|| Never Questioned S £® *? a>^ Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure * and wholesome. It is made from highly re- St! fined, pure, cream of tartar, an ingredient of §§£ grapes. Not an atom of unwholesomeness goes into it; not an unwholesome influence P*': comes from it. It perfectly leavens the food, makes it finer in appearance, more delicious to the taste, more healthful. c Absolutely Pure No Alum PH 5" , ■ ■ J _. ; PERS ON A L A AID SOCIAL NEWS B'CKLEY-LINCLE WEDDING -ereraony Will Be Performed Tins Evening in Curtin Heights M E. Parsonage Lite of Misj Ki.-.i ljn.;le. 1--C :• « Mr. Ms. Wtiuam U. U*j£e, 314 Peffer >iw;. to Wil.an P. Bi .m■■■\. n: tax* a,, this evening at S.'!o 'n the fHion>|i of the Ourtin H-. ig ito X. E. cimroh wtth the pastor. !+.e Kev. A. s. WiHlott! officiating in t. ■ lid. T.ie I'rt.io » i. : a traveling suit -■>: >iue • iffon a.t otb trisvnied wUta 3 : h« to harmonize. Her (•nag* htOfM m eof HtUdp ami *; ie» lies. After a we; 20 to their friends a; 5-4 Peffe- s:ree: Lrorar*. Mr.°Bickl«» W «JrSb. a X-. W an h Keller ISM N.- • Thi-i «ree:. H> :s » au (i the Penn sylvan ; -a.Sroa l io ». ftrrr.p-Vogel Wedding Marietta. Nov. 4.—Miss Mary V 0 fti and Thornla Stan p. of Manheim. wore -i..-- ■. t yesterday at tiie I'restn terian manse. Christiana, by the paa to*, the Re\. A. T. Stewart. A Mm t <>r >v;is , t ,i i;i ■ . telv afterwards tiSHST ITGfflt FRCI DANDRUFF H:' Stirtea to Fa . Red Rash Dried Into Sma. Sca'as. Could Be Seen Plainly in Hrr. Used Cuticura Soap arc Ointment. Trouble Gone. •♦lO No 60th St . Philadelphia Pi - '.la!' aco ! was troubled with dan druff. V. flrrr • was just thin and I didn't fc -. pay any attention to It ~ hat after about a ro. aie of Cuticura Soap and box of Catican Ointment Vow my head U f'e* from dandmff and my hair is (trowlna In nicely. The trouble is completely gone. ' .signed Fred E Dingee. Feb e. I9M. Samples Free by Mail Although Cuticura «o»p JSr and Catl cura Ointment 50c are sold throughout the world, a sample of each with 32-p. Skin Boo* will be sent free upon request Ad dress po«t-card ' Cuticura Dept. T Boston t Our Policy High-tira.ie Optical Service rlis (•ensed by experts at reasonable prices. Joetlusiycr EXCLUSIVE Prescription Optician 205 LOCUST ST. Opp. Orpheom—Bell tttWs L. fIRCUS STAFFENJOY OUTING Pupils oi Central High Held Their An nual Straw Ride to Boil ing Springs The \rgus" staff of . entrai High * loo ' ho't its annual straw r;ie to A>i".ng - - Moil lay evening, Upon their »r- v..1 there sapper was served after w.t h a woonlight waik was en •V v eJ. The rurrv, > ia!>erone»l bv Miss !• the Ma 'abees. under the e:\:*;on -f De- uty Great Commander i Mrs. May Bkkok. have been doing most ' excellent work in this oitv and on Thursday evening. Xoveimber 5. Miss I l-->uu- 'ury. tue great commander, will uitiare :» !a~- of about twenty-five ivi e-s at FTantz hall. Third and 1 lain ;on streets, at S o'eloek. This is tie largost organization for women in the worl 1. having a membership of over 1T2. , ' > 00 and having for its dbjeci not only the protection or" the home aud loved ones out also tiie uplifting of hu manity. f; ;« earnestly hoped that ev e: 1-ady Mn vabee in" the > ity will be present 3t tit s initiation. !:i this oity alone there is a n:em ->ershir- of over Three 'hundred and I i it tao cxocilent work of Harrison "£ ! -i e guard te.iai under the leadership i i of ( aptain .Sti-j.-toank a sji oesst jl | , an i i ensant evening is expected. i•, McCleary-Enders Wedding Mi-s Li la May Kn lers an.i Donald Arthur Mo lea r v. both of Xew Cum berland. were quietly married at the parsonage of the State Street I". B.! xiiuroa yesterday at noon. The cere mony wa. performed by the pastor, the R-*v. K. A. G. Bnssler. ami the eoupie were unattended Mr. ami Mrs. Me deary wi-1 res !e i Xew Cumberland. Miss Eva K'lnkel Entertained Miss Eva Kunkel entertained the members of the Km broidery Club, to which she belongs, at her home in Pax- \ la>t evening. The guests • uided Miss Edith Mar- j tin. Mi-s Ruth Kunkel. Miss Irene Wil liams. Miss Enola Crouse, Mi«* Sadie l»avis. Miss Anna Keener, Mis- Helen S'noatT an 1 Miss Kunkel. Birth Announcements Mr. aa l 'Mrs. Edward B. Koser. 