The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 03, 1914, Image 1

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Detailed Report, Page 6
3S?VW° VOL. 76—NO. 130.
British Warship Begins Hos
tilities on the Turko-Egyptian
Frontier— Turkish Ambassa
dor Leaves the Russian
Capital Grand Vizier's
Apology for Raids in Black
Sea Said to be Too Late to
Avoid Sultan's Domain Be
ing Drawn Into the European
Conflict —Germans Reported
to Have Abandoned Left
Bank of the Yser
Bi/ Associated Press,
London, Nov. 3, 1.10 P. M.—Great Britain and Turkey
are at war. Germany has recruited an ally in the East.
After 24 hours of uncertainty, during which hope was ex
pressed that the Porte might make amends for the inci
dents in the Black Sea, the British Admiralty announced
shortly before 1 o'clock this afternoon that a British war
ship had bombarded and had destroyed the Turkish bar
racks at Akabah, on the Turco-Egyptian frontier.
It was at Akabah that Turkish cavalry patrols were
reported yesterday preparatory to moving into Egypt.
There the British found soldiers apparently under Ger
mans serving as quasi Turks much in the same manner as
the German officers remain in charge of the cruisers Bres
lau and Goeben, and, British officials say, there was no
course but to open hostilities.
London, Nov. 3, 6.38 A. M.—A dispatch from Tiflis,
capital of the Russian government of the same name in
transcaucasia to Reuters Company says:
"It is announced that the Emperor has ordered the
Caucasian army to cross the frontier and attack the
Petrograd, Nov. 3.—The Turkish Ambassador, Fahred
din Bey, has left the Russian capital. He is leaving for
home via Finland.
London, Nov. 3, 8 A. M.—A dispatch to the "Daily
Mail" from Cairo, Egypt, says:
"The Turkish troops are reported near the border
which they have not crossed. The British are fully pre
pared to repulse an invasion, thanks to the measures taken
by the government.
"The public in Egypt are calm and not even aware of
a Turko-Russian eruption. A press censorship will be
established to-morrow."
London, Nov. 3,10.55 A. M.—Russia has replied to Tur
key's apology for the raids on her navy in the Black Sea
with the fateful words "too late" and in London it is
thought hardly likely that diplomatic pressure will pre
vent the war party among the Young Turks from dragging
their country into the European embroglio.
The events of the past twelve hours show that the
Grand Vizier of Turkey has made every effort to concili
ate the entente powers, but the influence of his partisans
in the Turkish cabinet is not believed to be great enough
to force the Porte to meet the demands for reparation
formulated in the Franco-British notes. So far as Russia
is concerned a state of war with Turkey actually exists,
and the reply of the Russian foreign minister to the ex
planation of the Grand Vizier does not hold out, in the
opinion of London, any hope for a peaceful outcome of
the dispute.
The apology of the Turk for the assaults of his fleet
on Russian ports on the Black Sea has not accomplished its
purpose. Both Russia and Great Britain have undertaken
active military measures against him and hostilities have
begun ou the Red Sea. In France the troops of Emperor
William, frustrated in their persistent. endeavors to ad
vance along the coast, are now seeking a route more to
the south and the lighting in Flanders is going on with
determination on the part of the allies and heavy on
slaughts from the enemy.
A group of incidents shows that Turkey's efforts to
hold aloof from the general warfare came too late. Con
stantinople reports officially that Russian troops have at
tacked her frontier in the Caucasius at several points, but
were driven back. A British cruiser has shelled and oc
cupied the Turkish fortified town of Akabah, on the Red
Sea, in Arabia; it is announced in a news dispatch that Em
peror Nicholas has ordered his Caucasian army to cross
the frontier and attack the Turks; the Turkish' Ambass
ador has left the Russian capital; the Russian Foreign Min
ister has replied to the Porte that negotiations are now
impossible and an imperial manifesto issued in Petrograd
says Russian confidence is firm that intervention of Tur
key will only hasten the fatal issue to that empire and that
Condoned on .\lnlh l'n«r,
CHije Star- Snftepeitfretti
Paris, Nov. 3, 2.45 P. M.—The
French official announcement given out
this afternoon says the Germans would
appear to have completely abandoned
the left bank of the Vser below Dix
mude, and that troops of the allies
have reoccupied points on the river
without great difficulty. The text of
the communication follows:
"On the left wing the enemy seems
to have Pompletely abandoned the left
bank of the Yser downstream from
Dixmude and reconnaisances by troops
of the allies undertaken on the high
ways in the inundated regions were
successful in reoccupying points of
passage across the river without great
difficulty. To the south of Dixmude and
in the direction of Gheluvlt our ad
vance was particularly perceptible.
