WITMER, BAIR & WITMER Main Store W., B. & W. Annex 202 Walnut Street 3J.1 Walnut Street New Fall and Mid-Winter Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Etc. <1 Special lot of sample suits, black, navy, green, brown, values -$18.75 to $31.50. Special, $13.50 and $15.1)0 <| Good warm Winter Coats— medium weight and as heavy as you please. <| Plaids, mixtures, black broadcloth, bouele. Kurl tex Astrachau—in uavv. black, green and brown. $9.75 to $37.50 Q Stylish Suits—correct styles— in all the wanted colors —ranging from $15.00 to $57.50. Special lines for $19.75, $21.50 and $125.00 <1 m ust arrived —a splendid assortment of Furs— mink. fox. seal, titeh. etc. Witmer, Bair & Witmer Annex, 311 Walnut St a Black and Navy Serge Skirts with yoke. Regular size. $2.50; extra size $2.75 <1 New Black and Navy Poplin Skirts with yoke and button trimming. Regular size. $3.50; extra size, $3.75 <| 70 Heavy Winter Coats for women, misses ami children, desirable materials and styles. Children's. $2.95 and $3.50; Misses' and Women's, $4.75, $5.00, $5.75, $6.00, $6.75, $7.50 Q3O New Long Sleeve and Low Neck Waists. Spe cial 95c <| Silk Messaline and Jersev Petticoats—colors and black. $1.75, $1.95. $2.50, $2.75, $2.95, $2.9S Q Winter Suits for girls and small women: 14 to sizes: SIO.OO to $15.00 values. Special 55.00 House Dresses—ginghams, percales. He.: hiirli or low neck, short or long sleeves: sizes Iti to st>. * SI.OO to Sl.(is WITMER, BAIR & WITMER , ———III I. i. nyr. SOCIAL and PERSONAL MRS. A. L. GROFF VISITED AT HOME AT OLD ORCHARD Many Members of Bible Class of Olivet Presbyterian Church Were Enter tained by The_r Teacher at Her Home Mrs. A. L. Graff entertained the member.* of her Bible olass ot" Oihrtl Presbyterian church ;»t her home at Olvi, Orchard, last ever Games. musi ani contests were enjoyed, after which refrestaner.ts were served. The guests included: Miss B .'aoew Wooley. Ms* Nora trrissmger. Miss Heffner. Mrs. )?hoemak- . er. Mrs. J. Harry Steele, Mr. and Mrs.' Rar*p. Mrs. Edwin Nioodenms. M.ss Net tie White, Mrs. Baton, Mis- M-.ss Vnuie Huber, Miss Matilda K.ester, j Airs. Karl StraOMMT, Miss Anna ■ t«touch. Miss Kathorfne HLiber, M-,ss ' in Groff. Miss Rath BnaWMU), M M Maude Mote, M.ss Manic S:r Miss Gertrude Huber. Mrs. GootJbart and sn;a!! son. Miss Sara White, Miss Alice Cumtnings. Mr. and Mrs. Pennv 1 {.•acker. Miss Ann Shoesnaker. Mrs. Arm s:roLg. M.ss Margaret Herman, Mis- Mary Stevens.'Mr. and Mrs. .1. Berlew. i M-s. Shaeffer and small son. Miss Irvin. M-.ss Better HMT and Mr. ar i M-- A L, Graff and Miss Manie McGuigan.-j PARTY FOR MISS RL A UK Mrs. Patrick Blade Entertained in Hon or of Her Daughter, Margaret Mrs. Patrick Blade entertained at , ber home. 10JS South CUMTOI street, last evening in compliment to her daughter. Margaret. The iT.'.estsin luded Miss Bertha Claire M,-Govern. M.ss Katherine Young, Ml-- Sura Kelly. Miss Mary Deisrot: . Mi«s Margaret Hoban. Miss Bertha Hoban. Rj hard Young. Geo-ge Young, a'.:! Tow sen, John Mor-is-ey. James Blade. Mrs. Jerome Kellv, Mrs. M. E. : M Govern and Miss Bertha Baine. ! Go on Annual Gunning Trip Members of the '"Xiost Trail Club' . eft early Wednesday morning fo- then annual gunning trip to Horse Valley.! The gunners will amp there ten days and on their return a reception will l>e given them at the home of the pres; • lent of the club. J. I. Sei.lers. Del-1 aware Street. The party includes C. J. ' harles Bbuer. John Fehl. Jack > -affaer. Prank 01K>r.r.ell an-l J. I. Sei ders. SPECIAL DIAMOND BARGAINS R«-ular $2. O'• P ;nmomj Kins will be ••ffered for sls T he-e DIAMONDS are of fine white and brilliant quality, and are mounted in Solid Gold UK Rings. We will exchange an. diamond purchased of us at full value at a ■ Special White Diamond SlightlT imperfect, for S4O J. D. BRENNER, Jeweler and Diamond Merchant \l North Third Street ' wmmmmmmmuammmmmmmmd HOLD A HALLOWEEN PARTY Miss Husier's Guests Met at Doer by Witch and Tnken Into Prettily. Decorated House Miss \erna K. Hus'.er gave a i. .giit ful Halloween party at her home, 1210 Derry street, last evening. The entire house was prettily decorated with yel low chrysanthemums. autumn foliage, pumpkin lanterns and other Halloween symbols. As the guests arrived they were met by a witch, who told thoiii many interesting things ot' their j-ast, [•resent and future. At midnight sup per was server to rhe following -: Mi>s btlxUt Thompson, of Peoria. 