#■ ■ "ITfiij ircrry John, ijour credit U qce monthly; SI,OOO worth but S"H) monthly, etc. Prices marked iu plain figures. This is the oldest furniture house iu Harrisburg— founded years ago. Hundreds of thousands of people have bought here on credit as well as for cash, and to-day we're constantly doing business with the chil dren of our earlier customers. Could there be any more convincing evidence of the satisfaction we give* You'U be agreeably surprised when you visit our big store and see the enormous assortment of furniture, rugs and stoves we carry. And we want you to par ticularly note the quality of our merchandise and their extremely low prices. Conic and let us *how you. You will not be urged to buy. BURNS & COMPANY " Oldest Furniture House in Harrisburg" 28-30-32 South Second St. V SOCIA LandPERSONAU BIRTHDAY NIASOIMDE IS HONOR OF SIMS KEEPER Delightful Afl.ur Given in Celebration of His Twenty-tirst Anniversary En ■oyed by Many Guests in Costume —Prizes Were Awarded V ,> -thday masquerade party was given Saturday night at tiie homo ot'; > as Keft'er, n honor 01 his twenty r-st birthday. H;s boy tr ends present •'»! bim with a beautiful bunch of twen tv one carnati r.s. Dancing and games v. ere the features of the evening, after A-hieh an elaborate supper was served. The decorations wore in maroou aiui black, with witches an i cat- decorating ;e Us. I'r -.ea were awarded to Kate Ramsey. Queen of Ireland, tirst pri :e: !,":>v Sm :r. lr '..11, -ecou I prize; 'leo-ge Mans. Dr > il, fi-s: prize, and Jo i sephine Turns. W< ird. second prize. | Other guests deluded: Esther Fisher, j do ' V!■: Buelah Ervin. Devil"? Imp; Es- Ki >. Yams Yams: Esther Peipher. j i uu Yams: C'ara »'air. Indian >quaw: i A«ss Palmer, : .i-iesmaid: Katiieryn; :• . <"■, h: r. - .ja-.v ; Bertha O'B-e.n. Daughter of Liberty: Mrs. Orris, host- j . - : Mr<. Han . Orris, nun; Clara An-' dersoa, clows; Ruth Crumbier. nurse; I Viiu:-. Noble, Yama Yama: Bertha K" - . n: Ireland: Agnes Moore, iortit; -Stelia M i!er, Indian Squaw; •C-tna Uooder. •••■ »y: Florence Kirk. Devil; Bessie Eicheiberger. Queen of Hearts: Kate Orris. #;ar- of night; Mrs. Weatze), stars oi Night; Miss' Mi " tel.an, \ .Yama; Earl Orris, irate; El. Potteiger, clown: John I'.erbein. clown; Charles Kirk, convict; tieorge Miller, convi-*; Karl K ■down; Stanley Walker, olored comedi in; Charles Wagner, colored om-.'di an; CI r'ton Turner, bri.le; Jack Groo ver, grooni: Harrv Orr's. track walk er: George Orris. Santy Claus: Adam Orris, host; Eddie Plank, baseball star: Abe Orris. farm«r; \ ictor Y ngst. Dutch boy; Pinkcv Dare, down: Elmer Wickline. Indian; Elzo Minnie. King of ; Ireland: Charles Nichols-, cowboy: Wil liam Gutmnuel, ice cream fiend: Wil- I'.am Kutz, clown: Joan Flvns, monk: Bill Btrnen. colored preacher; Silas Keefer, Gypsy boy: John Kirk. George Washington: Master Earl ifld Adam Or ris. twins; George Palmer. Gooser: The odore Moore, Jeff and Ross Moore, "- 1 . ' A SIMPLE WAV TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Freveut Falling Hair and End Itching Scaip There is one sure way that has never tailed to remove dandruff at once and that is to di iV olve it. then you destroy j it entirely. To do this, just get about four ouuees of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this is all yon will need!, apply it at night when' retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the j finger tips. By morning most, if not all. of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four j more applications will completely dis solve, and entirely destroy, every single I sign and trace of it. no matter