The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 30, 1914, Page 6, Image 6
6 FIRST DISPLAY of HOLIDAY GOODS Jfeyk The Newest and Prettiest Goods Are Here for Your Inspection The summer months have found us busy preparing for the Holidays. We have enlarged and refurnished our entire store. Handsome new fixtures, elegant new furni ture and a new and larger stock of attractive and reliable goods are here for your approval. We are determined to make the P. H. CAPLAN CO. STORE a favorite with the public. We have put forth our best efforts to meet your requirements and to win your confidence. We want you to come to this store and see how extensively we are prepared to please you. To make it well worth your time we offer a number of High Grade Specialties for To-morrow Saturday Only The Royal Casserole (nickel), oval, j Ala™ Clocks guaranteed one year. g- \ beautiful design; dark mission wood Ro f' nr !™ e $U Saturday only, iiunrllou *•> s > 8-day Mahogany Finished Clock, cuaran- < handles. Regular price $2.20. OQ C teed. Regular price SC.OO. nc Saturday only, s > Saturday only > Watches, guaranteed one year. Regular price*sl.oo. Saturday only, ... vvv !l'hc A\ in. Rogers & Son Silver Set—(s knives, t! forks, t> tablespoons, li tea- < spoons, 1 butter knife, 1 sugar shell, in mahogany finished box. 23 per cent, s heavier than regular standard plate; factory guarantee goes with each and every > | set (The New Clinton design). Regular price, $ll.OO. Saturday pg j | One Half Dozen Teaspoons, with Wm. Rogers Nickel Silver: permanent A C,. < | guarantee. Regular price, $1.25. Saturday only j I hese goods are strictly high grade. They are articles everybody has use for and at*e priced below the cost of manufacture. If they are not satisfactory you are welcome to bring them back and have your money returned. If you do not care to make a purchase now we shall welcome you as a visitor. Bring your friends. Come now while you plenty of time to see everything and we will be glad to lay away any gift selected until Xmas. Engraving Free. ",r P, H. CAPLAN CO. ",r CONFIDENCE JEWELERS MTROKASE 18 North Fourth Street ARMOR PLATE CONTRACT BOOMS BETHLEHEM PLAN! South Bethlehem, Oct. -30.—Official news of the awarding to the Bethlehem fctecl Company of contracts for 16,251! tons of armor plate in four different classes for the California, Idaho and Mississippi, at a cost of $7.121.505, has been received here. It menus that probably 30 mechanics now idle will have work for at least two years. Other departments will joiu in the boom to an extent, especially the machine shops, where the rough armor will have to be machined. This will mean giving employment to more idle men. That the local armor plate depart ment has not been compelled to close down long ajo was due to foreign con tracts. These are all about completed. The company will be able to rush this big order, as only a year or so ago it enlarged the armor plate plant fifty per cent. A high official stated last night that several other big orders cou!d easily be accommodated at the fame time. It is believed that this re fers to contemplated orders from gov ernments in Europe. England may be one of these coun tries. for it was rumored here yester day that the reason for Charles M. Swab's sudden sailing for England last week was due to a summons from Lord Kitchener. Vast Older for Tinned Meat Oklahoma City, O.'t. 30. — An order for 15,000.000 pounds of canned meats valued at $1,500,000, to go to Europe, has been received by a local packing company. Additional orders for drv salt )>ork amount to more than the supply in sight. COLD GONE! HEAD CLEAR AND NOISE OPEN-Ji'S FINE " Pape's Cold Com pound" Ends Colds and Grippe in a Few Hours iake "Pape s Cold Compound" every two hours until you have taken three 'loses, then all grippe misery goes and your cold will be broken. It promptly opens your clogged-up nos trils and the air passages of the head; stops nasty discharge or nose running; relieves the headache, dullness, fever ishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay suffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling. Ease your throbbing head —nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without as sistance, taste nice, and causes no in convenience. Accept no substitute. adv., i BARON FISHER SUCCEEDS PRINCE LOUIS AS FIRST SEA LORD OF_ABMIRALTY London, Oct. 30, 5.03 A. M.