|l Know Where Your Money Goes Are yon one of those people who find themselves at the end of every month wondering: where the money |l goes'? I If you will pay your bills by check you will KNOW for what purpose every dollar is spent, and will have a • legal receipt for each payment. Whether your deposits are large or small, this com ! panv invites your patronage. j A/iWS OF ST SUNDAY SCHOOL HOURS ARE CHANCED FO3 FIVE WEEKS In Co-operating in Stougli Campaign Centenary United Brethren Church Official Board Decided to Change Meeting Honrs The official b?ar i of Centenary L'nit e l Brethren church lias sanctioned the j following rhanges in the Sunday meet- j inns for the next five week* so as not ! to interfere w ill the work of the Stcugh campaign which was inaugu rated a Hnrrisburg yesterday: Preach •ociaJ. Sweedie Learns to Svrim. One reel. Comedy. Admission. Five and Ten Cents POLITICAL ADYSr.TI*iNC: POLITICAL ADVERTISING. Vote for David L. Kaufman for Congress Congressman A. S. Kreider Writes He Is Afraid. "In reply would say that for POLITICAL REA SONS I deemed it EXPEDIENT and have refrained from making a public statement on this subject. I believe the less I say on this subject the better it wi lJ be." A. S. KREIDER. Ihe above letter was written by Congressman Kreider to a Harrisburg minister and refers to the Ilobson Bill. This letter shows the character of Con- j gressman Kreider. FOR CONGRESS David L. Kaufman X LUMBERMEN TOO HEAVY: DOWN JTEELTON HIGH Local Eleven Played a Snappy Game in Billtown on Saturday but Were Outclassed at Noarly all Points in the Game WiUiamsport, Pa.. Xov. 2.—Williams , iHtrt H gh school defeated Steeltou High ; oy a score of 30 to o.' Willi fcmsport started off as though it meant to run up a big score but recovered and in the second quarter was in Williamsport territory nearly ali the time. Twijee St eel ton was inside A\ illiarueport "s ten-vard line, but had not. the punch necessarv to drive the ball over. In Hie third period the! ball was kept within twenty yards of ' the center of the field, sometimes on one side and sometimes on the other. In tse ast quarter Steekon was all in ?m<\ V.'iHiams|>ort had things all its own way. , Steelton kicked off four times for 'an aggregate of 200 yards, an average of forty yards to tiie' kick, while Wil liamsport kicked off twice for 55 yards, an a vera .re of 27' . \an Is. In running back iJie Itickoff Williamsport made itp for bcrng oatrenciie 1 in the kick, bring- rhe ball back 97 yarls. an average of If 2-5 yards for each kick, while -reelton came back 15 yards, an aver age of 7' .. yards. ■Williamsport rushed tfae ball "9 times for a uet gain of 108 yards, an average t* 2'. yards far each plunge. Steel ton -'-' ned the ball 30 times for a net gain of 6:! yards, an average of two anil one tenth yards. Williamsport punted 13 times for 101 yards, an average of 31 yards. Steel rorc punted 10 times for 270 yards, I an average of 27 yards. Tn rur-nng back punts Williamsport i returned 63 yards, an a-, erage of 3 2-5 i yards, nnd steelton returned ?7 var.ls. ; an average of two yards. Steelton made tip for it? inability I to run back the punts by recovering! the ball twice whea Williamsport fumbled the catch, the net gain being 50 yards. Williamsport gathered up one fumble of a punt for 10 yards. Steel ton was penalized four times for an aggregate of 20 yards and Williams- FOE BENT FOR F.EXT—Eight-room house; gas. bath and Jot for garden; Steeltori Heights, opposite fros shop office; also t'-room house with improvements. 171 s. Second St.. steelton. Applv ,1, M. HKAGY. 39 S. Front St.. Steel'ton. HARRCSBURO STAR-INDEPENDENT. MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2, 191-1. port was penalized twice for an aggre gate of 20 yards. Williamsport tried but one forward pass, which gained 15 yards, while Steelton tried six, three of which grounded, one was caught by a Wil liamsi ort man who was downed on the spot, one was caught by a Williams port man who ran it back 20 yards, and one gained 15 yards. One of the three' passes which grounded went over the goal line and the ball went to Wil liamsport. The lineup: Williamsport. Steelton. Speaker L. E Keim Stadden 1j T Wren Gilbert L i! Morette Vanderlin C Norris Bathurst R G laevetts Mayer K T Crump Frain K E .... Eckeurols Whitman ij H Rupp Weisharr .... Ij H B Gardner Galbraith .... R H B Wolf Cornwall F B Conklin Score by quarters: Williamsport H. S. . . 