"In the region to the north of the
Lys, in spite of determined attacks by
the Germans in considerable force, our
front was everywhere maintained or
re-established b.y the end of the day.
Fresh attacks by the Germans on the
environs of Arras and against Lihpns
and Lequesnoy-on-Santerre resulted in
"On the center, in the region of the
Aisne, to the east of the forest of
Aigue, we have made some progress.
To the east of Vatlley, according to the
latest news, those of our troops who
held the positions 011 the slopes of the
plateaus TO the north of the villages of
Chavonne and Soapier, hail been com
pelled to draw back into the valley to
the east of this location. We have
maintained our positions at Amont on
the right bank of the river.
"There was violent cannonading
during the day between Bheims and
the Meuse. as well as on the heights of
the Meuse. Further efforts on the part
of the Germans'in the forest of Argon
ne, have been checked. We have con
tinued to make progress to the north
west of Pont-a-Mousson. On our right
wing there have been some engage
ments favorable to our arms along the
river Seille."
London, Nov. 3, 12.53 P. M.—The
fortified town of Alsabah, in Arabia, on
an arm of the Rod sea, has been shelled
and occupied by the British cruiser
Minerva. There was some loss to the
troops holding the position, but no
J British casualties. Akabah is at the
head of the Gulf of Akabah, 150 miles
| east of Sue/.. The Admiralty announced
this occurrence as follows:
"Upon arriving at Akabah the cruis
er Minerva, Captain Percival War
leigh, found the place occupied by sol
diers and armed natives. One of the
soldiers had the appearance of a Ger
man officer. The Minerva then shelled
the port and the troops. The town
was evacuated and landing parties
from the Minerva proceeded to destroy
tho forts, the barracks, the postoflice
and the stores. There was some loss
to the enemy, but no British casual
ties. ''
Declares He Will Not Abide by Deci
sion of Convention in Naming
His Successor
' •
By Associated Press.
El Paso, Tex., Nov. 3.—General Car
ranza, in a message received here this
afternoon, declared that ho would not
abide by the action of the Aguasca
lientes convention in naming a provi
sional President.
Mayor Royal Denies Any Knowledge of
Arrests of Workers at Polls
There were rumors on the streets
this afternoon that several arrests had
been made in connection with alleged
violations of the election laws.
Mayor John K. Royal, secretary of
the Palmer-McOorinick Committee of
One Hundred, which has set. aside $50,-
000 for the payment of rewards to per
sons detecting frauds iu the election, at
3 o'clock , this afternoon said he had
not been officially informed of anv ar
rests of election law violators. " He
had heard the rumors, he said, although
HO far as he knew the reports were
It was hinted that an arrest was
made at a polling f>lace in the Sixth
ward, following charges against a Dem
ocratic worker. Howard O. Holstein,
county committeeman from the district,
said he had been at the polling place
most of the time sineo early morning]
and had heard of no arrest.
iThis Newspaper Will
Display All the Elec
tion News on a Big
Screen This Evening
Motion Pictures Will Be Shown in the
Early Hours When the Returns Are
Slow—Ten Trunk Telephone Lines
Will Be To-night
I .
The Star-Independent has made ar
rangements to throw accurate and com
plete election returns on a big screen
outside its offices at Third and Black
berry streets this evening, displaying
news from all parts of the city, coun
ty, State and nation. It has arranged
for special service by the Associated
Press and the Western Union Telegraph
Company by special wire. It also will
| get returns from its own corps of re
porters and correspondents in and near
Bulletins will be flashed on a screen
I extending across Third street at Black
berry street so that persons may view
the returns from both sides of the
j screen. The crowds will not be bother
ed much by traffic, which is reduced to
a minimum on Third street after busi
ness hours. Local returns as well as
those from the entire State and nation
will be shown. The Star-Independent
has installed ten trunk telephone lines
' on which to receive and give out elec
: tion news.
A lantern will be operated from the
southern end of the Star-Independent
building and during the early evening,
when the returns will be slow, moving
pictures will be used to entertain the
To accommodate the late crowds the
Harrisburg Railways Company will
operate a special schedule of trolley
cars. Cars will run every half hour on
North Second, Fourth and Sixth
streets, and on the Reservoir Park and
Hill lines from 12 midnight until si a.
m., time of last car.
