The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 04, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Henrietta D. Grauel
Roast Pork and Sweet Potatoes
Please tell me how to prepare pork
for a company dinner. A few Sundays
ago my husband and 1 had a dinner in
the country and our hostess brought in
a great, big platter with the entire din
ner on it.
"In the center was a pork roast but
it looked like a chicken —it was so
brown —and was covered with bread
stuffing that was quite crisp. There
were baked sweet potatoes arouud the
sides of the dish but they were peeled
and quite transparent and very yellow.
Beside this there was plenty of gravy.
It was the richest dinner I ever ate and
the apple pie with cream that came
after seemed just to belong to it.
"I wish to know what cut of pork to
buy that will slice as this did; each
slice looked like a pork chop. Also how
to bake potatoes this way."'
This is the season when pork tastes
best and there is no better accompani
ment than swoet potatoes though some
folk prefer sage and onions.
The cut you refer to is called the loin
and it is the same that cutlets are
taken from. When you buy it have the
tenderloin left with it though this will
add to its cost. The meat dealer will
cut the bones so it can be sliced as you
describe, or you can do this with a
You can get the crisp top with bread
stuffing or with seasoned flour. A very
good way is to make the bread filling
with stale bread moistened with cold
water and pressed dry. Season with
salt, pepper, thyme, arid sage. Mix in
p Whether it's a room, house, apartment, office,
pi store, studio, garage, lot or farm, you \yill find it i
| by placing a want ad in the classified columns of I
Harrisburg's Great §
Home Newspaper
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Young Man's Fall, Fortunately, Is
Broken by WindowsUl
Pottsville, Pa., Nov. 4.—Walking
kackwai'l, unconscious that he was near
the edge of a roof, Clarence Thompson,
aged JO years, fell from a three story
building on West Norwegian street
one egg and after dredging the pork
with flour, salt and pepper, lay it in
the roaster and cover with the bread.
Pour boiling water around the roast,
cover and put in the oven. A covered
roaster is really a necessity to well
cooked roasts.
Wash the sweet potatoes aud cook
them until half done in salted water.
Drain and pare them -and place around
the meat. When you do this you can
baste the roast and the dressing if
needed, but if the cover fits tightly this
will not b"e necessary. Return the roast
to the oven and cook until brown. Lift
out the potatoes without breaking
them; place them on a pan and sprinkle
with sugar and return to the oven for
ten minutes. Dish the roast and put it
in the warming oven. Strain the gravy
into a sauce pan and add flour moisten
ed with milk to thicken it. Taste and
add more salt if needed.
By this time the potatoes will be
ready to place around the meat. Pour
the gravy around the whole if you are
sure all like it. It is better to serve
it in a tureen as some persons dislike
it with vegetables or always have it
thin and clear.
There is a dietetic reason for serving
apples with pork; their acid neutralizes
the rich, fat juices of the meat. If you
prefer, you can bake very tart apples
and garnish the roast with them, serv
ing the sweet potatoes separately. To
matoes are often baked and served with
roasts of pork in place of apples. Sharp
jellies and some piquant pickle or pic
alilli should also be on the table.
yesterday and received injuries which
may result in his death.
In his fall Thompson struck u win
dow gill which somewhat broke the
force of his fall, and if he recovers it
will be due to this fact. Internal in
juries are feared. Thompson is a sou of
Principal E. A. Thompson, of the Bunk
er Hill Grammar School.
pyri< Heiketh Prichkrd
One of the most interesting
characters in fiction, November
Joe, well deserves to lake his
place in the hall of fame along
side his more famous prototype,
Sherlock Holmes. In the woods
Sherlock Holmes no doubt would
have been of little value in ferret
ing out criminals, because wood
craft was not in his line. In the
city, too, November Joe would
not have compared in merit of
achievement with Holmes, but in
the woods every leaf and twig,
stone and bit• of moss where il
has been in contact with human
beings or animals tells its story
to the keen eyes and analytical
mind of November Joe. -
November Joe.
IT happened that ui the early au
tunin of 190S I. James QliarUch of
Quebec, went down to Montreal j
1 was at (be time much engaged
In an Important business transaction,
which after long -and complicated nego
tiations appeared to be nen ring a suc
cessful issue. A few days after uiy or
rival 1 dined with Sir Andrew McLer
rick, the < elebraled nerve specialist
and lecturer McOiil university, wbu
had been fur tna:iy years my friend.