how 1 much dandruff you may have. You will find all itching and digging i of the scalp will stop instantly and your j hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky I and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. If you value your hair, yon should get rid of dandruff at once, for nothing destroys the hair so quickly. It not only starves the hair and makes it fall out, but it makes it stringy, straggly, dull. dry. brittle and lifeless, and every body ootices it. Adv. HARRISBUmt ~^TAR-iXDEPENPKNT. ' MONDAY F.VEXTXO. NOVEMBER 2. ISI4. SEVENTEEN HUNDRED NEW IMJIHEYACI Baiubow Campaign Ended Saturday- Evening With Mrs.. A. E. Shirev's Team in Lead—Mrs. S. J. Hiney's Team Second I'he Rainbow Campaign i'or member at the V. W. C. A. has come to a f nmpiuat end and the chairman. Miss Mary Jennings. as well as the executive i iari feel that a debt of gratitude is ow"l those who worked so untiringly and so successfully last week. Saturday '< local honors went to Mrs. A. I'.. v- hi rev' > team, which was repre sented i'v roe areen dag. The suburban honors for Saturday went to the sub urban team at Paxtang captained bv; Mrs. C. M. Forney and represented by. , the blue flag. i feventcca hundred new members were secured last week, a number far in excess of what the committee dared 1 hope. A large crowd was present on Sat urday to hear the returns. Each cap tain read the reports of her own team. The city teams showed the following ! return* for the week: Mrs. .F. H. Bet terman. red, S9 4; Miss Norma Barker, tr-ange, $209; Miss Kanlall, yellow. S'i2T: Mrs. A. E. Shirev. green, 5435.50; Mrs. J. F. Balsley, blue. su"'S.so: Mrs. Frank Seitz, indigo. $65.50; Miss Anna Orth. violet. s42l': total turned in bv the titv teams Sl,- 734.50. The suburban teams turned in the, following sums for the week: Miss N'is sley, re i. Penbrook, $40.30; Mrs. i St.'it'u. orange. Lioglestowu, $2; Mrs. Ed war 1 X. Cooper, yellow. Camp Hill an i nearn listricts and also New Cum berland. Lemoyne and West Fairview. $167: Mrs. Solomon Hiney. Jr., green. Steelton and Highspire. s33s; Mrs. C.. M. Fo-ney, blue. Paxtang, $78.50; ' Mrs. Frank R. Chster. indigo. River side. $34: Mrs. Carl Pavis. violet. Lu. tnow, RockviUe and Dauphin, s4t. making a total of $699. E. Z. Wallower also turned in SIOO | contribute! by the business men of the city, making a grand total of $2.- 533.50. Green was ertainly a luekv color for the w nniag teams o? the week, both had the green flag. The eitv hon , ors for the week were awarded Mrs. A. I E. Shirev s team, which has the green' i flaz. while Steeltoa captained by Mrs. Solomon Hiney. dr.. won the suburban I honors with it« green ilae. j Mrs. Sh ; rey T s team included the fol-' j lowing workers: Lieutenants—Mrs. H. Z. Hosford. : Mrs. George B. Mrs. Frank i Gibson. Miss 1/lah Zug. Mrs. Charles . Gaff. Mrs. W. R. Hoaser. Mrs. G. W. Sweiger. Team Workers—Mrs. Lida R. Beck with. Mrs. C. A. Dunn. Miss M. K. | Tackson. Mrs. Paul Hooker, Mrs. Frank Cook, Mrs. I. W. Elmer, Miss Alice Nelson, Miss Jcnuie Payne. Mrs. J. A. Smyser. Mis« Beuiah Starry, Miss Jose- ■ j phlne Zug, Miss Eleauor May, Mrs. J.! i Li. Shafer. Mrs. E. J. Hoekenburv. Miss Perry, Miss Wilson, Mrs. Charles Enierick. Miss Carrie Orth. Mrs. May- j ! berry Scott. The furnishings of three rooms were also donated by Mss Tillie Zarker. William Block and Mr. and Mrs. Thom as W. Smallwood, of Paxtang. I While the Rainbow Campaign has! ! closed, to-day marks another important | event for the Y. W. C. A„ as the new ■ | cafeteria opened to-day from 11.30 to 1.30. Men were privileged for the first t:me to go to the