rr=sinii ibii umi—i— irar=gmm inii-Ji—^nnigassimi—im— — .n.^—..maillß—l lßi—BßßßMßl6—BßßMPirrrrif igaa«iPPlW^ t lCH^9nnt^i M 'lßliTr 181-— yr—lßl— — iOi=ss='Sg]EHsßrfS H | The Star-Independent's Great Bargain and Educational Page i WE WILL PAY YOU TO READ 0 This page contains bargains—the very best of the season—offered by Harrisburg's reliable merchants. You cannot afford to miss them. Read every advertisement on this page and then tell • n us what bargain you find to be the best bargain and why. For the best letter the Star-Independent will pay $3.00 in Cash; for ths second best, $2.00 and for the third best SI.OO. Address all letters | f to The Bargain Editor, The Star-Independent, and send them in not later than Monday noon of next week. Anyone can compete. We will publish the prize letters, with the names and addresses Ijl in our news°columns. Letters not to contain more than 150 words. :,j ■ ==a nß=ini=s=irii I Combination Offer for This Week f ♦ •£ I <• 1 pound coffffee, *? j ♦ pound tea •J <• r. pound granulated sugar 30 •{" :i pound Heeker's 1? Quart Queen svrup 15 T Dozen soap (any brand) 50 Is. s. POMEROYJ % MARKET SQUARE GROCER ! ♦ ? 5. .j.•> •> >:• •> •;« v 4> *♦♦ ♦<• ♦ * •!' * 'l* v<■ •5' i' •> ** * ••• •> •> * * ••• ••• ♦ ' i, WE do not give rebates, prizes, premiums, or offer any kind of | inducements whatever to any phvsi- I cian for recommending you to us. j AVe depend upon the quality of our j work to satisfy both patient and i physician. That's the Forney Idea FORNEY'S DRUG STORE -I2« MARKET STREET /■ i Three Days Only A $3.00 Solid Gold Necklace and Lavalier, pendant set with stones, I $2.75 L. A. FAUNCE JEWELER 1311 North Third Street F. E. RIDENOURj 1221 N. Third St. Fresh Cut Flowers Always on Hand Funeral Designs a Specialty SPECIAL Suits Sponged and Pressed, Suits Steam Cleaned, 25 H. SCHAMPAN Custom Tailor Third and Reily Streets •> ❖** *❖ * ********* ***** * * * * I Good Pies and Cakes Start something. If they don't serve them. Made by Afticks & Afticks f 217 Broad Street BARGAINS For Hunters i Liberty Shells with high brass, 65c I ox. Red Top Hunting Caps, \ each. We still have a few single barrel guns for $3.00. Bogar Hardware Company 1315 N. Third Street Near Broad Street Market Open Evenings 1 Biggest Bargain Offered Yet! An $18.50 Diamond Ring for $11.50 H. G. SEIBERT, Jeweler 1902 North Sixth Street <• •> •> <• *•>•> * * •> •:* •> <• •> *** •> * ! Thermos Bottles—lcy Hot Bottles | i Former prices, .00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $5 |j % Thursday while they last % | 50<S 7551.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50 ? I GOLDEN SEAL f 11 S. Market Square ! •> «8» | * v «5» •'« «C. *•& «5» 4 «P» «5* •>»>•*• •>•s•£» ❖»> £••s' «9» •& •2* •> <• »> »> «#» v «j» »!♦ A <• »> <• «& Peoples Bakery ; 557 Woodbine Street Our goods and prices are alway- right. TITZELL ARE MAXOTIKES VALUABLE? We will let this question undecided I and Rive you a specific instance where 1 R tire lias run 11,295 miles and is still , lon the car. This could not have been i accomplished without the use of a MAXOTIRE. ! SHAFFER SALES CO., 80-88 South Cameron Street r ">' Old Gorman RYE Whiskey JOHN J. FINN 434 Market St. Family Trade (Both Phones) A J A BARGAIN FRIDAY ONLY All Cookies S<> Doz. :?o Different Varieties Sheaffer's Bakery 905 N. Third St. % /. * Reason No. 3 * Buy 25 (j\x\\ Severn, l ! and you will receive them packed in a beautiful metal humidore without %\ any additional cost. <. j + ! I* »> »> ♦> «5» •> »> •> »> •> «5» •> •> »> »J •> ►> »> •> *!♦ ►!« ♦> «•!•» <♦ -j 5c Frozen Mints Chewing, Gum This Thursday at 2 packs for 5C GRUNDEN'S Drug Store Sixth and Boas Streets / \ Why do you do your shop- ! ping in town when at V/ebb's Electric Store, on the Hill, you can be accommodated both on j gas and electric supplies at re markable low prices. Give us a trial and be convinced. C. E. WEBB | 234 S. Thirteenth St. *■ *'■ e 1 \ BIG BARGAINS New Stoves at whole- 1 sale prices. Closing out ■ entire stock. All guaran- ' teed. Morris Skolnik 1211 North Sixth St. C. V. Phone Make Christ King Small campaign singing books at the Central Book Store ' Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 4, 1914. A BARGAIN 1 FRIDAY ONLY SIO.OO Doz. Sepia Sketch at $6.00 $5.00 Doz. Sepia Sketch at $3.00 | New stylos for the holidays. 