—The 'Times ' says it understands that Bar oil Kisher, Admiral of the fleet, will suc ceed I'rince Louis of Batteuberg as First Lorti of the Admiralty. London. Oct. 30, 3.4S A. M.—The mornings newspapers in editorials deal ing with the resignation of Admiral Prince Louis of Uattenbcrg as First. Sea Lord of the Admiralty without ex eption express regret and sympathy with the Prince and regret over the unfortunate circumstances which de prive the country of his valuable serv ices. At the same time the newspaipers generally think that Prince Louis has taken the right step. The "Daily News'' anil the "Ex press,'' however, consider tluit Prince Louis lias fal'len a victim to mean and foolish clamor aud that the circum stances surrout.ding the incident are not credit-able to the British press or public life. The "Daily Telegraph" says: "Prince Louis of Batteuberg displayed a delicacy of feeling which wiH be ap preciated, for he is. in fact, less inti mately connected with Germany than are many others on the public service." Russians Reoccupy Czernowitz London. Oi i. 30, 5.03 A. M, —A dis patch from Bucharest, Rumania, to the "Times,'' dated Wednesday, and which was delayed in transmission, says that the Russians, after beating the Aus trians at Bojana, have reoccupied Czer nowitz, capital of the province of Buko wina. DANKER TO MARINERS IN THE NORTH SEA FROM THE MINES London,. Oct. 30, 3.4 0 A. M.—A dis patch from Flushing, Holland to the "Daily News" says; "An examination of the map of the North Sea, with known mines marked, makes wonder that any mariner dares sail. The Germans, English and Dutch all have been active in mine laying dur ing the past few weeks and as a result the sea is a veritable powder maga zine. ''The'Gerniaus-are sending out motor boats to patrol the coast which they occupy. These patrol boats are also sowing mines wherever they are likely to be useful. The motor boats were brought overland from the Baltic. BKi ORDERS IN NEW ENGLAND FOR SHOES FOR THE FIGHTERS Boston, Oct. 30.—The war is prov iug a bonanza for the New England shoe industry, which produces 55 per cent, of flie country's total. Orders have been already booked for the ship ment of 2,200,000 pairs to the 'belliger ents. The hod nailed boots for the French army have 'been made bv hand, 'but spe cial machinery will be installed to make 500,000 pairs. One leather concern with an annual turnout of $12,000,000 is working 125 per cent, capacity on orders for England. Before the war it was running 40 per cenit. ■' ' • • * - r*- - "** • HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 30. 1914. TURKEY GETS iNTO THE WAR WITH BLACK SEfl WARSHIPS Theodosia, ( riinea, Oct. ".o.—From 9.3D O clock to 10.30 yesterday morn ing a Turkish cruiser with three fun nels bombarded the station and city, damaging the cathedral, the Greek church, a pier and some sheds. One soldier was wounded. A branch of the Russian Hank of Foreign Commerce •caught lire. At the conclusion of the bombardment the cruiser left in a southwesterly direction. Novorossysk. Caucasia . Oct. 30. The Turkish cruiser Hamidieh, which arrived yesterday, demanded the sur render of the cit.v and tiio government properties, threatening in rase of re fusal to bombard the town. The Turk ish Consul and otlicials were arrested. The cruiser withdrew. Theodosia (formerly Kaffa) is a Russian seaport on the southeast coast 01 Crimea, about 100 miles northeast of ScbaEtopol, by which it is connect ed by rail. Novorossysk is on the northeast of the Black sea and is the capital of the territory of the Black sea. It is al most directly opposite Theodosia at a distance of about 120 miles. London, Oct. 30, 3.10 A. XL—A dis patch to the "Times" from Petrograd spys it was the former Uermau cruiser Breslau, which now flies the Turkish which shelled Theodosia. London, Oct. 30, 3.30 A. XL—A dis patch to the Reuters Telegram Com pany from 'Petrograd, dated Thursday, says that immediately after it became known here that Turkey had opened hostilities against Russia a demonstra