn ed. The Opera house and several of the adjoining buildings caught tire sev eral times but the hard work of the vol unteer firemen saved these structures. In the midst of the excitement dur ing this fight another one was discov ered in the barn belonging to A. 0. Plackford on the west side of the street. The flames spread from there to Sheffer's Chain Factory, doing about $2,500 worth of damage to the ma chinery and building. Next it caught the stable belonging to Joseph Shef fer, owner of the Chain Factory. Both the Blackford and Sheffer stables were entirely destroyed. It is thought that the second fire started from sparks from the first that were carried across the street and over the houses and dropped on the dry shingle roof. The Sidle stable and contents were entirely destroyed. Sidle carried no in surance. The Blackford barn was en tirely destroyed. It was partly covered by insurance. The Sheffer stable was entirely destroyed and is partly covered by insurance. There was insurance covering damage to chain factory. The total loss is about $3,000, offset by only a little more than SI,OOO in surance. The town hall was saved only by an eastward wind, as the scarcity of water in the borough made it necessary to pump from the reservoir. The Rescue Fire Company, of Mechanicsburg, sent its chemical wagon to the scene of the fires but it arrived too late to be of any assistance. The chemical wagon was drawn by an automobile truck owned bv H. R. Gelwicks, a drayman, of Me chanicsburg. WOMAN PLAYS DETECTIVE Mrs. Delia Mosee, in Garb of Indian Maiden, Finds Her Hat Mrs. Delia Mosee, dressed as an In dian maiden on Halloween, recognized a hat. across Third street on that"even ing as one that was taken from her home last August and, playing detect ive in her costume, she claims to have identified the hat. Ijater she made in formation against Mrs. Sarah Butler, 3lt) SiHitli Cameron street, for larceny of the hat, which Mrs. Mosee values at $lO. Detective Iba.h served the warrant last evening and Mrs. Butler was al lowed to go on bail until a hearing before Mayor Royal this afternoon. Mrs. Mosee says that Mrs. Butler was living at the former's home in August, when the hat was taken. The hat has not been recovered. PRIZE FIGHTING DOOMED Law Doing Away With Fistic Sport Probably Carried By Associated Press. San Prancisco, Nov. s.—Prize fight ing is doomed in California in the face of returns from Tuesday's election as compiled to-day. The proposed law doing away with the fistic sport had been given a majority of votes in the precincts reporting and as votes wore distributed throughout the State, it seemed probable that later figures would maintain the same ration against ! the measure. Earlier returns, especially those from 1 cities, made it appear that the anti light measure had been lost by a nar row margin. The State has long been n pugilistic stamping ground and it is said at one time three world cham pions of various classes lived in the >amc block in Ban Prancisco The so-called lowa injunction law i for the abatement of immoral traffic, heretofore regarded as defeated, like wise showed heavy support from the inner districts of the State and the af firmative votes obtained a majority. Vote on Woman Suffrage Chicago, Nov. s,—Woman suffrage, voted on in seven States in Tuesday's election, has carried in two States, pos sibly three, and according to national suffrage leaders "still has a chance in two others." This resume is based on the best information available at noon to-day. Washington State Going "Dry" Seattle, Wash., Nov. s.—ln 1.585 election precincts the vote for prohibi tion is 137,214, against 123,930. This is a prohibition lead of 13.284. The returns DOW straggling in from "wet.'' counties are slowly, increasing the prohibition majority. North Carolina Republican Congressman Abbeville, N. C., Nov. s.