The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 02, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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• , • I
J®shua W, Swartz j
pmmmmmmmms&vmiwmiwmv i■■ nil i m
For Representative in the |j
General Assembly
\ Augustus Wiidman
I pledge myself that if elected, I I
gl& wII support only such legislation as |
m is to the best interest of the people. 1
Your Support Ktniiiy Soiieited I
iamss W. Barker
Party Nominee For
from tkf
If Hlri'trtl Will Favor
and Support NoHrilcd
Exports From United states in October
Substantial Cain Over Nation's Ira- 1
porta—Grain and Cotton Moving—
Condition in South Much Better
Wash ngtoa, D. Nov. 2.—Reports,
to ."secretary of the Treasury MvAdoo
ye«;erdav on the commerce of
me L uite.l States show a balance of
>o-J.(i22.370 ia favor of ti>is country.
A statement issued front the Treasury
Depart in en t last night savs:
"Material improvement in the com
merce of the Unite*! States and a susb trade balance in favor of this!
eoaffltry for the month of October are |
indicated by telegraphic reports to See
rotary iMeAdoo of imports and exports
at the principal customs ports for the
month just closed. Figures at Balti
more. 3oiton, < ■iwcago, iraiveston, \or
io!k. Ne vport News, New Orleans. Ser
\ork. Philadelphia, ?-an Francisco. Se
attle and Tai'ou»a show that the value
nf total imports at these ports from
October 5 to Oetcber 31 was 1106,-
341.281 and exports for the same
period $139,963,631. or an ex.-ess of
533,622,379 in tJie value of exports j
over imports. The imports and exports
at these ports represent about 8T per
cent, and 72 per cent. respectively of
the total for the whole country.
' 4 Reports to the Secretary indicate
rha« the grain is moving with increas
ing freedom ami that the cotton report
trade is opening measurably. For the
weak ending October 28, 112.053 bales:
of cotton were exported to various parts
of the world. On Ociobor 29 aione 43,-.
903 bales were exported."
Detailed reports from the various
porta will show a large increase in the:
exports of i reaik»fcaflfs over October of
last year. The demand for oat?, wheat,
corn, rye, tiarley, meats and horses has
started a great movement in those prod
The situation in the South is much
v t
more satisfa tory now than it was a
ago. The unusual orders for
grains are turning the atteation of the
' Oi:««i-j-i-owers to food erops. The De
partment of A gri.-ulture has sent out
u'ars calling the attention of eo«tton
farmers to the increased demand for
oats and ami to A<* fact that
tjey .an urew erops ot those grains for
the marker's •vithin nine month?.
The v liae of the tota.l ex-v>rts ami
is'tpa •;* ;r the ports reporting to See re-1
tary MeAdoo. yesterday, from October!
, '• to Oct',- -er 31, follows:
, Port.* [sapor's. Exports. '
Baltimore ■ 5:..« » i 6.32:-:,397
| Boston $.745,09.1 9,813,633
1 . i ago 3,-56,700 l,J2S,
• Gal v* ton 744.6:t0 17.623,590
Norfolk and New
pert News 353.554 1.344.331
New Orleans 5._'7.",7_7 9,063,582 •
New York 69,155,971 7T.7:'>9.f , si
Philadelohia 4.<57.53-: 5,543,004 .
. -an Francisco 7.432.105 7,162,74'
Seattle 4.041.353 1,760.493
Tacoma 412.759 1,802,300
Totals. 106.341.261 139,963,631
Leonard Marcy, of Allentown. Suffers
Fatal Injury When Car Skids
Ailentown. Pa., Nov. 2.—Leonard
-Marcy, a prominent resident of this
city. w;us fatally injured and his wife
| badly hart early yesterday morning,
j when the automobile in which Cbey were
j riding skidded on the Lehigh mountain
: road, and collided with a tree. Marcy
j suffered a fractured skull and other
j injuries from -which he died at 10
jo', lock yesterday morning. His wife
. will recover. The automobile was
: wrecked. Of arc y was the son of Charles
| Marcy, a wealthy eoai operator of
I Wilkes-Barre, and was a veteran of the
I Spanish-American war.
Two automobiles. one occupied by
V :11mm H. Weder, a busaiiess n>au of
Allentown. and the ether by William
j Phillips, of Paimertou. and 'Miss Kstelle
H-her. a school teacher of this city. I
; collided at Hath yesteniay and were
wrecked. Miss PiJQer was seriously in
jured and the others were badly bruised. .
Orders "Dry" City's 175 Places
Closed When Beer Keg Hits Him
Baugor, Me., Nov. 2.— Because he
was struck and almost felled bv a keg
of beer which was being rolled into a j
groggery on one of the main streets of
the city, Mayor I'tterback yesterday j
called upoD the police to close up the .
175 places where liquor is being openly!
sold. "A pretty story this would have j
made for the newspapers, if I, Mayor j
of one of the principal cities in prohi-:
bit ion Maine, had been disabled in such '
a manner," he told the chief.
-Shortly befo-e the last election the'
police made numerous raids and closed !
things frettv tight, but not a jail sen-!
tence was imposed and things were soon |
wide open again. Xonr the Mayor says i
the lid will be clamped on tight. " j
Church Organ Dedicated Yesterday
Marietta. Nov. 2.—The handsome j
pipe organ erected in Zion Reformed i
church was dedicated ye»ter<lay with j
special ceren oD-ies. before a large eon- j
gregation. The Kev. Allan S. Meek, |
;>astor of the Reformed char-h, Ephrata, j
delivered t'he consecration sermon. He i
was assisted by the pastor, th« Rev.
K. Elmer Hensenig. The organist. Pro
fessor Norman T. Pickle, with an aug
mented ciroir, rendered special music.
?ml War Veteran, Retired as Chief of
Staff. Succumbs to Pneumonia-
Won Distinction at Gettysburg
Against Indians and in Cuba
Los Angeies. Nov. 2. —Lieuteuan;
ienerai A ina R. Chaffee, retired, tor oh.of of staff of the VaiteJ States
irmy, died at bis home here yesterday
>f typhoid pneumonia. His body will be
aken to Washington, leaving to-mor
ow. for interment in Arlington Cenie
Alter bis retirement from tiw? array
ieneral Chaffee was appointed heai ot'
ihe Los Angeies Water Board, l^ate. -
he accepted the presidency of an in
suraiice company, but retired from
; business affairs a few months ago.
Mrs. Chaffee and her daughter. Mrs.
John Hastings Howard, wife of an
army ofiicer, were at the beisid? when
the end came. Mrs. Howard ha 1 bjea
summoned hastily from her husband's
post at Douglas, Ariz., a few day-: a .j om
Two other children. Mrs. George French
Hamilton, wife of an army captain,
and Adna R. Chaffee, Jr.. a lieutenant
' in the army, are in the Philippines.
Geuerai Cnaffee was conspicuous
. among the few survivors of the old
sighting line of the United States army.
From the days of his boyhoud. when
he entered the Civil war as a 19 year
old private, to the time of his attain
; mem of the chieftaincy of the General
Staff. he was eve- the fighting man >n
action and tise gen ul gentleman in
peace intervals.
Much pturesque service fell to h's
lot, including participation ;u the bat
ties of Gettysburg, stirriug artious
I against hostile Indians in the old fron
| tier days, and later, important service
iin Cuba, the Philippines and the ex
pedition for the relief of the legations
) in Pekin, China.
Imminent as an ofli er. General Chaf
fee was aiso in especial degree the
ideal of the rank and file of the army,
the enlisted men delighting to desig
nate him as "Old Action,in recegni
tion of his aggressive qualities ad a
j commander-
Entered Army as Boy Private
A lna Romanya Chaffee was bom
April 14, 1542, at Orwell, 0. He was
educated in the public schools of Ohio.
He entered the military service of the
L rated States at the breaking out of
the Civil war. serving as private, ser
geant and first sergeant in Company K.
Sixth Cavalry. His first commission
was won March 13, 1563, when he was
named second lieutenant in the same
company, advancing to first lieutenant
February 22. 1863. He resigned from
the army March 13, 1867, but was re
instated in the regular establishment
April 8, 1567, with the rank of cap
From this period on through the
yean of frontier development he saw
much severe service in the incessant
1 Indian warfare of that period, gaining
not only promotion, but distinction for
bravery and especial resourcefulness.
