The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 30, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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What we say it is, it is.
It's a leader among good
watches —lias been for
It's an honest timekeeper
—gives you completely
satisfactory watch service
—makes you proud of
your watch.
Hundreds of thousands of
men and women, including
thousands of the most
progressive jewelers, de
clare the Elgin the best
watch manufactured. Only
a. prejudiced person will
say there's a better watch
Here's a special
Diener value in
an E1 g i n
Itt size, 7 jewel
Elgin movement
in au open face
gold filled case
guaranteed for
v 20 years—sß.on
408 Market Street
Endeavorers of Centenary United
Brethren Church Held a Jolly Good
Time Last Evening at the Home of
Their President, Arthur Miller
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the Centenary United Brethren church
held a very enjoyable Halloween so
ciable at the home of the newly-elect
ed president, Arthur Miller, Elm street.
Ihursday evening in honor of the re
turn of the pastor. The following pro
gram was rendered:
Prayer, the Rev. A. K. Wier; re
marks by the new president, Arthur
Miller; solo. Miss Anna Dieglej recita
tion, "That Terrible Tommy," Miss
Irene Sanders; quartet, Ella Morrison,
Father Ligan, Opnl Fierce and Anna.
Uiegle; reading, Alda Morrison; solo.
Anna Diegle; sketch, "Practical! Use
tor Peddlers," characters, Sara Jane
Wheeler, Margaret Wier; Peter Wheel
er, Paul Weaver; soap peddler, Andrew
Deatrick; minister, Herrman Beard.
. After the program games were
flayed and refreshments were served to
ihe following guests: The Kev. A. K.
VV icr, Mrs. Wier, Margaret Wier, Mrs.
Lesher, Rov Ijeslier, Herman Beard.
Ethel Beard, Gay Beard, Naomi Galla
gher, Mrs. George Gallagher, Charles
Gallagher. Mrs. Mabel Beck, H. J.
Sanders, Anna Sanders, Irene Sanders,
Mr. and Mrs. May, Mr. and Mrs. James
Mentzer, Mildred Montzer, Mrs. Charles
Staffer, Ruth Shaffer, Eleanor Shaffer,
Opal Pierce, Viola Pierce, Charles
Pierce, Mrs. Hartman, Verua Hartman,
Kdnn Garraty, Charles Hartman, Lulu
Gnrraty, Mrs. Uarraty, Mr. and Mrs.
Grimes, John Grimes, Carrie Grimes.
I'mnk Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Black, Mrs Harry Bcidel, Paul Weaver.
Hubert. Diffcnderfer, Andrew Deatrick.
George Marks, Catherine Stebmau.
Lulu Cargil, John Binehower, Earl
Bush, Elizabeth Beiiman, Rehecca
Hupp, Joe Wolf. Ella Morrison, Alda
Morrison, Estner Ligan, Mrs. Westhafer,
-Mildred Westhafer, Frank Wells, Mrs.
Frank Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mil
ler. Clayton Fickes, Miriam Coombs and
Anna Diegle.
Steelton Is Expected to Be Crowded
To-night to Witness Street Demon
stration in Honor of Fire Chief
John E. Shupp
The boorugh streets will be alive
this evening with the local firemen, who
wMI parade over a large part of the
town in honor of the election of Fire
Chief Sluipp to the position of second
vice president of the Staite Firemen's
In order to take advantage of the
large number of persons expected in
the borough for this event, the Wash
ington party has arranged to hold a
mass meeting at Front and Locust
streets, commencing at 8 o 'clock.
The principal speaker will be Colo
nel L. B. Austin, formerly Attorney
General of Georgia and who resides in
Atlanta. Other speakers announced
are Dr. J. H. Krcider, candidate for
Lenses Ground to Fit
Your Eyes
We have no traveling agents. We
have no $5.00 Glasses for SI.OO.
Horologist and Optometrist
11 N. Front St., Steelton, Pa.
——————— ——J
Congress; W. W. linker and J. B. Mar
tin, candidates for the Legislature.