1 .M\ss Margaret Wrliamson. of t'an ton. 0.. M:-! Beatrice TtNUt, ot' 1* redericksb.irg: Miss Genev a Ljongs dorf. of t 'arksburg; Miss Verna Has ler. Miss Margaret Peters, Mrs. E. J. Kearney. Mi ?> Martha Holliuger. Miss Kya Davidson. Miss Margaret Wi,-k • vine. Miss Kut i Peters. Miss Josephiae ar.d Miss Tnxey Putt. Miss Vera Sei dera, Miss Alma Miller. Miss Klva K ne. Min< Luey Karp. M:?s Anna and M'.ss BeulaU Staley, Miss Anna Craver. Mrs. Elmer (.'raver. Miss Nellie Beam. V-- Kred Hoopes. Miss Bess Geiger. Mi« Mary Be-ntel. A. L,. Brady, Phil ade hia: .1 B. Martin, New Jersey: R. ' S. t urntnings. H. A. Rhinehart, Walter Hndlow, Indianapolis: Lee Mauph>u. : Harr\ Harding. Philadelphia; Charles Ha: i. Robert Shaver, E. J. Kearnev, Ro% Bryson. Charles E. Gable. Clar ence Barman, Harper Woland, John Ja oob 1 orl. Herman Lyman Hollinger, Daniel Edward Keister, Harry l.aw rence i'Javis. Walter James Crawford. John Joseph Gosney, Alexander Clay bourn Selbaugh. Francis Pogarty. Wil liam Rodenbaver. Oeorge W. Shader. Frank Ellis, John Ellu-ker and 1-ester Lehman. LARGE PARIYJN PENBROOR Miss Kathleen Kennedy and Miss Mar garet Pancake Guests of Honor Last Evening Mr. an i Mrs. John Ma.\er. So.ith T wenty N ath street, Penbrook, a Halloween party a\ their home last evening, complimentary to Miss Kath leen Kennedy and Mis? Margaret Pan cake. Autumn foliage, yellow chrysanthe mums, corn shocks. Jack-o-lanterns, b.a'k cats and other Halloween sym bols. decorated the house throughout. As the j.;ests arrived they were met by a g.ios: who conducted them to the witch's jn.p where their fortunes wore told. After an evening of games an 1 mus: • refreshment? were serve.!. The guest- included: Misses Bertha 'iarver ich. Leona Middleton. Louise Hoyler, Margaret Pancake. Rath Reidell, Kath leen Kenne iy. Kiizabeth Maeyer, Mar tha Wix, Thelma Pancake, Edward Reidell. E iward Hartwick. Thomas Middleton, William Mullen, Isaa • Heck ert. Harry Loeser. Ross Wix, James Wix, Robert Blosser. Claude Gerdes, Mr. and Mrs. John Maeyer and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wix. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Fridy To-day Ob served Golden Wedding Marietta. Oct. 30.—Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Fridy, of " Mountville," to-day celebrated their golden wedding anni versary at their beautiful home by en tertaining their children, grandchil dren and a number of friends. Among the places represented from a distance was Philadelphia, Rohrers town. State College and Lancaster. Dinner was served and the happy couple received a number of beautiful gifts. Both are enjoying the best of health. n.VRRISm'Rfi STAR-INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY EVENING. OOTORFR :tn. I'll t SBIREY TEAM IS VICTORIOUS I Wins Day's Honors in Rainbow Mem bership Campaign at Y. W. C. A. for Third Time Yesterday i For the thirj time yesterday, Mrs. | A. K. Shi rev V tram captured the day \. honors in the Rainbow membership 1 campaign at the Y. W. C. A., turning , ■in IS;!. Honors on the other days , we*e won by Mrs. Balslev s team anil i Miss Anna Orth's. The suburban hon ors yesterday wfut to t amp Hill, Mrs. Edward N. looker's team winning for I : the secoiut time. Mrs. Solomon Hiaev's team has also won suburban honors : twice ami Mrs. Forney's l'axtang team once. The green flag of Mrs. Shirey 's croup now floats from the fourth story »t" the V. \V. a., an.l the yellow of Mrs. i'coper's from the thir.l. Mrs. John W. Roily, president of the V. \\ C. announced yesterday that district limitations would be removed for the last tn.i .ays and that during to-day and to morrow the teams could work whete they wished for new mem ;»ers. Renew a s will now be counted aiso m the p*.* nts of the teams. John Fo\ Weiss, who has been deeply inter ested in the N W. 0. A., also made a rive-minute aa ress emphasizing the jreat possibilities of the new associ at ion home as a power for good. To-mor row from 4 to ti the final tea will be poured and the honors for the week will be aunounced. The contest between some of the teams promises to be close. Those (louring tea to lay were Mrs.' V.. Z. \\ a.lower, Mrs. John Campbell j and Mrs. M. \V. Jacobs. PARTY IS GIVEN FOR CHOIR Members of Ridge Avenue Church Choir Entertained by Misses Blanche and Olga Meloy M\»sos R.ar -he and Oln Melov eii- I j -ertaire.l it their home. 909 North Fif j | teenth street, last eveniug. at a Hal- i oween part* the members of the Ridge i Avenue M. F. church choir. The house w is prettily decorated and ! Che guests teever. Joseph oo:er. Fail Meredith.! I Thomas Spofford. blric Evans. Joe Oor- I I ion and John 11. Dnugtierty. Jr. Ceremony Performed at High Noon At Home of Bride's Parents Marietta. O. i. 30.—Toiay at noon j at the home of M r . and Mrs. Jacob S.' Leeds, their accomplished daughter. Miss Kathrvn Viola, was married to Stanley Biemosderfer. of Kissel j Hill, a railway mail clerk, running be-, tween New York ant Pittsburgh. Bishop Noah Ijin.lis performed the ceremony. The best man was Bieniesler fer and Min Winona Lee Is was bri les-: maid. Ja.oi. M. Leeds and Koy Mus selman. of Hagerstown, were the ush ers. Miss Marian Lee Is presided at the piano, and Mrs. Jacob Leeds, the ■ mother of the bride sang "O Promise' Me." A reception followed. Announce Birth of Son Mr. an i Mrs. Percy Lupkie, Jefferson street, announce the birth of a son. R hard Edward. Thursday, Oe- \ tober -9. Mrs. Lupkie was Miss Bess j Hambright prior to her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. George Reed, of Read- ing. were re.-ei't .uests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mi.ler 1262 Market street. M a ke s Keeps You pii You Well Well Gel Duffy's and Keep Well" There is one medicinal whiskey so absolutely pure that physicians have no hesitancy in prescribing. It is Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey By virtue of its uniformity, de pendability and freedom from the injurious eiements found in the ordinary beverage whiskies it has established a reputation as A Medicine for All Mankind In cases of exhaustion following long illness with tedious convales cence. Duffy s will be found very beneficial. It* use is recommended in the treatment of wasting and run down conditions of the body, brain and muscle, as it enables the system , to resist disease germs. "Sold by most druggists, grocers and dealers in sealed bi ttles only— I j never in bulk—by Pennsylvania trade Full (Quarts $1.25 per bottle; ' Commercial Quart SI.OO per bot- ! tie." The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, X. Y. Laugh At Dyspepsia By Simply Using a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet After Any Meal Yon Want to Eat It sounds almost ridiculous to thtilk of eating a big meal without pain and diseomfort afterwards, doesn't iff Well, try this simple remedy and demonstrate its truth. You know that 12 men fa jury* decide the laws of our land. Not only have 12 men O. K.'d Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets, but hundreds of thou sands as well. * "What do 1 care about this meal? A little Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet will digest it easily for ine." Just think! One ingredient con tained in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 3,000 times its weight in , food. Doesn't this tell you that such aid to your body means relieving your distress from food? What the thousands are daily do ! ing you can surely do. Every condi tion of stomach and digestive troubles ! lias been relieved by Stuart's Dvs [ pepsia Tablets. They nave been tested j and tried for years. They are this na ' tion's greatest dyspepsia remedy. They are sold wherever drugs are sold. Surely this manner of proof is all you j need to know what