He was repeatedly brevetted, and more
than onee won honorable mention in
general orders. >
His service in the Civil war included
all the campaigns of the Army of the
Potomac up to the surrender of Lee.
and he was brevetted "for gallant an*! j
meritorious services" at the .battle ofj
distinguished in Indian Wars
In the period of his Indian war serv-,
ice, during which hp attained the rank I
of major of the Ninth Cavalry, he took i
part in the Miles campaign against the I
Cheyenne Indians in the Indian terri
tory. 1874-5; was in charge of the San
Carlos Indian reservation, 1879-80; in
the campaign against th e White Moun
tain Indians in 1881, and was with ;
General Crook in the famous campaign!
into the Sierra Madre Mountains, 80-1
nora, Mexico, in 1883. During this I
period he was honorably mentioned and |
brevetted lieutenant eolonei "for sue
cessfuliv leading a cavalry charge over
rongh and precipitous bluffs held bvl
hostile Indians in the battle of Red
River, August 30, 1874." He also re !
ceived honorable mention in .general;
orders for his part in an engagement
with renegade White Mountain Ules, at I
Big Dry Wash, Arir., July 17, 1582.'
The rank of lieutenant colonel of the
Vnth Cavalry was attained bv Chaffee
Jane 1, 1597.
Spanish War Service
i l"pon the breaking out of the Span
ish American war. ho was made a briga
dier general of Volunteers, and was
quickly promoted to major general, see-j
I inp service in Cuba, and later in the
In 1900 Ucueral Chaffee commands i!
.he China relief expedition necessitated;
bv the Boxer rebellion. He command
ed the Division of the Philippines in!
1901-2; the Department of the East i
m 1902-03: was assistant to the Chief j
of Staff in '903-04. and Chief of Staffl
from January 9. 1904. to February 1 |
l»0G. when, he retired at his own re
W hen ranking a* captain he mar-1
Tied, March Jl, 1873, at Junction Citv.l
Kan., Miss Annie Frances Rockwell. " j
Say That He looked After the Work
ers' Interests in Legislature
Local Unions No. 1550. of Williams
town, au.i \ O . tOts2. of Lykens. of the
I nited Mine Workers of America, to
;day issued the following statement to
the miners and inineworkers of iho
Second Legislative district of Dauphin
H * h Sle l ,ien Morgan. secre
"L ske rumors are being circulated I
about William W. Lenker, candidate for j
the Legislature, and the mine commit- :
.tee. Edwin Howe and Thomas K. D a
, yis. at the last session of the Legisla-
I iUre. as to unfairiit'ul to the in-
or ihe workers. For fur
ther p oof of the faithfulness of Wi'l
lam >•. Leake., we enclose replv ot
. tue president of the 6taU- Fe-Jefaiion o f
i-i or. as i'ol'ows:
Sir® aud Brothers—ln re
t .v to your tavor of recent date, wul
say 1 am sorry to hear that Mr.
j Zenker s enemies have circulated fai
, raiiiiys about his Legislative records,
j 1 would be l'a:ae to myself and to mv
' class if L said other than that Repre
j tentative Lenker was one of the tew
j " bo stood by every labor measure that
( tue State Federation of iiad in
j troduced and voted against all legisla
tion that aimed to still more enslave
II the workers. Lenker was one that we
j could always depend upon to cast his
i vote tho righ* way for working class
interest. Fraternally vours. James H
| Maurer.'
; "We, the joint committee, are well
| pleased with the record and action of
; Mr. Lenker in the la?t session of the
. Legislatuie, so easting your vote for
William W. Lenker for reelection will
be one cast for your interest.'
Hunter Injured as Explosion Bips Off
Tree Branch
j Madison, X. J.. Nov. 2.—<While hunt
j ing woodcock with Ha' ry 'Dovle, Ed
t ward Harvey, Florham'Parki shot at
! several started up 'by his dog. S>o;»ie
of the shot, hit a white bag which was
in the crotch of a nearby tree. There
I was a terrific explosion and Harvey was
[ hit on the head by a heavy oranth that
■ was torn loose.
j Doyle carried him a mile to a farm
j house, where a doctor found that Har
tvey 's head had been badly cut. It is
j Vnougnt that the "ban contained dyna
m..*to which had been hidden in the tree
j by some laborer who stole it from a
I neighboring quarry.
