The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 30, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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The First of the Season
On Sale Saturday, October 31st, 9
At the Following Stores: |
John Bingham. Broad and Kelker Street markets. 2
•I. I. Hetrick, Sixteenth and Regina Sts. • *
K. K. Mountz, Seventeenth and Regina Sis. w
!' <M. Conover, 4'2r> S. Fourteenth St. V
1 VV. M. Runkle, 1501 Regina St. 0
r 6. E. Runkle, 1924 State St. ■
i W. A. Gernert, Crescent and Mulberry. 2
W. A. Gernert, 1741 Market St. 5
•John W. Rudy, Hill market. f
li. B. Drum, Sixth and Kelker. f
1 A. K. Kreidler & Bro., Second and Walnut. §
I' S. S. Pomeroy, 8 S. Second St. B
i C. E. Low, 1100 N. Sixth St. A
t Gault's Grocery, North and Green Sts. »
N. Gross, 2015 X. Sixth St. J
I. E. Dcppen, Sixth and Emerald. ?
D. Harris, Sixth and Seneca Sts. 8
I 1 T. Behney, 1849 Derry St. m
I •/. S. Lutz & Son, 1852 Derry St. 2
Cornman & Colestock. 1524 Derry St. 2
Economy Grocery Co.. 1416 'Derry St.
Economy Grocery Co., 1240 Market St. -
Economy Grocery Co., 1733 N. Sixth St. ?
W. L. Kocher, Hill market. I
W. 0. Mover, Hill market. §
\ ("has. S. Cooper, North and Cowden Sts. a
' J. W. Wilson, Third and Forster Sts. a
. S. T. Kinsinger, Fourth and Woodbine Sts
J. H. Frantz, Third and Hamilton Sts.
(.'. Studebaker, Second and State Sts. 9
F. Motter, 213 Chestnut St. A
F. H. Seidler, Fifteenth and State Sts. ■
A. P. Kitchen, Seventeenth and Walnut Sts. 2
K. 0. Fink, Eighteenth and Walnut Sis.
W. T. Hoy, Seventeenth and Market Sts. *
R. M. Wolfe, Thirteenth and Berryhill Sts. W
i\ E. C. Zeiders. Thirteenth anil Swatara Sis. §
W. W. Witmjtn, Fourth and Peffer Sts. 2
E. E. Zeiders, 81 X. Thirteenth St. *
Brelsford Packing!
and Storage Co. j
Mrs. S. J. McCormick May Die as Re
sult of Indiana, Pa., Collision
Indiana, Pa.. Oct. 30. —Three per
sons 011 ibeir way to the dedication of
the new $163,000 In liaua Hospital
were seriously injured in a peculiar au
tomobile accident here yesterday after
They are: Mrs. S. ,1. McCormick,
compound fracture of the ri•;ht ley;,
may die. Miss Ella McCormick. daugli
ter of Mrs. McCormick, right arm brok- ;
en. J. Wilse McCartney, artery in neck
severed and severe cuts about head.
AH of the injured are in the Indiana!
As a large car, owned bv Dr. K. F.
Shaulis and driven by Alex. Ma b in,
was coining in from the hospital empty
a car traveling at a high rate of speed
on Grant street struck the Shaulis ma- j
chine and shoved it across the street in j ,
the way of the outgoing ear, just as the' ;
machine in which those injured were i ,
riding was about to pass. A head-on; i
collision followed. j ,
Fined #240 for 113 Terrapin
Atlantic City, Oct. .10.—For having
terrapin in his possession, Rislev Giber
son, one of the oldest and most respect- ]
i'd residents of Port Kapublie, yesterday
paid to the state the record line of
$240. after Magistrate .lagmetty had <
held him guilty in a Fish and Game j i
( ommission prosecution. The judgment. t
wa« a compromise. Giherson had 112;
terrapin in the cellar of his home. The! .
penalty, if tnc <tate had insisted, would j <
Slave totaled $2,1*40. j ,
■J..**** WWJKU jerry. j
A litrge 1111 inbor of women are depositors with this
institution, this being due to the fact that they know
iliqt their hanking needs will meet prompt attention
and they themselves will he given tfie utmost courtesy.