cafeteria which is quite noted for its home cooking. Announce Birth of Daughter Mr. and M*-s. Myron Albright. Co , j rozal, Canal Zone. Panama, former Har j risburgers, announce the birth of a I daughter. Mildred May Albright, Sep temlier 27. "THE DISTRICT SCBOOL" j Entertainment to Be Given Under Au spices of the Aurora Society in Tech High School '"The District School at Blue Berry Corners" will be presented at the Tech-1 nival High school auditorium. Thursday an«t Fridav evenings, November 6 and 6, at 8.15 o'clock. The entertainment, which will b. 1 ; given under- the auspices of the Vurorn i Society for the benefit of Memor'.al Lutheran church, wilt be in throe scenes, full of comedy and laugh, interspersed with plenty of stoo.i music. Sambo j Honeysuckle will be present with his banjo and Si Perkins, Sr.. will give a slight of hand performance. The cast includes: School Committee —I'riah Perkins, Albert Krieg; .la ob Billakor, John Kehr: John Smith. Charles Burger. Applicants—M'ss Dashawny, Mary Greek; Miss Belinda Sharp, Kut:i| Steinbauer, \ii«s Gallic Simple. Edith Rexroth; He.'.ekiah I'eudegrass. Walter McCormick. Scholars (sirls. Sally Brown, Mary Greek: Samautha Piper, Edith Kexroth: j Jerusha Dickson, Ruth Steinhauer, Su-1 sail Crowfoot, Fannie Sneidman. Boys—Si Perkins, Jr., Henry French; ] I JU tiior Brown. Baker Hess; Bobby i 0 'ly;'' thither BTOWH. A' ' * four-year-old." MR. AND iULESS HOSTS Entertained ir. Honor of Their Little Daughters. Mildred and Helen, Saturday Evening Mr and Mrs. Russeli lies?. U>2s North s,xth street, gave a masquerade party Saturday nigh: in aonor of their two little daughter*. Mildred audi Helen. The gue*ts were met by a ghost. who escorted them through the, rooms, which were decorated in Hallow een style. The littli guests spent a : | jolly evening pla\ ing game? and at 8 , 1 o'clock luuchetn was served to the fol- I lowing: I Eliza Russe', black fairy; Ruth ! I'less, ghost: Harriet Wert/, gypsy; Mae Moore, Japanese; Margaret; Moore, crackajack; l.enora Snyder, | beautiful doll, Rachel Mae. He.i Rid ! iug liood: Anna Cless, pumpkin girl; 1 Sarah Miller. Mother Goose: Helen 1 C less, tulip: Mildred Cless, Halloween c:rl: Dorothy McCla" n. clown; Kather ine Cless. domino girt Mildred Snyder. : witch; Jennie Harsh, college boy. Miss VKKNA STONE HOSTESS Entertained Her Friends at a Hallow-1 ecn Party Friday Evening Miss Verua Stone entertained at a ' Halloween party a: iier home m Knola Friday evening. The gui'»;s im-Vuded: Misses Aniiii Kcsslcr, Carrie Kiingea ; smith, Verua S -;,iVer. Mae Bvrem. Keoka Caul. 1 puline Bertie, ilazel i Weaver, Elva Kline. Kathryn Arnold. Mary Toomy. V oh: Itedmond, Kathryn swart/.. Gladys SliTaima, HUairie Snyder, i Berniee Taylor. Verua Stone, Miriam | Taylor. Helen Kuajy, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kline; eter. Mrs. Alice Wagner. | Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Mtu'chemer. Mrs. Stone, Margaret Wag:: or, Ray Hoy. I Phili" Fordnay, Joe Rice. Raymond Gormlev, \V. J. M uiuina. Edward Hoy. , •'!.a-'.cs Gable, Herbert Stauffcv. K. s. Smith, Walter I. loson. i hailes Feeser. ■ Gerald be . an. Paul Mvors. Ed'.vard i Gladr'eiter, Jol.n Mastetter, K. J. Shel- j lenberger. ENTERTAINED S. S. ( LASS Guests of Mrs. J. Frank Suukle Spent Pleasant Afternoon Mrs. -J. Krank Runkle gave a Hallow- Leen party at her home, 1211 Green street. Saturday afternoon for the mem bers of her Sunday school class. The j rqoms were prettily decorated and the : guests spent a . l"asaat afternoon play ! ing games appropriate to the Hallow een seasou. Those present were: Anna Forty the. Dorothy Yost, tiladys ' Sierick, Penelope Blessing, Gladys Moore, Louist- Koons. George Cray, John Thomson. Bert Codwell. George Beak. Clarence Ebert. the Rev. Harry N. Bossier. Mrs. 11. C. Koons and Mrs. i d. F. Runkle. I PIMPLES ON FEET ITCHING SEVERE ■ Started With Scaling. Scratching Irritated. Had to Take Shoes Off. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Freed Her From Eruption. Sprinar Glen, Pa.—"My daughter's troubie started with s-allng and itching on her feet. It afterwards her-ame pimptei and if opened they discharged yellowish water. At certain times the itching was severe When she scratched it irritated the aiTeeted pans. Her feet were pretty near running sr>res. Sue wore be? shoes some times but they made tne itching so bad that she had to take them off. She underwent two treatments but got no relief Then F sect for some Cuti cura Soap and Ointment. She cashed fter feet well with the Soap and then applied the Ointment morning and evening. Cuti cura Soap and Ointment freed her from the eruption In a month." (Signed).D. L. Pof fenberger. Apr. 22, 1914. ECZEMA ON FACE AND HANDS P. O. Box 035. South River. N. J.—" r suffered with eczema, ft was all over my i face ana hands and I was ashamed to go out. It ifhed me M and burned so that I dfdr.'t j really know what to do with myself. When I scratched it it aii broke out with sores. 1 used the Cuticura Soap and Ointment Tor three months only and they cured me com ple'eiy." (Signed) Miss Caroline GiU. Mar. 31, 1914. Samples Free by Mall Although Cuticura Soap (isc.) and Cuti cur» Ointment • 50:0 are told throughout* th* worid. a sample of etch with 32-p. Skin Rook will be »eat free upon request. Ad- ! dre* poet-card Cuticura. Dept T. Boat on." I ! COLDS. HEADACHE, NOSE AND HEAD ALL STUFFED UP ! I "Pape's Cold Com-; pound" Ends a Cold or Grippe in a Few Hours Your cold will breuk and all grippe : misery end after taking a dose of I "Cape's Colli Compound" every two | 'HHIII> until three doses are taken. I It promptly . opens elogged-up tios-j trils aud lir Messages in the head, stops I nasty discharge or nose running, re !ie\cs sick headache, dullness, feverish iiess. sore throat, snee/.iug. soreness aud stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! yuit blowing i aud siuilfliug! Ease your throbbing i head —nothing else in the world gives . such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold | Compound." which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without as j sistance, tastes nice, and causes uo in convenience. Accept no substitute, j Adv. C. E. HALLOWEEN SOCIAL ; Members of Christ Luthoran Church Held Pleasant Affair—lnterest ing Program Rendered The members of the. En deavoi Society of Christ Lut'lieian ■.-hur. ii held a Halloween social in the social room of the ehureh Saturday evening. The following program was given, after which refreshments were served to the guests: Address. "Christian Endeavor and the Advance of the Work," by Super intendent Reimngcr; p'uno solit, Miss Eliza Bret . reading, Miss Mary Rhoads; \oeal solo, >1 iss Alice Rolli | son: address, the Rev. Thomas Reisch; reiuiiug. Mrs. E. L. Walmer; violin solo. Jay Smith; toasts, Mrs. Walmer i and James Gingrich. The giusts included Miss Esther , Noll. Miss Marguerite Miss Adella Kut-. Miss Grace Maclntyre, Miss Clara Zimmerman, Miss Eliza Bret*. Mi-.> N'.,e Benner. Miss Marga ret Wallace. M ss Elsie Maclntyre, Miss Marie Nell, Miss Gothn Crist, Miss Romaiue Nell. Miss Georgiana Parthe ! more. Miss Cliarlotte Ferguson, Miss Mary Rhoads. Miss Aura Kut/, Miss ' Alice Rollisoi., Miss Ruth Fitzgerald, Mis* Helen Lyme. Miss Katharyu Nioe iy. Mi- Sara Rife, Miss Esther IL'.r pell, Mi~s Josephine Shader, Miss Susan Khoad.