Real Estate FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARDING FOR RENT Furnished rooms and boarding by meal, day 01 week. Ap ply 1001 X. Second St., corner Boas and tsr-.Qiid s;rcets. KEAL ESTATE FOE SALE OR BENT HOPBES FOR RENT and IH-story dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real Estate Co., 24th and Perry Sis. BEAL ESTATE FOE EENT. FOR RENT—6-room house. 1732 Wal nut St. Apply 12*1 N. Sixth street. FOR RENT—.I-U Broad St.; 3-story, 11 large rooms, all Improvements: suit able for boarding or lodging house. Call t.".i Broad St.. or 1631 N* Second St. Roil phone .1613 Jl. FOR RENT —33 0 South Fifteenth St.: S rooms and bath: wide front porch and balcony: iiot and cold water in cellar. .Vppl\ to I . 11. UANTZMAN. 680 Brlgss or 613 Forster St. FOR RENT Eight-room residence. 1001 Green St., corner of Muench St.; porch, range, closet, gas. yard; posses sion at once. Call Bell phone 304SL FOR KENT'—Two-storv brick dwelling; all improvements, nil May.St.; rear of 1509 Boas St. Rent sll. Immediate possession. Inquire 1 (, 7 Boas St., or call Bell phone 1295 R. FOR UENT— -2217 Atlas Ave 116.00 Mil Green St $24.00 1633 N. Third St SIB.OO Penbrook house $ 12.00 L>. K. BRIGHTBILL, No. 2 North Court Street. FOR RENT—Eight-roomed house. 60S Muench street: all conveniences; pos session at once inquire 1301 N. Sec ond street. FOR RENT—N<>. 9 N. Fourth St.: three l ooms and bath; city steam heat, elec tric and gas; suitable for business of fices of for light housekeeping. Apply I'. MAGARO, on premises. FOR RENT— -1330 Perry St.. Ist floor apt.... $40.00 1317 Pef-ry St.. 2d floor apt $3:..00 131.> Market St.. 3rd tloor apt.. $28.00 1247 Mulberry, 2d tloor apt.. ..$28.00 2336 Pcrrv St., new house $2.1.00 1901 Holly Vtreet $25.00 1216 Berryhlll St., house $22.50 1447 & 1443 Berryhill, houses. ..$22.30 2338 Kllerslv St . . . $15,50 2108 Perrj St.. SIB.OO 1315 Thompson St $ll.OO HARVEY I. SMITH. 204 S. 13th St. FOR RENT—AII improve ments— -1614 Catherine, $16.00 1509 Naudaiu $.17.00 530 S. Seventeenth, . .$18.50 Apply Kuhn & Hershey, APARTMENTS FOE EENT FOR RENT —Small apartment on South Fourth street; city steam heat; refer ence required. Inquire 29 S. Dewberrv s;. FOR RENT FOR RENT—3-story brick, all improve ments: corner house. 141S Berryhlll St.; rent $20.00. Inquire 1843 Regina. First class condition. DANCE HALL on the second floor of the new Eagles Building, corner Cum berland and Sixth streets. Maple iloor and new piano. Kor terms apply to GEO. E. YOI'SLING. Secretary, No. 404 Verbeke St. ROOMS FOR EENT FOR RENT—Two double rooms and two single rooms, on second iloor. and hoard: steam heat and all conveniences. Apply 1 l'i i';e*tmit St. ' OFFICES FOE EENT DESK in well-furnlsiied office, with i'lill privileges of same: rent cheap. In quire 429 Broad St.. 9 to 11 a. m. Phone 3613J1. ESAJL ESTATE FOR BAUI. SEN ERAL brick houses, practically new, for sale on easy terms —now v ' ant. All modern improvements; porc ies. Small cash payment required a i i• i■..tli 1 > payments as rent. BELL I'.KALTV CO.. Bergner Building. i'OR SALE—I In .ise No. IS3I N. Sixth St. 'leniodi led throughout: all imptove i i GEORGE W. ORTH, 423 SEVERAL business propositions for -ale: all conditions open for vour inspection and are favorable for an a :tive business for a live owner. BELL REALTY' CO., liergner Building. FOR SALK—II7 acre farm: .1 miles south, ast of Middletown: brick dwell ing: new bank barn:.sarnd soil: occupied b: owner. Blt INTON -PACKER CO., St' ond and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—6I acres. 15 minutes walk from Rutherford trolley, p. miles from Harris'.mig: elegant buildings. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second ami Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—Three story building, at i.nhaut. along trolley line: cost to build, $3,000. Can be changed into three dwelling houses at little expense. Price, $2,200.00 Very easy terms Inquire at r-ast End Bank. FAEM LANDS FOE SALE SHALL MISSOURI FARM—SS.OO cash and $.;.00 monthly; no interest or taxes. highly productive land. Close to tnree big markets. Write for pho tographs and full information. .Munger ll j, N. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas Clt>\ / FOR SAI.K 1 OtsirabSi Property Reasonable Prices 122 Chestnut St—3-storv brick—9 rooms—hath—furnace. Lol 22H:X103. 214« Ureea st—3-story brick—B rooms—bath—steam heat. Ix>t 21 x 2.1 *outh Front St. —ji j -story .J« m* rooms—bath—furnace, Lo't -6,«\ _1 o. with stable on River ave nue. Ml >la<-la> >»t.—3-story brick—B rooms—bath—steam heal. Lot 21\ 100. I4«M Market St.—3#tory brick—9 rooms—bath—furnace. Lot 16x65., I IIKt V Srronrt St.—2l4-storv frame—S rooms—bath and hot water heat. 223*1 \. Second Sl.—3-story brick and stucco—lo rooms—-bath— st"am heat. 721 V *>l»tb st.—3-storv brick—9 rooms—bath—furnace. Lot 20x88. !»li> V M»tli St. —3-story brick—9 rooms—hath—furnace. Lot 20x90. Iw:t3 Whitehall st. —3-story brick 8 rooms —bath—steam heat. Lot 22 MILLER BROS & NEEFE RBAI, ESTATE Fire Imorancr Surety llonda l.oeuat and Court Streets Wants mmmmmm —mm mm M HELP WANTED—MALE. IT (WTS ONE PBNNY. Invest that small sunt In a postal cnul .Hist to tlinl out If my Private Lessons In Shorthand. Typewriting. ■Penmanship. Rapid Calet latlons. Etc., will appeal to you. 1 will sladlv K ( V e you Tull information. VIKKUK K. KEL LER. Hooni 309. Patriot Building. WANTED—LocaI representation for one of the largest manufacturing con cerns in America. marketing high class om<«. necessity. To, a man of unques tionable responsibility ami reputation a liberal contract and training: will be Riven. Do not answer this unless pre pared to make small investment. Bank reference required. Address 3978. ca£» Star- Independent. WANTED—Strong boy. Apply SOU. KUtIN & CO., corner Market and Mar ket « ANTED - Young man without a home —will give him good home and small wagesj one handy with horses. Call at 1325 James St.. between 6 and 8 p. m. UPHOI.STKRER WANTED— Applv l-ur nlture Department. BOWMAN »t CO. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOI,— The oldest, best and most reliable automobile school in the country. A full course of practical instructions for »"•>.OO. Including long driving and re pairing lessons. Hundreds of good paying positions arc open for compe tent men. Make application now. Easy j payments Open day and evenings, i | X. Cameron St. _ SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. BAKER—AII around man wants work In small shop. Address or call 11") i Nissley St.. Middlelown. YOUNG M \N. IS years of age. wants : work of any kind; willing to work : hard. Call or address S. E. .S., 7 j Wallace, City. COLORED married man, sober and In- I telligent, wishes work of an> kind. I Will accept position as elevator opcr- I ator. porter, janitor, driving of any I kind. Address 333 S. Fifteenth St. YOUNG MAN would like to have posi-! tion as driver of delivery wagon: can 1 give good reference. Applv 183 l» Herr | street. HOI SE CLEANING, windows, paints 1 and lloors, automobiles washed and I polished: work neatly done. Phone StME ! CHAUFFEUR wishes position witii pri vate family: seven years experience. Apply 339 Cherry St. DRUGOIST wishes a position; regls tered. C. T. H., 377 N. Eighth St.. Leoainm, Pa. EXPERIENCED COOK, colored, wants j position in hotel or restaurant, or 1 getting supper;, oi banquets for pri- , vate parties. Best of ref< rentes, Ad dresa R. J„ BroWQv KV9&UI. j WANTED—Position as a clerk in store or position as violinist. Address 1 llershey Hotel, llarriaburg. WANTED—A young man would like 1 i oosition as stenographer or book keeper or any other occupation.' Call at 40? 