The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 30, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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State Famous During Glorious Days of
Comstock Lode. Still in
Silver Production
Washington. Oct. 30. —Nova ia is es
sentially a metal-producing State, me
tallic products constituting more than .
per cent. of the total value of the
State's mineral output, according to
(he United States geological survey..
Though Nevada ; .s at present of much
less relative importance as a ininiug
State than it was in the "glory" days
of the famous Comstock lode, it eon
i tmus to rank first .n the production of
silvir, which is third among the miner
al products of the State. The most im
portant mineral product of Nevada is
copper, in the production of which Ne ;
vada ranks fifth among the States. Gold
nunittg ranks second among the State's
miueral industries. The production of
copper increased from $6,47 7,49 4
pounds in 1912 to 90.693.T0l pounds
in 1913. but with a decline in value
from J14.265.757 to SI 4.057.531.
Copper mining is one of the new indus
tries of the State. It Jul not begin o:i 1
an important scale uutil 190S, with
the development of the Kly district in
White Fine county. In 1907. prior to
ttu' levelopment of the Ely district, the
copper production of the State was U'--
than 2,000,000 pounds, but in 1913
\it exceeded 90.000,000 pounds.
In sympathy with the general tend- j
ency in the decreased production of
gold, the output of gold iu Neva,la de
creased from 650.943 fine ounces, val
ied at 813.436.150. in 1912. to 370.-
559 due ounces, valued at $11,795,130
in 1913. More than 60 per cent, of the
gold produced in Nevada in 1912 and,
1913 came from the Goldtiell and Ton
opah districts.
The production of silver increased
from 14.369,063 fine ounces, valued at 1
55.556.97 4. in 1912. to 16,090.083 fine
ounces, valued at 89.715.410. in 1913.
About 70 per cent, of the silver output
is derived from the Tonopah district.
To what extent the Comstock lode in
Churchill county has fallen from its
high estate in the production of silver
is indicated by the fact that ; u 1576.
when this famous district was at its
zenith, the output was over 17,000.000
ounces of silver, ami in 1913 the total
production from Churchill county was
less than 1.300.000 ounces.
The total value of the iu ; neral prod-'
uets of Nevada in 1913 amounted to
837.542.054. against 839.111.52S in
Tour Conspirators in Slaying of Arch
duke to Hang
Sarajevo. Bosnia, • Oct. 30. — via
Amsterdam to London—Judgment was
pressed on the assassins of Archdu <o
Francis Ferdinand, heir-apparent to 'lie
Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife,
the Duchess of Hohenberg.
Gavrio Prinnp, the act ia assassin,
escaped with a sentence to mrr sou ;
ment for twenty years. Four of the
conspirators were sentenced to leath
by hanging, one to life imprisonment,
two. including Medeljo Gabrinovic, vho
threw a bomb at the Archduke, but
which did not explode, to twenty ye
one to sixteen years, one to thirte.- .
years, two to ten vears. oue to seven
years and two to three years.
The other -defendants were a juit
Breaks Animal's Leg But It Escapes
After Accident
Hatnmonton. N. J., Oct. 30. —As
young Laurence Edwards was rtriv'ng
It is auto from the county boulevard,
the main road from New York and
Philadelphia to Atlantic City, two leer
dashed in front of h s car. four mile-»
south of this place. To avoid
one of the deer, Edwards swung his
car sharply to one side. Just then the
seconi deer dashed to the same spot
and the car struck him. The jolt threw
Edwards back heavily in his car. bruis
ing his shoulder.
The youth drove to the house of
Game Warden William B. Loder, who
went to the place of the a 'cident. He
found signs that the struck deer had
escaped on three legs, the fourth evi
dently having been broken. In its
rush the frightened animal had run into
a covey of quail, as a lead hrd was
found by the warden.
Not to Be Divulged Until Thirty Days
After Clearance
B , Auonateri
W. -hiiigt -r.. Oct. ; »o.—Act in* Se -e
tu". Lunging sai i yesterday that re
tary McAdoo s order to collectors of
v customs not to mike public the nature
cargoes of "hit s iepafting from
American , orts uu ii thirty days after
tl.ey had cleared was issued after con
sultation wi - h the State Department.