-, Miss .ieleii Reel, Miss Vera \ one. Miss Mildred Reel, Miss Zora Lehman. Miss Ruth Beitman, t. iiarles Koser. (.Jcorge Bossennan, John i Bennett. J:i> Smith, Merle Secrist. ; Hen. y Sachs. Royal Becklev, Chester i Hticker, Charles Reininger, Paul I'nger, Raymond Wentidcr. John Hoke, Mrs. j William Lyme, Mrs. Zarker, Mrs.' Fackler. Mrs. I'arthemore. the Rev. and d;-. Reis. h, Mr. and Mrs. Uing- ; rich. Mr. "Mr. and Mrs. Mil-j lard Hess and Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Wal-! : mcr. j MISS mm HOSTESS j Entertained Members of C. E. Society : at a Halloween Social Friday Evening I A masquerade social was held Friday j evening at the home of Miss Frances I • Shertzer, 110 Conoy street, by the j I Christian Endeavor Society ot' the Trin ; itv Lutheran church. The liou?e was beautifully decorated j with wit .'hes and pumpkin faces, the I ; Colo; scheme of yellow and black being! carried out in ali the appointments. Games appropriate to the Halloween j season were features of the evening's , entertainment, and later a buffet lunch-j eon was servei to the following mem-! ; bers and guests: Misses Mariju sheesle;., Stella Rob erts. Pearl Myers, Leneta Gibbous. Mar-1 ceila Sheeslev, Irene Sheesley, Cora! Shertzer, Mary Haines, Francos Shert-! >.er. Elsie Keller, Genevieve Haines, j Verta Pryor, Mildred Moore. Margaret | Moore. Mrs. Lewis Roberts, Mrs. i [Charles Moore. Mrs. Milligaa, Mr. and j | Mrs. Shert. IT, Messrs. Charles Short, • Charles Roberts, the Kev. R. lj. Meisen-; helder, Frederick J. Milligan, John 1 Fagan, Francis Griffey, George Gill, I Clarence Roberts, Russeli Kaufman,' Ralph Roberts. George McCabe and Roy Keller. PARTY FOR RAYMOND .METZGER | Mrs. H. G. Metzger Entertained Little' Friends of Her Son Mrs. H. G. Metzger entertained at t her home. 2334 North Sixth street, Friday evening at a Ilailoween party in honor ot' her little son. Raymond. The rooms were prettily decorated and the guests spent a pleasant evening with j music and games. Refreshments were! served to the following guests: Lavinia Buckwalter, V'erna Wright, j ( Gladys Bashore. Mercedes Bash ore, Carolyn Hoffman, Claribel Nis-ley, Irene Miss ley, Mary Kreider, Kath erine Hoibert, Pearl Maiaby, Charles Smith. Warren Cless, John Kreider, Harrv Leonard, Ralph Foster, Frederic Kellar, Roy ijung. Franklin IJankes,! Claude Bowman and Raymond Metzger. i Mrs. Metzger was assistel by Mrs. Kreider, Mrs. Maiaby and Mrs. Ijeon j ard. Si R PRISE FOR MRS. CORYELL Given Birthday Party at Her Home Saturday Evening A birthday surprise party was given ! j Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. \ j Edna Coryell at her home. 311 Dau phin street. The rooms were prettily! decorated and the guests spent a pleas-1 : ant evening with games and contests i appropriate to thf season. Those present were Miss Beatrice Lynn, Miss Laura Stephens, Miss Fan ' uie Sellers, Miss Myrtle Shne, Misses Ruth and Elva Lvnn, Mrs. Jack Forten baugh, Mrs. Catherine Sutch, Mrs. 8. ! Beattv, Mr. and Mrs. A. Leiter, Mrs. I G. Blough, Mrs. L. Lynn, Mrs. Edna I Coryell, Frank Beatty, Harrv Coryell ' and Walter Stever. News of Persons Who Come and Go Miss Anna McDowell, of Warren, P*., is the guest of Mrs. Frank Cav ouy, 417 Hummel street, ami Mrs. iWvor, Twenty-first and Derry streets. Miss Emma R. Gastrock, of Carlisle, spent Sunday as the guest of her sis ter, Mrs, S A. Mulligan, 108 Oonov street. Mrs. Anna B. Atchlev, 211 Roily >tree>t, lias left for an extended trip through the West. Mr. und Mrs. John Welch, of Oil City, spent yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St oner, 1726 Ful ton street. Mr. and Mrs. C. HI. Smith. 