—Congress man Gudger's campaign manager to day formally conceded to election of J. .1. Brift, Republican candidate for Congress from this, the Tenth district. Brittt's majority probably will be 700. Sherman Won By 6,000 Chicago, Nov. 0. —Senator Law rence Y. Sherman, Republican, was re-elected Tuesday bv 6,000 or more plurality over Roger C. Sullivan, Dem ocrat, according to almost complete re turns available to-day. Sunday Baseball Illegal Washington, Nov. s.—The court of appeals here to-day revefSed a ruling of a lower court and held that Sunday baseball in the National Capital is il legal. Heir Presumptive Killed in War London, Nov. 5, 5.20 A. M.—Ma jor Leslie D'Henin Hamilton, of the Cold Stream Guards and the heir pre sumptive to Lord Hamilton, of Dal zell, it is announced to-day was killed in action October 25. HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5, 1914—12 PAGES.. SIOHGH ASKS FOR 11 IN PBLPIT Wants Him, the Coro ner and District At torney to Join in the "March to Jericho" CALLS CHURCHES OF CITY DEAD Revivalist Declares Members Must Do Differently Because He Doesn't Want "the Sinners in This Town to Be Contaminated" Evaugeltist Stough, preaching last night to 8,000 at the tabernacle on the necessity of using a clean thing to clean something with if one wants to get it clean, endeavored to make clear to church members that if they Ure to do good in this city they must first look to their own goodness, and ex pressed the wish that Harrisburg and Dauphin county officials would fall in line in the present campaign against un righteousness in this community. In illustrating how Elisha headed a pro cession from Jericho to the source of the city's bad water he began a march around the platform, saying: "First in the procession was Elisha, carrying the milk crock with tlie salt in it. Then came the mayor of Jericho. I wish I had the Mayor of Harrisburg in line hero with me. I wonder where be is to-niglrt. Next came the chief of police of Jericho. I wish I had Harrisburg's chief of police in line. Then came the corouer of Jericho coun ty. Oh, how I wish I had the Coroner of this county here. Next came the Jericho district attorney. I would like to have your District Attorney lined up. After that came the city commission ers and then the ministers. I wish I could get all the ministers of this city in line too.'-' Calls Seminary a Cemetery At the opening of his sermon the evangelist told of the ascension to heaven of Elijah, "founder of the first theological seminary an.l professor of dogmatics, Hebrew, honnletics and cv erythiug else that goes with a ceme tery.'' He described the asceusion as the most magnificent funeral, "beating any turnout you ever had here in Har risburg.' ' When he came to the part of his story dealing with the ''real estate boom of Jericho'' he digressed in order to enlarge on the necessity for citizens to boost Harrisburg instead of knock- Continued on Seventh IV.ue KREIDER WON BY 10.44S Republican Candidate for Congress Car ried All Counties of District Revised bat unofficial returns, com plete, from the three counties compris ing this Congressional district—Dau phin, Cumberland and Lebanon— showed this morning that Aaron 8. Kreider, Republican, carried all three with pluralities over Kauffman, Demo crat, his nearest rival, totalling 10,448. Dauphin couaty gave Kreider a plurality of 7.164; Lebanon gave him 2,:>41, and Cumberland 743. Indications, backed up by the fig ures, show that Hen K. Pocht, the Re publican nominee for Congress in the Seventeenth or "shoestring'' district, has defeated his Democratic opponent. Prank L. Dershem, by about 1,200 majority, carrying five of the eight counties. Yesterday's returns had in dicated Pocht's defeat. In the Fifteenth district Congress man Edgar R. Kiess, known to many Harrisburgers as an Eglesmere host, has defeated John J. Reardon, his Democratic opponent, who was backed by Secretary of Labor Wilson. Congressman Warren Worth Bailev, ; of the Johnstown "Democrat," wlio j had as his opponent, Jesse L. Hart- i man, of Blair, has won by a small ma- i jority. In the Twentieth Congressional dis- j trict, C. William Beales, of Gettys-1 burg, Republican, has defeated Con- ! gressman Brodbeck, Democrat, of j York, by over 700. DRILLED TURKISH BATTALION ON WAY TO FRONT ' ■--«»--••■" y,n***W3 y, r _ ; A NIZAM INFANTRV BATTALION OF TURKEY *^sFF p^ and tookcden,,nenUy serTkcable in «*""■« In some battalions when mobilised for service the "knlnhin," or lonsr felt gaiter is worn instead of nnttop. b*ttS™ 1 ' U C ' at °" the FrW,Ch P#ttern ' *" h * kl «* *• *>»« Wk, and b .T: ™JiT™?