tion was made in front of the British and French embassies and before the 'legations of their allies. The repre sentatives of those countries appeared on the balconies and made speeches. Russians Repulsod by Austrians London, Oct. 30. —A Router dispatch from Amsterdam gives an official an nouncement, issued at Vienna Thurs day afternoon, as follows: "In the northeastern theatre there was no great fighting yesterday. During the last few days the Russian attempts to advance in the direction of Turka have been suc cessfully repulsed." London Saloons to Bar Women London, Oct. 30. —There has been such an increase in drunkenness among women, supposedly the wives of absent soldiers, since the outbreak of the war that the authorities are considering the advisability of forbidding women from entering saloons. 10,04)0 Cigars For Soldiers Bordeaux, Oct. 30.—The French col ony in Porto Rico has sent a gift of 10,000 cigars to the French soldiers. The colony is collecting funds to sup ply 100,000 cigarettes monthly to the soldiers at the front. Cape Province Rebellion Broken London, Oct. 30, 3.10 A. M.—Col onel Conrad Brius. Vho has been en gaged in suppressing the rebellion started by Lieutenant Colonel Marjtz in Northwest Cape province, reports that thfe invasion of the Cape has final ly been broken, according to a Cape Town dispatch to Reuters Telegram Company. iOSSIAD VIEW I TURKErS ill Bombarding of For mer's Ports More Im portant to England Than Czar's Domain \ LATTER NOW HAS NEWWARONHAND Said That Russian Policy Will Not Be One of General Aggression Against Turkey but a Defense of Black Sea Interests J'etrograd, Oct. 29, Via London Oct. SO, 6.50 A. M. —In the highest official sources here it is stated that Russia views the action of Turkey in bom b.-rdii'.g two unfortified Russian ports without a declaration of war as in finitely more important to England than to Russia on account of the English communications with India and her po sition ill Egypt. Although Russia, it is stated, now has a new war on her hands, her policy will not be one of general aggression against Turkey but merely a defense of her own interests in the Black Sea. It is pointed out that the allies had previously guaran teed the integrity of Turkey only if she remained neutral. Farahdinb Bey, the Turkish Ainbas sador here, said to-night: "I have had no instructions from Constantinople, communication now be ing cut and have heard only from the Russian newspapers about Turkey be ginning war. I am now in the hands of the Russian government whose in structions I am awaiting. "I am sorry that my labor to im prove the relations of the two coun tries has had so disastrous an ending. What moved the Sultan's government to take this step is absolutely unknown to me. I am sure I have nothing to fear personally." While giving this interview in the Turkish embassy a clamorous throng surrounded the building, manifesting against Turkey. The people were re strained from violence by mounted gendarmes. Earlier the same moi> paraded the streets with bared heads singing and cheering. They called the orchestras out of the hotels and demanded that they assist by playing the national anthem. The excitement in Petrograd is the greatest since the declaration of war against Germany. WAR WITH ENTENTE POWERS IF TURKS CROSS FRONTIER Constantinople via London. Oct. 30, 3.32 A. M.—ln anticipation of the pos sible invasion of Egyptian territory, British Ambassador MulJett, acting un der instructions from his government, has plainly informed the Grand Vizier that if the Turks cross the froutier it would mean war with the entente pow ers. It is understood that rite embassies of the allied powers, fearing a rupture, have already made the ne essary ar rangements for the departure of the diplomatic representatives. I!) WOMEN KILLED BYCKUMAN 80.118 IN BETH INE MARKET Dunkirk, Oct. 30.—Nineteen women were killed and forty injured by a bomb dropped by a German aeroplane iu the market place at Bethune Wed nesday. Two bombs were dropped. The first failed to explode, but the second burst in the midst of a group of wom en. Two bombs were dropped in Dun kirk. One fell in the Hue du College and killed a woman and a child. The other, which fell near the town hall, caused no casualties. GERMANY INTENDS TO EXHIBIT AT THE PANAMA EXPOSITION New York, 02t. 30.