1315 North Second street, were the week-end guests of their daughter, Airs. U Henry Farnbam, at York. Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Byler. 1511 North street, have been called to Coatesville by the death of the for mor's sister. Mr. and Mrs. .lolin Burchtield, 542 Forrest stieet, left to day lor a week 's visit to Liverpool. 'Mrs. J. \V. Mover, son, Donald, and daughter, Marian, 40S Orescent street, have returned from a visit to Shippens burg. Alfred Johnston, 3020 North Second street, is spending a week hunting at New tiermantown and vicinity. Mrs. George Morrison, of Chambers t»ur>g, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Manning, 1519 North Sixth street. Airs. Walter Page and two children, Isabel and Katherine, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moyer, 408 Crescent street. M'.ss Ethel Lutz, ot' Liverpool, is the guest ol Mrs. Charles E. Williams, 1501':, North Sixth streot. Mrs. Ami 10 Rodemaker. of New Bloomtield. spent last week a" the guest of Mrs. A. P. Seeger, 1110 Penn street. Miss Florence Bentzel and Miss Edith Bentzel, 925 North Second street, spent the week-end at Newport. Miss Nora Bennett. 2313 Jefferson street, spent the week-end at Helena cottage, at the Cove. Charles L. Yoder, who is attending the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, is spending a few days at the liome of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. E. Yoder, 116 Herr street. Miss Eleanor Leonard, of Columbia University, New York, is the guest o? her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leon ard, 1729 North Sixth street. Miss Anna E. Bacon, 216 North street, has returned from a two months' visit to Newport News, Nor folk and other points in Virginia. John Croll Herman, a student at Vale, spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Herman. Front and Maclav streets. Miss Edna M. Sprenkel. 40M North 'Second street, has returned from a week-end visit to York. Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Maguire, 0 South Front street, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rutherford, of Steolton. mo tored to Annapolis, Md.. for the week end. Mr and Mrs. Henderson Gilbert and their family have returned from their summer home in Cumberland county and have opened their house in town at Second and Harris streets. Miss Marian Clifford Angell. of the Etter apartments, speut the week-end in Reading, where she opened her dan cing class for the season on Saturday. Mrs. James Irwin Steel is in Lan caster attending the convention of the Mothers' Congress. Miss Gertrude Berry, 242 Hamilton street, has returned home from Leba non where she attended the wedding of Miss Lillian Dorothea Johnson and El liot Valentine. David Hammond, of I«ebanon. spent yesterday with friends in this city. Airs. George Giede. 1612 Green street, and Mrs. Frank Myers, Poller street, have returned from Lebanon after attending the Johnson-Valentine wedding. Miss Sara Weitzel, 1311 Berryhill street, is tile guest of Mrs. Fred lsen berg, in Huntingdon, this week. D. L Krister, 316 Crescent street, is spending a few lays in Baltimore. Miss Susan Prowell, of Steelton, is the guest of her sister in Millersburg. Aliss Mary Baturin and Miss Sara Baturin, 639 Boas street, have gone to New York and Long Island. Airs. H. Knouse, of Shepherustown, is the guest of her daughter, Miss Dollie Knouse. at the Donaldson. Paul Richards, of State College, spent the week-end with his parents, 1333 