6 ( EXabiuknt in ISK) Published b * TH* STAR PRINTING COMPANY. f Star.lndep*->dent Building. tlilO II South Third StrMl. HarrMxtrg, R Every Evanin* Except Sunday Of>\or» .- OtrectorK. BKUA*n> F. >I*T*KS. Jo 11 !. u l Ki . bk . PreaMant W, WiLIOWU. _ _ .. Vie« Prvsideat k Mrrwa Wm K MlV irs. Secretary and Tr*»«»r*r Wu W Wallow** *» 11 Wakvkk. V. Hikuil BiauHAUS. JR.. Bu-ii«»< Manager Editor. AH comumnica'ious should be »«lr ,-«rrn*rs e: 6 cents a week. Mailed .0 aubaenben for Three Dollars 1 /eat in advance THE STAR INDEPENDENT The paper wits tie largeai H.-im Circulation iu Karrisburg and nearby towns Clrculat'on Examined bv THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ADVERTISERS. TELEPHONES BELL Private Branch Exchange • No. 32SC CUMBERLAND VALLEY Private Brunei- Eicnance, No. 345-246 Monday. November t»H. NOVEMBER Sue. Mou. lues. Wed. Tiii'r. Fri. Sat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 23 27 28 29 ?0 MOON'S PHASES— rtiII llo.a, -Ja.i: Last Quarter, inti". N- Moon, * Tta: First Quarter, "Iti. _■ WEATHER FORECASTS V 1 ■ , " <£> c oler to-nighl I : t»~tlV.insyivaiua: ,F.«tr at: I ftgW J '• c:ts: I'.'Vi.on. Moderate north- YESTERDAY'S TEMPERATURE IN HARRISEURO ilii-hest, 7>: lowest. 10: S a. m.. 41: J. p. in., o«. WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE ?OR KUNKEL Familiarity breeds contempt for a Ml whoso : in : it- on tempt; but familiarity broods ••• i;< •••' •»•!>: : ;i«" mi'■ ; -«:ion for n man of high char : man who is jus?: and wise; a man of honest ivrn'M*; a Hi,,n who aecomplkdM things; a man '■ ho in iiigh public office meets bis responsibilities s. I -W-m s hi- important without fear or !. w th ji.-sti'-o as hi- guiding star. > ! h 1 man is Jndge Oeorgo Kunkel. of the 1 *. J* i ■ ■>»; • > • >urt. iviimn the people of l'enn ."•>ivanin • 1 have an opportunity to-morrow to o: vai' to tho highest bench in tho -tute. where there is a broader field for the oxereiso of his enii i 011:11> noiehbors. who are mere ati'v ;»ther p rsons with •Judge Kun k:'i's eo .-so of -ondiKt in pnblie and private life. ; ' ii" on >pt for iiiin. I hey esteem and honor l.i'si for t j;.• oi' in, n iie is and th»* type of judge :has prov. ,i himself to in .n the eleven years he has boon on the looal beneh. %i The reasons why Judge Kunkoi's ueighbors are s. u o t •• u»a." i: unanimous for him in Dauph ii ■■ m y to-mo row have been explained hef • iu ' ■■ eolMtnns ... thi< newspaper, but a brief recapitulation shows that h» has the unani iiunts ; ft of the members of the Dauphin couuiy bar. N i men are more familiar with this -idg - )' ; !: • - r. ire tiiau the lawyers who I it« pK I cases before his court. Some of them wore counsel to some of the capital building graft o - \ to v i . ouviitod before the bench on which K-nik -1 -a;, and .vet there is not one of these •av.y-.-s v.'iio does Mt roeiignize the justice that was admiii'.sterod hy •ludge Kunkel in these as in oiiior oases that have been argued in his presence and admire and respect him for it. i; has fallen to the lot of Judge Kimkt-i to preside at the hearings of important election disputes brought here from all parts of the state for adjudi cation. These contests have been bitterly partisan in their nature yet -fudge Kunkel's decisions iu all cases have been accepted as wise and just and free from the st# inp of political influence, even by those against whose interests they have been made. The wide experience that Judge Kunkel has .Lined in pacing on these political cases aud the state-wide reputation for fairness he has acquired through his decisions in the capitol grafting eases, happily have put the voters in every county of Pennsylvania in pos*ession of knowledge of the high judioial qualities of the man. Newspapers in prac tically all quarters of the state have endorsed him without qualification, and it is significant that three of the most flattering endorsements have come through the editorial columns of three of the most influential and most independent newspapers in the city of Philadelphia. N'o stronger proof than this is needed to show that the support his candidacy is receiving from the members of the local bar and voters of all parties in this vicinity is on no exaggerated idea among his home folk of the cali ber of the president judge of this county. That he is a "favorite sou ' of Dauphin county is only one of he least of the reasons why the home friends of Judge Kunkel are so enthusiastic in their support of him. But the fight is not won and Judge Kunkel needs the vote oi every Penusylvanian who recognizes his worth on the bench. On the bottom of the first page of the Star-Independent to-day, Mr. Voter, .you will find specific instructions how to mark vour HARRISBCRt; STAR-INDEPENDENT, MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 2. 