STOMACH SOUR? STOP INDIGESTION. CIS, HEARTBURN PAPE'S DUPEPSIN Don't Suffer! Regulate Your Upset Stomach in Five Minutes Po some foods you cat hit back— taste good, but work badly; ferment into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. and Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this down: Pape's Pinpe-psin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upsot you. No dif ference how badly your stomach is dis ordered. you get happy relief iu five minutes, but what pleases you most is that it strengthens and regulates your NEWS OF S HICHSPIRE MAN FRACTURED SKULL AT CHICAGO FRIDAY Melvtn Chubb Seriously Injured in Thirty Foot Fall From Bridge Gird er Which Had Bivets Out—ls Slightly Improved Melvin Chubb, in the employ of the Pennsylvania Steel Company at Chi cago, whose home is in Highspire, re ceived a fractured skull at the base of the brain last Friday morning about 10 o'clock and was romoved to the South Side Chicago Hospital where re ports this morning stated that his con dition was slightly improved ami that the hospital surgeons have hopes for his ultimate recovery. Chubb was employed in tearing down s steel bridge in Chicago. In stepping from one part of the bridge onto a girder that bad the rivets cut, the lat ter gave way under the extra weight and dropped, throwing Melvin thirty feet to a pier below, the drop causing the accident. STRAW RIDE AND BARN DANCE Miss Rozella McEntee Entertained Saturday Evening A number of young folks chaperoned by Mrs. Brinton and Mrs. Hess took a straw ride to Chambers Hill Saturday evening, where they were entertained at Hill Crest farm by Miss Rozella Mc- Entee. After enjoying several hours with dancing in the barn an oyster supper was served to the following persons: Miss Vertiie Brinton, Miss Helen Shannon, Miss Frances Shaeffer, Miss Nora ShaefTer. Mis« Blanche Sansom. Miss Hazel Mack ley. Miss Catharine Still, Miss Alma Andrews, Miss Ruth Mleman, Miss Bessie Hoffer, Miss Ro sella McEntee. Roy Waterman, Frank Hcrr. William Reagan, Robert Simmers, William Bergstresner, Alexander I>an dis. Rov Fiese, Lester Xesbit, Charle-i lower*, Edward Lesher and Donald Munima. DIED AT ALMSHOUSE Kojis Kojle. aged 22 years, died at the county almshouse yesterday inoru .ug of tuberculosis. Funeral services will lie held in St. Peter's Catholic church to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock and interment will be made in Mt. Cal vary cemetery. FUNERAL OF LEO MULDOON aged S years, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.iomas Muldoon, died at the home nf his parents. 321 Francis street, las; 1 evening. Funeral services will be hekl I to-morrow morning ;-t St. James' Catho- j li • rhur » at 9 o'clock. The Rev. J. C. I Thompson "ill oniciatc aud interment nil! be made in Mt. Calvary cemetery. PERSONAL Robert Thompson, a member of t'nej Steelton High school second football) t.-ain, who was injured in a game at! Hummclstown Saturday, October 17,} and was operated or. at the Harrisburg! hospital October 23 for a broken collar! bone, is slowly recovering from the ac- j cident. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Maginnis, daugh- j ter Thelma, and Miss Bessie Lynch, of i Middletown, have returned from an au-1 tomobile trip through Lancaster coun-1 tv. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Xoonan, North I Front street, entertained last evening | at a birthday party in honor of their | grandson, James O'Doanel. The party i was attended by a score of the lai's! schoolmates who were seated around j a big cake decorated with ten candles. < FOR RENT FOR RENT—Eiglit-room house; gas, bath and lot for garden; Steelton Heights, opposite frog shop office: also :>-rootn house with improvements. 