—factories in Germany are still running, general busi ness is good and the empire intends to take advantage of the Panama-Pacific Exposition at San Franvis o to tfhow the world that the "European war cannot force her from the position she has held iu trade ami commerce. This was t'he general outline of con ditions in Germany given yesterday by Walter W. fc'rhul'tz, commissioner to that country for bhe Panama Exposition, who recently returned nere. In explain ing t'he in-dustrial and business condi tions in Germany at the'present time, Mr. Schultz said: "There are 70,000,0/10 peoiple in Germany. Possibly 5,000,000 are fight ing. That leaves a large part of tiie remaining 65,000.000 to carry on the business. 'Mofoilir.ation was carried out in such a manner that enough men were always left to keep factorifcs iu opera tion. IjSllaSg KEEP YOUR \ CHILDREN STRONG Some children catch one ailment after another, have colds after colds, while other children are seldom sick If your children are pale or frail, I' they catch colds easily, lack am bition or are backward in school, they need SCOTT'S EMULSION which is rich in the food elements to create good blood to strengthen their bodies and brains— SCOTT'S EMULSION is free from al cohol or habit forming drugs, CHILDREN RELISH IT. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. JlJif MMWBIHiamEIHB ■HmraigiiMfarnaMp ■ It's Easier to Pay 8 1 The National Way | Si Coming events east their shadows before, and the cold suap we've had Bfl this week is just a gentle reminder of what you may expect most any dav. HH ■ Don't let Winter catch you unprepared with roper clothing. Our confi- " , dential and convenient credit system makes it. possible for 'you to choose H from our newest styles in jjj Ladies' Suits, Dresses, i ® Coats, Waists, Hats, Etc. [| Iml and Men's & Boys' Suits g 0 and Overcoats 1 0 |jj I yf Wjf if m ) I* J ■ j. In all the newest shapes and colors. M \ y. fl fU / QJI H 1 W Good for SI.OO pf :| g 0 This coupon entitles you to a vUL fl' fa | credit of One Dollar on every pur |Q| chase of $lO or more. | Y g O Ladies' Suits sls to S3O 13 IS Ladies' Coats, $7.98 to $25 Men's Suits and Overcoats, $lO to $25 S ' Boys' Suits, $2.50 to $7.50 Z.Z || Boys' Overcoats $3.50 to $lO ■ National Supply Co. Us 8 South Fourth Street Open Evenings Alterations Free g|gj ■1 IBM SI.OO a Week Pays the Bill g|BßHfl[! ■ NATIVE TROOPS BLEW UP A GERMAN AMMUNITION PARK London, Oct. 30, 3.50 A. M.—The correspondent of the '"Daily Mail" in Paris describes how the Gurkhas (na tive Indian troops) blew up a German ammunition park, thus causing some of the German coast batteries to move to the rear. He says: "All the efforts of the allies' artil lery against these batteries had been unavailing and the Germans were caus ing severe losses when the air scouts located the ammunition stores seven miles behind the German lines. "At night the Gurkhas detachment embarked 011 boats which proceeded to the mouth of the Yser and after a long silent march the Gurkhas reached the German ammunition stores guarded by six sentries. Six silent figures moved toward them, each carrying a long knife. Then a sound, like the croaking of a frog was heard and the six sen tries disappeared. "Shortly aftorward the general staff of the allies saw a great Hash of light on the horizon and heard a great ex plosion followed by countless others as the shells and shrapnel in their eases exploded in all directions. The Gurkhas returned safely to the gunboats." SAYS GERMANY MADE OFFER OF PEACE WITH FEW CESSIONS London, Oct. 30.. 12.55 A. M.—The "Daily Chronicle's" Paris correspond ent asserts that, with a view to detach ing France from the allies, Germany made an offer to conclude peace on the basis of the cession of Metz and pos sibly a portion of Alsac to France. The offer, according to the correspondent, was rejected. The proposal, the correspondent savs, was conveyed to certain influential Frenchmen who were expected to act as intermediaries. The proposal wa3 that the German government, recognizing the courage of .the French armies and never having regarded France as a principal enemy, was ready to make peace 011 terms not merely honorable but generous for the republic. These terms would include the transfer of Metz and the neighboring portion of Lorraine. PI T WHITE FEATHER ON MEN SHIRKING ( ALL TO THE FRONT Windsor, Ont., Out. 30.