The suburban schedule will be: Steel
ton cars will run every half hour be
tween 12 midnight and 1.30 a. m„ time
of last car; last car for Middletown
will leave at 1 a. m.: last car for Ober
lin, 11.40 p. m.; last car for Rockville,
12 midnight, and last car for Lingles
town, 11.11 l p. ni. Cars will run to Pen
brook every 20 minutes until 12 mid
night, time of last car; last car for
Paxtang at l a. m.
Rolls About on Plat
form to Illustrate
How Prophets >o f
Bible Times Preached
Evangelist in Sermon Delivered for
First Time Last Night Raps E,us
sellism and Other Churches as
"Too Respectable"
Tho real Stougli revealed himself at
the tabernacle last night, preaicihing in
a manner which he promised beforehand
would be most sensational, on an
avowedly sensational subject, that of
"Sensational Preaching." Over five
thousand were present. Tho evangelist
paced up and down his platform; lay
down at full length and rolled from
side to side in imitation of Jeremiah;
dodged imaginary bricks and cabbage
heads to show how John Wesley was
forced to preach, and asking the audi
ence to imagine the- Rev. Dr. John D.
Fox delivering a sermon in that man
ner; demonstrated how "the daugh
ters of Zion" danced tfirongh the
streets making "goo goo eyes" at tho
men; mocked the so-called dignity of
the pulpit; showed how Bishop Dar
lington, who was present on
the platform with his two sons,
would look walking through the
streets in the ca;<acity of "a
sandwich man, alvertising the First
F/piscopal church of Jerusalem,"
08 did Isaiah; and, in his excitement,
Continued on Seventh rage, *
Evidence in the City of
Philadelphia That
Many Split Ballots
Are Being Cast
Weather Conditions Fine Throughout
Pennsylvania—Big Interest Is
Shown in the Contests For Seats
in the Legislature
By Associated Press,
Philadelphia, Nov. 3.—The three
cornered light for the United States
Senatorship, between A. Mitchell Pal
mer, Democrat; Gifford Pinchot, Wash
ington and Boies Penrose, Republican,
and the struggle between Vance C. Mc-
Cormick, Domocrat-Washington, and
Martin G. Brumbaugh, Republican, for
Governor, served to bring out a heavy
vote in the early hours of the election
to-day throughout Pennsylvania. The
weather was fine everywhere.
The fact that many voters took a
long time to mark their ballots gave
rise to reports that much cutting was
being done, but the slowness of the
voters may be due in a measure to the
large number of candidates to be voted
Voting continued heavy during the
day in Philadelphia, especially in dis
j tricts where there were close Senatorial
I and Legislative fights.
In the Fifth Congressional district in
| this city, where Congressman Donohoe,
Democratic and Washington party can
didate, is opposed Ly Peter E. Costello.
the Republican leader in that i«art of
the city, a large vote was being polled.
There was also great interest shown in
I the Sixth district, which includes West
: Philadelphia and Germantown, where J.
j Washington Logue, candidate for re-
I election on the Democratic and Key
j stone ticket," is opposed by Fred S.
Drake, Washington, and George P. Dar
! row, Republican.
I Senator Penrose voted about 12.30
I p. ni. ami Martin G. B-umbaugh caaf,
Iris ballot early in the day.
Reports thai Senator Penrose was be
ing cut in South Philadelphia was de
nied by the Varcs, who are the leaders
in that pari, of the city.
Reports from the State indicate a
heavy vot-.. Gifford Pinehot voted
early in Milford, Pike county, and left
for Philadelphia to receive returns to
night. A. Mitchell Palmer also voted
early in Stroudsburg.
Heavy Voting in Berks
Reading, Nov. 3. —Reports from all
( sections of Berks say that a big vote
| is coming out. Because of the splendid
I weather farmers are taking a regular
; holiday. In this city interest in the
election is increased by the legislative
contest between candidates on four
I tickets, all of whom expect to be elect
ed. Citizens are voting on a proposed
$1,250,000 loan, which has aroused a
great deal of acrimony.
Cutting Tickets in Luzerne
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Nov. 3. —Bright,
sunshiny weather had a tendency to
bring the voters of Luzerne county to
the polls earlv to-day. Some cutting
on the United States Senatorship and
State ticket is reported.
First Massachusetts Returns
By Associated Press,
Boston, 'Nov. 3.—The first Massa
chusetts town to ! be heard from in the
State election to-day was Norweli,
which gave:
For 'Governor, McCall, Republican,
IS4; Walker, Progressive, 17; Walsh,
Democrat, 56.