171 S. Second St.. steelton. Apply J. JJ JAGY. 3!' S. front St.. Steelton. Your Dollars! m& E'^ uptt *i ■ SMOKE should go up the chimney— not the heat. The heat should circu late through the house. If it doesn't, then your coal money is literally being wast ed through the chimney route. Kelley's favorite furnace coal— hard stove at $6.70 gives more heat for the money because it is clean and absolutely high-grade. H. M. Kelley & Co. Office, 1 N. Third Street. Yard, 10th and State Streets stomach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. Most remedies give you relief sometimes —they are slow, but not sure. Diapepsin is quick, positive and puts your stomach in a healthy condition so the misery won't i come back. You feel different as soon as Pape's Diapepsin comes in contact with tho stomach—distress just banishes —your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch ing, no emctations of undigested fi:od, your head clears and you feel fine. Put an end to stomach trouble by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You re alize in five minutes how -needless it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. Adv. LARGE VOTE IN BORGUGH PRESACED DY MORNING POLL Party Workers Declined to Give Out Forecast of Winners in Steelton— Judge Kunkel Was Expected at Noon to Lead All Candidates Election day in the borough passed off quietly and was featured with many curbstone conferences of party worker* for the several prominent political or ganizations. The streets we>re early tilled with per sons who desired to cast their votes and by uoon it was estimated that about one-half of the borough "s voters had east their ballots. Who these ballots favored could only be conjectured, for none of the promi nent party workers could be induced to furnish an opinion iVs to which gu bernatorial candidate would carry the borough, although it was generally con ceded that Penrose was expected to win out here for I'nited States Senator against Palmer and 'Pinchot. Judge Kunkel, having many friends in the borough, was expected to lead all candidates in the number of votes received. The tinal meeting of the Democratic and Washington jwrty committees was held last evening and reports were re ceived from each voting precinct in the borough. The activities of the Repub licans were continued until late last evening with a meeting held on Adams street, which was well attended. CHARGES ARE WITHDRAWN The announced hearing before Squire Gardner of Paul B. Faust, prin cipal of the Bajor Bent school, on cipal of the Major Bent school, on t'erred by Mrs. Emma Reeser and Mrs. Mary Sher'oocker, who alleged that the principal had cruelly beaten their sons, was not heU because the charges w-ere withdrawn a short time before the time set for the hearing. STEELTON NOTES Mi»s Johnson, a returned missionary from China, will deliver an interesting address this evening in Central Bap tist church. Main and Trewick streets, at T. 43 o'clock. She will appear in Chinese costume. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet with Miss Levi Roth. Cottage Hill, to morrow afternoon at -.30 o'clock. The subject for discus sion will be '"The Saloon—What Tt Pays and What Tt Costs,'" and the leader will be Mrs. Berkeley Franke. Arrangements are being made by the Steelton Club for the opening of its annual deer camp next Monday. Sev eral members of the club will "go to Franklin county on Saturday to com plete camp details. The Steelton Club has engaged a private wire for this evening and will announce election returns from its rooms at Front and Locust streets. Miss Wilcox, the visiting nurse em ; cloved by the Steelton Civic Club, wili !be in her office from 8 a. m. to 9 ft. oi„ from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30 p. m Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for Croup i.roup scares you. The loud hoarse ! croupy cough, choking and gasping for | breath, labored breathing, call for im mediate relief. The very first doses of | Foley's Honey and Tar' Compound will ! master the croup. Tt cuts the thick i mucus, clears away the phlegm and j opens up and eases the air passages. , Harold Berg. Mass, Mich., writes: "We ! give Foley's Honey and Tar to our chil dren for croup and it always acts quick ly." Every user is a t'riend. Geo. A. ('orgas. 16 North Third street and |P. R. R. Station. * Adv. ( FAMILY HAS NARROW ESCAPE Overcome During Night by Gas Fumes From Cellar Heater Marietta, Nov. 3.—The family of Protessor Hiram B. Jacobs, of Mav town, 'had a narrow eseape from asphyxiation, Sunday night, by gas es caping from the celiar heater." In the afternoon >MT. Jacobs ma«lo a fresh fire and thought that the flues were all right. 'He was awakened in the night, and going to the'bathroom, became very ill. His wife, who was awakened a few minutes later, in attempting to rise, fell out of bed. Miss IMildrert Engle, the domestic, who slept in another room, heard She commotion and hastened to the room. She awakened their son, four years of age, and he, too, was almost dead from suffocation. Hurriedly she called a neighbor, who found the trouble. Dr. C. A. Harter was summoned and re vived the sufferers. Found Dead in Rocking Chair Marietta. Nov. 3.