1527 1 Regioa -treet. announce the birth of a 'on on Mom lay, October 26. Mr. ani Mrs. I/eßoy Smith. 1525 j Fark r-t-.-et. announce the birth of a , son. Robert I«? Roy Smith. Sunday, y 0 - I ' vember 1. Maav Attend Current Events Class Two hundred and fifty women at ten iel the o;>ening of the Current Events class of Mrs. Mabel Cronise i •tones yesterday afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. Tiie audience completely filled the .lohn Y. Boyd memorial hall, the reoeption hall and corridors and manv were compelled to stand throughout ■ the meeting. The executive committee ha- announced that by next week there will be seating accommodations for everyone. W C. T. U. Meeting The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance L'nion wiil be held at the home of Mrs. S. O. Goho, 807 North Sixth street, to-morrow aft e-noon at 2 o'clock. Miss Palmer of the Stoujh ;>arty will address the member* and the hour ha* been changed from the usual time of meeting 2.30, in order to have Mi«s Palmer, who is prominently; identified with W. C. T. U. work, at the 1 meeting. TTARRTSBURG ST AR- [X DEPEX DENT. WEDNESDAY EVEXTXfI. NOVEMBER 4. 1914. GUESISDFK VAN WAGNER Members of Queen Esther Circle Were Entertained at Her Home in Hainton M W. Vac Wagner entertained; the members of the Queen Esther cir cle of Curt.n Height# M. K. church at her home at Uainton Monday evening. The guests spent a pleasant evening with music an i games after which sup per was served. Those present were Miss Minerva Rohrer, Miss Margaret Fralich, Miss Issbeiie Loban. Miss Fern Gross. Miss Mary Mecklev, Miss Mary Sliker. Miss Mabel Jones. Miss Rhea Miller, Miss Blubath Sikes, Miss Margaret Rur yo. Miss H:ai\'-le Wheeler. Miss S;\r.l Rohrer. Miss Marie Fisher. Miss Ksther Loban. Miss Emma Frank. Miss Mir iam Metzler. Mls« Beatrice Barger. Miss Nora Gross. Miss Sara Burgoon, Miss Hhoda Wert/.. Miss Esche: Jef fries. John Ebersole, George Smilkev, liewey Latiie. Stadden Williams. Karl Crist. Jay Frank. Clifford Wingard. Paul Kitzmiller. I'aul Holtznian, Clyde Keei. Porter Jeffr es. APPOINT TECH COMMITTEES Students Are Working Hard for the Success ot Annual Bazar and Vaudeville Tne general committee .n charge of the Tech bazar and vaudeville vester dav appointed the following commit tees: Publicity. Professor Knause. Joh'i To-id. Golden. Monger and Moitz; post er and advertising. Professor Reese.. Snow. Anderson, Bernheisel. Hilton: printing and distribution of tickets. Professor Grubb. John Todd. Garland! George Miller. Heffeltinger: decoration antl lights. Professor Koous. Golden. Knight. Hcuck, Menger. McKelvev.: ic e cream. Professor Pomp. ililton. Jack stitelcr. Molt-. George .Stark, Es sig, Houston. Mover: cake. LJovd. Web ber. Koenig, Moore. Schmidt, Bover. Butfington. Reeves. Gipple. Gilbert. Wr 'ght. McFarland, Bo.\ son. Fitzpat rick. Tittle. Be.'k. Wagner, Wohlfarth. Shuey: vaudeville. Professjr Strawin ' sky. Fohl. John To id, Shope. Mcllhen ny, Melville, Wall, Heffeltinger. Chavne, snow; candy, Professor Hill. Koons Paterson. H. Cocklin. Madden. Peters. Ressing, Bucher. Werner. K. Sta*k, Pollock, Wore eater, McCurdv, Fagerj Morniugstar. Stri.