course to pursue. It' any man can prepare a better ; remedy than Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab -1 lets he can make millions of dollars. ; Is there a better one? Why not use this hint to awaken | vour common sense and make you go to your druggist to-day and buy a box. To anyone wishing a free trial of these tablets please address F. A. Stuart Co.. 150 Stuart Bldg.. Marshall. Mich., and a small sample package will , be mailed free. Adv. NONPARIEULUB DANCE Held in Hall of Flatiron Building Last Evening—Many Guests in Costumes The members of the Noupariel Club | a masquerade dance last evening I ;u the Flat iron building. The guests in ; eluded: Misses Charlotte Hoverter, Margaret lover, Grace Sprout, Mrs. Wayne Klaiss, iiM'ss Ijucille, < elia Burns, Adeline Ste; hens. Jessanune Caldwell, Elizabeth Kiehmaii. Jennie Fry. Hazel Weaver, Mrs. Corning, Caroline Bowers, Helen Kidiman, Flora Eshenour, Claire Higs man. Mary Cover, Elsie Brubaker, Edith i Houclff Pearl Wiest. Maude Dunkle, Mrs. !!. Reed, Irvin Mofter, Frank c'o»- oli. Earl Feindt. James M. Wells, Da vid S. Ma^Donald. Lillian Stauffer, Es ther Wenriek, Jean Port, Earl Osnader, Hattie Elder, M. J. Dbersole, Ida Zor cer, Harold Shermau. Mrs. Bradbury. \ ernou Bradbury, Marguerite Elder, Naomi Mu-haei, Marie Elder, Paul Siprout, Douglass Oourrier. William Bryner. Clarence Dougherty. Marie Cooper, Earl Hoffman, Clement Kelly, Thomas Bowers, Harry Snyder, Molvin linker. J. Prinze, Mabel Wiest, Pollv Hoack, Anne Fogartv. Mary Kelly, Heath Braselmanu. Mrs. Sterrick. Wil liam Sterriek. Hunt Barrington. Flor ence Speck. William Anderson. Carl Coover. Rose Fogartv. H ALLOWKKN AT ST. ANDREW'S Elaborate Preparations Have Been Made for Event The annual Halloween sociail of the Embroidery Guild and the senior branch of the Junior Auxiliary of St. I Audreiw's P. E churcji will be held this evening in the parish house. The members have made elaborate prepara tions for this affair and the parish house will be beautifully decorated. Both the basement and first floor will be used, with dancing in the basement. Miss Gertrude Dunn. TIT Capital street, spent yesterday in Philadelphia. '| ™ j | 1 lie November list of \ ie tor records now on sale em- ! j braces an exceptionally fine variety of selections. The i! ; late dances, *on>rs and grand | opera selections by noted || '< II artists are on the list. Three double-faced records j| issued as a supplement to the I! :l November list comprise: 17W-I4 Taoinfisf Frff and K£a*> Ca*tJe Polka 3SM.I Haltin' thr Jack *lfiiiloH Brook Foi Trot I 3f»44M1 Do (He Kuany Foi Trot Babl j! Fox l'rol C. . Sle.lar .Inc. Pianos Mdrolas JZZ -iO N. 2nd St. --'ir* Newk of Persons Who Come and Go Miss Blanche Suavely, 105 Oalder street, ami Mrs. O. K. Bruuer have re turned from a few days' visit with friends in Philadelphia. James B. Liehtentoerger, of Philadel phia, is spending the week end with his parents. Sir. an,l Mrs. I'. Lichteuberger, -14!' North FV»urth street. Miss Betty Shuiik, 1425 Walnut street, and Miiss Emily Haller, 25t> < al der street, will lie week end guests a>t the house |>arty given by Miss Catherine Buttorotl at Mt. Mollv S- rings. Miss Mary Robinson, Miss Marga retta Dleming and Miss Susanna Flem ing, who since their return from Ku rope on tiie S s. Rotterdam have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Rofcinson at Lawreucevjlle, N. J„ returned to-dav to their home, 111 State street. Mrs. Carl Bvandes Ely, who ha« been spending the summer in the A.li rotidacks, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Halt. Holdsborohgh, Front and Forster streets, before opening her home, 307 North Front street. Mrs. M. K. Holland and daughter. Rheta Adele, are the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. F. S. Holt/.. Stis quehanna street, while en route to Mar ion, ()., from Seranton, where they have been spending some time. Miss Enmm L. MacAlarney, of New \ ork Citv, is spending several days as the guest of Mrs. Mabel Crouise Jones, 105 Locust street. Mrs. Mabel Crouise Jones has re turned from Ihineannou, where she was the guest of Mrs. Lane S. Hart. Last evening she addressed a suffrage meet ing at the residenee of Mrs. Sylvester Schiller at Dun auuon. Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Miller, 1262 Market street; Miss Mane Miller, of j P&xtonia, and Mr. and Mrs. Reed, of Reading, are home after a motor trip 1 to Hanover. Mrs. Margaret Fritz. of New Bloom tield, is the guest of her son. Krank Fritz. 1341 Vernon street. Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Narv and son. Thomas Narv. and Virginia Heuvh, of KUiottsburg, spent yesterday with their nieee, Misj Sara Coover, in this eitv. Miss Hattie Brooks, of Scranton, and Miss Jennie Mcllenry, of Pre lerick, Md.. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Barringer. IS4O Derry street. Mrs. Clayton Forney, 3 North Se\ euteenth street, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Stoddard, in Lynchburg. Vs., for a month. . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stratib, i>4 North Seventeenth street, are home al't er spending several week# in Erie, Ni agara Falls and New York Citv. Mrs. William Hordes and daughter Miss Nan Hordes. 21 !* Reilv street have returned home after spending se\ eral months in Jacksonville, Fla.. witl the former's daughter, Mrs. 1,. Bowman and with friends in St. Augustine. Mr. and Mrs. Karl DUenhoni, of New York, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Wintield. TO6 North Sixth street. Boss Kimball, 422 South Thirteenth street, is spending ten days at his home in Connellsville. Miss Emma Knight. 223 Maclay street, left vesterdav for a visit to Media. M. E. Conrad, 130 Loo list street. I left yesterday for a visit to his parents ! in Beaver. Charles Gingrich, 11 s M ulberrv street, is spending the week-end in New York. Mr. and Mrs. George lOshelman, 1412 Nandain street, are spending two weeks in Klniira. X. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mercer and Miss Marjorie Mussina Mercer, of <'ot tage HiH. Steelton, are spending some time at Sunset Hall, Wernersville. Mrs. A. Reeder Perriday, 1621 North Front street, is in New York for a week's stay* Mrs. Paul A. Kunkel and Miss Mary Kuukel. 1607 North Second street, art spending some time in Philadelphia. Mrs. Jennie Lee, 624 Camp street, has returned home from a visit with her irother in Philadelphia. Miss Helen Bowers, 318 Cumberland street, spent yesterday at Mt. Gretna. William Johnston, 3020 North Sec ond street, is home from a two weeks' stav at New Germantown. ( LASS ELECTS OFFICERS Entertained at Home of Homer Black at Old Orchard Homer Black entertained the mem bers of his Sunday school class of Grace M. E. church at his home at Old Or chard last evening. Orti.-ers were elect ed as follows: President, Mrs. Homer Black: vice president. Mrs. Charles S. Boll: secretary, Mrs. L. Rausch; treas urer. Miss Marian Wvckoff: librarian, Miss Susan Swartz. Following the business meeting the evening was spent in a social manner and refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. C. S. 8011. Mrs. L. V. Rausch, Mrs. Harry Bret/, Mrs. J. M. Coinpton, Miss Anna Comp ton, Miss Minnie Gotta, Mrs. Frank C. Sites. Mrs. William Fraim. Mrs. I. C. Harlacker, Mrs. H. W. Miller, Mrs. W. Young. Mrs. Arthur Bacon, Mrs. Anna Bacon, Mrs. Jesse Lybarger, Mrs. Zim merman, Mrs. Paul. Mrs. George Meilv, Mrs. S. Z. Shope. Sirs. Stroup and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Black. GI'ESTS OF MRS. JOHN PATRICK Entertained at Auction Bridge at Her Home Yesterday Mrs. John B. Patrick entertained tlie following guests at "auction bridge" at her home. 817 North Second street, yesterday afternoon: Mrs. William Bushnedl, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Ryder, Mrs. Mabel Cromse Jones, Mrs. Samuel F. Dunkle, Mrs. Browne, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Howard Omwake, Mrs. Pancake, Mrs. Frank Cook, Mrs. Samuel C. Todd, Mrs. McEnroe, Mrs. Gramm, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Ward, 'Mrs. J. H. Mugger, Mrs. Frederick Herman Marsh, Miss