—Mrs. Elizabeth Day, 61 years old, was fonud dead Monday evening sitting in a rocking chair, death resulting from a hemor rhage. She had been ill for some time, •but was able to be aiiout. She was a member of the Bet'hel church. One ilaughter, iMrs. Orlanda Raymond, and a half-sister, Mrs. Sarah Cary, of Har risburg, survive. Vanderbilt Gift to College New York, Nov. 3.—VV. K. Vander bilt has donated $113,750 toward tho purchase by Columbia University of half a block of property on which Colum bia's new niedin Tuesday evening, November 1", at 7 o'clock. Following the cere mony a reception will be held at LoeuSt Farm at 5.30 o'clock. Mr. Fox is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James O. Fox. who j reside east of town, and is assistant j diririct attorney of Dauphin county. : The annual meeting of the Mutual | Fire Insurance Convpauy of Huiwmels i town was held at the HummeiiStown National Bank yesterday afternoon and ! the following officers elected for the en suing year: President, F .T. Schaft'ner; vice president, Kobert .1. Walton; i Treasurer, John .1. Nissley; secretary, J !• rank 0. Winner. The following board of managers was also elected: John J. Nissley. Joseph F. Roniberger. J. 8. S'herk, Joiin H. Witnier, George i.M. Hoc'ker, F. J. Suhaffner, Robert J. Wal ton, J. (,>. A. Rutherford. Joseph S. Striekler. A. M. Schaft'ner, Joseph M. Hrigivt'uill, K. W. Doc key and A. B. Shenk. During Wie month of October. Mrs. Jc*hn U. Hemperly, Fast Main street, who makes homemade pastry, baked 510 pies, .10 pan cakes. !> S dozen cookies, S layer cakes and *1 loaf .cakes. Jose; h Gensler, who resided in the Murray proiety, in Center Square, has moved into the house owned li\* (Jeorge Fromm, on Fast Main street. Joiin J. Nissley, president of the Hummelstown National Hani;, who re cently observed his eighty-second 'birth day anniversary, is ill at his home, on Wes;, 'Main street. Mrs. Ezra Hershey visited her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Rohrer, yes terday. George F. Green a wait was a visitor in Harris'burg yestorday. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Mut'h. West Main street, announce tile birth of a son. A son was also born to Mr. and Mrs. David Shope, West' High street, mi Sun day morning. Miss Helen Pox has returned from a visit to Philadelphia. The Dorcas Society of the United 'Brethren church will meet at the home of Mrs. Harrison Hoover, West Main street, on Wednesday afternoon. JOHN DREW'S LEADING LADY Miss Martha Hodman Uses Dressing Room for a Library Miss '.Martha Hedmnn, whom we are to see here as John Drew's leading woman in that player's new comedy, "The Prodigal Husband,'' at the Ma jestic Theatre, for one perfovmanue only, Tuesday evening, November 10, has definitely made up her mind that the most malignant of living play wrights are Dario Niceodemi and Michael Morton. In the event that you don't know the Messrs. Niceodemi and Morton, they are the authors of "The Prodigal Husband.'' In "The Prodigal Husband" Miss' Hedman is not called on to make her first appearance until the story of the j play is well under -way. Sirt.-e it is I one of Mr. Drew's inflexible rules that j all players of his com; any shoukl be in the theatre promptly 'before the rise of the curtain, regardless of the time when they make their first "entrance," Miss Tied man has installed in her dressing | room a most comfortable swinging chair, amply supplied with numerous ' and restful cushions. Knseoneed in j this nest the actress has been accus- j tamed to remain curled up until time ! for her appearance, thoroughly reading i the newspapers from home—for libtle , Miss Hedman is all the way from Stockholm, Sweden —and these consti tute a generous 'bundle, magazines, weeklies ami dailies. And, oh, the joy of devouring them all one 'bv one! Adv. i DYING TO SETTLE GRUDGE Two Men Fire Bullets Into Breaßt of Third, Defenseless Ontralia, Pa., Nov. 3. —•With two bullets in his breast, Michael Gedro. aged 39 years, is in the State hospital here in a critical condition, and Thom as Lazurini and Bruno Zorno are in ' jail awaiting the outcome of his in-1 juries. The shooting occurred at Connors- I ville, near here, where Gedro was