On »hnl!:!r evasions I bad usually I
remained for half an hour after the I
other guests l;ad departed, so thai
when he tinned from saving his last I
good by Sir Andrew found me choosing
a fresh cigar
"I cannot call to mind, .litmus, that i'
invited you to help yourself to another j
smoke," he said.
I laughed.
"Don't mention it. Andrew; I am nc j
customed to yotir manners. All the
He watched me light up. "Make the'
most of it. for it will be some time be- i
fore you enjoy another."
"I have felt your searching eye upon
me more thanonce tonight. What is It?" j
"My dear .Inmes, the uew mining |
amalgamation the papers are so full of,
and of which I understand that you are
the leading spirit, will no doubt be a
great success, yet is it really worth the j
sacrifice of your excellent health?"
"But I feel quite as usual."
"Sleep as much as usual?''
"Perhaps not," I admitted unwill
"Appetite as go»d as usual?"
"Oh, I don't know."
"Tush, man, .lames! Stand np."
Thereupon ho bejjan an examination
which merged into a lecture, and the
lecture in due course ended in my de
cision to take a vacation Immediately—
a loug vacation, to be spi?nt beyond
reach of letter or telegram in the
"That's right! That's right!" coin
mented Sir Andrew. "What do the
horns of that fellow with the big boll,
which you have hanging in your office,
"Fifty-nine inches."
"Then go and shoot one with a
spread of sixty."
"I believe you are right." said I. "but
the worst of it is tbat my guide. Noel
Tribonet. is laid up with rheumatism
and will certainly not be fit to go with
me Just now. Indeed, 1 doubt if he
will ever be much good in the woods
"But what if 1 can recommend you
a new man?"
"Thanks, hut 1 have had the trouble
of training Noel already."
"I can guarantee that you will not
find it necessary to train November
"November .Toe?"
"Yes. do you know him?"
"Curiously enough. I do. He was
with me as dishwasher when I was
up with Tom Todd some years ago
In Maine. He was a boy then. Once
when we were on the march and were
overtaken by a very bad snowstorm,
Todd and the boy bad a difference of
opinion as to the direction we should
"And Joe was right?"
"He was." said I. "Todd didn't like
It at all."
"Tom Todd had quite a reputation,
hadn't he? Naturally he would not
like being put right by a boy. Well,
that must be ten years ago. and Joe's
twenty-four now."
"And a good man in the woods, you
"None better. The most capable on
this continent. 1 vorily believe. If Joe
Is free and can go with you. you wli;
get your moose with the sixty tueii
horns. J understand that he has en
tered into some sort of contract with
the provincial police."
"With the police?" I repeated.
"Yes. He is to help them in such
cases as may lie within the scope of
his speclnl experience. He is. indeed,
the very last person 1 should like to
have upon my trail had I committed
a murder. He Is a mo3t skilled and
minute observer, and you must not for
get that the speciality of a Sherlock
Holmes is the everyday routine of a
woodsman. Observation and deduc
tion are part and parcel of bis daily
existence. He literally reads as he
runs. The floor of the forest Is his
page. And when a crime is committed
In the woods these facts are very for
tunate. There nature is the criminal's
best ally. She seems to league herself
with him in many ways. Often she
delays the discovery of his ill doing:
she covers bis deeds with her leaves
and her snow; his track she washes
away with ber rain, and more than
all she provides him with a vast area
of refuge, over which she sends the
appointed hotrrs of darkness, during
which be can travel fast and far."
"All things considered, it Is surprls
leg that so many woods crimes are
brought home to their porf>etrßtors."
"There you are forgetting one very
important point. I have been present
at many trials and the most dangerous
witnesses that I have ever seen have
been men of the November Joe type
that Is, practically illiterate woodsmen
Their evidence has a quality of terrible
simplicity. They give minute but un
answerable details. All their experi
ences are first hand. They bring for
ward naked facts with sledge hammet
results. Where a town bred man
would see nothing but a series of blur
red footsteps in the morning dew. an
ordinary dweller In the woods could
learn something from them, but No
vember Joe can often reconstruct the
man who made them, sometimes In a
manner and with an exactitude that
has struck me as little short of mar
"I see he has Interested you." said
1, half smiling.