Dc anally Seeks Re-election
I (Special to the Star-Independent.) j
New Bloomfield. Pa., Nov. 2.—L. E. ;
S Dounally, present member of Assembly j
from Perry county, is a candidate for |
j re-election on the Democratic ticket, j
: In a statement given out here to-day ;
; in his behalf it is asserted that ho luus i
fought legislation t"hat was hostile to
the interests of his constituents and
has done all in his power to advanee
bills which were ■beneficial to them. He
says the third-term argument cannot
i reasonably be used against him, as the
j four years he has served are no more
I than a single term of any county office
1 under the amendments to the" State
J Constitution.
Oldest Twin "Is Dead
Montgomery, Mo., Nov. 2. W. N.
| Slavens died at liis borne at Belflower
; Saturday. He and lis brother were said
I to "be the oldest twins in the country.
| He was 86 years old. The 'brother, H.
; B. Slavens, lives at. Lowry, St. Clair
| county, (Mo. They have spent almost
1 their entire lives in this State.
I Stands For Clean, Capable, Con
| scientious State Government
Will Welcome Ycur Support On
dr martin g brumbaugh. Election Day, Nov. 3, 1914
! I In addition you MUST make a cross mark'after the name of the J
I fpJMSfeiBB Judge for whom you desire to vote. ft
| Vote for JUDGE KUNKEL and mark your ballot this way: C
DON'T FORGET For Representative
Democratic Ticket
HE STANDS FOR | §f «B| »
He Will Defend the Holy Bible and ' -Ll '
Never Uphold the Rum Shop
Vote for Him on Nov . 3rd—He Will \lote for
YOU in the Legislature Jesse J, Lybarger x
— = Z7*
Palmer and McCormick
are the team that Pennsylvania must use
to overthrow Penroseism.
They have cleansed and strengthened their own
party and have earned the confidence of right-thinking
men of all parties.
Mr. Palmer is now a trusted adviser and powerful friend of
President "Woodrow Wilson and will continue his legislative lead
ership in the dominant party at Washington.
McCormick will turn the light of his executive experience
upon the practical problems of the State at Harrisburg. The
crusade for better things, under his hand, will be guided to
success, as Wilson led it in New Jersey.
Palmer, McCormick, Wilson
They have fought together for clean politics, free govern
ment, honest and constructive public service.
Use this team for Pennsylvania.
BMBIII —ii 11 HI 11winiwarmbw nw i
! Election Bettors Also Offer Odds
Against Prohibition Victory
Cincinnati, \ov. 2. —Election betting
in Cincinnati continued Saturday, with
odds in favor of Governor James M.
Cox. Democrat, and tho "wets."
There has been little or no betting
on the United States Sena+orship. The
"dry" monev is all coming ,'rom the
northeastern part of the Sta>- .
Asphalt Gzns in School
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 2.—A novei ;
record is held by the city asphalt repair j
tranz. twenty of the twenty-five men'
employed at this work now being on
rolled in the Spokane public night
school. Most of the men have enrolled
in the elementary classes, studying read
ing, writing aird arithmetic, although
several aro in the ('lasses for mechaukal
Dual Deaths Half Hour Apart to Be
Followed by Double Funeral
Xorristown. I'a.. Nov. 2.—Joint Sul
livan died in a hospital yesterday from
injuries received in falling from or be
ing pushed f.-iim a crowded trolley car
from ConshohocUen early yesterday
A half hour after his death Inn aged
mother died in Philadelphia. They
will have a double funeral.
, Lebanon Historical Society to Meet
Lebanon, Nov. 2.—A meeting of thu
Lebanon County Historical Hocietv
will be held (Friday afternoon, Novem
ber 5, at the Court House, when a pa
per on "Millbacb History and bore"
will be read by John H, Krall, of
Schaefferstown, this county. This pa
per pertaius to a section of this countv
of very great historic intrest aud sub
sequent history and lose of the section
watered by the Millbach.