7 I? 0 20—30 Steelton H. S 0 0 0 0 — 0 Substitution?, Berry for Frain: Roth rock 'or Galbraith. Referee, Monroe. I'mpiie, Johnson. Touchdowns, Weis liaar. 2; Galbraith, Whitenian.- Goal from touchdown, Gilbert, 3 out of 4. Goal from tield, Gilbert. Time of quar ters, IS minute?. GRACE CHOIR HELD SOCIAL Halloween Costuuics Were Order of Evening „ The choir o* Grace United Evangel ical church hold a Halloween social Friday evening at the home ol' Mr. aud Mrs. Solomon Hose, 217 North Front street, which was largely atteuded. Games appropriate to the occasion served to entertain, after which a fine supper was served Among those present were: Mrs. Benjamin Hoch, 1860 mother; Mrs. Charles N'erhood, Biddy: Mrs. Harry Watson, old maid; Mrs. James Thomp son, Indian squaw; Mrs. William Nickey, LHitch lady; Mrs. S&m Noggle, nurse; Miss Helen Hoch. bride: Miss K\;i Herman, Vaina Vama girl; Tessie Sheet?., Percy Morris Reigert, Happy Hooligan; Edgar lloudeshell, Lut.ner Hose, Charles Weaver, Ralph West brook. gentlemen; Max Rider, Ralph I'lrieh, George Brown, firemen; Mrs. Rose Kellar, Mis. .Mary Green, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells, Mrs. Sol Hose. Kdtia and Marian Hose. Mrs. Lottie Shuler aud Mrs. Harry Hoch, of Wilkcs-JJarre. HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE Mrs. Emma Bannr.n and Mrs. M. A. Kuoderer Hostesses Friday Evening Mrs. II mm a Kan nan and Mrs. M. A. Kuoderer entertained a number of friends at a Halloween masquerade Friday evening at the home of the Ist ter, 236 Elm street. The decorations were in hatmony with the oecasiou and an enjoyable social time was spent. Re freshments were served to the follow ing persons* Mrs. John Stone, Mrs. Harry Given. Mrs. Abe Smith, Mrs. A. B. Johnson. Mrs. l harles Walker, Mrs. Russell Wilt, Mrs. Peter Feite, Mrs. EtWvard Sellers. Mrs. Edwara Mark lev, Mrs. Martin Ho cker, Mis. Saul. Mrs. Johu Watson and daughter, George Dress, Mrs. Clin ton Thompson Mrs. Albert Metzger. Mrs. Kingston, Mrs. Charles Allen, Mrs. Samuel Folkers, Mrs. Emma Banuan. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Kuoderer and Claude Kuoderer. The Dream Girl Seward, an artist, not for bread and butter aloue. but for the love of it, has visions of n beautiful face which haunts his dreams. His mind so dwells upon this beautiful creation of his im agination that he becomes firmly con vinced that the girl of his dreams is an actual being of flesh and blood. Some day he expects to meet her and he has made up his mind that when ho does meet her. he will ask her to become his wife. How the artist's dream became a reality after a number of interesting adventures, is beautifully told in mo tion pictures at the Standard Theatre tonight. STEELTON NOTES The Young Women's Christian Tem perance Union will moet at the home of Mrs. Howard Gallagher. Pine street, Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Full . attendance is urged. Miss Johnson, a returned missionary | from China, will deliver an address to morrow evening in Central Baptist j church. Main and Trewiek streets, at | i.io o'clock. The speaker will appear 1 in Chinese costume. Ilia Muicen was arrested by Oflieer | Wynn yesterday on South Front street while attempting to'carrv off one of the red lights from the paving excavations on that street. He will be arraigned before Burgess Wigfield this evening. Two colored men entered the store of S. W. Lacob on Harrisburg street, iate Friday night and threatening the merchant with a club and a knife, forced him to hand over 515.65. The men then left the store and have not been seen since. The German Quartet club will hold a dance in its hall next Monday even ing. The Liberty band will furnish the ' music. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Ger | man Quartet club will ' hold a dance , Wednesday evening. Wieger's orchestra i will furnish the music. PERSONAL H. D Knode, Lancaster, spent yes terday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Poltl. South Fourth street. Solon V. Barr. Lincoln street, has returned from a Sunday visit to his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. X. A. Barr Mr. Joy. Charles Minke and B. C. Bioser. of the borough, spent to-day hunting near N'ewv.lle. Ames Lawrence and Frank Morrette. ; students at Bucknell University, arc spending the election holidays with their parents in the borough. Mrs. Mary Huff. McEweusville, Northumberland county, is the guest of ' her son. Thomas Huff,"Elizabeth street, Highspire. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Huff, Eliza-! both street, Highspire, entertained the! following persons Sunday: Mr. and i Mrs. Ralph Aurand and son, Harold,! Swatara Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. VaJ-| entine Young and son, Stouffer, of Steelton. Mr. and Mrs. George Linn and Miss' Marie »v. North Front street, werej guests yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. Harry i Yetter, Chambers Hill. Mark T. Hess, of the School of j Osteopathy, Philadelphia, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. C. Hess, South Second street. Miss Margaret Haines, South Second! IN FIVE MINUTES NO SICK STOMACH, INDIGESTION. GAS "Pape's Diapepsin" is the Quickest and Sur est Stomach Relief If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of di/./.iness, heart burn. fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach headache, you can surely get relief in five minutes. Ask your pha-:nucist to show you the formula, plainly printed on tlieso fifty-cent cases of Pape's Piitpepsin, then you will understand why dyspeptic troubles of all kinds must go, and why it relieves sour, out-of-order stomachs or indigestiou in live minutes. "Pape's Diapepsin" is harmless; tastes like candy, though each dose will digest aud prepare for assimilation into the blood all the food you eat; besides, it makes you go to the table with a healthy appetite: but what will please you most, is that you will feel that your stom ach and intestines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to lax atives or liver pills for biliousness or constipation. This city will have many "I'ape's Diapepsin" cranks, as some people will call them, but you will be enthusiastic about this splendid stomach prepara tion, too. if you ever take it for indi gestiou, gases, heartburn, sourness, dyspepsia, or any stomach miserv. Get some now. this minute. and rid yourself of stomach misery and indi gestion in fivo minutes. Adv. street, has returned from an extended visit to friends at Carlisle. L. 11. Kapp, North Front street, was entertained yesterday by friends at Chambers Hill. J. R. McEntee, New York City, is the guest of friends in the borough. Arthur Clemens, Gettysburg College, spent the week-end at his home here. Bruce O'Brien, W. R. Snyder, Sam uel Brooks and Harry Orth witnessed the football game at Anuville, Satur day. t Charles Chambers, of Bueknell Col lege, has returned to his home ia the borough. Funeral of Mrs. W. H. Babble The funeral of Mrs. William H. Babble, who died at her home, 720 North Second street, Saturday, will be held from the First Reformed church to-morrow afternoon at 2 ok. The Rev. Chat les A. Huvette will officiate. Burial will be in Baldwin cemeterv. Mus Witcox. the visiting nunc ft cloyed by the Stcelton Civic Club, wib be in her office froji 8 a. in. to 9 ft. m.. from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30 p. i» WEST FAIRVIEW Philip W. Boyer. Contractor and Mer chant. Died Saturday Spo.-ial frrrespmidence. West Fairview, Nov. 2.