28, 30 and 32 North Third Street New Coats New Suits We could almost say a now store announces its showing— "The better Suits" for which this is noted no matter what the price, "Are better than ever." Suits at $18.50, $20.00 and $25.00 Will he opened to-morrow morning for the first time —we think they are all right in style, in materials, in colors —this store is just as careful, how it recom mends these lower priced suits as ir does its more costly ones— And every miss and every woman can feel safe in getting correct styles. Splendid showing in Coats for Girls. Misses and Women dependable styles moderately priced. AMUSEMENTS i" \ MAJESTIC To-night. "The Charming Widows" t Burlesque.'* Entire week of Nov. Myrkle-Har der Stock Co., in a repertoire of successful plays; Monday after noon and evening. "Elevating a Husband: - ' Tuesday afternoon and evening. "The Girl of the Golden West;" Wednesdav aft ernoon ant evening, "Stop Thief." OBPHEUM Every afternoon and eveuiug. high class vaudeville. COLONIAL Daily continuous vaudeville and pic tures V- / "The Charming Widows" The first part of "The tTiara-.iug Widows." wh#h is the burlesque at the ■Majestic this afternoon and evening. is < ailed "A Dav i n Xk-e." and the plot con ems tWe laug'nabie adventures of a uumber or Americans who are visiting the gay French watering place. The action is frequently interrupted to al- | low the introduction of singing and ; • lancing numbers in which the prin cipals and a chorus of twenty pretty aud vivacious girls participate. One of j the interesting songs ("reseuts the giris ; in "muff costumes." In addition to vaudeville numbers there will be .two big features. The first is ::The l>anee, of the First Sin." by Sam Oarletou. Mile, l*>ritner and a company of four teen dancers This is a big pantomime iianv.ing act on the Apache order but with new variations and many thrills. The «e-ond is the Prom-ess Ka. in "The Mystery of the Nile." Adv. ; Myrkle-Harder Co. Seats for the engagement of the Myrkle-Harder company which will be ' at the Majestic theatre next week, wili be placed on sa-ie at the box office at 9 o"clock this morning. \V. H. Harder, of the Myrkle-Harder Company, in ex plaining his work says' "I have learned that in catering to]' the public ->ne myst take into consid eration the sire of t.he average man's poc";etbook. and for that reason I am presenting the best talent and days n the dramatic world at prices with u the . grasp of about everv |>erson. In this i way I have made a far greater success than many of my competitors catering , to the higher priced shows. '' ha.ii play produced has had ex tended runs in New York Cit- at two dollar prices. \nd it is the first timeji thev have ever been presented at po j ular prices. Complete production and |t electrical effects are carried for the j pieces, "Waat Happened to Mary." a , great p!av. marvelous scenic effects, i laughter, heart throbs, excitement; Paul : ■ _ 6affee Grand Two Coal Yards Many Varieties * In orcfer to have a large variety of the best kind of <•<>«! we have two coal yards. One yard is 011 Allison Hill at 15th and < liestnut streets on the Reading railroad. The other yard is on the Pennsylvania rail road at Forster and Oowden streets. The eqal from the Reading railroad gives , different results from the eoal from 'the Pen 11 sy 1 vania railroad. Anytime you have trouble making vour fire burn as it should tell us about it and we will easily send you something that will please you. \\ e will be glad to send you a small amount for trial. United Ice & Coal Co. Forrter * Cowden Third * Boaj 16th k Chestnut Hnmmol & Mulberry ALSO STEELTON, PA. Armstrong's. "The Escape," a won werful story of unwise marriages. The ' pulpit, press, public should not miss i this great play. Lottie Blair Parker's "I'u.ier Southern Skies:" Millions have laughed and grieved at this great Southern production. David ,'Belaeeo'e powerful clay of the west. "Girls of t'he Goldeu West;" Louis Mann's latest New York dramatic triumph. "Elevat ing a Husband;" Colrart and Harris" "Stop Thief." a play of mystery, ■ drama and laughs. "Elevating a Hus baud" will be played (Monday after noon and evening." Adv. At the Orplieuni' Mrs. Gene Hughes, who is so well known to Orpheum goers, is here again this week wit'h the best company of sup porting players we have ever seen witih : her and thev are presenting a new com edy playlet .'ailed "Ladv Gossip." The fact that 'Mrs. Hughes is the star of the piece makes it needless to say "Lady Gossip" is a comedy; incidentallv tlie , fact t*hnt it is her vehicle is sufficient reason to believe that it is a clever theme, well handled, for these are the two ''iiara teristico that have loug since j branded Mrs. Hughes' oroductions a , Oiea il-.iie attraction. Tiike "Youth,"' -Mrs. Hughes' former success, "Ladv Gossip" is more of a woman's play. It will appeal more strongly to them ar least. Its tine -omedy outlet lies in the j forced and lovely mannerisms of societv i ladies, and the stinging remarks that are made as soon as thev leave. As a society ladv. who is popular wit f .i both sexes, an i who entertains her la Iv fr>ends so delightful y, Mrs. Hughes is seen at he" best. After they have s.pped their tea. and The ladies de part. Mrs Hughe* heaves a sigh of re lief aud then her remarks—well insult ; would be expressing it lightly. After I a pretty romance, many laughable sit - j and some 'ather exciting ones— ; it all turns out that 'Mrs. Hughes was r'le editor of a column on society gos si and she made her livelihood in this ; way, all unknown to her friends. The Orplieuni"s bill is clever throughout. All is readv for the Orpheum 's big Hal loween party to-morrow night. Of course the threat re has been beauti- • fnllv decorated all week, but the real i festive occasion doesn't come until Sat-! nr lay when the ghosts wall; and strange t things happen. Por the occasion the ' audience has been invited to attend the ! performance in masquerade costumes. Adv. i At the Colonial One of the best duos of entertain • s,that have been seen on a local stage ! in many a day are known as O'Brien, l Dennett an.l Gosler, a pretty giri and a clever comedian, who play the piano, sing and dance and act out real cute ! .11 one of the merriest turns that has 1 been seen at the Busy Corner since .mproved vaudeville was first intro duced there, A great mixture of fun j and "thrills is being handed out by ■Hayes and Alpoiut: Dean and Fa> are offering a refreshing skit with songs j called "The College Premie," and !>a- 1 >alle and Raymond, t'he somewhat dif- HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 30. 1914 ferent singing and dancing comedians. ' round out the roster that will hold forth for the res: ot the week. To-day's pro gram of moving pictures is a varied and very interesting one and all of the fea tures are the first run licensed films see a j in the city. Adv. PEOPIE'S_COII/MN ' The Star-Independent don not make itself responsible for opinion* expressed in this column. He Writes of Present Political Condi tions aud Asks "Where to Get On." Editor, the Btar-lmlependent Dear Sir—As the present campaign is about closed aud election dav is drawing near and we have heard so many reasons why we should vote for the Democratic ticket, the Republican ticket, the Progressive ticket and sev eral other tickets, it makes the thought ful voter "sit up and take notice." Now, Mr. Editor, I wish you could tell us what the old line Democrats arc to 1 do. When Mr. McCormick and Mr. Pal ! tner took charge of the Democratic party in this State, thev ruled out the Halls, the Ryans. the Donnellys the Mc- Xairs and some more old dved-in-the i wool Democrats, and such personal j abuse as was heaped upon these old and faithful workers by the little would-be Czar in his morning paper and from the stump, has never before been heard iu any political party in I eunsvlvania. .Mr. McCormick cannot possibly expect the support of the thou sands of old line Democrats, perhaps he thinks he does not need them. , The great and mighty Roosevelt said j in Al'oona that any man who ran on ; :1 ticket with Penrose was as bad as : Penrose. Now then if this be true Mr. McCormick must be as bad as Mr. Mc- Xair, who is on the ticket with him and nhom he denounced in the primarv campaign, if I am not mistaken Mr. ! Roosevelt has no time for a Democrat: but he wants a Democrat to vote for ■Met. ormick but not for Palmer.* He in | ?i 9t * tl ?® t '•>? carpet bagger from New | or k. Mr. Pinchot, is the man to save Pennsylvania from going to the dogs, j ~ Tlus , P iece of juggling bv Mr. Mc orintck and Mr. fynn has the conven | tlon at Allentown four years a«o skinned a mile. Mr. Roosevelt is trying j to tell the Republicans where thev are ' ( at. Possibly you can tell the old' line i Democrats "where they are to get on | at. Yours trulv. One in Search of Information. Harrisburg, October 28, 1914. CHINESE TO DIE I.N CHAIR First of Bace to Be Electrocuted in New York State New York. Oct. 20.—An application tor a new trial for Eng Hing and Ix>e Dd K. two Chinese awaiting electrocu | Hon in Sing Sing for t'he killing of Lee i • v 1 -• was denied by Judge' 1 rain in General Sessions and the men ; will be put to death next Monday. Thev wid be the first Chinese to go to their I dent a in the electric chair in this State. At their first trial the jury disagreed ; and at the second, in Februarv of last year, the men were convicted. The i - ourt or" Appeals sustained t-se convic-1 ! tion. '■race Mack swore to Governor G-lvun ! • t'iiat she had given false testimony at ! the trial when snvasti>r and Dauphin. Only one of ! the five gave Tener a plurality over his Keystone and Oemooraitk' opponents in IS 10. The crowds which welcomed Dr. , Brumbaugh, however, iu all five couu -1 ties, in t'he opinion of the ißnuivbaugli ■ i art.v, point unmistakably to an en- I tirely different constituency tliau that which Tener found. They indicated that i a Republican vote at least 25 per cent, larger rhau that polled in the guber natorial election of 1910 will be cast j next Tuesday. ; "To predict a similar increase in j Dr. Brumbaugh's favor throughout the ' State," said an independent Philadel phia newspapers to-day, would mean a I poll of 500.000 votes for him. a some | what overly optimistic forecast, in view '| of life estimated total of 1.000.000 i votes to be cast at the forthcoming elec ";tion and in the face of t'he strength I claimed bv the Washington party in the , western counties, ij "In Berks county, a Democratic j stronghold, the crowds which turned out , to welcome Dr. Brumbaugh this week . were an eye-opener. Republican leaders ! in Reading confidently asserted, aft«v witnessing the demonstration, that the city would be safe for Dr. Brumbaugh. " Montgomery, in which Taft, Roose i veit and Wilson rau a close race, polling ( 9,000, 11,500 and 11,900 votes, re j speetivelv, showed by its Brumbaugh meetings this week that a reaction from j the WaWliing-ton party has set in wiiiich will guarantee a plurality for 'the j schoolmaster.' In Dauphin County "In Dauphin county the crowds at tiie dozen towns visited by the Repub ' Lkan gubernatorial candidate caused old-time Republican leaders to marvel. "Lebanon county, iu which Tener | polled 3,500 to Berry's 4,600 r . is an ! other in which the Brumbaugh senti ! ment is growing. In the city of Leb j anon alone 2,000 men turned out to ! cheer Dr. Brumbaugh when he reached rhe meeting there ou Tnesdav night. "Lancaster, rock-ribbed Republican, will outdo itself this year. The Brum baugh demonstration on Wedne#lay was j one such as has never been accorded any candidate in the countv's political ! history." Chanibersburg. Pa.. Oct. 30.—Charg ; ing that Boies Penrose lias consistently used his power in the State Legislature and in the I'nited States Senate to serve corporations, A. Mitchell Palmer, can didate for the United States Senate last night read the forty-eighth of the fifty indictments against "the $25,000 Standard Oil Company Senator,'' and again held up to ridicule the Penrose | tariff argument. "The tariff.'' said Mr. Palmer, "is 1 totally beside the question. The over ' shadowing, all-inclusive issue in Penn sylvania is Penrose." » On the stage were 50 Democratic ! leaders. More than 1,500 men were present and the boxes were tilled with ! women. Mr. Palmer and Vance C. Mc- Cormick, candidate for Governor, re ceived a hearty welcome. When Mr. Palmer was introduced by County' Chairman Emery D. Small, rhe applause was deafening and continued for fully I a minute. Democrats at Carlisle The most enthusiastic meeting of the ! afternoon was at Carlisle, where the J Court House was crowded by 300 per sons, who received Palmer and McCor inick with acclamation. When.Mr. Pal mer was introduced as the next Senator from Pennsylvania, the applause was ; hearty and prolonged, and when he de clared that "the cotitrol of Pennsylva nia by the corrupt Penrose machine j j was a stench in the nostrils of all de- j cent people," the crowd cheered and ! stamped. Frederick Mentzer, Democratic comi-j | ty chairman, presided at this meeting j and at the one in Newville, where a i j responsive assembly of voters, including | ! many farmers, heard the speeches at i ' the town square. When the party pulled into Shippens- i ! burg it had begun to rain, but the pub-1 | lie sauare was filled with people, be-1 sides %iany who listened from the win- | Orrine for Drink Habit TRY IT AT OUR EXPENSE We are in earnest when we ask you 1 Ito sive ORRINE a trial. You have to risk and everything to gain, j for your money will b$ returned if after j ! a trial you rail to get results from | i ORRINE. This offer gives the wives and mothers of those who drink to ex- | cess an opportunity to try the ORRINE treatment. It is a very simple treat ment, can be given in the home with out publicity or loss of time from busi ness. and at a small price. ' I ORRINE is prepared in two forms: No. 1, secret treatment, a powder; OR- I RINE No. 2. in pill form, for those who desire to take voluntary treatment, j Costs only SI.OO a box. Come in and | talk over the matter with us. Ask for i booklet. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 North Third St., and Pennsylvania R. R. Station. John j A. McCurdy, Steelton, Pa.; H. F. Brun house, Mechanicsburg. Pa. adv. | i\ £ "a fir*t<-I.A.s« Horn 1 y i IGALENHALLI iRyWERNERSVIILE j Mwj the mointains '^l IBW Resident Physician jUSK Massage: Electricity; Cabi- SBjlj net Bathe Diet Kitchen. Sam* management at : ; ►. „ CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.'3Jr > a : ; FOUNDED 18 71 mt Aiau/7Tia / rti HARRISBUPa'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORK Men Will Welcome This \ : Showing of New Balmacaans : ► Every day sees the Balmacaans growing in popularity, and especially < ► with younger fellows, . i ► This new lot features convertible collars,and loose, full hacks —yokes and < ► sleeves are lined with silk and satin. Priced at $7.50, $lO, $12.50 and sls. < | Showing New Ovarcaats In I Chinchilla, Karsay and Shetland Three-quarter length—double-breasted, form-fit ting coats—which are finding favors with the 4 younger element. They have plaid backs; full lined, < For the more conservative are single breasted < '"Prieedat Jotob! $12.50, $13.50, $15.00 a nd J ; ► Good Warm Overcoats « ; for the Boys \ y Belted models iu chinchilla. Sonic have antra- rifftrWJ y chan collars and cuffs, al $4.95 and $5.95. At I lie latter price the coats have chinchilla Rah Rah 4 Every Man Realizes His Need ; For Heavier Underwear ► Our Men's Underwear section presents complete ► stocks of "chill proof" underwear, which includes Men's heavy natural wool mixed union suits, rib- ► bed. at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. < ► Men's»natural wool underwear, heavy weight, each WRpEBSP 4 ► SI.OO, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.50. Mg ilil jj, ► Men's heavy cotton ribbed union suits, fleece Hp I3j|f t y lined, peeler and silver color, at SI.OO jffl \uMi Men's all wool scarlet underwear, each.. SI.OO !■ H \\ < Men's heavy cotton fleece lined shirts and draw- 111 |B < ► Men's heavy cotton ribbed underwear, fleece 1 in- BjßlEfi i ► ed; ecru or silver color: each . 50C 4 I Here Are Six Items That Men " ; Need at Present v* 1 y Men s Hose, heavy, black cotton; pair, i ► io* 4 and 12 opecial Overcoat , !L Men's Cashmere Hose, and heavy weight ; i black, oxford and natural: pair 25< for BOVS--at $2.00 Men's Hose, heavy wool hose; black and oxford. * j! Pair, .. ...,25< Lung coats- ai' warm cas.si-. ]! * Men s and Boys Coat Sweaters, all wanted styles; 4 ! ► at 50* 4 , SI.OO, $1.50, $1.98, $2.50 and up meres and or two ] i > to $7.00. of a kind; sizes 10 to 17—regu- J j l. Men's Flannel Shirts: plain and military collars; at ln „.„ ... i ' SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. larl - v at so ' o,) and j Men's Dress Shirts, fine quality of percale: coat Third Floor-BOWM an s! stvle; attached cuffs; all new tall patterns, at "I " SI.OO. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. y J 4 r i -j dows of buildings. A band played as i the automobile party pulled up and the j candidates were cheered. Enthusiastic ] cheering followed Palmer's declaration' that: "If you would cure all the ills from! which Pennsylvania suffers you must 1 strike at their source, and that means I that you must vote to wipe out Pen-1 , roseism.'' ! After a 20-mile ride to Greencastle, 1 where a short meeting was held, Mr. j Palmer returned to Chambersburg. C7V.NE WS ■m ■ . > • MAY NOT REBUILD HOTEL Baldwin House Site May Be Purchased by Capitalists for a Business Block Hagerstown, Md., Oct. 30.—N0 plans j have yet been made for rebuilding the j Baldwin Hotei, which was destroyed by | tire early Wednesday morning. The own ! ers of the building and site say they ' have not yet considered the question of rebuilding. It is reported that the site . j may be sold to local capitalists who are : ,desiring of erecting a mammoth busi-! I ness block. Workmen yesterday started tearing down such portions of trie hotel build ing walls as are deemed by the police .to be dangerous. The walls in the rear j are cracked and bulged and the city i authorities fear they would be blown, ; down by high winds. MoGord Marker Unveiled Chambersburg, Oct. 30. —Shortly be-1 fore the noon hour yesterday Miss j Sarah E. Bossart unveiled the marker! on the site of Port McCord, located on I the John W. Bossart farm, between : Edenville and St. Thomas. After Miss Bossart had withdrawn the flag that draped the base of