-kler, Zerbi'e, Lipman. j Scheffer, Crane. OI'TIXG OK F. t. 0. I LIB Spent Evening at the "Idle Hours'' Cottage at Paxtonia Members of the F. Y. C. O. Club en tertained a number of young people at a Halloween party at "Idle Hours." a cottage at Partonia, Saturday eieaiug. The party in luiied boaise KVe i- ; eri<"kson, Lucy Manuel, Helen Sloan, Mary Frederickson. Ejretta MoFadden,! Esther Rielwrlne, Helen Frederickson, Helen Manuel, Anna Prey, Enura Fred ricks©n. Nellie Houdeshel. A street. .lames Ijurkin and Thomas 1522 Naudain street, are home from Lebanon. Mrs. P. McKnte» has rent rued to her home in Philadelphia after a visit wit>h her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. John Me- Geehan, 1622 Market street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donuelly, 152-1 Naudaiu street, are home from Geftys burg. Mrs. A. C. T. Spot?. and daugtaer. Miss Miriam Spotz, 1332 Vernon street, are the guests of relatives in Philadel phia. Jesse Met Kulton street, is on a hunting trip to Lewistcwn. Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Seibert. 1520 N;".idain street, has returned home from Ciiambersfbarg. Miss l.:i;ma (Ml.'Cullough. -116 Harris street, has returned home from Wash iugton, D. C. Miss Mary Greek. 050 PetTer street, has returned home from AParvaviHe. Miss Gertrude Smiley. 430 Hamil ton street, has returned home from Lew isburjJ. William M ur.'hv, 1604 Regina street, has returned home from Wash- 'ugde-n. P. 0. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh. 400 Reilv street, have returned home after taking a mo tor trip to Gettysburg. Miss Sura Kennedy, 35t> South Thir teenth street, has returned home from a trip to Washington. P. I'. Miss Hi.tii Hoover has returned to Wilson College after spending several iavs with he.- parents at Evergreen and Chestnut streets. M.ss Sara Bafurin. (>ll9 Boas; street, is spending some time in New York City. P. Cramer iias returned to his home in Denver, Col., after spending some time with his brother. Max Cramer. 1— 2T Wallace street. M.ss Elizabeth King, oil' Reily street, and Mr-. Russell Ri.-hie. of Boyd street, have returned home from a mo tor tfip to Gettysburg. Marietta Club Entertains Marietta. Not. 4.- —Monday night the Khotol Club, composed of forty young men of th's place, entertained the leoorating committee of the bor ough at a sauerkraut supper and lunch eon. Toasts were responded to by many of the gaests. There was a grand pa rade at 11 o'clock and fireworks was the order of th*» celebration. A Hard Meal to Digest Is Quickly Digested by the Taking of a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet After It Is Over <. oru on the cob is hard to digest, for some folk, but with a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet it readily is disposed of by the stomach and digestive ap paratus. Don't ciriijt your stomach. Give it just what it needs at the very mo- ■ ment it needs it. Here is the way a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet acts: x ' He—"l can eat corn now and feel O. K. A Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet will a.ulckly digest it." One takes a tablet just alter the meal is completed. It is taken into the mouth like food: is mixed with the saliva: swallowed moist and par tially dissolved. It joes into the stom ach and is there mixed with the stom ach juices which are composed of acids and alkalies. A Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet re-in forces these juices. It quickly digests the elements which such weakened juices cannot dige«t. After a while the stomach passes the meal partially digested to the in testines, where it goes through another stage of digestion. Here, as in the stomach. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets strengthen the juices of digestion and complete the work of giving the body the benefit of the meal. There is nothing harmful in these tablets. Only natural ingredients which the body lacks are supplied. In a short time the blood and digestive juices arc given the power they lack. .Man can digest any food without in jury and the entire health of the body is increased. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets are sold wherever drugs are sold, price 50 ceDts a box. Anyone wishing a free trial of these tablets please ad dress P. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldp., Marshall, Mich., and a small • sample package will be mailed free. Adv. 1 SL {BVRBA NEW CUMBERLAND Women of St. Paul's Lutheran Church to Hold Meeting Special Correspondence. New Cumberland, Nov. 4. There will be an open meeting for all the women of St. Paul's Lutheran church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. It will be held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Bream on Market street. Monday evening Mrs. H. W. Speak man entertained some of her friends at her home on Geary avenue in a very delightful manner. The rooms were beautifully decorated with autumn leaves, fruit, flowers aud vegetables. Very interesting games, appropriate to Halloween, had been arranged by Mrs. Speak man, which were greatly enjoyed, after which the guests were invited to the dining room which was gay in dec orations of yellow ami black, with witches, owls and black cats peering knowingly at the guests. The table was artistically decorated, the centerpiece bejng a .iardinere made from a pump kin. filled with fruit and grotesque lit tie images. Pumpkin pie, gingerbread, fruit, popcorn, nuts ami cider were served. The favors were place cards, on which were inscribed verses, which when followed led the guests to look for their fortunes which were hidden in dishes, coffee pots, etc., and caused considerable amusement when read by each guest. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. George Reiff, \liss Anna Reifl". .lacob Reiff. Misses Martha and Chastina Yensel, Mrs. J. A. Sprenkel, Mrs. Addie Fulton. Misses Kate and Mary Malone. The West Shore Ministerial Associ ation met November 3 in the St. Paul's Lutheran church at 10 a. m. In the absence of the officers the Rev. Mr. Shuey was elected president pro tern, and the Rev. A. R. Avers secretary. Members present were the Revs. Messrs. Avers, Reigle, Adams, Young, Hutchison, Manges, Mages and Wolf. The association decided to meet in De cember in the Lutheran church at Camp Hill. The Rev. Mr. Young was chosen to read a paper. The Rev. S. O. WeifU read a paper on the "Childhood and Youth of Martin Luther." A general j discussion followed. After a prayer by i the Rev. .T. Y. Adams, the nssociat.on adjourned. The co-operate meeting of the men; bership of Baughman Memorial M. K. church was held on Monday evening. The pastor, the Rev. V. Adams, pre sided and George H. ReitY was ehosen secretary, pro tens, in the absence of J. H. Reiff, the secretary of the Co operation. The purpose of the meeting was the election of trustees. The fol lowing are the trustees, with their re spective term of service: J. J. Baugh nian. Dr. H. YV. Linebaugli and Ira But torff. to serve three years: James Mor ley. William James and Joseph Bates, to serve two years; J. R. Kautfman. J. H. Reiff and Frank E. Seitz, to serve one year. Ira Buttorff was elected to fill the vacancy of G. F. Bobb, who has taken up his residence out of Pennsyl vania. and Frank E. Seitz to till the vacancy caused by the death of C. I* Hale. Miss Sylvia Kaufman is spending a week with her sister. Mrs. Frank Beck lev. in Washington, D. C. Misses Ethel Drayer and Marion Killheffer, Messrs. Shields and Packer spent Sunday in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Planner and fam ily visited Mr. Panner s grandfather, Jacob Danner, in York county, on Sun day. Mrs. Sarah Weikert and Mrs. l»ouisa Bair, of Gettysburg, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hover. MIDDLETOWN To Open Basketball Season on Friday Eveuing Special Correspondence. •Middlet-own. Nov. 4. Nathaniel Lerch, John 1/utz, Jr.. and John and Jacob Myers left yesterday for the Cove, near Marysville, where they will do sorme "carpenter work for several days. Claude Withauer, of Washington. D. C.. is spending several days in town as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Ging rich, Swatara street. Mrs. Martin Crull and daughter. Laura, are spending several days in New Cum'berland where the former was called on accoant of the illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gross have re- A RAW SORE THROAT Eases Quickly When You Apply a Little Musterole Aud MUSTEROLE won't blister like the old-fashioned mustard-plaster. Just spread it on with your fingers. It pen etrates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out all soreness and pain. MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint ment made with oil of mustard. There's nothing like it for quick relief for Sore Throat. Bronchitis. Tonsilitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma. Neuralgia, Head ache. Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints. Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Colds on the Chest (it often prevents Pneu monia). Nothing like MI'STEROLE for croupy children. At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c jars, ami a special large hospital size for $2.50. Be sure yon get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse imitations—get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. BTEAMBHIPS. BERMUDA Theac Chjrntnx lalnniii AT* \mn •t Their Brut S. S. "bERMUOIAN" holds the record—lo iiuurs—ls th* newest and only twln-sci ew steam ship sailing to Bermuda, anil til* only one landing .lassenae,"* a; the dock at Hamilton without transfer , by tender. Hound Trip with meals < )S:>ad slid stateroom berth up ror lull particulars apply, lo A. B. OUTBHHKIDUU * CO.. tenia Uss. bee s. s. LuL. 3* Broaunay, .\e«v Yarki P. I.ORNK Ist Mar. i ket »t.. Hainabarc, !•«., «r mmr Ttrk. | e« GIRLS! BEAUTIFUL CHARMING HAIR. NO DANDRUFF 25 CENT DANDERINE Try This! Doubles Beauty of Your Hair and Stops it Fall ing Out Your hair becomes light. wavy. Huffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful us a young girl's after a "Damlorine hair cleause." .lust try this —moisten a cloth with a little Dauderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small turned home from a week's trip to Phil adolphin and Chester. Mrs. Sherman Hawthorne, of Harris burg, spent yesterday in town. The 'Middle!own A. C. football team will iplay the Annville College team on Saturday afternoon on the latter s ground. H. B. Brinser. who has been ill at his home on Pine street for the past several weeks with pneumonia, is able to be up again. It will be several days before tie will be a'ble to be outside. Irwin Bowman spent Tuesday at Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. tieorge Willi and daughter motored to Liverpool on Sun day, returning home on Monday. The first game of basketball of tlhe season will be played in the Luna rink on Friday evening, November 12. and will be between the Rescue Hose Com pany team aud the P. 11. R. Y. M. C. A. team of Harrisburg. Warren Schreiner is manager of the Rescue team. Mrs. Joseph Force and two brothers. Kendig MciOord and Donald McCord, attended the funeral of a relative at Marietta on Tuesday. Edward Fletcher. Ann street, let't this morning for Philadelphia where he will visit relatives for several weeks. Miss Bessie Clark has gone to New York City where she will make her home. Frank ami Charles Witman. of Phila delphia, are spending several days in town visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witman, North Union street. The official board of the M. K. church will hohl their regular monthly meet ing in the lower room of the church to-morrow evening. The pu'blic schools will l>e closed next week on aveount of teachers' institute. Quite a number of persons from town 1 were at Harrisburg last evening to hear the election returns. 'Mir. anil Mrs. 10. 