THEIR HONEYMOON STARTS IN TABERNACLE QUARTERS Custodian and His Bride of Last Thurs day Are Comfortably Housed In Corner of Big Building Used For Revival Services Win'it Fred Cartwright. custodian of eliu Slouch tabernacle, the sou of tbe Rev. F. T. Cartwright. associate of Dr. not married at Williauisport last Thursda* lie auil his bride deter- , milled to spend their honeymoon and go to housekeeping at the same time, iu the tabernacle at North and Cowdeu streets. They did not expect however, : that such elaborate preparations would ' lie made for their comfort as they found , when they got here. HL.,Aur ' |*|||jK fiiHD CARTWRIGHT Tabernacle Custodian Just Married William S. Roebmk, who was in eharge of the building of the taber nacle, bad a room at the Cowden and North street corner partitioned off and equipped as no tabernacle custodian's , room has ever before been equipped. The walls appear as oak panels and the • furnishings are of the finest, giving the , room the appearance of a bridal cham \ ber 011 an ocean liner. The furniture was supplied bv the women's adult • Bible class of the Derry Street United , Brethren church. Fred, as everyone calls him, and liis wife, are very well pleased with their home in the tabernacle. They take their meals at the Stough resilience on ' iPine street, but spend all the rest of ; their time "at home." It isn't every • body can go to housekeeping in a tab ernacle. THE BIGGEST VOTEIN CITY JS INDICATED Continued From First I'njse. •113 of 333; Seventh ward, Third pre ;<■ net, 52 of 168; Fourth precinct, 114 ot' 305; Fifth precinct, 86 of -SO; iFigbtli ward. First precinct. 28 of 81; Fourth precinct, S3 of 203; Ninth ward, Second precinct, I+2 of 310; Third precinet, S6 of 265; Fourth pre cinct, 86 of 185; Seventh precinct. 146 of 286; Tenth ward, First pre cinct, 174 of 317; Second precinct, 91 ' or' 210. Where McCorraick Will Get Returns At Democratic State Committee headquarters here to-day the quiet was ;in marked contrast with thp activity there in the last five months. All of the State Committee officials were ab ; sent except Secretary VanDvke, who votes in one ot' the "Hill" precincts, !aud he was kept busy with belated cor respondence. The State headquarters will lie open this eV"eiiing, and state Chairman Mor j ris will come up from Philadelphia to receive State returns. Vance C. MeCor niiik will be with Chairman Morris, and returns will be received from . every county chairman throughout the .htate as soon as possible. These will be made public at once, and it is expected that Chairman Morris will be able to : make an accurate statement as to the ; result shortly before midnight. Congressman Palmer will not be of 'the party here to-night, remaining at lii< home iu Stroudsburg to revive the ejection returns, but he is expected to have something to say as soon as the rusult can be definitely ascertained. Investigating Fraud Stories At State headquarters it was s:ii I early to-day that in Harriiburg there h:,\p been discovered some evidences of c.ookedness. and detectives are running ' down such stories in order to establish ( their authenticity and secure evidence against any who have been dealing crookedly. One of the tricks, it was said by Secretary Van Dyke. that was being played early iu the dav was the furnishing of voters with marked bal lots to tak ■ into the polls from which lo mark their ballot behind t he screen. t I his ballot, it was .aid, was returned ito the ward worker as soon as the vo 'er got onl of the booth, and w;:« held ;to be given to another voter for use. The law is very explicit regarding wiio shall lih\ e assistance in voting, ;«nd it prevented many voters who have heretofore ha.i assistance from ajiain seeking such aid. To get around this, it is alleged, the marked ballot was de vised. Secretaiy VanDvke said this morning there had been no specific in stances revealed at that time of raonev being used. The Vote in McCarmick's Ward At the Fourth ward voting precincts there was a full complement of work >e"s of all parries, and that they were getting out a big vote was very appar ent. In the upper precinct, at the Hope 'engine house. 