I Many Relatives and Friends Honored
Mathias Wolf, Eu^aut
Members of his family anil a num
i ber of friends made up a surprise party
j for Matthias Wolf, En'haut, last evening,
jin honor of his 50th birthday. The
| company met at the home of Edward
j Zuaa, Second street, and proceeded to
' the Wolf home on Front street in a
! body.
Music, games and dancing formed
i the entertainment and supper was
: served to from fifty to sixty guests. Mr.
i Wolf was presented with a large bou
quet. containing fifty carnations, one
for each year, 'by his children, while
other friends remembered him with a
variety of presents.
Held a Largely Attended Meeting in
Borough Last Evening
i The Presbyterian Association "held
a largely attended session last evening
in the local Presihyterian church, Sec
ond and Elm streets. This association
is composed of the officers of the vari
ous churches of that denomination in
this <1 istrict ami anions the audience
wore Judge McCarrell and the Rev. Wil
liam B. Cooke, Harrisiburg.
The gathering was presided over 'by
Rudolph K. Spicer, Harrisburg, who is
president, and after the business session
ended, the Rev. William B. Cooke en
tertained the gathering with an inter
esting description of t'he difference be
tween the Philippines, the Japanese and
the Spaniards. Refreshments were
served at the close of the address.
The Rev, J. M. and Mrs. Waggoner Will
. Spend One Year in West
A'fter serving the Main Street
Church of God in au able manner for the
past four years as pastor, t'he Rev..
James IM. Waggoner, who refused a re
election to the charge, will preach fare
well sermons 'both Sunday morning and
The Rev. Mr. andlMrs. Waggoner will
leave the borough in a short time to
spend a year's vacation with relatives
I and friends in parts of the West.
Mrs. Helen Kocever. aged 36 years,
' died yesterday of can 'or at the home of
Joseph Salinger, 72S South Second
street. Funeral services will be held
Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. The
Rev. Father Zuvi. h will officiate at the
services \Vhidh will be held at Dunkle
& Knoderer's funeral chapel. Interment
will be made at Mt. Calvary ceme
The 7-month-old sou of Mr. and .Mrs.
! Philip Forjan, 40,S Mohti street, died
yesterday morning. The funeral was
held this afternoon from St. Peter's
Catholic church, t'he Kev, Francis Azbe
Steelton lvodge No. 1 S4. I. O. 0. F„
will confer the third degree this cven
ing. After t'he business session a
I smoker will be held and refreshments
I served.
On account of the firemen's parade
! this evening the oyster supper an
nounced to be held by Steelton Camp
Xo. 5659, 'M. W. of A., this evening,
has been postponed for one week.
' Miss Edna Baker, South Front street,
' left to-day for Lebanon to attend the
' funeral of Ray Glick, who died at the
' Harrisburg hospital several days ago of
• tetanus.
Joseph Zacks, South Front street, has
returned from a business trip to Phil
Mrs. Paul 11. Whitman, Philadelphia,
was a visitor yesterday at t'he home of
her aunt, Mrs. R. R. Mohler, Seeoml
street, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alice
Beinhaur. Lumber street, 'Highspire.
'Miss Marie Wizemann, who succeeds
j'M'iss Agnes Wilcox as Civic Club nurse
and agent for the A.-sciated Charities, I
j will assume her position here Monday.
I Miss Wizemann comes here froai the
| German hospital in Philadelphia.
The Fulfillment.
She was the daughter of a moder-'
ately wealthy small town citizen and j
the hero of the story was a young fel- i
low of the United States Navy. In this I
town resided a young lumber merchant, j
who. like the naval lieutenant, was in
love with the girl. He proposed mar
riage but she was quick to let him know
that he was not the right man. In
spite of woman being the judge, he |
thought her wrong anrl became jealous. !
Through the long hours of many days, j
the girl waited until the furlough "of
the naval lieutenant would beginr. The '
conclusion of this fascinating story is
beautifully told in motion pictures at !
the Standard Theatre tonight.
Miss Wilcox, the visiting nurse em
ployed by the Steelton Civic Club, wilt
be in her office from 8 a. m. to 9
a. ni„ from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30 p. m
Great Attractions at the
Standard Theatre To-night
The Fulfillment. Featuring Irene War- j
field and Richard Travers. Three j
reels. Extra special.
