6 &tar-3nb*pettlUttt (Estahluhrd in 1876) Published b * THK STAR PRINTING COMPANY, r Slar-lndepe-ident Building, (#•2O-22 South Third Street, Harris burg. 9a_ Every Evening Except Sunday Officer*. Dirtctem. BrnjUAMiw r. METERS. JO>N H L K President WM. W WIUO*M, _ .. Vice President. «•"» WM K MEYERS. Secretary ami Treasurer. WM. W. WALLOWER. WM H WARNER. V. HUMMEL BERUBAUS. JR., Business Manager. Editor, AH communications should be addressed to STAR INDEPENDENT, Business. Editorial, Job Printing or Circulation Department according to the subject patter. Entered at the Post Office in Hsrrlsburg as second clasi matter Benjamin & Kentnor Company. New York and Chicago Representative*. New York Offlee. Brunswick Building. 225 Fifth Avenue. • Chicago Office, People's Gas Building, .Michigan Avenue. Delivered by carriers at 6 cents a week. Mailed to subscribers for Three Dollars a year in ad»-»uce. THE STAR-INDEPENDENT The paper with the largest H-jmt. Circulation in Harrisburg ana nearby towns Circulation Eismlneu by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ADVERTISERS. TELEPHONES: BELL Private Branch Exchange. No. 3280 CUMBEMLANO VALLEY Private Branch Exchange. No. 245-246 Tuesday, November 3, 1»14. NOVEMBER . Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Tliur. Fri. Sat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 11 12 13 -14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MOON'S PHASES— Full Moo::, :2nd; Last Quarter, I Oth. New Moon, 17th: First Quarter, tilth. WEATHER FORECASTS / »y Harrisburg and vicinity: Showers to u glit or on Wednesday, warmer. V Kastern Pennsylvania: Fair iu south, i vjYJI showers in north portion and warmer to night. Wednesday showers, warmer. T Moderate southwest winds. * v - >/ YESTERDAY S TEMPERATURE IN HARRISBURG Highest, 65: lowest, 52; S a. in., 55; 8 p. m., 52. c- 1 1 ROOSEVELT AND PENROSE'S CHANCES While wise election prognostieators have been keeping mum in the campaign just closing, because of the various and complicated influences that have been brought to bear and that will be re flected in the returns to-night, it is safe to say that if Senator Penrose is successful in the fight it will bo largely due to the invasion of this state by his arch enemy. Colouel Roosevelt. Not that ttaj olojael has made any votes for Penrose but. if the state of mind of the anti-Penrose voters can accurately be interpreted before the ballots are counted, the Colonel has divided the strength of the two opponents of Penrose in a way that seems likely to prevent either of them winning. liefore Colonel Roosevelt came into the state on bis four-day whirlwind tour in behalf of the Wash ington party ticket. Palmer, the Democratic op ponent of Penrose, undoubtedly had a far greater following than Pinehot, the Washington party candidate for Senator. As most of the voters who are opposed to Penrose already had made up their minds to oppose him before Roosevelt came to Pennsylvania, the effect of the Colonel's com ing was chiefly io shift some anti-Penrose votes from Palmer to Pinehot. It is doubtful, however, whether the Colonel got enough votes away from Palmer to elect Pinehot, whereas it is altogether likely that he took enough away to insure the defeat of Palmer. In brief the < olonel divided the strength against Penrose in a way that may result iu Penrose's elec tiiu/ whereas had the Colonel kept hands off there would have been a far better chance of Palmer having got a sufficient number of the anti-Penrose supporters to elect Palmer. On the other hand, it will take far more votes to elect Brumbaugh as Governor than it will require to elect Penrose as Senator. Assuming that ;i total of 1,000,000 votes will be cast, Penrose would win with I'dO.OOO votes if the remaining 050,000 were equally divided between Pinehot and Palmer. It would, however, require -300,001 votes to elect Brumbaugh or his Democratic opponent, MeC'ormick, eliminating from consideration, of course, the votes cast for the candidates of the small parties. HAZING COMING TO AN END If the practice of brutally hazing freshmen in schools and colleges of this country had been iu need of any one thing to give it a final jar and bring it to a speedy end, it was the recent decision of a grand jury refusing to indict five freshmen of -the Annapolis military academy who had fired through a locked door and killed one of a party of upperelassmen attempting to haze them. The jury reached the conclusion that freshmen are justified in defending themselves when attacked by hazers even to the extent of taking life, asserting that the law cannot hold a student responsible who commits manslaughter under such circumstances. Every grand jury might not reach such a decision, yet a precedent has been established and it is not unlikely that similar eases would be treated