standing in front of a hotel, when the two men apiproached and opened fire upon him. Bystanders caught the as sailants before they could escape. An old grudge is said" to be behind this shooting. Susquehanpa Fish and Waterways Marietta, Nov. 3. —Mrs. Clara Wal ler addressed a large assembly yester day afternoon in the interests of the Town Improvement Club relative to the fis'h and waterways of the Susquehanna river. The project met with decided approval. VOTE EVERYWHERE IS HEAVY IN STATE CMUIMI From t'tnt r«(t. to-day in numbers that promised a vote like tih&t of a presidential year. Pa>ir weather prevailed. Tho first oppor tunity to choose a United Htates Sena tor by popular vote and the Cougros sional contests aroused as much inter est as the struggle for tho Govornor rfhup. Delegates were chosen also to n State constitutional convention, whioh meets next year. Tho polls close at 5 p. m. an.l early indications of the gen-, enil results were expected from several cities that used voting machines. Interest Is Prouty's Fight Burlingtou, Vt„ Nov. 3. —Vermont, was favored with perfect weather .for election to-day. The imterest in the contest for t'he United States Senator srhij) between Senator Dillingham, Re publican. and Charles A. Prouty, former luterstate Commerce Commissionor, who has t'he Progressive, Democratic, Prohi bition and Non-Partisan endorsements, is expected to result in a heavy totaJ vote. Interest Lags in Maryland Baltimore, Md., Nov. 3.—Although weather conditions were ideal a light vote was anticipated at to-day's con gressional election, as there was little interest shown in the caiupaigu. The Democratic leaders expressed the ut most confidence in the return of John Walter Smith to the Senate by a large majority. 200,000 Kansas Women Vote Topeka, Kan., Nov. 3.—With prob ably 200,000 Kansas women voting for congressional ami gubernatorial can didates for the first time, and the male electors divided in bewildering fashion, apparently any result was considered possible iu this State to-day. Minnesota Electing a Governor St. Paul. Minn., Nov. 3.—Despite un settled weather, early indications fa vored a 'heavy vote in (Minnesota, where chief interest in to-day's election cen tered in t'he gubernatorial contest, with both \V. s. Hammond, Democrat, and W. P. Hoe. Republican, confident of vic tory. Beveridge Seeks Election Indianapolis, Nov. 3. lndians voters wont to the polls early to-dnf anil the indications were thax the vote would be heavy. The greatest interest is in the race for United States Sena tor. Senator B. P. Shively is seeking re-election and is opposed by Hugh T. Miller, Republican, and Albert .T, Beve ridge, Progressive. The Fight in Connecticut New'llaven, Conn.. Nov. 3. Interest in to-day's election in Connecticut ceil tered largely in t'he contest for United States Senator. Frank B. Brandegee. the present incumbent. is the Republi can candidate; Governor Simeon E. Baldwin, the Democratic. and Herbert Knox Smith, fo'rmer United States Commissioner of Corporations, the Pro gressive. Cummins' Fight in lowa Dos Moines, la.. Nov. I?.—Heavy vot ing throughout t'he State was reported early to-dav. Tiie contest between Senator Albert' B, Cummins and Con gressman Maurice Connolly for tlie United States Senate, attracted most attention. Eleven Congressmen, a Gov ernor and entire State ticket, including Supreme Court Justices and a new Legislature, are to 'be chosen to-day. ENTERTAINED KNHJHTS Were Addressed Saturday Night By the Rt. Rev. M. M. Hassett The visiting deputies and lo<-a1 Knights of Columbus were addressed by the Ift. Rev. M. M. llasKott, rector of St. Patrick's cathedral, in the council loom on North Market street, Saturday night. The visitors were taken over the city in automobiles. Among the visiting deputies were t'he following Philip S. McPevitt, Sr.. John J. Ra hilly, Philadelphia: E. D. Nugent, Brad doek; John J. Mahor, New Castle; R. L. Begley, Oil City: M. P. Kennedy, Scranton; P. (M. Nash, Esq., Bradford; James A. Smyth, Renovo; Vincent DeP. Quinn, l>ansford; Martin P. Duffy, Pottsville; Wm. R. Foster, Johnstown; B. V. Monahan, Altoona: John P. Sweeney, Harrisrt>urg; Win. IJ. Conlon, Jnkernuan; Prank M. 'Kilcoyne, Phila delphia: Ohristopher .T. Kelly, West Philadelphia P. W. Ries, Jr., Pitts burgh: James J. Meak, Dufßois; P. H. Laugblin, Ashland; Wm. A. 