The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 30, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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9 A Saturday Hours Ask to sec the beautiful elastic bolts I POUNDED 1871 $j
Sto,, ° °pen at 9A. M.: Closes at 9P. M uow showi »K ilt 50* JX{Yfffft9fJ/t7j\
V |
Hail! His Royal Highness-The Baby-All Next Week
Everything for the Baby
From the Baby Wear Department comes those snsrcestons in
warm fixings for the little ones. H>re yon will got ideas for clothing
them from head to foot.
Infants' Shirts; buttonless and wrap- Children's Sweater Sets; sweater. U-tr
per styles; wool; cotton and silk and gings. cap and gloves to match, in
wo °l -5r to SI.OO high grade worsted yarns and an-
Knitted Baby Sacques; in white, trim- gora $2.98 to $5.00
ined in pink and blue, Infants' Hose; cotton, cashmere, wool
25c to $2.00 and silk; in white, pink and blue.
Knitted Booties; white and colors: 12 'jC to 50c
s.ilk and wool; pair. 15c to 51.50 Baby Caps; made of white silk hen-
Cashmere Sacques; of tine cashmere. galine. messaline, crepe do chine and
some hand embroidered in white jr.' trlmn with inr.
and dainty colors.. 50c to $2.50 B a ° d 25c to 53.50
v- 4 f ■, j , ■ Baby Coats; white coats of cashmere.
Kimonos, made of eiderdown; plain , r ~a and silU; some ai ,.
colors and figured: pink light blue lon with circular braid trim .
andl nhite: bound in satin ribbon med or hand embroidered; others
with heavy cord and tassel and are short 00ats 6 h
J™**: ' " Sl -° t0 sizes, in cape or straight box effect.
Flannelette Kimonos: plain colors and $1.50 to SIO.OO
pretty designs in pink and blue. Infants' Capes: white.'with silk lined
—sc to SI.OO hoods; in poplin, corduroy, serge
Mittens; white and colors 10c to 50c and silk $2.00 to $12.00
Pillow Slips; for baby pillows; hem- Colored Coats of chinchilla, corduroy,
stitched or tine embroidery ruffle. plush, velvet and wool materials, in
hand embroidered. 39c to $2.50 blue, brown, grey and green;
Coach Covers; can also be used for go- well lined; plain tailored and triin
carts; in fur and eiderdown. med; sizes 2 to 6 vears.
$1.50 to $6.00 $2.98 to SIO.OO
B?by Bibs; tine lawn and linen, hand Girls' Winter Hats; made of fine
embroidered and lace trimmed. panne velvet, trimmed with ribbon,
10c :o $3.98 Mlk flowers and shirred crown and
Turkish Feeding Bibs, .. 10c to 50c brims : the most becoming shapes
Baby Pants; Kleinert baby pants and colors: sizes 2 to 6 years.
25c and 50c SI.OO to $5.00
Kleinert s Snug-fit Baby Pants, 50c Colored Velvet Bonnets; made of
Children's Sweaters; sizes up to six panne velvet, in green, blue, eardi
years: white, grey, cardinal. Copen- nal. brown and old rose, trimmed
hagen and nary ; with or without with pleated ribbon, fur and flow
collars 98c ;o $3.00 ers SI.OO to $4.50
Infants' Sweaters: white and white Infants' Dresses; Bishop and yoke
with pink or bine trimmings, with styles: made of fine, sheer batiste
and without collars. 98c to $2.50 and nainsook; daintily trimmed
Boys' Hats; sizes to 6 years; new co!- with fine lace and embroideries;
lege and Rah Rah shapes, in wool sizes 6 months to 2 years,
materials, plush, corduroy and vel- 50c to $3.50
\et 39c to $2.00 Infants' Long Slips; made of nainsook
Knitted Toques and Caps; white with and liatiste: yokes of fine embroid
pink or blue bands: cardinal and erv or hand embroidered: tiny
navy; .... 25c to SI.OO tui'ks, and fine lace and embroidery
Baby Gowns; of -anibrie. flannel and trimmings 25c to $3.50
outing flannel 25c io $1.50 Baby Hampers. $5.00 to $7.50
Sleeping Garments; made of onting p.-Xi.. 4.v,tj„i
flannel; bag style buttoned a! hot- vlilS lOa XH6 iSciDy
, nm - 25c to 59c Ribbon carriage straps. 75* to $1.50
rlannel Shirts; long and short flannel Teething rings and rattles
and flannelette shirts. 25c to SI.OO
~. , . , 25 * ,0 <oach toys 25c to $1.50
lruants Skirts; long and short: made Record books 25c to $2.50
of tine cambric and nainsook; lace Armlets 25c and 50c
and embroidery trimmed. _ Comb and brush sets. 50c to $2.50
, 25* to $2.50 Powder and soap boxes.