Derry street. Mr. and Mrs. John Hare, of Liver pool; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sechrist and family, Mr. and Airs. Clarence Gut shall and E. J. Sechrist. of Camp Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fleisher, of Dun cannon; Mr. and Airs. George Zeigler, Miss Susan Sechrist. ot' Marysville; COSTIVE BOWELS, HEADACHE. COLDS. TAKE CASCARETS No Headache, Sour Stomach, Bad Cold or Constipation by Morning Get a 10-cent box now. Furred Touguc, Bud Colds. Indiges tion, tiallow Skiu and Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stom ach to become filled with undigested food, which soijrs and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery—indigestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, menUl fears, everything that is hor rible and nauseating. A Casearet to night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep—a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feeling good for months. Millions of men and women take a Casearet now and then to keep ihoir stomach, liver and bowels regu lated, and never know a miserable mo ment. Don't forget the children—their little insides ueed a good, gentle cleaus ing, too. Adv. /W Ha ppy ! Try this new PEPPY Peppermint chewing gum. Roll it around your teeth and tongue. It makes your every little taster tingle with joy! Peppermint is good for everybody and the DOUBLE strength flavor of AVRIGLEYSv y.i.m'tU'iL'fr. CHEWING GUM V makes it DOUBLY good, and 10-ng lasting. It's SEALED in a DOUBLE wrapped package always fresh, full - flavored and clean. With each 5c package you ySlljijlJJ get a United Profit-Sharing Coupon—good toward many attractive presents. Please your palate and your pocket book —please the whole family with these delightful and economical con fections, and the premium coupons! United Coupons now also come witthe Prank Lopperd, Miss Jennie Hoover, of Hoover's Tsland; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sutton, of Mechanicsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Yoder, of Philadelphia, were in this city Saturday to attend I the funeral of Mrs. George Sechrist. I Mrs. D. Garonzik. 1105 North Third street, is the guest of relatives in Bal- j timore. Paul Deck, "134S Vernon street, is I spending a few days with his parents! in Palmyra. I Miss Carrie Swavcly, 14 21 Marketl street, has returned home after attend ' ing a house party at Hamburg. Mrs. C'harlee West, of Huntingdon, is spending several days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brady Cavenv, 338 South Seventeenth street. Mrs. Margaret Hartman, of Union Deposit, and Mrs. H. A. Hartman, of Philadelphia, who have been th 0 guests of Mrs. Rush Newcomer. 1721 Walnut! street, are going to Philadelphia, where j the former will spend the winter with her son. Miss Ruth Deavor, of Sunbury, is the guest of her parents the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Deavor, Twentv-lirst and Der rv streets. Mr. and Mrs. Hammacker, 1713 Wal nut street, are guests of the former's parents in Millersburg. Byron Glass and George Rouseh, of j Sunbury. are guests of the Misses] (Mass. 4 0 North Seventeenth street. STRAW RIDE TO DAUPHIN Members of H. B. S. Club Enjoyed So- ; cial Evening Members of the H. B. S. Club left Second and Hamilton streets at 8.30 o'clock Saturday evening for a straw) ride to Dauphin, t'pon their arrival j there they were entertained at the | Daupliiu Inn. Late in the evening an j oyster supper was served. The party included Ruth Rapp, | Edvthe Klinepeter, Alva Boyles, Myr- I dessa Brown, Katharvn Smith, Heien j Kellar. Lora Bentz, Esther