THE WEATHER FAIR TO-MOHT AND TO-MORROW Detailed Report. Pace • a ?\VtT d VOL.. 76—NO. 129. TURKISH WARSHIPS AND RUSSIAN SHORE BATTERIES IN BIG FIGHT AT SEBASTOPOL Former Withdrawn mean Coast Railroad and Docks Theo dosia Also S When Cruiser of Turkey Enough to Throw Into City— Bri nited and Scuttled Bombardment of Nooorossysk Great Britain ish Ambassador His Pass ports—Both A mans Make Gai Franee Battle By Associated Press. Petrograd, Nov. 1, via London. Nov. 2, 2.45 A. M.—The newspapers report that the cruisers Goeben and Breslau and four Turkish torpedo boats bombarded the shore near Sebastopol yesterday, shelling the railroad and docks. The Russian shore batteries replied. The war ships disap peared along the Cr*" n shore to the eastward after in flicting trivial damages. on the Crimean coast, 100 miles northeast of Sabastopol, also suffered a bombardment on Saturday when a Turkish cruiser sailed close enough to throw thirty shells into the city. News has been received at the foreign office that the Russian ambassador has left Constantinople but the Turk ish minister here has not received his passports or instruc tions from Constantinople. Loudon, Nov. 2, 4.4-5 A. M.—A dispatch to the "Times" from Petrograd dated Sunday says that a British vessel, the Frederick, was ignited and scuttled during the bom bardment of Novorossysk. The Turks also wantonly bombarded Anapa, a Russian seaport of the Black Sea, at the western extremity of the Caucasus range. London, Nov. 2.12.24 P. M.—The Turkish Ambassador to Great Britain, Tewfik Pasha, was handed his passports tc-oay. THE BATTLE IN NORTH FRANCE Paris, Nov. 2,2.48 P. M.—The French official announce ment given out in Paris this afternoon says that yesterday the German attack on the French left wing, particularly betv-een Dixmude and the Lys, continued with great vio lence. In spite of the counter attacks of the enemy in this region the French made slight progress. The text of the communication follows: < 'On our left wing the German offensive continued wjith the same violence in Belgium and in the north of Firance, particularly between Dixmude and the Lys. In .this region in spite of attacks and counter attacks on the v)a|rt of the Germans, we made slight progress on almost thje entire front, excepting at the village of Messines, a pa|rt of which was again lost by the allied troops. | 'The enemy undertook an important movement against Continue*! on Mnth Pajce. AI SYRIANS CROSS SAVE \\l> DWIXA, IN >IMTF OF SERVIANS Loiu'on, Nov. 2. 2.05 A. M.— A dis- Renter's Telegram Company from gives the following of tir- a! Austrian Uispatch received there from Vienna: \ "The AUstrians Vn Saturday suc cessfully attacked a \ strong fortified Servian position neaY Rovrye. Our troop- crossed the Savl- and Drina riv ers, which were obstinately defended by Servians, and occupied Ornabaro, Banovopolje, Rademkone, Gluosi and Tabanovio." ( German Cut Off From) Mam Anny Ijondon. Nov. 2, 3.321 A. M.—The correspondent of the Times" in Northern France telegraphs under date of Saturday that reports has reached him that as the result ofl the blowing up of a railway bridge bn a Belgian cyclist corps a very large (Jerman force was cut off from the main army and to the number of many thousands, have surrendered. Peace Prize to the Netherlands The Hague, Netherlands, Nov. 2, via London 10.55 A. M.—The ''Slamlels- Blad" of Amsterdam has published a report from Christiana spying that the managers of the Vo'bel Imrtitute have decided to give this year's peace prize, whicfh amounts to about SIO,OOO, to the Netherlands government, to be applied toward the support of "Belgian refugees in Holland. / \ . ; • . / ' *,W; «ie Star- 2nkpcnkivt SURVIVORS OF FRENCH VESSEL SINK BY EM DEN ARE IN PORT London, Nov. 2, 6.45 A. M. A dis patch to Renter's Telegram Company from Batavia, Java, states that an of ficer. ten petty officers, 23 marines and 13 wounded survivors of the French destroyer Mosquet, which was sunk in the harbor of Penang by the German cruiser Rmdcu, have arrived at Sabang, on the Island of Wai, in the steamer Newborn. The officer of the Mosquet, who was also wounded, died soon after his ar rival in the hospital at Sabang. 'Ambassadors Leaving Turkey Bordeaux, France, Nov. 2. Via Par is, 2.51 P. M.