Babies Kid Shoes; soft soled kid 25* to SI.OO
shoes in white, tan. Copenhagen. Powder Pnffs 25c to $l!oO
pink and blue. 25c to 50c Creeping beads 25c to SI.OO
Kid Moccasins; white, aiso white trim- Baby scales $4.50
med with pink or blue: sizes oto 3. Toilet baskets, trimmed and untrira
-25C to 50C med 50* to $6.00
Second Floor— BOWM AN'S.
CTARTIXG to-morrow-"we inaugurate Babv I
Week--devoting an entire eight days to the
babv and his needs, and to the mother, suggest
ing to her appropriate winter apparel tor the lit
tle tots.
During this entire period the Baby will be our
"Important Guest. We invite all babies to bring
their mothers, sisters and little brothers and en
joy this big event. There will be tun tor everybody.
Many special attractions have been booked-—all
lor the comfort and fun of His Majesty, the Baby,
and tor the enjoyment ot those who attend this
important event.
We believe the Baby Wear Department has never heeu so fully
equipped to take care of the little ones' need, as at the present
time, and every mother will find it to her advantage to inspect the
showing; of winter apparel for the baby.
See What Baby
As bal»y develops and grows
you will want to keep a record of
his weight. And how proud you
would feel to have him win a
Valuable Prizes
for the Baby
Ist Frize—A $5.00 Coat
For the heaviest babv bo\ or
girl tip to t> months of age.
2nd Frize—A 54.50 Dress
For tile heaviest baby hoy or
ti'irl. t> months to 1 year of age.
?d Prize— A Bonnet worth $4.00
For the heaviest baby girl. 1 to
'2 years of age.
4th Prize—S4.oo Sweater bet
For the heaviest baby boy. 1
to years of age.
Visit the Toy
I his popular department is
completely ready with new
>ioeks to welcome the little lets
during l>abv Week. There are
toys of every description, and
we're glad to report a non-short
age of toys, as was at first pre
For Saturday Only—Wavy Switches
and Transformations at Unusual
g-' *&&&*£/ Special at 95c—Switches 18 inches long,
v * Special at $1.55 —Switches 20 inches long; regularly $1.8.").
£ Special at $2.25 —Switches, 22 inches long, regularly $2.85.
\ & at S2.7s—Switches, 24 inches long, regularly $3.85.
1 A*\ Special at Sl.4s—Transformations, all- around size, regularly
Special at 82.95 I ransfor mat ions, all around size, regularly
fl JT $4.95.
Of Importance
Wavy Hair Switches—liti. 28 and tfU i nehes long; regularlv lo $8.43.
To-morrow, 84.95.
Secou<l FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
There is a Scarcity of
Women's Cloth Top
Overgaiter Button
The demand being unprecedented
To-day our shelves are over
flow ing with the handsomest
ones you'll tind at moderate ;
There are Fawn Cloth tops;
Black Cloth tops and Grey Cloth i
top styles with Louis Cuban, Cu- I
ban aiid Spool Heels. Make a
wise selection while our stock is
full and complete.
Prices are $1.69, $2.49,
$3.00, $3.50 and $4.00.
Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Have Baby's
Photo Taken
Every baby who attends Baby Week
will receive a photograph of himself
or herself free- on condition that his
attendant present a easli sales slip from
any department in the store. Nothing
is more pleasing than to have a picture
of babv a! different stages of his
A Treat for the
the Little Folks
Souvenirs to the Baby
Every baby who attends Baby
Week will receive a handsome
See the bio- stork team.
See the big 8-foot stork.
See the big window display.
See the many other features.