1914. ballot so that your vote will be sure to be recorded for Judge Kuukel. Kead them carefully and theu go to the polls to-morrow and vote to place him where his exceptional qualifications as a jurist will be made available in a wider field of service—to the people of the whole state of Pennsylvania. GERMANY AND THK MONROE DOCTRINE Should German naval victories make possible an over-sea invasion of Canada, the .Monroe Doctrine, which the United States has consistently upheld, would assuredly be put to a severe test. The Ger man ambassador's declaration that the lauding of German troops iu Britaiu's great American domain could not logically be considered a violation of Monroe's t'aiuous principle is not unsupportable. The gist of the Monroe Doctrine is that attempts of any foreign powers to obtain new acquisitions on the American continent shall be prohibited by the I'nited States. The Doctrine, strictly interpreted, would not. perhaps, forbid German troops from in vading Canada, and could not prevent a conquest. It would only apply if Germany, in the event of a German occupation of Canada, would seek to hold the territory at the end of the war. In that case, purely suppositional of course, the Doctrine would give the United States authority to interfere with vigorous objections. The Monroe Doctrine, however, can be inter preted more freely when occasion requires. It could be used as the basis for immediate remonstrance in case Germany proposed to aitaok Canada, if the I'nited States caret! to remonstrate. Former Presi, don: Taft amplified the Doctrine by declaring that temporary aggression and occupation may easily lead to permanent holding of territory. The pres ent administration, likewise, has deemed it best to interfere in the affairs of Latin-American republics, aiding them in tbeir difficulties so that intrusions from the other hemisphere might not occur and give rise to complications. hether the Monroe Doctrine is regarded in the stricter sense, forbidding only permanent acquisi tion of territory on this hemisphere, or whether it is given the free interpretation prohibiting even temporary occupation pf American soil, the fact remains that the Doctrine has not been formally recognized by the Powers. Only in so far as it may have received implied recognition in official Ger man utterances at any time, would it bind Germany to keep out of Canada. Unofficially, particularly through the voice of its professors. Germany has been hostile to the Monroe Doctrine. Professor Hugo Munsterberg, of Harv ard. for instance, speaks freely of "the error and folly of the moribund doctrine.'' Oppenheim, Ger many's authority on international law. says: "'The Kuropean States, as far as the law of na tions is concerned, are absolutely free to acquire territory in America and elsewhere and the same legal rules are valid concerning intervention on the part of European Powers in American affairs as iu the affairs of other States." . The closest Germany ever came to an official rec ognition of binding qualities iu the Monroe Doc trine was in 1901 when the European Powers seemed about to enforce the claims of their banks against unfortunate, bankrupt Venezuela. After Great Britain withdrew from the combination, knowing that the move was regarded unfavorably by the I nited States, the German government notified the I nited States that it contemplated neither the ac quisition nor the permanent occupation of Vene zuelan territory. We may readily infer that \the Monroe Doctrine prompted Germany thus to explain itself, assuring our government as it did that it meant to regard the sovereignty of the United States on the American continent. But after all. the question of power of the Monroe Doctrine to prevent invasions of Canadian territory an be argued only on the basis of suppositions.