"I confess he has. Looked at from
a scientific standpoint I consider him
the perfect product of his environ
ment. There are few things I would
enjoy more than to watch November
using his experience and his super
normal senses in the unraveling of
some crime of the woods."
I threw the stump of my cigar into
the fire.
"You have persuaded me." I said. "I
will try to make a start by the end of
the week. Where is Joe to be found?"
"As to that. I believe you might get
into touch with him at Harding's farm.
Silent Water. Beaiice.*'
"I'll write to him."
"Not much use. He only calls for
letters when he feels inclined "
"Then I'll go to Harding's and ar
range the trip by word of mouth."
"That would certainly be the best
plau. and. anyhow, the sooner you get
into the woods the better Besides,
you will tie more likely to secure ,loe
by doing that, as he is inclined to be
shy of strangers."
I rose and shook hands with my
"Remember me to Joe," said he. "1
like that young man. Goodby and
good luck."
• » • • • • *
Along the borders of Heauce and
Maine, between the United States and
Canada, lies a land of spruce forest
and of hardwood ridges. Here little
farms stand on the edge of the big
timber, and far beyond them, in the
depths of the woodlands, lie lumber
camps and the wide flung paths of
trappers and pelt hunters.
I left the cars at Silent Water and
rode off at once to Harding's, the house
of the Beauce farmer where I meant
to put up for the night. Mrs. Hard
ing received me genially and placed
an excellent supper before me. While
I was eating it a squall blew up with
the fall of darkness, and 1 was glad
Enough to find myself in safe shelter.
Outside the wind was swishing
among the pines which inclosed the
farmhouse, when inside the telephone
bell rang, which connected us with'
St. George, forty miles distant, rang
suddenly and incongruously high
above the clamor of the forest noises
Mrs. Harding took up the receiver,
ind this is what I heard.
•*My husband won't be home tonight;
He's gone into St. George. No. 1 have
io one to seud. But bow can I? There
is no one here but me and the chil
dren. Well, there's Mr. Quaritcb, a
«port, staying the night. No. 1 couldn't
"«k him."
"Why not?" I inquired.
Mrs. Harding shook ber bead as she
stood still holding the receiver. She
was a matron of distinct comeliness,
and she cooked amazingly welt.
"You can ask me anything," 1 urged.
"They want some one to carry a
message to November Joe." ex
plained. "It's the provincial police on
the phone."
"I'll go."
"Joe made me promise not to send
any sports after him."' she said doubt
fully. "They all want him now he's
"But November Joe is rather a friend
•f mine. I hunted with him years ago
when he lived on the Montmorency."
"Ia that ao?" Her face relaxed a
tittle. "Well, perhaps"— she conceded
"Of course I'll carry the message."
"It'a quite a way to hi* place. No
vember doesnt care about strangers.
He's a solitary man. Yon must follow
the tote road you were on today fif
teen miles, turn west at the deserted
lumber camp, cross Charley's brook.
Joe lives abont two acres up the far
bqnk." She lifted the receiver. "Shall
I Bay you'll go?"
"By all means."
A few seconds later I was at the
phone taking my instructions. It ap
peared that the speaker was the chief
of police in Quebec, who was of course
well known to me. I will let you have
own words.
"Very good of you, I'm sure. Mr.
Quaritch. Yes. we want November
Joe to be told that a man named
Henry Lyou has been shot in his camp
down at Big Tree portage, on Depot
river. The news came in just now,
telephoned through by a lumberjack
who found the body. Tell Joe, please,
success means SSO to him. Yes, thnt's
all. Much obliged. Yes. the sooner
be hears about It the better. Good
I hung np the receiver, turned to
Mrs. Harding and told ber the facts.
"So November is connected with po
lice work now?"
"Didn't you read In the newspapers
about the 'Long Island Murder?'"
I remembered the case at once; It
had been a nine days' wonder of head
line and comment, and now I won
dered how It was that 1 missed the
mention of Joe's name.
"November was the man who put to
gether that puzzle for them down In
"And placed an excellent supper before
New York," Mrs. Harding went on
"Ever since they have been wanting
him to work for them. They offered
bitu SIOO a month to go to New York
and take on detective jobs there."
"Ah, and what had he to say to
"Said he wouldn't leave the woods
for a thousand."