in much the same way in the courts if any were un fortunately to arise in the future. The leniency of the grand jury in the Annapolis ease, with the possibility that like leniency will he shown by juries in subsequent eases, will hardly encourage freshmen to annoy their superiors in the student body by firing at theni with frequency, nor to assert freshmen rights by force of arms. First year students do not become vicious when unmo- HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, tested. They do not design dastardly plots against the lives of upperelassmen or go about thirsting for blood. The grand jury's decision has not put the lives of sophomores, juniors and seniors in jeop ardy. Freshmen will do no harm without provoca tion. The fact that the jury decided freshmen are jus tified iu resorting to arms in self-defense will cer tainly not make first year men more bold, but will make upperelassmen less so. Caution needs now to be exercised in molesting freshmen, lest some of them shoot at random, and hit their tormentors. Hazing has been declining rapidly, and if any one thing forces it to make its sneaking way out of American institutions forever, it will be the verdict in the Annapolis ease. Many colleges have been abolishing hazing and most of them have been colleges run by student government. The boys themselves have voted to get rid of the practice. The Annapolis case should now whip into line with the students who have abolished hazing the ones who have been clinging to the custom in their insane belief that it is the very foundation of all college traditions. Most boys of this latter class are cowards by nature for only cowards can actively support the principles of brutal hazing, which traditionally provide that new students, helpless to defend themselves, shall be taken from their rooms, preferably in the silent hours of the night, and be prey to all the insults the older students care to inflict. There is fun connected with such things sometimes, but the mat ter becomes decidedly serious when blood is shed. It is to be deprecated that a human life should have been sacrificed in Annapolis so that a grand jury might arrive at the conclusion that freshmen are justified in defending themselves from hazers. Yet it must be remembered that many, many lives have been lost on the other side, in this conflict of classes. Brutal treatment of freshmen has resulted in deaths, many horrible deaths, since misguided minds first conceived the practice of hazing. If the custom cannot be abolished through the loss of life of victims of hazing, perhaps it now will be thi*ough the death of a hazer, with the awful possibility that more blood will be shed under similar circum stances if the practice, in its brutal forms, does not speedily come to an end. What if "Uncle Joe" Cannon should be elected! Official Washington has its ear to the ground to-day. ■Rockefeller's millions are being used to buy food for the starving Belgians. What kind of mud cau Ida Tarbell fiud to throw at that? The Colonel will hear the election news at his home in Oyster Bay, and it is a safe bet that he will have some thing to say to-morrow. There are some candidates in this state who to-morrow morning will point to that passage of the Scripture which remarks: "All men are liars." And now get ready for Thanksgiving. Some of you may not have so much cause for thanks as others, but "be a good sport" and take your lickin'! TOLD IN LIGHTERVEIN HIS BETTER HALF "Here, mv dear," said the husband, producing his purse; "here is SSO I won playing cards over .at Brown's last night. You may have it to buy that dress you wanted." Reluctantly the conscientious wife took the money; then said, with an expression of rigid rectitude: "I simply shudder at the thought of using money gained in such a way. Henry, promise me that after you have won enough for me to buy the hat to go with the dress you will never again touch those awful cards. I don't waut my husband to become a gambler."—Lippincott's. TRUE TO HIS PRINCIPLES A new-comer to Idaho from the strictly Prohibition State of Kansas had the misfortune one wintry day to fall into the rapid of a swift-running river when the thermometer stood several degrees below zero. He was saved with dif ficulty, and his clothes became a rattling sheath of ice before his rescuers could get him to the nearest saloon. "What'll you have, Dan?" inquired the "bar-keep" so licitously. The Kansan opened his eyes and answered weakly, "Guess I'll take a glass of lemonade."—Lippincott's. "IF" On one occasion a census clerk, in scanning one of the forms to see if it had been properly filled up, noticed the figures 120 and 112 under the headings, "Age of father, if living," and "Age of mother, if living." "But your parents were ntver so old, were they?" asked the astonished clerk. "No," was the reply, "but they would have beeu if livin'."—Exchange. WHERE THEY AGREE "Jinks and his wife never agree about anything." "I beg your pardon. They agree on the point that each married a fool."—Baltimore American. A BUTTER .CURE Servant Bov (to farmer's wife, noted for her thriftiness) —"Well, ma'am, my eyesight must be getting bad. I can't see the butter on the bread this morning." Next morning the farmer's wife put the butter a little thicker on the bread, and remarked: "Well, Tom, I hope your eyes are better this morning?" "Begad, ma'am," replied Tom, "they're grand this morn ing. I can see the bread through the butter."—Exchange. A MISANTHROPIC READER "I don't believe more than half of what I see in print," said the incredulous man. "Trying to be on the Bafe side*" "Yes. And even at that, I generally pick the wrong half."—Washington Star. GREAT ONES The Father —"What expectations have you?" The Suitor—"That I will get your consent."—Exchange. NO CAUSE FOR ANXIETY He—"Well, I fear I must be -going." She—"There's nothing to fear."—Life. THE DRIVER'S EXCUSE "Your demand is outrageous," said the passenger. "Not at all, not at all," replied the driver. "I guess you forget this is a ftartaxicab."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1914. / \ I Tongue-End Topics j -j Political Reporters Are Olad The newspaper bovs —some of them —will be glad when this campaign is over. To some of them it meant more than the editing of reports of political meetings, interviewing candidates, watching State headquarters and pick ing up gossip. It meant to some of them many hard days of toil and vicissi tudes, traveling day and night, getting up at unearthly early hours to cateh trains, looking after meetings, keeping tabs on candidates, fighting "Rube" telegraph operators to force them to do their, duty, and answering a thou sand and one queries from the home of fice. Those were the follows who trav eled with the candidates. * » * Some of the Campaign Scritnis With the Democratic spell-binders were some of the bright lads of the newspaper profession including "Jim" McCoy, of the Philadelphia "Ledger;" "AI." Bailey, of the Philadelphia "Record," and "Charlie" Miller, of the Harrisburg "Patriot." McCoy dropped out toward the last and a new mau took his place, but Bailey and Mil ler remained to the last. The tales they tell of the pilgrimage of the Democratic spell-binders are harrowing. Night aft er night they held to their work long after the meetings were over, getting their "stuff on the wires, and then, snatching a few hours sleep, they were up before daybreak to catch trains that waited for nobody. Thev traveled over every jerk-water railroad in the State; they traveled over every town ship road in the State, and their record of bumps while in automobiles is un equaled by any party of travelers that ever encountered the average Pennsyl vania country road. * * * Trouble Getting the Wire Oft-times they filed their dispatches of the day's work and went off to at tend a night meeting, only to return to the telegraph office late at night and -find that the country operator had neglected to send their dispatches, be ing engaged in reading a novel in a corner or in a game of pinochle with a party of friends. "Waiting to git a wire" was always the excuse. And that was uot always confined to the country telegraph offices. Bailey tells of filing a story in a big city and re turning hours afterward to find it still unsent, and the operator at a Joss to tell why he had not sent it. It was quickly taken to another office and transmitted to the home office just be fore midnight. Oratory Put Them to Sleep In one town the newspapermen had to stay with the telegraph operator uu ti| alter midnight to make sure that their matter was put on the wire, and they got back to the hotel to catch a couple of hoars sleep, jump up hurried ly before the sun was up, grab a bite, if they were in luck, and rush for the train. Some times they fell asleep during the day meetings, and on one oc casion while one of them slept through an entire meeting, oblivious to the calls of the orators in clarion tones for the citizens of the State to wake up and assert themselves, the other newspaper fellows took a snapshot photo of him fast asleep, and presented it to him a day or so later. Got Meals On the Way Tn a great many instances the news* paper men had to eat as tlie.v journey ed, gptting a bite here and a bite there, i and satisfying their hunger as best thev | could. In. this, however, they were no : better off than the candidates. And | what was most peculiar was that none I of them lost weight, but they all seem ed to thrive on the strenuous work and j new conditions. Their experience with the "Flying Squadron" was one that will never be forgotten by them, but it was in no whit dissimilar to what some of the newspapermen of the State go through every four years during a gub ernatorial campaign. * * * Before the Days of Autos After the campaign of 1895, Colonel George Nox McCain, who traveled with the Hastings party of spell-binders, wrote a book of experiences of newspa per correspondents on that tour of the State, and it is a fairly good descrip tion of what took place during the cam paign that has .just closed, only instead of automobiles the 1895 party used wagons vVhen traveling bv township roads. Anyway, the newspaper men with tho McCormick and Brumbaugh parties had a good time even if they did almost work their heads off. Flames Sweep HOO Acres \ork, Fa., Nov. 3.—Fire on the South mountain, near I)ills!burg, York county, has already swept over 800 acres of timber land, and threatens to do much more damage. A band of 65 State deputy foresters and volunteers is fighting it. October Canal Tolls Show Gain Panama, Nov. 3.—The total canal tolls for October amounted to $377,- 000. a gain of $107,000 over the Sep tember collections. SCROFULA AND ALL HUMORS GIVE WAY There arc many things learned from experience and observation that the older generation should impress upon the younger. Among them is the fact, that scrofiilr. and other humors are most successfully treated with Hood's Sar saparilla. This great medicine ig a peculiar combination of remarkably ef fective blood-purifying aud health-giv ing roots, barks aud herbs, and has been tested for forty years. Get it to-day. Adv. Time for I Action I IS NOW. Don't I neglect or postpone B helpiug your stom- S ach, liver and bowels when there M is any indication of m weakness. To do so only invites sick- ■ ness. Take K HOSTETTER'S 1 STOMACH BITTERS . I to-day and let it ' Hi help you back to Pj. health and strength ®j WARNS CARELESS TOURISTS Great Damage to National Forests by Thoughtless Disposal of Cigars Detroit, Mich., Nov. 3.—The J.iin coin Highway Association recently is sued from its national headquarters here a little booklet entitled "Hints to Transcontinental Tourists." The book has had a very wide circulation amongst tourists and has attracted a great deal of attention due to the ex cellent condensed information it con tains. The Association has just received Irom the Forest Reserve Service, through the District Forester of San Francisco, who had read the booklet with care, a letter in which the For ester suggested that the next edition of the booklet contain an emphatic reminder to all transcontinental tour ists that thp carelessness so often dis played by persons unused to touring through dry and wooded regions, in throwing lighted matches, cigars and cigarette butts from their cars into the shrdbbery alongside of the roads, is a most dangerous thing to the safe ty of the national forests. The Foresttr suggests that trans continental tourists provide their cars with some sort of receptacle into which matches, cigar butts, etc., cau be put and then emptied at some point where there would be no danger of setting fire to the trees, grass and shrubbery alouc the road. Tourists used to city streets or the wide roads and open country of the East think nothing of tossing a light ed match or half-smoked cigar over the side, as it is harmless there, but in many of the arid sections of the West, where the rank dry grass grows close and thick at the edges of the roads, the same thoughtless action might lead to a file which would wipe out hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of timber and even cause the loss of human lives. LAST POLITICAL GINS Meetings Held Last Night in Various Parts of County Last political guns were fired last, night at several points in Dauphin county. At Millcrsburg and Williams town, in the upper end, and Hteefoon the Republicans held last hour meet ings, addresses being delivered by Deputy Attorney General Hargest aud Senator Beidlemau at the former two places ami by the local candidates at Steelton. At Mount Pleasant the Democrats and Washingtonians held a .joint meet ing after holding a street parade, and addresses were made by J. B. Martin, James W. Barker, J. Weslev Davies, H. B. San use rm an and G. C.'Hurst. The Washington party held a meet ing at Twentieth and State streets, at which the speakers were J. B. Mairtin and James W. Barker. Killed in Farm Quarrel Bellaire, 0., Nov. 3.—Frank Bla kennv died in a hospital here vesterdav and physicians said his son. Frank, would not recover. The men were shot Sunday while quarrelling with Frank Long, a farmer, over tne division of crops they had assisted in fathering on Long's farm. Long was arrested. MISTAKE 11JU 4S. AD. A typographical error in tho head line of Dives, Pomcroy & Stewart's ad vertisement in the Star-Independent last evening was misleading. In the millinery section $2.95 to '54.95 trimmed hats wore advertiso-d at $1.95. The word "trimmed" s:hould have been untrimmed. The error was typographical and Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart were in no way responsible for tho mistake. / 2,000 Hunters' Licenses in Lebanon Lebanon, Nov. 3.—More than 2,000 hunters of Lebanon county have taken out State hunters' licensos. A large number of the sportsmen spent yester day in tho entire Lebanon Valley in search of rabtiits and various other game. In some parts of liebanou coun ty the rabbits were reported scarce, but in the northern and other parts of the county they arc plentiful. Hunters, however, report the quail very scarce. ASK FOR-, Lancaster's Favorite Brew RIEKER'S BEER JNO. G. WALL, Agt. Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr. "THE LAST TANCO" CLEVER BUT A GRUESOME PLAYLET Headliner of New Offering at the Or pheum Purports to Portray a Tragic Seen# In a Cafe in Paris—Leo Beers Makes a Hit "The Last Tango," a headliner fea turing this week's bill at the Orpheum Theatre, is an unusual though gruesome offering. The scene is laid in the Montmartu district in the French capital. Imagine a cabaret singer evading arrest for murder by carrying a dead woman through the intricacies of the tango with the murderess singing the death music, and you have "The Last Tan go." Evidently the murder was justi fled, according to the way the persons who people the peculiar cafe depicted in the play, interpret justice. The beau tiful woman suffered death when she invaded the district after a year's ab sence during which time she had be come a favorite beauty of the boule vards. Fletcher Norton, as "Rene," dandy and hero among the habitues, plays his part capably. He is a graceful dancer and sings in a full rich baritone voice. Audrey Maple, as "Liane De Lauecy," tho pet of the Paris public, who mur dered by a woman madly in love with "Rene"' stars with Norton in the piece. The murder is a ghastly working out of an unusual plot. The music is good, but the act can hardly be described as a melodrama set to music so its producers call it a fantasy and that is its best description. The Laugdons, with a third member in their company, ar e back in a new t act which might be called '' On the j Boulevards," but it is actually called !an "original novelty." The ' broken down automobile and the famous change .joke worked on a waiter carry the piece. Mechanical stage settings help it along. There is some clever acting in the skit. I to 2 300 A Market St. $2.50 • I How To Get Rid of a I | Bad Cough i I A Haa»r-Made Renrd J that Will J v.Jdei j ski, of the same address, were held in I SI,OOO bail each here yesterda>, j charged with having passed counterfeit i half-dollars on business people around • town. '"They had several coins in their | possession. It is believed by the secrot service ■ agents that they are part of a gang I which has been flooding this part of t'le ' State for several months with counter ! feit halves. This is the third arrest, j and more lire expected. Foley Cathartic Tablets Are wholesome, thoroughly cleansing, laud have u stimulating effect on tlie stomach, liver and bowels. Regulate I you with no griping and no unpleasant j after effects. Stout people find they i give immense relief and comfort.. Ant ■ \ bilious. Warren Spoft'ord, Green Bay, | Wis., writes: "Foley Cathartic Tablets i are the best laxative I ever used. They j do the work promptly and with uo bad ; after effects." Try them. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street, and | P. R. R. Station. Ad \. ATE 21> COOKING SAMPLES j Young Architect, Seeking Wife, Is Vic tim of Girls' Joko - Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 3.—Walter lie- I mar, the young wife-hunting architect. | who asked a paper to find liim a wi(e j a few weeks ago, saying that be was | possessed of a good digestion, had an | experience Sunday night that lias som> : what discouraged his matrimonial ia ! eliiiations. I Dcinar received a letter from a girl i asking him to call. When he arrived I at the house he was surrounded by -9 girls, all of them residents of the big boarding house, anil every one bad a I sample of her cookery, which Demur I was obliged to taste. Second Annual Ball j The Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society of I Harrisburg, Pa., announce their second annual ball which will be held in t'ue ! Armory hall Wednesday evening, No j vember 4, 1914. Music, by Morgan * ! orchestra. A large crowd is expected ] by tho committee. Mexican Deported for Threats Washington. I> Nov. 3. — Do partition of Luis (Hernandez, arrcstel at Sau Autonio, Tcx„ for Hi rents against. John R. Sillinian, Consul lit Sin I tillo, ex., anil other Americans, WHS ordered yesterday by Secretary Wilsoß. of the Department oi' Labor.