Boyles, j Katharvn Horner, Ruth Hammacher. Bess Hammacher, Sanford Reed, Harry Ingram, Robert Boyles, George Bawm, | Honbert Brenn, Benjamin Kline, Stan- I ley Stoneseifer, Fred Lcisman, Charles Pitting and Howard Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Miller chaperoned the 1 young people. MISS BATURIN ENTERTAINS Will Leave To-night for a Two Months' Stay in New York Miss Sara Baturin entertained at her ] home, 039 Boas streeit, Saturday even I ing prior to leaving for a two mouths' stay in New York Oitv. The guests included 'Misses Tillie ] Baseh, Emma Rainer, Kathoriue Cohen,' GoUlie Katzman, Mary Cooper, Lena | !'*inklestein, Anna Garonxik. Rebecca ; | Shulnian, Mary Baturin. Pauline Bren- . ner, 'Lillian Marks, of New York; Anna felhulman, Sara \orr, of Carlisle; Rose Cohen, Helen Baturin, Sara Baturin, Cecelia Shulmau, N. (Baturin. Mrs. L. Baturin and 'Mr. and Mrs. M. Baturin. HALLOWEEN PARTY GIVEN 1 Mr. and Mrs. Foutz Entertain Members of Their Sunday School Classes Mr. and Mrs. Martin Luther Foutz' entertained the members of their Sun-; day school classes at their home, 528 j South Sixteenth street, Saturday even-j ing. The guests, all in costume, spent a merry evening with the games and tests. Those present included Misses Helen Regar. Mrs. J. R. Black, Miss j Mary Mentzer, Miss Grace Fillmore, Maurice Fillmore, J. R. Black, Ruth] Kammerer, l>>vi Fillmore, Harvey W.! Lyter and Mr. and Mrs. Martin L.I Pouts. 3 MISS I'ALMKR HOSTESS Entertained at a Halloween Party at Her Home Miss Amelia Palmer entertained at her home. 4 1 .8 Porgter street, Saturday evening. The rooms were prettily des orateil and tJbo guests spent, a pleasant evening with music and present were: Misses Nelle Brown, Mary Bentlev, Klva ljougenecker. Delia Longonecker, Itiith Palmer, Amelia Palmer, Irene Gil bert, Jennie Tomlin.-ou. Messrs, Morris K. Smilv, Gordon llenthcote. John Liu ,ltle. Lew Longeuecker, Karl Pox, Guy Snyder, C. 11. M: 1 l.auig, ol' New York; Mr. ami Mrs. Palmer. MISS BLACK ENTERTAINS Guests Enjoyed Halloween Games and Contests Miss Helen Black entertained a num ber of friends at her home, 1616 Green street, Saturday evening at a Halloween social. The guests included Misses Mary So ber, Margaret Pager, Helen Black. Es--' ther Wise, Esther Wcitzel, Kathryn Page, Messrs, Charles Springer, Robert • Ross, Roy Keck, Ralph Page, Charles Nieth, Cosner Stull and Harry Piuno t'roek. Ames-Yost Wedding Marietta, Nov. 2. Miss Ella Maria Vost was married yesterday to Luther J. Ames, of New Holland, by the Rev. William Amther, of the M. E. church, North Wales. The attendants were Misses Bertha and Plorenee Ames, Charles Yost and William Keru. They left on a tour immediately after the reception and will reside at I hurcii town, after their return. Current Events at Y. W. C. A. The Current Events talks given by i Mrs. Jones at the Y. W. C. A. will com I mence to morrow at 4.110, and it is [ hoped that there will lie a large at tendance. Every member of the Y. W. C. A. can attend without paying an ad [ ditional fee. $s!oo TO HEW YORK AND RETURN Sunday, Nov. 8 SPKCIAI, 10.\ClnMO\ rnvin 1 from L.V.A.M. .5 ! HARRI9BURG 3.35 llummelstown 3.50 ' Swatara j.jj , j Hershey a.r, 7 ] Palmyra 4.01 Alinvtllc 4 J;; LEBANON 4.1 M I Avon 4.28 I Myerstown 4,37 1 1 Richland. 4.13 i Sheridan <,47 Womelsdorf 4.53 ! Robeson ia, 4 New York, Arrive y':;o RETURNING—I.oave New York, from foot West 23d St.. 6.r.U P M foot Liberty St.. 7.00 P. M.. name 1 date for above stations. ! Tickets *ood going and returning I only Oil above Special Train, date of | excursion. Children between 5 and l; years agt, half fait-.