148 votes were out in itiie first three hours, an average of a.iout 50 an hour, or a little more than ;Oiie minute for each voter. ' In the First preciniit of the Fourth ■ward, where Mr. MeCorniick resides, the voting was fast in contrast with ,previous elections, and 143 had been cast by 10 o'clock, leaving less than two-thirds to be cast during the rest of tile day. It is expected, in view of the fine weather, that but few votes will be left uncast when the polls close this evening. Mayor Kojal was at the First pre cinct polls and took a lively interest in I CALL 1991-ANY Store Hours: Open daily at 8 A M." CALL 1991 -ANY & a < ► JT% POUNDID 10 7 1 pf and close at 5.30 P. M., except Satur- £% FOUNDSD IS 71 m* * jsxwmcHU M ens 14 9a m and ioses &t ► m»»l»»UN!» POPULAR DWMWIir OTOIHt * ' MAKRISBURa'S POPUt,' NPARTIWITSTOIII < : A Sale of Women's and Misses' Apparel That Offers Unusual: : Opportunities to Save, When the Garments Are Most Needed : | O T S^^ i^ B S over to One Hundred and I I r gains—not garments that for any «- Are Worth sls to Sixty Beautiful ' 4ap I j* last word in style; the coats are the kind sl6 50 at $8 98 Velvet Dresses | I y most sought for by critical women; and ™ ™ * 1 The top-notch of style in every one. .Most —Vfi I ' lF\' ~~~/ (\ ~ I-- i ' the dresses are copies of the finest COS- In serges, whipcords and cheviots. Various of them are made of boulevard velveteen —the ~/ \\ ' 11\ ~\ ( 6 ' *• 1 tmne the season has brought forth. lengths of coats —34 to 45 inches. Coats are scarcest fabric to-day. And there is a wide r k TI)P liiw i iriccw -it whi«Vi wn or« Hiai.Uiacturers needing money spot AuOllt 50 wUItS JL licit Ar6 Every woman and miss wants a velvet dress ■TjT jJM * I cash. It is an open secret that maun- TTT -fl- nn -f Cl O Oft t'ds year—this is tlie best chance to get one. S\\| IIM \ Til II < I I facturers of women's garments have W OrT-fl. at spJLU.yo The best chance to get the right styles—the BAll lljnm \7 1 «(' had rather a trying time this season 111 serges, cheviots, whipcords and broad- assortment to choose from the quality—and l. | 4 ■. because of backward weather condi- cloths. Long or short coats, and all lined with ast, but not least, in importance, to get it at 1 \l f! " ' tions and the lincertaintv of stvles. Anv yani-dyed or guaranteed satin Skirts plain, »' «7 98-worth sl*> 50 \l / I A 111.1 iinl.] , ' 1 1•' plaited or with yokes. Good color assortments. 01111 JU - ll\l II I I manufacturer with material on hand is | 1 • At $9.98 worth #15.00. \\\ \\ II I < ! j y glad to turn it into garments at mod- About 100 Suits That Are At $13.50 —worth $20.00. Iff j[ erate cash prices, and mam* who have - A , - A At sl4.9B—worth $22.50. /l il 1 I t' < L made up garments on hand are willing |*V Orth $22.50 at $12.50 , 522 50 - w°rt\i A3" ( 0 (111 \ L < j y to unload them at a very low figure— 1 In men's wear serges, poplins, whipcords and _ },\ (\ r tor spot cash. I broadcloths. All the wanted colors among them. Forty Serge DreSSeS Xhat ) fJ /jr* 4 ' !; J^S^ B r'?n™ Over 150 Suits That Are Are Worth $7.50 at $5.00- " ■ Trhl u Vrf' lto i be^ l . ue , of ,! ,lmost Worth $25 to SSO at JSi* Thp A # '! ► double that amount, shall pass Crt 4-n. CtlC nA a " serge. Black and navy only. All sizes. i A fIC wOOO! CllHl V Ot | them along at just the same rate-One- Jpl/.OU tO aKa«+ 1 , - ► foUrth t0 One-half Less Than Value. Imported broadcloths, imported