1 Hfusser's Studio, i No. 16 N. Third St., City «■ -* Beautiful Electric Art Glass Dome, with chain, hung anywhere in Harris l"lrS for $6.00 Dauphin Electrical Supplies Company John S. Musser, President 4:t4 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa., We will allow von 10 per cent, discount on Sorosis Shoes if you bring this cou pon with you. CREGO, 15 N - Third st Home-made Pork Sausage, Fresh Pork Ham, . .. 18^| HULL BROS. 1718 NORTH THIRD STREET 1 \ MR. AND MRS. HOUSEKEEPER We are offering for this week a line of beautiful gas and art glass domes which will be hard to dupli cate. If you are thinking of buying a dome, see us and profit by it. The Columbia Electric Co. 13th and Market Sts. * j i i National Cash Registers Total adders $lO aud up. Sold on easy payments. Call at'show room. No. 103 Market' | street, and get demonstration of our j Money and Labor-saving Machines. N. R. Black, Sales Agent Both Phonos ————.i__ 1 Developing Printing Enlarging J. A. KEPPLE PHOTOGRAPHER Room 10. N. SECOND STREET HARRISBURG, PA. \J Charioiis J. Opiernun '^ ec * a * \ at About I /)} HALF the tjp, ' s/ M; usual prices 'J27 NORTH SECOND STREET ! S Bell Phone 2105 w——^ Combination Bargains for Thursday 1 lb. " B. B. D." Blend Coffee 30^ 1 qt. Best Saur Kraut, 5^ 2 lbs. Granulated Sugar 12^ 1 Loaf Bread 3«£ i 1 50^ WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK B. B. DRUM, 1801 N. 6th St. ; v ' I r \ For the lowest prices in Fine Chinchilla Overcoats see N. Zimmerman Allison Tailor 7 N. THIRTEENTH STREET ——a—* BARGAIN PICKING CONTEST RESULTS Coulinurd From First I'lgt. gain on the page and considering the same, I come to the conclusion that the best a'dvertisement-this week is "Oxyo line" from the "Shope Sanitarium." There are quite a number of good bargains, but the reason I think this one the best is because every man and woman in this world should know that without health there can be no happi- I ness, and when you invest your money to get your health, you are making tne [ best investment you ever made in your life. Whoever you are, wherever you i are, whatever may be your aim in life, ' the greatest bargain on earth is— SPECIAL NOTICE: The names signed to all prize winning letters must be published in full. REASON I EXPLAINED How is it that my neigh bor is always prepared to take advantage of the bar gains advertised? We know. He has an account with us. You can have an account too. 4 per cent, paid on Savings Security Trust Com* pany of Harrisburg 36-38 North Third Street Better Clothes—Less Money * \ We Guarantee Our Pain- i less Extraction of Teeth The work must be satisfactory as | represented or no charge will be i made. We '.ave used our system for | twenty-five years. We have always I pleased and are still pleasing our ; patients. The Shops Sanitarium, No. 1700 J , X. Second St., Uarisburg, Pa. 'V * ' Only $335 1 For ; A $550 Pianists i An almost XEW 88-note 1 player-piano, with bench, i scarf, one dozen music rolls, toning and delivery included FREE. Terms, $5 cash, $S monthly J. H. TRMIP MUSIC HOUSE \ 15 So. Market Sq. > ' » \ MISSION DINING ROOM SUIT $135.00 value reduced to $98.00 Including Buffet, China Closet, Extension Table, five Chairs and Arm. For this week only. Buttorff & Co. NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. I Health. Your truly, Charles W. Young, 578 Showers Avenue. Second Prize Winner | The Bargain Editor: Dear Sir —The best bargain would [ bo the greatest bargain and H. G. Sei bert's advertisement of $3.50 and $4.00 Lockets at $1.50 is the greatest reduction on the page. The fact that it may not appeal to the majority or is not a necessity, makefl it no less a bargain. That it is a bargain is proven by the advertis ed reduction. Space, type or display does not make a bargain any more than a poor propo sition on a full page. It is the actual bargain, properly and intelligently advertised that brings results. Mrs. E. B. Sprow, Highspire. r \ A BIG BARGAIN "Korrect Shape" Patent Leather Shoes for men are guaranteed not to break through. If they do, we will replace a new pair absolutely free. Try a pair. LAPPLEY'S, Fourth and Kelker Sts. [SUPPOSE] <J you send us your shirts and {j collars next week. Xo rough J» edges or sharp corners. Our <; work is perfect. ] > j; Arcade Laundry ;!