—The Russian Ambassa dor, it was announced here to-day, was the first of the diplomatic representa tive- to leave Constantinople. He was followed by the French and British Ambassadors. The Turkish Ambassa dors in London and Petrograd have been banded their passports and it is believed that the Turkish Ambassador been handed their passports and it is day. Germans Destroy British Steamship Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 2. —A private cable to a local firm received to-day from Para, Brazil, reports the destruc tion of the British steamship Vandyke by a German cruiser. The passengers were put ashore. The Vandyke plied be tween Buenos Aires and New York. lIARRfSBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2, PAGES. BOTH CLflllfl THE COUNTY Republicans Say Brumbaugh Will Have Majority—Democrats Claim 8,500 for McCormick The Republican, Democratic and Washington party lea.lers in Dauphin county nuit Harrisburg have been fig uring on the probable figures for to morrow, ami this afternoon made their final announcements. Republican County Chairman Horner said this afternoon that he had figured it out that Brumbaugh will carry Dau phin county by 2,300 majority and that the vote will bp close in Harrisburg. '"We have gone over the county very carefully," said Chairman Horner, "and have every reason to believe that Brumbaugh will carry the county by 2,- 500, and that he will run ahead of Mc- Cormick in Harrisburg." At the headquarters of the Palmer- MeCortnick league, whore County Chairman Uoeslein and City Chairman Jones hold the fort, figures were given estimating that McCormick will have 12.000 votes in Dauphin county and Brumbaugh. 8,500. That is, McCor mick will have at least 3,500 majority in the whole county of which 2.200 will be in the city. "We have been all over the entire county in making up our estimates," it was stated, "and we have no reason to fear that McCormick will not carry the county by 3,500." Republican meetings will be held to night in Williamstown, Millersburg and Steelton. The Washington party city commit tee wHI hold a meeting to-night at headquarters to transact important business and all members have been urged to be present. POLLS TO OPEHT 7 A. M. Last of Ballots Distributed and All Is Ready Here for the Election To-morrow The polling places will open tomor row at 7 o'clock anO will remain open for twelve hours, The last of the ballots were dis tributed to-day. One vacancy in an election tooaru was filled by the court this morning. John Husic was named jiutge of election for the Tiiird pre cinct, Third ward, Steelton, to succeed tieorge Morrett, who removed from the district. The saloons will be closed nil day. |as required by law. It is a holi ! day and the State, city anil county offi ces, the banks and some other places of business will not be open. Dauphin county voters will have a variety of tickets to confront them j on the ballot when they enter the poll- I ing places. The ballot this year is fully I as large as that of last year—it does j not seem to grow any smaller, retaining j its blanket size because of the addi | tional names placed ou the ballot by | candidates filing nomination papers aft ' er the primary elections There are ten partisan tickets in the field. These are the Democratic, Wash ington, •Republican, Socialist, Bull I Moose, Roosevelt Progressive, Prohibi tion, Keystone, Industrialist and fer | sonal Liberty. Harrisburgers will vote for United j States Senator. Governor, Lieutenant ; Governor and Secretary of Internal Af fairs; four Congressmen-at-Large, one j judge of the supreme court; one judge of the superior court; one district Con gressman and two members of As sembly. CLEAR FOR ELECTION DAY Normal Autumn Weather Is Officially Predicted For To-morrow To-morrow, election day, will see normal autumn weather in this city and vicinity, according to officials of the local office of the weather bureau. There is a possibility of the temperature be ing a degree or two above the average but there is not a chance of rain in the opinion of the weather man. Temperatures which have been far above the average for the last twenty four hours will go back to normal this evening. A storm that threatened rain has been divided into two parts, one going off the coast through the St. Law rence Valley the otner part being held back by a high pressure which will retard it for two or three days at least. Light rains throughout eastern Pennsylvania as a result of the St. Lawrence storm made many believe yesterday that election day would be a rainy one here, but the unusual strength of the high pressure area will pre vent this. 4 SEIZED AFTER WEDDING Fight During Celebration Results in Two Men Being Cut (Special to the Star-Independent.) , Williamstown, Pa.. Nov. 2.—Pour! foreigners were lodged in the lockup' here last evening following a free-for- 1 all tight among the Austrian-! and Slavs near the collieries. The foreigners will this evening be taken before Squire! Conrad on a charge of creating a nui-! sauce. The men were attendants at a wed-; ding celebration where there was a live ly fight. Andy Olexo was cut on the palm of the hand during the fray and Sigmund Rayho suffered a cut on the side. Neither was seriously injured. ■TINTS 111 NEW HAVER CASE Grand Jury Charges Directors With Con spiracy in Violation of Anti-Trust Law BAIL IS FIXED AT $5,000 FOR EACH William Rockefeller, Theodore N. Vail, George F. Baker and Many Other Prominent Financiers Are Marked For Arrest in Proceedings - ft/i Associated Press, New Xov. 2.—Criminal indict ments were returned to-day by the U. S. tiraml Jury against twenty-one di rectors and former directors of the New \ork, New Haven and Hartford hailroad Company, including William Rockefeller; Theodore N, Vail, George F . Baker, William Skinner, Charles F. Brooker and John L. Billard. The indictments charge conspiracy ; in violation ot' the Sherman anti-trust ; law to monopolize commerce. Under Section 11, of, the law, under which they were returned, the maximum pen alty upon conviction is one year iinpris ; onment and $5,000 tine. Search warrants were issued for the i twenty-one men named in the indict ments upon request of the District At , torney. Several, it was uuderstoood, were to be brought into court to an swer the indictments this afternooon. Complete List of the Indicted The complete list ( of those indicted | is as follows: William Rockefeller, George Mac- Culloch Miller, Charles F. Brooker, Wil liam Skinner, D. Newton Barney, Rob ert W. Taft, James S. Klton, James S. Hemingway, Lewis Cass Ledyard, Charles M. Pratt, A. lleaton Robert j son, Frederick F. Brewster, Henry K. McHarg, Edward D. Robbing, former I general counsel of tiie road; Alexander I Cochrane, John L. Billard, George F. | Baker, Thomas DeWitt Cuvler, Theo dore N. Vail, Edward Milligan and Francis P. Maxwell. The amount of bail was fixed at $5,- j 000 each by Federal Judge Foster. Of. the twenty-one men indicted, only live are now the New Haven direc torate. They are T. DeWitt Cuvler, Continue)! on Mnth rait*. Warmest November Day in 2tt Years High temperature records for twen ty-six years for November were smashed here yesterday, when the mer i.curv touched the 78-degree mark. It was higher by three degrees than any | previous high temperature mark record ed in the history of the local office of the Weather Bureau. Steamship Head Dies in London By Assot iulctl Prrsit, London. Nov. 2.—The death in Lon don of Alfred Booth, head of the Booth Line of steamships, was announced to- FIBEI IS SENT TO PEIMffl i Three to Twelve Years for Youth Who Burn ed the Young Barn in Middletown HE CONFESSED TO HIS GUILT Ward Sheetz Admitted Also That He Twice Tried to Burn the Adjoining Dwelling That His Parents Oc-! cupied I On a charge of arson brought by i State Fire Marshall Baldwin in connec tion with the burning on October o, last, of the big bank barn on the Young farm. West Main street, Middletown, Ward Sheetz, 21 years old, of Middle town, was this morning' sentenced by ! Judge McCarrell to a penitentiary.term 1 of not less than three years and not more than twelve. He also got the miuiinum fine of $5 and was ordered to pay the costs. Sheetz besides confessing to firing the barn told the court lie niade an un successful attempt to destroy, by fire, the dwelling adjoining, which was oc cupied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Sheetz. That occurred at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the dav following the barn burning. Sheetz said he also was caught in the act of applying a match to a pile of leaves and paper, which he had piled in a room on the second floor of the house loatlaurd oa secrad Pace. SIGH CATLING. CONS OPEN FIRE Evangelist Asserts He Is Against Any Can didate for Office Sa loons Are For DOES NOT TALK PARTY POLITICS Crowds Outside Tabernacle at Night Prevent Opening of Doors During Meeting—Bishop Darlington Cor dially Oreets Dr. Stough "There never