- suppositious which have little chance of becoming realities. Since the superiority of British warships practically eliminates the possibility of a German invasion of British domains on this side of the ocean, the matter of the probable attitude of the 1 nited States in such an event is not momentous. It is worthy of discussion at present nly because of the interest which attaches to it as an academic i question. Will that "woolly lamb" retain its fleece tomorrow! ! It will he a bumper vote crop with a majority of the candidates getting the bumps. I: some aiiaidatej Jo not care to express their feelings ! to morrow night, they can send them by parcel post. It niav be cheaper. Even a desire to help a fellow-townsman's candidacy will hardly be strong enough to induce Neighbor Staekpole to vote tor Neighbor McCormick. TOLD IN LIGIITERVEIN COMPARATIVE VALUES "I suppose you had the usual trouble in Europe this summer," said Mrs. De Jinks. "Yea," said Mrs. Von Slammerton: "chiefly in the mat ter of getting money, however. Why, would vou believe it, Mrs. De Jinks, a letter of credit over there wasn't of any more value than a treaty of neutrality!"— Judge. TENDERHEARTED One day I was in a country store when a sweet little 4-tear-old girl came toddling in and bought a nickel's worth of candy. A little kitten rubbed against her leg and purred. She laid her candy down on a box to play with the kitten. When she tired of play she went to get her candr again. But it, was goue. Some one had stolen it. Her little face became sad. Something seemed to choke her. Big tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Poor little thing! I felt so sorry for her tbat I gave half a stick of it back to her!—Lappincott's. STRATEGY General Pau tells of a Freach non-commissioned officer wbo was being examined on the subject of tactics. "Give me an instance of strategy," was the question. The soldier thought hard, then replied: "When in battle you run out of ammunition, and don't want the enemy to know it, it is good strategy to keep on firing."—Tit-Bita. I /■ 1 V I Tongue-End Topics * American Jockey's War Experience Wolt'ord Stewart, a Harrisburg c«l --oreil man ha* resided in Germany for the last niue years, refently arrived home aud was the guest of his brother, Augustus Stewart. LOS Mary avenue. Woiford Stewart, is a son of the late Henry Stewart, for years ooachman in tho Wolford family, aud went to Kurope originally as a joekey with an American stria* of racers. Being a good musician he organized an orchestra with some Germans in Kouigsbnrg and settled down to stay there. The start of the war, however, compelled the Germans to join the army and Stewart was alone. Uo was permitted to re main in Germany aud as long m iie wore a small American ttag was not molested, but English-speaking people are regarded with suspicion and Stew art came home with nine others. He tells of some interesting things he saw personally. A butcher in Konigs \»urg, who was subject to military serv ice, tried to avoid going to war by chopping off the index tiuger of his right hand. When called upon to serve in the war the story o' the mutilated linger came to the notice ot' the mili tary authorities ami the man was promptly taken out and shot. Stewart said he liked to live in Germany, but it is no country for any English speak iug person. He left for Philadelphia on a visit, and does not expect to return to Europe. Kunkel and Trexlcr Meet Two mcu who regarded each other with interest met in this city on Sat urday, Judge Kunkel, being at an evening gathering, met Judge Trtxler. of Lehigh, and the two men had a close conversation for some time. Judge Kunktl is a candidate for Su preme Court Judge, aud Judge Trexler is a candidate for Superior Court Judge. Both are confident of election to-morrow. Judge Kunkel has recently tven made a member of the board of trustees of Franklin and Marshall Col lege, U> succeed the late George F. Baer, and Judge Trexler i> much inter ested in Muhlenburg (Allege, in Allen town. The careers of both meu on the bench have been to the highest degree creditable. All Six Tcners Dance The six Tcner brothers are all good dancers, although you might think their dancing days are over. From the tfov ernor to t-he eldest of the brothers, they all delight to "trip the light fantas tic, and wthen the six get on the floor with their partners there isn't much room for others—that is, in an ordi nary-sized dancing room. All of them ha\e the genial traits that are so mani fest in the man who is Chief Execu tive. aud they a(J take an interest in the national game of baseball. * * * Toner Knows Them All Speaking of Governor Tener, at the Capitol ho knows ail of the attaches from the department heads to the men who clean the corridors, and he has a greeting for all of them. What is more, he can call them by name, and his hearty, democratic manner is the delight of those who greet him in the morning. .Not long ago the Governor stopped in the corridor and inquired carefully about the health of the wife of one of the old charmen. She had been taken suddenly ill, and it is said that some of the flowers from the Gov ernor s desk found their way to the old woman's sickroom. l * » * The State Has $6,5T>8,538.M2 The State Treasury closed its Octo ber business with a total balance of $6,5u8,538.82 in the various funds in its care. The receipts for the last day of the month were $186,238.41 and the expenditures $38,634.66. The re ceipts for the entire month were $4,- 222,708.41 aial the expenditures $3,- 564.876. Tne balances in the several fun is were "as follows: State school fund (uninvested), $27,422; sinking fund, $804,730: motor fund (for State highways), $225,617; general fund, to meet current expenses, to. 497,763. During the month $250,000 was paid out of the motor fund to the State Highway Department. The large cor porations are now engaged in paying their taxes, and it is expected that Che receipts during November will bring the total receipts for the year up to the amount received last year. BOTH CLAIM BATTLE FOR GOVERNOR Continued From First Page. of 1.050,000 that may be cast this year. This would bring Mr. Pinehot under the wire with 238,000." No estimate of the McCormick vote or prediction that he would be elected was given out at state headquarters, but the claim was made that Demo cratic Congressmen would be elected in the following numbered districts: o, 6, 8. 10, 11, 12. 13, 14, 15, 16. 17, 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30 and four Congressmen-at-large. It was also claimed at Democratic state headquarters that McCormick will carry Dauphin county by at least 2,000 majority and Harrisburg by a good ma jority, figures not given. Elks to Hold Dance To-night The Elks will give the •first of a series of dances similar to those given last year, to-night at the Elks home. Members of the Elks, their wives and daughters will participate. Music will be famished by the Loeser orchestra. Dysart Follows Phelan The position as assistant station master at Altoona, which was made vacant by the promotion of J. B. Phe lan, has been filled by W. R. Dysart. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. GREET rami WITH KIIIK Democrats March as Escort for Candidate Before Mass Meeting Is Held CHESTNUT STREET HALL IS CROWDED Harrisburg Aspirant for the Governor ship Kenews Campaign Pledges and Asks for the Support of His Home Folk at the Polls So far as the noise and redlire of the political campaign in Harrisburg was concerned it came to an end on Saturday evening when tho Democrats had their biggest local meeting of the year, attended by 2,500- persons, in the Chestnut street hall. It was a welcome home for Vance C. McCormick, the Democratic candidate for Governor. Mr. McCormick and party, including Con gross man Palmer, William T. Creasy and Arthur D. Clark, companions on the State ticket, arrived from their .journey through York county during which they made twenty-three stops. In the evening they were guests of Mr. McCormick at his home, Front and Pine streets. It was there that the big Democratic parade found them later in the evening and it acted as an escort to Chestnut street hall. What interested the Harrisburg peo ple more than anything else was the hearing of Mr. McCormick. He has de veloped as a campaign orator and his presentation of charges was earnest and foreiful. The parade started from Market Square at 7.30 and was uiade up of the Central Democratic Club, the West End Democratic Club and delegations from Middletown, Steelton, Mechaniesburg and some of the smaller towns near this city, ununiformed but wearing sashes bearing the names of the candidates. Five bands, including the magnificently uniformed Commonwealth baud, which led off, were in the parade, which tra versed several of the streets from east to west and acted as escort to the can didates who occupied automobiles. Thore were at least a thousand men in line. At the hall a great crowd had gath ered long before the time set for the meeting. In the audience were a num ber of women. When the arrived every available inch of th e re maining space was taken up by the club men, and tho galleries were also crowded. Standing room only was to be had and mighty little of that. Introduced by Samuel Kunkel When Mr. McCormick and his guests arrived at the hall, the audience arose and