poplins, gal), j ADOUt Thirty-Five Serge Season to Buv < ! ardines. imported serges and novelties. Rich. DreSSCS Worth Sls tO "J' - y > lusU'ous black and colored broadcloths —as well >7 CA 4. tit-| *7 CA «1 T3*i Tl Ot nn r? * y as navy, dark brown, Russian green and wis- $-L # .OU at IJIiZ.DU (X J? lllC vOu w"™cLH.ol \ taria. Serviceable poplins and gabardines in Botany serges—that's a seal of quality. Navy ~ [i&k | a " thc popular colors. and black. Many with smart touches of colors OcIVC MOH6V 111 * ' * 1 (None of these suits will be sent 011 approval. -some embroidered. AH serge and serge and «/ ► vk —' Alteration charges will be as usual—just work- satin combinations and serge and velvet com- "RItTTITI tY J ► ! room expense.) binations. tliC j Mtkk ' MX/, T arffft Accnrtmani A-f There are about two hundred coals in Ihe i! : Ducklin S Fleece Kimonos 79c ; at 98c; Fully Worth $1.50 : InfflKaf \s/' m About three hundred—full length—cut very and $2.50 : the latest authoritative style. \ " J V —tT rfu " if i full and of excellent workmanship. Really an v;n Vrtlir man * a *u ta m lrt ~, .... . . , .. . , ,\ , l 7T\| / 17 />, 1! \*y ' n 1 1 . crv * your wants irom this lot. Ihe styles will please Materials are zibeluies nuole el A lis boueles / J.o Ai J 1 I _ unusually good value at $1.50. you. Smart, pretty little blouses that you cannot have I c.,u . .. tAu,.L l . h V J !► J (None Oil approval—nor r. 0. D.) too many of. And all sizes, but not all sizes in all i 4 \ *, aclians, )lOH(ltail. 4\ c7> ri : styles. Salts Arabma lamb, mentex and i • at? ql . - _ sl, $1.25 and $1.50 House """ °° c - c«..t »r..00 —wo 111 slo.U(l\ v A rree irHOtO OI livery at 60 c Heavy Pure Silk Messaline ( ( . oa . ls a . L c?S'2l~" wor Ji h S-'S' \ ► . TTrl ... m i/lcSovo dl OVC _i a»-g ,|q ' ° y ts at worth $1 o.OU. V J !, Baby Who Attends Tk«.m.h.»«, w ««,dr««.u. l i wSS»«» r°"2 °f SliS" ■" lvor « JK x 1 T» v ITT i i «e sold last Thursday. There are just twenty- ai? t a-,, t boa sat f!«.(«». 1 , Baby Week one dozen-ami several good stvles. Medium lAU Sllk . ? e I5 e y a , nd Sllk Jerse y Pettl " ohU a, f f"* ~ wovt 1 f! A - ,,J ' J .. , nty , . . , , anil dark colors. Fine gingham, ehambrav, coats With Messaline Flounces, at oa sat |16.95-^ worth $.2..,). even/ will f °,lu" P« rcalM tnd heav - v ««»nelctte. Of the twenty- i $1.89-Worth $2.50 and $3.00 . A,a S a J}®'*}® ~ wov }\ l iii ' f . (e ot the one dozen, five dozen are regular SI.OO dresses; We cleaned out all we had lust, Saturday and never 0,1 s -08- woiili ,<..).01. « ► , llfl . "P OI J Presentation ot a cash sales slip about ei"ht dozen are $1 25 dresses- and the i ho Ped to get more. A manufacturer from whom we ... ssoi eqe m . i J from any department in the store. I,»l™ »" Ii -w Til. I b„y largely offered a very attractive assortment and B J^ S al ui.d 4 alanct a tgulai sl.oo diesses. j we had them shipped at once. They'll be here for you $29.0O —worth $30.00, s•>;>.oo, $40.00, $40.00 J ► x I 1 \one on approval—nor C. O. D.) jto morrow. and soo.oo. A A a A A a A A -■ >- >■ m. J getting out votes for MeCormiek. The Republican workers in both precincts were doing verv lively work, their in tention being to let nothing slip by through which they could defeat Me- Cormiek in his own ward. Henry B. M ■ Corniick, brother of the candidate and chairman of the fourth sub division of the Democratic State Committee, voted early and was active at the polls and throughout the city in seeing that the vote was gotten out. LEBANON MAN DIES HERE Paul S. Kochenderl'er Was a Spanish- American War Veteran [jtfbano>n, Nov. 3.