"They ofTered him the thousand."
"With what result?"
'Tie started out iu the night for his
shack. Came iu here as he passed and
told my husband he would rather be
tied to a tree in the woods for the rest
of his life than live on Fifth avenue.
The lumberjacks and the guides here
abouts think a lot of him. Now you'd
best saddle Laura—that's the big gray
mare you'll find in the near stall of the
stable—and go right off. There'll be a
moon when the storm blows itself out."
By the help of the lanteru 1 saddled
Laura and stumbled away into the
dark and the wind. For the chief pari
of the way I had to lead the mare, and
the dawn was gray in the open places
before I reached the deserted lumber
camp, and all the time ray mind was
busy with memories of November. Bo.v
though he had been when I knew him.
his personality had impressed itself
upon me by reason of a certain ade
quate quietness with which he fulfilled
the duties, many and disagreeable,
which bearded old Tom Todd took a
delight in laying upon his young sboul
To Be Continued.
Railroaders Are Blamed for Not Ob
serving Rules
Scramton, l'a.. Nov. 4. —As a result
of the wreck on the Lackawanna rail
road at Alt'ord {Saturday morning, throe
men were suspended by Division Super
intendent Place. Tliev are Engineer
Ca-rr, of passenger train No. 14; Pat
rick O'Malley, operator at Alford, and
Howard Wright, an operator in the di
vision superintendent's ofliee in this
Knginoer Carr, in charge of passen
ger train No. 14, at .1.38 Saturday
morning passed over the rail at Al
ford, which an hour later caused the
wreck of train No. 32. He notified
Operator O'Malley, who notified
W right; but the laitter took no precau
tions to flag oncoming trains.
Kick Hunting Dog to Death as Ho
Trails a Rabbit
Myerstown.Pa., Nov. 4. —Frank Kapp
and Charles Keeney, of this borough,
lost their valuable hunting dog, killed
in a most unusual manner Monday,
while they were rabbit hunting to the
north of this place.
The dog was trailing a rabbit in a
field in which four young mules were
pastured, when they chased, caught and
surrounded him, closed in aud kicked
and trampled him to death. The dog
was valued at SSO.
Trees In Eastern States Injured and
United States Department of Agri
culture Recommends Immediate
Treatment For Control
Washington, I). G\, Nov. 4.—The U.
S. Department of Agriculture is call
ing attention to the introduction and
establishment in America of the Euro
pean pine shoot moth, which threatens
to cause serious loss. This insect is a
small orange-red moth, the larva of
which hollows out new buds and kills
or injures the ends of twigs of pine
trees. This injury causes a deformity
which is serious in ornamental tree;>,
and in trees grown for lumber makes
a crooked growth and a consequent
waste when the tree is cut.
In Europe the insect not only at
tacks all native pines but is equally
injurious to American species cultivat
ed there. The department states that
the young larvae came into this coun
try within the buds on imported pine
seedlings which have come from
France, England, Holland, Belgium or
Germany. The department's investiga
tors have discovered it in only ten lo
calities, in six States from Massachu
setts to Pennsylvania, but it is likely
that it may be found in other localities.
It has not been found in any native
trees in the forest, and with only one
exception has always been on European
pines in nurseries and private parks.
There is no evidence to indicate that
it has been in this country more thau
a year except on Long Island, where
it has existed for more than two years.
There are several native pine shoot
moths, but none of them inflict the
serious injury of the European species.
The department hopes that the new
pest may be stamped out before it be
comes too widespread to be controlled.
At present the problem of its elimina
tion is confined mainly to nurseries, but
if it once get 9 into the native pine for
ests the experts think that it would be
beyond control. In its larval stage the
moth is so effectively protected in the
buds and shoots that it can not be
reached by any insecticide, and the
only method of getting rid ot' it is to
prune out and destroy the shoots which
contain the insect. This should prefer
ably be don e during the fall and win
ter. Though it is easier to locate the
injured tips and shoots after growth
has started in the spring, it is safer
and better for the tree to have it done
in the fall. Measures for control, to be
effective, cannot be accomplished with
out the co-operative action of all who
grow or plant European pines or deal
in them.
Carvers* Tonic Tablets
For nerves, weakness and nervous
prostration, 50 cents at druggists.