Watch for Further
About Baby Week
For the opening day. we only di
rect your attention to the pretty
things to found in the Infants'
Wear Department. Further news
will be given concerning the baby
from various other departments.
Chapped Hands Will
Remind You of
Warm Gloves
And especially for the children,
w hose tender hands must cam
books and slates to school
through bitter winds; we offer
the following items:
Fleece lined cashmere gloves
j in black, tan and grey. Pair,
and 50<*
('hildren's jjolf gloves in white,
grew navv, red and black. Pair,
Children's fleece lined kid
gloves in tan and grow Pair,
50? to $1.25
2-clasp leatherette gloves.
Pair and SI.OO
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
With Black Silks So Popular
These Specials Will Be
Disposed of Quickly
At no other lime have we noticed swell 11 ilemuiul for black
silks—or black fabrics in general here are si\ special items for
Saturday selling:
:!>-incli Black Satin Messnline-- very lustrous. Yard. 7f)r
sl.l!' :'."i-inch Black Satin Messaline beautiful quality. Yd.. BJ)c
$1 ;50-ineh Black Satin .Messnline rich luster. Yard.
$1,2.) yard-wide Satin Duehesse -extra fine tinisli. Yard. iIJSC
:!(i-ineh Black Moire- extra good grade. Yard 51..~>0
•f'J.iHi 40-inch Black Crepe Meteor— extra tine quality. Yd..
Main Floor— BOWMAN'S.
. A
/ \
•C Vs ij
Large Red
Rod used in connection with
hats aud trimmings has taken
Fifth Avenue by storm. If
you were to visit New York
you would see it everywhere.
Always anxious to show
the new things first, we now
present these large red roses,
which are the latest creation
for millinery. Aud with the
popular black velvet hats, are
very charming.
Ostrich Feather J
Trimmed Hats at
Here you will tind a pleas
ing assortment of these nov
elty hats. Shown in many
different effects: and various
shapes—large and small.
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Your Bed
Must Be
Here are four very special
numbers that we are featur
ing in blankets, comforts and
White Wool Blankets, $5.00
pair—ll,4 size, pink and
blue borders. We bought
these in April—had we wait
ed until now we could not
have bought them at such a
low price—and so could not
sell them to you at this
Comforts at $6.50, $7.50
and $8.50 —Hygeia down
comforts, size 6x7 feet. ,
Quilts, at $8.25 and $8.75 I
'fancy bordered saline down I
tilled <|uilts; exceptionally j
good values.
Colored Spreads at $3.00
blue only, cut corner*, em- !
broidered edge: full size. j
Main Ktoor — BOWMAN "8.
Women and
May Partake
of These
Stocks of
Women's heav\ cotton,
fleece lined vests and pants,
white aud peeler color. Kaeli,
25<* .
Women's 50e heavy cotton
j fleece lined vests and pants,
silk tinish, pearl buttons. Kaeh,
Women's heavy cotton fleece
lined union suits, bleached,
silk tinish; pearl buttons,
and SI.OO
Children's heavy cotton
fleece lined vests aud pants,
all sizes, each 1250
Children's heavy cotton
fleece lined union suits, 50c
Boys' heavy cotton fleece
lined shirts and drawers at
25c. ['nion suits at . . 50?
Complete lines of Munsing
Underwear for women and
children— vests, pants and
union suits; cotton, wool and
cotton and silk and wool.
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S,
and Window
New Process Linoleum, Satur
day 49<? sq. yd.—extra tine
quality; tile, floral and
hardwood designs; all per
fect goods, cut from full
Window Shades, Saturday at
39? Oil opaque cloth,
mounted on Hartshorn roll
ers, dark green color; regu
lar 50c quality.
Fourth Ftoor—BOWMAN'S.
Offer of
Wizard Products
1 I? Wizard triangle
polishing mop
and a regular dollar can of
widely advertised polish.
A $2.25 value at $1.25.
<t 1 AO Triangle polish
! mop aiu] a - ()( .
size Wizard polish—a regu
lar $1.50 value for SI.OO.
I Carpet cleaners,
IOC and 25C
Dust cloths. 10c and 25?
Wizard wall dusters, 98c
j Bric-a-brac dusters,.. 25c
j Basement— BOW M A N 'S.