He declined to giv,. the reason for its
issue, but it is und< --to<>d that seme
belligerent aiixj s at sea have been re
ceiving advance information of the
contents of cargo.'.; through the publi
cation of manifests Mr. Lansing
pointed oiit tint before the war broke
out manifests were not ma le public as
a ru 1 ■ until several days after a shit)
had cleared.
In some quarters here there was a
• i mposition to regard the order as lia
ble to the ships of the aHies to
exercise more than customary vigilance
an 1 scrutiny, searching practicallv ail
s.iii.s leaving American ports. As the
right of search, however, is conceded
to all belligerents on the high seas, and
saippers send contraban i abroad at
their owr. risk, rhe American govern
ment is said not to feel concerned.
Denies Giving Aid to Villa
By .4 mciated Pret».
New York, Oct. 30.—A statement
made by rhe ofti. ers of the American
Smelting and Refining Oom;anv denies'
the charge of Roberto V. Pes-|uerra. for
merly aii active c.geat of Genera! "Car
rauze. that tae Guggenheim interests
had given moral and finan-ial aid to
General Villa.
"This company's representatives,"
says the statement, "have beero par
ticularly careful not to interfere in the
iwlitics of Mexico, and to refuse all
requests for financial support of any
Coffee Exchange to Remain Closed
New York. Oct. 30. —The board of
managers of trie New York Coifee Ex
change have voted not to open tho I
exchange, as it was proposed, at the
expiration of the British moratorium.!
Noieuu-er 4
$25,000 Worth of New Goods Bought and Sold to You in Many Cases at Practically Cost
c4Bfi®v ; J
Manufacturers' and Importers' Sale of
New Winter
At 33c and 50c on the Dollar
$20,000 Worth if Mew W.nter Millintry at Sacrifice Prices Go on Sale Here
Sacrifices which had to be made by New York's largest importers and manufacturers who on account of
unfortunate business conditions were forced to unload—and who naturally tnrn to the leading Millinery Stores in
order to dispose of their goods.
By careful buying in the early part of the season, we were in position to take advantage of the many goad
We had a very small stock left from our Spring purchases and anticipating an increased demand for WIN
TER MILLIIfERY at POPULAR PRICES, just as soon as the cool weather returned, we bought liberally of only
such goods as are now in demand.
By carefully looking over the class of Millinery advertised here, yon will at once notice this particular
feature of this sale.
And Remember-
That the goods advertised here represent only a very small part of our tremendous line!
We have been told many times before this by people who have visited the largest stores in the larger
cities that nowhere have they seen a more complete assortment. This holds good on the goods put on sale here.
Our assortment is tremendous and comprises all that which is NEWEST and
BEST in MILLINERY at prices never attempted before at this early stage of the
season. Your Hat purchased HERE and NOW means MONEY SAVED.
We havo never offered such unusually good Hats for so little money.
It is not a question of making pro sits. We want to sell lots of Trimmed
Hats and we have made prices accordingly.
special AH tends of New Hats special
sri ar) Including large Misses' Velvet and P'.nsh sa m A Q
M -*\ Hats, handsome Black Siik Velvet Tailored \«| MX
/■ »V\J Hsts and ciose-titting Turbans. Plenty of /S *
tfli high-clari, Dress Hats in black and all colors. Ma»
Li fact no matter what kind of hat you may JL
want we have it at this price.
Hats for Middle- j Misses' Trimmed
Aged Women Velvet Hats
Of Black Silk Velvet. With ribbon or fancy
high-class trim- QQ feather trim- <£l Qv?
miliars. Special. uiiiig. Special,
The Large Picture hats
Including the higher class London Sailor Hats whic.ii
ioSm at at $6.98 and $7.98
Small and Medium
Velvet & Plush Hats
With Ostrich (J? 4 QQ
Plumes. Special.
Velvet Toques
and Bonnets
Hand draped of finest
s^;r. .. $3.98
Mourning Hats
Our own Jesigus, I'annot bo bought,,
anywhere under ?6.00 to $3.00.
$3.98 and $4.98
Four Great Offerings
In New Ostrich Fancies
at Half Price
Ostrich Fancies, JQn
worth up to qsl, at
New Ostrich Fancies,
beautiful styles to select
from, worth $1.25
and *1.50. at ... . ■
One Table of Handsome
Large Ostrich Fancies—
all the new colors included
—worth up to Qftp
$2.50. at
One case of high-class
Ostrich Fancies and
Plume effects. QQ
worth up to $5.
Children's Hats
Prices are away down.
See our Trimmed Velvet Hats
at SJ.9S
Yelour Hat? $1.»8
Velvet Hats at -19 c, T."»c and HXc
Misses' Felt Sailors with IJuman
ribbon sa*h AKc
Velvet Hats with >(•»»»*.! ruffles
Fine Dress Hats
Small, liiodium and
large, the kind you pay
$5.(,K) and $6.00 for at
other stores. sJ?Q QQ
Special «DO.i/0
f — >,
! reiichßoomModels
About 40 of our high
est class Hats have been
reduced in price for
this sale. Reductions
are generous.
Elevator to Third Kloor.
Five of the Best Bargains in
Untrimmed Hats
which it has been our good fortune to put on sale
Best Black Silk Velvet Hats
1 - lo: includes an immense assortment of the very best shajK'-: AQ
iu Sailors and dress shapes—over 2T> styles to select from.
' al '
Best Silk Hatter's Plush Hats
Not a liat in this lot worth less than s3.oo —ail the best and
newest -"mall and large shapes—quality is excellent. Vllf*
Large Silk Velvet Sailors
These are the new- broa.l brimmed Velvet Sailors of best rti
lustre Silk Velvet and usually sell at 53.98.
Black Genuine Lyons' Velvet Hats
Twelve of the very newest and swellest dress shapes—in- rr» /\0
i-luding >evpn medium and small shapes with hand-blocked JS I Mri
crowns. These hats arc worth SS.PB and S.V9B S[wcial. .. . V
Florence Allen Sailors
In Felt and Velour, black, brown, navv. anH AO
grey, etc.: a wonderful assortment at (pdit/O
Black and White Flumes, best Handsome Large Colored Flumes,
French -tock,broad flues. QQ inches long; all colors
worth So.oo. Special, ei S a s" dinßß $2.88
ST.»M) and SH.(H) Colored Ostrich Large White and Black Ostrich
Plumes, wonderful values in the lot. Plumes —Extia heavy flues, broad
Colors are exquisite. <£ j a a tips; actual value $7.00. <£ a a a
Spee : al, «p4.44 Special *p4.44
Fancy Feathers
and Flowers
At Special Prices
Ostrich Tips, all colors,
i> to bunch, JQ,,
Handsome Ostrich QQ
Lobster Bands. ..
Broad feather hands, )>(>
inches long, all col- 49c
Broad Fancy Colored
Feather Breasts,
worth up to so,oo,
Imitation Aigrette Fan
cie> —Id different stvles —
S up „ t0 49c
Large Silk Hoses in of
the newest colors,
worth 75e. at ....
French Shoulder Bou
ifiiets of Siik and \Vlvet,
all new col- 25c
Hold and Silver Hoses—-
elegant 75c and 98c J Q
values "tUL
White and Black Yeh et
Poppies, newest j_Q/»
patterns < x%/C
New Bouquet of Silk
Velvet Buds with foliage
to match: value
$1.00; H colors W/C
SALE^OF— ———— Women's &, Misses' Apparel
Great Spot Cash Purchases From the Leading Suit, Coat
and Dress Manufacturers of the Country.
Under present conditions spot cash is able to work almost miracles. Some of
the best styles of the season have been sold to us at a fraction of their value All
newest seasonable wanted hgh-class dependable goods THESE BARGAINS
Women's and Misses' S{AQC Women's and Misses' <M q nr
$16.50 SUITS, 1 f $27.50 SUITS,
Several Attractive Styles Long and Short Models
In nil wool Treoo Cloth and medium weight Serge. „ V " 11,0 P o P u,llr materials, ino hiding Kroadetoth,
lu black, brown, navv and green, lined with guar- H.'!if.Vi'l' 1 ''n.'',"''"i"'' j" "" 'I' 0 , *hu'Je».
r h Heauti tally silk lined; of some at vies there are but
auteed satui. one or two of eaeh.
s v j
For Saturday Only &,"t I!r™\ c teusE! Any s2s'
This means that you can choose any S3O, $35, $37.50 or S4O Suit, including
Velvets and Broadcloths, for Saturday only at $25
Women's and Misses' QQ Women's and Misses' <£Q no
Smart New Fall Styles Five Excellent New Styles
T , . 1 i> 1 College Coats, full length and three-quarter mod
There aie swagger mannish Balmaoaans, College o)s iu , llaiu , olor9i mixt uros. plaids and imitation
Coats in mixtures and snappy White Velour Coats. fur fabric.