—Young so ciety women of Windsor are making life miserable for timid young men wfo© have not offered their services to En gland in the war. The girls invaded department stores, factories and offices and decorated ev ery man under 30 that was fouml at work with a White feather —symbolic o'f lack of nerve. The young men say they can't go to war unless more troops are called for, but unless they enlist the girls will ostracize them, so thev are up against it. 30,000 Horses For England Mew York, Oct. 30.—Dr. ilartin .1. Potter, the veterinarian, at the Xew, York Hippodrome, who supplies the trained animals for that institution and for nearly all the traveling the atrical companies of this country, lias been given a contract by the British war office to supply 30,000 horses for immediate shipment. Dr. Potter has opened headquarters at East St. Louis, the center of the belt where horses of the desired types, cavalry and "gun ners," are raised. American Tanker at Copenhagen Copenhagen, Oct. 29, via London,' Oct. 30. 4.05 A. M.—The American oil J tank steamer John D. Rockefeller ar rived here to-day. For the last three; years 110 mercantile vessel carrying the American flag has visited Copenhagen and the advent of the Rockefeller to- J day was made the occasion for a hearty 1 greeting by a large, crowd which gatli-1 ered at her pier, A REMARKASLE APPEALTO POLES CREDITED TOKAISER Petrograd, Via London, Oct. 30. 4.20 A. M.—The "Gazette,'' which is now published by tlhe Germans at Czenstoc'howa, Russian Poland, prints the following proclamation, which it credits to Emperor William: "I'oles: You, of course, remember how once at night the bell of the Holy Swip.togorskv monastery began to ring without hunian aiu and when all the pious people understood that this great and important event had been signaled by a miracle. '•That event was mv decision to wage war with Russia and restore to Poland her saints and annex her most cultured land to Germany. 1 had a wonderful dream. To me appeared the Virgin Mary and commanded me to save her holy convent, which threatened. "She gazed at me with tears and I proceeded to fulfil her divine behest. Know this, Poles, and meet my troops like brothers, saviours! Know ye. Poles, that all who are with me will be liberally rewarded, that those against me will perish! With me are God and the Hcrly Virgin. She lifted the sword of Germany to succor Poland." GERMANS ANTAUSTRIANS FIGHT WITH GREAT ENERGY Petrograd, via 'London, Oct. 30, 5.25 A. M.—General 'Maelotf, military critic of the ".Novop Vremya," in summing up the war situation in the east, says: "Although, generally speaking, the trend of the Russian militaay operations is'becoming increasingly favorable, bat tles rage on all fronts with unprece dented tenacity and stubbornness. Not only the Germans but the Austrians, despite their recent defeat, are fight ing with intense eucrgv and it would not'be surprising if tlhe Germans should reinforce their fighting lines and again attenrpt to assume the offensive. At present, however, the Russians largely retain the initiative." The "Army 'Messenger'' announces that the Russian commander-in-chief has sanctioned the "formation of Polish legions under Polish commanders. The legions are furnishing their own uni forms 'but the Russian government will provide the arms, ammunition and com missariat. Proclamations have 'been posted in all Polish towns and villages oxhorting the people to join the legions and expel the enemy. Rome, via Havre, Oct. 30.—1t is un derstood here that the British govern ment is considering the question of pre venting the increasing trade In con traband of war carried by neutral ships and destined for immediate neutral ports, whence it is transhipped and de livered to Germany and Austria. It is proposed to undertake a drastic remedy by closing up not only the Suez Canal but the Straits ,of Gibraltar. Such a course would paralyze all Mediterra nean trade. New 20.5-Inch Krupp Gun The Hague, Oct. 30.