'telly street. WANTED—» young man wishes a po- j sition in rec'aurant as waiter or short order cook. Address P. O. box ' 349, Harrieburg, Pa. YOUNG MAN. seven >ears practical of-' lice and sales experience; bookkeeper, I typist, etc., wants connections as soon as possibli. Address I>. H. IH.IEARD, ' 3111 N. Second St.. City. YOUNG colored man would like posi tion to care for elderly gentleman. Address H. W- 433 North Ave., room 3. I FIRST CLASS colored butler would like position in private family. Address! H. H.. 13:.: North Ave,, room 3. YOUNG colored man would like posi tion as elevator operator or janitor. Apply 1333 Bailey J?t. I WANTED 1 WANTED—A* good barber; must be ; sober; also one barber chair and fix tures; must be cheap. Apply or write i to the Farmers' supply and repair shop, 11. G. BOWMAN, West Main St.; Pal i niyra, l'a. SALESMEN WANTED. j BOND SALESMEN—We iia\ e a gilt edge proposition for bond salesmen. Ref erenee required. Charleston l'ark.-rs burg and Northern R. R. Co., l'arkers burg. W. Va. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. ANYONE can earn more money in spare or tull time with j>ur wonderful I'ol ishing Pad. Retails for 10c. Constant ly repeats. Send 10c for sample md complete information. The Mogul Mfg Co.. Cleveland, O. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—By a young colored girl, a place to do general housework or ' day's work. Call or address 116'j Lib-' erty St. COLORED LADY" wishes a position as cook or general housework. Can give reference. Apply 353 S. Cameron St. j YOUNG olored woman would like to nave day's work of any kind or dish washing. Apply 1319 x. Seventh st. I WANTED—White woman wants dav's work of any kind. Call 139 Broad street, room 3S. A COLORED woman wishes position to do light housework. Call 507 South Ave. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN would like to keep house for widower, or clean house, or hire out. Apply 360 Herr St. A DRESSMAKER wants sewing by day or week; children's clothes a special ty. Apply at 1339 Wjeth Ave. A COLORED GIRL wants work in res taurant, or chambermaid in hotel or boarding house. Apply 1339 Wyeth Ave. CUIJORLD woman wishes dav's work ' of any kind. CaU or address 33; s ] Fifteenth street. Harrisburg, Pa. j i YOUNG LADY' desires position as stenographer and general office work ' 1 Can furnish best of reference. Ad- ' 1 dress 1415 Zarker street. COLORED woman would like work by the day, house cleaning, washin or Ironing. Call or write to 10SU Christv Court. ' YOUNG colored woman wants day's work or washing and ironing. dress or call 1311 Apple Ave. NEAT colored girl desires light house-' work or nursing. Address or call 1531 Fulton St. WANTED—Position as nousekeeper. by 1 I middle-aged woman; can give good reference. Address 418 Walnut St. • 1 -> j: Business Opportunities BUSINESS CHANCES MANUFACTURER wants state manag- I ers to establish office and manage salesmen. Liberal pay. S.IOO to S7OO | necessary; you handle own money. Sec- I retary, 406 Fisher Bldg., Chicago. ' HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT. Sal* and Exchange FOE SALE FLAGS all nations; butterflies; baseball players; 30 flaps all nations; 30 but- I terdies, 50c—5c postage. Laru t> Amer ican rtajss. r.xis inches. 16u—3c post age. MITCHELL 44IBroad St.. City, j I'\>R SALE—Cheap—One flve-piece par- ' lor* suit, covered with tapestry: one j iiuartered oak china closet; practlcallv I new. At 1824 N " Thlrd st - " ' 1 STOVES—New and second hand stoves ; bought and sold. Heaters arid raugrs ' i of all kinds complete with pipe and i lutings a.t low prices. S. UOLD, 1016 I Market street. Bell phone 1381 R. FOR SALE—Store front and plate glass, ! i also three counters and wall furnl- I ► ture with rocker bins. rail at :'Ol9 Green street, from 1 to 3. daily. FOK SALE—AT GABLE S. 113, 116 ttn Pariversou Vjf, VV. Va. MONEY TO LOAN $5.00 TO $50.00 on your plain note, to ; any person holding a salaried posi tion, ail transaction strictly, conhden lial. Discount Co., *o *N. third bt., second iloor. LOANS—S."i io Jjuo for honest working people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in install ments to suit borrowers' convenitucd. CO-OPJSKATIVE ix>an anu investment Cv.. j -mm I AliL KINDS OF HAULING AL*L« kinds of hauling, large two-ton truck, lurnituipianos, I'reighL in ;he city and suburbs. Prices reason- 1 aDle. Picnic ana pleasure irips. uay or evening. \v M. H. hj v un oa Lost and Found FOUND : 7~ ~ ~ ! I'OIND—A pocketbook, near Market j bquare; owner ran have samp bv I t identifying: it. Address hock Box W2 Lemoyne. Pa. j HOLND— The home of reliable work for ! particular people at EGGERTS Steam I rA- lr »f and French Cleaning Works, l_4i> Market bt. Call either phone, we'll ; uo the rest. \ I Legal > \OTICK Notice is hereby given that an appii- I cation for pardon will be made to the Board of Pardons of the State of Penn sylvania on Wednesday. November 18. i 1014, by Luka ZJfceovic. who was found guilty on January 14th, 1009, of mur der in the second degree, and was sen- i tenced to undergo punishment in the penitentiary for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, bv separate or solitary contlnement at hard labor, for and during the period of twenty years, as required bv the rules ! of the Board of Pardons. HARRY FELIX, EDWARD F. DOEHNE. J. CLARENCE FUNK, SHE GAVE HIM $1 FOR BEER James Thomas Didn't Got It and Now He's Arrested James Thomas, colored, fell into the j clutches ot' the police last night and is j now charged with larceny as bailee, in- ' formation having been signed by Mar ) garet Williams, who accompanied] Thomas to police headquarters, accord ing to the night 'report made bv (Police ! Lieutenant Warden. Mary alleges that she gave Thomas ; the mini of %l to purchase a case of: beer for joint consumption and that the Slid Thomas did use that sum for hi* own purposes, not purchasing the beer, j Mary told her story to PolicenA ! Brine, who sent them* both to police headquarter-, where Marv charged : Thomas with tnc offense. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. ' TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 3. 1914. Greatest War in World's History Effect Present and Future—on Stocks * Bonds Bulletin 101 §n Request CLARENCE CONE 4 CO. J 45 Broadway New York . SPORTS BOWLERS AREOUT IN FORCE Alphas Win in Casino Game—Feds Win on the Holtzman Alleys ' -^'l 1 '"" 1 I Buttorff ... 224 157 *98 — 579 | Morrison .. 185 161 IS9— 535 Totals .. 887 814 950—2651 V COLONIALS (Jacoby ... 176 162 245 553 j Hostetter . 153 173 168— 194 I Weber .... 231 169 203 603 I Kruger ... 158 137 139 434 Black 170 161 183—'514 Totals .. 888 SO2 938—2628 Feds Down Americans I By winning two games and the match from the Americans by a margin of 102 pins, the Federals took a strong er hold ou first place in the Holtzmuu Duck Pin League last night. The scores: FEDERALS Uipe Si 86 95 261 Deiseroth . 95 79 82—• 256 Ooudy .... 85 110 86— 281 Banks .... 96 82 81— 259 Mall 110 136 168— 413 Totals . . 467 491 512 —1470 AMERICANS j •!. Claster . 92 70 • 86— 2-1S | Nathan ... 87 79 105— 271 Fetter .. . 95 111 95 301 | Ohrismer .. 101 75 94 270 ;J. O'Leary . 104 82 92 27S Totals .. 479 417 472—1368 Y. M. C. A. Opening With a match between the Eagles | aud the Athletics, which the former ■ won by a» margin of 316 pins, the ! bowling season opened last night at the ii\ R. R. Y. M. C. A. The scores: EAGLES Hartzell .. 160 122 164 446 Askin ... 145 129 126 400 Paul 151 140 136 — 427 Ziegler .. . 156 154 192 — 502 Voder .... 115 149 161 —423 Totals .. 727 69-1 779—2200 ATHLETICS Chard .... 107 143 143—393 Hoffman .. 155 113 170— 438 Felker .... 143 115 121— 379 s tt »| 139 115 T32 — 386 Mum ma ... *25 108 155 3SB Totals .. 669 594 721—1984 DETROIT HAS WAIVED ON THREE DF WAITS PITCHERS Several American League Clubs Said to Want Plank and Bender—lndian Surprised at His Release—Coombs May Come Back Philadelphia, Nov. 3. —Thus far only one club in the American League has waived on Eddie Plank, Chief Bender and Jack Coombs, the three deposed i pitchers of the Athletics. A dispatch i from Detroit says the Tigers have j agreed to pass up the trio. Several ! other clubs are said to be ready to make offers to Mack for the services of one or more of the trio. However, Mack refuses to discuss just what his ; future plans are regarding the disposi tion of the veterans may be ft is not likely that Bender or Plank will get out of the American League. ! There are clubs ready to take them I over at the waiver price, but it is be iived that the deal will not be com- I pleted until the developments of the reporte I peace conference between or-; | ganized baseball and the Federals j come to a head. Plank and Bender have been made offers by the Federals and the chances are that no club in the! American League would be willing to i meet their demands. The veteran southpaw and Indian 1 right-hander may have to take a small er contract after all, because it now seems certain that the Federals and j organized baseball will come to some ; understanding. In that event, unress| the Federals have already signed the ] players, they would not command such ! large salaries. Bender was reached ou the telephone yesterday at the Texas and Block i House Hunting Club, at English Center/ north of Williamsport. The great In-1 dian pitcher had nothing new to offer, i He said that all he knew of the asking of waivers on himself, Plank and Coombs was what he had read in the \ newspapers. "There is nothing I can say that! will help matters," said Bender.""l ami under contract with the Athletics and j am in their hands. Mr. Mack, I am | sure, will do the right thing, and he! evidently thinks he is right or he l wouldn't, do as he has done. No, I have I not received a Federal League offer, | nor have I dickered with them." I Although Coombs has been of little; service to the Athletics for the past i two years and is now on the market, | Manager Mack believes that the one time " Iron Man " has not as yet reach ed the end of his pitching days. "I do not think Coombs is through by any means," said Mack yesterday. "He has had a hard battle, and it has taken him a long time to get his strength back after his prolonged ill ness, but I think by next year he will 'come back' and will be a valuable man to some team." At present Coombs is ou a hunting trip near his home in Kennebunkport, Maine. Manager Mack maintained his silence \ yesterday as regards his future plans in , the matter of rebuilding the Athletics.' Of course, he again intimated that some shifts were to take place, but refused to discuss just who the players would be. WO Lti AST BREAKS HAND Ex-champion Retires la Fight With Fred Welsh New York. Nov. 3.—The fight be tween Freddy Welsh, Champion light weight of the world, aud Ad Wolgust, ox-titlehoUlor, was stopped at the end of the eighth round by Referee Billy Roche last night. At the end of the round Wolgß9t went to his corner and whispered some thing to his manager, who jumped in the ring and told the referee that Wol gust had broken a small bono in his right hand and would be unable to con tinue. The referee instantly stopped the tight, and awarded the verdict to Welsh. Up to the time of the acion, Welsh had all the better of the bout, and would have received the decision had it gone thermit of ten rounds. The fast Britisher was unusually aggressive, and rained blows 011 Wolgast in every round. Several times he had th e Michi gan boy groggy. Additional Sports ou Page 10 M. E. Scrubs Want Qapies The Methodist scrub basketball team which las! year won tho Class C cham pionship of Dauphin county has organ ized for the coming season and wouhl like to arrange a schedule with good teams. Address communications to M. M. Washburn, manager, 228 North ■Fourteenth street. SCHWAB ONLYPASSRNGER