0. Steiner and chil dren spent yesterday at Harrisburg. The Wednesday prayer meeting of the Presbyterian church was held last evening as quite a number of the mem bers will attend the Women's Home and Missionary Society meeting to 'be held at Moohaniesburg this evening. The Pastors' Aid Society of the M. E. church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Miss Titus, Pike street, last evening. Mrs. H. J. Wickoy Iras gone to Ickes burg. Pa., where she will visit relatives for several days. About thirty-five menVbers of the •'Mite Society of the Church of God and several friends attended the husking bee given at the home of Miss Esther Demi ler, near Kingston, last evening, having hiked there and back. A very pleasant, time was had by those who were pres ent. Refreshments were served. T. .T. Antrim spent the day at Har risburg. The infant ctiiild of iMr. and Mrs. George Irely, of Lawrence street, is quilte ill with pneumonia. LINGLESTOWN Justice of the Peace Joseph L. Bolton Moves Office Monday Special Correspondence. Lingiestown, Xov. 4. —Mr. and Mrs. William Lenker announce the birth of a daughter on Sunday. Joseph L. Bolton, justice of the peace, removed his office from the home of Mrs. Mary Rheim to the home of C. D. Lingle where the postoffice formerly was located. Mrs. Sara Urick, of Harrisburg, on Saturday visited friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Troup and fam ily, Mr. aud Mrs. John Wright, of Har risburg; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wright and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Bow er and daughter, of Steelton, spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Shipler. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Shope, of Hoern erstown, Samuel Umberger and family, of Hanoverdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilbert and son, of Raysorville Heights, ou Sunday visited Mrs. Pannie Shaffner and Daniel Felty. Harry Juillard spent Sunday with friends at Hummelstown. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Fitting, of Heckton Mills, on Sunday were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Books. Miss Eliza Shriner spent Sunday with friends at Harrisburg. Mrs. Laura Mixell, of Highspire, on | Sunday visited friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hassler spent i Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Sirs. William Deibler at Shellsville. John Crum and family motored to Sunburv on Sundav. Miss Flora Clay on Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ricker, at Hum melstown. John I-'ox succeeded in gettin? the limit, ten rabbits on Monday. The Misses Martha and Elizabeth Graybill gave a Halloween party at their home, west of town on Saturday evening. The rooms were decorated with corn shocks, autumn leaves, pump kins and flowers. Games contests and fortune telling were features of the evening's entertainment. Frizes were awarded to Anna Feeser and Henry Ferber. Refreshments in keeping with Halloween were served to the follow ing guests: Misses Hulda Longeneckcr, Maud Graybill Carrie Gabel, Alma Lyter, Ella Good. Marion Smith. Verna Juillard, Anna Feeder, Catharine Koons, Mary Heneh, Elizabeth Arva, Hilda Hassler, Elizabeth anil Martha Gray bill, Frank Hoke, Roger Good, Prof. H. H. King, Philip Arva, RBSS Hepford, Robert Hoke. Walter Drawbaugh, Roger Diekert and Henry Ferber. A Halloween party was held at the home of Miss Irene Lingle, of Manada Hill, on Saturday evening. The decorations were elaborate with autumn leaves and corn shocks. The house was festooned with crepe paper and cats, witches and pumpkins, spooks present ed a very weird appearance. Ghosts met the guests at the door and escort- | strand at a time. This will cleanse ths ihair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments you have dou • bled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once, i Dnndorine dissolves every particle of 'dandruff; c lea uses, purifies and invig j orates the sealp. forever stopping itch ing aud falling hair. ( But what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use when you i will actually see new hair—fine and downy at first—yes—but reallv new I hair growing all'over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug gist or toilet counter, ami just try it. Adv. Ed them through the jungles up the stairway, where