The Real Agatha. Featuring Ruth i
Stonehouse and Helen Dunbar. Two
reel special.
The Man Hunter. Comedy.
An Easter Lily, Featuring Dorothy!
Kelly, Rose Tapley and Charles
I Kent.
They Were College Boys. Comedy.
Admission, Five and Ten Cents
First Holiday Display
During the summer months the P. H.<
Caplain Co.. jewelers. 18 Xortfh Fourth
street, was busy preparing for a big
Christmas trade this season. The |
store room was enlarged and refur-1
nished with elegant fixtures and fumi-1
ture. A very large stock of new goods I
filils the commodious cases and shelves, |
and the firm is to the front with the j
newest and most attractive designs and
novelties in diamond goods, silver and
jewelry. The announcement of the
first display of holiday jewelry appears
in another )>ar; of this paper.
Saltair—We're still drifting. Did!
you throw the anchor overboard?
Landsman—Yes, but I cut oil' the:
rope. I thought you'd like to save I
that.—Life. I
'j':.- r . • • , 'r ' - V ; ,v pw»
What's What
In Men's Styles
Since we opened this Live Store, we have so consistently been ( iO \
first with the correct new things that some have arrived at
the very natural conclusion that we are creators as well as TSA
purveyors of men's styles. But such is not the case and we
lay no claim to that high honor.
All we claim for ourselves is Should anyone ask you for f I, Hi
the ability to see what's com- specific instances of our fore- |jn | \ I M
ing while it is yet afar off. And sight as regards the trend of jj m\ 1 \ ijly^
through our close relations style, you may cite such 7|lf |yU |t,ll;|!
with such leading makers as instances as the so-called /If Hi
the great House of Kuppen- English models, plaid-back LM j! ||ll 4 ill
heimer we are able to present overcoats, club checks, pencil /I 1 f||| II i
the new ideas in a perfected stripes, patch pockets; more J|i||i J
state while others are just be- lately Tartan Plaids,which last \V | !
ginning to experiment with r season were to be found no- I 111 j I
them. where in Harrisburg but here. 1 j|||
Correct style ranges from conservative to extreme, but to y J
generalize briefly:—ln suit lines there's a tendency to softer Ij)
effects, narrow sleeves, little or no padding in the shoulders, j '' ■
and broader soft-roll lapels. Vests have a deeper opening than JW Hjl'
a season ago. Trousers have moderately narrow legs. Patterns
include Tartan Plaids, Glen Urquharts, checks, stripes, mixtures cottlsfl™
and solid colors, mostly in unobtrusive shades such as gentle- jhehouß
men usually prefer.
Chuck the Old Notion That Correct Style Means High Price
Here are men's and young men's suits modeled along the latest and
most approved lines. SOME are conservative and some rather extreme, but the great
majority strike the happy medium as regards style. The pure wool fabrics and the careful
hand tailoring, however, put them far ahead of medium as regards quality. You'll find that
suits as good as these are invariably priced $3 to $5 higher elsewhere.
We sell these Suits, satisfaction <IM (DM C <tMQ
fully guaranteed, at . . . . wA ailO tjp
Kuppenheimer Clothes
The House of Kuppenheimer seems to be peculiarly gifted in its ability
to produce young men's suits which typify youth, while quiet dignity and true worth are
written large in the more conservative styles. The attractive appearance of Kuppenheimer
Clothes is more than surface deep, fine hand tailoring making their good lines as permanent
as the virgin wool fabrics from which they are made.
S2O, $25 and S3O
BOYS' Suits | | Ooutrichs Special Guaranteed
and Oveicoats . ~~ SHIRTS
$5.00 to III»l»<aRlW $1.00,51.50
$12.00 cp An
» 304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. v
Philadelphia Division—lo3 new to
go first aftfc' 3.30 p. m.: 118, 128,
103, 112, 115, 121, 124, 110, 101.
Kngineers for 110, 116.
Firemen for 110, 112.
Flagman fur 106.
Brakcmen for 112, 116, 117, 120.