| j; Logan & Granite Aves. ;• S Both Phones ' M Gray Bonnat 5c Cigar han made a hit. j box, mi. 15 no box, si-.t:r> | CHAS. H. KOCH 35 N. Second Street I r \ Special for W«dneEday and Thurs- I day Only La Perle Brocade Corsets I Regularly 55.00 $3.45 New models; medium bust and j | long hip; pink and white. La P SPECIALTY SHOP I UO4 Locust Street, Next to Orpheum i v j j THE CHILDRBX' AM. I.IKE j PEANUT BUTTER I for their lunch, and as we inalie our , own we can vouch for its quality and its freshness. Only l«c per lh. J. G. SCHAEFER KonMer nml I'aoker of (irade ( of- i fee and Tm, 4S. Ittth St. Bell pbour l«3s ' HOERNER'S QOHE in and benefit by the e\'tra 1 values wc are offering in Wool Finished Blankets. 310 BROAD STREET / —v The Best Bargain You can get for your money in a business education a't the School of Cammarca <5 S. MARKET SQUARE tM AE'S For Hair Dress- Special price ! / f/ Articles and / jL-j j Buffers. Lpgfi 34 N. 3d St. Second Floor I Third Prize Winner The Bargain Editor: Dear Sir —After carefully perusing the "Bargain and Educational" page of October 28, my conclusion in the' greatest bargain is that of the Stieff Piano Company. Their offer of a used Stieff piano with ea/binot player and $25 worth of player rolls, a total of $725 for S3OO, is considerably less than half the actual cost, hence the greatest 'bargain offered. Wlhile the advertisement states the piano has been used, the depreciation eertainly cannot amount to the gTeat reduction in the price. Is not such a low pirice for reliable goods by a reputable concern a most unusual bargain Very truly youis, Anna S. Cubhison, 109 Hoerner Street. * >;• •> <• <• •> •> •> <• k Do not forget the | | COMMERCIAL BANK j | 1222 and 1224 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa., % % has a Christmas and Vacation Club Fund, which >ou t ♦> *2* % can start ANY TIME and save 2.") cents. 50 cents, or t «5* | one dollar weekly, for 16 weeks or more. % v One $450.00 Used Stieff j Piano. One $250.00 Used C abinet Player and $25.00 worth ■ of Player Rolls for $300.00 Can You Beat It? Stieff Piano j Warerooms FOR Pure Wine, Liquors and Beer SEE JOHN G. WALL Cor. Sixth and Cumberland Sts. j Botli Phones Auto Delivery C. T. FERNBAUGH Fine Cakes i Insist on your Groceryman furnish ing them. Retail and wholesale. 1631 N. Sixth Street II II 'j*•>** v»>* •> «fi» •> **** ►> •> •:« *♦> •:« ****❖»> •> ♦> »;• »> «j» •> »> »>»:«* •> ►:« *»> * *•>* * * •;« ►> * $ 42c SPECIAL I ii i •> ■ •> 'j | 10 Cakes Ivory Soap, | ! POLLECK'S GROCERY STORES 1 ! * WHERE QUALITY COUNTS .> i * <• * Harrisburg and Steelton % * $ j. •>.;.•> •> •:«.} .j. £.4 •} •> < All Kinds of Safety Razor Blades RESHARPENED 25c per dozen, at FORNEY'S DRUG- STORE j V A Case of Allentown Beer Call HANLEN BROS. and say a case of HORLACHER'S I * jfFREE! FREE! FREEf | A Big 25-cent L-V Dust Cloth | with every RO-cent bottle of LIQUID VENEER Every Friday only in November and December. Ryder's Brighten-Up Stores N. Third St. Broad St. 3Q2 ? Buy the Best for the Money Yingling's Celebrated PottsviUe Beer and Porter K Bottled by e CHAS. S. BUX 1 Both Phones HIH-HISO Market St. i„ . . VVVVVVV'P'PVv VTVVVV wv W W V V V v V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V v*3* V V I A BARGAIN FOR ALL HILL PEOPLE ! t Save Your Car Fare •5* * We will start our ❖ ! CHRISTMAS SAVINGS FUND I * December 29, 1914 •> ' ❖ * You can join any time after that. Open every Saturday evening. ■> I The East End Bank f 5 Thirteenth and Howard Streets % * * We Nickel Plate Stove Parts The Nuss Mfg. Co. 1 ITH and MULBERRY STREETS A S3O Bicycle for $21.75 This Week Only Chester B. Smith IKIN. Third Street r N THURSDAY ONLY 50c Initialed Correspond ence Cards Special, per box I RiNKf^N VJ (JEWELER CY ES IGHTS PECIALIST 1215 N. THIRD ST. • I * . 1 V Electrical Contractor House Wiring a Specialty All kinds of electrical repair work given prompt attention. Bell phone 3430. JOHN W. SNYDER HO2 Market Street, Lemoyne, Pa. 1 "• :< 4<• •> ■> >:• ♦ •;* *t <• •:< <« •> »•>•> -> Singeing Massagcing Star Barber Shop / CHAS. H. RAPP. Propr. 4SO Market Street Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty All Work Guaranteed Union Shop Crude Oil Shampoo 'SPECIAL 1 THIS WEEK BISQUE ICE-CREAM WALKER jcMESSIMER 411 N. Second Sf. Families and Parties Supplied 011 Short No tice. I l V J One hundred SI.OO Watches Thursday rjr Only, ... W. R. ATKINSON J rj:i N. THIRD STREET 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers