The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 31, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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If you investigate and compare motor
car values—you will buy a Paige
Practically every manufacturer claims camshaft, generator, magneto and Ij
that his product is "best". pump. All of these features are the s
But we don't stop with mere "claims." best principles that have been |
We are prepared to »howthe points of ' , e .. op iri . ent ' re of auto- |
I Paige superiority—and name the ex- ! ' en ? meenng ; an the Paiße *1
f tra values. We challenge the manu- " «»® only popular priced car |
facturer of any other car in the Paige w, " c n offer* all of them as stand- g
f price class to meet us on this emi- equipment.
I nently fair basis of proof rather than S o, keep these points in mind when f
c aims ' you are considering the purchase of |
You will find no other car in the mod- a moderate priced motor car. Insist |
erate price field which is equipped n manufacturer pfoving his |
with the large unit Gray & Davis "claims." And let us repeat—if you !
' electrical starting and lighting sys- investigate and compare motor car |
E tem with separate generator and values —you will buy a Paige.
: starting motor. This is admittedly ~ ,
j the most efficient and most expen- lf you woul , d know more about the
1 sive system that a manufacturer can company behind this great car—if
adopt. y° u would learn the fundamental
reasons for Paige supremacy
; Then, consider the cork insert multiple let us send you a most interesting
disc clutch, Mayo radiator, Bosch booklet, "The Story of the Ten
magneto and silent chain drive of Associates."
The Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company, Detroit, Mich.
GEORGE R. BENTLEY. Proprietor |
Rear 1417-19-21 North Front Street ell Phone :;T;:IR J
Tremendous Output Accomplished
Through the Co-operation of the
Motor Company's Dealers
The Maxwell Motor Company, of De
troit, realizes that the tremendous sale
of the 1915 model has been aecom-|
plished through the co-operation of its
In the past, the Maxwell Company!
has divided tile I'nited States into foyr
districts with one supervisor and sev-1
eral salesmen in each district. This
plan of division has now been changed
and instead of four districts as before,
there are now six zones, each having
its own supervisor and one publicity [
supervisor. The zone supervisors are j
the direct medium between factory anil
dealer, while under the supervisor are>
the district salesmen, acting as his lieu
tenants. Each publicity supervisor co
operates with the dealers in his terri!
Tory, in advertising and newspaper I
work. The salesmen act as direct repre
sentatives to the dealer and it it their
frequent visits to the dealer" which j
keeps him in close contact with the fac-j
tory and main office in Detroit.
Th< Maxwell I'otnpanv has chosen
' I
i \
I The "Chestirfield" Light Six |
Arrives To-day g
1 i
| Bentz-Landis Auto Co. j
' - ----- L-l—lLI-1 I Jl_i H « M _l _ in fW.
C. A. Fair Carriage and Auto Works
Manufacturers of Auto Tops, Bodies and Seat Covers
Auto Painting, Rubber Tiring, etc.
We Manufacture and Repair Auto Springs
i the one supervisors with much care,
! consequently, they are capable, up-to
the-minute men, and well known in the
I automobile world.
All Mounted Coppers Should Have
Them, Says Superintendent
Mayor Richard Sylvester, superin
tendent of police of Washington, D. C„
has reommended that all mounted po
; I icemen be supplied with motorcycles.
"The motorcycle has become the
! most effective means of accomplishing
not only hurried calls for police serv
. ice." says Major Sylvester, '"but it iias
! been found to be the greatest pre
ventive against violations of law by
! those operating motor vehicles, espe
cially in the suburban actions. where
, many unimproved roads prevent the
i use of bicycles. The application of the
inotorcvvle has gone to improve gen
• eral conditions in the force without an
! increase in the number of men em
ployed, and T believe the members of
j t.lie force assigned to mounted duty
should be given motorcycles instead of
| horses.''
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
| daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2
! o'clock p. in. for dispensing medical
advice and prescription to those un
able to pay for them.
Four hundred an,l sc\en miles in
thirteen hours is t'he time made by M.
D. Cooper, of Cleveland. Ohio, on a re
cent motorcycle trip to VVellsboro, Pa.
I With a membership of twenty four. \
a new motorcycle I'tlub has been form ]
ed at Charleston, S. C.
Twenty-eight new motorcycles have
been ordered for the police department 1
of Los Angeles, Oal.
Eight motorcycles have been placed
in service in the collection department
of the Milwaukee (Wis. posuiftice.
One of the long-distance riders who
attended the re.'ent Motorcycle show at
. Chii.-ago was Mr. Recket, of New Or
leans, La., who rode his motorcycle to
the Windy City.
Officials of Balboa canal zone have
ordered three motorcycles from the
United States, to be used in the police
and fire departments.
Frank .1. Pet-rick, a rural mail car
rier of Utifa, 8. Dak., says he covers
about 12,000 miles a year on 'his motor
The health department of Rockford,
! 111., is enthusiastic over the efficiency
I of the motorcycle used bv its inspector
j and is contemplating buying another
j machine for dairy inspection work.
In four months the number of motor
cycles registered in Connecticut was
increased from 1,873 to 3,232.
104),(K)O Automobiles in lowa
lowa now has well over 100,000 au
tomobiles. This is an increase of about
30,000 over last year and there is ev
ery indication that the increase will 'be
| even greater in 1915. lowa owns an
• automobile for each twenty-two inlhab
i itant*.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder Are Here
on a Visit
I Special Correspondence.
Berfysburg, Oct. 3f. —Mrs. Walter
! Scwartz and children, of Illinois, are
I visiting Mrs. Scwartz's parents, Mr.
! and Mrs. Charles Lebo.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder, of Har
j risburg, visited his mother, Mrs. Sam
uel Snyder, on Tuesday,
j Mrs. Duenger is visiting her daugh
: ter, Mrs. Paul Lyter, of Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Scwartz and son, Al
bert, of Millerstown, was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ijebo for a few
j days.
Mrs. A. Kichelberger and daughter,
! Helen, of Bedford county, visited Mrs.
j Lena Hoover for a few days.
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the Lutheran and Reformed churches
held a Halloween social in the band
hall Thursday evening.
Cruiser Guards Neutrality
San Francisco, Oct. 31.—The L'nit
j ed States cruiser Cleveland arrived here
i .yesterday from Mexican waters. It has
j taken station in the harbor to aid in
1 enforcing the neutrality of this port.
; ■i ' M J
The above photograph nhnwe the Redan and Cabriolet, models brought out for
191S by tlie Chandler Motor G»r < o.
With winter fast approaching, the
bip motor car manufacturers of the
middle west are working to capacity
turning out closed car models. This
season « limousines, sedans and cabrio
let? mark the crowning effort of the
body builder's art. The cabriolet
model has become especially popular
because of its adaptability to all year
ivionorail Car in big plant of Dodse Brothers at Detroit. This
traveling crane does the work of twenty men.
\VI en loading platforms ere over a
thousand feet, in length, some method i
h..a to be devised'to facilitate the ha i
dln.gof freight. Dodge Brothers, whom
mammoth motor car factory at Detroit
ir. one of the hi* fights to visitors, have
eoi . ed the problem by the use of elec
The Keystone Motor Car Company, !
1021-1025 Market street, ot' which
Robert 1,. Morton is manager, lias been
selected to represent the new Dodge
automobile, which is to be placed iu
the market in the near future.
Dodge Brothers arc widely known
in the automobile industry' ps the
American Merchants
XJnite in praising
Of the AUTOCAR for
Continuous Service.
A'ik any Owner the
Djlivery improved,
Economy secured,
Liwer delivery costs,
I -creased delivery area,
V aluable customers gained, j
E ficient in all seasons;
Y 3arly profits increased.
Vouched for by
Enterprising and
H ird-headed
Individuals and
Concerns who are
Looking for
It will cost you nothing to become;
informed why the purchase of an Auto-j
car will mean bigger business to you.
Third and Boyd Sts.
Harrisburg, Pa.
4HUl*r ©ires |
1451 Zarker Street
Sterling Auto Tire Co. !
1 t
round use. When the top of the cab
riolet is down, it resembles closely the
standard runabout type, but can be
instantly converted into a closed car by
raising the top and the side windows.
The sedan model is of the owner-driver
type with fully-enclosed seats for tive
tricity. The above view shows one of
t he monorail cars which accomplish the
work of twenty men in ouo operation.
Fach monorail car lifts from two to
three thousand pounds and transport#
the load from all parts of the factory
to the shipping platform.
| largest manufacturers of parts in the
world. It is tatcil on good authority
that they have supplied the vital parts
to over 500,000 of the 1,250,000 cars
now in use in this country.
Dodge Brothers are fortunate iu se
curing the Keystone Motor Car Com
pany as their Harrisburg representa
Spangler Gets Jeffery Touring Car
The Kentz-Lamlis Auto Company, an
nounce the sale of a Jeffery touring
car to (■'. Spangler, of Cumberland
county, anil a Vim light delivery to
.1. Slovinae, of Steelton, during the past
Printed ;it this ollice in best, style, at
lowest prices and on slioxt notice.
"Light SiX"
Pleasure Cars
and Trucks
Harrisburg Auto Co.
Third and Hamilton Sts.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
To Remedy Your Electrical Troubles
The Electrical Dep'fc.
of the
Armature Winding, Generators, Fang,
in Fact—lf It's Electrical,
Years of Practical Electrical Experi
ence Backs Us Up
No. 28 S. :ld St. HARRISBURG, PA.
Bell Phone 3308-L
I Thru Forrr of Its -Wonderful Mechanical Perfection and
Excellence, Satisfied Owners Delight in Recommending It to Theii H3B
Friends. Name and Catalogue Mailed on Request. Epl
A Few Features of This Car That Will Interest Ytu: ||ll
Electric Starter and Full Floating Rear Axle. Silk Mohair Top and Bkm|
Lijht*. Combined Single Arid Boot. E|pS
Three Poirt Sutpension Double Tire Holderi. Two-Piece Rain Viaion pfca
Unit Power Pliuit. 34x4-lnch Tirea. Wind Shield.
Dual Ignition Syatcro. Demountable Rimi. Electric Light Dimmer. Effill
Stromberg Carburetor. Goodyear No Rim-Cut Electric Horn. fSsjflS
RirSt and Left Hand Tires. Lock Switch. SPCM
Drive. 114-Inch Wheel Bate. Nickel Finish.
want t« jhow anil demonstrate it to your entire iati«fact;o n —
600 Used Cars of All Standard Make* at Attractively Low Priee»
Corson's Automobile Exchange |
238-240 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Send for Bargain Bulletin. Open Evenings and Sunday. Agents Wanted.
Auto Transportation
Machine Shop
I No. 5 North Cameron St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Repair and Remodel Automobiles of Every Make. All Work Guaranteed.
Let Us Estimate on Your Repairs.
When in trouble on the road, 'piiotie us —Bell 'Phone 1710—and
we will tow vou in free of charge.
All next week, the 'Myrkle-Harder
Stock Co. in six of t'he late New
York successes.
Mom lay afternoon and evening,
"Elevating' a Husfoand."
Tuesday afternoon anil evening, Da
vid Besiasco's "The Oirl of the
Golden West."
Wednesday afternoon and evening,
'' Stop Thief."
Thursday afternoon and evening,
"What Happened to Mary."
Every afternoon and evening, high
class vaudeville.
Daily continuous /audeville and pic
Seats Now on Sale
The reserve seat sale is now on for
the Myrl; le-Harder <'omj>any, who will
be at the Majestic theatre for the en
tire week. Judging from t'he line of
people ai the box office when the sale
opened there will be crowded houses at
'both performances on Monday,
This is tlie first time for the CMyrkle-
Harder Co. at the Majestic. They were
pninie favorites several years ago at
(he oM Grand opera house. Times have
changed since then. We are now a more
progressive world, tlie pu'blic want bet
ter plays and better actors and in or
der to keep ap with the times 'Mr. Har
der has surrounded Miss Myrtle with
the strongest acting east she has ever
'had. The plays comprise six of New
York's latest stock releases, namely:
"Elevating a 'Husband," Ijouis Mann's
great success which ran for one solid
year in New York City; "The Girl of
ifllie Golden West," I>avid Belasco's
masterpiece; "Stop Trief," Cohan &
Harris' great VTook play; "The Es
cape," Paul Armstrong's now idea, a
storv of unwise marriages; "Under
Southern Skies," Lottie Blair Parker's
beautiful romance of the South, and
"What Happened to Mary," the most
interesting nautical play ever written.
Special scenery and electrical effects
are carried for each of the afbove plays.
Seats may be secured now for any
or all the performances during the en
tire week. Adv.
At the Orpheum
There's going to lie a regulation Hal
loween party at the Orpheum to-night
in connection with the last performance
of the current all-star Keith show. All
kinds of surprises have been arranged
for t'he occasion and there are reasons
to 'believe that there will be fun galore
aside from the clever vaudeville show.
Patrons arc invited to attend in mas
querade costumes anil the management
will award prizes to the best •creations.
Beautiful decorations and many other
festive schemes indicate that the Or
p/heum will have the biggest Halloween
party in town. The crowning attraction
of the hill announced for next week
will be a pretentious dancing production
with capable principals and a splendid
Hhorus, elaborate scenery and gorgeous
costuming, entitled "The Last Tango."
Featured in "tfhis big act is an Orpheum
favorite, Fletcher Norton, hailed as the
Beau Brummell of musical comedy, and
who delighted Orpheum audiences once
before, playing the leading role in
'Lasky's "Antique Shop." Playing op
iiosite Mr. Norton will be Audrey
■Maple, a pretty and vivacious girl, who
is said to be one of thp prettiest and
most clever girls on the vaudeviHe
stage. "The Last Tango" is beautifully
| mounted, gorgeously costumed and tells
lan interesting tale that has beautiful
vocal a,n.l dancing interpolations scat
tered throughout. Adv.
At the Colonial
The tiniest actor in the world is at
the Colonial, getting in all kinds of
ftinnv mixups and creating an upheaval
of laughter with children of all ages.
The little performer is of the team of
Haves and Alpoiut, who offer one of the
sterling attractions of the best vaude
ville bill yet presented at the Colonial.
Jii a delightful dancing and vocal nov
elty, UiSalle and Raymond are display
ing t'he most gorgeous wardro'be ever
seen at the Colonial. Four acts of suf
ficient merit to occupy good positions
on "big time" vaudeville bills, com
prise the Colonial's current show that
bows for its last engagements to-day.
Beginning witfo next 'Monday tha
management has announced that the
Colonial theatre will be converted into
a popular priced vaudeville theatre,
with performances every afternoon ana
evening, eliminating the midday and
early evening picture hours. However,
the same picture service will be main
tained but shown only in connection
with the vaudeville shows. Adv.
New 1915 Model
Powerful, fast, silent
and one of the easiest rid
ing and most economical
cars iu the world.
Maxwell Service Station
Central Auto Garage
324 Chestnut St.
Bell Phone 724
*- i f
to avail yourself of
our complete
Auto Insurance
Unquestioned stability.
... r
Expert Work Only
1451 Zarker Street
Sterling Auto Tire Co.