the marker T. J. Brereton in a brief way explained the symbolism of the monument. This pro gram was carried out at the dedication exercises, at which Judge W. Rush Gil lan, presided: Addresses by the Rev. Dr. Cort, Over lea, Md.; the Rev. F. M. Woods, Mar tinsburg. W. Va.; State Librarian Thomas U Montgomery; the Rev. George P. Donehoo, secretary of State Historical Commission, and Charles M. Deatrich, St. Thomas. Wilson Girls Contribute , Chambersburg, Oct. 30. —When the i Christmas ship, Jason, sails on Novem- < ber 10. it will carry to the orphans i made by tfap war many warm anil use I fill tilings collected by the Wilson Col-! : lege students. Many of the articles ! have been made by the students them- I ' selves. The College has been co-op ] erating with the Camp Fire Girls to i make Chanibersburg's contribution a; large one. 'Articles to the amount ol'! SSO and $14.25 in cash have been con , tributed by members of the College.; Miss Ethel Fleming, Rex borough, Phila delphia, has had the collection iu ! charge. The presidents of the language and science clubs have beeu elected for the j j year. Miss Helen Means, Swarthmore,. Pa., has the leadership of the German ' Club, and Miss Katharine Savior, Potts- \ town, Pa., is president of the French Club. The Physical Science Club ha* I elected Miss Marguerite Xeff, Piedmont,| West Virginia, as its president. Costly Trolley Eide | Waynesboro, Oct. 30. —Bruce Bum | bangh, near Rouzerville, was brought , before Magistrate Potter yesterday and < sentenced to pay costs amounting to 1 $3.72 for not paying his fare while rid • ing on a C., G. and W. trolley car, Sun \ day, October 18, between Franklin | street and avenue. Manager Sefton, of the C., G. & W. St. Ry. lines, made the complaint I against B'.imbaugh, who plead guilty j I and also said that he was ignorant of; the fact that he was supposed to pay a fare while riding through town on a t car. Manager Set'ton withdrew the suit j and the magistrate imposed the costs, minus the fine. Want Better Fire Protection Carlisle, Oct. 30. —As the result of | 1 NOSE AND HEAD STOPPED UP FROM COLO OR CATARRH, OPEN AT ONCE My Cleansing, Healing Balm Instantly Clears Nose, Head and Throat— Stops Nasty Catarrhal Discharges. Dull Headache Goes. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Gel a small bottle anyway, just to try it—apply a little in the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will open; breathe freely; dullness and heartache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, coldin-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! GeV the the disastrous fire of last Saturdav , morning, the movement tor fire protoe tion in Newville lias been venewed an I many persona are advocating the pur chase of an auto engine for tho-town. ] In May the town authorized a bond is | sue for tiie purchase of the water sys I tern and the installation of an improved j protection system. No action along , that line has yet been taken but the ! matter will probably be presented in i the council at their next roirnl:ir «os j sion. Need Clothin? for Children Gettysburg, Oct. 30. That clothing, shoes and sto.'kings are needed by tii • i patients at the Mont Alto State sani tarium is stated by the Hex. H. I). I •Speakiiinn, chaplain. Especially are the 100 or more little ! children at the sanitarium in great i need of warm clothing and shoes and ! stockings for the winter, the chaplain j says. Contributions of clothing, slio •> and stockings or money for the pur chase of these supplies, may be sent t<> I the Rev. 11. D. Hpeakman, Mont Alto. Proof Positive "Do you suppose these women of fashion and society ever indulge in self reflection!" "Well, what do you suppose they have all those boudoir mirrors and pier glasses for!''—Baltimore American. "Why is that man walking away from the plate?" '' lie struck out." "Struck out How can you say that when lie didn't even hit the ball!" Detroit Free Press. ismall bottle of "lily's Cream Balm" |at any drug store. This sweet frng j rant balm dissolves by the heat of the | nostrils; penetrates and heals the in ; flamed, swollen membrane which lines j the nose, head and throat; clears the j air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing re j lief comes immediately. Don't lay awake to-night struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils i closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with its running nose, foul j mucous dropping into the throat, and I raw dryness is distressing but truly ! needless. But your faith—.just once—in "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or I catarrh will surely disappear, adv.