We receive small as well as large accounts, either
subject to check or at :} per cent, interest, and we invite
every woman in this city to make use of our service.
Becky Edelson Is Own Lawyer at Trial
iu Tarrytowu. N. Y.
Tarry town, N. Y., Oct. 30.—8e-kv
hdelson, the I. \\. \\. agitator, who
was arrested May 30 for speaking in
Fountain Square without a permit, was
a.quitted yesterday by a jury. Miss
IMelson was her own I wyer anil proved
so good that .'oilii D. Rockefeller's tovrn
is now open to all I. W. W. and anar
chists in the country,
As Miss l-Melson demanded a iurv,
the trial was delayed until 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon because she refused
to accept many jurors. The jury was
out 25 minutes, when it returned a ver
dict of not guilty, and Justice Moor-j
house discharged the prisoner.
Alexander Berkman. Leonard .Vbbot,
l-ouise Berger, Kleanora Kitzgerald,
Helen of Troy. Charles Plunkett and
Mary and Sophie Yuster, who acooni ,
panied Becky to Tarry town, gave her
a great cheer when the verdict was an
nounced. As they were leaving the agi
tators said thev woulil now come balr'k 1
and denounce Rockefeller without tear
of police interference.
Fifteen Arrests Reported in One Okla
homa Cotton County
A.l more, Okla., Oct. 30. —Cotton
growers are alarmed over the increasing
Activities of t)he night riders' organiza-i
Fifteen arrests are reported in Love i
county alone, all of them charged with j
conspiring to damage and destroy prop-1
; Southern Railway Awards Contract For
the Purchase of 4,400 Tons 01 Rails
—Money Had Been Appropriated
For Other Purposes
New York, Oct. 30.—"The Iron
Age'' says the winter prospect for the
steel traile is not encouraging. Other
: years have usually seen bark logs in
; the shape of contracts for steel rails,
j structural steel ami other staple pro
; ducts affording some basis for steaili
| ncss iu steel works operations. Mill
| books are almost bare of such business
j at this time. Current orders now repre
j sent but a fraction of the capacity of
| mills. It will be necessary to go back
j a number of years to find a time when
j steel companies had a smaller tonnage
; of railroad business than at prosent.
j 1 nder these circumstances it is note
| worthy that the Pennsylvania Steel
Company has received an order from
| the Southern railway for 4,400 tons of
j rails, the purchase being made with
I money tflat had been appropriated for
: other purposes. The general rate of
j steel mill operations at Pittsburgh is
I onlv 40 to 45 per cent, of capacity,
| while the Chicago mills are likely to
j drop to 30 per cent, this week. For part
| of the week no Chicago plate mills will
be in operation.
Prices are giving way. Billets, sheet
! bars and wire rods are off 50 cents per
i ton, steel plates and sheets $1 per ton,
| and tin plates $2 per ton. Lower than
1 cent per pound, Chicago, has beeu
done on bar iron.
Pig iron makers are no longer ex
! pecting higher prices, as they are show
j ing more willingness to book orderies
j for delivery extending into next year
| at the best prices they are able to ob
j tain. This has led to some increase iu
I business in a few of the leading pig
iron markets. An important develop
ment is the entrance into the foundry
iron market of steel companies in the
i ' bicago district. They are not using
j their current make of pig iron and are
! turning to the foundry trade although
| that branch of business is at present so
j depressed that many of the merchant
j furnaces in the district are out of blast,
i This has had the natural effect of
j weakening local pig iron prices,
j Throughout the country generally the
I effort to secure pig iron business has
led to a reduction of about 2.") cents
, per ton except in Alabama, where the
| producers are apparently making a
I stand at $lO for Vo, 2 foundry, even
! though stocks in their yards are rap-
I idly accumulating. Bessemer and basic
j pig iron have declined 25 cents iu the
! Pittsburgh district.