OF OLYMPIC ALLOWED TO LAND AT LOUGH SWILLY Londbn, Nov. 3, 10.35 A. M. —The White Star Line steamer Olympic, from New York October 21 for Glasgow, which had put. into Ixmgh Swilly on the .north of Ireland October 29, pre sumably seeking safety from the Ger man mines in the northern waters, reached Belfast this morning. Fh>m October 29 to November 2 the Olympic was at anchor in a remote part of Lough Swilly. With the exception of Charles M. Schwab, none of her pas sengers was allowed to land. Mr. Schwab alone was given permission to come ashore, and he reached London to day from Lough Swilly. He refused to discuss the delay to the Olympic, except to say that the steamer had not been injured. He left the vessel without his baggage and unaccompanied by his val et. He expects to be in England some time on business. , During the stay of the Olympic in Lough Swilly none of the passengers on board with the exception of Mr. Schwab was permitted even to have communication with the shore. New York, Nov. 3.—lt is surmise! here that 1 iiarles M. Schwab's mission I to England is in connection with nego | tiations for the sale of war materials. | The Bethlehem Steel Corporation, of ! which Mr. Schwab is the head, is a ! manufacturer of armor plate and heavy j guns. m WHITNEY AND NURSES WILL SAIL FOR WAR ZONE New York, Nov. 3.—Mrs. Harry | Payne Whitney, who. was Miss Gertrude | Vanderbilt, will sail to-morrow for I Europe on the Lusitauia with a staff iof four surgeons and fifteen trained nurses to establish, at her own expense, a large field hospital behind the tiling : line in Northern France. Teu motor am bulances, a large quantity of medical supplies and clothing sufficient for 3,- ! 000 men, women aud children, all pur [ chased by Mrs. Whitney, as a part of her undertaking, were shipped to France last Saturday. Wounded soldiers of the warring | nations will be treated at the lieKl | hospital, which is to be continued in ' co-operation with the American Ambu lance Hospital near Paris. The field ; hospital is to be known as a unit in : the American Ambulance Hospital I Service,* and it is understood, Mrs. Whitney is prepared for finance from , iier own personal fortune, other units, should they be deemed necessary. Mrs. Whitney's sister, Countess t Szechenyi, formerly Miss Gladys Van derbilt, is now aiding the wounded in Austria. WILSON AWARDS HONOR MEDAL Texas Switchman Rescued Woman At Risk of His Own Life By Associated Press, Washington, Nov. 3. —President Wil son, upon the recommendation of the! Interstate Commerce Commission, to-; day awarded to W. A. Holley, a switch-; man, of Greenville, Texas, a meial of i honor for saving a life. Mrs. Sallie Griffith,\63, became con-: fused crossing a track in front of aj rapidly approaching train. Hoiley, at; imminent danger to his own life, car-1 ried her out of danger. To accompany the medal of honor, I which was the fifteenth recommended j by the commission, the President wrote a personal letter of commendation. Chicago Livestock Market Chicago. Nov. 3.—Hogs— Receipts, 23.000; dull. Bulk, 7.15&7.40; light. 7.00 @7,45: mixed, 7.00@7.50; heavy, 7.00® | 7.50; rough. 7.00@7.10; pigs. 3.75@6.50. I Cattle—Receipts 4,000: steady. Beeves. 6.60#11.00; steers. 5.75@9.40; Blockers! and feeders, nominal; cows and heif- I ers, 3.80©9.40: calves, 7.00@10.25. Sheep—Receipts. 18,000; slow. Sheep, j 5.:5t»5.40; yearlings. 