- Witmer, Bair & Witmer , One Of the Most Attractive 4-DaySaleS Witmer, Bair & Witmer 2 Stores 202 and 31 1 Walnut Si. ||) the Beginning Of the SeaSOn 2 Walnut St. Sale of More Than 300 Women's, Misses' & Girls' Outergarments To-morrow, the Ist Day Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday===All Garments on Sale First Day. s (J 45-inch long Coat Suits, poplin, satin lined ———— ui a oui ANNEY Oil Uf a L u i I throughout, $16.75 and $19.75, for .. bi«cu serge anri p op ii n skirts with plain "es «9e to 89c. special, -MC $15.00 Misses' regular and stout sizes-mate- Neat B tv.es of w,i,u. in white an ,j the strips <| 100 short, medium and long Coat Suits- rials ' s W esand workmanship the best samples and regular stock—broken lots and P roci ""able. voile Blind "orc™*. values 95e to odd sizes. $31.50 to $47.50, for ————' eye nn <| Don't fail to visit the Store —You can * iJIS,' 111 . IBUitable 1BUitable / or elderly "$4.75 J.l/v/ save monev. .Manv items not mentioned are . v . '. ffl Seven Navy Blue Boucle Coats, plush collar and button (J The host values you ever saw at this time attiactiAe, in tact e\ei\ department of the season. C-Olltl SOUK to tllis {J| 70 other Winter Coats for women, inisses and children— <.»|p Wp will «iiP(ofv nnlv fp\v r.miHk'ir!j Children's, $1.75 to $3.50; Misses'- and Women's, f qlO fine Serge and Satin Combination >Mi ' e «iti speutv only a te\v tompaia- $.1.50 to #7.95 I i'pHuppH to 500 sl7 50 tive prices and will let the merchandise tell ~~~ L/iebbCS ItQUCeCI to jpxo.W, Cf fcavy, Brown and Black Serge Dresses with lone over s2o.oo and $25.00. our story further. skirt, special *a.7n and n..-w . I ———————————« Sijk Jersey and Messaline Petticoats, colors and black, _ #• m |«riflr" « !S '-7"», »I.»X, $2.50, $2.75 and $2.»8 WITMER, BAIR & Wll mER « 202 and 311 Walnut Street * SIO.OO to $15.00 values. Specia[,°?!?', Z". ' PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS DANCE AND SUPPED FDD GUESTS OF IIIISS SIM6NETTI Will Entertain Her Friends at Charm ing Halloween Party at the Dancing Academy. With Supper at Rose's Grill Room Miss Katharine Elizabeth SimoneDti will give a Halloween dance at the Dancing Academy this evening, fol lowed by supper in the grill room at Rose's. The hall will be prettily dec orated with corn stalks, jack-o Man terns, witches, black cats and other Halloween symbols. The guests will include Miss Marga ret Bacon, Miss Romaine Hoyle, Miss Heat-rice Bacon. Miss Mary Hutnian. IMiss Katherine Carroll.'Miss Augta Fee. Miss Katherine Jacoby. Miss Louise l'isher, Miss Helen Rauch, Miss Kather ine Simonetti, Benjamin Bowers. Louis Moynell, Carrol Denney, Dr. George < oicman. Jack O'Connell, Charles Se gelbaum, Richard Hamer, Edward Mc- Manamv, I. Windsor and Clarence Cooper. Lancaster County Real Estate Sold Marietta, Nov. 3.—Samuel Tomlin- S'III purchased at public sale yesterday the Erb farm in Martic township, for $2,760. There is considerable wood lan.l on the premises. John Hassel 1 urchased the property of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Kkelton. in Strasburg town ship, for $1,840. The land is noted for excellent tobacco culture. LADIES' BAZAAR A Remarkable Sale of Crepe De Chine Petticoats To-morrow We purchased at a special price a lot of crepe de chine petticoats in white and pink. There are many styles, with flounces, narrow and deep flounces of shadow and other laces, silk and accordion pleated self material, ribbon bows, regular s."> to $8 values. Wednesdav, choice fwn for «p2.yO $1.50 Waists 59c New Velvet Suits We offer to morrow lingerie We nrft showing new velvet suits waists in all the newest models, '. ll on '.V> trimmed in monkey », u „. *1 rn . f », tur > t,le coats are the newest short *' an,i at the »!«■ Russian model, worth $4 0. Our ml pnce of 59d price $24.98 / ——• —-V Unprecedented Suit Values Now Prevail All-wool serge and novelty cloth suits, newest models, q n satin linings; sizes up to 42, worth $14.98. Sale price, . *PO.VO Gabardine, unfinished diagonal poplin, serge and novelty cloth suits in all wanted shades and models; worth $16.98. orol!iy Duncan. Miss Kvelvn Rose. Miss Kathryn Thorn", Miss Hazel Rex rofh, Miss Blanche Wert. Mis* \l •- Laugh I in, Miss Esther Taylor. ' Miss •Mary Miss Ka'.her ;ie Kelley, Mi's Eva Snilivan. Miss Kathryn Car roll, .'Miss Mary IHutinan, Miss :)sia Pee, Miss Helma Capner, MLs Miriam Keis ter. Miss Kl'/a'iicHi Burd. Miss Helen Hampton, Helen Haniblin, Miss Katherine KK no linst, Miss Marian Towsen. 'Miss Lillian K.tar.sky. Miss Mary Wingcard. M ss'('a. eriue < oover. '.Miss Rox;! 1111:1 G-arverick. Miss Olaudine j Mel vine, Miss ( one S'taufTer, Miss Dor | o'thy Kbrier. Mi-s Helen Hote, M iss Dor , othy He.lane, Miss Salimla Soionion. ■ Miss Florence Burtmett, Miss Rntli . Dennis. Benjamin Byers. Alfousus •Cash j man, Klmer Slemtz, Theodore Weakley. • lose, ii W'eitzel. David Swavely. Charles |< ohcn, Henry Conner, Stewart Snoddv, Waiter Smeltzer. Ohodd, Segelbaum. j Charles Pea-:e. Henrv Ijippinan, Ken i 110 th Kh(va. Pogg, 1 847 'Berryhill street; Arthur Hodman, 1843 Regina street; .Tames K. White, Marysville, Pa.; Ralph Early, 1430 North Third street. MR. AM) MRS. WALTON HOSTS Entertained Their Friends in Celebra tion of Mrs. Walton's Birthday -Mr. and Mrs. William A. Walton en tertained at tneir home, 1925 Kensing ton street, last evening in celebration of the latter's birthday anniversary. The rooms were prettily decorated with yellow chrysanthemums, black cats, jack-o '-lanterns an dotlier Halloween symbols. Refreshments were served at a late hour to the following guests: Miss Kdna Bowers, Miss .Julia Reiser. Miss Edna Bashore, Miss Clare Bashore. Mrs. Clyde Striue, Mrs. Preston Lowe. Mrs. Pauline Wharton, Mrs. J. E. Kcis er, Mrs. W. A. Walton, Mrs. John Hen ry Walton, William Kager, J. E. Keiser and W. A. Walton. DOROTHY VICKERY HOSTESS Entertained a Number of Friends at Her Home, Cottage Hill, Steelton Miss Dorothy Vickery entertained a number of little friends at a Halloween party at her home, Cottage Hill, Steel ton. The youngsters spent a pleasant evening with games, contests and dan cing after which refreshments were served. Those present included Isabel Hope, Dorothy Hope, Marian Nell, Mary Wickershain. Margaret Gassner, Edith Gassner. Louise Johnson, Henry Eerie, Katherine Rutherford, Carolyn Chick, Elizabeth Vanier, Virginia Wren, Jean Wren, Elizabeth Reese, Katherine Reese, Helen Breninger, Myra Vick ery, Dorothy Vickery. News of Persons Who Come and Go M rs. Sarah Krepps, 2235 Jefferson' street, spent the past week in Altoona. Miss Annie Grady, of Mont Alto, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Noonan. Heister B. Culp, 510 Calder street, returned yesterday from a visit at. Elizabethville. Mrs. Harriet Kettering, of Denver, Col., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Fortenbaugh, 1713 North Second street, has gone to Three Springs, Pa., for a short stay. Mrs. George Bricker, 631 Kelker street, and Mrs. Carson, North Seveuth street, have returned home after a few days' trip to Philadelphia and New York. Mrs. Mary Hemminger, 1819 Briggs street, has returned after a six months' trip to Denver and other points in Colorado. Miss Tamson Drinkwater, Miss Louise Hoyler and Miss Amy Maley! of this city, spent the week-end as the guests of Mrs. Frisk at Wormleys-! burg. Mrs. Edwin fc. Sparks, who has been spending several days in Harris burg, motored to State College yester day, accompanied bv her daughter and Mrs. Thomas Nixon Lowe. Ben Gipple, 209 Peffer street, and Francis Jacob Macklan, 220 Briggs street, both students at State College, are spending several days at their homes here. Charles Haitzell, 415 North Second street, has returned from a short visit to Philadelphia. Mrs. Charles Miller and Mrs. J. H. Buflington, 220 4 North Fifth street, are home from a week's trip to Buf falo, Niagara Falls and Toronto. Mrs. Amanda Getz, of Mechanics burg, is the guest of Mrs. George Banks, 605 Kelker street. Harold Earp has returned to Stata College, after spending several days with nis parents, 1326 Derry street. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Witman, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Witman, of Lenioyne, and Graham Schlicter, 1805 Market street, have returned from Lebanon. Mrs. Hartville Wall, 27 North Fif teenth street, has returned home from York, where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Glaceu. Miss Lillian Marks, of New York, I is the guest of Mrs. Charles Arkonson, Forster street. Miss Lillian Silverman, of Altoona, I is the guest of Miss Tillie Freedman, I Boas street. Miss Elizabeth Davidson, of Phila | delphia, is the guest of Miss Mae Win | lield, 708 North Sixth street. Mrs. George Robertson and small son, Eugene Robert, of Petersburg, Va., are guests of the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. MacAvoy, 1918 North Sixth street. Emory Lutz has returned to York after spending the week-end with his mother, Mrs. H. B. Cunningham, 310 Hummel street. Miss Steiia Smith. 