queer noises were heard. The evening was then spent in games and fortune telling after which refreshments were served to these guests: Erin a \\ arner, Thomas Irwin, Esther Irwin, Harry Fetrow, Ralph Hetrick, Paul Schaffner, Elsie C. bingle, Clay Miller, Mumio Hetrick, Hermau Hoover, Gertrude Peters, Bruce Deitz, Mary Henry, Frank Wolf, Ellen' Eshleman, John Steele, Wilson Hetrick, Lucy Urieh, Charles Hetriek Ada Leit ner, John Jennie Simmons, John Met*. Harry Gingrich, Jeremiah Ging rich, Mark Hetrick. Miles Hetrick, Ira Cassol, Albert Garrett, Frank Wolf,; Harry Urieli, Reilv Hetrick. Mr. an-< Mrs. John B. Liable, Mr. and Mrsc' Thomas Lingle, Mr. and Mrs. Milton' Hetrick. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Gingrich;! Mr. and Mrs. John Hetrick, Mr. amf Mrs. Edward Warfel, Mrs. Edward? Shriner, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hetriek.; and son, Georgo, Miss Grace T. Henr.v. Jennie McDonel. Anna Rupert. Mr. nnit" Mrs. David Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Keller. Miss Annie I. Vortv, Alljert 1.. Hetrick, Kathryn Warfel. Ralnh Uokc- Estella Bwergard. Charles Bam hart, Naomi Shoop. Francis Ritchie, Carrie! Bolton, Norman Hetrick, Grace Stahlea Luella Lcininger. Mrs. Hess, Anna Bo! 4 ton. Russell shoop. Mabel Klein, John* Heinley, Irene M. Lingle, John fouiad* Ethel M. Hall, Hiram Hummer, Jane V. Kline, Ross l.ooli. Ruth Shope. Mabel E. Hetrick. Amelia A. Hummer, Flui ence Hummer, Rufus I.ingle, Susan Shuey, Bertha Hetrick, Adam .1. Wal mer, Rodger Hoover, Nora Hetrick." Charles Hummer. Verna Hetriek, Eno':« Simmons, Carrie 11. Hetrick, Elvin Mil ler. Liz/.:e Walmer, Howard Hetriek, Ethel Longeneeker, Norman Hetriek. Ailella Longeneeker, Reuben Keller. \nnit> Eshleman, Mark Walmer, Violet Hetrick. Marvin Hughes. Loudie Bolt:-.' George P. Miller, Ruth Runkel. Samuel Eshleman, Bertha Deitz, F.dyth Ging rich. Harry Loudermilch, Anna Ging rich, Gertrude Runkel, Dorothy Loud ermilch, Trene Hummer, Herman Bolt*. Shot Dead By a Corpse On the road between Aarau and W ildegg the body of a young Swiss, aged twenty, who had committed sui cide by shooting himself through f.iy head, was found by peasant at once informed t>he police, as it is pro hibited by t'iie Swiss law in such cases fro touch a corpse. A gendarme named Bodiner arrived on the scene and found the young man still holding the revolver with his lifeless finger on the trigger. Hardly had the gendarme touched the hand of the corpse to remove tfhe re volver when a shot was heard, and Bod mer fell mortally injured. He was found to have 'been shot t'hrough the abdomen and died in the hospital a few houTS later. He was the father of sev eral children.—London Standard. STOMACH UPSET? Get at the Real Cause—Take Dr. Ed wards' Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of tak ing tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the real cause of the ailment—clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are per forming their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles^ If you have a bad taste in your mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor, lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy, troubled with undigested food, you should take Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for relief, so you can eat what you like. At 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bus, O. Adv. $3.00 TO NEW YORK AND RETURN Sunday, Nov. 8 SPECIAL. EXCURSION TKAIft From Lv.A.M HAKRISBURG 3.35 Hummelstown 3.30 Swatara 3,35 Herahey 3.37 Palmyra 4. 04 Annvllle 4 13 LEBANON 4.24 Avon 4 »8 Myerstown 4 - .37 Richland 4,43 Sheridan Womeladorf, 4,'a3 Robesonia, 459 New York. Arrive 9.30 RETURNING—Leave New York, from foot West 23d St., G. 50 P M foot Liberty St.. 7.00 P. M.. same date for above stations. Tickets good going and returning only on above Special Train, date of excursion. Children between 3 and II vears of age, half fare. —————————« 3