Royal, Miss Alice Eaton, Miss Minnie Bailey, Miss Clara Stewart, Mrs. Isaac Snyder, Miss Cora Lee Snyder. Mrs. Funk and Mrs. William Houston. The decorations were of cosmos, chrysanthemums ami ferns. ENTERTAINED DELPA CLI B Guests of Mis? Marie Wohlfarth Spent Pleasant Evening, Miss Marie Wohlfarth entertained the members of the Del pa Club at her home at Washington Heights last even ing. The rooms were prettily decorated and the guests apent a merry evening with games ami contests of the Wallow een season. Those present were Miss Marian Mc- LADIES' BAZAAR Extraordinary Values Added to Our Mid-Season Sale of Ladies' Outergarmeiits For to-morrow we present some new arrivals in our mid season sale of Ladies' Outergunnents whieli are bound to find ready sale With those who appreciate extraordinary value. An inspection on your part is certain to prove to our mutual advantage. Investigate. A —————-N Serge Dress Special Velvet Dresses at Re- All wool soruo r©e offered to morrow l.v pretty and effective model, at Saturday, . .Trl" $5.9811 $10.98 t0 $18.98 v ' *- i BIG COAT SPECIAL To morrow we will offer heavy cloth coats in Scotch plaids, £ j f|Q mixtures and plain shades, worth $7.50. for «P*).VO Others in every wanted fabric and model, al S.Y»K to &M.OH \ t Petticoat Special Silk Waists Messaline silk petticoats all A new lot of tlic llltMf modelß shades, s_.ot value, special Sat- j„ ~r op „ ohine, taffeta, messn "ay only. , in(> ftm , figures $1.19 I I and plaids, worth $3.50 to $7.50 I (Limit, one to a customer.) I I $1.98 to $4.98 i »• -> *- Beautiful Suits at Startling Reductions All wool serge and novelty cloth suits, newest models, AO satin linings: si.-.es up to 42, worth $14.98. Sale price, • Gabardine, unfinished diagonal poplin, serge and novelty cloth suits in all wanted shades ami models; worth $16.98. £ f AO Sale price 1 U.VO $20.9S to $2 4.!>S suits in poplins, serges, gabardines, broadcloths, unfinished worsted and finished serges. Skinner's and d? | C OQ other guaranteed satin linings. Sale price «P 1 »/«VO Suits in broadcloths, finished and unfinished serges, gabardines, nov eltv cloths, poplins, etc.: worth $27.50 to $50.00. Sale prices, slß.9B'° $35.00 «■ / , IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT N We take pleasure in announcing the opening of a tirst elass Millinery Department, under the direction of Miss Anna Hibbs, where the latest modes in Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Millinery will be shown at all times, at the reasonable pricing for which this store is noted in its other departments. v 10 12 South Fourth Street / j Cormick, Miss Mina Crawford, Miss : Marian R. Berry, Miss Kthel Showers, i Miss Dolly Kuouse, Miss Agnes Moes j lein, Miss Bessie Stoner, Charles Mc ! Call, I" K. Kspenshude, G. 1,. Rice, ! James Bogar .1. Casper Wohlfarth, Merle K. Keller, \V. K. Kuouse and Paul i .1. Knouce. Houck Co. Shoe Sale. The Houck Shoe Company, 4S Mar ' ket street, near the subway, announces | a big sale of fall and winter shoes for men, women and children at sacrificed prices. The Houck Shoe Company, like many other stores, contracted months ago for their fall and winter goods, j Owing to trade conditions, they have 1 more goods than can be sold in the regular way. To dispose ot the sur -1 plus and to save a greater loss later 1 on, prices are cut very low to urfload 1 at the present time. TO BOOST LINCOLN HKiHWAY Farmers Will Turn Out Halloween to Celebrate Year's Work j Chicago. Oct. 30. —The county seats lot' manv of the counties located on the j Lincoln Highway are planning big things for the night of October 31, I when the great country-wide demonstra- I rion marking the successful termination of the first year of Lincoln Highway work, will be held. It is expected that j the farmers for miles around will at tend the festivities in hundreds of the smaller towns on the route. There are going to be "big doin s I and for one night the farmers in ' twelve States will hustle through with their many duties and. bmi'lliug the | whole family into the car. will speed Ito the nearest town to take part in the parades and exercises which will be a feature in even the smallest \ il lage on the route. The farmers of the nation, perhaps more than any other cla>s, appreciate what the Lincoln Highway and the big idea back of it means to them and their prosperity. Much of the credit for the success which has been reached during the past year is due to the rural communities through which the high way passes. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in bonds have been authorized in rural counties during the year past, and will he used solely for Lincoln Highway improvement next spring. The amount of actual work done in improv ing tile route by the farmers of the country cannot be estimated —teams and men have worked for days without recompense in dozens of localities. The support of the American farm- SOAP ON HAIR CAUSES DANDRUFF. SCALP CEIS DRY. HAIR FALLS OUI Cirls! Get a 25 Cent Bottle and Try a "Danderine Hair Cleanse" After washing your hair with soap always appiy a little Danderine to the s<-aip to invigorate tlie hair and prevent dryness. Better still, use soap as spar high as possible, ami instead have a "Danderine Hair Cleanse." Just moist en a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefully througli your hair, taking one strand at a time. This will remove dust, er has made the Lincoln Highway a | reality and he will be in evidence Oc | tober 31 to help celebrate the realiza ! t.ion of the plan which he so warmly : approved a year ago, YOUNG PRAISES M'COKK Tells Three Reasons Why He Believe* the Harrisburg Man Should Be Elected Robert K. Young, State Treasurer, j one of the founders of the Washington | party, presided at the so-called non-par -1 tisan meeting held in Chestnut street ball last night. Mr. Young, in assum ; ing the chair, made a speech avowing i his allegiance to Pinchot and McCor , mick, saying that Pinchot was sure to j be elected and McCormick would be the ■ next (iovernor if those who supported Koosevelt in 1912 voted for the Har j risburg man this year. Mr. Young said a Governor of Penn sylvania requires three qualifications— he must be intelligent and possess com moil sense and courage. McCormick has these qualities he said. Mr. Young's ' speech all the way through was for Mc j Cormick. Arthur R. Rupley, Washington candi j date for Congressman-at-large, made s speech along national progressive lines and then paid high tribute to Mr. Mc j Cormick and denounced Senator Pen ! rose, .lames A. Stranahan, a forme/ .Deputy Attorney General, told of the successes of the Democratic party in | ISB2 and IS9O in electing Pattison as ; Governor, and predicted Mr. MeCor ! mick's election. The Rev. Dr. R. M. Little, of Phila | delphia, attacked Brumbaugh, Bigelow 1 McN'ichol. Yare, McAfee and all of the I other Republican leaders and said he j knew that Dr. Brumbaugh had declin j ed to declare against Penroseism. Dr. Little said that Dr. Brumbaugh is a psychological study in that he sees the same thing differently at different ! times. Colonel Austin, of Atlanta, Georgia, i made a plea for the election of Mc : Cormick. The Colonial band was pres ent and played some music. At the Witching Hour She —Now it's your turn to walk the baby; she's half yours. He—All right: you can walk your ■ half and I'll let my half cry. —Phila- delphia Ledger. dirt and excessive oil. In a»fow mo ments you will be amazed, your hair will not only be clean, but it will be wavy, fluffy aud abundant, and possess an incomparable softness and lustre. Besides cleansing and beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dis solves every particle of dandruff; stim ulates the scalp, stopping itching and failing hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sun shine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating and life-produc ing properties cause the hair to gro* long, strong nnd beautiful. Men! Ladies! You can surely have lots of charming hair. Oct « 25 sent bottle of Knowlton's D.indcrinu from any drug store or toilet counter auu try it. adv. 3