gave them a real old-time, hearty welcome, and the candidates fairly beamed as they walked down the aisle and mounted to the stage. County Chairman Moeslein called the meetiug to order and prophesied a Democratic victory 011 Tuesday. He closed by in troducing Samuel Kunkel, treasurer of the Democratic State Committee, as the presiding officer. Mr. Kunkel predicted a Democratic victory on Tuesday, and was frequently interrupted by cheers as h e referred to the candidates. The first candidate to speak was Ar thur D. Clark, one of the nominees for Congressman-at-large, who made a plea for support of the Democratic ticket and paid high tribute to President Wil son. Dr. Willitm T. Ellis, of Swarthmore College, made an appeal for the "re demption" of Pennsylvania. "The hour has struck for the awakened manhood of Pennsylvania to strike Penroseism hard," shouted Dr. Ellis, and the crowd cheered. He ridiculed Dr. Brumbaugh and rapped Penrose. "Farmer" William T. Creasy was in troduced as a man known to all Penn- ! sylvanians, and one who knows of what goes on in the Legislature, where he spent fifteen years. Mr. Creasy made a plain talk, during which he said he had often wondered what kind of a graveyard the Senate buried his good bills in. He said if he is made Lieu-1 tenant Governor he proposes to find out.' Mr. McCormick was nest introduced; by Mr. Kunkel as "Vance McC'or-' mick," and the cheering that greeted' the young Harrisburger as he stepped forward lasted for several minutes. Mr.' McCormick said in part: Mr. McCormick's Address "I feel that it is not necessary for me, here in my home town, to renew to you. my neighbors and friends, the pledges which I have been making in almost every town and hamlet of this great State. You know something of the spirit of sincerity in which I have made them, and you know further that I will keep them. "I have always been proud of the citizenship of Pennsylvania, proud of her history, and proud of her achieve ments; but I come back here to Har risburg, at the close of this campaign, after six almost continuous months of direct contact with the voters of Penn sylvania, more deeply appreciating the possibilities of the State and more earnestly desirous of doing what little I can to help it to realize the ideals for which it was established. "I realize that what I have prom ised, if elected, and what I hope to ac complish, is no mean task; but in other fields of effort 1 have always had the help and co-operation and sympathy of friends and neighbors here in Harris burg; and I am bold to believe that if I am called to the responsibilities of this great effort. I will also have the same help and co-operation from the thousands of high minded men and women whom it has been my privilege to meet in ray trip through the State. "The cynicism of thought and low standard of conduct which have char acterized the administration of our .State affairs in recent years are now arrayed, as I see it, against all the better instincts of our people. Do you wonder that, standing here to-night, I have no fear of the result? In such ai contest there can be but one outcome.! I do not have to. till you. my neighbors, that I have viewed myself simply as an ' Buy Your Diamonds From a Reliable House Iu buying a diamond size is only one of many things to b£ considered. Purity of color, freedom from flaws, shape and style of cutting are all very important elements. BUT the most essential requirement iu selecting a diamond is that the house from which you buy them is thoroughly reliable. This store has been selling reliable diamonds for almost half a century. Buying direct, from the cutters enables us to give our customers the rarest of gems at exceptional prices. Make Jo«r ChrUtmaa arlrrtlnn NOW. Pay ■ «matt rirpoalt and we'll hold 11 for you uutil you want It. Jacob Tausig's Sons Reliable Since 1867 420 Market Street instrument in the hands of tho people who are determined to assert their sov ereignty now ami destroy the forces of I evil which are enlisted under the ban ( tier of Penrose." . Palmer Makes a Speech Tho rest of his speech was a repe- | tition of tho campaign arguments he has repeatedly made on the stump, chiefly a denunciation of Penrose and the conduct of State affairs, and a promise that if elected he will "clean the Capitol from top to bottom," an announcement that was greeted with great cheering,^ A. Mitchell Palmer was introduced next and began by a reference to the oratorical ability developed by Mr. Me- Cormiek during the campaign. Then he took up the forty-first count in his indictment against Penrose, charging that tho Senator neglected his duties in Washington "in order to sit at llarris burg and deliver at close range his or ders to his puppets in legislative hall and executive chamber." All through his speech lie cut loose with .111 over powering invective against Penrose and occasionally threw in a sarcastic remark regarding Brumbaugh. c. v. WE TIOKTACKERS WERE ARRESTED Accused of Hurling Stones and Dam aging a Carlisle House Carlisle, Nov. 2.