The Ohio railroads have advanced
j their freiiht rates on pi<» iron 5 nor
' cent., making the rate •>m the Ma
| honing \ allev to Cleveland 95 cents
: per ton. against the old rate of 90
j cents.
The closing of contracts for 8.700
j tons of structural steel in this locality
'is somewhat encouraging, while Cleve
land also reports some good structural
I contracts. C'lii aso. however, notes that
I seldom lias that center offered less of
! 'hteres* in this branch of business than
! now.
I Definite figures are now available
| with regard to the sensational pur-
I chases of American 111, i 'nine tools by
Europe. At least 1.700 engine laMi°B
i have been bought in the pa- fortnight.
\ while turret lathes, automatics ami
> grinding machines have been taken in
good quantity. Kven Germany has
bough some machine tools here. In
quiries for a large number of other ma
chine tool". including about t.OOO
lathes are in hand, nronnsina to de
| velop into orders. This increase in
i business has greatly improved the tone
| of this branch of trade and the domes
tic de/nand is beginning to revive. Some
machine tool makers are now working
double time.
It - estimated that >iot less then
j .iO,OOO tons of barb wire has beeu
I shipped abroad since the European war
I broke out. The merchant, pipe trade
; is somewhat improved, October makin :
a better showing in point of business
booked than September. An order has
1 been placed for about 60 miles of line
I pipe to be used in Texas, this being the
; first gooil line pipe order for some time.
Pittsburgh Judge Imposes Sentences on
Three Who Wrecked Machine
Pit:.-ionrgh. Pa.. Oct. 30. — In accord
ance with tiie edict issued by District
Attornev Jackson against joy ridimr.
Judge Carnahan vesterdav sentenced '
Allen Shook and Herbert Kanffman to j
one vear imprisonment each, the former j
in the penitentiary and the latter in i
jail. Paul Waite, another rider in the j
same machine, got six months in jail. I
Counsel for the young men made an I
effort to have the Court exeivise leni
ency, 'but Judge Carnahan declared that (
"the public has suffered long enough.:
The streets are not safe any more i
either for pedestrians or vehicles. These ,
men must serve their sentences."
The three were convicted of appro-'
priating a dealer's car and wrecking!
it in a mad ride.
Choctaw? Want $8,000,000 of Tribal |
Funds Distributed
MeAlester, Okla., Oct. 30. Resolu-,
tions instructing the Choctaw tribal at-1
tornev to bring mandamus action j
against the Secretary of the Interior to]
force immediate distribution of all trib
al funds now iu the treasury, were
adopted by the general Choctaw Indian
tribal convention here last night. Ap- j
proximately $8,000,000 in tribal funds;
is now in the treasury.
Exclusion of Mississippi Choc taws!
irom the tribal rolls, an immediate per |
capita payment sufficient to meet the j
necessities of Oklahoma tribesmen and j
the sale of all property held in common j
in order to hasten final settlement of j
the tribal affairs are urged in resolu ]
tions adopted by the convention.
Father's Alleged Crime Attributed to
Shreveport, La.. Oct. 30. Rolaud
Williamson, a local attorney, yesterday
was arrested on a charge of having
choked to death his S-year-old daughter
and an infant son. The bodies of the
children were found early yesterday.
Williamson was taken in custody wfiile
wandering near his home, in his night
clothes. He is believed to be insane.
'Ph« police say Williamson tried to
end his life yesterday afternoon by
striking his head against the floor of his
cell in the jail. '
Ladies' Suits, W^W^mpyf*"!