was a time when the issue iu a political campaign in this ! State was drawn more clearly than to jday," said the Rev. Dr. Henry W. • Stough in opening his six weeks' evan- I gelistic campaign at the tabernacle at j North and Oowdon streets yesterday. | "It is not a question of party or plat , form. The one question in Pennsylva j nia to day is booze versus anti-booze." "I am against any candidate for of j tice the saloons are for. If this be par tisan polities, if this bo treason, make , fho most of it." At the opening service at 10.30 | o'clock in the morning the tabernaide was less than one-tthird full, the total attendance estimated at four thousand. The evangelist gave his sermon on "The Trial of the Gods," an ordinary dis ' course which afforded him little oppor tunity to display his wonderful person ality. His most striking passages were: "All the vices in this city are not | the causes of the city's condition to | day. They are not causes, they are re j suits. We must go back to tihe actual ; causes. The trouble with this city is, Harrisburg has forgotten God. God has been eliminated too much from politics, from the business world, from society life, from educational institutions, from homes, yes, from hearts of the people." "Thev tell preachers to mind their own business when they meortors and correspondents in this and nearby counties. A special Western Union wire will be run into the building to augment the service of the Associated Press, whose operator also wilj be in the building. liocal returns will bo given along with those from the State and other States as fast as fhe votes are counted and modern newspaper methods can transmit them. Street traffic on Third street is re ducetj to 11 minimum at the hour when the returns will be of the greatest value and the crowd will not be disturbed by passing vehicles while" watching the screen. During the early evening, if the returns come in slowly, motion pic tures will he thrown on the screen to entertain tho crowd. The lantern will be operated from a platform built at the southern end of the Star-Independent. The return will be displayed with out regard to partisan considerations, and no news favorable or unfavorable to any party or candidate will be held back. A service of ten trunk telephone lines has been arranged for by the Star-In dependent. LATE CARS ELECTION NIGHT Trolley Company Announces Special Schedule on Many Lines The Harrisbarg Railways Company announced this morning that there will be special trollev service for Tuesday, election night, for persons who will be in the central part of the city to re ceive the returns. Cars will run every half hour on North Second, Fourth anil Sixth streets and on the Reservoir Park and Hill lines from 12 midnight until 2 a. m , time of lust car. The suburban schedule will he: Steelton oars will run every half hour between t2 midnight and 1.30 a. ul timo of last car; last car for Middle town will leave at 1 a. m.; last car for Oberlin, 11.40 p. m.; last car for Kock ville, 12 midnight, and last car for Linglestown, 11.40 p. m. Cars will run to Penbrook every 20 minutes until 12 midnight, time of last car' last car for Paxtang at 1 a. m. M'CORMicK ON STUMP TO-DAY Candidate Continues Speech-making to the Very Close of the Campaign The "final windup" of the Demo cratic campaign, so far as the Demo cratic, candidates are concerned, is taking place in Northampton county to-day. Vance C. -McCormick, candidate for Governor, left Harrisburg this morning for Portland, where he joined Congress man Palmer to hold the first meeting, Bangor, Pen Argyl} Wind Gap, Naza ret, Bath, Northampton and Gaston were on the schedule of places where meetings would be held. Mr. McCormick will return to Har risburg after the Gaston meeting to night and will vote here to-morrow morning. To-morrow night he will re ceive the returns of the election at his private office in the "Patriot" build ing, where his friends will gather. KUNKEL MUM ON OUTLOOK Men Backing His Candidacy, However, Predict His Election Members of the committee which is furthering Judge Kunkel's non-partisan candidacy for the State Supreme Court bench this morning declared they are confident the iocal jurist will be elected. The more active leaders, however, de clined to predict the size of his major ity. One of them said: "We think it unwise to make a statement :n figures on the eve of elec tion. It would be