Engineer;, up. Sober, Smith, Bos
dinger, Young, Streeper, Loug, Me
(iuire, Seilz.
Firemen up: Khoails, Swank, Man
ning, Uilberg, Yentzer, Arnsbergor,
Hartz, Shaffer, Gelsinger.
Conductor up: Kopp.
j Flagman up: Sullivan.
Brakemen up: Gouse, McNaughton, ■
I Kffupp, Bryson, Riley, Brown.
Middle Division—l 9 crew to go lirst
after 1.20 p. m.: 216, 227.
Engineer for 19.
Fireman for 19.
j Conductor for 19.
Flagman for 1 9.
Brakemau for 19.
Engineers up: Smith,
Briggles, Wiillis, Moore, Bennett, Wiss
ler, Minnick, Hertzler, Garman, I'ree,
Firemen up: Sheesley, Simmons,
Gross, Karstetter, eXiders, Beacham.
Wei I) ley, Fletcher, Bornman, Arnold,
Cox, Drewett, Liebau, Schretfler, Buyer.
Davis, Bixler, Potteiger, Reeder, Rich
Flagmen up: Miles, Miller.
Brakemen up: Stahl, Troy, Kieffer,
Roller, Heck, VVenrick, Harris, Plack,
Bickert, Me. Henry, Fleck, Kane, Baker.
Spahr, Fritz, Frank, Stnauser, Putt.
Bolan, Kerwin, Reese.
Engineers up: Shaver, Landis, Hoy
ler, Hohenshelt, Breneman, Thomas,
Rudy, Houser, Meals, Stahl, Swab,
Silks, Crist, 'rlarvey, Saltsman, Kuhn.
Snyder, Pel ton.
Firemen up: Schieffer, Rauch, Wei
. gle, Lackey, Cookerly, Maeyer, Sholter,
| Snell, Bartolet, Getty, Hart, Barkey.
i Sheels, Bair, Eyde, Essig, Ney, Boyle.
I Shipley, Crow, Ulsh, Bostdorf.
Engineers for 306, 707, 1240.
Firemen for 1886, 707, 1171, 90.
Philadelphia Division—2 UK crew to
go first after 3.45 p. m.: 240, 243,
217, 202, 205, 247, 230, 244., 233,
222, 251, 228, 248, 249.
Engineers for 205, 244.
Conductors for 205, 216, 233.
Flagmen for 22 8, 233.
I Brakemen for 228, 233, 234, 244.1
j 247, 248, 249.
Conductors up: Steinouer, l>ogau,j
! Liingle, Keller, Penwell, Uundle.
Flagmen up: Krow, Simpson.
Brakemen up: Vandiing, Kong,'
.I Decker, Campbell, Werts, Boyd, Fair,;
i Deets. i
! Middle Division—lo3 crew to go!
.first after 2.45 p. m.: 224, 24! i.
! P., H. & P.—After 2.30 p. rn.: ],!
| 18. 10. 7, 8, 11, 23, 5, 19.
3 Eastbound —After 2 p. m.: f>2, 60, j
: 54.
i Engineers up: Wolund, Massiniore,
ijFortney, Wood, Morrison, YVyre, Rich-!
, wine.
Firemen up: Binghaman, liongeneck
er, Palm, Chronister, Boyer, Aunsp&cliJ
Brakemen up: Stephens, Greager,
W ynn, Greeff,
j i||s Ooms to Bla
'' ASjL Don't Hesitate
D° It Now
Harrlsburg's Reliable, Permanent,
pericneed Specialists 9 North l<'ou rlh
i sirrrl, over Busy Bee Kestaurunt. ;uc
< ogliized as the successful specialist.. I
| can cure you if curable and charge you
: a reasonable price for good, honest
I work (.Think it over).
•No necessity for consulting spec alists
in New York. Baltimore, Philadelphia;
I do the same work, do it. as well fop
i far less money.
| lam the lytly specialist devoting (ilj
| entile time to these conditions (Ther«
is a reason).
! If you have blood disease—dont
I throw away your money foolishly; con
sult one nhu km>\>i»i it will save you
I money. Hours S.3U a. 111. lo S p. in.
Cut this out lor future reference.