Coats, Dresses A lB Lj| 3ffl
and Skirls / 1 SH^
75 Ladies' Suits and Q^. : jgplk 200 Men's Suits and
50 Ladies' Coals y iH: jam wv 50 Balmacaan Coats
For This Sale ||:el: |J|l£ For This Sale
Values up to $2». Choice at $lO W
150 Ladies' Dresses and(f|ppg|
100 Misses' Coatsi]l|paj|
For This Sale
iW&r Values up to $lO.
Values up to sl2. Choice at $5 IST
I 125 Ladies' All Wool Q^|jjl|||fc
Serge SkirtsflJ|P /n Fancy
and 100 Coats for Children
For This Sale *ggj| |Jg|) For This Sale onl y
Choice at $3 m~ Choice at S3. Worth $7
Slf You Have It. SOUTH MARKET SQUARE If You Want It.
She and Man Attempt to Smuggle
Morphine to Jailecl Swindler
New York, Oct. 30. A man giving
the name of Thomas McKnnery visited
the Tombs yesterday to see Or. Rich
j aid Flower, the elderly swindler ar
l rested last week in Toronto, after hav
! ing been a fugitive for more than 10
: years and who is awaiting sentence,
i after having pleaded gniitv to two in
j dictnients charging grand larceny.
McKnnorv was searched and 30
grains of morphine were found in a
I pocket. He told Dr. l>ivhteiisteiii, the'
.iuil physician, that Or. Flower's wife
had gi\en h*>in the drug to t.ike to the
Tombs, saying Flower had been ad
dicted to morphine for many years. Me
Knnery was arrested.
Several lioux later, a woman pre-'
sen ted herself with a request to see Dr.!
I'lower. Hhe said she was his wife
an.l on searched, 1,000 grains of.
morphine were found sowed in the lin
in;; of her coat. She also was arrested.
In court-. McKnnery and Mrs, KVower:
were held in SSOO.
Bett:r Up-Keep, to Entail .">0 Cents
More Outlay Weekly
Danville, l'a„ Oct. 30.—A resolution!
a!»i''.ug t.iat the State increase the per!
capita appropriation for the up keep of j
insane from $4.25 to $4.75 per week,
take over tlieir-eutire maintenance cost(
aud also pay appropriations monthly in- \
stead of quarterly, was adopted at the j
semi-annual meeting of the Pennsylva
nia Association of Trustees and Super
intendents of Hospitals for the Insane j
at Danville hospital yesterday.
It was agreed that this charge in j
presenit methods would greatly increase
the efficiency of these institutions. This
I Removed to New Quarters I
The American Watch and Diamond Co. I
- Formerly Over the Philadelphia Quick Lunch ' 1
lu Removed to D '° W ™
W jffy° N f *'v?\ Prices j
Strongest Price Inducements |j
Y B »™ 0 Itwill pay you to deal with a firm with Old and New Y
fejf Xmas Gifts ... . . . , Fripnd«s Arp in'
M Now an established reputation for reliability invited to Deal t
n Pay Later and liberal dealing. With Us [S
I American Watch and Diamond Co. I
SILVERWARE MWtßMß—saw»y« in"ii|U| jr
j action was taken at the request of the
j Pennsylvania Commission on State De- •
j pendants.
j Says Only Seven Per Cent. Goes to Over- j
■ | head Eoad Charges
AJtoona, l'a., Oct. ••()ul\ seven'
|ier of tlie money appropriated to
| the state HigQiwav Department is de
; voted to overhead charges," saitl State
Highway Commissioner Migelow in an
address to over 100 representative bust-!
ness men at. the weekly iiim-lioou of the
Ways an.l Means committee of the
1 Chamber of Commerce here yesterday,
i " Kvery penny of the remainder," lie
declared, "goes into road improve-1
Kigelow stated that the cart was pal j
before the horse when the State took ,
i over J U.UOO iniles of highways, because
j the State would need $150,000,000 to!
do its -'iiure of the highway work out-j
lined by the Legislature.