°,LZ lZ C. A. LINDBLAD RESIGNS Harrisburg Hospital Superintendent Has Accepted a Position Nearer His Home The resignation of Charles Arthur Lindblad as superintendent of the Harrisburg hospital, was accepted with regret by the Board of Trustees of that institution in special meeting at noon to-day in the office of Henry B. McCormick, president of the board. Mr. Lindblad, who came to Harris burg from McKeesport, where he was assistant superintendent ot' a hospital there, has accepted a position in a Pittsburgh hospital and hopes to be gin his new duties there on Decem ber 1. A member of the Board of Managers said following the meet ing: "We accepted Mr. Lindblad's resig nation with considerable regret. He has been very successful in Harris burg in systematizing the handling of patients. He, however, has accepted a position in Pittsburgh which is nearer his home and believes he will be bet ter satisfied there on that account." A committee of the board has been appointed to nominate a successor to Mr. Lindblad, who will also be a man, if a suitable one familiar with hospital work can be found. The committee hopes to be able to name a successor by December 1. CONGRESS STILL DEMOCRATIC Administration Holds Both Legislative Branches in Washington By Associated Press. New York, Nov. 5. —With four Con gressional districts still uncertain, re sults of Tuesday's election show that the Democrats elected to the House, 2US; Republicans, 194; Progressives, 7; Socialists, 1, and Independents, 1. This would gL'e the Democrats a ma jority in the lower house of 25. Republicans claim tlie election of Jamos .1. Britt over .1. M. Qudger in the Tenth district of North Carolina; N. M. McLean, Republican-Progressive, in the Third Colorado district, anMercer and Warren, which, taken aa a whole, are expected to help the western candidate, and Bradford, Columbia. Juniata, Northumberland Sullivan and Wyoming which are expected to in ■crease Kunkei's vote." The Philadelphia "Ledger's" fig ures, compiled at last midnight and therefore not as recent as those avail able to the Kunkel campaign commit tee, sho-wed that 5.2 of tie 67 coun ties gave Frazer a majority of 26,14 7. These figures included both Philadel phia and Allegheny counties. The "Ledger" did not claim that Prazer was elected, but admitted that the re sult was in doubt. Trexler Surely Elected PY>r -lu*iige of the Superior Court, Judge Trexier, appointed to that ben. ii by Governor Tener to fill a vacancy, is apparently having a walkover. Return from 4 7 counties give Judge Trexlet 387,225, against 171,173 for his op ponent, Clark, or a majority of 216. 052 for Trerler. The ■missing counties are likely to increase Judge Trerler 'g lead. The latest returns available indicate tlhat ißrurrtbaugh's majority over M-e Oormtiek for Governor will 'be 139,04 I. and tJhat Penrose has beaten Pii»chot. his nearest, rival for the Senatorahip, bv i 236,493 in the HtaJte. l*almer appear." to 'have run slightly below Pinchot. McClain, Republican, for Lieutenant Oovernor, and Houck, Republican, for .Secretary of Internal Affairs, have been elected by big majorities. Kunkel 7,009 Ahead In Berks Reading. Pa., Nov. s.—Berks coun ty complete but unofficial: Palmer, 10.- 499; Pinchot, 4,882; Penrose, 7,410; MWCormick, 13,383; Brumbaugh, 8.- 861; Prazer, 4,107; Kunkel, 11,176; Clark, 4,000; TVexler, 11,948, Kunkel Carries Erie by 029 Lrie, Pa., Nov. s.—'Erie county complete gave Kunkel for Supreme Court judge, 4,642; Frazer, 3,713. Kunkel's majority, 929. Frazer Carries Crawford Meadvilie, Pa„ Nov. s.—CrawtfoiM county, officials, for Supreme Court. Judge; Frailer, 3,629; Kunkel, 1,93 a.