—Philip \V. i Bover, contractor a,ml merchant, died at his residence on State road, near | ISe.ile avenue, Satimiav morning at 9 • 0 cloek, death being due to an attack | "f typhoid fever from which he had j'been ill about fo :r weeks. He was aged 26 years and was very well known, hav ing -esidt 1 in U>is community prac tic illv all iiis life an ! had (been in the • building and contracting business for several years. Ab mi t a year ago lie | cpeued a grocery store. He leaves to '•arvivc him his widow, one daughter, Mary, age 1 - , ami one son. William, I aged 3; rlso one brother, George, of Snmmerdale. and t'hroe - isters, Mrs. -lelm Beck, of West Fairview: Mrs. Wil liam Marin, of Pen'brook, and Mrs. Bd war.l Radn'iatig'h. of Marysville. Fu neral services will 'be held at the hone Wednesday afternoon a! 2 o'clock, con dacted by the Rev. It. IMoore, pastor of the Kvangeiical . hur ii of this-place. Interment will be made in Zion Ln I theran cemetery at Enoln. STCUSH GKTUiC CMS OPEN FIRE ton I i iicec Trimmings of all kinds, at our usual low prices. , %1 , . »■ Coat Frogs, black and colors, lOc to New Fall Wool Dress Gi '°y Enamel Borun Kettle, Art Needle Work Donart n . 2,»c stamped Library Scarfs. S;-e- J 0-1 Unbleiched aud Bleached Mus- New Satin Marsrlinea, black and „. c »„ J liu r%c itr 7i! nnH Ki- colors, special prices. SUaiped Ouoeu jousjs with to i] Cotton Flrainel. bleached and un- ; W-inch Black and Navy Messaline. embroider, J bleached, ~>c, Oc 7c. Bc. lOc and .. t? 0 Racks ai-ta s"v 9 New Roman Stripes and Novelty *? n . K»cus, Towel Racks, Sow H STTg- ? ?„""<•* , ** mrM »-• »I Light and Dark Outing Flannel. XTo-a,- onH T ovnui A «™->+ iar mn™» a _ _ New and Laigo Assort- ..»a 3 Pmow ckse MusUn !•»' and r.iuch moilt TnmmingS Pieces. consisting of Center 1 fiiiow oase Musnn, i_ ana i.i iuch, Pieces, Cuchions, Library Scarfs, 3 „ ! ? V ,ca "' 1 "y „ New Oriental Lacijs, Bc, 10c. I2' s c, Bureau Setr. ChUdren'r, Dresses, fl Ready Ma e Pillow Cases. Bc, lOc, I.v. I5K' and _-. c Collar and Cuff Sets. Towels and 9 t, ,J' S « ®, n - New Votnse Edges. lOc to 23c Card Table Covers, at a very low 3 Bulr.ter Cases, -.> c New Val. Laces wi:h insertion to price. Towels. ,»c to 2>>c nia—h, 3c to 23c Largo as.sortmcat of Jap. Baskets, ■ I Craslies, 3c to l.»c Venice Oriental ;uui Ratine Bands, all kind:; and sises, from loc to 1/ Curtain Nets, scrim, etc., lOc to 2*»c white and ecru. 23c snc each. ■ Household Department —£ll lcto 25c Department Store! E "°* l P '™°' vl ° E K " WHcfiE EVESV DAY IS OARSAIN UAJ Large sice Coal Hods, 23c Four-striug Brooms. 25c OpP- Court House2ls Market Street their work to-dav with the local com mittees and will be hoafd from us the campaign continue'. Crowds Outside Tabernacle At the evening meeting tiie taber nacle was packed. It is estimated tlyit nine thousand persons were present. The crowds outside were so great that the doors could not be opened for ven tilation. Policemen were on duty, but would have been powerless to keep the multitude in cheek had opportunity been afforded for entrance into the building. The evangelist delivered a sermon on "Knockers,'" reviewing "the troubles of an old fashioned evangel ist," Nehemiah. In his reading of the Scripture lesson he brought out the traits of the different characters bv in flections of his voice in giving their conversation. The sermon was more powerful than the one delivered in the morning. "1 give my worst sennons first." says the evangelist. "My audiences wouldn't be able to appreciate niv last sermons if I gave them now. It is more tactful for me to lead up to them grad ually. Money Matters Explained The Uev. F. T. Cartwrigut, associ ate of Dr. Stough, explained at all meet ings of the day that the evangelist gets none of the money which is re ceived in the collections, that it is used solely for the ordinary expenses of the campaign. Contributions will be made for the evangelist's benefit at the close of his work in this city. The large tabernacle chorus, under the energetic leadership of Professor Spooner, of the Stough party, rendered the campaign pongs yesterday with great spirit. Familiar hymns were sung so that the audience, which was with out books, could join. Books will be sold to-day. They are not sold on Sun dav. Oil the platform at last night's meet- ' ing wa9 the Rt. Kev. .lames Henry j Darlington, bishop of the Harrisburg; diocese of the Episcopal eliiuvh. acconi-! panied by Mrs. Darlington and Miss: Eleanor Darlington.