The same town in 1913 gave: Bird,
Progressive, 93; Gardner, Republican,
71; Walsh, Democrat, 57.
Early New York Vote Expected
By Associated Press,
New York, Nov. 3. —National and
State issues conspired to bring the
electors of New York State to the polls
Continued on Srvrnth I'nKr
Harrisburg Railways Company to Put
More of Them in Service
Ten new cars of the pay-as-you-enter
type have oeen purchased by the Har
risburg Railways Company from the J.
G. Brill Company, of Philadelphia.
Three have already been delivered and
the remainder are expected within a
short time. Six of the cars are what
is known as the "600" type, while
four are similar to the ones now being
used on t'hc Middletown line.
The "600*' type cars will be placed
in service on city tines, while the oth
ers will be placed on suburban lines,
it is not known just when they will be
placed in service, as the cars must be
mounted on motors in this city.
r >
"November Joe"
A new serial starts in the Star-
Independent to-morrow, the hero of
which is "November Joe," detective
of the woods. This is the season of
the year when thoughts turn toward
the great out-doors, toward the
woodlands, and the new serial is full
of mysteries of the forest. The tirst
installment, time, 1908; place,
Montreal, will appear"'in this paper
in to morrow's issue.
Takes Him Half Minute to Mark His
Ballot and Deposit It—He Looks
for Success
Vance C. McCormick, Democratic
candidate for Governor, voted at the
polls of the First precinet of the Fourth
ward at three minutes after noon to
day.- From the time Mr. McCormick
took his ballot from the election of
ficer until he had marked it in the
booth and deposited it in the ballot
box just half a minute elapsed. Men at
the polls believe he voted a straight
Mr. McCormick wound up his cam
paign last night in Easton anil this
morning started for home, arriving here
at, 11.45 u. m. His automobile awaited
him at the Reading station and he was
whisked away to his office, where he
remained a few minutes and then start
ed for the polls to cast his vote.
n was just noon when he reached
H u "S' n ' s tailor shop on Locust street,
where the polls are located, and he
made a hurried dash for the door. His
brother Harry, who was holding a poll
book, greeted liim, and in turn the can
didate shook hands with the election
officers and a number of friends in
He asked for a ballot, and taking it
stepped into the booth, was gone but an
instant and reappeared and dropped the
ballot into the 'oox, with the remark
that the box seemed to be filling up.
Mr. McCormick was No. 193 011 the
list of voters, and he expressed grati
fication at the big vote that was being
polled. As jaunty as ever, smiling and
shaking hands all around, the candi
date showed no evidence of the big
fight he has been waging since last
March, when the primary contest be
gan. He remained in the polling room
but a short time, and left for home
soon after he had voted.
When asked how the situation looked
ho said "Everything appears all
right, ' and stepped into his automo
bile and went home.
Candidate for Supreme Court Is Sure
His Son, Home From College, Cast
His First Vote for ''Dad"
Judge George itunkcl, non-partisan
candidate for Judge of the State Su
preme Court, at 9 o'clock this morning
went to the Hope engine house, Second
street'near North, the polling place in
the Second precinct of the Fourth war 1,
and cast, his ballot. The judge con
versed witli a few friends at Jhpolling
place after voting for his choice of can
didates and then went to the polls in
the First Precinct of the same ward.
There he was joined by Judge McCar
rell, who. a few minutes before, had
cast his ballot. The two jurists then
went to their chambers in the court
This afternoon Judge Kunkel accom
panied has son, George Kunkel, Jr., to
the Second precinct, Fourth ward,
polling place and assured the election
board that the son is qualified to vote
011 age.
"I can say the boy was glad to vote
for his dad," smilingly remarked the
judge to a reporter who questioned him.
The son arrived in Harrisburg at
noon, coming here from Lancaster
where lie is a student at Franklin ami
Marshall College, the judge's Alma
Mater. Goorge Kunkel, Jr., is the first
of Judge Kunkel's three sons to cast a
ballot in a State election.
Members of the campaign committee
advocating the election of Judge Kun
kel to the bench of the State's high
est tribunal, this morning declared that
the local candidate will have a major
ity of between 35,000 and 40,000
over Judge Robert Frazer, of Alle
ghenv county, his only opponent.
Joseph B. Hurley Gets Charge in Right
Joseph B. Hhrley, 621 Camp street,
a car repairman at the Lucknow shops
of the Pennsylvania railroad, was acci
dentally shot in the right foot by a
hunting companion at 1 o'clock yester
day afternoon while after rablrits six
miles back of Newville.