J j
Women's and Misses' (PC QQ , , Women's and Misses' (£7 fto
$7.50 Serge Dresses, j f sls Velvet Oresses, v*»«» 0 ]
Mostly Samples The New Orlander Model
Very chic new styles in navy, green, Co pen. and I I All the very newest styles represented in either!
black Serge; either all serge or satin sleeves and I I Velvet or Serge or Velvet and Satin combinations. I
skirt. | I N'avv and black only.
V / - J
None of the above items sent on approval or C. O. D.; none exchanged.
John M. Ward Says Pitcher of Buffalo
Feds Has the Corkscrew
•loiiu M. Word, business manager of |
the Brooklyn Fe lerai league dub, de j
dares that the corkscrew ball —-hereto-;
t'oro a tii-tionary product—has beeu un- j
covered by Russell Ford, a pitcher of 1
ttn> Buffalo Federals. It was Ford, by
the way, who first useni the emery do- 1
livery, legislated out of use bv the Na
tional and American league presidents
on the eve of tlie last world's series.
" Ford has a real corkscrew deliv
ery," aaid John M. Ward yesterday.
"At least I have stood behind him aud
that is what it seems to be. He throws ;
| the bill with a pretty fair turn of speed, I
as fast, in fact, as the ordinary curve. ,
'' The ball comes with no rotary mo- j
ti o 11. At least the rotation is so slight j
' that all the seams show. Perhaps it is
an optical illusion. A slig*ht wavering
, of the stitching might account for the j
i phenomenon. But so far as I could ob
| serve, the ball came up in a corkscrew I
' motion, falling away spirally as it ap-1
"[ have never seen anything quite!
| so weird in all my experience. Batters |
i hit inches over or in-hes under in such !
I manner as to prove their efforts simply i
guesswork. Why, no catcher yet has'
; been able to receive this delivery. The
pitch hits the backstop on the shins as
j often as it hits his glove.
"Ford has tried to show the new!
i wrinkle to the best pitchers in the Fed- ;
eral League. Mordecai Brown, Tom Sea- j
; ton and all the rest could not grasp the J
first idea of its manipulation. This ball j
> i-s the freakiest of froa,k deliveries. It <
, may never amount to anything because
I Shampoos
And light touches of Cuticura
Ointment. They remove dan
druff, allay irritation and pro
| mote permanent hair health.
Samples Free by Mall
ICutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout (be
world. Lltaral wimple of each fre*. with I
book. AddrcM "Cutfeura," Dept. 9F. Bos too. |
I. C. E. S. of the Fourth Street Church
of Goa Enjoy Weird "Trip
Through Wonderland"
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Booser, l!?2t!
Derry street, entertained the I. C. E. S.
of the Fourth Street Church of God
last evening. Many weird amusements
were iufiul)»ed in. The star attrac
tions. however, were the "Trip
Through Wonderland" and t-ne visit to
the "Wizard of Oz."
After the games a piano solo was
rendered by Professor Charles Mac key.
who has but recently returned from
Germany, where he was studying music.
Hefreshments were served to the foHow
Margaret Baekenstoss, Ruth Laverty.
Jean Hoy, Gladys Cheney, Anna Ehigan.
Miriam Sehaner, Sara Shireman, Mar
garet Wimer, Charlotte Davis, Ora l>a-
of its lit>■ k of control. But Ford says
next season he thinks he will l>e able to
serve the delivery in such manner as to
hit his catcher's glove fairly. If he
can ilo that he will have something 011
every pitcher in professional 'baseball."
Americans' Surplus Flesh Saps Energy
and Ruins Appearance
Washington, CV-t. 30.—American
men are too fat. They are carrying!
around a lot of surplus flesh which saps
their energy, ruins their appearance and
offers no compensation. They should got
busy, preferably witfh the Swedish phys
ical culture system, and lose tilie fat.
This, in effect, is the conclusion
which Surgeon .1. A. Murphy makes
in his report to the Navy Department.
It is based upon his examination of ap
plicants for enlistment.