- The Episcopal ehurches do not favor the Stough earn | paign. At the close of the service the bishop greeted Dr. Stough cordially. j Stop Work on River Dam The dam across the river at the low er end ot the city was virtually com- i pleted .Saturday. Several open water i gateways, however, remain to be com- j pleted, but this work will not be done I before next spring, so that water will I not be backer up and interfere with 1 the work on the river wall. There are j aibout 150 concrete slalbs yet to be i placed. W hen these are put in position j water to a depth of about four feet ' will be backed. Foreigner Fined $2 and Ocsts Bllius lllioff, a foreigner, was fined j $2 and costs on eac.ii of two charges of : not sending his children to school at a hearing Saturday night before Alder i man Csveny. RAILROADS CREWJOARD HARBISBURO SIDE Philadelphia Division—ll6 crew to go first after 2 p. in.: 105, 118, 103, ! 128, 112, 115, 121, 124, 110, 123,1 119, 101. Kngineers up: Crisswell. Smith, Bie-1 singer, Young, Heindman, McGuire, j First. , Firemen up: Barton. Maning, Kegel- i man, Yentzer, Spring, Ansberger, | Hartz, I. I* Wagner, W'bichello, Shaf-1 fer. Conductor up: Mehaflie. ji Brakenien up: Hivner, MuUinuis, Kope. Middle Division—24o crew to go ■ lirst after 12.30 p. m.: Preference: 3, -I, S, 1, 2, T. 5, fi, 10,1 9. Engineers for 4, 6. Firemen for 3, 7, 10. .Conductors for 3, 2, 5, 6. Flagman for 3. Brakemen for 2, 6. 10. Engineers up: Hertzler, Oarman, Free, Welcoiner, Simonton, Wubeter, | Havens, Smith, Kuglor, Jlunima. Firemen up: Sehreffier, Buyers, Da vis, Bixler. Potieiger. Reeder, Richards, Stouffer, Seagrist, Wright, Shecsley, Simmons, Cross. Flagmen up: Miles, Miller. Brakemen up: Schoffstal, Troy, Stahl, Kieffer, Roller, Kobli, Bickert,: Plack, Fritz. Yard Crews—Engineers up: Meals,l Stahl, Swab, Crist., Saltsmnn, Kuhn,l Pelton, Shaver, Landis, Hoyler, liar-1 vey, llohenshclt, Thomas, Houser. Firemen up: Lackey, Cookerly, Maey er Sliolter, Snell, Bartolet, Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Kvde. Essig, Ney, Myers, | Boyle, Shipley, Crow, lievie', Uhh, j Bost > believes that the people have a right to know where all the Candidates < C stand on important questions when asking them l'or their support. He S £ savs he hopes to serve the people, if elected, regardless of their Race, 5 > Nationality or Politics, and he tells you he stands for the following laws C ? and prineipls: Clean Politics. Local Option, Repeal of Gunner's and > v Angler's license law. a Workman's Compensation law, A Child's Labor J > Law. a Full t'rew bill, Civil Service, aud will do all in his power, it' C C elected. to have such laws passed, and he : ays lie will highly appreciate £ % the |*op!e's support, but that they must know where he stand* first, as # % he expects to be at the service of the people at all times. <-VNAA +SSK+A * A/Ww» 7 first, after 2.15 p. m.: 210, 243, 1220, 24(5, 223, 209, 210, 234, 240. ;217, 22, 231, 245, 247, 202, 222. 230, 205, 233. 244, 249, 251. 250. Engineers for 202, 210, 212, 205, 220, 231, 234, 244. Firemen for 207, 209, 210, 214. 223, 248, 244. Conductors for 205, 215, 233. Flagmen for 212, 221, 222: 233, 234, 235, 252. Brakemen for 202, 205 (2), 208. 209, 212, 22 1, 225 (2), 233, 234, 235, 239, 244, 246, 250. Conductors up: Logan, Lingle, Keller. Flagman up- Reitzel. Brakemen up: Wieast, Deetz, Shnff ner, Liftz, Baker, Wolfe. Middle Division —234 crew to go first after 3.45 p. m.: 214. THE READING P., H. & P. —After 12.12 p. m.: 11, 7, 10, 11, 9, 8, 23, 19, 5, 21, 16. Eastbound—After 2.30 p. m.: 64, 69, 53, 70, 52, 70, 52, 31, 63, 60, 71. Conductor up: German. Engineers up: Wood, Fetrow, Massimore, Crawford, (Pletz, Wiroman, Lape. Firemen up: Sullivan, Rurobaugh, Binghaman. King, Lex. Brakemen up: Cook, Madhmer, Maurer, Fleagle, Hoover, Straw, Chen ov, Epley, Piinkle, Miles, Ayres, Kapp, Shader, Taylor.