—.lust across the Dutch frontier, near Mcppcm, Ger many, on the Krupp's artillery ranges, tests are being made of now 52 centi meter (20.5-inch) mortars, having a range of forty kilometers (twenty-four miles). They are intended for use against Belfort. Fire Raging In Timber Tract Marietta, Oct. 30.—Fire of unknown origin is raging in a tract of fine wood land owned by- H. W. Burg, of East Prospect, and about 35 or 40 cords of wood cut for stove use, has been con sumed also. Many men are fighting the fierce flames. Farm Sold For $2,800 Marietta, Oct. 30.—A farm of sixty two acres of valuable land, including timber and farming land, the estate of Sairtilel 3. Nbcson, was sold at public sale vesterdav to Howard S. Nixson for $2,800. SLICES OF ALBANIA TAKEN BY BOTH CREECE AND ITALY Paris, Oct. 30.—The action of Greece in occupying the southern end oil Albania is regarded by competent ob servers here to be news of great mo ment. Italians already have been landed ip Albania, a naval force having occupied the seaport of Avlona October 26. The expedition is said to be in the nature of a relief and sanitary organization, it is added that pains are being taken to • j show that Italy's step was merely lo | see that the decision of the London con : l'erence creating an autonomous Alba ' nia is carried out. The Greek premier, questioned in the chamber of deputies, concerning tht» I situation in Albania, is said to have re : plied that the Greek government had ordered the reoccupation by Greek I troops of the Argyro, Castro and Pre ; moti districts in Albania. The aim of i the government, he said, was not con ; quest, but dictated rather by reason of | humanity. These were simple police | precautions to assure the security of ! the frontiers of the kingdom of Greece. |He added that Greece continued — to | recognize the decision of the conference I of London on this subject and remained faithful to her engagements. GERMAN TROOPS REPORTED SUFFERING HUNGER AND COLD Geneva, Switzerland, Via Paris, Oct. 30, 12.25 A. M.—A dispatch from Basel received here says that the Ger man troops are suffering from hunger and cold. The dispatch says also that Germany has cailled upon the 1914 clas: of reserves, ranging from 17 to 4 5 years of age and numbering at least 480,000 mer. According to the Swiss anil French military critics, no serious Attack be tween Belfort and Verdun is to be feared until the battle of Flanders is settled. 'Cellist, Reported Shot, Safe Ohicago, Oct. 30. —'Bruno Steiudel, cello vitnoso for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, reported shot as a spy in Germany, has returned to his home in 'Ohicago. When the Kaiser made his dramatic plea to the nation he offered 'his services as a soldier, but being be yond the age limit, was refused. He left Germany for America October 3, coming by way of Rotterdam. Many Boys in German Ranks Paris, Oct. 30.—Three trainloads of prisoners arrived at the Care du Nord yesterday from Dixmude. One of the trains contained many boys as young as 1G years old, who are reported to ■have had little'or no military traiwing. Supervise British Companies London, Oct. 30.—Vienna dispatches say that several Mritish insurance com panies doing in Austria have been put under government supervi sion. .■ ■' MAKESGOOD HEALTHY FLESH H. C. Kennedy Offers to Pay for Saniose If It Fails Begiu the use of Samose to-day, and you will soon notice a gain in good, healthy%flesh'to all who are thin, weak and run down, this remarkable flesh forming food, promises plump, rosy, perfect health, vigor and vitality. Most people eat enough to become fat; the trouble is not lack of food, but lack of assimilative power. Samose mingles with the fowl thai is eaten, so that it is assimilated by the blood and builds up pleasing plump ness and good healthy flesh. Those who use Samose for a week or ten days will soon notice a gain in weight and an iui provement in general strength ami health. Samose is in tablet form, pleasant to take, and is sold by oue of the most reputable drug stores in HarrisWurg. tt. C. Kennedy's, under his personal guar antee to refund the money if it doo» not give satisfaction.