contrary to the plan we adopted prior to the primaries, when we decided to make no prediction of likely results. We now feel that wo need every vot-» we can get." Judgo Kuit ke I only smiled when asked his opinion of the probabje out come of the election. The Judge will stay up tu get the returns and likely be ait the Kunkel campaign headquar ters to-morrovv night. (( =% HOW TO VOTE FOR KUNKEL To vote a full ticket at least three cross marks will be neces sary. One cross mark in the Party Square. One cross mark for Judge of the Supreme Court. One cross mark for Judge of the Superior Court. There are two candidates for Judge of the Supreme Court. The names appear at the top of the second column of the official ballot. . You can vote for only one. A cross mark in a Party Square is a vote for Party candidates only and is not a vote for Judge. In addition you must make a cross mark after the name of the Judge for whom you desire to vote. Vote for Judge Kunkel and mark your ballot this way: GEORGE KUNKEL j X I I I 1 Jj POSTSCRIPT PRICE, ONE CENT. BOTH CLAIM BATTLE FOR GOVERNOR Brumbaugh Says 250,- 000 Majority—H. B. McCormick Picks Brother by 20,000 CROW GIVES TO PENROSE 195.000 Says the Senator Will Beat Palmer by That Margin—Blakslee Predicts Penrose Will Go Down by at Least 40,000—McCormick Out of City Dr. Martin 0. Brumbaugh, Republi can candidate for Governor, to-day is claiming that he will win by 250,000 votes over Vnnce McCormick, of this city, his Democratic and Washington party rival. Mr. McCormick was absent from tho city, making a final campaign tour in Northampton county to-day, and will not return to the city until late to night, so no direct statement was ob tainabie here from him. Mr. McCor mick 's brother, Henry B. McCormiifk, chairman ot the Fourth Pennsylvania subdivision of the State Committee, was asked for liis estimate of the re sult of the election. "Well," said Mr. McCormick, "[ might as well give my guess along with tin' fillers. I believe that Vance will have at least -0,000 majority in the State, and that he will carry Dauphin county and Harrisburg." "How about Mr. Palmer!" "Mr. Palmer will run clone to VancQg as near as I can figure it out, but think Vance will have vote~ than Palmer." / Dr. Brumbaugh made hw claim in hi* closing speech of the campaign in West Chester on Saturday night. He predicted his election in the following language: "1 will be eiected Governor by a ma jority of nit less than 250,000. L sav this advisedly and not boastfully. f say it a', the -onclusion of my tour of the State, during which I have visited practically every county and have seen the situation with my own eyes." Crow Looks for Penrose Victory Republican State Chairman William K. Crow predicts that Senator Penrose will have a majority of 195,000 over Congressman A. Mitchell Palmer, with I'inchot running a poor third, and that L>r. Brumbaugh, candidate for Govern or, will win by from 185,000 to 220,- 000 against the combined Democratic, and Washington organizations. Among Senator Crow s claims are the following. Senator Penrose will carry 44 of the 67 counties in the State. Dr. Brum baugh will carry at least 39 counties. All of the other Republ icau candidates will win without difficulty. The Re publicans wilt get 2 7 Congressmen, the Democrats 6 and the Washington party 1. Twenty >f the 27 State Senators will be Republican. The Republicans ■will gain a strong working majority iu the House of Representatives. On Saturday night, after the big Democratic meeting in this city, State Chairman Morris, .lames I. Blakslee* Fourth Assistant Postmaster General; Congressman Palmer and Mr. McCor mick held a conference in state head quarters at the close of which the fol lowing statement was given out by Mr. Blakslee: Blakslee's Forecast "Under any method of computation Penrose will be defeated. It may bo by a margin of thirty to forty thousand votes, or, as is more likely, by a land slide that is apparently sweeping the State, which would place his vote only a trifle above Taft's 1912 count. Pen rose is absolutely running beyond Ins own or anybody's expectations if he gets 387,000 votes at the outside lim it. Palmer will roll up a splendid re turn of 425,000. Pinchot wid get what is left either way, whether in tabulated computation or in landslide possibili ties. 425,000 Palmer votes and 387,000 Penrose votes aggregate 812,000 out ( untluurcl on Sixth I'atr.