'"The majority of American men and
boys are muscularly weak from the
waist line up, the legs usually showing
up well as regards strength," Dr. Mur
ihy said. "Many are strong, hut
through excess of weight, usually fat,
prove relatively weak."
These types, with few exceptions,
have rounded backs, protruding abdo
mens, drooping heads and flat chests.
Any attempt at effort lacks |>ower, be
cause orientation is disturbed ami the!
normal strnight line of thrust through
the bones ami .joints is lost.
Reconsiders Action on Rebate Charges
and Indictment Falls
San Francisco, Oct. 30.—Although
indictments charging the Simmons
Manufacturing Company, of Kenosha,
Wis., and the Western Pacific Hailroad
Company with receiving and allowing
indirect rebates were voted arid drawn
ten days ago by the Federal Grand
Jury, they were not returned when that
body met again yesterday.
learning of the action taken coun
sel for the two companies produced wit
nesses who presented the-returns of the
railroad and the shipper in such a light
that the Grand Jury consented to re
consider the decision and on a second
ballot the vote stood ten to indict anil
ten not to indict. Twelve votes are
necessary to indict.
In view of the Grand Jury's action
the United States attorney's office here
announces that it would trv to bring
suit on the strength of information laid
before the court.
via, Mary Goodyear, Marv Towaen,
Ruth Fortenbaugh, Marian Pressler.
Robert Honseal, Harold Eekert, Leland
Schane.r, Kdward Wallower, IJOUIS
Houseal, Robert Wallower, Ralph Bair,
Arthur Gardner, Musser Miller, Walter
| /eiders, Ray Houseal, William Musser,
Joseph Rowe and Professor Oharles
Mao key.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cleckner En
joy Evening Spent With Guests
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cleckner
entertained at their home, 1253 Kittn
j tinny street, Jast evening.
. | The guests included Miss Gladvs
11 Knhn, Miss Mary Scott, Miss Ireim
j Long, Miss Stella Smith, Miss Anna
Eieholtz, Mrs. Gertrude Yoke, Miss
Florence K it-boh z, Miss Kvelvn Whit-
I comb, Lawrence McGrath, Will Gibson.
I Theodore Brown, Chester Motter. John
i Mosteller, William Corish, Ray Yohe.
j Harry Swovemlin, I'. Shellenberger, Mr.
I rind Mrs. Cleckner.
Latter Pick Out the Winners at Bald
head Club Banquet
1 Winsted, Conn., Oct. CO. —One huu
i dred and fifty bald pates, the lin •gest,
j nuiriber ever assembled in one group
ibv the Bald head Cluli of America,
j founded by John Rodemeyer, of Canaan,
attended the third annual banquet of
i the club in the Hotel Winchester last
i | night. *
As a souvenir each received a but
; tie of a liair restorer and a box of
i pins.
Cabaret girls from Xow York picked
; out the baldest bald'head, hairiest bald
! head, handsomest 'b&ldhead. tallest and
i j Shortest bald'head. each of whom re
i: ceived a prue in the shape of a " Made
lin Winsted" product.
I Winsted barbers did a big business
shaving pates, because no one was
' eligible unless his bald s|K>t was three
i j inches in diameter Out of town
J"baldies" were greeted with a band
1 of music, and a large illuminated we!-
, j come sign over the entrance to the , t
Hotel Winchester was decorated with
I two bald'heads, one surmounted with a
,! large fly
' "We Don't Want to Give Place Bad
Name," Convict Says
i New York, Oct. 30.—Since Warden
: McCormick has been in charge of Sing
I Sing Prison he has organized baseball
■ i games. Several days ago the prison
| team played a team of young men from
| the village of Ossining. A large num
I j ber of men and women were permitted
I I to see the game inside the prison wall-.
• j After the fourth inning a villager
'put his blind in his pocket.
' "Tt's gone," he exclaimed, as he.
11 searched for hb money. Several others
' learned that convict pickpockets had
• not forgotten how to "make a lift.'
> When the complainants started for
' | the Warden's office, a young man in
convict's uniform, told them their \al-
M uables would be restored provided that
I they would not "squeal."
f "We don't want to give the place a
' bad name," the convict explained, after
1 ; lie returned the money.
"The reckless chauffeur simply mow
ed down all the pedestrians in Ins A
path." '
"Was he full}"
"Full and running over."——Boston