—Word was re ceived here from Harrisburg of the death of Paul S. Kochenderl'er, at the age ot' 4 5 years, in that city, yester day. He was one of the best known and popular residents of Lebanon. He was born in North Lebanon township. He was at one time a stonecutter, and later, also a Lebanon Valley Street Rail way conductor. Before his heart failed, he was a local rural XT. S. mail carrier. He was a SpanishnAmericau War Veteran, member of the P. 0. S. of A.. Odd l ellows, Masons, Knight Hemplar, Moose. Firemen's Association and Fu neral Benefit of Oawp 254, and Salem Lutheran Church. HENSEL "PAIRED" TO-DAY Ex-Attorney General Knows Republican Also Too Sick to Vote Philadelphia. Nov. 3.—Ex-Auornev General William U. Hensel, of Lancas ter. is taking his inability to east a \ote this year philosophically. The vet eran Democratic leader, who is recover- i ing from a nervous breakdown, received HcNeral visitors in his room at the Jef ferson hospital yesterday, and told tl an that he was not vet strong enough to make tiie trip to Lancaster. "But, he added, with a twinkle in his eve, "the Democrats won't need me, for I'm paired off, all right. There's a Republican that I know who! is in his bed, too, and he's a sicker man than I an;." At the Photoplay To-day Exceptionally tine program at the Photoplay to-day, heade i by a 3-reel ; Kalem production, "The Barefoot] Boy." featuring Tom Moore. The' scene in which the mother discovers in ; her young rival the daughter whom she deesi ted in infancy goes straight to the heart of all. "The Hopeless Game," deserted in infancy goes straight to the 2-reel Lubin, with Harrv Myers and Rosemary Theby in the leading role, i Adv. Brumbaugh "Carries" Academy A straw vote was taken among the pupils of the Harrisburg Academy yes terday afternoon on the candidates" for Governor of Pennsylvania. The vote was very close, Brumbaugh winning out with a majority of five votes. He got 4 7 and MeCormiek 42. HARRrSBITRG STAR-I*D MANY Hunters on .Opening Day for Bunnies j Are Successful in This and Nearby 1 Counties—Quail Scarce I Rabbit and quail shooting was the j j favorite sport for hunters in Dauphin I and adjacent counties yesterday—the | opening day of the season for those i sorts of game. Many hunters returned home with ten cotton-tails, the limit I allowed by law 011 any one day, at- 1 tillough as a rule tiie boys averaged tQiree ! and four to a hunter. Two gunners in the lower end of the I county made the woodland back of the! Round Top their hunting grounds and | j each had shot nine rabbits by uoou. ! 1 Both reported that rabbits are plenty. : in the Locust drove, near Conewago, j i Lancaster county, were more than a| j liumlred gunners, but few returned with j I tfheir game bags full. This was due, the ! j hunter said, to the fact that the foliage j i has not yet left the trees and also the j brush growth is yet green and stands I j several feet high. A party of Chester county hunters in j vailed the grove and withdrew with six-1 j teen bunnies. Albert Souillard, a j i Pennsylvania Railroad policeman, hav \ j ing the district between NDiddletown 1 ' and Harrisburg, go! the limit, ten. while ! lin the grove. Another party of three ! j got eleven. Back of Euola hunters also reported j i that game is plentiful. One. hunter re | turning from that district had seven | cotton tails in his game bag, while a party of three shot twenty-seven. j I'ew quail were shot in the lower end j of Phis county. | HARD COAL PRODUCTION tiROWS October Figures Will Show a Gain Over Corresponding Month Last Year The production of anthracite coal in: ! October was heavier than in October 1 last year in spite of the drought, which; I rendered mining difficult, especially in j j the Southern region where the com j i panics were put to great expense haul j j ing millions of gallons of water a day,! j or reduced to the expedient of using] sulphur laden mine water, which eatsi I into metal like an acid, in their boil i ! ers. '* .| If Parly indications