-—The streets of the town were tilled by individuals in dis- j guises anil roving bauds of historical characters on Halloween night. About J twenty boys from the lower end of the town were detained in the office ] of the chief of police, charged with malicious conduct. It is alleged that j these youths assaulted a house in Lo cust alley, by throwing stones and pieces of brick. No fines were im posed, but it was stated this morning that the ring leaders will be given a hearing Tuesday evening at the reg-! ular session of police court. Found Dead in Bed Gettysburg. Nov. 2.—Henry C. Wilt, one of the oldest eitizens of Taney town, was found dead in his bed 011 Fri day morning. He retired about 10.30 Thursday night, apparently in his usual health. He was 80 years old. He leaves one son. G. Walter Wilt, assistant cashier for the Birnie Trust Company, and one daughter. Mrs. Arthur W. Coombs, of Hagerstown, also several stepchildren. Funeral services in charge of his pas tor, the Kev. L. B. Hafer. were held at j the heme at 1.30 yesterday afternoon j and interment was made in the Luther an cemCtery, Taneytown. Rebecca Bushman Dead Carlisle, Nov. 2. —Frances Rebecca ' Bushman, well known resident of this i place, died at the home of her brother, j 11. M. Bushman, South Hanover street, Saturday morning at 6 o'clock. She! had been ill since March. Early in the spring, Miss Bushman J caught a slight cold which later de- j veloped into a complication of diseases J which eventually caused her death. She was a member of the Second Presby-1 terian church. *~ Surviving her are four brothers, 1 Harry M., J. Scott and George at home, and Calvin Bushman, of Chicago. Two I AMUBBMKNTm. I <• Myrkle-Harder Co. IX THE FOLLOWING SIfCESSESi To-light. ELEVATING A HLSBAND. To-morrow, matinee and night, GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST. Wednewday, matinee anil night, STOP THIEF.' MIGHT PRICES, 10c, 20c, 80c nnd 50c * Squire—But the poor are no longer ground beneath the iron heel of the op- 1 pressor. Yokel—N*o; iu this age of luxury t'jkji j oppressors wear rubber heels. —1/omion' I Tit Bits. < r ~ —==*9 sister?. Sarah, at home, and Mrs. Kath ryn Mauk, of Nebraska, also survive. Funeral arrangements will bo an j nounced later. \ Another Mountain Fire C-hambersburg, Nov. 2.—About !► o clock Friday night lire was discover ed in the Caledonia reserve 011 the west side of the South mountain ,11 the I'ln: Rock neighborhood. Foresters mid rangers were bnsv mi til Saturday night trying to suppress the flames. Many of the men were exliHUste and compelled to desist. Some ha i been working continuously through I !io night ami up until noon. LIQUOR KILLS THREE MEN' Drug Store Proprietor. Alleged SJllcr, Is Arrested Bristol, Vt„ Nov. 2.—Tiio »a Id-o deat.ii yesterday of Miree men and the illness of three others, led to the urrc-, last night of I). A. Iliribee, proprietor of a drug store. According to officials the deaths were due to the efforts of I liquor obtained at the store. . The dead are: Fred O'Bryan and ; Samuel Kiug, of Bristol, ami' Ed ward j Wakefield, of Warren. Liquor seized at the drug store will be analyze! in the | State laboratory. Watch That Gold Take care of it, before it takes j care of you. Stop that coughing and wheczirg. Get rid of raw inflamed throats. • Forney's Tar, Tolu and White Pine Cough Syrup brings up the phlegm quickly 25£ Forney's Drug Store 420 MARKET STREET "We serve you wherever you are." S^2.OQ~ Round Trip NEWYORK Sunday, November 22 SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES Harrisburg 5.45 A. M. j RETURNING. Iravra Prniißvlra nia Station, New York, tf.&O P. M. Pennsylvania R. R. j liHMnnMßinMnnßf r \ MIRTH, COMKDY AND MUSIC BISIRI6T SCHOOL TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL Thursday and Friday Eve. November sth and 6th At 8.15 O'clock ADMISSION, 25* IIESEHVED SEATS lOf EXTRA ITlcfcctn rrarrtril nt Nennrk Stoc More, SIS NtrkM St., Nov. Sit ,V