'McNulty, Pitte*burg>h; James L. Kennedy, Greens 'biirg: Efr. Parrell, West Ches ter, Join W. Campbell, Uniontown; P. A, Horty, Wilmington, Del. Succumbs to Tuberculosis "East Hempfield, Nov. 3.—lsaac, B. Nissley. 42 years old, one of the lead ing business men of this section, died from tuberculosis after a short illness. He was a membor of the Mennonite church many years and is survived by his widow and several children. OUCH! BACKACHE! RUB LUMBAGO OR PAIN M BACK Rub Stiffness Away With Small Trial Bot tle of Old "St Jacob's Oil" * Ah! Pain is gone! (juickly f—Yes. Almost instant re lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness and pain follows a gentle rubbing with "St. Jacob's Oil." Rub this soothing, penetrating oil right on your painful back, and like magic, relief comes. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless backache, lumbago and sciatica euro which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. Straighten up! complaining! Stop those torturous "stitches." In a moment you will forget that you ever had a weak back, because it won't hurt or be stiff or lame. Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "Bt. Jacob's Oil" from your druggist now and get this lasting relief. Adv. SPENT THOUSANDS ON STOMACH: FIRST DOST BRINGS HIM RUT Pennsylvania Man Gets Quick Bomedy for His Long Suffering Stomach Henry F. Curry, of the Hotel Rait lett, at Cambridge Springs, Pa., suf iered most desperately from ailments of the stomach and digestive tract for years. Tie spent a fortune in the pur suit of health. At last he happened to discover Mayr s \N onderful Stomach Remedy. He found happy relief quickly. Mr. Curry wrote: "1 have spent thousands of dollars lor doctors and medicine and hard I v got temporary relief, and before I took your medicine I was about disc our aged. Hut after taking your medicine 1 got grent relief. My mental aud physical suffering had been so bad that I hud to resort to morphine, and even with that 1 did not get much re •II ?" r r< ""°dy helped me wonder fully. I have a good appetite, sleep MYRKLE-HARDER COMPANY OPENS WEEK WITH CLEVER PERFORMANCE \ Scene From "The Girl of the Goidcn West," to Be Piayod at the Majestic To-:iignt The Myrkle-Harder Company, which : will be at the Majestic Theatre all this week, last night presented i^onis Mann's dramatic triumph, "Elevating a Hus- ! band, before a large and enthusiastic j audience. The company, which is ex- I ceptionallv clever, gave the Harrisburg theatregoers delightful entertainment, i The play tells a most interesting j story of a business man who had, j through hard battles with the world, accumulated an independent fortune. He finally, after many comical prelim inaries. proposes to a girl whom he has | been loving, from the distance as it were, for a long time. She decides to ! marry him and to elevate him in the 1 social world. The complications that follow are most amusing as well as ! dramatic at time. Throughout the play the leading man [ shows a big heartedness and a willing- ! HORSES NO HIGHER IN PRICE Fire Department Animals Can Be Bought for $195 Each Pluladelpliiu, Nov. 3. —Bids to fur nish horses for the Fire department, opened by the Department of Supplies yesterday, were, if anything, slightly lower than prices asked in recent years. It was expected that the war in Europe would drive up quotations considerably. Frank Lambert offered to supply as many horses as needed, of the standard required by the Fire department, at $195 a head. Usually the price of these horses has been about S2OO. RAILROADS CREWJMAD HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division—ll4 crew to go lirst after 1 p. m.: 10S, 107, 127. 109, 111, 122, 125, 117, 113. Engineers for 109, 111, 122. Firemen for 107, 108, 109, 116. Conductors for 109, 122. Flagmen for 109, 122, 125. Brakemen for 122, 107, 108, 109, 114, 11», 127. Engineers up: McCauley, Albright, Long, Snow, Supplee, Geeser, Manley, Hubler, Kelly, Davis, Wolfe, Seitz. Firemen up: Swank, (Jarr, Herman, Brenner, Copeland, Citburg, McCurdv, .Spring, Houtz, Robinson, Bliseh, Bus hey. Conductors up: fiopp, Houdeshel, Looker. Flagmen up: Clark, Hanks. Brakemen up: McNaughtou, File, Cox, Griffie, Hubbard, Jackson. Middle Division —242 ercw to go first affer 2 p. m.: 2248, 232, 16, 20, 23, 21, 18, 22, 15. Engineers for IS, 15. Firemen for 23, 21, 18. Conductor for 15. Brakemau for 15. Engineers up: Welconier, Siniontou, Webster, Havens, Smith, Kugler, Mum ma, Briggles, Willis, Moore. Firemen up: Davis, Bixler, Potteig er, Reeder, Stouffer, Seagrist, Wright, Shoesley, Simmons, Gross, Bleacham, Carstetter, Weibley, Fletcher. Conductors up: Byrnes, Paul, Bas kins. Brakenien up: Kohli, Bickert, Plack, Fritz, McHenry, Frank, Mathias, Kane, Kilgor, Fleck. Yard Crews —Engineers up: Meals, Stahl, Swab, Silks, Crist, Kuhn, Pelton, Shaver, Harvey, Landis, Hoyler, Ho henshelt, Thomas, Houser. Firemen up: Crow, Rieve, Ulsh, Bost ilorf, Schieffer, Rauch, Weigle, Lackey, Maeyer, Shojter, Bostolet. Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Hart. Snell, Essig, Ney, Myers, Boyle, Shipley. Engineers for 707, 322, 1 18, 1820. well, luui think I have gained weight." Stories of health restored like thut coinn from thousands of happy UHM in nil parts of the nation. This reined*' is Known everywhere- The first do-c will convince—no long treatment. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy clears the digestive tract of mucoi I accretions and poisonous matter. It brings swift relief to sufferers from ailments of the stomach, liver aol bowels. Many declare it has save I them from dangerous operations: many are sure it has snved their live . We want all people who haTe chronic stomach trouble or constipn tion, no matter of how long standing, to try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy—one dose wilt cor vince you. This is the medicine so many of our people have been tnkinj: with surprising results. The most thorough system cleanser ever sold. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy i< now sold here by Uoo. A. Uorgas. U : North Third street and Pennsylvania Railroad Station, and druggists every where. Adv. uess to forgive his rivals. His love and ! devotion for his aged mother ait- a | striking feature of the play. ! The piece was a wise selection fo> an .'opening performance. It presents apleu | did scenic ( fleets, plenty of good, whole some comedy and at times strong I dramatic situations. Mr. Martin as ; "Charlie Sample" was a favorite from , the very beginning, and Miss Myrkle, AS the wife, .WHS excellent. Messrs. Blaising, Dempsey, Haines, Cransdale and Marsden are actors of tar greater ability than are usually seen with, stock ! companies, while the Misses Ivjii'yxbcr rv, Nell Uusaell and Geraldin« Hussell became favorites at the outset. Tlio performance was marked by the gen eral attention to detail that the Myrkle j Harder Company gives to its plays. To-night, the company presents David ; Belasco's great play, "The C.irl'of the , tioliion Went." Firemen for 1886, 213, 707, 322 i 1699, 90, 2393, 432, 1820. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—24 8 crew to first after 11.45 a. m.: 219. 207 j 228, 208, 221, 235, 235. 229. 214. 239. 21 8, 215. 242, 203, 237, 211 213, 204, 253, 227. Engineers for 203, 207, 208, 215 238, 239. /. Firemen for 204, 207, 214 ''(s ■ 229, 248. ' ' r ' | Conductors for 207, 215, 227, 229. ; Flagmen for 221, 235, 237, 242. Brakemen for 207, 208, 213, I 219, 221, 225, 235, 239, 241, 242! ' 248, 250. ' Conductors up: Forney, Penneli, I Stauffer, EaJton. Flagman up: Peck. Brakemen up: Wertz,lMuaser, Vand j Ling, Long, Jacofos. Middle Division—2l9 crew to go first after 12.45 ip. m.: 237, 104,112 116, 107, 118, 109, 105, 115, 114' 117, Engineers for 116, 115, 118, Fireman for 15. Conductors for 107, 114. 117. Brakemen for 116, 106, 117. THE READING P. H & P.—After 12.20 p. m.: 33, 19, 5, 21, 16, 4, 17, 6, 22, 3. 12, 24, 14. East'bound after 12.30 p. in.: 67, 61, 65, 54, 58, 64, 62. 'Engineers: 'Wlireirean, Lape, iMJerri- SOTI, Ricflrwine, Martin, Kettnef, Fetrow, Fortney. Firemen: Palm.fßoyer, Anders, Lett ner, Oorl, Dow'hower, Zukoswiski, Snader. Brakemen up: Kapp, Hhaider, Tay lor, Hotbert, Hiinkle, lieckiman, Grimes, Wyre, Voder, Ely, Chenry, Stephens, -Shearer, Reach. HEADACHE STOPS. ~ NEURALGIA GONE Dr. James' Headache Powders Give In stant Relief—Cost Dime a Package Nerve-racking, splitting or dull, throbbing headaches yield in just a few moments to Dr. .James' Headache Pow ders which cost only 10 cents a package at any drug store. It's the quickest,, surest headache relief in th- whole world. Don't suffer! Believe the agon,* and distress now! You can. Million of men and women have found thai headache or neuralgia misory is need less. Get what you ask for. " Adv. 7