Resort Founder's Widow Dies
Ocean • ity, N. .1.. Oct. 30.—Mrs. j
Harriet S. Lake is dead here in her j
j ninetieth year. She was the widow of;
i Simon Lake, founder of' Ocean City, and j
j was l lie oldest member of the Daugh I
iters of the American Revolution. ITeri
father was one o£ the guard of Somersj
| Point in the revolution, anil also fought)
i in the war of 181 2.
Hospital for Indiana County j
Indiana, Pa., Oct. I!O.—A modern :
i hospital, erected and equipped at a cost i
j of $165,000, was presented to Indiana j
county yesterday by Adrian Iselin, Jr.. !
| and his sister, Miss Georgine Iselin, of |
I New York City. The Iselins have
| large coal holdings in this county, and i
| the gift was a result; of their interest |
in the industrial development of the i
| section.
'Victim of Train Had Faith Surgery
Could Graft Them Back
Frederick, Mil., Oct. !>0. —"Give me:
those legs," said .lames Bussard, 43i
years old, of' Chestnut drove, whey.-he'
saw a man carrying his two limbs, just
riit oft by an eastboun I freight train
•in ilie Brunswick railroad yards, yestor
: ilny al'teriioon.
t lie was being carried to a hospital.
lie knew that he had lost his legs, and
| began looking for them. Seeing a man
i walking beside his stretcher with the
| two legs under his arms, he demanded
I that they be given back to that
I "the doctors ran probably put tliem
I bark on.''
1 Bussard, who was a trackman, died a
; few minutes after, on the operating
I table in th ( > Brunswick Hospital, where
| Urs. Hodges and West, of the railroad
j stall, were endeavoring to save his life,
j He had been struck by an eastbound
j freight when lie stepped from the west-1
j bound track to get out of the way of
| another train.
j Four Victims Relieved of S2OO at
j Wilkes-Barre, Fa., Oct. ,'!0. —Pick- 1
pockets worked with success in this city ;
j while Colonel Roosevelt was here Weil-1
I nesday night., the police learned vester '
j day. bosses amounting to nearly S2OO
; were reported by four people.
Joseph (iilles, City Coleetor of Taxes,
I of tihis city, lost a wallet containing
; SI 20 as he entered Hampton Hall. Ber
] nard Grossman, a traveling man, of'
I New York, was robbed of sl9 and a
j railroad ticket. John Frantz, a local J
i clerk, had his pockets picked of SSO, j
[ while J. Bennett. Smith, aged SO years,
j who went to the hall, had a small
'■ of .hauge taken from him.
All Its Remnant of Water Goes as Main
Sinks to Mine
'I Shenandoah, Pa.. Oct. 30.—This, th«
j largest town in Schuylkill county, is
j now wi till out. a supply of water. For
i several months the supply has 'been our
| tailed to four hours each day, owing to
| the serious drought. To make matters
worse, yesterday morning the mains of
J t'"' borough water works burst, when a
, large niiine cave-in precipitated them
I into the mines of the Indian Ridge col
; lierv, compelling t'he employes tiiereiu
to Hee for safety.
Industries are crippled and many
, families rompclled to haul drinking wa
ll fer from ftingtown, thirteen miles.
. I Removes Depression of Sltull on Young
Man's Brain
Williamsport. Pa., Oct. 30. Dr. (};
I'tanklin Bell, chief surgeon at the Wijj
i liamsport hospital, restored a man
! reason by an operation yesterdaw
Three year* ago Anton Toje, then age.l
1". was struck on rhe head by a coiu
painion at play with a. hatchet, and
j lost, his mind.
After numerous treatments he was
placed in the City hospital, where the
I X-ray machine revealed a depression of
the skull oil the brain. Dr. Bell's op
i elation removed this pressure and three
I hours later the bov had recovered his
I reason.
Dubblei'gh M iss Sharp called me a
i fool. Do I look like a fool!
{ Dawson—No; you do not.
j couldn't, have judged you by yoiff
looks.—Spokane Spokesman-Review.