Hurley was taken to the Harrisburg
hospital for treatment this morning.
The wound is not believed to be serious
and after it was dressed he was allowed
to return to his home.
Funeral of Bishop Smith To-day
By Associated Press,
Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 3. —The funeral
of Bishop Charles W. Smith, of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, who died
suddenly in Washington last week, was
held from Christ Methodist Kpisnopal
Church here to-day. Distinguished
clergymen and a large concourse of
friends attended the servicos.
(( %
To vote a full ticket at least three cross marks will be neces
One cross mark in the Party Square.
One cross mark for Judge of the Supreme Court.
One cross mark for Judge of the Superior Court.
There are two candidates for Judge of the Supreme Court.
The names appear at the top of the second column of the
official ballot.
You can vote for only one.
A cross mark in a Party Square is a vote for Party candidates
only and is not a vote for Judge.
In addition you must make a cross mark after the name of the
Judge for whom you desire to vote.
Vote for Judge Kunkel and mark your ballot this way:
Almost Half of the
Registered Strength
Had Been Polled by
Noon To-day
Democratic Headquarters Says Marked
Ballots Are Being Used, Contrary
to the Law—Detectives Ordered to
Figures obtained by the Star-Inde
pendent from a majority of the poNiug
places in this city indicated at noon
that the heaviest vote ever cast in Har
risburg will be polled to-day. Almost
half of the registered votes had been
polled at that hour, as compared with
about 30 pei cent., the usual number
polled ii|i to noon 011 an election day.
The total enrolled vote of the city is
almost 14.000.
The special interest manifested here
is attributed to the l'act that two can
didates for leading State offices are
Harrisburg men, Vance C. McCormick,
running on the Democratic and Wash
ington party ticket for Governor, and
Judge George Kitnkel running for
Judge of the Supreme Court 011 the non
partisan ticket.
The trend of the voting in the city
up until 1 o'clock this afternoon indi
cated generally that more than ninety
five per cent, of the registered votes
in Harrisburg would go to the polls be
fore the closing hour at, 7 o'clock to
night. There were a few precincts at
1 o'clock in which less than forty per
cent, of the registered vote hail been
polled although in many cases it.
equalled or exceeded fifty per cent.
111 the First precinct of the FourtJ*
ward, the voting place of Vance
Cormick, candidate for Governor, al
most two-thirds of the electors had bal
loted by noon. At the same hour almost
half of the ,">O2 voters had gone to the
polls in the Second precinct of the
Fourth ward, the district in which
Judge George Kunkel, candidate for
Judge of the State Supreme Court, casts
his ballot.
While the election boards were hand
ing out the ballots the County Coin
missioners, sitting in extraordinary ses
sion, were qualifying voters who work
out. of the city and who came home this
morning. The Commissioners original
ly decided to registor no voters after
Saturday at noon. Yesterday they
sought legal advice and pursuant to
opinions received began at once to
qualify unregistered voters.
By the time the office closed last
evening seventeen voters had registered
in the day anil this morning fifty-four
applications for registration were ap
proved by the County Commissioners.
The registration books were sent out
to the election boards yesterday after
noon and to-day Squire J. H. Strock,
one of the Commissioner's clerks, went
to the polling places by automobile and
wrote the names of tile latest regis
tered voters in the books.
» The total registration in the city,
until noon to-day, was 13,846. The
County Commissioners remained ae
their office for the purpose of register
ing voters up to 3.30 o'clock this aft
ernoon. Some election officers said they
cannot recall when Uarrisburgers dis
played so much interest in an election
as. to-day.
The voters were out early at all pre
cincts. In the First precinct of the
First Ward 3- voters had cast their
ballots by 8.30 o'clock and in the First
precinct of the Fourth ward fifty elec
tors voted during the first hour.
Reports received at noon from twen
ty-two of the fifty-two city election pre-'
cincts were as follows: First ward,
Third precinct, 134 votes polled of 33.")
registered; Second ward, First pre
cinct, SI of 112; Third precinct, 37
of 229; Fifth precinct, 157 of 340;
Tiiird ward, First precinct, 63 of 166;
Second precinct, 88 of 143; Third pre
cinct, 54 of 107; Fourth ward, First
precinct, 207 of 343; Second precinct,
232 of 502.
Fifth ward, Second precinct, 136
of 258; Sixth ward, Second precinct,
Continued on I<'l(th I'asr.