Bills Amounting to S9UO Found Sewed
Between Soles
Washington, Nov. 4. — Mrs. Sarah I
Frey, of Highlands, X. ,f., was found !
yesterday 111 a hallrooni of a Seventh j
street lodging house asphyxiated by
gas. Sewed between the soles of a pair I
of shoes, which had been placed at the !
foot of the bed, was found $920 in j
bills. Attached to one of the shoes was j
a note written in Hebrew, telling j
where the money would be found. The j
Coroner gave a certificate of suicide,!
anil the police are endeavoring to lo
cate the woman's husband, Samuel!
Frey, who is believed to be in Phila-!
Papers found among Mrs. Frey'si
possessions included a legal document j
indicating that she and her husband 1
had agreed in October, 1913, to live'
apart. A will, unsigned but apparently
drawn up by Mrs. Frey, directed that :
the money found in her shoes be di-j
vided among her brother's children in I
Europe. The police ascertained that the
woman had visited a shoemaker in the i
neighborhood of her lodging house last I
Saturday and had him take the soles of
her shoes off and sew the money be
tween them.
Receipts of Cattle Stopped at Noou
Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 4. —To-day al
noon an embargo against receiving anv j
more cattle at the Union stock yards l
went into effect, to continue until oth
erwise ordered. Animals sispeete l of ;
having foot and mouth disease have |
been discovered in two Lancaster conn- !
ty herds. The Federal and State ofli '
cials will keen these animals under sur
veillance until they know whether they
are infected
This week 193 carloads of cattle
were received here, but these may be
t'obl if permits of identification are 011- f
Recluse's Body Found With Head and
Arms Almost Severed
Carlisle, Ky., Nov. 4. —The disinem |
bered body of C, T. Rovse, a farmer,!
was found under a pile of debris near
here yesterday. He had not been seen !
for ten days anil when found his head j
and arms had been almost severe 1 from ■
the trunk of the body. Bud Thomas and j
Anon Marks have been arrested and I
are being held 011 suspicion.
Rovse liven alone and two horses,
one of them dead from starvation and
the other in a starving condition, were
found in his barn.
Watch That Cold
Take care of it, before it takes
care of you.
Stop that coughing anil wheezirg.
Get rid of raw inflamed throats.
Tar, Tolu and White Pine
Cough Syrup
brings up the phlegm quickly
Forney's Drug Store
"We serve you wherever you are."
? *
* <•
| A Story of Love, !
I Mystery and a I
| Private Yacht t
* +
♦> .>
Copyright. I?!!, by. th<> McClur* •>
Publications. Inc
i Copyright, 1914. by Mary Roberta *
•fr Rinehart.
4i i* il* ♦.♦ + 4> I 4«
She rises hastily and stands looking
down at ine. 1 inn quite sure at that
moment that she detests me. and I
rather like it. There are always times
when we del est the people we love.
"If yon are going to be arbitrary
just because you can"—
"Marsh and Ibe rest are in the smok
ing room. Their sitting room is
Quite calmly, as if \ye are going be
low for a clean handkerchief or a veil
or a cigarette, we stroll down the
great staircase of the liner to the
Turners - sitting room am] close the
And—l kiss her.
•rnr END.
;K ' ; ' r, i
2 Minutes from PENNSYLVANIA ?
<sic)p JPown f K 'it/i j
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Market, Street
la 11 i erm September t'lrst
DAY ANU NiutiT |
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Day and Night Sessions
Positions I>_ r All Graduates
EuroU Next Monday
| (5 S. Markot U<i-, iiaiiisL/urg, Pa.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect May St, IMI4,
I rulnK I.rave llurrlsliurit—
l'"oi' Winchester and Murtlnsburg, a,t
u.O.'S, *7.Go a. in., *.*1.41) p. m.
l-'or Hanerstown, Chambersburg and
intermediate stations, at T.,03. "7.50,
*ll.oa a. 111., '3.40. 5.3::, *7.40, 11UK
p. m.
Additional Iralna for Carlisle and
Mechanicsburg at D.IS a. in., j.IS. 3.J7,
i>.3u, :»..!« ii. in.
Kor Dillsburs at *7..>0 and *ll.ij
a. ni„ a. 18, *3.40, 0.32. U.3U p. in
•Daily All other trains i] ii|v except
Sunday. J H. TONQE,
H. A. RIDDLE, U. P. A. SupU