2350 Ellerslie street, is the guest of friends in Read ing. Miss Edith Hoover lias returned to Wilson College, after spending the week-end with her parents at Ever green and Chestnut streets. Mrs. Charles Bowman and small daughter, Prances Bowman, left to-day for their home in Los Angeles, Cal., aft er spending some time with the for mer's mother, Mrs. Schillinger, 112 South Fourteenth street. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Manning, 151!) Xorth Sixth street, are spending a few days at Markleville. Miss Margaret Tilghman, 104 Tus earora street, is the guest of relatives in Baltimore for a few days. Mrs. Ira lvev and Miss Evelyn Ivey, of East on, have returned home from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pomp, 130 Locust street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis, 404 I A Player-Piano For Christmas Maybe you have thought of this, but decided that you couldn't afford it. In that instance you do not know the Sigler Piano ! . Player. This player, whch goes Si&ler Piano Player into the case of y/- // // z yOUr P ian ° y° u (//o6 //e JJiiman Touc/i own, has every vvPul it I M Piano feature of the 1 * highest priced " players now being sold. And it costs I but $225.00. Christmas will be the greatest day of the year if your gift to the family is a ! Player Piano. And the pleasure will last for all of the time. p,£; Sl 6 lftr 'vtclroiaa 0»r salesmen will gladly 30 N. 2NA SI. m sss m explain more fully. fLet Us Teach You how to dance the Tango, One Step. Hesitation Waltz, Maxixe and Foxtrot in private or class lessons. _ Class lessons every Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Expert instructors. Single lesson, 153 c. Regular Dance Nights—Monday, Wednesday, Kri day and Saturday. Hill Dancing Academy Thirteenth and Market Sts. Special Dance To-Night, Election Night SYRUP Of FIGS FOR CROSS. SICK FEVERISH CHILD If Little Stomach Is Sour, Liver Torpid or Bowels Clogged Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs," becaus? in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, and thoy become tightly packed, liver gets sluggish and stomach disordered. When cross, feverish, restless, see if tongue is coated, then give this delicious "fruit laxative." Children love it, and it cannot cause injury. No difference what ails your little one —if full of cold, or a sore throat, diarrhoea, stom achache. bad breath, remember, a gentle "inside cleansing' should always be the first treatment given. Full di rections for babies, children of all ages and grownups are printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," thea look carefully and see that, it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Com pany." We make no smaller size. Hand back with contempt any other fig syrup. Adv. ' North street, are guests of relatives at Altoona and Bellwood. Mrs. Charles Bowman. 341 Hummel I street, is the guest of relatives in Phila j delphia. ! Miss Agnes lsing has returned to ; Shiremansti.wn. after spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Johu : Whistler, 322 South Thirteenth street. Mrs. Miley and small daughter, ot Anderson, Ind., are guests of Mrs. S. Bruce Mingle, 17 South Third street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Balsbaugb and .lohn Munima, 10 South Thirteenth street, are spending some time at Swaij ara with the former's parents. ENTERTAINED FOR THEIR SON Guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smitfc Spent Pleasant Evening Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith gave » masquerade party at their home, 650 Woodbine street. Saturday evening in honor of their son. The house was dec orated in keeping with the Halloween season and the guests enjoyed games music and contests. Late in the even ing fortunes were told after which sup per was served. Those present were -Miss Ruth Welsh, Miss Bertha Palmer, Mrs. Edgar Hoft' smith, Miss Grace Braithwaite, of Win Chester, \"a.; Miss Gertrude Drake, of Williamsport; Miss Beatrice Willsoa. Miss Ruth Campbell, of Newport; George Moulton, of Philadelphia; Fred Hocli, Clarence Harrow, Hernarji-ftmiili. Philadelphia; Roy Waltz, Howard Hia kle and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith. God gave you that gifted tongue to make known your true meaning to men and not to rattle it like a mufliii man's bell.—Carlyle. | OUR POLICY A high standard of optical serv- II ice. Every convenience for our (| j patrons. All of the discomforts j ll of glass wearing alleviated. EXCLUSIVE /' II Prescription Optician 'i 205 LOCUST ST. Opp. Orpheuni—Bell L. 3