6.25@7.10; lamos, 6.50® 8.50. FORSALE A knitting factory: all Improve ments; electric power; two-story ; frame; steam heat, well lighted; equipped with the latest knitting I and sewing machinery. Possession given at once. We will rent If party would be interested In the manu- I _Jacturing of ladles' garments. Information Wanted—Call Bell phone 74. Steelton. Pa., or M. R. ALLEMAN 145 N. FRONT STREET STEELTOK, PA. GREAT BRITIAN OPENS WAR ON TURKEY BY DESTROYING BARRACKS AT AKABAB Cutlue4 Ptaa tint Pas*. I Russia will now find a way to settle the Black Sea problems handed do.wn to her by previous rulers. Flanders still shows a continuance of hard fighting, al ways attended with heavy losses on both sides, as the allies maintain their apparently successful resistance to the Ger man efforts to advance toward French ports on the English (Tiannel. The French official announcement given out in Paris this afternoon said that the Germans evidently had abandoned the left bank of the Yser below Dixmude and that the allies had taken possession of points on the river where crossings could be made. The French report bears out news dispatches that the"Germans are seeking a route through the allies' lines further to the south than auy they have attempted in the past two weeks. The Germans last Saturday, according to news dis patches. made a supreme effort to capture Ypres. Lives without number were sacrificed in an endeavor which ap parently resulted in failure for to-day they are said to be concentrating their efforts at a point well to the south of this battle-scarred locality. Emperor William himself was present, according to news dispatches, the latest at tempt to capture this important position. German forces have left Bruges for Courterai, 25 miles to the south and 18 miles east of Ypres, where the British hold the line. This is taken to indicate the selection of another way to reach Calais. Basing its hope that the allies will be able to continue to hold back the German advance in the north, no matter how determined and furious it becomes, Paris is still op timistic as to the outcome in Flanders. DESTROYER OF BRITISH SHIP IS SAFELY ANCHORED IN PORT Berlin, Nov. 3, via The Hague and London, 9.50 A. M.—Tho German sub marine which compassed the destruction of the Britisii cruiser Hermes off Dover last Saturday lias returned safely to port. This information is conveyed in an official announcement given out in Ber lin relating to the loss of the British warship. The name of the submarine which took part in this engagement is not given. Austriaus Capture 2,7(H) Prisoners London, Nov. 3, 10.15 A. M.—The corrcß;»ondeut of Reuter's Telegram Company at Amsterdam sends the fol lowing: '"A telegram from Budapest states that in the engagement fought near Turka. Galicia, the Anstrians took 2.700 prisoners, among whom were nu merous Tartars and Mongols." Not Allowed to Embark at Queenstown London, Nov. 3, 10.05 A. M.—Tho home office announces that no Ameri cans or friendly aliens will be allowed to embark on the outgoing steamer calling at Queenstown Thursday for America. They must proceed to Liver pool. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. FOR SALE Homes of Real Merit Situate Nos. 39 to 4 9 North Nineteenth street, and adjoining Res ervoir Park. These homes are all that you could wish for in Location, Design and Construction, and to inspect them is to become interested. Take Reservoir Park car to Nineteenth and Market streets and go #ne square north. Bell Phone J. £. Gipple 1251 Market Street f AMUBHMBWT*. | AMU—Mirfl THE SEASON'S BEST BILL HAVE YOU SKEX THE NEW BILL HEADED BY OF The Last Tango Keith Vodivilll -V Wonderful Dnwe Spectacle . „ AT sc, lOe AIND 15c 2 SHOWS TO-NIGHT ri MA T'. NEE9 ' 5^ A » 8.15 and 11 Election Returns (iu «hrrc it »»• eomtohulilc to hear ff> _ • | « the election return* mid nee ti xood I (A aa flfQTn| *ho«\ bc*i Murket St., Nov. 2th A tith. V i .. _ i PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY I THE BAREFOOT BO*—3-reel Kk leni feature with Ton Moore In tlie leaalinx role. THE HOPKI.KSS G\ME—2-reel I,u bln feature with Hurry Myers and llrnirmary Thrli) In leading; role*. Kssaaay—GEOßGE ADE fable ' ' tireat Comedy. GUT EI.EfTIO* 111011 K\s AT OUR THEATRE TO-NIGHT *■ - Englishman—The suffragettes salut | Ptl the prime minister this morning. I American —Did they fire twenty-ona i guns? I Euglishmau—No; houses.—Life. 9